The Ukrainian Weekly 1953
• .-,.--. Dedicated to the Ideals Addreus and Interests of young UKRAINIAN WEEKLY American* of Ukrainian 81-83 Grand Street descent. Informative, instructive. \кмінськнй щолЕнтік Jersey City S, N. J. Supplement of UKRAINIAN DAILY Ukrainian Dally Svoboda TeL HEnderson { 4-°287 WEEKLY: No. 16 VOLUME XXI (4-0807 Published by the Ukrainian NaUonal Ukrainian National Ass's Association. The Ukrainian Weekly Section TeL HEnderson 4-1018 . ; s'f. PTK LX. 4. 90. SECTION II. JERSEY CITY and NEW YORK, SATURDAY, APRIL 18, 1053 8ECTION H. No. 90 VOL. LX. lit Weekly Commentator UKRAINIAN EXHIBIT PRO-SOVIET RALLY RAIDED Students Conference Outstanding IN CHICAGO Success a* *a SOVIET PRICES FANTASTIC. "THE PACE THAT KILLS" Refugees from behind the sent for more help. A total of "Inside the Moscow market' The saying, "there's always The first conference of Uk the nature and activities of the smell is a combination of room at at the top." has grown Iron Curtain stormed a meet- 75 police and 30 vehicles were ing of the Chicsgo Council alerted, and squads were rush- rainian American Students or American voluntary organiza „okKe„«, „«.,. «_!«. „«л ь., trite from endless repetition, ganizations took place on April cabbage, sour cream and nu- 2 ... .. of American-Soviet Friendship ed from adjoining districts tions. He urged those present*' , y- , But, like all such homely and turned it into a near riot •імІГ"*j * "~ Ш J 10-12, and was judged by all to take an active part in cam* " man bodies, writes Mrs. Jane J adages> there І8 more truth last Sunday, April 12, JacThk eRossen demonstrator, chairmas n chaseof thde .
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