REAL ESTATE FOR SALE *EAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOt SALE KEAL ESTATE POK SALE SiuTi Addition.Continued. Petworth.Continued. Central Northeast. Central Northeast.Continned CentralNortheast.Continued Central Southeast.Continued ~ cai.tbut rr »iy>on PETWOllTn.BRW*: TWO UTOKItH: $4^0oHr06EDA^^K D trir^rTrm. neat aevea room* sad »?760\, « to sell; brick. 6 room!, «.; a.m.I.; term*; t *.! ««.«.: m. Ttk srsrijr STONE & FAIRFAX . 11 nt. I k.: L«-l: Mrilttk rt. appearing; bath; fteh .».. wr K-« «»acloue rooma and rau. b.; *l»e.; jt. Near ~~ W U U!»»rlT * Hit I « M full alaed attic: front, rear an* any offer eoaaidered. I. L. * CO. 1*11 1 <1. M. MM' Nary Yard; brick; I ma. tad b.; tot. < CO.. a'eeping batb; noa for farofe; brick; nil U*ht UMimi lb; $8. 750. terma J. T. 'Uuir. Ft*. porch#*: hot-water heat: electric Mghta; THOMAS LEONARD A CO . Mt7 rixnrs rr.iiVKXi Do<«eeslon la 80 rooma; bi condition. 456 La. are. bw Nh. -JSC. rt-ubti Borss; cot. A. N. WILDUAH A CO.. 1141 N.w York AnMtll ¦ rat. 1 V. krltk days. Prl«*. $8,500. Me- Vain 4906. » IM » *> ft «U»r; MM »«lc; alMtlM porek; KFEVER 4 RON. 1408 Era at. .« Mala !»».; porek*.; 9tk aad H at*. Frankfca MO. 47*2 $5,000 <*__ Vtr. im*: *T.rn» WILDMAN fc*CO. Mk PYVkWTlT > CO.. Ml* I « M m-a_ Easy terms; 7 ¦t.. near fttb.7 delightful * H. Framklln MM. SOUTHEAST HOUSES-PRICE $3,750 PlfTWOTTTH. ANOTHrr. FINE LITTL* rooms and bath; ror.m for con¬ W ST., KB. "12TH «... l» "« im trr good $6,000. MTU tT .«1«.000 eond iiv*:- STREET NEAR H.Two roonu and nanr home that I* being offered at low price; dition throughout: low monthly payments. 6th st. ae. on* aqnare fro* S. Ctf. at.. I w.h; elec.; gar. apace; food $8,800; 7th atcry. 7 bath; I ra».: A.; elec.; < *ix room* and oath: 6 roost and bath: modern b ma*. t mi; k. krtrt («nc*u $8,800 half faralabed; $1,800 caak. WILD- lot aoxiio to large aleeping porch'; *. L. * PP.. KM I W. ¦- .t IIAN Otk and H. Praaklla jo it alley. In good condition- Reasonable «<-reened-ln service porch; hot-wat-rr heat: $6,500 JOHN r. PONOHOE A SONS. 4 qa. L. 9AN8BUBT A CO . 1418 I it U. termt. electric llxhU; 1* acreened throughout; space Ob Fla. are., near 10th at..Moderns . 114 Pa. a**, a*. Park. gW CRITTENDEN IT .$20,006. far- garage. Priced low at $8.2&0 Mc- lnrge room* and bath; delightful back yard: Woodley * r.t b.; a m earner m room for flowers and NORTH!AST.$4.800. SOUTHWEST HOUSE.PRICE $7,000 _9 i.garage; KEKTBR 4 OOSS. 1406 Bye *T. aw. Mala garage. garden. Three-room hoaaa of brick $8,Z50. 4tm :n-i deep construe- $12,500 lr< at a...T aootna &.».: wttt ».«*: Detached brick of J 6 rootna NUIAKSBUIT A CO.. 1419 I it M. » $7,250 Moo; a very food bay; containing 6 room* Ob fTth »t.. near Wirtell PartP.Rlght titrob* bHl. dwelling atone*; and baft] r j vs as ATBwre.ATTBienri sSW On 7th at..Good action: fl dandy room* and bath; gat lights; screened throughout;! large room* and bath: h.-w.h.; tflac.; ft- p. good plant. Tertna. ImMoV ST sr ltfb; fTTfc: 919.99* brick houae with built-in &**.. Immediate be. jorn dosohob * Min. heating wm. * phfiiina. i4o# n. t nw. garage; and batb; h.-w.h.; double garage; alec. In poaseaaion may obtained; j r»J* ru r* »ti .. water haat: electricity; gat: hardwood fttera block; Colonial porch: ble bargain. terma. WILLI A M I PHILLIPS. 1409 V.1 ' NORTHEAST $4250 lfata 4999. *ad trim front and aleeping porchea: cellar T. ae*. Main 460ft |14,750 HOUSE.PRICE Ob rooms: 3 b.: 12,300. EMERSON N. E..Attractive i DKATCTI IIT .tll.MX. and attic Price. $0,500. SHANNON * $8,250 Cathedra) a*e..Nine 'O at. a*. »«r P» STREET brick dwelling . W b.; aa.L: go rag*: aear litli r*_ T.rcHs 71s 14th st. aw Mala 2S4B. On 10ti st., near East Capt..9-room h,-w.h.; elec.; 1-Car garage: front porch: and 6 nnd^ *3,800. to frame. 2-«tory cellar; room* and bath; furnace heat; potKuma W U 9AN8BUBT * CO.. 141* I at U. 890 On hath hrtrk. h.-*.h.; by far the beat offering at. at. aleeplng porch; ideal location; cloae PETWORTD.gg.390 a:liana at-. I Kya aaar 12th Cobb. ave. JOHN F DONOHOE * tOHB, BBLMONT BOAD.915.090. venleat to Oa. ave. carllne: pretty colonial adloin ng East Capitol at. and bath. 814 Pa. are. ae. COLORED.PRICE $4250 It ma., t b.: k-wk.; elec.; garaga; war brick home; 1b perfect condition: 8 maroi; JOHN P. PONOHOB A SON'S. l»th at. toon: WILLIAM K. HARTUNG $18,500 KINGMAN STBBET.Two itory and cellar: 6 roocni hath; h.-w.fc.; elec light*: hardwood 1108 10th at. nw. Phone Exchange *laln 172 614 Pa. at». O arteld at..Ten r.: 2 b.: doable garage: $7,500" X L BANSBrBY * CO . 141* I at K 991 aleeping pnrch and breakfast porch; deep h.-w.h.: fUc.; elaborate home. A it. m. »nr E. Capitol.Brt<% and bath. Terma.. W? SM lot to alley: garage apace. Baay terma. B ¦*..#T,S6t. wltfc 0 room. « two Boon; ttriift tlRHIit PL.-KI ample 6 rni. b : b.-w.h; A-l eoadittoa; at. 19 TWO.. I . enclosed porebaa; l^af WM a PHILLIP* 140* > T ave M 4000. $12,000. WILLIAM K. HARTUNG JOHN P DOXOHOB A SOM«. k; l*th it. mr LlDrola Pirk.I rw»» Lincoln Park 1108 brlefc garage 10th at. bw. Phone Etchacga Mala 872. 114 P. art. STONE '& M. L. * CO . *t. 6MH. FAIRFAX 141* 1 at M. 5904. $11,500 bath; double brtek firir* SANSBCRT 141« t tf, II L. SANtBrBT 9 CO.. JOHN F. DONOHOE A SONS. a. CAMTOI. irTH RT BETWEEN A A B.LOT. J. T. Mtany. Pre* NEAR OR ATT CIRCLE.Graver built home wf.n.MB Woodridee. PrW, two I'ATWOOD BBOB. * QAB- * <TET«l~»Vn PATtK, 34TH PL..* RMS,; 7 ronme in 2 built In .14 Pi. are. ae. 6 rata- h.: good road.; oeep lot to allay. 1142 New York Aw. 1-car $18,000 floora; garage; every K It A ii t. BBT. INC 915 V T. a.a nw Main 1414 .lac.; k.-w.k.: gar price modem convenience. Donhle rear porchaa MID ST. SI.. SB. S.6 RMS A B ; It. L SANSBCRT A CO.. 1416 1 at. M. B.A. tiKlACliKi; liai'RB ON ATTRAC. THOB. J F1SHBB A CO.. INC.. 73* 18th screened; front tiro corner with adjoining building lot for G FT (Tk NEAR 7TH S RTOB1ES; lar** pnrch. Te»ma. trobe to cellar; »«r. m.; i l cond.; *«.- $3 750: 8 room* at. ew Mate 4*90 500; (1.000 ca.h. $5,250. and bath; furnace heat; gas from*; $ rma. and b.; 50 ft. front: lot to CLARENCE F. WELCH, Colonial honae on Pa are. near lfltb.6i ltghta; hardwood floor* and trim: apnce for tn allay: *« 2*10. THOS. J. VlRHEB A CO.. $9,975 717 l!th at aw Mala 42-80. WILOVilf A CO.. gnrage; Immediate term* SHAN- 9th aid H it*, aw. Fr rooms and Hie bath; furnace heat. po*aeealon; ISC 7S« 1 nth at nw, Main ««*' SUBURBAN FOR SALE LOTS FOR SALE Waat a# 14th.!*ew 7 row and bath: Member Waahlngton Real Estate Board. .. john p ponohoe A SONS. NOX A LUCH* 71S 14th at. bw Malp 2848. ' h.-w.h.: alar moat uanaual and C eT. K B . BET. IITH AXD 7TH.« BMB ; appealing GEORGIA AVE.912.000- I 314 Pa are a*. ! THE MOST REASONABLY PBJCRD HOUSE Continued. TWO LOT* FOR QUICE BALK; SEC plan: larga yard* porcheo; to any fattnrav k attractiv* xrw brick HorsE op . lot U JUiSH to ¦ 10 ft «H«r; tS IM ON* rvia h.; ami.; hollow tile garage. >IH NT. STANTON PAW* N. E . in thi« fection; modern; in .n<3 ^ from coraer room, and tiled bath: furnace heat. AVE.. thoroughly THOS. J. PIRHKR A CO.. INC.. 7S8 15t» HOCK CREEK CHCBCH KOAP.11 ACBES. Adas* and «tk It L OANSBfTRT 4 CO . 1410 1 at. II. 9* Frame; lat. h.: 6 rms. 64.200. WILD-' de«lrable neighborhood and perfect atate of aear Rhodr Island a** $10,500 oyrn ran*-; . ,o.rete f. nw Main 6<*n Pentala. 000. fronting am fellow near 14th.8 r aad b., PETWORTH- trlclty; re.: Hid# n' MAN A 6th * H. Pr. AV* 114 repair: 7 rooma and bath; hot-water haat; $2,400 Price. $32 CAT Adama R n RCSK On Loag -$A.:»0«» cells laun-lr* doubl. rear CO.. WOOD BBOS A H. Naperrii;«, Ill 51 on 2 ioaca. h.w.h.; elec.; brick; practically In the prettiest Petworth location on r; trny«; (afthM; 6- electricity; gas; front and rear porcbea: de¬ GARRETT. INC.. S15 lot 160 to 20-foot allay; moat MASS. AVE. NR. 2NP ST. NE.Brick. tached frame on $1,800. Y irr nw Allison at., convenient to Oa av*. car llna deep payed rms. for. lot amp'r large for garage. near mass. reasonable term,: price M.SC0. SHANNON story and baacment. 12 and h.; Price, lfl.000. term* Hi! AN SON 4k LUC II8.
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