Answers Controlling with Systems ...... Volume 4 Number 1 May 1997

Introduction • The ability to monitor and control lighting throughout a building or even throughout The potential for substantial energy savings a multi-building facility has made the use of automated lighting • The ability to minimize peak demand, controls such as timers, occupancy sensors, thereby reducing energy costs where and photosensors commonplace in modern utility rate structures are based on peak buildings. Similarly, building automation demand and real-time pricing systems that control heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning (HVAC) have become com- Conventional lighting control systems mon in new construction and are now in- often control equipment in a single room or cluded as part of many retrofit projects; more over a limited area, because they are cen- than half the large commercial buildings tralized control systems, which means that all (averaging 200,000 sq ft) surveyed by the the controlled circuits must be wired to a Wisconsin Center for Demand-Side Research single control panel. The computers used (WCDSR 1995) included a building automa- by these systems are typically dedicated tion system. microprocessors that perform only lighting Building automation systems can also control functions. be used to control lighting; however, high By comparison, modern building automa- initial and maintenance costs, the apparent tion systems are distributed control systems, complexity of these systems, and concerns which means that their computing hardware about the interoperability* of lighting sys- and software are distributed as a network tems and other building systems have lim- that comprises microprocessor-based control ited such applications. The National Lighting modules and standard personal computers Product Information Program (NLPIP) pre- (PCs). The control modules use direct digital pared this issue of Lighting Answers to ex- control technology to communicate with each plain the options, benefits, and potential other and act together as an “intelligent” pitfalls of controlling lighting with building whole. Direct digital control systems are automation systems and to direct lighting extendible virtually without limit, so that all specifiers and facility managers to resources the lighting in a facility can be controlled by for further information. a single, unified system—the same system Building automation system-controlled that also can control and monitor the lighting systems may offer incremental en- building’s HVAC, security, and smoke detec- ergy savings over properly applied timers, tion systems, manufacturing processes, occupancy sensors, and photosensors; in elevators, and more. addition to these savings, which are not usually large, building automation systems offer other benefits: What is a building automation system? A building automation system is a computer • Detailed reports on occupancy and network that integrates the controls of a energy use building’s various electrical and mechanical • Enhanced operation scheduling systems. There are two main techniques for • The ability to share occupancy information implementing a building automation system: with other building systems integrating a number of existing control *Terms in italics are • Diagnosis of lighting system problems systems and creating a new distributed con- defined in the glossary • A wide array of manual control options for trol network to control all of a building’s on p. 7. building occupants and building managers systems. Often strategies for automating building controls combine both techniques. How does a building automation system For example, an existing HVAC control sys- control lighting? tem can be connected to a new distributed control network that controls lighting, secu- A building automation system can control rity systems, and fire alarms. lighting using schedules, manual controls, Building automation systems require com- occupancy sensors, and photosensors, either puters, and thus are only as useful as their singly or in combination. programming. The sophistication of software for these systems varies widely. The simplest Schedules. Much of the energy savings system may merely schedule operation of the produced by a building automation system equipment. A more sophisticated system comes from scheduling the operation of running custom software developed using electrical loads. For instance, the lighting in fuzzy logic may have the ability to learn occu- a building can be programmed so only occu- pancy patterns, so that it can anticipate when pied spaces are lighted during the evening or to turn on devices that require warm-up time, at night. Different schedules can be pro- such as metal-halide lighting systems, manu- grammed for individual circuits or groups of facturing equipment, or copy machines, and circuits (called zones). Each zone also can so that it can adjust the HVAC system accord- have a unique schedule for weekdays, week- ing to the schedules of occupants. ends, or special events. Some systems auto- matically adjust a lighting zone’s schedule to account for seasonal variations in the What is direct digital control? availability of daylight. A building automa- tion system using fuzzy logic could dynami- Direct digital control is the technology used in cally adjust schedules based on typical a distributed control system. Each circuit to occupancy patterns. be controlled or monitored is connected to a direct digital control module or a multi-circuit Manual controls. The availability of manual direct digital control panel which represent controls often is a key factor in occupant nodes on a distributed control network. Unlike acceptance of a new lighting system. Manual centralized control systems, which require controls may also increase productivity by that all nodes be wired to a central hub, each providing a means by which occupants can new direct digital control node can be wired to optimize their work environment to their the nearest node on the network. For network changing needs. A study by Rensselaer Poly- setup, monitoring, data logging, and direct technic Institute’s Center for Architectural control, PCs with a direct digital control inter- Research showed that productivity in an insur- face card can be connected anywhere on the ance office increased 3%, and complaints network as an administration node. about the environment dropped to zero when Direct digital control modules are minia- occupants were given convenient manual ture computers. Each one informs the net- work about the status of the device to which it ...... is connected, and each one can be pro- grammed to respond to direct commands Figure 1 from other modules or to a change in status of Programmable control pad for DDC any other device on the network. Direct digital manual control control modules are available for any type of Customers of the electric lighting load or sensor; many lighting control utility Central and South- components, including occupancy sensors and west Corporation in photosensors, are available with this technol- Laredo, Texas, use this ogy built-in. Direct digital control modules and bilingual control pad to program the operation of components for other building systems are their air conditioners, also widely available. water heaters, and other The hardware for a direct digital control appliances. Customers system can be installed more easily and faster can set their appliances than that of a centralized control system. to automatically respond when the utility varies the Expanding or modifying the system is also cost of electricity during quick and easy. the day in response to demand.

2 control over the temperature and lighting in the building automation system can turn on their workstations and lighting systems. (Kro- the hallway lights on that floor, adjust the ner et al. 1992). Manual dimming controls can temperature in that office, alert the security also save energy in daylit offices, or where staff that the room is occupied, and even occupants perform tasks requiring low light- send an empty elevator to that floor to pick ing levels for part of the day. up the occupants. Direct digital control modules can be A building automation system can also be connected to existing manual light switches programmed to respond to a signal from an and . The system can be pro- occupancy sensor by dimming lights rather grammed to let manual controls override than switching them off or by dimming them signals from sensors or to consider the status at first and then switching them off only if the of manual controls and sensors and the time space remains unoccupied for an extended of day in an algorithm when determining period of time, to minimize the likelihood what lighting control commands to send. that occupants will be left in total darkness. A wide variety of specialized manual con- Actual lighting energy savings from occu- trols are also available for direct digital control pancy sensors vary widely from none to al- networks, including control pads with multiple most 80%, but manufacturers frequently cite programmable buttons, multifunction liquid- an average savings of 30% for private offices crystal display panels (such as the one in (Sensors Save A Lot, Field Tests Show, 1995). Figure 1), and hand-held remote controls. Allowing occupancy sensors to also control Interfaces are available that make manual the HVAC system may substantially increase control possible through touch-tone tele- the total savings. phones. PCs with access to the control net- Photosensors. There are two types of work can perform advanced functions, such as photosensors: those used for switching and adjusting the lighting when a particular appli- those used for dimming. A photosensor used cation is launched and, if equipped with voice for switching sends a binary signal to the recognition capability, voice-activated control. direct digital control network when the Manual controls can be located anywhere on amount of light it detects reaches a certain the building automation system network, so (adjustable) threshold. The building automa- that, for example, manual controls for lighting tion system can then turn off lights or set in an open office can be located at every en- them to a lower level. A photosensor used for trance to the office and at any workstation. dimming sends a continuously variable signal Occupancy sensors. An important ben- indicating how much light it is detecting. With efit of controlling lighting with a building this information, a building automation system automation system is that the lighting system can gradually dim lamps as daylight increases can share information with other building or gradually increase power to the lamps as systems. For example, after business hours, they age to maintain constant illuminance if an occupancy sensor node tells the net- (light level). work that a certain private office is occupied, ...... What wiring and networking Table 1 options are available? Comparing characteristics of control network media Low-voltage, twisted-pair wiring is the most common direct digital control networking Bandwidth Typical Range medium, but, depending on bandwidth needs, Network Medium (kilobytes/second) (meters) proximity, and other factors, many other T0wisted pair 00.3–2,00 1–1,00 media can be specified, including coaxial C0oaxial 3000–10,00 10–10,00 cable, fiber optic cable, narrow-band or F0iber optic 10–100,00 10–10,00 spread-spectrum power line carrier (PLC) P0ower line carrier 00.06–10,00 10–5,00 signaling, radio frequency (RF) transmitters, and (IR) transmitters. Routers are R0adio transmitters 10.2–10,00 50–30,00 also available to extend a direct digital con- I0nfrared transmitters 00.05–2 0.5–3 trol network over standard or dedicated T6elephone-modem 1d.2–5 unlimite phone lines via modem or over a transfer TCP/IP (Internet/intranet)a 1d.2–10,000 unlimite control protocol/Internet protocol (TCP/IP) a network such as a corporate intranet or even One TCP/IP router gives selective network access to any workstation with the global Internet. Characteristics of these Internet access. Adapted in part from IEEE Spectrum (Razi 1994). media are compared in Table 1. 3 These media can be mixed within a net- How much do direct digital control work so that the most convenient and effec- systems cost? tive option can be used for each node on the network. Media with greater bandwidths A direct digital control system consisting of provide higher data transmission rates, 29 HVAC and lighting nodes costs approxi- which are necessary for real-time monitoring mately $4700 for the necessary hardware, or control. Where instantaneous feedback is software, and installation. A comparable not needed, such as for controlling an HID centralized control system would cost about lighting system, the slower media are appro- $8500. A direct digital control system with a priate. The typical operating ranges shown few hundred nodes may cost about $25,000. for the networking media in Table 1 can be The components range in price from as low extended by using signal repeaters. Figure 2 as $50 for a binary direct digital control illustrates how networking media can be module, to $4000 for an Internet/intranet mixed throughout a multi-building direct router. Setup costs range from $50 to $150 digital control lighting control system. per node (Morris 1996). Direct digital control systems may also be rented or leased. Some building automation system installers will require little or no up- ...... Figure 2 Configuration for a hypothetical direct digital control lighting control system direct digital control module DDC personal computer (PC) twisted-pair coaxial remote system fiber optic administrator power line carrier global modem internet radio frequency modem

radio frequency (RF) radio frequency (RF) module DDC module DDC

administration administration node node PC network

DDC ethernet router DDC modem DDC DDC internet router dimming ballast DDC DDC DDC DDC DDC occupancy photosensor sensor with built-in photosensor occupancy with built-in DDC occupancy DDC sensor sensor lighting lighting DDC control panel control panel ballast DDC DDC relays relays dimming dimming circuits circuits

dimming ballast ballast dimming ballast ballast

fluorescent lighting fluorescent lighting

Scheme for a theoretical direct digital control (DDC) network that controls lighting in two separate buildings. Various networking media are used, including coaxial cable, twisted-pair wiring, power line carrier signaling, telephone lines (via modem), and the Internet. Also used are radio frequency transmitters (shown connecting the two buildings into a single network), which have a range of 50–30,000 meters. 4 front payment, in exchange for a share (such BACnet (Building Automation and Control as 10–20%) of the monthly savings in energy Network) was designed specifically for HVAC costs that the system provides, over a period control networks by the American Society for of several years. Also, some electric utilities Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning may assist in paying for a direct digital con- Engineers (ASHRAE). The BACnet protocol trol system in exchange for limited ability to is described in ANSI/ASHRAE 135-1995. monitor the system and control electric ASHRAE’s intent was to create a protocol that loads as peak demand varies. would allow the interoperability of various manufacturers’ existing distributed control systems for HVAC. An appealing feature of What are BACnet, LonWorks, and BACnet is its ability to share the wiring of an CEBus? existing Ethernet or Arcnet local area network BACnet, LonWorks, and CEBus are among (LAN) as the backbone of its data infrastruc- the most popular communication protocols ture. BACnet signals can even be transmitted used by direct digital control networks. A over a LonWorks network; however, communication protocol can be described as LonWorks devices cannot interpret BACnet the language that direct digital control mod- signals, they can only pass the signals along ules use to communicate with each other. until they reach a BACnet device. BACnet has Ethernet and Token Ring are examples of broad support from the HVAC industry; communication protocols for data networks; BACnet-compatible HVAC devices from 13 these and other data network protocols are manufacturers were shown at an ASHRAE not ideally suited for the high, sustained exposition in February 1996. The European volume of data that control networks gener- Committee for Standardisation (CEN) has ate. LonWorks, BACnet, and CEBus were also adopted BACnet as a pre-standard. How- designed specifically for the data transmis- ever, lighting control components using sion needs of a control network. All three are BACnet are not yet widely available. open standards, meaning that any manufac- LonWorks was designed by Echelon Cor- turer of direct digital control components can poration for use with virtually all types of use them, and if they follow the standard control systems. Over 2000 companies world- closely, their products should be compatible wide use LonWorks for applications ranging with any others using the same protocol. By from manufacturing process control to theme contrast, many building automation system park ride control. Off-the-shelf LonWorks manufacturers use proprietary communica- components are available for controlling tions protocols such as Metasys and Micro- lighting, security, fire safety, access control, Tech. These can only be used in components and HVAC. Although LonWorks and BACnet from licensed manufacturers, which helps components are not compatible in the same assure compatibility of components but limits network, a LonWorks control network can product selection. operate as a subset of a BACnet network. CEBus (short for Consumer Electronics ...... Bus) was developed by the Electronic Indus- tries Association and is used primarily in Compatibility of electronic ballasts with PLC components residential applications by consumer elec- Most older PLC products are not compatible with electronic ballasts for fluorescent tronics products, such as stereos, VCRs, and lighting, but some new PLC components are. Consumers are most familiar with X-10 televisions. CEBus offers fewer advanced protocol PLC components. Available since the 1970s and sold relatively inexpen- communication features, such as data en- sively ($10–$40 per control module) through retail outlets, these components are also cryption, than BACnet or LonWorks offer, the basis of a new control system for residences that IBM is packaging with its Aptiva and it also has a lower maximum bandwidth. PCs. The X-10 protocol uses a relatively wide frequency band to carry analog sig- nals. Many electronic devices, including electronic ballasts and baby monitors, can Although CEBus is suitable for residences, produce signal-obscuring interference within that frequency range. In addition to this its lack of security features makes it unsuit- limitation, the manufacturer of X-10 systems recommends that X-10 systems not be able for many commercial applications. used to control lighting loads other than incandescent, making them inappropriate for Many manufacturers of lighting control most nonresidential applications. systems are working on gateways that will LonWorks control modules are available using any of three new PLC protocols, one of which, PLT-21, operates within a narrow frequency band (125 to 140 kHz). allow limited interoperability between their PLT-21 is compliant with FCC regulations in the United States and with European proprietary systems and the open protocol standards set by the European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization. direct digital control networks. How well Digital signals, error detection, and signal confirmation are used to further enhance lighting control systems will integrate with reliability, so that these PLC components should be immune to the interference the direct digital control network will vary problems that plague X-10 systems. Indeed, there are many LonWorks PLC control modules available specifically for controlling electronic ballasts. greatly, so not all the advantages of a direct 5 digital control network will be available • TCP/IP routers available to extend net- through gateways in every application. How- work globally, or to allow system control ever, if a lighting control system is already from any workstation using web browsers installed, or if one has unique, necessary • Easy integration of diverse building features, using a gateway to provide at least systems some interoperability with other building • An organization, the LonMark Interopera- systems may be advantageous. bility Association, that certifies product In the future, BACnet-to-LonWorks gate- interoperability ways may allow these systems to function together seamlessly, or one of these two may However, BACnet should also be consid- become the de facto industry standard while ered if a distributed control system is already the other languishes. At least for the foresee- in use for HVAC control, especially if an able future, however, both of these standards extensive Ethernet or Arcnet data network is have enough market support to coexist. Even already installed in the building. In such so, having only two standards would be an cases, BACnet may leverage the most benefit improvement over the more than 27 different from the existing investment. protocols in use today. For residential or other small-scale applica- Contact information is given below for the tions, X-10 systems are also popular, but are organizations that created the direct digital not recommended for controlling any type of control protocols discussed in this report. lighting load other than incandescent. CEBus These organizations should be contacted di- systems should also be considered for resi- rectly to identify manufacturers of compatible dences as a growing number of manufacturers products and to find qualified installers. are making compatible products.

What other factors should be ...... considered when choosing a direct digital control protocol? For more information Rarely is a building automation system in- For more information about the communication protocols discussed in this report, including names of companies that may offer compatible lighting control products, stalled solely to control lighting. More often, please contact the organizations listed below. installations are initiated to control HVAC or machine processes, because these systems BACnet: LonWorks: ASHRAE Echelon Corporation offer the largest potential savings. Lighting 1791 Tullie Circle, N.E. 4015 Miranda Avenue control usually is considered later or after the Atlanta, GA 30329 Palo Alto, CA 94304 fact, if at all. The choice of which direct digi- Phone: (404) 636-8400 Phone: (800) 258-4566 tal control protocol to use for lighting control Fax: (404) 321-5478 Fax: (415) 856-6153 depends on the type of facility and on what E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: WWW: WWW: control systems are already installed. For new construction or installations CEBus: X-10: where no control systems yet exist, CEBus Industry Council X-10 (USA), Inc. LonWorks offers many advantages for com- 4405 Massachusetts Avenue 91 Ruckman Road mercial and industrial applications: Indianapolis, IN 46218 Closter, NJ 07624-0420 Phone: (317) 545-6243 Phone: (201) 784-9700 • Wide selection of lighting control Fax: (317) 545-6237 Fax: (201) 784-9676 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] components WWW: WWW: • System administration software designed specifically for lighting • Control modules that can operate on low voltage supplied over the twisted-pair wiring used for data transmission • Narrow-band PLC option resistant to inter- ference problems associated with older, spread-spectrum PLC technology • Wireless data transmission (radio frequen- cy or infrared) options

6 Glossary Resources ...... bandwidth The capacity of a digital networking medium American Society of Heating, Heating, Refrigerating to transmit data, typically expressed in kilobits or megabits and Air-Conditioning Engineers. 1995. BACnet: A data per second. communication protocol for building automation and control networks binary signal A signal that communicates data that can , ANSI/ASHRAE 135-1995. Atlanta, GA: have only two possible values, such as on or off, open or American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air- closed, and above or below. Conditioning Engineers. centralized control system A control system with a BACnet Questions and Answers. 1996. ASHRAE Journal single computer and a central control panel to which all 38(2):3-37. controlled loads must be wired directly. Carlson, Reinhold A., and Robert Di Giandomenico. continuously variable signal A signal that commu- 1991. Understanding Building Automation Systems. nicates data that can have a theoretically unlimited number Kingston, MA: R.S. Means Co. of possible values between two end points. Examples in- clude voltage, temperature, and illuminance. Central and South West Corporation. 1997. Customer Energy Monitor [World Wide Web document]. Dallas, direct digital control (DDC) The technology used by TX: Central and South West Corporation 1995-1997 the components of a distributed control system. DDC [cited 28 February 1997]. Available at modules exchange digitally encoded signals with each other, indicating the status of devices connected to the network and executing commands when appropriate. Each DiLouie, Craig. 1996. Personal vs. Automatic. Architec- module contains a programmable microprocessor, hard- tural Lighting 10(3):46-49. ware for at least one type of network connection, and some means of detecting or changing a device’s status. EUN Product Guides: Building Automation Systems. 1996. Energy User News 21(12):46-47. distributed control system A control system in which the computing hardware and software are contained Hartman, Thomas B. 1993. Direct Digital Controls for in a network of control modules or multi-circuit control HVAC Systems. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill. panels physically distributed throughout the facility. Kroner, Walter, Jean Anne Stark-Martin, and Thomas fuzzy logic A decision system in which Boolean opera- Willemain. 1992. Rensselaer’s West Bend Mutual Study: tors (such as true, false, on, and off) are replaced by con- Using Advanced Office Technology to Increase Productiv- tinuous operators (such as very cold, moderately cold, ity. Troy, NY: Center for Architectural Research. slightly hot, and very hot), yielding improved decision- making in control systems. Morris, John. 1996. Interoperability Brings the Cost Down. Electrical Contractor 61(9):157-159. gateway A networking component that links together two or more data networks that use different communica- Newman, H. Michael. 1996. Integrating Building Auto- tion protocols, making them interoperable. mation and Control Products Using the BACnet Proto- interoperability The ability to communicate such infor- col. ASHRAE Journal 38(11):36-42. mation as temperature, illuminance levels, status of secu- Raji, Reza S. 1994. Smart Networks for Control. IEEE rity devices, and occupancy among building systems and Spectrum 31(6):49-55. their controls. node A point on a control network consisting of a DDC Sensors Save a Lot, Field Tests Show. 1995. Automatic control module and the device(s) that it monitors News (Fall). (Mytech, Austin, TX) or controls. Wisconsin Center for Demand-Side Research. 1995. power line carrier (PLC) A method of data transmis- Potential for Reducing Peak Demand with Energy Man- sion in which high-frequency analog or digital signals are agement Control Systems. Madison, WI: Wisconsin Cen- transmitted over line voltage power distribution wires. ter for Demand-Side Research. router A component that links together two or more segments of a data network, selectively allowing informa- tion to pass between them. zones A group of nodes on a control network that are associated so that they can all be controlled with a single command.

7 NLPIP Publications Guide to Performance Evaluation of Efficient Lighting Products, 1991 Controlling Lighting with Building Automation Systems Guide to -Ballast Compatibility, 1996 Volume 4, Number 1 Guide to Specifying High-Frequency May 1997 Electronic Ballasts, 1996 Principal Investigator: Robert Wolsey Program Director: Robert Davis Specifier Reports: Technical Editor: Kevin Heslin Power Reducers, 1992 Production Manager: James Gross Specular Reflectors, 1992 Other Lighting Research Center members who contributed include Joseph Parking Lot Luminaires, 1993 Ceterski, Kathryn Conway, Erika Gillmeister, Claudia Hunter, Russell Leslie, Screwbase Compact Fluorescent Dorene Maniccia, Naomi Miller, Mark Rea, and Susan Sechrist. Lamp Products, 1993 Copyright © 1997 Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. All rights reserved. Cathode-Disconnect Ballasts, 1993 No portion of this publication or the information contained herein may be Exit Signs, 1994 duplicated or excerpted in any way in any other publications, databases, or any Electronic Ballasts, 1994 other medium without express written permission of the publisher. Making Reflector Lamps, 1994 copies of all or part of this publication for any purpose other than for undistrib- uted personal use is a violation of United States copyright laws. CFL Downlights, 1995 Dimming Electronic Ballasts, 1995 It is against to law to inaccurately present information extracted from Lighting HID Accent Lighting Systems, 1996 Answers for product publicity purposes. Information in these reports may not be Occupancy Sensors, 1997 reproduced without permission of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Specifier Reports Supplements: The products described herein have not been tested for safety. The Lighting Research Center and Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute make no representations Screwbase Compact Fluorescent whatsoever with regard to safety of products, in whatever form or combination Lamp Products, 1994, 1995 used. The information set forth for your use cannot be regarded as a representa- Exit Signs, 1995 tion that the products are or are not safe to use in any specific situation, or that Electronic Ballasts, 1995, 1996, 1997 the particular product you purchase will conform to the information found in this report. Lighting Answers: ISSN 1069-0050 T8 Fluorescent Lamps, 1993 ...... Multilayer Polarizer Panels, 1993 Task Lighting for Offices, 1994 For publications ordering information, contact: Dimming Systems for High-Intensity Lighting Research Center Discharge Lamps, 1994 Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Electromagnetic Interference Involving Troy, NY 12180-3590 Fluorescent Lighting Systems, 1995 Telephone: (518) 276-8716 Power Quality, 1995 Fax: (518) 276-2999 Thermal Effects in 2´×4´ Fluorescent Internet e-mail: [email protected] Lighting Systems, 1995 World Wide Web: T10 and T9 Fluorescent Lamps, 1995 ...... T5FT Lamps and Ballasts, 1996

Program Sponsors Lighting Answers complements the National Lighting Product Information Program’s (NLPIP) other serial, Specifier Reports. Bonneville Power Administration Each issue of Lighting Answers presents educational information Energy Center of Wisconsin about a specific topic or a particular technology. For some is- Iowa Energy Center sues, NLPIP may perform limited testing. For this issue of Light- Lighting Research Center ing Answers, NLPIP has summarized information about building New York State Energy Research automation systems. and Development Authority Northern Light Northern States Power Company United States Department of Energy United States Environmental Protection Agency