The Susceptibility of Trypanosoma Congolense Isolated in Zambézia Province, Mozambique, to Isometamidium Chloride, Diminazene Aceturate and Homidium Chloride
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Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Research, 72:333–338 (2005) The susceptibility of Trypanosoma congolense isolated in Zambézia Province, Mozambique, to isometamidium chloride, diminazene aceturate and homidium chloride S. JAMAL1, I. SIGAUQUE1, C. MACUAMULE1, L. NEVES2, B.L. PENZHORN3, T. MARCOTTY4 and P. VAN DEN BOSSCHE3,4,* ABSTRACT JAMAL, S., SIGAUQUE, I,. MACUAMULE, C., NEVES, L., PENZHORN, B.L., MARCOTTY, T. & VAN DEN BOSSCHE, P. 2005. The susceptibility of Trypanosoma congolense isolated in Zambézia Province, Mozambique, to isometamidium chloride, diminazene aceturate and homidium chloride. Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Research, 72:333–338 Resistance to trypanocidal drugs has been detected in various African countries and is a serious impediment to the control of livestock trypanosomosis. To determine whether drug resistant try- panosome strains are present in the Zambézia Province of Mozambique a study was initiated. To assess the effect of the farming system and the drug-use regimen on the development of drug resist- ance, trypanosome isolates were collected from cattle from subsistence and commercial livestock production systems. The susceptibility of seven isolates against isometamidium chloride, dimi- nazene aceturate and homidium chloride was tested in mice using a multiple-dose test. In four of the seven isolates high levels of drug resistance to diminazene aceturate and isometamidium chloride were detected. In most cases the observed levels of drug resistance correlated with the drug-use practices in the particular livestock production system. Keywords: Diminazene aceturate, homidium chloride, isometamidium chloride, resistance, Trypan- osoma congolense INTRODUCTION ed by tsetse flies. Trypanosome infections in live- stock seriously impede livestock production in par- Tsetse-transmitted trypanosomosis constitutes a ticular and rural development in general (Swallow major constraint to livestock development in Africa. 2 1998). Trypanosomosis can be controlled by con- Over 10 million km of sub-Saharan Africa is infest- trolling the vector, the parasite or a combination of both. Despite the availability of effective vector- cotrol methods, it is very likely that curative and 1 National Directorate of Livestock, Maputo, Mozambique prophylactic trypanocidal drugs will continue to con- tribute significantly to the control of the disease in 2 Veterinary Faculty of Eduardo Mondlane University, Maputo, Mozambique livestock. 3 Department of Veterinary Tropical Diseases, Faculty of Vet- Only a small group of chemoprophylactic and erinary Science, University of Pretoria, 0110 Onderstepoort, South Africa chemotherapeutic compounds are currently in use 4 Department of Animal Health, Institute of Tropical Medicine, and new compounds are unlikely to become avail- Nationalestraat 155, 2000 Antwerp, Belgium able in the near future (Peregrine 1994). Geerts & * Author to whom correspondence is to be directed: E-mail: Holmes (1998) estimated that in Africa about 35 [email protected] million doses of trypanocidal drugs are administered Accepted for publication 11 July 2005—Editor each year. Furthermore, there is growing concern 333 susceptibility of Trypanosoma congolense isolated in Zambézia Province, Mozambique that the effectiveness of this control method will be tocrit centrifuge for 5 min at 9 000 rpm. After cen- severely reduced by the widespread development trifugation, the buffy coat and the uppermost layer of resistance in trypanosomes. of red blood cells of each specimen were extruded onto a microscope slide and examined for the pres- In Mozambique, trypanosomosis in livestock is con- ence of motile trypanosomes (Paris, Murray & trolled mainly by treatments with diminazene acetu- McOdimba 1982). rate as curative and/or isometamidium chloride as prophylactic drug. Treatment intensity differs greatly Isolation of trypanosomes in the field between farming systems and, within a farming sys- tem, between livestock owners. Despite the current From the infected cattle, 1 ml of blood was inocu- and future importance of trypanocides in Mozam- lated intraperitoneally into outbred albino male and bique no information is available on the prevalence female mice. The experimental mice had been of resistance to these drugs. immunosuppressed 24 h previously by intraperi- toneal injection of 300 mg/kg cyclophosphamide The aim of this study was to determine the sensitiv- (Endoxan®, Asta Medica). The parasitaemia of the ity of Trypanosoma congolense isolates collected mice inoculated in the field was monitored twice from cattle from commercial and subsistence live- weekly by examining the buffy coat of tail blood. stock management systems in three districts of Stabilates of the blood of the ones that became par- Zambézia Province to diminazene aceturate, iso- asitaemic were prepared in liquid nitrogen using metamidium chloride and homidium chloride. The glycerol (10 % v/v) as a cryopreservative (Dar, Ligt- standardized method for trypanocidal drug resist- hart & Wilson 1972). ance testing described by Eisler, Brandt, Bauer, Clausen, Delespaux, Holmes, lemobade, Machila, All trypanosome infections in cattle were due to T. Mbambo, Mcdermott, Mehlitz, Murilla, Ndung’u, Per- congolense. Seven T. congolense isolates, three egrine, Sidibé & Geerts (2001) was used. from Chinde District, three from Nicoadala District and one from Maganja da Costa District, were used for resistance testing. The three isolates (Isolates 1, MATERIALS AND METHODS 2 and 3) from Chinde District originated from cattle from a commercial ranch (Madal Estate). On that Study area ranch, all cattle were treated with diminazene ace- The study was conducted in the Chinde, Nicoadala turate followed by isometamidium chloride treat- and Maganja da Costa districts of Zambézia Prov- ment two weeks later four times per year. Sick ani- ince of Mozambique (Fig. 1). Zambézia Province is mals were treated with diminazene aceturate. Since located in the central part of the country. It covers 2002, however, diminazene aceturate has been re- about 103 130 km2 and has a population density of placed by quinapyramine. Despite this treatment fre- 32.2 inhabitants per km2. About 14 300 head of cat- quency, the prevalence of trypanosome infections tle (predominantly Brahman breed) are present. is high. One of the three isolates from Nicoadala They are distributed mainly in the palm plantations District (Isolate 4) was collected from cattle belong- of the littoral part of the province. The littoral zone ing to a subsistence farmer based at Namutungurine. constitutes an extensive and excellent grazing area. The farmer treated his animals three times per year Although a large-scale commercial ranch is pres- with diminazene aceturate followed by isometamid- ent, cattle in the Province are kept mainly under an ium chloride two weeks later. Isolate 5 came from extensive husbandry system. cattle kept at Botao in Nicoadala District. Animals of this herd were treated once a year with diminazene Sample collection aceturate followed by isometamidium chloride treat- ment. One isolate (Isolate 6) was collected from A total of eight sampling sites were identified in the cattle belonging to a subsistence farmer based at three Districts. At each sampling site, 165 animals Licuare (Nicoadala District) who only treats sick ani- were randomly selected and sampled. Blood was mals with diminazene aceturate. Finally, one isolate collected from an ear vein into heparinized micro- (Isolate 7) was collected from cattle belonging to a haematocrit centrifuge capillary tubes and onto glass commercial livestock owner based at Cangu (Ma- slides on which thick and thin blood smears were ganja da Costa District). Here, animals were treated made for trypanosome species identification. The once per year with diminazene aceturate followed capillary tubes were sealed with “Cristaseal” (Hawks- by isometamidium chloride two weeks later. Sick ley) and immediately centrifuged in a microhaema- animals were treated with diminazene aceturate. 334 S. JAMAL et al. Mozambique N Cabo Delgade W E Nassa S Nampula Tete Zambézia Manica Sofala ¶ Zambézia Province Inhambane Gaza Maputo Madal Estate 2 Cangu Madal Estate 1 Licuary Botao Sampling site Namutengurine Madal Estate Zambézia Province Maganja da Costa District Nicoadala District Micaune Chinde District 0 50 100 150 km FIG. 1 Map of Zambézia Province indicating the location of the seven sampling sites in the three districts Resistance testing of trypanosome isolates ray, Trail, Turner & Wissocq (1983). If at least five mice in the group of six were cured, the isolate Resistance testing in mice was done using the multi- under test was considered sensitive to the drug dose protocol described by Eisler et al. (2001). In dose. If one mouse in a treated group of six died short, groups of six mice were each inoculated intra- without becoming parasitaemic, at least four of the peritoneally with a fresh inoculum containing 1 x 105 remaining five mice must be cured before the para- trypanosomes of a particular isolate. About 24 h site population could be classified as sensitive. At after trypanosome inoculation, the mice were treated least five of the six control mice had to become par- intraperitoneally with a dose of one of the trypano- asitaemic, otherwise the test was repeated for all cidal drugs in 0.2 m of sterile distilled water. For l three groups. each of the seven isolates, five different dose levels varying between 0.01 and 20 mg/kg body mass (bm) of isometamidium chloride (Samorin®,