Not Be Fouud by at Least Three of the Inspectors"
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I j. f? 6 NEW YOEK HERALD, THURSDAt. OCTOBKK % Ib79..TKU'JLE SHEET. State in the election. d'Etat. self and for himself in a barrel all around Btinot.has been the of The New Folltieal Firm.Kelly, the equal advantages Mayor Coupor'n Coup outgrowth should have one-fourth of the circle, 'l'ho Herald at tbo time warned afforded tho Mr. Thomas and NEW YORK HERALD & Co. But if Tammany "It is the uuoxpocte 1 that happens," public by opportunities Cornellthe there would be least the and of all these bis ooluborors in this field of music during in the Police lioard inspectors virtually says a French proverb; bat among the proprietors supportors AND ANN STREET. The pending struggle three Cornell in each district that booms that they were making the post twenty years. Our German BROADWAY of of iuspeotors expected and most surprising tilings simply over the appointment inspector* one ltobinson sinoe the ridiculous and that each and every musical.have fostered and chief ugaiust inspector, could have happened is Mayor Cooper's themselves residents.largely continues to be the politicalelection and avowed of the vote one of them was marked for an kept alive in their homes the lovo of JAMES GORDON BENNETT, have solo purpose Kelly to remove from the Polioe Board hisattempt early grave. enough our uorr.ii:To». topic, although inspectors is to elect Cornell. own of Messrs. The first frost has scaroely come and tho old masters, and formed a to conduct the appointees, two whom, they been appointed legally The order of Barrett the and have been his servile prediction has been fulfilled. The strong clientele that seconded tho THE DAILY llFKALD. I*ubh*he<t etcry in the pear. save voters Judge requiring Morrison, MacLeun ably day and election, and the a the first eftorts to Tli roe cent * per copy (Sunday excluded) Ten dollar* per registrationPolice Commissioners to show ouuso why tools and his most obedient, humble katydids who have been makingpolitical establish public relioursals ymr. ftv» dot turn for *ix month*, two dot turn and fifty cunt* of the from disfranchisement. The u rain city thickets the of chamber of orchestral for three mouth*. or at of one dollar por mouth for mandamus should not be Issued requiring in every veto they havo givon anservantsd political resound all through music, and, lator, ii> period en* than'Artetnonihn. Sunday edition included: no involves a question a without dollar* fieo of struggle longer them to eleot the fourth in oach IIow summer have in tomo way been concerts of classical type. So Sunday edition, eipht per year, since wo arc inspector every act thoy havo performed. thoroughly *o»t«ire. of any very gn at magnitude, some killed off the few weeks. did the effort at WEEKLY II Kit ALD.One dollar per year, freo of post* district, will bring before the Conrt utterly ialse, hollow, and deceitful are during past mysteriously thrive, though checked ?«>. certain to have an election in the city, Not a sound of a 0110 that on the form of of 1 boom Is heard from times, to-day tho rehearsals NOTICE TO hlTBKCKlBEKrt .lUmtt in draft* New in district being important questions respecting the aots and pretences politicians public York or 1'ott Olllce money order*. utid where neither of three inspectors each tho Will it the end of tho to the other. The are thronged all the bettor classes of thenecuti be procured, tend the money in a regitdertd letter. tho mandamus. require Mayor Cooper notifies the Police country by ia in innuro to discharge all «r,/l 1 1 __ All uoney itleti nt rihk of M-uder. In order to legally competent of in would remove and its occupant have ceased to givobarrel nutioij, (tuu t»bwx.ii&t»uv<u UUH Ul'CUIUU 8U tt«-ution Mihxcrihet k winhimr their addieas changed muat statute. The Elec- Tammany inspectors appointment that ho Commissioners their oid an well an their new uddre*» duties by tho fashionablo it gitf required of tho recent decision of the Court of thorn en masse if tho action of a oourt forth the faintest rumble; tlioro is a silenco that draws to the concerts All Limineta, now* letter* or telegraphic dopputche* urunt tion law that "no voio snaii uu doQance le nddrcknetl Nkw York IU.kald. provides Appeals that while a mandamus may require did not Commissioner Wheeler, and as of death in tho custom houses and those who would uot otherwise be present. Letters and puckaye* nhouM l>o properly healed. roocivoil lroni any person whose name shall protect Rejected coiniiiiniicat ionn v ill not bo returned. the narfnrnmnnfl ofthe net it mtnnot orescribo the othor three are summoned beforo him tho camp followors of tho Grant They become educated unconsciously and Entered nt the Font Oflito at Sow York, K. Y., as sccoud not be fouud at least three of the clunn matter. by tho selection of the ? We to have been unable to makoadministrationsthus develop a taste and that as a appointees to-day at three o'clock to mako answer judgment to bo npon the registers even I'll I I.ADKLPIIIA OFFICE.NO. Ill" SOUTH SIXTH inspectors"to Mr. the is an a barefaced heard in the magnificentthemselvesotherwise would have lain dormant. STREET. voter. The law further Whitney, Corporation sugRestcharges. This evidont, qualified provides a that huve tho on London has been to be the UJKIHIN OFFICE OK THE NEW YORK llEKALD. that be telegraph to Albany for CounBol,attempt to steal a march on the Supreme greeted ex-Presidentovations supposed NO. 40 KLKKT STREET that "no ballots shall be rcooived by PARIS OFMCF..40 AVENUE DF. L'OPKRA. of this Binoe any its action. tho Pacific Blope. Tho fate of this Inst of classical concerts, and the centre of or in important opinion, tranBcriptCourt and oiroumvent expected NATI.ES OK VICE.NO. 7 STB A DA TACK. either the inspectors deposited any bn anu action a subordinate court in boom is the most of all. Tho offered for hearing chamberopportunitiestnusio SulitcriptiouH anil tulvurtlseinuiits will roeoivcu of ballot boxes until at least three of by Mayor Cooper and his crafty backer, singular lornuriU't! UII tbu khiiui turiu« in. lit Now York. the Court of in San it at the oonoerts and havo examined and of a judgment of tho contraventionAppeals Mr. Tilden, four tho issue of a mandamus reception Francisco, which, Monday Popular tho said inspectors shall wns would boom of orchestral music at tho ........ 279 would be null. the of expected, send tho 44TH YKAtt found tho name of and residence of requiring appointment Tammany jo._ and it is their evident intention all over tho country, has really been of tho London Society, concertssimilar entered as a voter, The Vt» Indian Outbreak. inspectors, such person qualified No tho means of killing it. While in point to our Philharmonio, wore certainly AMUSEMENTS TO-NIGHT. when, if tho voto is received, at least throe of Another Indian revolt; another surprise to gut beforehand with tho Court honest oitizen can hesitate to denounce it of splondor and spontaneity it was all rare advantages ton years ago to tho French Srr. the inspectors shall,"«fcc. These quotations of our 6oldicrs ; an officer and thirteen that tho moRt of noFF.LF.'S OLYMPIC THEATRE.Tnii as a disgraceful raco. enthusiastic friend student and tho general mnsioal pnblio. THEATRE.My Partner. from the law mako it clear that the men killed, two officers and twonty-fivo UNION SQUARE Could there be a more flagrant or a more General Grant could have desired, tho very But London no longer has a musical CRAND OPERA IIOUsE.-The Miuiity Doi.lab. and action of three inspeotors suffioepresencemen wounded and the remainder of the than an magnitude of it has convinced the country monopoly. Great as are still soma abbey'S PARK THEATRE-Crushed Tragedian. to make eloction There command themselves that they self-stultifying absurdity attempt proceedings legal. intrenching the to remove Commissioners and tho coterie of camp followers who wore of London's advantages in oertain STANDARD TilEATRB.11 am let. is no act tho Eloetion law hold out until reinforcements arrive. by Mayor prescribed by may Mac Lean and Morrison on tho of a attempting to set themselves up in business directions, New York oonoert rooms DALY'S which tho concurrence of four So runs the latest Indian news. This time ground THEATRE.Divoiire._ requires of at the expense of General Grant that it is offer attractions in the season AMERICAN INSTITUTE.Exhibition. to make it valid. The law it is tho celebrated in Indian failure to appoint inspectors election, eqnal THALIA THEATRE.DEE PfauueB von Kibcuirld. inspectors Utes, long when theso Commissioners have from impossible to again make tho ex-President to the classical student, and the future tho occasional absence of one of Bureau as the wild voted, AQUARIUM.Merry Tpneus. Pinaeoue. contemplates reports peaceable; to in accordance with the a party man. Henooforth he belongs to the promises even in our It for iB scene. first lust, Mayor's greater advantages FIFTH AVENUE THEATRE.giboelk-giroixa. tho four inspectors. provides, corner of Colorado the northwestern whole not to a an own wishes? As these two Commissioners people, faction, and favor, as there is innate natural BOOTH'S THEATRE.RESCUED. that "tho chairman of sold It is tho old Parties of miners inspectorsexample, story. been his tools will to a faction in so small a minority. of tho higher school of appreciationmusio GERMaNIA THEATRE.die Hbbrxn elteu.n.