~ MOST COMPLETE Weather MORNING Fair today "'comi"t ,Iartly cloudy tonight. Hi,h, today in ~ Iow.r ... in tile .a,f to tile See Page 4 01 owan upper lOs In ~ welt. Further outlook for Serving the State University of Iowa and the People of Iowa City ThursdlY: Plrtly cloudy Ind wlrm.

Established in 1868 Associated Press Leued Wire and Wirephoto 5 Cents per Copy Iowa City, Iowa, Wednesday, Augusl15, 1962 2 Astronauts Still Setting Orbit Records en~t· e nvo es oture Unconfirmed Reports Indicate A Possible Thursday Descent Vote Curtails Stalling MOSCOW (Wednesday) !A'I Firm's S,tockpile. Records Burned Russia 's two earth-circling aslro­ nauts, unshaven but jaunty, lulla­ On Space Satellite Bill byed each other to sleep and their (win spaceships sped on to new Humphrey, WASIIlNGTO IA'I - The Senate tutional responsibilites." orbit mileage records Tuesday, voted fot (he fir t lime si nce the Yetin, for clotur. were 2t Dtm· The News prohibition cra Tue. day to impose ocrats Ind 34 R'publicln.. Re· Tass reported. 0 H d o time limit on debate ond clear There was no indication when I nee ea cordocl agllnst It were 2S Demo­ the two would return from the , the way for a space age bill. crlts and 2 R.publiun •. Flor. space voyages that began a day In Brief By a tally of 63-27 in favor of idl's two IInltors, Spess.rd L. • apart last weekend . The latest un- well tef adoptini: cloture, the Senate rolled Holland Ind George A. Sml~r', T av Th. Associ.t.d ....IS confirmed reports said they would I es I y up the required two· thirds of those wer. the only Southern Demo­ descend Thursday noon. • GENEVA - The Soviet Union voting with three to spar~. crats voting to brt.k the fill. Before turning in for (he night's WASHINGTON!A'I _ A Govern- declared Tuesday it never will dis- The historic roll CIII clme aft. buster. sleep, Maj. Andrian "Falcon" Ni­ arO) under inspection terms ad­ er Sen. Frank J. Llusche (D. In addition to the 00 enators ment auditor testiCied Tuesday Ohio) cried out that "The So· who answered the roll call. three kolayev and Lt. Col. Pavcl "Gold­ vanced by the Western powers. somebody burned records that told viet is orbiting and we're fili. others were recorded through a en Eagle" Popovich said, "The 1/ oullined flight program will be the story of giant stockpile deal Chief U.S. Delegate Arthur II. bustering." pair. These were Sens. Clinton P. Andcrson (D-N.M .l and Frank E. carried out fully." profits by a nickel company once Dean replied : "If the United States It broke through a talk barrier A Tass communique at 9 p.m. interprets the poSition of the Soviet that has slalled the administra­ Moss IO-Utah J, who favored c10- headed by former Secretary of the lure, and n Gale W. McGee 10· Tu.sday, Moscow time (1 p,m. Union correClly the entire pros­ tion's communications satellite bill Treasury George M. Humphrey. since July 25. Wyo.l, who was against it. On is· EST) said Nikolayev had com· pects for any progre s in the field pl.ted 5'5 orbits covering more Auditor Walter H Hep on said he The bill , which passed the House sues rcquirin& 8 two·thirds mao t han 2.3 million kilometers of disarmnment arc now pl