Redfspace Twins9 Make Safe, Bulls-Eye Landings
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'insfnoufjon _, Weather _ j * Temperature at 7 a, m., n Today :>,**, -f- Itfrtt*. suaqr today; *lcb, M MED BAM <X*re«. FA tmfebt wdlW 18,900 <tajr, Sow In the STi. High tlmr*- day, M degrees. Friday, tome JWUMy TMOUOHjniBAY-ttT. mt cloudiness and warm. blalSH 1-0010 \' UmM tat. Umita nn*t» rnttt. secona,1 ciut FO«>(> VOL. 85, NO. 36 F>M u RM Bui *M U Mdlilinu Hilling OHICM. RED BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 15, 1962 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE RedfSpace Twins9 Make Safe, Bulls-eye Landings MOSCOW (AP)-The Soviet Un- time l/m.l:55 a.m. EST 1/m and nounced Immediately, but Soviet layev, who blasted off at 11:30 more than 64 times, covering a ion's "heavenly twins" returned Lt. Col. Pavel Popovich in Vostok astronauts normally come down a.m. Saturday, and just 61 min- distance of more than 1.6 million to earth today and were reported IV at 10:01 a.m . in the central Volga area of utes short of three days for miles.- The message said Popo- in good health after bullseye "Both cosmonauts feel well," Saratov, 400 miles southeast of Popovich, who went up at 11:02 vich made more than 48 orbits landings ending record-breaking said the Soviet news agency. Moscow. Both men are believed a.m. Sunday. for a distance of nearly 1.24 mil- space flights that apparently gave Tass said they landed normally to 'have taken off from the usual The Communist party Central lion miles. the Soviet Union a giant stride aboard their spaceships "exactly launch zone near Karsakpay, in Committee, the Supreme Soviet Shatter Recoids WHAT IS IT WORTH? — This is a section of the Hanson-Van Winkle-Munning Co. toward a manned shot at the in the predetermined area" of the the virgin lands of Kazakhstan. Presidium and the Soviet govern- They far outdistanced the time plant in Matawan Township around which centers a debate over tax assessment. It moon. Soviet Union. The flights lasted just 95 min- ment in a joint message said Ni and distance of any preceding utes short of four days for Niko- is the only "new" section—built about 10 years ago. Other portions of plant date The Soviet news agency Novosti I The landing site was not an- kolayev had circled the earth space flight. said the two Soviet spacemen Soviet astronaut Ma]. Gherman back to 1911. Company, .which manufactures chemicals, metal finishing equipment, brilliantly fulfilled their task and Titov set the previous record with generators and rectifiers, got a $700,000 cut in assessment as result of revaluation. for the next few days "will re- his 25-hour, 17-orbit flight on main under observation of doctors Aug. 6, 1961. America's longest to study the influences of pro- traveling spacemen, Lt. Col, John longed space flight on tUe human H. Glenn Jr. and Lt Cmdr. Mal- Biggest Taxpayer Gets Cut organism." colm Scott Carpenter, each made A surge of jubilation swept over three orbits this year. The world's the Soviet Union at the news of first spaceman, Soviet astronaut Twp. Officials Unhappy Over $22,000 Tax 'Loss' their landing, the agency said Yuri Gagarin, made one orbit Muscovites flocked into Red lasting 108 minutes on April 12, Square. "Cosmos! Cosmos! Cos- 1961. the firm's tax assessment has The governing body, to date, MATAWAN TOWNSHIP - The mos!" shouted younger members A hero's welcome and world been decreased this year by question of whether the township has taken no action on this. Be- of the crowd. acclaim awaited Nlkolayev, 32, (700.000. will be able to "make up" a loss cause the assessment fiUng dead- Tass said Maj. Andrlan Niko- and Popovich, 31, whom Soviet o' approximately {22,000 in an- The company previously had line has passed, the' figure could layev landed in his spaceship, newspapers have dubbed "the nual tax revenue from its larg- been assessed at (1,600,000. be raised this year only if Han Vostok III, at 9:55 a.m. Moscow heavenly twins." Red Square was est taxpayer, Hanson-Van Winkle- The new assessment, which son-Van Winkle-Munning agrees. being readied for a mammoth Munning Co., by raising its new was made by J.M. Clemlnshaw But several members of the welcome for the two new heroes, assessment remains unsolved to- Co., Cleveland, Ohio, the firm governing body described the possibly on Sunday, which Is day. which revalued all property in (86,800 at a meeting Tuesday Soviet air force day. the township last year as a re- State Gets But it appears unlikely that t night as "peanuts." sult of new state law, is (900,000. will be done with the company's They are interested in finding (3.09 Rate consent or court litigation. out whether a large portion of The local tax rate is (3.09 per StormAid And the Township Committee the (700,000 assessment reduc- already has indicated that it (100 assessed valuation. tion can be restored — and U2 Pilot would prefer not to get into a The Cleminshaw firm recently whether it can be done without court fight. rechecked its figures for Han- a court battle. From U.S. son-Van Winkle-Munning, and When advised of this yesterday, the entire issue came to recommended that (8C 800 be John A. Bauer, company secre- Seeking light this week when Assessor added to the assessment, but no tary and a member of the board John B. Kenner revealed that more. $6.6 Million Is of directors, commented: BACK TO EARTH — Andrian Nilcolayev, left, and Pavel Popovich made a smiting Little Chance Granted; Reject team in this phofo released in Moscow by Soviet newt agency Novoiti. The eoimo- Divorce "There's very little chance of nauti returned to earth today after record-breaking dual space flight. ' (AP Photo) Zone Board Favors hat" (the company's agreeing to 10 Applications MILLEDGEVILLE, Ga. (AP)- a large increase, based on the Six months after a dramatic re- new assessment). lease from a Soviet prison, former Horse Farm Plans Referring to the revaluation TRENTON (AP)-The federal U2 pilot Francis Oary Powers assessment figure of (900,000, he government has approved (6.6 Board to Take Another Look sued his wife, Barbara, for di- NEW SHREWSBURY - The before Mayor and Council at the said: million in disaster aid to storm- vorce on grounds of cruelty and Zoning Board of Adjustment last meeting Thursday, Sept. 6. "We are very happy about it." damaged New Jersey communi- intoxication. sight unanimously agreed to Mr. Weny intends to purchase He said there was little doubt ties from a total of (25.7 million the petition was filed Tuesday grant a use variance to Frank X. the property at 440 Riverdale that the company had been over- requested by the state and (17.1 At Broad SLj^artment Plan In Superior Court at this middle Weny for the purpose o[ op- Ave. from Mrs. Marion Bernard. assessed "for a long time," not- million' authorized by Fresident Georgia city, hometown of the 28- erating i horse farm to raise He explained that he will con- ing that one building -at the Kennedy. RED BANK — the Planning Sept. 11 Review another board, member, and Hen- year-old brunette Powers married breed and train race horses on struct tw.o-.twining .tracks, one piant is more than 50 years old, Gov. Richard J. Hughes made; Board last night agreed to take ' He made tRe observation: after ry F. Labrecque, borough engi- in 1955. The couple has no chil- 120 acres of property on River- inside" the other, and four stables. another more than 35 years old the announcement at a news con- another look at proposals to re- member Joseph Esposito moved neer, be asked to participate In dren. dale Ave. Mostly Trotters "Only 10 per cent of the plant ference Tuesday. zone Broad St. areas for the con- that the board suggest rezonlng the talks. Powers said In the petition he Mr. Weny's application will go Neither the training track nor is new — the rest of- !• consists The money will be used to re- struction of high-rise apartments. for. apartment construction in an Drainage Question had been separated from his dark- of old buildings," he added. pair public facilities damaged by the stables will be visible from The decision to review the plan area bounded by Broad St., East The board's attempts to have eyed wife since May 27. He the storm and flood tides of the road, according to Mr. Weny. The local assessor, if he waits at next month's meeting was in and West Bergen ,P1., Pinckney the area rezoned was thwarted charged she was "guilty of habitu- March 9-7. OK JCP&L The operation will be primarily until next year, can change the part tied to a letter request from Rd. and WikoHPl. by a drainage problem at the al intoxication" and that she The state disaster committee, aimed at trotters, but a few flat assessment to any amount he Dr. Warren D. Fowler, 303 Broad Mr. Wolcott said the motion southern end of the borough, Dan- cursed and abused him without Hughes said, approved 149 appli- cause. racing horses will also be kept (See MUNNING, Page 2) St., urging that the board rec- failed to be specific about zone iel J. OIHera said. "We've al- Substation cations totaling (25,746,539. From 1 The petition also alleged her there, he said. ommend Borough Council's re limitations and building require- ready expressed interest in apart- that total the U.S.