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""ij , V". - , i': , c i t-- "numbered about two iSemocratic Qab, District of Celambii, THEKOMira JKLUB DAKOX WAS A total eosspany e -- persons: -- - o- hnadredand eighty V . Boys'tBrigada-a-h- District of C- MOST TTRTTiTJANT AFFAIR. - THEBROADAX Klub are' ,T.,i B, 1913. The officers of the Komus . lumbia, National .Fraternity of Pages, WubiBgtas, 3 C. March W Dr. B. "Hi Pinchback, Presidentr Dr. B '"" TOBBKLTV First Brigade, Divisloai (Special to Tho Broad At.) CBISKED JPwtkr4 Vice-Presiden- t; Dr. G. H. Gov: Elliott VT. Major ana Staff of I Thiala a season of comparatives and vt. Freeman. '. Secretary; John W. Cromwell, ut-ai-a- li - saperlativea-most- ly Butcher, . ."WS. jfraasslcata tUnea apteM Missouri commanding; Band Iiepre- superlatives. The 4h .prlaciples areasurer. The dance last nigns trao t Deaeoeracrv "aa eentative American Indian Chiefs, positive degree is in dry-do- ck ifor the Jr CatbaHca PraicrtBTiri, driest, l&Meta, immediate direc- Waste BtpaUlUaai, r'aarvae etae Chief Hollow Horn Bear commanding; time being. In other words, these are iras given under the 2am. Ia-aa- sa earn feara tactr ear as Jaesr aa .weir executive committee of the I preper Tesyaaa&ittix Tammany Hall Delegation; Edward the '"Never Before" times. For tion of the and I Jtxd. A. Pinch-bac- k, Gearbereaux Democratic Club of New never before was there such an inaugu- Klub composed of Walter Haley C. Dong-la- s, k. .. Ts Broad Ax U MWaape Wboaa. York City; Kings County Dcmocratie ration as this one, with its 300,000 Esq, Chairman; IBifci-ytfif- laiaaaaaaal '1 .platform la liroad caoagb tar all, rrer Cook, E.
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