Meyer Tober Plant Worker
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^ I • \ > / ■y •y . 4 V . ■ ■X. ._. ■.■■■ ■ MONDAY, JUNE 16, lOM nXQB TWEMTT Averact Daily Net P n m R n Manrh^atfr 1Ev?nittQ H^ntUt »or th# Wook I bM Juaa U, 18S4 Mra. E llaabyt h McVey O’Brien, daughter of Mr. and Albout Town Mra. Robert M. McVey of Man- 13,995 cheater, waa among the grad- /"Nmabor o t m Audit IBM Joaiuw F n n ew Itartce, uatea of Orace-New Haven m a w M o t OfoenUtlOB o f Mr. and Mk*, Jo- School of Numing at com Mwmthmtmr— A C ify of F iO o f « C h m rm M KT*Barko of 88 Twwe Rd., mencement exerciaea Jime 9. i i «aiaar Hm gimdoatM at St TOUU ♦ jk iii M atya Hoapital SolKxd o f Num- John H. Sohuetx, aon of Mr. [ , N 0 . M f (sam N PAOBS) MANCH18TBR, CONN„ TUBSDAT, JUNE 18, 1864 •• VNN U ) and Mra. Henry J. Sohueta of PRICE SIVtM 38 Laurel St., waa among the Ih a Rotary cailb wUl maet graduates at Laurel Crest Acad toraorrow at the Maaoheater emy awarded diplomas in Bris Oountiy CMb, William COrtia, tol. Events auperintendont of acbo<ri8, will apeMt at 7:80 pjn . on Mb trip Miss Rosemary Dunice Love- State Awaiting Rule to Rxuala. Dinner will be aerved Joy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. at 6:80. OtTicera wHI be Induct Joseph T. Liovejoy, 94 Delmont In State ed at a meeting June 80 at the St., was among the graduates country club. of Orace-New Haven School of Meyer Tober Nursing at commencement ex MyaUo R e T la w , Women’e ercises June 9. On Reapportioning Ruling Reserved BeneAt Aaaoeiation, will meet tomonow at 8 at Frilows Miss S u s a n E. Carman, Ball. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rob On Party Lever ert F. German of 62 Linden St., NEW HAVEN (AP)__ Um hom o under a eyitemecUicaUy on Um Oonnecticut was among the last class of Connecticut was left with that pro-datea, and helped suit. HARTFORD (AP) — A graduates from Holy Trinity niere was soma axpectation High School, Hartford, June 7. more questions than an a h ^ , tbs UJB. Constitution. three-judge federal court On the surface it would aeem that this could happen as early Plant Worker swers today as it waited for that the Supreme Court’s ded- as naxt week. reserved decision today on Gibbons Assembly, Catholic the U.S. Supreme Court to The Supreme Court is review- a motion to dismiss a suit LECLERC Ladles of Columbus, are re bripens elon directly affected the Con FUNERAL HOME minded of the annual picnic to t rule specifically cm the Con necticut reimportlonment auit, Lng a ruling made by a three- that would abolish party be held at 6:80 p.m. tomorrow necticut legislative reap which la now ponding before judge Federal Court earlier this levers on voting machines Said Crii at the home of Mrs. Ermano portionment suit. the court. year in Connecticut. in Connecticut. A hearing FUNERAL Garaventa, 100 N. Lakewood The lower court heiq that the ’The Supremo Court otruck Few of the state's key poUtl- House of Repreaentatives must in U.S. District Court here Circle. Entertainment will be k down the legislative syetonM in oal leaders would make any In Hospi^ SERVICE furnished by the Silk Qlty Sing be reapportioned on a p<^Ia- lasted 46 minutes. $ix otates yesterday. The high substantial for the record com tion batia and that malappor The ault was brought May 18 WALTER N. ers. In case of rain, the box leisure hours court ruled that both houaoo of ment yesterday without first tionment of the State Senate In U.S. Dtetrict Court by a West LBICLBBRC lunch will be served at the At R o c k v i state Ifglalaturta "must be ro- reading the text 0^ the decision. must be remedied. Hartford couple and a Canton Director Knights of Columbus Home. Reservations may be made by apportlonod on a population One ,excepUon was state Both Democrats and Republl- man who aald the party lever Is 38 Main Street Mancheeter contacting Mrs. Salvatore Fll- basis.’' Atty. Gen. Harold M. Mulvey, canli agreed that Senate redla- unconstitutional and that it MeJ’er E. T V **.-, Call 649-5869 lorama, 376 S. Main St., chair Population is the basis of ap who said the dedalon "eounda tricUng must be undertaken, but causes paychological pressures old president of uie man, or Mrs. Howard Hampton, portionment in the Connecticut like it aettlee the issue’’ in Con the Republicans appealed to the for voters who want to split Baseball ManufacturilQf Supreme Court in an effort to their tickets. 276 Bidwell St., co-chairman. Senate, but the House of Repre necticut. in Rockville is in erii sentatives is apportioned on a preserve the unit system In the SUte Atty. Gen. Harold M. You’ve Changed Little in 10 Years! Others, in off the record House. Mulvey, acting in behalf of the condition this aftstnooii |y> The Wunnee Chapter of the town-by-town or unit basis. oomments, agreed that nothing Questers will meet tomorrow at More than 32.'5 persons turned out at Garden Grove Saturday night to help Manchester U Also before the Supreme technical defendants—Gov. John Each town or dty In the would be decided In this state ter he was shot tim e ttB | p s 8 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Ce High School's Class of 1954 celebrate its 10th reunion. With graduates traveling from Court la a motion by the 10 Con Dempsey and Secretary of State while working, nt ilM plttot . cil England, 381 Timrod Rd. both Florida and California for the occasicm. Gary Bogll, class president, o f 23 Riverside state has at least one delegate until the high court ruled ape- necticut residents who brought Ella Grasao— asked June 4 that Viola Jarvis Members are reminded to bring Dr., is being pinned with his Somanhls photograph by Mrs. Oscar (Mary Parmaklan) Asa- the suit. The residenta are ask the suit be dismissed. Police said C arm do Aiidi« an antique conversation piece doorian, publicity chairman, of l7 Starkweather St. Looking on is Miss Betty Hurley of ing the court to affirm the lower He made the motion again to no Reyes, s6, of HiurtfettL PIANO for display. East Hartford, Bogll's fiancee. (Herald photo by Satemis.) court’s dedalon. day before the three-judge an employe o f the firm fo r Some Republican leaders still panel, and said that the voters’ more than five J 9 $ n , fiiifd The DsMoIay Mothers Circle Richard SChauster, son of Richard L. Fiske, fire control maintained after the court's de constitutional rights were not TEACHER Manchester WATES will have Rocky Withdraws, cision yesterday that the GOP'a the shots. will hold a picnic at 6:30 to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Schauster technician second class, U.S. a talent night tomorrow at the violated imder the present stat night at Center Springs Park. of 22 (^intberland St., graduat Navy, son of Mr. and Mrs. Les position is not necessarily hope ute that requires use of toe Tober, of 38 Gone MOW TAKOrO Italian American Club. Weigh less. ed with honors from St. John's lie G. Fiske, 232 Woodland St., ing In will be from 7 to 8 p.m. party levers. Manchester, was under aote BUMMER PUPILS John Mather Chapter, Order Preparatory School, Danvers, is a crew member of the sub A record player will be available They contended that the court In hia 10-mlnute argument, gery this afternoon •#$ of DeMolay, will meet at 6:30 Mass., June 7. Awarded a medal marine USS Tang, operating for acts. For information, mem Supports Scranton may consider the Connecticut Mulvey said the voters’ rights Vor Antolntment tonight at the Masonic Temple. system unique because it was in were protected by the statute. Rockville City HospitaL for proficiency, in the college out of Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. bers may call Mrs. James lice said he was shot ^ e aaae CMD 648-56M After a short business meeting, preparatory course, he has been The Tang is the holder o f the Meacham, Rt. 6, Bolton. 'Those existence before the federal con It has been on the books for 62 in stitution was framed. years. the annual picnic will be held accepted as a freshman at Fair- Pacific battle efficiency who have costumes from the NEW YORK (AP)—Gov. N el-^ candidate dedicated to moder- chest, abdomen and han$ at Sperry’s Glen. field University. "E ” for h e ^ its s of submarines. "Tons of Fun” show are re ate, rsaponsible Republican The Supreme Court did, how One member of the tribunal— Another emjdoye, son A. Rockefeller called a ever, knock the props from un The annual award is made for minded to call Mrs. John Pave- ism.’’ Judge Robert P. Anderson, ask meeting today of his campidgn der one of the GOP’a key argu lene Rose, 21, Vas shot in % ./ the highest score during com lack, 33 Raddlng St. Scranton entsred the race ed toe attorney general whether leaders "from sU parts of me ments, that of the federal anal the lower back. She WRs bat readiness drills. oountry” to confer on his with Friday. he felt that the lever compiles ogy. drawal from the race for the Rockefeller did not use the with state atatute. treated at the hospital and The Manchester Italian Socie The argument holds that a “I do," said Mulvey.