REAL ESTATE FOR SALE *EAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOt SALE KEAL ESTATE POK SALE SiuTi Addition.Continued. Petworth.Continued. Central Northeast. Central Northeast.Continned CentralNortheast.Continued Central Southeast.Continued ~ cai.tbut rr »iy>on PETWOllTn.BRW*: TWO UTOKItH: $4^0oHr06EDA^^K D trir^rTrm. neat aevea room* sad »?760\, « to sell; brick. 6 room!, «.; a.m.I.; term*; t *.! ««.«.: m. Ttk srsrijr STONE & FAIRFAX . 11 nt. I k.: L«-l: Mrilttk rt. appearing; bath; fteh .».. wr K-« «»acloue rooma and rau. b.; *l»e.; jt. Near ~~ W U U!»»rlT * Hit I « M full alaed attic: front, rear an* any offer eoaaidered. I. L. * CO. 1*11 1 <1. M. MM' Nary Yard; brick; I ma. tad b.; tot. < CO.. a'eeping batb; noa for farofe; brick; nil U*ht UMimi lb; $8. 750. terma J. T. 'Uuir. Ft*. porch#*: hot-water heat: electric Mghta; THOMAS LEONARD A CO . Mt7 rixnrs rr.iiVKXi Do<«eeslon la 80 rooma; bi condition. 456 La. are. bw Nh. -JSC. rt-ubti Borss; cot. A. N. WILDUAH A CO.. 1141 N.w York AnMtll ¦ rat. 1 V. krltk days. Prl«*. $8,500. Me- Vain 4906. » IM » *> ft «U»r; MM »«lc; alMtlM porek; KFEVER 4 RON. 1408 Era at. .« Mala !»».; porek*.; 9tk aad H at*. Frankfca MO. 47*2 $5,000 <*__ Vtr. im*: *T.rn» WILDMAN fc*CO. Mk PYVkWTlT > CO.. Ml* I « M m-a_ Easy terms; 7 ¦t.. near fttb.7 delightful * H. Framklln MM. . SOUTHEAST HOUSES-PRICE $3,750 PlfTWOTTTH. ANOTHrr. FINE LITTL* rooms and bath; ror.m for con¬ W ST., KB. "12TH «... l» "« im trr good $6,000. MTU tT .«1«.000 eond iiv*:- STREET NEAR H.Two roonu and nanr home that I* being offered at low price; dition throughout: low monthly payments. 6th st. ae. on* aqnare fro* S. Ctf. at.. I w.h; elec.; gar. apace; food $8,800; 7th atcry. 7 bath; I ra».: A.; elec.; < *ix room* and oath: 6 roost and bath: modern b ma*. t mi; k. krtrt («nc*u $8,800 half faralabed; $1,800 caak. WILD- lot aoxiio to large aleeping porch'; *. L. * PP.. KM I W. ¦- .t IIAN Otk and H. Praaklla jo it alley. In good condition- Reasonable «<-reened-ln service porch; hot-wat-rr heat: $6,500 JOHN r. PONOHOE A SONS. 4 qa. . L. 9AN8BUBT A CO . 1418 I it U. termt. electric llxhU; 1* acreened throughout; space Ob Fla. are., near 10th at..Moderns . 114 Pa. a**, a*. Park. gW CRITTENDEN IT .$20,006. far- garage. Priced low at $8.2&0 Mc- lnrge room* and bath; delightful back yard: Woodley * r.t b.; a m earner m room for flowers and NORTH!AST.$4.800. SOUTHWEST HOUSE.PRICE $7,000 _9 i.garage; KEKTBR 4 OOSS. 1406 Bye *T. aw. Mala garage. garden. Three-room hoaaa of brick $8,Z50. 4tm :n-i deep construe- $12,500 lr< at a...T aootna &.».: wttt ».«*: Detached brick of J 6 rootna NUIAKSBUIT A CO.. 1419 I it M. » $7,250 Moo; a very food bay; containing 6 room* Ob fTth »t.. near Wirtell PartP.Rlght titrob* bHl. dwelling atone*; and baft] r j vs as ATBwre.ATTBienri sSW On 7th at..Good action: fl dandy room* and bath; gat lights; screened throughout;! large room* and bath: h.-w.h.; tflac.; ft- p. good plant. Tertna. ImMoV ST sr ltfb; fTTfc: 919.99* brick houae with built-in &**.. Immediate be. jorn dosohob * Min. heating wm. * phfiiina. i4o# n. t nw. garage; and batb; h.-w.h.; double garage; alec. In poaseaaion may obtained; j r»J* ru r* »ti .. water haat: electricity; gat: hardwood fttera block; Colonial porch: ble bargain. terma. WILLI A M I PHILLIPS. 1409 V.1 ' NORTHEAST $4250 lfata 4999. *ad trim front and aleeping porchea: cellar T. ae*. Main 460ft |14,750 HOUSE.PRICE Ob rooms: 3 b.: 12,300. EMERSON N. E..Attractive i DKATCTI IIT .tll.MX. and attic Price. $0,500. SHANNON * $8,250 Cathedra) a*e..Nine 'O at. a*. »«r P» STREET brick dwelling . W b.; aa.L: go rag*: aear litli r*_ T.rcHs 71s 14th st. aw Mala 2S4B. On 10ti st., near East Capt..9-room h,-w.h.; elec.; 1-Car garage: front porch: and 6 nnd^ *3,800. to frame. 2-«tory cellar; room* and bath; furnace heat; potKuma W U 9AN8BUBT * CO.. 141* I at U. 890 On hath hrtrk. h.-*.h.; by far the beat offering at. at. aleeplng porch; ideal location; cloae a:liana at-. I Kya aaar 12th Cobb. ave. JOHN F DONOHOE * tOHB, BBLMONT BOAD.915.090. venleat to Oa. ave. carllne: pretty colonial adloin ng East Capitol at. and bath. 814 Pa. are. ae. COLORED.PRICE $4250 It ma., t b.: k-wk.; elec.; garaga; war brick home; 1b perfect condition: 8 maroi; JOHN P. PONOHOB A SON'S. l»th at. toon: WILLIAM K. HARTUNG $18,500 KINGMAN STBBET.Two itory and cellar: 6 roocni hath; h.-w.fc.; elec light*: hardwood 1108 10th at. nw. Phone Exchange *laln 172 614 Pa. at». O arteld at..Ten r.: 2 b.: doable garage: $7,500" X L BANSBrBY * CO . 141* I at K 991 aleeping pnrch and breakfast porch; deep h.-w.h.: fUc.; elaborate home. A it. m. »nr E. Capitol.Brt<% and bath. Terma.. W? SM lot to alley: garage apace. Baay terma. B ¦*..#T,S6t. wltfc 0 room. « two Boon; ttriift tlRHIit PL.-KI ample 6 rni. b : b.-w.h; A-l eoadittoa; at. 19 TWO.. I . enclosed porebaa; l^af WM a PHILLIP* 140* > T ave M 4000. $12,000. WILLIAM K. HARTUNG JOHN P DOXOHOB A SOM«. k; l*th it. mr LlDrola Pirk.I rw»» Lincoln Park 1108 brlefc garage 10th at. bw. Phone Etchacga Mala 872. 114 P. art. . STONE '& M. L. * CO . *t. 6MH. FAIRFAX 141* 1 at M. 5904. $11,500 bath; double brtek firir* SANSBCRT 141« t tf, II L. SANtBrBT 9 CO.. JOHN F. DONOHOE A SONS. a. CAMTOI. irTH RT BETWEEN A A B.LOT. J. T. Mtany. Pre* NEAR OR ATT CIRCLE.Graver built home wf.n.MB Woodridee. PrW, two I'ATWOOD BBOB. * QAB- * IH NT. STANTON PAW* N. E . in thi« fection; modern; in .n<3 ^ from coraer room, and tiled bath: furnace heat. AVE.. thoroughly THOS. J. PIRHKR A CO.. INC.. 7S8 15t» HOCK CREEK CHCBCH KOAP.11 ACBES. Adas* and «tk It L OANSBfTRT 4 CO . 1410 1 at. II. 9* Frame; lat. h.: 6 rms. 64.200. WILD-' de«lrable neighborhood and perfect atate of aear Rhodr Island a** $10,500 oyrn ran*-; . ,o.rete f. nw Main 6<*n Pentala. 000. fronting am fellow near 14th.8 r aad b., PETWORTH- trlclty; re.: Hid# n' MAN A 6th * H. Pr. AV* 114 repair: 7 rooma and bath; hot-water haat; $2,400 Price. $32 CAT Adama R n RCSK On Loag -$A.:»0«» cells laun-lr* doubl. rear CO.. WOOD BBOS A H. Naperrii;«, Ill 51 on 2 ioaca. h.w.h.; elec.; brick; practically In the prettiest Petworth location on r; trny«; (afthM; 6- electricity; gas; front and rear porcbea: de¬ GARRETT. INC.. S15 lot 160 to 20-foot allay; moat MASS. AVE. NR. 2NP ST. NE.Brick. tached frame on $1,800. Y irr nw Allison at., convenient to Oa av*. car llna deep payed rms. for. lot amp'r large for garage. near mass. reasonable term,: price M.SC0. SHANNON story and baacment. 12 and h.; Price, lfl.000. term* Hi! AN SON 4k LUC II8. Small frame ho»<%«» on larva lot Bear li *»¦«!» AVE la thla beautiful co'nnial brick residence; 0 ht.: 60.50b; terras. WILPMAN it. and are. IRVING NEAR 1$TH.10 ROOMS A HlfblaDda Norm |rt $12,500 room* A LUCHS. Tia 14th at. nw. Main 2548 gar. spare. 718 14th at bw Main 2845 Pa aa. ST.. 2 and bath; thorough'* modern front * CO.. 6th and H Franklin 6406. 46 JOHN F IVINOHOE bath. Prlca. $12,500 CAT WOOD BROS .ITS; »m 110 am, $S par »o.Ul Oa 14tb. near Farragnt.Nine rooms: and rear porch; and man* other featnrea; BIX ROOM AND BATH BRICK HOtMB; R. I. AVE SE.M1 BUN<; 7 * lONf. *atho k w.h.; room for facaa John roR cni.onr.n nr. «th * md atb Si. ; h. titE 814 Pa are. ae. A GARRETT. INC.. SIS N. T. a*a. iw THE garaga; attractive terma. WILLIAM R PHILLIPS. hot water haat; electricity and gat; frost h.-w.h.; elect; in*. *1. por.. alao front per.; HARLOW CO., Dlehaen H**me; beautiful homo aad locatioa; 14*0 N T aee Main 4000 .Two atory basement br .; 6 rras. A b.; lmmed. PRACTICALLY NEW HO! 8E NEAR LIN- VEITCH BALLSTON.THIBTT MIN 818 lftth at. aw im moat and double rear porchea, acrcened; .'atlonnry 1st. h.: raah: 82.- po«a.; terma; $8,000. A. N. WILD- ST. convenient 6W) bal. monthly; price, M\N * CO tth coin Park; in a food neifhborhood of up- utea to 12th «t.; St* room a On# TAEOMA NEAR ALLISON 8T lfR 0TB..07.000. tnbe; apace for farmfe; Immediate poaeee- OOO A CO.. 6th A H Pr 6406. % n. Fr 8408. 222 to-date gaa gar PAU. BLUi tCHOftL- 0 r»» ateam slon: SHANNON * WILDMAN homea; aeml-detached brick: two den; $$.250; term* J. LORMOR 71 Fine comr, about 142x225 faat OA. $12,500 -b.; heat: elec ; deep lot. prl-e 87.500; t»nna. 16S WOODRIIX3E. XR R. I AVE. * 17TH B?. with 0 rooma U Fart ave < rooma If L I 713 14th at. atorie^ and bath; cellar; hot- IOU» P. SHOEMAKER. 1407 * y a#a On Detached; parfact BAN8BCRY 4 CO.. 1418 at M 5004. LCCHS, nw. Main 2345. .Semi-detached houa*; 8 rma A b.; h.-w.h-* water hardwood SILVER MD.. dat 5 rma. a a and bath; h.w.k. ; alac. rooma for garaga; A 1 heat; floor* and trim; elec¬ 4FRINO. t.; nr. Mala 1108. SHEPHERDb RT .$0 780. THRICE HOCSEH; OWOD INVESTMENT; $3,500 elect.: cond.: n«,w vacant; eaay tarma at tricity and ra* ecreena; front and double lot $10,000. THOU J FISHER 4k CO.. «!ata roof; larga vard r 17,100. T rasa.; b . ami.; garage: nr Georgia ave. nr. Baat Cap. and l per arr». LOUIS F SHOE¬ THE HARLOW CO., FOtUTTH and .It at iv larga rooms KANSAS AVE room,; lot to a allay; M.000. h.w.h.; alec.; r^m for gsrafe; brick- WOODRIDGE.7 rmt tile bath; h -w.h. and elec. MAKER. 1407 N. T a*a aw. Mala 11S8. 18th Mill 4V&. .$10,000. prirate frame; h.-w.h.; JOHN F DONOHOE A RONS. 10 rma.; b.; elec.; detached: large lot. THOMAS .T FISHER A CO.. INC.. 738 l«th elec.; frame garage: food cond $7,500; SCBl'RBAN.5 ROOMS AND BATH: NEW WEST or IfTH ST. H. W .BEirTlFUl $35,000 K L. 0ANSBCRT 4 I at M. at. nw. Main (1830. $7350 $3,000 ca»h. 814 Pa a** ae ait#: 3 acree. Oa l*tk at..Detached con tor entrance CO. 1418 3004. OH" KAKT rxr *T VR IIFKART.1* «. (Will exchaage for Oa. are bungalow; fa rage; large lot; near eara; building adjolalng Rw* 10 I.AMONT F ST propertr) WILDMAN A 8th and H. hom» Cr##k Park: prWd low. Jftr aquara f . apartment bul'dlng; $5,600. nth A H nw 184 fine riaw; attractive home Price. $15 000; .hlr# are Prtra. $1,000 par acre LOUIS P. E. Cap. at R-ntal. *a month. Mas*, ne. 1TTH * 14*7 T a## n« 14TB ST. HBlOfrrv^lll.STO are. near Stanton Park.7 WILLIAM K. WOODRIIXJE- -f 8.2.W I . na« t »rm« LOUIS P 1407 N SHOEMAKER. JC M 1)*| homo to for JOHN F OONOHOB 4 SONS* rooms HARTITNG. b.: h-w.k., perfect eoadltlea; SnOEMAEEB. Tbio charming low-prlcod and bath; Immediate possession. 11118 16th .1, BW PH. KSOHAXOl M m Detarh^d home with in lmme.1 P i». aw. Main GEORGIA AVE. * 8TH it N w property of Ita kind, located within one 014 Pi. 1T» JOHN F ft large living room; poa. 1188. ~~ DONOHOB SONS. thia ideal location: fl rooma mj ft double far bueineea ora¬ block of 14tk 7 rooma East near Park.Con. home; 5-; and bath: W. I.. BAHBBrnT A TO 141» I at M .4. LELAND ST CHBVT CHASE MD .10 frontage at.: (4 bedrooms); 814 Pa are. ae Capitol, I-in. electric tion or colored raeldano* Price SO centa h -w atorv r 3 elec.; h-w.h.; light*: ait* of lot. 80x150; r.-m« A 1 bat ha Price. $18,000. CAT- ft, h.; alac. Tlghto; hordwood flooro: $75,000. brlrk: 12 b.: vapor heat; in rear; LOUIS P 1407 K dor bio raar tba Maryland are. 18-apartment *20.000 A Co 6th and H 61 garage hpaciotia front and rear WOOD BROS A $15 N. SHOEMAKER. T a*e. porchaa glaoood In; praaoat building; | $6,300. Wlldmsn attractive $3,600. GARRETT, INC.. nw Main 11*8 ewaer ronto tba floor Jot $70 par near Capitol. Rental. *W>0 per month. F at. ne. ptrchea; term* WM. 8. PHIL- I Smith Carolina are ae. near 8tb upper near 13th.Colonial bouse of 0 L1P8. 1400 N Y »Tf £ Pa. month: terma WM B JOHN F. PONOHOE 4 18TH ST . NR. LINcT PK .6 R A B.; Main ^ *re..d-room DEAN WOOD.* of tw k»t IMa U tM>~w. attra^tee PHIL¬ SONS. rooms and tile bath; fnrnare heat. h br1<*k with food yard LIPS. 1409 Now Tnk ave Mala 4000 *14 Pa avp ae. JOHN F DONOHOE ft w.h.; A-l cond ; a good buy; 65.500.1 JOHN F DONOHOE A SON®. IN . .tlqp. wil consider aa offer; $1.00T a V SONS. WILPMAN A CO.. H '. ST A wonder- 814 Pa. are. ee. 9th_A } Ecklngton. 814 Pa aTe. ae New room bungalow; price. $2,875; WILDMAN. Stb A H ata aw. Ffc M'# Jifb HtinHTT*.910.500 PETWORTH.$S.S50. I _W_ terma f»l to oocnro an Ideal ON ST bet Pared *ta. ECKINGTON $275 raah: balance $2* 75 per moath 88 opportunity detached Fnuaually attractive houae; located to a r.TH NE.. LAM $8,250. Store anfl on bom# at tba two Price to SOFTHEAST.#5.500. dwel'laf right prlca: olata roof; very popular locality; 8 rooma; complete $5,500. A alloy: sa«: 20x100 ft.; terma; *700. reduced laeure a quick aale: extra a very fine corner, hwn-e rotftalra I THE HARLOW OVERLOOKING WAHHINGTOK; T i'-W: .qnareo to 14th at car; 8 room* and bath 2nd st. nr. Mass. are. and Union Station. A N. WILPMAN, 8th A H ata nw F. 64<«. fln* brick home ia excellent condition; alx CO., will a#U or exchange for lap TV C real hath; h.-w.h.; electric lights; large front 6 rooms and bath. im* Can ho purcha«ed on 8750 caah and SIS 15th at aw. Ma)a 4S3S 14 bedrooms); elec Hghta; modern heating porch and aleeping floors and * VI room* and bath; modern heating plant and .mall WM 8. estate; $15,000. Including Mae prtata af lota lot an<1 front and aide porch; parquet JOHN F DONOHOE ft manr month!/ payment* PHIL plant: largo garago; hardwood trim; houae Is In extra flne con¬ SONS. F ST.. NR -1» N.E. A RMS. A B.: PCH. other modern featnrea; larfe lot; easy LIPS. 14'>9 N Y «Te Mala 4»W> NEW HOMES- WILDMAN A CO.. 0th A H etn PV *4*«L porches. Thl* house la la splendid condition. dition; In terma. 314 fra are, ae. | terma WM S PHILLIPS. 1400 N. Y are. 114 Terms WM 8 1409 garage rear; attractive b gaa: garage room: good cond 602.50 2ND. NR. C SE .12 rma. and b.: On Mount Taraoi Pike. Va. PHILLIPS. N T. WM 8 PHILLIPS 1400 N T if 4600 FINE NORTHEAST SECTION.ONE OF Franklin 0406 Main 4000 frame; 15 minute* from RANPl.I HMIUXM OOirvKXiyr TO aoa Main 4000 the WILPMAN A CO., nth A H. fur. ht.: $7.3*^: $1.00ft caah WILDMAN Trenaury by next thoroughly modern and complete ao4 A Co auto; 6 rna bath, extra toflat. PeuneylTaala a*eaae: tomor lot: 2tilO SACL'8 home* we on 9ti and H Pranklla 84^8 24« ADDITION.fll.non. $9,000 th%t hafe our lists; si* rooma B. NR. LINC PARK.2-STORY. 6 RMS $7,800 furaaf heat; bullt-ln garage; $4W>. inside Iota at UM eerfc. LOUTB P A fine datachad m>-»dern homa; loco tod on and hath; enclosed steeping porch; bnllt-ln Randolph at. Nr. 2nd .8 rooma and hath; IITH ST~. NR LIN PAKE SE .9 rm* wired for electricity; 'arg# lot. SHOEMAEER. 1407 V. T. a?a. aw. Maia Dora tor to tho car Semi-detached brick dwelling; 8 mmna (4 heated col porch: h.-w.h.; fine rond.; poe- hot water electric Pine fnr terma. tt.. cnnronlont 14th at. bedrooms* h garnge: has hot-water heat; electric beat; light. condi¬ ht.; far epa^e; %% 750; Pri'-e. $7,000 on tertna 1.00 lino: by ownar and In a*- w.h.: electric tight*; price lights; hardwood floors n «ei»*lon with <1ep Price. $7."»00 WILP- tion Terma WII.DMAN 4c CO.. 9th and H. Franklin occnplad kapt term* $1,000 n^J trim; screens; 8406. To ln«pect North 415S. A cfll»m condition. 8 room*; complata bath: S0.OOO; cash; balance monthly. and weather stripping; electric Ice plsnt; MAN A CO 6th and H Frank 46 R4A^ 249 phone BRIGHTWOOD CORKX1 ETN1 0PP0R b-w.k alac lot to* Jot 1.10 feet B NR. BATH; CLARENCE F. WELCH. THOMAS E. tunity for colored buyer, about 72x1A lighta; largo pared CLARENCE F. WELCH deep. Price. $11,000. Mc- ST. N. 16TH.6 RMS. 717 14th at n w NR. NAVY YARD.Brick 8 rma. and b PETTY, allao; garago; attractive tormr WILLIAM REKVER ft 140ft at. nw Main gar. e'ect.: term* at WILP¬ Mala 42 at. r*fi LOT"I* I> KftOEMAJtER. 1+ffT X. I 717 14th at nw Mala 42-80. GOSS. Eye apace: 64.000. Real Estate lat. ht.: rood cood *7-V» r««h and $40 nw. tre. nw 9 PHTLLIB8. 1408 X T it* Main 4A00. 4752 178-8 MAN A 6th A H ata nw 205 Memtwr Washington Board 2013 14th st. N. 4158 Main 116* Member Waahlngton Real Bstate Board CO.. >IVE Bl'NG per mo.; pri^e. $4 WILDMAN A CO., 108 NORTHEAST.$5.0n0; $9:.0 CASH KTH. NR. E. CAP..SSTORY A BASE" ROOM ALOW WITH CELLAR $th and H Franklta «40A. BERWYN MD .7 ROOMS. PfRNACR. rOVDIIT ROAD.TRACT OP 7 ACRES and attic; located on a lot 42x120 feet; S»_ electric acre lot. 500 for n#ar care. la wefl Washington Heights. This home Is low priced for property of! mentn: 10 rma.; 2 b.: h.w.h $1,000 raah: light; garage. $8 eubdirieton. r)oaa . It la economically artistic aail M ST.. NR 10TH RE .8 rma. aad b : BUCHANON ST.. NR 14TH A DET. Its kind; Kennedy built In excellent A A CO 9th placed, ap¬ far LOriS P RHOEMAKER. 1407 N. T are lorgt#d Price. $80,000 terme. LOUIS P WA8H HT8..8 12 RMS. 2 B : home: 7 r.: 2 h f. brick; price SS.W>. N. WILPMAN pointed to for every «1oia«f'.lt tin foace. fo--d cond frame. W.'Wi Wlf.D- aw. 1407 T 8TOBIE5. b.: -w.h.; 4 b. pnrcbea. condition; contslnlng fl room* snd A 206 provide Mala 110S. SHOEMAKER N. a*a (w M 118« lot 28x13 to an lnr. ata. flne thla bath; H. fort; large front porch; t-r5 « gaa: K ST. N N. < TQMT.IXSON. 1$44 Vt. ara Fr SOI Y «v# nw. Maia liM ole^.; k.-w.h.; $1^.VW THOS. 'j. PETW E., NR. CAP -3 STORY BRK ; P OtOd 208 D HT. SE Price. JQ.itOfv prl^k. rma FISHER. 738 15th at. Main flv90. ORTH.$10.800. 10 rooms and $6.2ft0. WILDMAN CLARENCE F. WELCH, and tile and WILD FIVE BtTLDISO LOT KO Cmtult HANDSOME CORKER IN Exclaelve hath; H ST N.E.- FRAME. 6 R A B : * b.; fa* elec.; far HTGH CLASS home, completely detached*, in ft CO.. 9th ft H I SIS 6500 j 717 14th *t b w Main 42-88. MAN A CO.. »th and H. Franklin rd.; 100x200; SO Una traea; 5Hc; tarnt. neighborhood on Conduit mad. about the heart of Petworth; 8 large rooms; com¬ raah: 640 per mo.; $3,750. A. N. WILP- Memhera Waahlngton Real E*tate Board. TOMLI MOW 1S>4 Wt. mrm. Fr. SSL $9,500 MAN A A H Frank. 6406. £££* 7$ilO«. 81.3*0 LOl'IS P SHOEMAKKL Near 18th A Col rd .Six toonia and bath: plete bath: h.-w.h.; electric lights; large CO.. *th 206 LOT SI on Conduit rd.SO.OQfr ft !407 N T arc nw. Mala 11S« porch, front and rear, and $6,250. aq ; anflag h.-wb.; alac.; room for garaga; axcallant sleeping porch; Fla. are. between 10th ft 11th sta.8 T ST.. NR. 2P N.E..COR. BRICK; 6 RMS.; Central Southeast. $3,750. large tree*; 4e ft.; terma J. 8 TOM hardwood floors and trim: real fire¬ COLORADO ATM . WEAR 1SVTV IV. « W".. condition. open rooma, bath; furnace heat; with good cellar. bath; col. porch; garage; $7,500. WILP- 8th at. ae..S!i rooma and hath; with L1NSON. 1844 Vt art Fr SOI Abont *4*1115 place; built-in bookcase: truly an unusual JOHN F DONOHOE ft SONS. MAN A CO.. 9th A H 210 $4,750 cellar. faat. at SS rent* par faat b rma . a ; eject bffw LOriS $10,650 home; muat be Inspected to appreciate; at¬ 814 at*, ae. On 18th at..Brick home of 8 rooma and BUNGALOW.New, P SHOEMAKER. 1407 K. T. are. Pa. . JOHN F DONOHOE A SONS. floor* ftn# Nanr 18th at..Now 8 rooma and tractive terms WM. S. PHILLIPS, 1400 ______MILLR AVE.. NR. R. L DBTACHEP bath: h.-wh.; eaay '.rnri in caah and winter bom*; gar on Conduit nw Mala 1100 bath; SIX ROOM-AND BATH SEMI R | both 814 Pa. are ae. rd TOMLINSON Vt a*a h-w.k.; alac.: room rarar*: built-in tuba; N. T. ave. Main 46QQ DFTACHfcD homo; rma. A b.; b.-w.h. A elect mod¬ monthly payment*. 1844 Fr SSI. GroROlA AVE NW AND FERN PLACE. brick house, with space for garage; two ern In erery detail; lot 70*125: price $18.- hwd. floor*; center entrance. PETWORTH.DETACHED NI!T» stories and 0 SrBDlV TRACTS.Lx»w price. *aaj terma. beyond Walt#r Reed Hospital; beaotlf"! CORNER; cellar; rooms and bath; hot- 000; will exchange this, for downtown prop- Nr S 15 40 a rooms: flne condition. L017IS P. water $5,250 $4,300 Conduit rd.; a.. a.. . 256 a. lott; i'im to aolt ra*trictad, 25 to 50 caa*« $11,750 $12,800. heat; electricity and gss; hardwood crty. WILPMAN A CO 9th A H. Frank. On 10th. near Penna ave.. 8 rooma NR Narr Tart.2 atorv brlr* TOMLINSON. 1544 Vt i» Fr SOL Ofl SHOEMAKER. 1407 N T. ave. nw M 1188. floors snd trim, colonial front Im¬ Brick; «w»IHnt par foot. LOCT8 P SHOEMAKER. 1407 X. Lanier pi..Eight r. and b. on 2 floora; porch; 6400. 225 tnd bath: deep yard; room for garage; roona and ^>ath; latrob. On eaay -,w W mediate possession. Price. SHAN- BRIDGE HILL.Large lot: wooda; 150 tree*. T Uila 1108 h.-w.k.; alac.; room for range; porch-o. QUINCT ST. ?T. $0,800; 2-atovy brick: $7,500. parM alley; vacant; newly papered am* " On creek. 300 fro® C 8 rma.; tile bath: h.-w.h.; r'ec metal NON ft T.UCHS. 718 14th st. nw. Main 234S painted. yga J Bridge *H« OOr-TH OP TAKOMA PARR.On B A O. $12,500 $5,250. clarence f. welch. ft TOMLINSON. 1844 rt aw Fr SOI. R R f-«od for mMWiIw and ladwtrlal gar. WILDMAN 4 CO.. 0th 4 H Pr. 8408. S4.2VV NEAR LINCOLN PK..BRICK; Netr 10th and Md. ave. ne..6 rra. brick; Brown at..Ten roomo and b.; k.-w.h.; rooms (.717 14th at nw Main 42-88 COR LOT NO 87-B.Otb at. nae. aaa 11U Oaaalopm^nt abaat 15 arr#a: ftO.OOO. room 110 snd bath; latrobe heat; front and a m l.; 61.000 raah $6,000 TS alac.; garage: front and rear yards. rear yard to caah. D. E. Near Honae Office Bldg..10 rooma and Member Waahinfton Real Eetate Board. 200; fine boa# alt*. 8 He; term*. TOM- LOI P SHOEMAKER alley. $750 1344 Vt aeo. Fr SOI 1007 Haw Tart ¦?a- Mala BARRY H at nw Msln 1801. bath; brick; room for garage; large lot. L1NSON. 110K $12,500 Ideally altnated; 7 (4 hedrooma) and LflOT $8,650. NEAR MASS On Park rd..Nine r».»m«: 2 h. w.k eacloaed Nr. Lincoln Park.9 rm. brick; h.-w^.; I 84,500. SITE FOR HOTEL. cTub or aarirarlvm. AVE. IX RANPLE HIOI* batha; ; plastered aleeping porch; thoroughly SEMI DETACHED BRICK; S ROOM8; 1 $7,500 14th at. ae. at Pa ave .7 B at nw. Bridge.Ideal new home In Ideal location; LI'CHS. 718 14th at nw Main 2843. 20x100 to 20-ft. alley; 2-car gsrage; $8,50o. Main 1*01 107 M A KSACB rSETTB AVENCE HPIOHTS 24 faet wide, of dlotlnctlre THOS. J FISHER 788 HARRY I. CHEW. $6,300. c^mar: <