~ MOST COMPLETE Weather MORNING BASEBALL Fair today "'comi"t ,Iartly cloudy tonight. Hi,h, today in ~ Iow.r ... in tile .a,f to tile See Page 4 01 owan upper lOs In ~ welt. Further outlook for Serving the State University of Iowa and the People of Iowa City ThursdlY: Plrtly cloudy Ind wlrm. Established in 1868 Associated Press Leued Wire and Wirephoto 5 Cents per Copy Iowa City, Iowa, Wednesday, Augusl15, 1962 2 Astronauts Still Setting Orbit Records en~t· e nvo es oture Unconfirmed Reports Indicate A Possible Thursday Descent Vote Curtails Stalling MOSCOW (Wednesday) !A'I Firm's S,tockpile. Records Burned Russia 's two earth-circling aslro­ nauts, unshaven but jaunty, lulla­ On Space Satellite Bill byed each other to sleep and their (win spaceships sped on to new Humphrey, WASIIlNGTO IA'I - The Senate tutional responsibilites." orbit mileage records Tuesday, voted fot (he fir t lime si nce the Yetin, for clotur. were 2t Dtm· The News prohibition cra Tue. day to impose ocrats Ind 34 R'publicln.. Re· Tass reported. 0 H d o time limit on debate ond clear There was no indication when I nee ea cordocl agllnst It were 2S Demo­ the two would return from the , the way for a space age bill. crlts and 2 R.publiun •. Flor. space voyages that began a day In Brief By a tally of 63-27 in favor of idl's two IInltors, Spess.rd L. • apart last weekend . The latest un- well tef adoptini: cloture, the Senate rolled Holland Ind George A. Sml~r', T av Th. Associ.t.d ....IS confirmed reports said they would I es I y up the required two· thirds of those wer. the only Southern Demo­ descend Thursday noon. • GENEVA - The Soviet Union voting with three to spar~. crats voting to brt.k the fill. Before turning in for (he night's WASHINGTON!A'I _ A Govern- declared Tuesday it never will dis- The historic roll CIII clme aft. buster. sleep, Maj. Andrian "Falcon" Ni­ arO) under inspection terms ad­ er Sen. Frank J. Llusche (D. In addition to the 00 enators ment auditor testiCied Tuesday Ohio) cried out that "The So· who answered the roll call. three kolayev and Lt. Col. Pavcl "Gold­ vanced by the Western powers. somebody burned records that told viet is orbiting and we're fili. others were recorded through a en Eagle" Popovich said, "The 1/ oullined flight program will be the story of giant stockpile deal Chief U.S. Delegate Arthur II. bustering." pair. These were Sens. Clinton P. Andcrson (D-N.M .l and Frank E. carried out fully." profits by a nickel company once Dean replied : "If the United States It broke through a talk barrier A Tass communique at 9 p.m. interprets the poSition of the Soviet that has slalled the administra­ Moss IO-Utah J, who favored c10- headed by former Secretary of the lure, and n Gale W. McGee 10· Tu.sday, Moscow time (1 p,m. Union correClly the entire pros­ tion's communications satellite bill Treasury George M. Humphrey. since July 25. Wyo.l, who was against it. On is· EST) said Nikolayev had com· pects for any progre s in the field pl.ted 5'5 orbits covering more Auditor Walter H Hep on said he The bill , which passed the House sues rcquirin& 8 two·thirds mao t han 2.3 million kilometers of disarmnment arc now pl<lced in on Mny 3 by a 354-9 \'ote, would jority, two nffirmative votes form couldn't find out wh(J ordered Ihe a "pairs" against one negative (1.428 million miles) and Popo­ M. S. Hanna Corp, reeords de· jeopardy." provide for a private. government· vich had recorded 3f orbit, coy. The exchange came <It Lhe 69th rt'gulated corporation to own and vote. s(royed. He advised investigating ering 1.6 million kilometers session of lhe bogged-down 17-na- operatc this country's share of a These seven senators who nor­ (993,600 miles). senators to go to the top and ques­ '* * projected global network of orbit· mally oppose cloture were not re­ tion Humphrey and his son G ilbel·t * tion disormllment conference. ing relay stalion . corded: Alan Bible (D-Nev.), liar­ Tass did not identify the good- * * * * ry F. Byrd ID-Va.l, J. William Ful­ night tune the ast~onauts sang to about the documents. Opponents have been battling · J bright (O-Ark .) . Corl Hayden 1D· each other by radio. The agency The records covered periods in ~ hIt,. WASHINGTON· .. - The United for government ownership, con· I' Ing · Ariz.), B. Everett Jordan IO·N .C.I, said they were asleep a short time ner F II5 I.'.;I . U States in cffect told rebellious tending the private corporation 1952, 1953 and 1954, Henson said. Gar d ee H John L. McClellan (D·Ark.), and Argentine army leaders Tue day it would be ruled by the American la(er. "Everything I have to SlY A. Willis Robertson CD-Va.l. Nikolayev was in his fifth day about thl, whol. thing will ... would disapprove Of any military Teleph~ne & Telegraph Co. without a bath or shave. The heavy 'A 'b M f' I Until Tue day, the debates·limit. ,aid when I testify in WlShin,­ , coup against the Government of Not .mce Feb. 28, 1927, when stubble on his face showed through ing rule had been invoked only ton Thursday morning," Hum· He pe d any ovemen President Jose Mana Guido. the i sue wa a bill to creatt' a four limes since it was placed on on a television broadcast that of· phrey .aid in Cleyellnd TuesdlY. "We do not look with favor on Bureau of Cuslom and Prohibi- Ihe books in 1917. The first time ficials said came from his space­ "I'll issue a .tatement jult .... By LARRY HATFIELD Dr. King goes," h~ continued. oners already there, " Here's an. '1- • t t't t- tion, had the Senate previously ship. For Popovich, it was the ml ltary coups agams cons I u lon- voted to restrain the now of its was In 1919 on the Versailles fore then." Humphrey will ap­ Manlging Editor King ,lid Tuesday th.t at­ other Freedom Rider, boys. Do al democratic Governments," State Treaty, again In 1026 on the World fourth day in space. pear at hi' own request. t.mpts would be madt to d•• eg· what you want with him." They Department press officer Joseph own oratory. Westem tracking stations reo Floyd Gardner, A4, Lamoni, re­ Court. and I wicc in 1927, on the In Cleveland, W. A. Marting, cently held in an Albany, Ga. jail r.gat. Albilny public schools did nothing but argut a,cording W. Hcap told a news conference. Adoption of cloture, or d bate McFadden bonking bill and the ported earlier that the space ships n.xt month. to Gardner. • •• closing, means that each senator had moved several hundred miles president of Hanna Mining Co., for 18 days, was the featured customs-prohibition measure. said in a statement: Gardner felt he accomplished He would go anywhere m. t he • MILLEDGEVILLE, GI. _ U2 is limited to one hour's furlher apart, but the cosmonauts radioed speaker at a meeting of the Water· dl cussion of Ihe space communi· in message to Premicl' Khrush­ ",hat he went to Albany for - to South to help demonstrate if he pilot Francis Gary Powers riled cations bill. BULt.ETIN a "We have heard through news· 100 chapter of the National Asso­ chev and the Soviet people : paper channels that there was show the Negroes there that "not Ihought he could help, Gardner suit for divorce Tuesday in Baldwin WASHINGTON "" - President . h Final action on tht mtlsure testimony today before the Senate ciation for the Advancement of at! whites were against them." told The Daily Iowan. lie plans to Superior Court in a peulion c argo Kenn.dy ordored Into motion "We are now at a close dis­ Tu.sdlY machin.ry that will halt tance from each other. A good con­ Stockpiling Committee regarding Colored Peopte (NAAC P) Monday "When there are whUe th~re in ing his wife with cruelty and habit. may b. held off far sever,1 mare partiCipate in any anti-dlscrimina· ual intoxication. day" however, by action on for at Ie 1St 60 dlYs I slrik. of tact is established." destruction of some of our rec­ night. jail with them," he stated, "they 'on p t t at SUI which ffil'ght Im.ndments alr'ldy offered by Pin Amtrlcln World Alrwly, by Presumably, when the climac· ords. Untll we have seen exactly feel that they are not completely tI ro e The petition alleged the pilot has Gardner, who was arrested for 'elo 1111'S ye"r opponents. Thu. total around I union which represents mostly tic hour of descent comes NIko­ what was said, we have no com­ alone." de \ p .. been separatcd from hIS' wile, parlicipating in a mass demonstra· 200 but mlny are duplications 10,000 ground personn.l. Ilyev and Popovich will be rout­ ment to make, except that we have Gardner described the Ibany Also on the Waterloo program Barbara, since May 27. Ind only about 2S are .xpected not destroyed any records that tion against racial segregation in He Icted quickly 1$ a walkout ed to the central Volga valley jail as "crude" and "overcrowd· Mondlly were Walter Keller, G'I Powers' plane was downed iu to be pre ..ed. where othtr Soviet space ships should properly have been kept." Albany, told a group of 160 people appured immllMnt wh." Federal ed." He aid the jail wa generally Brooktyn, ,Y., and John Ogikc, May 1960 while flying a reconnais- Senate Republican Leader Ever.
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