POLKOWICE INVESTMENT OFFER Municipality Office ul. Rynek 1 59 – 100 Polkowice www.polkowice.pl Economy Initiative and Job Market Department phone + 48 (76) 847 41 66 + 48 (76) 847 41 24 fax + 48 (76) 845 13 64 Municipality Office e-mail:
[email protected] ul. Rynek 1, 59-100 Polkowice, POLAND phone + 48 (76) 847 41 07, fax +48 (76) 845 13 64 Department of Geodesy e-mail:
[email protected] and Property Management www.polkowice.pl phone + 48 (76) 724 67 86 fax + 48 (76) 845 13 64 ISO 9001 : 2000 e-mail:
[email protected] Polkowice, 2009 Okładka EN / KREDA MAT 250g / folia mat 1+0 / nakład: 75 szt. mat 250g / folia MAT Okładka EN / KREDA INVESTOR’S PATH STEP 1 www.polkowice.pl Checking whether ground or plot, on which the investment is Urząd Gminy Polkowice (Municipal Office) planned to be set, is predestined onto the appropriate function ul. Rynek 1, 59 – 100 Polkowice (extract from the Local Plan of Spatial Development or Invest- Wydział Planowania Przestrzennego i Architektury ment Brochure of the Polkowice community) (Department of Planning and Architecture) tel. +48 (76) 724 67 88/89, 724 97 03 STEP 2 Submitting and application form for issuing the extract from the Local Plan of Spatial Development of Polkowice Community. Within the application form, a principal or filling map with Urząd Gminy Polkowice (Municipal Office) highlighted boarders of the ground included in the application ul. Rynek 1, 59 – 100 Polkowice shall be delivered. Wydział Planowania Przestrzennego i Architektury The application shall define the demand for media, technical (Department of Planning and Architecture) and communicative infrastructure, as well as technical tel.