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REGULATED PLANT INDEX of Sept The PALMETTO, Spring 1994, Page 7 Family Affiliation of Species on the REGULATED PLANT INDEX of Sept. 1993 by Naney C. Coile Florida's endangered plant species are protected by representative from each of the following organizations: state law. The specific authority comes through Florida Committee for Rare and Endangered Plants and Animals, Statutes, Sections 570.07(23) and 581.185(4). The Rules of Florida Federation of Garden Clubs, Florida Forestry the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Association, Florida Native Plant Society, Florida Nurs• Services, Division of Plant Industry, Chapter 5B-40, Florida erymen and Growers Association. The EPAC Chair for Administrative Code (FAC) is entitled: "Preservation of 1993-1994 is Richard Moyroud (representative of the Native Flora of Florida" and includes the "Regulated Plant Florida Native Plant Society). Other EPAC members are: Index". Penalties for violations of Rule Chapter 5B-40 are Dr. Loran C. Anderson (Florida State University), Dr. provided in Section 581.141 and 581.211 of the Florida Daniel F. Austin (Florida Atlantic University), Dr. Daniel Statutes. B. Ward (Committee for Rare and Endangered Plants and As stated in Rule Chapter 5B-40, FAC, the purpose is Animals), Ms. Eve R. Hannahs (Florida Federation of "to provide rules for the purpose of preserving the native Garden Clubs), Mr. Charles D. Daniel III (Florida Forestry flora of Florida, by encouraging the propagation of endan• Association), and Mr. David M. Drylie, Jr. (Florida Nurs• gered or depleted species of flora and by providing an erymen and Growers Association). Mr. Daniel C. Phelps orderly and controlled procedure for restricting harvesting (Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Servic• of native flora from the wilds, thus preventing exploitation es, Division of Plant Industry) serves as the secretary. or destruction of Florida native plant populations." Florida A copy of Rule Chapter 5B-40, FAC, may be requested has many superb native plant nurseries, some of which from the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer offer species listed as endangered or threatened. The Services, Division of Plant Industry, P.O. Box 147100, position of the Florida Native Plant Society (FNPS) is that Gainesville, FL 32614-7100. Also available is a publication "transplanting from the wild merely transfers native plants entitled "Florida's Endangered and Threatened Plants" from natural to man-made habitats and results in a net loss which provides up-to-date nomenclature, references, of native plants." (FNPS Board of Directors in a board common names, family, and a short description for each meeting on November 19, 1988.) However, FNPS encourag• listed species. The short description includes some or all of es transplanting nursery-grown native plants. A Plant and the following information: habit, key characteristics, Seroice Directory may be obtained from the Association of habitats, geographic range, and bloom time. This free Florida Native Nurseries, P.O. Box 1003, San Antonio, FL publication contains descriptions of these rare species, 33576. which are difficult to locate. Before species are placed on the Regulated Plant Index, The family affiliations provided below are grouped into the Endangered Plant Advisory Council (EPAC) examines four main categories: Lichens, Pteridophyta (ferns and fern• rare species and makes recommendations as to the feasibili• allies), Gymnospermae (conifers, cycads, etc.), and ty of including the species on the Regulated Plant Index. Angiospermae (flowering plants). Some families have The Regulated Plant Index consists of three species lists: alternate names as provided by the Code of International endangered, threatened, or commercially exploited. The Nomenclature. Apiaceae (= Umbelliferae), Arecaceae (= listing of species is an ongoing activity and will probably Palma e), Asteraceae (= Compos itae), Brassicaceae (= Cru• never be static. As of September 20, 1993, the endangered ciferae), Caesalpinaceae (= Leguminosae, in part), Fabaceae plant list contained 255 species; the threatened plant list (= Leguminosae, in par!), Lamiaceae (= Labiatae), had 37 species and eight categories listed; and the commer• Mimosaceae (= Leguminosae, in part), Poaceae (= Grami• cially exploited list had 12 species. neae). Lobelia may also be placed in Campanulaceae. Nolina The threatened list has eight categories which do not list and Zephyranthes may also be placed in Liliaceae. Hyperi• individual species: ferns (see Pteridophytes below), cum may also be placed in Guttiferae. [Species in bold Zephyranthes (see Amaryllidaceae, hollies (see Aquifoli• print are on the Federal list.] aceae, bromeliads (see Bromeliaceae), cacti (see Cactaceae), LICHENS: (one endangered) Cladollia perforata Rhododendron (see Ericaceae), orchids (see Orchidaceae), PTERIDOPHYT A: (fourteen endangered) Acrostichum aureum and palms (see Palmae). Eventually, the Endangered Plant (golden leather fern), Adiantum melanoleucum (fragrant maiden• Advisory Council may recommend listing individual hair fern), Asplenium auritwll (auricled spleenwort), Asplenium species rather than the categories. Some very common 1I1onanthes (San Felasco spleenwort), Asplenium pumilum (dwarf ferns, for example, are automatically placed in the threat• spleenwort), Asplenium serratum (bird's nest spleenwort), ened category even if "threatened" is clearly inappropiate Bleclwwll occidentale (sinkhole fern), Campyloneurum angustifolium for the widespread species, e.g. Thelypteris kunthii. (narrow strap fern), Cheilanthes microphylla (southern lip fern), The Endangered Plant Advisory Council includes two Dennstaedtia bipinnata (cuplet fern), Lycopodium dichotomum (hanging clubmoss), Ophioglossum palmatum (hand fern), Schizaea botanists who must be from a Florida university and a germanii (ray fern), Tectaria coriandrifolia (Hattie Bauer halberd Page 8, The PALMETTO, Spring 1994 fern); (two commercially exploited) Osmundn Cl11namomea CELASTRACEAE: (two endangered) Crossopetalum illicifolium (cinnamon fern), Osmunda regalis (royal fern) (Christmas berry), Crossopetalum rhacoma (rhacoma) All native fern and fern-allies species are listed as threatened, erST ACEAE: (two endangered) Lechea divaricata (spreading with the following exceptions: Azolla, Blechnum serrulatum pinweed), l.echea lakelae (Lakela's pinweed); (one threatened) (swamp fern), Polypodium aureum (serpent fern), Polypodium Lechea cernua (scrub pinweed) polypodioides (resurrection fern), Pteris aquilinum (conunon CLUSIACEAE: (one endangered) Clusia rosea (balsam-apple) bracken), Salvinia (water ferns), Thelypteris nomlalis (shield COMPOSITAE: (sixteen endangered) Aster hemisphericus (aster), Aster fern), and Woodwardia virginica (Virginia chain fern). spinulosus (pinewoods aster), Bigelowia nuttallii (Nuttall's rayless GYMNOSPERMAE goldenrod), Brickellia cordifolia (Flyr's nemesis), Brickellia mosieri (Brickell-bush), CltnJsopsis cruiseana (Cruise's golden-aster), TAXACEAE: (two endangered) Taxus floridana (Florida yew), Chrysops is floridana (Florida's golden-aster), Helianthus carnosus Torreya taxifolia (stinking cedar or Florida torreya) (flatwoods sunflower), Liatris oltlingerae (scrub blazing star), ZAMIACEAE: (one commercially exploited) Zamia (all native species) (coontie) Liatris provincialis (Godfrey's blazing star), Morshallia obovata (Barbara's buttons), Morshallia ramosa (Barbara's buttons), ANGIOSPERMAE Melanthera parvifolia (small-leaved melanthera), Pityopsis flexuosa ACANTHACEAE: (three endangered) Justicia cooleyi (Cooley's (Florida golden-aster), Rudbeckia nitida (St.John's Susan), Sachsia justicia), Justicia crassifolia (thick-leaved water willow), Ruellia bahamensis (Bahama sachsia); (four threatened) Cacalia diversifolia noctiflora (night-flowering wild petunia) (Indian plantain), Garberia heterophylla (garberia), Hartwrightia AGAVACEAE: (one endangered) Nolilla brittollialla (Britton's floridana (hartwrightia), Verbesina chapmanii (Chapman's beargrass); (one threatened) Nolina atopocarpa (Florida beargrass) crownbeard) AMARYLLIDACEAE: (one endangered) Zephyranthes simpsonii CONVOLVULACEAE: (seven endangered) Bonamia grandiflora (Simpson's zephyr-lily) (Florida bonamia), Cl1lystegia catesbaeiana (Catesby's bindweed), All other native, white-flowered species are on the threatened Ipomoea microdactyla (wild potato morning glory), Ipomoea list. tenuissima (rockland morning glory), Jacquemontia curtissii ANNONACEAE: (three endangered) Asimina tetramera (four• (pineland jacquemontia), Jacquemontia reclinata (beach petaled pawpaw), Deeringotltamllus pulcltel/us (white squirrel• jacquemontia), Stylisma abdita (hidden stylisrna) banana), Deeringotltamnus rugelii (yellow squirrel-banana) CORNACEAE: (one endangered) Comus altemifolia (pagoda dog• AQUIFOLIACEAE: (one endangered) Ilex krugiana (Krug's holly); wood) (two commercially exploited) Ilex cassine (dahoon), Ilex opaca CROOMIACEAE: (one endangered) Croomia paucifolia (croornia) (American holly) CRUCIFERAE: (three endangered) Arabis canadensis (sicklepod), All other native holly species are listed as threatened, except for Warea amplexifolia (clasping warea), Warea carteri (Carter's Ilex coriacea (large gallberry), Ilex glabra (gallberry), flex mustard) myrtifolia (myrtle-leaved holly) and Ilex vomitoria (yaupon). CUCURBITACEAE: (one endangered) Cucurbita okeecltobeellsis ARISTOLOCHIACEAE: (one endangered) Aristolochia tomentosa (Okeechobee gourd) (pipevine); (one threatened) Hexastylis arifolia (heartleaf wild CYPERACEAE:
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