Thoughts on a New Leitmotif for International Politics Reader Jos Van Gennip Lecture the Dutch Senate, January 22, 2014

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Thoughts on a New Leitmotif for International Politics Reader Jos Van Gennip Lecture the Dutch Senate, January 22, 2014 GLOBal pARtnership – THOUGhts on a new leitMOTIF For international politicS READER Jos van Gennip LeCTURE The DUTch SENATE, JANUARy 22, 2014 READER Jos van Gennip LeCTURE The DUTch SENATE, JANUARy 22, 2014 Jos van Gennip Lecture The aim of the Jos van Gennip Lectures is to provide an impetus to the Dutch public debate and policy by placing current developments in the international global development debate in a Dutch context. The Jos van Gennip Lectures are organized by NCDO and Institute of Social Studies (ISS) as a token of appreciation for Van Gennip’s commitment and invaluable contribution in the fields of international development cooperation and global sustainable development. NCDO is a Dutch expertise and advisory center for citizenship and international cooperation. It promotes public awareness of international cooperation and the importance of active Dutch involvement in this area. NCDO carries out research, provides information and advice, stimulates public debate, for example by organizing the Jos van Gennip Lectures, and is actively involved in the field of training and education. During the implementation of these activities NCDO cooperates with government, political and social organizations, the business community, the research sector and with citizens directly. More information can be found by visiting The International Institute of Social Studies (ISS) in The Hague is part of the Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR). ISS is a highly diverse international community of scholars and students from the global south and the north, which brings together people, ideas and insights in a multi-disciplinary setting which nurtures, fosters and promotes critical thinking and conducts innovative research into fundamental social problems. ISS shares expertise with a wider public by providing high-level policy advice, serving as a platform for debate and the exchange of ideas and engaging in consultancy can mark itself as a unique and still growing Institution. Being both research- and teaching-based, the collected talent and significant contributions its academics have made in the field of development can be at least partially attributed to the multicultural and close-knit community that has marked the Institution’s history. More information can be found by visiting Cover photo: Bart Maat / Hollandse Hoogte Amsterdam, January 2014 NCDO is the centre for global citizenship. P.O. Box 94020, 1090 AD Amsterdam tel +31 (0)20 568 87 55 [email protected], JOS VAN GENNIP LECTURE THE DUTCH SENATE, JANUARY 22, 2014 Global partnership – thoughts on a new leitmotif for international politics PROGRAMME 15.00 Welcome and registration 15.30 Opening by Hans Franken, Vice-President of the Senate 15.35 Introduction by moderator Rolph van der Hoeven, Institute of Social Studies 15.45 Lecture by Horst Köhler, former President of the Federal Republic of Germany and member of the UN High Level Panel of eminent persons on the Post-2015 Development Agenda - Global partnership – thoughts on a new leitmotif for international politics 16.30 Lecture by Lilianne Ploumen, Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation 17.00 Discussion 17.40 Concluding remarks by Pieter van Geel, Chairman of the NCDO Board of Supervisors 17.45 Drinks CONTENTS . INTRODUCTION . BIOGRAPY HORST KÖHLER . BIOGRAPHY LILIANNE PLOUMEN . A LIFE OF DIGNITY FOR ALL UNITED NATIONS . A NEW GLOBAL PARTNERSHIP THE CO-CHAIRS OF THE HIGH-LEVEL PANEL OF EMINENT PERSONS ON THE POST-2015 DEVELOPMENT AGENDA . A WORLD TO GAIN MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS OF THE NETHERLANDS . A DECENT LIFE FOR ALL EUROPEAN COMMISSION . DE NEDERLANDSE INZET IN DE POST-2015 ONTWIKKELINGSAGENDA MINISTER PLOUMEN . THE EU IN 2030 MARGARITAS CHINAS . THE POST- 2015 DEVELOPMENT AGENDA ADVISORY COUNCIL ON INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS . CAPITALISM AND INEQUALITY JOS VAN GENNIP GLOBAL PARTNERSHIP - THOUGHTS ON A NEW LEITMOTIF FOR INTERNATIONAL POLITICS INTRODUCTION The Jos van Gennip Lecture is a series of lectures named after former Dutch Senator Mr. Van Gennip, who resigned as Chairman of the Board of NCDO in February 2012. The lectures are organized by NCDO and ISS as a token of appreciation for Van Gennip’s commitment and invaluable contribution in the fields of international development cooperation and global sustainable development. The aim of the lectures is to provide an impetus to the Dutch public debate and policy by placing current developments in the international global development debate in a Dutch context. The lectures cover topics on international cooperation and sustainable development. Specifically, it focuses on analyses of (global) social, economic and ecological developments and their impact on the Dutch international cooperation and global sustainable development policies. This reader provides background information for the second Jos van Gennip Lecture, to be held on January 22, 2014: Global partnership – thoughts on a new leitmotif for international politics. It contains the biographies of Horst Köhler and Lilianne Ploumen, both of whom will speak at the lecture, the programme and a number of relevant articles and reports on the lecture’s subject. BIOGRAPHY HORST KÖHLER Horst Köhler served as the ninth President of the Federal Republic of Germany between 2004 and 2010. During his term of office he was not only engaged in the domestic arena but he was committed in the field of foreign issues as well. He advocated a human dimension to globalization with clearly defined rules and was therefore a staunch campaigner for poverty eradication and the African continent. During his career, Mr Köhler was appointed as State Secretary in 1990 in which position he negotiated the German-German monetary union with the GDR leadership. Additonally, he achieved the agreement on the withdrawal of Soviet troops from the GDR in Moscow. Moreover, he was chief negotiator for the Maastricht Treaty on European Monetary Union, as well as the Personal Representative (Sherpa) of the then Federal Chancellor Helmut Kohl for the World Economic Summits of the then G7. In 1993 he became President of the German Savings Bank Association and worked to create a modern image of the organization and recognized the particular responsibility of the savings banks for small and medium-sized enterprises and for the social climate in the municipalities. In 1998 he took the position of the President of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development in London until 2000, when he was proposed as the new Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in Washington, DC. He acted in this position until his election as Federal President in 2004. President Köhler was a member of UN Secretary General’s High Level Panel on the Post-2015 Development Agenda from 2012-2013 and continues to serve in a number of national and international organizations in honorary positions. BIOGRAPHY LILIANNE PLOUMEN Lilianne Ploumen holds a Master’s Degrees in Social History (1988) and Strategic Marketing Management (1992) In 1983, while still at university, Lilianne Ploumen became a community outreach worker in the Crooswijk area of Rotterdam. Two years later she joined the Institute of Psychological Market Research (IPM), working in the statistics department and as a research project leader. IPM focuses on research-based consultancy. In 1995 she founded Ploumen Projecten, an organisation specialising in market research and innovation for commercial and non-profit clients. In the same year she also began working as a fundraising coordinator for Mama Cash, an international fund supporting women’s initiatives, going on to become director of the organisation from 1996 to 2001. From 2001 to 2007 Ms Ploumen worked for the development organisation Cordaid, first as head of quality and strategy and later as director of international programmes. She was Chair of the Labour Party (PvdA) from October 2007 to January 2012. On 5 November 2012 Lilianne Ploumen was appointed Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation in the Rutte-Asscher government. Lilianne Ploumen previously held the position of Vice Chair of the Evert Vermeer Foundation, and was a member of the Labour Party’s South-North Committee (advising on international cooperation). She has also been a board member of feminist organisation Opzij and Women Inc. and member of the Stop Aids Now! supervisory board. United Nations A/68/202 General Assembly Distr.: General 26 July 2013 Original: English Sixty-eighth session Item 118 of the provisional agenda* Follow-up to the outcome of the Millennium Summit A life of dignity for all: accelerating progress towards the Millennium Development Goals and advancing the United Nations development agenda beyond 2015 Report of the Secretary-General Summary The present report is submitted pursuant to General Assembly resolution 65/1, in which the Assembly requested the Secretary-General to report annually on progress in the implementation of the Millennium Development Goals until 2015 and to make recommendations for further steps to advance the United Nations development agenda beyond 2015. Renewed efforts are essential for achieving the Millennium Development Goals by the end of 2015. While providing an assessment of progress to date, the report also identifies policies and programmes that have driven success in the achievement of the Goals and can contribute to accelerating it. These include emphasizing inclusive growth, decent employment and social protection; allocating more resources for essential services and ensuring access
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