Poverty Assessment and Mapping in Sudan Part 3 Poverty Assessment in Sudan: Mapping natural resource potential Eddy De-Pauw, Weicheng Wu Agricultural Economics and Policy Research Centre (AEPRC), Agricultural Research CorporaƟon (ARC), Sudan Poverty Assessment in Sudan Mapping natural resource potenƟal Copyright © 2012 ICARDA (Internaonal Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas). Citaon: Eddy De-Pauw, Weicheng Wu 2012. Poverty Assessment in Sudan Mapping natural resource potenal. ICARDA, Aleppo, Syria. vi + 33 pp. ISBN: 92-9127-263-9 Internaonal Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA) P.O.Box 5466, Aleppo, Syria Tel: +963 21 2213433, 2213477, 2225012 E – mail:
[email protected] Website: www.icarda.org The views expressed are those of the authors, and not necessarily those of ICARDA. Where trade names are used, it does not imply endorsement of, or discriminaon against, any product by the Center. Maps have been used to support research data, and are not intended to show polical boundaries. ii Contents Excuve Summary ....................................................................................................................................... v Mapping Agricultural Resource Potenal of Sudan ..................................................................................... 1 1. Agroclimac Zones ................................................................................................................................. 1 2. Annual Growings Degree Days ..............................................................................................................