Discourse on Relations Between Indonesia and Papua: Content Analysis of History Textbook of 2013 Curriculum

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Discourse on Relations Between Indonesia and Papua: Content Analysis of History Textbook of 2013 Curriculum Paramita:Paramita: Historical Historical Studies Studies Journal, Journal, 30(1), 30(1), 2020, 2020 23-35 ISSN: 0854-0039, E-ISSN: 2407-5825 DOI: https://doi.org/10.15294/paramita.v30i1.16215 DISCOURSE ON RELATIONS BETWEEN INDONESIA AND PAPUA: CONTENT ANALYSIS OF HISTORY TEXTBOOK OF 2013 CURRICULUM Susanto T. Handoko¹, Wasino² ¹History Education Study Program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Cenderawasih Jayapura ²Department of History, Faculty of Social Sciences, Universitas Negeri Semarang ABSTRACT ABSTRAK This research is motivated by the existence of Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh adanya a national identity crisis in Indonesian society, krisis identitas nasional di masyarakat Indone- especially in young people or students. This sia, terutama pada kaum muda atau pelajar. research aims to analyze the discourse on rela- Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis tions between Indonesia and Papua found in a wacana tentang hubungan Indonesia dan Pa- history textbook for senior high school of 2013 pua yang ditemukan dalam buku teks sejarah curriculum. Through this research, an under- untuk kurikulum SMA 2013. Melalui standing of how the state reconstructs national penelitian ini, pemahaman tentang bagaimana identity (Indonesian-ness) and local identity negara merekonstruksi identitas nasional dan (Papuan-ness) in a history textbook for senior identitas lokal dalam buku teks sejarah untuk high school used by senior high school stu- SMA yang digunakan oleh siswa SMA di Ko- dents in Jayapura City. The research method ta Jayapura. Metode penelitian yang used is the qualitative method, which focuses digunakan adalah metode kualitatif, yang ber- on the content analysis of the history textbook. fokus pada analisis isi buku teks sejarah. Ana- This analysis will focus on the relations be- lisis ini akan fokus pada hubungan antara In- tween Indonesia and Papua. The meaning donesia dan Papua. Proses pemaknaan dil- process was conducted using two concepts, akukan dengan menggunakan dua konsep, namely Indonesian-ness and Papuan-ness. yaitu keindonesiaan dan ke-Papua-an. Then, those two concepts were represented in Kemudian, kedua konsep tersebut diwakili three themes: ethnic nationalism, nationalism, dalam tiga tema: nasionalisme etnis, nasional- and national integration. The results of the isme, dan integrasi nasional. Hasil penelitian research showed that the discourse on national menunjukkan bahwa wacana tentang identitas identity (Indonesian-ness) and local identity nasional dan identitas lokal adalah produk (Papuan-ness) was a product of the govern- kebijakan politik pemerintah dalam pendidi- ment’s political policies in education, namely kan, yaitu ideologi dan identitas negara. ideology and state identity. Kata kunci: wacana, relasi Indonesia dan Pa- Keywords: Discourse, Relations between In- pua, analisis isi, buku teks sejarah SMA, Ku- donesia and Papua, Content Analysis, History rikulum 2013 Textbook for Senior High School, 2013 Cur- riculum Author correspondence Email: [email protected] 23 Available online at http://journal.unnes.ac.id/nju/index.php/paramita Paramita: Historical Studies Journal, 30(1), 2020 INTRODUCTION strengthened by the research conducted by The understanding and meaning ability of Mulyana (2013), which interestingly re- Senior High School students in Jayapura views the themes of nationalism and mili- City (Papua) towards the relations be- tarism that dominated the writing of the tween Indonesia and Papua are obtained Indonesian National History textbook from learning processes. One of them is (SNI). The discourse on nationalism is through studying history (history books). considered very dominant in a history History textbook for senior high school is textbook, especially in the narratives con- one of many sources that are dominant in cerning the formation of the nation-state. school because it provides historical While the discussion on militarism is very events (stories). History textbook for sen- assertive in the narratives concerning the ior high school has a vital contribution struggle in Indonesian National History. because it involves the formation of cogni- Furthermore, Utami & Widiadi's research tive and affective aspects of students. (2016) concerning the value of Unity in Therefore, in writing a history textbook Diversity (Bhinneka Tunggal Ika) in the his- for senior high school, synchronization tory textbook of the 2006 curriculum was between academic history and history for represented in various themes. The themes educational purposes is needed. It means are acculturation, multiculturalism, dis- the integration between values internaliza- crimination, and unity. The political poli- tion as representations of certain ideolo- cies of education strongly influenced the gies and critical studies that the inculca- practice of discourse in the history text- tion of values (ideologies) is not indoctri- book carried out by the government nated. Discourse is a construction of reali- (Mulyana, 2013). ty so that the subjectivity and interests of Various research of Indonesia's fore- discourse constructor also play a role in it. most history education academics above History can be considered as a system of has interestingly discussed the various dis- discourse (history) that is bound by its courses in the textbook for senior high context (time). Thus, the discourse must school concerning Indonesian History be viewed critically because discourse is from 1975, 1984, 1994 to 2006 Curricula. not neutral. History textbook is a part of However, none has specifically addressed the practice of discourse (Utami & Widi- the discourse on relations between Indo- adi, 2016, pp. 107-109) nesia and Papua. Whereas, the relations The research on the Indonesian his- between Indonesia (Jakarta) and Papua tory textbook was carried out by several (Jayapura) often lead to a conflict of inter- academics from various universities in est and controversy in the dynamics of the Indonesia. The research concerning the struggle of Indonesian people to uphold Indonesian history textbook in the two national integration. Issues or various decades of the reform era was conducted problems in Papua have local, national, by Wirasti (2001), who examines various and international dimensions. Papua has themes of a state ideology that appeared in an essential and strategic meaning in the a history textbook in the period of 1975- dynamics of Indonesia’s development in 2001. One of them is the nationalism / the past, present, and future. unity theme. The next researcher is Pur- Various research on history text- wanta (2012), who critically reviews the book that has been conducted by research- national ideology discourse contained in ers above shows that history education has the history textbook in the period of 1975- a major contribution in the formation of 2008, which is constructed as a substitute the dignified character and civilization of for local identity. Purwanta (2013) also the nation as well as in the formation of suggests that the ideology of militarism is Indonesian people who have a sense of very dominant in writing a history text- nationality and love for the country book in Indonesia in the period of 1975- (Hasan, 2012, p. 87). History education 1994. Purwanta's research results were has great potential in developing character 24 Paramita: Historical Studies Journal, 30(1), 2020 education, especially nationalism. tained in the Indonesia history textbook Through education, community, nation, for senior high school students. Therefore, or country seeks to build resilience so that the data source of this research is the In- the entity and its values remain and devel- donesian history textbook of 2013 Curric- op. In this context, education has a mean- ulum for Grade X, XI, and XII of the sen- ing as an effort to transmit and transform ior high school published by the Ministry the values upheld and identity of the com- of Education and Culture of the Republic munity. By instilling national identity and of Indonesia. The selection or the reason spirit, it is expected that students will be- why this textbook is chosen to be the come good and responsible citizens source of the data is that this textbook is (Suryadi., Hayat., Rustana. & Abduhzen, an official book (Hasan, 2012, p. 29) pub- 2014, p. 5) lished by the Indonesian government so This research aims to analyze the that government or state policies in inter- discourse on the relations between Indo- preting historical narratives are obvious nesia, and Papua found in the history text- and easily analyzed (Mulyana, 2013, p. book for senior high school of 2013 Cur- 80). riculum. Through this research, an under- The analysis technique used by the standing of how the state reconstructs na- researchers in this analysis method was tional identity (Indonesian-ness) and local meaning to the narratives contained in the identity (Papuan-ness) in the history text- Indonesian history textbook for grade X, book used by senior high school students XI, and XII of senior high school. The in Jayapura City (Papua) will be obtained. meaning process was carried out using The textbook is one of the learning re- two main concepts, namely Indonesian- sources used in learning history in school. ness and Papuan-ness. Researchers con- History learning functions to preserve col- sidered these two concepts to contain ide- lective memory and values that are consid- ologization in providing meaning to his- ered essential, such as the value of Indone- torical events narrated
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