Father Steinbrenner's home for wayward men The New York Observer - October 21, 1996 Father Steinbrenner's home for wayward men The 1996 New York Yankees are more than just another baseball team - they are a natural experiment conducted without government money or foundation grants, which has demonstrated that troubled men can over-come their pasts. No corporate boss can match George Steinbrenner for his progressive approach to putting ex- offenders to work. Forget baseball the Yankees have much to offer as an example of how a business can thrive by giving young men of all races a second (and sometimes third, fourth and fifth) chance to prove themselves in today's highly competitive economy. When Wade Boggs, the Yankees' third baseman, played for the Red Sox, he made a name for himself as a sexual all-star as well as batting champion. While married with children, you may recall, Mr. Boggs brought a mistress along on almost every road trip from 1984 through 1987. Mr. Boggs' girlfriend, a southern California mortgage broker named Marge Adams, sold her story for $100,000 to Penthouse in l989 and sued her ex-lover for $6 million. Like Dick Morris, Mr. Boggs didn't recognize the importance of paying for silence as well as for sex. Although Mr. Boggs lost his job as a spokesman for the New England-based Raytheon Company, he eventually wound up in the Bronx, where the fans are more accepting than the current inhabitants of the Massachusetts Bay Colony. The Yankee pitching staff has historically been susceptible to evil influences. Almost 40 years ago, the Yankee star reliever was Ryne Duren, a fastball pitcher who drank even harder than he threw. That great Yankee tradition was continued in recent years in former Yankee bullpen ace Steve Howe, who was suspended seven times for drug- and alcohol-related problems and arrested this season at Kennedy International Airport for carrying a loaded .357 revolver soon after his baseball career had ended. Dwight Gooden, the ex-Met who won 11 games for the Yankees this season, has had a past that would have intimidated most bosses, especially given the Howe experiment, but not Boss Steinbrenner. At the age of 22, Mr. Gooden was treated at Smithers Alcoholism Treatment and Training Center, the Upper East Side clinic for the rich and famous that has given way to more profitable real estate purposes. At age 29, Mr. Gooden was treated at the Betty Ford Center for drug abuse, and last year, after signing with the Yankees, he was arrested in St. Petersburg, Fla., for going 117 miles per hour in a 55 m.p.h. zone, with two beers by his side and a 9-millimeter handgun (for which he had a permit) in his glove compartment. The courageous starter David Cone, an ex-Met, ex-Bluejay and ex-Royal, has been reborn under Mr. Steinbrenner. Over the years, various women have accused Mr. Cone of sexual misconduct, but none of the charges stuck. It's hard to imagine a banker, publisher or politician in this town who would hire someone with Darryl Strawberry's record. Mr. Strawberry, who hit three home runs in the recent series against file:///C|/Users/ml164/Desktop/MM%20Local%20Files/html/oped/96-10-21-nyobserver.html[10/8/2012 5:31:23 PM] Father Steinbrenner's home for wayward men the Baltimore Orioles, has been lost for most of the 90's. He was treated for substance abuse, charged with spousal abuse and convicted of tax evasion for failing to disclose income from autographing baseballs and appearing at baseball card shows. Of course, the Yankees' front office is also a full participant in the Steinbrenner Rehabilitation Program. Gene Michael, the former Yankee manager and general manager who remains on Mr. Steinbrenner's payroll, was arrested in March 1995 for driving under the influence of alcohol and leaving the scene after he hit a street pole and refused to take a Breathalyzer test. Here's hoping that Mr. Steinbrenner who himself was found guilty of making illegal contributions to get Richard Nixon re-elected (and was later pardoned) can continue to work his magic until each of his reborn recidivists and rehab cases has a World Series ring. Mr. Steinbrenner may be the only boss in the city who runs a true meritocracy. (C) 1999 Mitchell Moss file:///C|/Users/ml164/Desktop/MM%20Local%20Files/html/oped/96-10-21-nyobserver.html[10/8/2012 5:31:23 PM].
Collegiate Baseball The Voice Of Amateur Baseball Started In 1958 At The Request Of Our Nation’s Baseball Coaches Vol. 64, No. 2 Friday, Jan. 29, 2021 $4.00 Innovative Products Win Top Awards Four special inventions 2021 Winners are tremendous advances for game of baseball. Best Of Show By LOU PAVLOVICH, JR. Editor/Collegiate Baseball Awarded By Collegiate Baseball F n u io n t c a t REENSBORO, N.C. — Four i v o o n n a n innovative products at the recent l I i t y American Baseball Coaches G Association Convention virtual trade show were awarded Best of Show B u certificates by Collegiate Baseball. i l y t t nd i T v o i Now in its 22 year, the Best of Show t L a a e r s t C awards encompass a wide variety of concepts and applications that are new to baseball. They must have been introduced to baseball during the past year. The committee closely examined each nomination that was submitted. A number of superb inventions just missed being named winners as 147 exhibitors showed their merchandise at SUPERB PROTECTION — Truletic batting gloves, with input from two hand surgeons, are a breakthrough in protection for hamate bone fractures as well 2021 ABCA Virtual Convention See PROTECTIVE , Page 2 as shielding the back, lower half of the hand with a hard plastic plate. Phase 1B Rollout Impacts Frontline Essential Workers Coaches Now Can Receive COVID-19 Vaccine CDC policy allows 19 protocols to be determined on a conference-by-conference basis,” coaches to receive said Keilitz.
THE National Pastime A REVIEW OF BASEBALL HISTORY CONTENTS The Chicago Cubs' College of Coaches Richard J. Puerzer ................. 3 Dizzy Dean, Brownie for a Day Ronnie Joyner. .................. .. 18 The '62 Mets Keith Olbermann ................ .. 23 Professional Baseball and Football Brian McKenna. ................ •.. 26 Wallace Goldsmith, Sports Cartoonist '.' . Ed Brackett ..................... .. 33 About the Boston Pilgrims Bill Nowlin. ..................... .. 40 Danny Gardella and the Reserve Clause David Mandell, ,................. .. 41 Bringing Home the Bacon Jacob Pomrenke ................. .. 45 "Why, They'll Bet on a Foul Ball" Warren Corbett. ................. .. 54 Clemente's Entry into Organized Baseball Stew Thornley. ................. 61 The Winning Team Rob Edelman. ................... .. 72 Fascinating Aspects About Detroit Tiger Uniform Numbers Herm Krabbenhoft. .............. .. 77 Crossing Red River: Spring Training in Texas Frank Jackson ................... .. 85 The Windowbreakers: The 1947 Giants Steve Treder. .................... .. 92 Marathon Men: Rube and Cy Go the Distance Dan O'Brien .................... .. 95 I'm a Faster Man Than You Are, Heinie Zim Richard A. Smiley. ............... .. 97 Twilight at Ebbets Field Rory Costello 104 Was Roy Cullenbine a Better Batter than Joe DiMaggio? Walter Dunn Tucker 110 The 1945 All-Star Game Bill Nowlin 111 The First Unknown Soldier Bob Bailey 115 This Is Your Sport on Cocaine Steve Beitler 119 Sound BITES Darryl Brock 123 Death in the Ohio State League Craig
{PDF EPUB} Pinstriped Summers Memories of Yankee Seasons Past by Dick Lally Lally, Richard
Read Ebook {PDF EPUB} Pinstriped Summers Memories of Yankee Seasons Past by Dick Lally Lally, Richard. PERSONAL: Married Barbara Bauer (a writer; divorced). ADDRESSES: Agent —c/o Author Mail, Random House/Crown, 1745 Broadway, New York, NY 10019. CAREER: Sportswriter. WRITINGS: (With Bill Lee) The Bartender's Guide to Baseball , Warner Books (New York, NY), 1981. (With Bill Lee) The Wrong Stuff , Viking (New York, NY), 1984. Pinstriped Summers: Memories of Yankee Seasons Past , Arbor House (New York, NY), 1985. Chicago Clubs (collectors edition), Bonanza Books (New York, NY), 1991. Boston Red Sox (collectors edition), Bonanza Books (New York, NY), 1991. (With Joe Morgan) Baseball for Dummies , foreword by Sparky Anderson, IDG Books Worldwide (Foster City, IA), 1998. (With Joe Morgan) Long Balls, No Strikes: What Baseball Must Do to Keep the Good Times Rolling , Crown (New York, NY), 1999. Bombers: An Oral History of the New York Yankees , Crown (New York, NY), 2002. (With Bill Lee) Have Glove, Will Travel: The Adventures of a Baseball Vagabond , Crown (New York, NY), 2005. SIDELIGHTS: Sports writer Richard Lally focusses much of his efforts on his main passion: baseball. After collaborating with former pro player Bill Lee on Lee's autobiography, The Wrong Stuff , Lally wrote Pinstriped Summers: Memories of Yankee Seasons Past , a book that focuses on the team's history from the time the Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS) bought the team in 1965 until the 1982 season. During this period, the Yankees experienced great success, winning four American League pennants and two World Series. They also experience "down" years, including a last-place finish in 1966.
T • ~ . I, oman Serving The State University of Iowa and tlie People of Iowa City Established in 1868-Five Cents a Copy Member of Associated Press LeBSPd Wire and Photo Servi~e Iowa City. Iowa, Thursday. September 18. l858 • • n 5 trl' e galnst or the union that con· Agreement Corporation Formed To Run Little Rock SC h 00 I S Reached On ng. 24.y.. roOld y •• r. M.ri. Citizens Try Yvonne, • , Firm Begins 3-Year Pact Emili., the Bulletin 1954. To Thwart Settlement Will AHect Moscow May Resume Su~eyOf Chrysler, GM Contracts Integr~tion Nuclear Weapons rests Iowa City By CHARLES C. CAl The Associ.ted Pr... LONDON IA'! - Radio Moscow DETROIT CAP) - Th from a 4·hour Six citizens of Little Rock said Thursday the Russians prob Representatives of Harland would pro tormed a corporation Wednesday ably will be forced to resume Bartholomew and AsSociates of United Auto Workers (UAW) R. Hoffa's to operate private schools-an ap· nuclear weapon tests. It de· llt. Louis recently engaged b, and the Ford Motor Co. agreed parent follow·up to Gov. Orval E. clared, "The Western Powers are Iowa City to prepare the "Com· Wednesday on a new 3.year Faubus' plans to make private simply (orcing the Soviet Union prehenslve City Plan," arrived in institutions o( the city's (our high to take back. its word. Iowa City Wednesday. contract ver~ hours after Work on the plan. which is with Hoffa schools. "Leaders of the Soviet Union ome 98,000 workers walked off sponsored by the city, SUr' and instituted.
NAME STATISTIC NAME STATISTIC Jim Abbott No-Hitter 9/4/93 Ralph Branca 3x All-Star Bobby Abreu 2005 HR Derby Champion; 2x All-Star George Brett Hall of Fame - 1999 Tommie Agee 1966 AL Rookie of the Year Lou Brock Hall of Fame - 1985 Boston #1 Overall Prospect-Named 2008 Boston Minor Lars Anderson Tom Browning Perfect Game 9/16/88 League Off. P.O.Y. Sparky Anderson Hall of Fame - 2000 Jay Bruce 2007 Minor League Player of the Year Elvis Andrus Texas #1 Overall Prospect -shortstop Tom Brunansky 1985 All-Star; 1987 WS Champion Luis Aparicio Hall of Fame - 1984 Bill Buckner 1980 NL Batting Champion Luke Appling Hall of Fame - 1964 Al Bumbry 1973 AL Rookie of the Year Richie Ashburn Hall of Fame - 1995 Lew Burdette 1957 WS MVP; b. 11/22/26 d. 2/6/07 Earl Averill Hall of Fame - 1975 Ken Caminiti 1996 NL MVP; b. 4/21/63 d. 10/10/04 Jonathan Bachanov Los Angeles AL Pitching prospect Bert Campaneris 6x All-Star; 1st to Player all 9 Positions in a Game Ernie Banks Hall of Fame - 1977 Jose Canseco 1986 AL Rookie of the Year; 1988 AL MVP Boston #4 Overall Prospect-Named 2008 Boston MiLB Daniel Bard Steve Carlton Hall of Fame - 1994 P.O.Y. Philadelphia #1 Overall Prospect-Winning Pitcher '08 Jesse Barfield 1986 All-Star and Home Run Leader Carlos Carrasco Futures Game Len Barker Perfect Game 5/15/81 Joe Carter 5x All-Star; Walk-off HR to win the 1993 WS Marty Barrett 1986 ALCS MVP Gary Carter Hall of Fame - 2003 Tim Battle New York AL Outfield prospect Rico Carty 1970 Batting Champion and All-Star 8x WS Champion; 2 Bronze Stars & 2 Purple Hearts Hank
Griffs Frustrated fundny skt SPORTS Garden C By Mantle. 6-5 TWELVE PAGES WASHINGTON, D. C., MAY 18, 1968 By BI'ITON HAWKINS i speed, grabbed the ball on the But luff Wrlttr dead run. juggled It. but held Mickey Mantle dui deeper- on. ately acroaa Griffith Stadium's J Thue the Senator*, only • rloae-cropped turf to make a -eme end a half ahead of the superb catch of a scorching last-place Whit* Sox, lost their liner by Plnch-hltter Julio , 1fourth game in a row as Bobov Shentx hi* straight Preakness, Beequer with two base for won fourth Captures oo Tim Tam a tame-ending out that pre- still the Senator*, who have served a 6-5 victory for the lost seven of nine game*, fell Yankee* over the Senator* yes- six game* back of the dratted terday. Yankee*, who have won 17 of game*. Up point Sena- their 33 The Senator*. to that the Oriole* and tied tor* extracted amazing Athletic* are had second with .500 efficiency from four previous for record*. Two Legs Up on Triple Crown pinch hitter*. Bob Malkmu* Third Lae* far Stobbs singled a* a pinch hitter and The Yankees, threatening to Roy Sievera socked a three-run blow the American League race homer in a pinch role In the wide open with scarcely a Lincoln Road eighth inning to whittle Wash- month gone, got near-maximum fMA ington's deficit to one run. 1 mileage from their alx hits off ¦ With one down In the ninth i four pitchers a* they Inflicted Beaten Again Pinch-hitter Alble Pearson > a third straight loss on Chuek * singled off Ryne Duren.
Bsball_M (99-00) 11/28/00 8:32 AM Page 14 14 DIVISION I Ba s e b a l l DIVISION I 2000 Championship Hi g h l i g h t s Tigers End Dream Season with Fifth Title: LSU catcher Brad Cresse drilled a single to left field off of Stanford’s Justin Wayne in the bottom of the ninth, plating Ryan Theriot from second base, giving the Tigers a 6-5 win and their fifth College World Series championship since 1991. Cresse was mired in a miserable College World Series before his final at-bat. The senior was 1- for-12 in the CWS prior to his game-winning single. Trey Hodges pitched four scoreless innings for his second win of the tournament. Hodges, who Brad Cresse overcame a slump at the plate to retired 10 of the 11 batters he faced, also picked up a save and was selected as the most out- drive in the title-winning run for LSU June 17. standing player of the College World Series. The catcher’s single to left field scored team - mate Ryan Theriot, giving LSU a 6-5 win over Wayne gave up four hits and four runs in relief of starter Jason Young. Wayne started the fifth St a n f o r d . inning and seven of his first nine outs were strikeouts, four looking. The Tigers’ normally strong offensive game seemed to be silent. But LSU (52-17) tied it in the eighth inning with two home runs, setting up Cresse’s dramatics.
MINNESOTA TWINS METROPOLITAN STADIUM - BLOOMINGTON, MINNESOTA /eepreieniin the AMERICAN LEAGUE __flfl I/ic Upper l?ic/we1 The Name... The name of this baseball club is Minnesota Twins. It is unique, as the only major league baseball team named after a state instead of a city. The reason unlike all other teams, this one represents more than one city. It, in fact, represents a state and a region, Minnesota and the Upper Midwest, in the American League. A survey last year drama- tized the vastness of the Minnesota Twins market with the revelation that up to 47 per cent of the fans at weekend games came from beyond the metropolitan area surrounding the stadium. The nickname, Twins, is in honor of the two largest cities in the Upper Midwest, the Twin Cities of Minne- apolis and St. Paul. The Place... The home stadium of the Twins is Metropolitan Stadium, located in Bloomington, the fourth largest city in the state of Minnesota. Bloomington's popu- lation is in excess of 50,000. Bloomington is in Hen- nepin County and the stadium is approximately 10 miles from the hearts of Minneapolis (Hennepin County) and St. Paul (Ramsey County). Bloomington has no common boundary with either of the Twin Cities. Club Records Because of the transfer of the old Washington Senators to Minnesota in October, 1960, and the creation of a completely new franchise in the Na- tion's Capital, there has been some confusion over the listing of All-Time Club records. In this booklet, All-Time Club records include those of the Wash- ington American League Baseball Club from 1901 through 1960, and those of the 1961 Minnesota Twins, a continuation of the Washington American League Baseball Club.
Drew University, BA (Majored in Fine Arts) *Young Alumni Award 2004 Drew University Varsity Baseball (Four Year Starter) 1996-1999 *All Conference 1996
JAMES FIORENTINO EDUCATION: Drew University, BA (Majored in Fine Arts) *Young Alumni Award 2004 Drew University Varsity Baseball (four year starter) 1996-1999 *All Conference 1996 GROUPS: National Art Museum of Sport (NAMOS): Former Trustee/ Advisory Board Member 2005-2016 The Raptor Trust of New Jersey: Trustee New York Society of Illustrators (Youngest member in their history at age nineteen) *Society of Animal Artists Signature Member American Watercolor Society Portrait Society of America Salmagundi Club member (NYC) *Artists For Conservation-Signature Member *New Jersey Watercolor Society Signature Member D & R Greenway Land Trust-Board Member 2017- Ed Lucas Foundation/Gene Michael Celebrity Golf Tournament committee member (*Received Gene Michael Humanitarian Award 2015) SELECTED SOLO EXIBITIONS Bob Feller Museum 2011 Flyway Gallery Secaucus NJ 2010 Somerset County NJ Parks Commission Environmental Educational Center 2010 MMK Gallery “The Art of Baseball-Motown and the Glass City” 2008 Yogi Berra Museum 2007 New York Board of Trade 2006 New York Society of Illustrators Member Exhibition 2001 National Basketball Hall of Fame (2001) Upper Deck “Fiorentino Collection” basketball cards and original artwork on display (Dr Julius Erving in attendance for opening) National Art Museum of Sport 2000 Korn Gallery (Drew University) 1999 Ted Williams Museum (1994-2000) Ted Williams “Twenty Greatest Hitters” and award artworks National Baseball Hall of Fame (Reggie Jackson Induction 1993) * Youngest artist to have work displayed in the Museum