"Best Local History & Culture in "

Criado por : Cityseeker

8 Localizações indicadas

Casa Museo Pérez Galdós "Realism & Novel"

In 1964, this museum was set up in the former home of Benito Pérez Galdós as a tribute to one of the most famous and internationally- renowned Canary Island literary figures. It's a faithful example of a 19th- century middle class Canary Island house, and, inside, you'll find some of the author's original manuscripts, plus part of his collection of 19th and by SamuelEspino1993 20th century Spanish literature. Among other notable items on collection, a lovely portrait of the author by the Valencian painter Joaquin Sorolla stands out. Every two years scholars from all over the world meet here for the Congreso Internacional de Estudios Galdosianaos.

+34 928 36 6976 www.casamuseoperezgal perezgaldos@grancanaria. Calle Cano 2, Gran Canaria dos.com/ com

Casa Museo de Colón

"Christopher Columbus Museum"

The Casa Museo de Colón commemorates explorer Christopher Columbus' visit to the islands on his way to discover the Americas, as well as the role that the played as a bridge between the New and Old Worlds. A reproduction of the navigator's shipboard cabin, complete with an exhibition of pre-Colombian ceramics inside are by Miguel Angel Guadilla – featured. A section of the museum is set aside for a fine arts exhibit. The m@g building itself is a fine example of typical Canary Island architecture, with an impressive Gothic sandstone façade and lovely wooden balconies. Admission is free.

+34 928 31 2373 www.casadecolon.com/ [email protected] Calle Colon 1, m

Museo Canario "History of Cromagnons"

This museum, founded by Doctor Chil y Naranjo in the 19th Century, offers a splendid survey of the history of the pre-Hispanic Canaries. Apart from the very complete library, which is no doubt the best in the archipelago, the visitor can admire ancient of pre-Hispanic Islanders, little clay figures, models and representations of what life on the island was like by Beta15 before the arrival of the Spaniards and pieces of great archaeological value, such as fish hooks, needles, remains of skins and other objects. It also houses one of the most complete specimens of a Cromagnon. Visitors can ask for guided tours and there is a gift shop for souvenirs.

+34 928 33 6800 www.elmuseocanario.com [email protected] Calle del Doctor Verneau 2, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria Rum Factory and Museum "Yo-ho and a Bottle of Rum"

A tribute to the age-old rum distilling industry in Gran Canaria can be found at the Rum Factory and Museum in Arucas. The distillery here was established in the 17th century, to process the sugarcane that grew in abundance on the island and convert it into the spiffy brew. Visitors can acquaint themselves with the distillery process and the history of the by Guido Haeger factory in the museum. The factory continues to bottle thousands of litres of rum each day, samples of which can be tasted by visitors in the sampling room.

+34 928 62 4900 [email protected] Carretera de San Pedro, Gran Canaria

Casa Museo de Tomás Morales "The sea poet"

This museum is the former home of Tomás Morales, one of the most famous "Modernists", also known as the poet of the sea. Visitors can see all sorts of items relating to the author, such as his original manuscripts, a collection of letters, period furniture, and a portrait of the author by Cirilo Suárez. Among other cultural events, this museum sponsors an annual by keith ellwood poetry prize, fittingly called the Premio Tomás Morales. Admission is free.

+34 928 62 0217 [email protected] Plaza de Tomás Morales, Moya

Museo Etnográfico - Centro de interpretación de "Local History Revisited"

Enjoy a glimpse into the local culture and history of the quaint town of Valleseco with a visit to the Museo Etnográfico - Centro de interpretación de Valleseco. The museum features permanent installations of the weaver's loom, pottery and other local crafts and tools that have been in by jesuswla use since ages. Other exhibits that narrate the story of the area in the 19th Century are also showcased. It is open on all days of the week.

+34 928 61 8022 Calle Párroco José Hernández Acosta 11, Valleseco

Cueva Pintada Museum & Archaeological Park "Back to the Past"

Cueva Pintada or the Painted Cave in Gran Canaria is a key to the lost history of the Guanche, the original inhabitants of the island before the Spanish. Discovered in 1873, the caves contain a series of geometric color paintings by natives. When the museum was established, the entire by Wolfgang Sauber archaeological complex was opened again to the public after several years. A thick glass wall separates visitors from the caves, through which they can glimpse the painted caves. The museum exhibits pottery and artifacts that were discovered during excavations. Remains of a historic country house that were excavated near the caves have been reproduced to depict native village life. History buffs would appreciate the scientific methods used to preserve this important piece of heritage.

+34 928 89 5489 www.cuevapintada.com/ cuevapintada@grancanaria Calle Audiencia 2, Gáldar .com Museo Naval de Canarias "Naval Heritage"

Museo Naval de Canarias is the naval museum of the Canary Islands. It offers a walk down the annals of naval history with exhibits showcasing the historic flags, diving gear, manuals, documents, weapons, uniforms and other memorabilia of the Navy. Here one can also find models of old ships that have been preserved with care. The entry to the museum is free by br1dotcom for everyone.

+34 928 44 3155 [email protected] Calle Leon Y Castillo 312, Arsenal de Las Palmas, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria

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