Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1958-09-18
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T • ~ . I, oman Serving The State University of Iowa and tlie People of Iowa City Established in 1868-Five Cents a Copy Member of Associated Press LeBSPd Wire and Photo Servi~e Iowa City. Iowa, Thursday. September 18. l858 • • n 5 trl' e galnst or the union that con· Agreement Corporation Formed To Run Little Rock SC h 00 I S Reached On ng. 24.y.. roOld y •• r. M.ri. Citizens Try Yvonne, • , Firm Begins 3-Year Pact Emili., the Bulletin 1954. To Thwart Settlement Will AHect Moscow May Resume Su~eyOf Chrysler, GM Contracts Integr~tion Nuclear Weapons rests Iowa City By CHARLES C. CAl The Associ.ted Pr... LONDON IA'! - Radio Moscow DETROIT CAP) - Th from a 4·hour Six citizens of Little Rock said Thursday the Russians prob Representatives of Harland would pro tormed a corporation Wednesday ably will be forced to resume Bartholomew and AsSociates of United Auto Workers (UAW) R. Hoffa's to operate private schools-an ap· nuclear weapon tests. It de· llt. Louis recently engaged b, and the Ford Motor Co. agreed parent follow·up to Gov. Orval E. clared, "The Western Powers are Iowa City to prepare the "Com· Wednesday on a new 3.year Faubus' plans to make private simply (orcing the Soviet Union prehenslve City Plan," arrived in institutions o( the city's (our high to take back. its word. Iowa City Wednesday. contract ver~ hours after Work on the plan. which is with Hoffa schools. "Leaders of the Soviet Union ome 98,000 workers walked off sponsored by the city, SUr' and instituted. Three more schools in Virginia showed definite courage in halting th ir jobs in plants across the faced apparent closing on orders experiments and we hoped the the Iowa City School Board, will hn""nlrinn next of federal judges favoring integra· United States and Britian would be under the auspices of the St. nation. dogs over the tlon. One school already has been follow the Soviet example. Louis office with direct supervision In announcing the s ttle \ \ closed because of a state law "But there is a limit to our by E)dridge Lovelace. a partner of m nt, th barglliners said in a against integration. the firm. , patience." con F.ubus: No Comment Lovelace will make periodic joint tntement that th The "Little Rock Private School trips to Iowa City to present re tract was wfair to th worker. Corp." became a business when a ports, to meet with the Planning \.he company and the American investi .." Jersey Trai n Commission and to give general circuit judge signed corporation pubUc." papers. Faubus, who ordered the supervision to the work. UAW President Walter Reuther schools closed to prevent forcec:\ Speed Was To Taka 1. Month. said the union would ,et "atop the integration, had no comment on Preparation of the study is ex· strike situation as quJckly as we the action. 1 !)(:cted to take about 18 months. can" but eJfplained that local It could nol be learned whether IAbnormal During this time a resident plan· nero Donald Reynolos, will be dir the group will move immediately BAYONNE, N.J. (11'1 - The Hud· them go blCk to open private classrooms in ectly responsible for the work of DIS MOINIS WI - Mavt ru .",.av'uo k"p son County prosecutor said Wed· preparing the plan. amployMt .. HI," FerI Met.. Little Rock's high schools. How nesday a Jersey Ccnlral commuter . ever, observers expect the corpo· A graduate o( SUI. Reynolds Ca. utIIts here I,. e~ .. ba train was going at "an abnormal back It wwk HlI, mernlnt ration to wait until after a special has been with the St_ Louis firm rate of specd" when it plunged •• I of I C...... 1Ct ..,.... referendum Sept 27 before taking through a drawbridge on Monday. since June. 1957. ,..IM The "Comprehensive Plan" will __ .1."" at DetreIt. Tha _ any action. Faubus called the Prosecutor Lawrencc A. Whip election for the Little Rock SchoOl Include the following subjects: ,ley... I... weriI at 1. I. m. ple qucstioncd witnesses at Bay· W........ y. District to let voters decide wheth· onne Police Headquarters in an population and economic studies; er they want integrated or segre· investigation of the cause of the and parking; schools and parks; Those wha Itrvck _,. mem gated classrooms. disaster. land use and ~oning; major streets ba", .. Lac.l, '" .nd 211 .. the Administration Vi.w The toll of known dead in thc housing and public buildings; pub· Unltocl Auto Werka",. Thay ..... The Justice Department in Wash· disaster mountcd to 27 Wednesday. IIc works and administration. em,t.yad at ,enI Film I""'t- Each of the subjects will be ington had no immediate com Another 19 peopie were reported ."..,. .nd pam "."". ment on the ptivate schaal plan. missing and were believed to have pr~sented to the Planning Com· mission in the form of a prelimin· However. Government legal eX' taken the train from the north problems would have lo be settled ary report for consideration by the perts believe such a shift from Jersey coast. In eertaln pI before the walk· public schools to priY:&te instilu Whipple said the I)·coach train official public agencies and groups out Is ended completeJy. tions can be challenged success, was going at abnormal speed as of citizens. The new Ford contract called fully in the courts if continued (ar baek as a warning signal 2,000 As the work progresses. the for pay boostJ. iDcreaeed pen ions, use of public tax moncy is in· feet from the open draw. Planning Commission and their ad· severance pay. cost-oC·lIvJn, Ind volved and if it can be shown Had it not been for the speed, visors will work with the planners Improvement 'actor allowances, the change is simply a device to Whipple said, he believes a de· so that general agreement can be It's Done-After 98-Thousand Strike compensation for those on short avoid obeying the Supreme Caurt. railing device would have halted reached on each phase of the plan. THE TRADITIONAL HANDSHAKE ov.r the bargaining t.ble was .lIreamant w.s ....ched I.t. Wednesday Ifttrnoon which climallld work weeks and extended supple At Little Rock, in another de the train on the trestle over N ew Report to ... Publi.hed mental unemployment pay. vclopment. the school board rein· After all of the preliminary reo m.de Wednesday in Datroit by John S. Bu,as (I.ft), vlce.pr.sident hDurs of bargaining but f.iled to avert • strike. The ..ttI,ment will ark Bay. As with Ford, Reuther said "We stated football and other extra ports have been submitted, studied of Ford Motor Co,'s industrial r.l.tions dlvi.ion, .nd Walt,r P. sand 10m. fl.thoullnd wortters buk to work. Thay ha4 qui.tlV "1 think the engineer was strick· will not hesitate to set a strike and revised. when necessary, they Reuther, presld.nt of tha United Auto Work,rl. A n.w contr.ct walked off their job ••t 10 '.m. Wednesday. curricular activites at the high en at the home device (the red deadline with the other members schools. will be condensed and summarized light) 2.000 feet from the draw," of the big three auto companies if As these developments took in a final comprehensive plan reo Whipple said. It becomes necessary." place. Atty. Gen. William Rogers In Newark, meanwhile, the New port. jiaid in Washington that public of· Jersey Public Utility Commission The report will then be adopted Charter Meet In an atmosphere of cordiality ficials who are sworn to support ordered all passenger railroads in as the official plan of Iowa City marked by hand·shakin" Reuther the U. S. Constitution have no the state to install a so·called and, If found advisable, will be and John S. Bu,as. Ford vice presl. Registration Begins Monday dent and head of Its bargaining ,.right to defy decisions of the Suo "dead man's control" in their loco· published for general circulation. preme Court which interpret the motives within 90 days. Currently, negotiations are un· Set For Iowa team, agreed that the new contract Constitution. derway for tbe preparation of The first of an entire semester of problems and other profes ional colleges will register QfI Monday was "nonexcessive." Asked if it was also noninflationary, Reuther "Individuals may not determine JAZZMAN FIELDS DIES a zoning plan for Johnson County. decisions will begin Monday and Tuesday Cor SUI from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. for themselves when they will MIAMI, Fla. IA'! - Jazzman Herb· The County Zoning Plan would be now available in Room replied that It Wat and Bu,as students as registration begins. Permits to registcr are said "practically." obey the decrees of the courts and ie Fields, 39, one of the greats of prepared currently with the "Com· Drama Group Students in the College o{ Commerce, the Grad 1. University Hall. prehenslve Plan" lor Iowa City. Slmn.,. at Grytler when they will ignore them," said American music, died Wednesday. Five Iowa community theatre uate College and former student in the College of Rogers in a speech prepared for Police said he committed suicide The objective of the planning Registration materials will be Issued only to '11Ie IetUement brouIht a similar Liberal Arts and Engineering will register from reaction (rom Chrysler. John D. the National Conference on Citizen· at his home with an overdose of program will be to produce a groups have selected nominees students who have permits to register and who sleeping pills.