Lotus 19-959
Maset'ati's owners and direcLors .hrpL,rng r...lr.l nr. <rr.rl> Raclrg thr-tcfoLe be clrrre a mafter of les.e l rmpr..:-trn.l iin cL \ [ase rati lvithdrew hr.nr r.r:lLitc:r:r.rn ln Decer-nber of 1957, no :-.. r,ieniecl br the rule changes rd,:-q engine displacement for .il. ttl,i,t^ :-.1..i_q crtegories where they had i'a.t: . -- ::_rrtiltg The t-e wou1cl be no :- r> ,.-:i ar)lning from -u:r,:..rn the mach.ine rool rrnd nnfortunately, for cash r:-,:--ir:: n-Lost of the F1 rvorks cars and ::1.-t'iS r.lcefS r.vere SOIC1 Off Lncler Yohrntary bankt-r_rptcy proLectton rrsinning in April 1958, Lhe machine rool r)peralions became a separate corporate entlty arlcl N{aserati of North America began ro operirte as Ral1ye N,{orors, for car saies and repair The Orsis useci their the firm could prodr_rce and sell rhe p,rpuLar ial)0CT lor.t,r:lt ll,,u rnd thus headecl into a ner,v era Ho'uvever, no longer would the lirm sponsor an expensive factory racing team Instead, \,,laserari woulcl clesign nd procluce race cars a ltttvateel conlcl Ll\,,. Chief clesigr-rer Ing. Ciiulio Alfier j r,ve io {re &oa i6 LA oro ;,.:,i; Qoc &aa Qae racing I,vorld &Qr (*aa To the Real March! t Cooper had ir-rtroclucing rts cngine in 1j ys 1-n n6l w , ft |ifir€s I success dleiv the attention of Lotlls founcler I Colin Chapman, u,ho designed his ner,v n,hich Chirprran gilve rhe Monte Carlo n.:a:'ri name, serving notice to the Cooper c1an.s N4onaco that they were readl.to r-r-rnrble Lotus 19-959 Sixteen Lotus 19 chassis rl,ere bnrit in tl-re -.: -',-r'rtrl nc\\ ti) PeLer Rlan rn June 1961 .]00 '.-:3: ',loTORspoRT Ju iAuq 2Oll -a www v/ ntagemoto _ Rr an nas bom in Philadelphia in l94O to a Lotus F-Jr.
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