Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (Scada)
TM 5-601 TECHNICAL MANUAL SUPERVISORY CONTROL AND DATA ACQUISITION (SCADA) SYSTEMS FOR COMMAND, CONTROL, COMMUNICATIONS, COMPUTER, INTELLIGENCE, SURVEILLANCE, AND RECONNAISSANCE (C4ISR) FACILITIES APPROVED FOR PUBLIC RELEASE: DISTRIBUTION UNLIMITED HEADQUARTERS, DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY 21 JANUARY 2006 TM 5-601 REPRODUCTION AUTHORIZATION/RESTRICTIONS This manual has been prepared by or for the Government and, except to the extent indicated below, is public property and not subject to copyright. Reprint or republication of this manual should include a credit substantially as follows: "Department of the Army, TM 5-601, Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) Systems for Command, Control, Communications, Computer, Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (C4ISR) Facilities, 21 January 2006." Table 3-1 Safety integrity levels – low demand operation and table 3-2 Safety integrity levels – continuous operation are reprinted with permission from the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) publication International Standard IEC 61508-1, tables 2 and 3 from subclause “The author thanks the IEC for permission to reproduce information from its International Standard IEC 61508-1: (1998). All such extracts are copyright of IEC, Geneva, Switzerland. All right reserved. Further information on the IEC is available from IEC has no responsibility for the placement and context in which the extracts and contents are reproduced by the author, nor is IEC in any way responsible for the other content or accuracy therein.” TM 5-601 Technical Manual HEADQUARTERS No. 5-601 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY Washington, DC, 21 January 2006 APPROVED FOR PUBLIC RELEASE: DISTRIBUTION IS UNLIMITED SUPERVISORY CONTROL AND DATA ACQUISITION (SCADA) SYSTEMS FOR COMMAND, CONTROL, COMMUNICATIONS, COMPUTER, INTELLIGENCE, SURVEILLANCE, AND RECONNAISSANCE (C4ISR) FACILITIES CONTENTS Paragraph Page CHAPTER 1.
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