| P3RESS. ESTABLISHED JUNE 23, 1862-VOL. 37. _PORTLAND, MAINE, WEDNESDAY MORNING, JDNE 21. 1899, MSBffSsim ~~PR1Ce" THREE CENTsT M»OKLUyBOCT> _ This concluded the exerolaee the and ft D- Daley. Harrard, H.W. Foote, visitor* went to hall a Jump; attempt to Interfere with the running of I HONORS ALL AROLND. Brigham for brief CRISIS GROWS SERIOUS Harrsni, dl.tunoe; F. Z. Harvard, rest, sftsr which s Vox, oare on Clark avenue line ao aa there collation waa served hurdler; J.W. hurd- T NOB IS CONTROL. long ARBITRATION l\ at the Blok. Hullowell, Harvard, wae police protection, bnt tbl* evening SAUK. MB P- J. Quinlan, Harvard, ICO yards At 8 o'clock a wsa held on a *•*j there was a determined effort to get at recaption end quarter mils; J. T. platfonu sreoted In Boohs, Harvard, the non-union men who were taken to front of the loaul 100 yard, and jumps ohurob, at whloh the President shook tbe Holden avenue barns this forenoon to hand* with 8400 people and then rstarned opcratedhe oare from that end of the President Honored to MORRISSEY LASTED lino. Soon after dark 5000 aa- Mt. t.he Whiting house at Holyoke. Assis- No French Cabinet QUICK. Police Powerless pereone tant Secretary of the Navy Allen and Against aero bled. Therr ware twenty policemen Conference Will Lieut. Gov. who The at the barn, but they were powerless to Hague Presence. Crane, arrived Just In Irish Wonder Defeated In 3B See- Holyoke By In the Gov. Formed Yet. handle tbs mob. Fences ware torn down time, artlolpated reception. onds By Beeond Rate Rioters. and Mrs. Woloott returned to Boston Pagtllst. and the crowd broke Into tbe barns. The Adopt Form. after the non-union men escaped to the attic and Immediately ohapel eaerelsss. New Mis* Grace UoKlnley, tbe President's York, June SKI.-Pster Maher, the the rioters oontented themselves with a few oars. Several nlsoe and a member of the graduating Inih heavyweight pugilist, scored a smashing wagon her time after sh* loads of then arrived a nd the mob class, spent received lUlok victory over hit fallow country- polios And Honored Him her degree at the hands of “Unole Wil- N. was dispersed. At another place on the College By Giving Bourgeois’ Chances ire men, Mike Morrleasy of before south switches were torn and the liam” in entertaining Mrs.” McKinley. Pairly the Tipperary, Revolvers Used and One Han up Lenox A. C. tonight. were The evening was spent vary quietly In Morrissey tracks blocked. Miming Convention was heralded as an Invlnelble Irish obam- Nominally Degree. the Whiting residence, and both the prin- Good. Pour hundred employes of the Cleve- hlon, but he to the thou Killed. cipal guests retired early, -'tonight la qulokly proved land Foundry company struck toda y be- sands of oo-looksrs that ha had From Fiulura. the last that will be spent In Holyoke as tonight cause tbe oompaoy refused to dleoharge a Maher sited bis ma n at 10.18 tomorrow a down superiors foreman wbo had ridden on a big Con- morning trip and went for him tho river will be taken on the Mascot, Cnyquloitly stralght- solidated ear. »way. Than was no In and tbe balanoe of tbo day wlU bn spent apparently light the naw comer. A on in and a In light punch the He Honor in recaptions parade Springfield. l rasai and HODGSDON’S STATEMENT. Accepts Tbe President's special train will leave Treachery Caused Rous- » right cross to the jaw were the only blows struck and thaw were de- Strikers Seize Oar and Springfield for Adams at 4 o’oloog and livered Little in Ad- Graceful tbo until by MMMr. The blow that Maher Germany’s Speech, following days Wednesday, Juno seau Failure. landed He Confirms fhe Accusations Against 88 will he spent at the residence of Hon. on the Jaw was insufficient to Beat Motorman. W. B. Blanket. She President knook oat any man. Admiral Schley. vance of will The Others. leave for Washington the night of the moment that the men shaped it 28th. eras clearly evldt n; that Morrissey was Jane SO — "Vf | hfrsld and that Maher had the easiest Washington, Following the I task statement ever given him In Ms lighting ca- of Lieutenant Commander Leaves For CLASS DAY AT BOYVDOIN. Sfax reer. a Party Holyoke Today May Be Stopped Until Both fiddled for few moments Hogdeon respecting tbe events that oo- JPf* and then Maher went to his man Motorman and Cond actor Chased right ourredon tbe bridge of the Protection of Commencement with a left lead whloh landed on Brooklyn, Property At Sea Springfield. Week Begins In Aus- Crisis is Over. lightly the the cheat and sent his right over the jaw. Mob Into Woods. July 8, navy dpeartraent today made Manner, By picious Morrlswy fell In a neutral ooraer and public tbe following report bp Captain irredeemably Lost. lay there on hts resting right elbow,while Chadwick of his examination of Lleuten Maher strutted about the ring until Ref- Brunawlok, ! June 20,—A goodly .'Bom- ant Commander eree White oounted oS ton seconds Ma- Hellner: ber of the alnmnl of Mowdoln college her then walked to bis ooraer and the U- 9. 8. New York, Knee. Eonth Mass., Jane SO.—Thle June of tba Jnne Boston, Hadley, were here today to participate In tbe Paris, 31.—Tba prolongation master of ceremonies announced that Cleveland, 8>.—Dlatnrbanoaa on 81r—In obedlenoe to the orders of the wee what might be appropriately called cabinet crisis Is moat sat loan Maher had won. The time of the aooonnt of the atrlka broke oat at secretary of the hers the honor to aommenoement exercises. This waa elves becoming bout aboot navy,I Washington, June 80.— Private advloss was was S3 seconds. make tba of an honor day hare. Mt. Holyoke college whloh commencement MM. Dupuy and Lookroy both called upon noon. A crowd boarded a Wade Park av- following report examl- day begins work. ntlon of Lieut. [Waived here from a high ara at Its commence- Commander Hellner with authority honored by the presence Brnnswlok wore a Preaideot Loubet yesterday and enue aw near Lind* and Annrnle avenuaa gala appearance and eaprsaaod respect to his of a oon vena- to tbs effect that the conference at The of William HOUGH PATS BACK. knowledge ment exercise*, MoKlnley, a large erowd gathered at Memorial hall their aainMtr to be lettered of the respon- and beat the non-union motorman Into tion reported to have occurred between Dover. M. H.. June 30 —In obedience Hague probably will be redeemed nomi- President of the United States, and In sibilities or offloe as soon aa It The oonduotor Hear Admiral Schley aod Lieut. Com- and under the Thorndike oak. The pro- poeedbK to the be made when he lneenelbllity. deeerted nally from failure an promlw agreed to mander Hodgson, tbo notion of through agreement tarn It honored him by conferring upon waa of ta reported that ordera bare bean aent to bla oar and fled. Another Wade Park daring gramme nnueual Interest. surr*nder|Mmaelf tojtne federal authorl- 1898. m an arbitration that satis- doctor of civil law*. July 3, project .will him the degree of The exerclaea at 10 o’olook Ht. MIcbaela, A sore la'aida, directing ltlse, Harry Hough this morning deliv- avenue oar wae atoned and one Euclid began with Lieut. Commands Hellner states as fy the apparently general demand on that suoh a ered the (3300 to R. H. receiver Tbli I* the Aral time tint degree followed Oarl the oommsnder of the French nmlssr Sfax, Carroll, Avenue line was attacked. women follows: mnale, by prayer by Voea of the Coohebo national bank. Many point, bat which at the same time, by ha* ever been conferred upon a man by Than followed tbe which la bringing Capt. Dreyfus to were on board and ehrleked with terror Daring tbe notion of 9d I Woodbury. oration United Ktetea Commissioner Kelley of July strongly carefully framed safeguards will so nar- Mt. and It oarae as a complete France, to remain thare a abort go Portsmouth arrived ae the stonea ohaaed expressed my doabts as to tbe Brooklyn's Holyoke, by Lotion Drew Jsnninga, and the poem time, here tonight and ac- through the win- row the Held of matters that position before the as laid may or must to the President. So mooh of a aa not to arrive In cepted bonds for The ball was making loop •urpriae Arthnr ex- home writers until Hough. dow!. One woman fainted. At the oor- by Huntington bason. Tbe furnished his w.nuugBoo. oeveni oioer bat- go oefore the arbitration that be wee forced to de- the new Is by mother-in-law. Mrs. tribunal,'as surprise, indeed, sroisea under Thorndike ware ministry Initialled. ner of Wilaan avenua and I gators Mr. and oak held Almira J. Morrill, who qualified for 110,- Qjlnoy afreet, Comly Mr. Hehuetz, 1 to make It lltile' more than arbitration viate from the determination whloh be know, sided with me. Should M. Bourgeola accept the, 000. Mrs Harsh J. mother of the one mao waa ahot and other* had nar- Mr. Hodgson and Hough, on In name. The attitude of Is an Ilvered the addrees. The I this particular occasion walked Germany bad not.to.make address of opening claw a it la tba treasurer, and assistant row The aa ap expressed forming ministry, cashier, quail- escapes. paesengers escaped Wld to be .a history was by Clarence Fessenden tU*<1 far ksnnil. whilgt VuMmun V flaris and down the port side of the cabin of the «nfy little la advance of hia eastern trip, and Dana, obaneaa of tuocaes would be beat oould when the stonea any kind, daring and the Leon Man ton. fairly they began to Brooklyn In which the board was than of come* of the other sVaisk tkn faanltw and tha isnaica* fne prophecy by Hoy qualified for $2500. sitting. powers, after Fred R. Mono delivered the ad- flv hnfc t.ha nnndnrtnr *nH ntntrmman It Is my Impression that Mr. parting Marshal Mute than left (he • bouse. Hodgson all, in opposition to the plans submitted the honor they did him. dress. the part ha had In the Sheriff struck claimed that the Brooklyn was 1000 yards by played deltfwiS Hayes was out of town tonight repeatedly. The latter drew a re- and the dfsaffeotloa Is The of the of from the when the more, general than Mt. Holyoke, In conferring a degree up- oeremoey smoking pipe tlons of the conference at and did not arrest Hough on the volrer and fired three times leading Spanish ship peace JTbp aavlnga Into the turn was mads. on the suifnoe. As tha other peoae wee followed by the date ode, bank warrant as had been The hoard, I think, appears for on the President, followed oloosly after Hague, where.he la believed to have iron predicted. crowd. He then on all and it later written by H. 8. Nason. Then the class pnt spend ran put at 1400 yards. Mr. Hodgson projects that were especially desired by Smith at the trus- marched the the of Nicholas hip his oar out of the mob’s reach. told ms that he fait certain were oollege Northampton, through grenade cheering gratitude Emperor by ADMIRAL. WATSON AT MANILA. (Isorge they the such ae of tn- the ana * oloser than 1400 and that Americans, protection tees of whlob at a very late hour on Mon- buildings faculty. taot seal op behalf of arlbtratlon. a yards tbslr ... Manila, Jane 30.—Bear Admiral John Berg, Jr., striking conductor, was hit •tod I meter 800 He illvldnal property from aeliure at the President that gave yards. said: sea, day night. Informed The latest gossip tavern a combination C. Watson arrived here on In ths by a bullet whlob was extrao t- ‘‘We wore LITTLEFIELD’S MAJORITY OVER today board leg so close that Schley gave the they have all been irredeemably lost, ac- had voted to confer the MM. the United States Zaflro order ‘hard a they uponjhlm 8000. cabinet, including Bourgeois, Brla- transport from sd. No arrests. port' I shouted to him, to this and raised bis mean cording report. rat of LU D. Poincare and but Hong Kong, dag ou, the Ths orew of a ‘you starboard, do you not?' The leg aon, Waldeok-Becsssau. Sonvllle avenue oar was The of the sub-committee will Lewiston, June 80.—Batumi from 78 United States orulser Baltimore. The commodore, said, I mean we report The President sent the will be known until M. beaten tsn 'no, port; today following nothing Bourgeois commanders of all tbe called badly by men at 11 a. m. At are dose to them not he to the conference and towns give Littlefield a majority in the warships enough now’. presented It acknowledgement to President Seeleys of arrives. upon the admiral during the course of the Wilson avenue one man got on and at Mr. seld be tben called atten- Is 11 strict of 8.808. fifteen book towns In Hodgson believed that nearly all the powers will Smith M. bis day. cross! tion to the Of the Texas and told college: Waldnok-Rousseau, dlsousalng every ng thereafter one or two more position the articles as a Franklin, 16 in 3 In 1 In the adopt new, basis of ln- “Kecelve for and the trustees Oxford, Knox, is commodore he thought there was yourself failure, reported to have said: "l met CHUN. WHEATON ENTERS PEREZ men boarded the oar until there werj ten for armies Lincoln and 1 In are danger of her down. The oom- ■truotiun when entering the my high regard for the honor conferred Sagadahoc yet to be with tbe utmost friendliness and straight- MARINAS. running ;i)AS passengers. When Barry 0. Clark, the modore replied: "Damn the let Held. upon me. Mr*. McKinley joins me In beard from. forwardness from my former adversaries, Texas, ;< Manila, Jane 30.—The troops command- was her look out fur herself." hearty congratulations to the class of but fonnd only treason and oowardloe oonduotor, taking up fares, be was The Geneva convention oommittee held The vote by oounties follows: ed by Uen. Wheaton entered Perez das This conversation was to my old alllss.” struok from behind with a repeated me a sesalon to consider the among Marinas today without coupling pin. on plenary today Littlefield’s opposition except several ouoaslons. of Its The President and hie party reached tbe of Several of the men then on him report sub-committee. Capt. Mahan County. Littlefield. Scott, upon part small bodies of rebels, jumped Everything I say now was oontalned South Hadley at 10 o'olock on the parlor Majority THE OLD tq of tihe American delegation, again drew DODGE. who Inflicted no losses on ths Ameri- and pounded him into The Mr. statement. The words eleotrlo oar Bookrlmmon. Gov. Wolcott Androeooggiu, 2,395 866 692 insensibility. Hodgson's attention to the omission of an article de- cans. The town Is In an have been a little and the other were 219 New 20.—Counsel for Addle unimportant others turned tbelr attention to Motor- may different. Be the Moot status of wounded and distinguished gneats Franklin, 1,140 Bit York.Juna olaoe surrounded walls and Uen. nning Included the wbo Is to be tried on by may have said "Don't you mean star- among number. Knox, 2,402 600 1,702 Barrow, Monday Wheaton will to man John Clark. He was also bit on the shipwrecked men, falling into the sen next probably return lraus. board. commodore? but the oommodore Her. Dr. J. £. B. Trask, and Bev. Jud- Lincoln, 1,839 822 on tbe charge of having kidnapped head and body. He sank to the noor in a during a battle and picked up by neutral) 1,517 we are near ■ PRAISES WHEATON. certainly said, to son Small, V. D., of the board of trus- 1,656 804 Baby Marlon Clark, gave out a statement OTIS •emt-un conscious condition. this enough or oy ships. He alsu proposec Jxfonl, 1,454 By tbeni now and «lso damn the hospital were at the entranoe to whloh Is Intended to show thaWtbe Jane Texas, let tnree additional which were re- tees, waiting the 1,833 244 _ today Washington, 30.—Uen. Otis for- the oar at had arlloles, sagadahoo, .1.033 time, running high speed her look out fcr herself. oollsge ground as the eleotrlo drew up accused woman Is tainted with Insanity .wardsthe following: reacted Hackman street. Here the men ferred to the drafting oommittee. He repeated this conversation to me at 1 The seniors In cap and gown, had formed through the connection with the Terry June 80. all left the oar. A block farther the The Persian delegate. Geo. Mlrza Hlzi- 10,788 2,656 ~ttri Manila, ou, least three ttmeedurlng the stations of In parallel lines, between which the visit- fapilly,on her father’s side. The names To Adjutant General, Washington: motorman recovered sufficiently to shut Khan, who Is Persian minister to Hussla LINCOLN COUNTY COMPLETE. toe board, because every time a discussion ors passed as were escorted to the of several members of tbs Terry Wheaton at Cavite off the current and the oar to a moved to ehange the Ked Gross emblem they family Imus, province,with bring arose 1 recurred to the As on June who baire evldenoe of position given by to a white with a red sun. A chapel. the President, leaning Wlsca'set. 20.—Complete returns given unbalanced four guns, four battalions, ttb and 14th standstill. After a short wait It was run flag Tb< him, whtoh 1 did not think oorreot. the arm of Dr. Smith appeared at the en- From Lincoln oounty, except the Island minds are mentioned. infantry Nevada troop cavalry. Sent back to the barn. Both men were conference met to adopt these ad- badly DISPUTE OP plenary trance, the audience whlob thronged the if Monhegau give Littlefield 1,438 ma- battalions south on reoonnoieanoe In the hurt. A. W. Weigel, a letter oarrler, rid- JUNIOR OPFICEKS. ditional articles and appointed a commit to plaoe, arose and a wave of applause filled jority. REGIMENTS BEADY TO LEAVE. direction of Das Marinas yesterday morn- on a Ennlld avenue oar, wae struok Baltimore, June DU.—Rear Admiral tee draw up a general act embodying _ ing the room. The President and the other ing, where the enemy was con- full In the fooe a atone. He was un- who Is Uen. Felix the report of the Geneva convention sec- MAINE PENSIONS. Cape Town, June 30.—The activity reported by Schley, visiting An- of the ascended to the forces. Battalion oonsolons and ootered with blood. at the home of the near tion. This is the Unt definite resnlt ol gentlemen party of the war oftioe local authorities has been centrating scattering gus, lattei this Mrs. Mrs. Wolcott encountered 3000 march- This at the oorner the oonferenoe. platform. McKinley, Washlngtou, June 90. —The following suspended In tbe matter of oontraote for enemy's foroe, afternoon of Central city, declined tcdiy to comment upon, and the other ladies were given seats at ing to attack Imus,successfully impeding and Wilson avenues 3000 persons obstruct- or discuss In any manner the statements The Amerioan delegates consider that pensions have been granted to Malno peo- certain military requisites on the ground the The seniors the front Its progress. Wheaton with two ed the of two cross-town cars. of Blent. or Blent. Commander some additions were necessary to covei right. occupied that tbe regiments are now ready to leave guns passage Hodgson Graoe a and two battalions hurried omissions In the text. These addition* rows,Mias McKinley having place ple: at forward. Brtoks and stones wen thrown and the Helloer. Uen. Agnus said: Admiral ORIC1INAI. Cape Town for Kimberly short notice. be the somewhat obscure toward the rear. The Repulsed enemy with ths ene- windows of the oars were broken. Non- has to Thla is mere- will left for powers to consider, An engine driver on the Cape railway heavy loss, Schley nothing say. exeroises were opened by Dr. Smith, pres- my leaving over 100 dead on the Held. union Motorman Charles Jones was hit a between officers. His- but. whether they are adopted or not, William Gahan, Soldier’s Homs, Ken- declares that he has seen men armed and ly dispute junior ident of the board of trustees. Dr. Smith Our loss five killed and 2D wounded. with a brlok and Later a tells the rest.” they do not affect the ten articles passe*, neboo, 86. mounted, engaged In drilling at Hout badly injured. tory welcomed the and introduced Gov. Wheaton reinforced last battal- oar on the aouth side was today. ARTIE gueeta Krall near Deaar and night by 11ns attacked Pontfontelne not who was received with RESTORATION AND INCREASE ion of 0th Is The Americans also made a formal de Wolnott, great ap- far from Kimberly. Infantry. driving enemy be- near tbe suburb of Brighton. The motor- Two mall wagon drivers In Chicago plause. When Gov. Woloott had finished, Seward Clougb, dead, Smyrna Mills, 18 yond Dae Marinas, now In his possession. man and conductor were ohased Into the were arrested yesterday for robbing the mand for the exemption of prirate proper- while the chorns to Casualties not a ty at sea from In time of war. were Binging, President 818. ATLAS LOST today reported. Wheat- woods by mob. No arreets ware made malls. A quantity of mall matter wvs capture PAHTJOF PROPELLEE was not Included in tbs McKinley wae escorted to the front of the INCREASE. on’s qualities for bold and suooessful at- iu either case. found at their lodgings, Including some This question Mre. the 3d—Tbe tack Otis Tbe circular of CountMuruvleff and platform by Meade, president William H. Beckwith, Belfast, 814 to Lewes, Del.,June British bark unsurpassed. people of the south aide made no very valuable obeoks. many pos- Has of a near hand from be ruled out of order. however, Come! the On table at sailed sibly If, oollege. 117; Edward M. Berry, Brldgton, 88 to Samarakand. Sourabaya fob the In of a discussion should be It wouli. lay diplomas. The President raised 812; Francis Hart, Bath, 86 to 812. Boston today tow tug Pioneer. allowed. one. and the name It bore was that of his Survey held yesterday authorized Contain probably be supported by a majority niece, Miss Graoe The yonng to tow to destination on aooonnt of die- mainly composed of the smaller powers. McKinley. MOKE BRICKS FOR DEWEY’S lady advanced. received the diplomat a bled rudder. end shook bands with the President. ROUSE. The steamer Atlas from Portland ar- INTERNATIONAL PEACE. As the last was and at Maroos Hook and diploma presented Washington, June 20.—Tha-contrlbu- rived today proceed- the President was about to resume his ed Mr to lost ttons to the Dewey borne funs received Wilmington dook, having THE BEST seat. Dr. Trask arose and blaae of her Ten Articles of Convention addressing today by the national committee amount- propeller, Adopted bj President McKinley, announced that ed to which makes the total sub- ■XTf lT numif itdu ninr .n 'im u ip Dvinv Committee at Mount wished to oonfer 8209, Hague. Holyoke oollege to date him the honor of dootor scriptions 89,860. opon of olvll June 21.—The cor- ms Loudon, Cape Town Delicti laws. The President the honor The June 20.—The Brussels aooepted respondent of the Dally Mall says: “Tbe Hauge, tu i>uu woiuh: THE WEATHER. xuxxuwing Natal volunteers have beeu officially or- oonterenao sub-oommlttee of tbe Interna “Ladles and I oannot re- gentlemen: dered to hold themselves In readiness for oonferenoe convened frain from mak lng acknowledgement In active service." tlonal peace today.. this presenoe of the very distinguished Prof. Be Martens of tbe Russian delega- honor whlob the board of trustees and FIFTY VILLAGES LOOTED. tlon, preaiding. The drafting commit- oBioere of this institution hive been tees' report was amended in regard to 'Lpndon, June 21.—A to the pleased to oonfor upon me. I want to as- despatch awarding greater protection to neutrai Dally Mall from Simla, says: "Over 6J Cigar sure tbe young ladles of the graduating states defining tbe rights of oivll popula- vlllaces have been looted and burned In olass that I am both delighted and hon- tions to organize for resistance, »r_l the the district. At one town ored to be a member of the olass of ’U9. Tlmmevelly rights of armies as toward armed civil- OF THE YEAR. more than a hundred murders were Massachusetts bas been and Is first In com- ians. Ten clauses of the report were mitted. Tbe vlottma in were many but In more tban many cases, things, nothing hacked to adopted. In edncatlonal Institutions. literally pieces and thrown lu- to the dames of their homes." “I count myself most fortunate to have burning ONE NIGHT WAB ENOUGH. been privileged yesterday to look upon J une DEFENDER NAVAHOE. TO THE For Sale by all Dealers. tbe faces uf the graduates of Smith col- Boston, 20.—Forecast for Boston MEETS ttTKCIAL CHESS.) n»ylSman,ned,(rCl9tp,3m lege, that splendid Institution of learning and vicinity Wednesday: Showers, fol- Newport, K.L, June 20.—The Defender Nobleboto Jane 20.— A gentleman from for the education of women, and I oount •howed her heels crack lowed by clearing during the mhrning; to the outter Boston bought the abandoned farm form- myself most fortunate today to look up- Navahoe in her first oompetlttve trial of cooler west to northwest winds, owned the late Thomas Rail and on the ea of the graduates of this the season off thli today. Biscuit erly by glorious historic institution that has Washington, June 20.—Forecast for moved his family on to It. They stopped done so i..uoh for the education of wom- GEN. WOOD OFFERED A JOB. New England: Showers Wednesday, not one night; next day they returned to bos- en aud whose influence la felt not only June 20.—Gen. Leonard; In so warm Thurs- Washington, ton. The farm la again for sale. .v. Massachusetts bat In every part of our Wednesday night; fair Wood, the military governor of are made with Pow- ;_M. common Santiago, country. day; brisk winds becom- has been offered the presidency of tb« Royal Baking Is Southwesterly PASTOR » “Mount Holyoke more than 60 yenis traction of this INSTALLED. old ing northwesterly. Washington company today and the Influence of this insti- olty. lie has the matter under advise- In and are the most bath,Jane 20.—The Installation of Rev. tution moulding and shaping tbe oltt- ment. der, aens of BOCAB WEATHER REPORT. appetizing, DaTld L. Yale took In the the nutlon can never be told. place Central “I am glad that we are demonstrating Portland, June 20, 189U.—The local MAN KILLED BY B. & M. Congregational ohurch this evening 'be- CHAPMAN NATIONAL BUNK In the United btates today that the healthful and nutritious boy weather bureau records the June 20.—A. H. of foods. fore a large attendance. Rev.R. P„ Smith shall have no more than tbe fallowing: Swampscott, Mass., advantage of wae of Portland, nainc. girl, ana that the and bmlth H a. m.—Barometer, 20.881; thermome- Pickering Chicago Instantly killed of Farmington, Rev. E. B. Mason of Holyoke run over by a Boston & Maine and tbe dozen other Institutes of the ter. 63; dew point, 65; Rel. humidity, by being Brunswlok, Rav. J. L. Jenkins, D. D., 76; direction of train at the Swamrsoott depot Hot biscuit made with land are demontratlng that fact wind, R.; wind veloc- tonight. Prof. Charles state of Mr. Piokerlug was 78 years old. Us and impure of Portland. C.Torrey,'Ph. “An educated womanhood Is an open ity, 4, weather, partly cloudy. CAPITAL, 8 bis wlfs expected to go to tc of Andover, Mass., S. Patten $100,000.00 school for every of the p. m.—Barometer, 20.633; thermom- China, Me., D., Hev.|C. citizenship day the summer. year and the’home Is the training school ter, 68; dew point. 56; rel. humidity, 65; spend and adulterated are of Auburn, Me., Rev.;Charlsa H. Cutler for the tbe dlreotion of wind, of baking and Undivided mother, soldier and the states- S;W velocity wind, powder of Rav. A. T. Bunnells of Fitch- Surplus Profits, $25,000.00 ATHLETES WHO WILL GO ABROAD Bangor, "••n- wl*h for this graudatlng class 16. state of weather, olnody. Solicits tlio accounts of all } Max. min. burg, Mass., Rev. W.A.Atobley and Rev. Banks,Mer- good things and I want you to be as- temp., 71; temp., 65; mean New York, June 20.—Tbe joint YsG neither nor candle and sured that all max. wind veloo wholesome. O. W. Folsom of Bath, asetsted In the Firms, Corporations good things wait on a temp., 68; 18S; pre- Harvard athletic committee met tonight appetizing is and noble hours, trace. Individuals, and prepared to fur- pure woman." cipitation—24 and selected the luen.who wiU oumputt exercises. nish ite patrons the best facilities with tbe eons of Great llrltalh In Hug It all on the bak- YELLOW FEVER SERUM. and liberal accommodations. WEATHER OBSERVA TIONS. land July 22. The full oommlttee wa> depends upon present at the conference. It was decided New York, June 2a—Dr. Alvab P. The agricultural department weather to send 28 men aoroes the water and ol MEN’S CLOTHING Doty, tbe health offioer of this port, Is interest Paid on this nnmber ten were decided Deposits. bureau for yesterday, June 20, taken at definitely ing powder. much elated over the sucoesaful results of 8 upon. the experiments with a serum produoed p. m., meridian time, obser- The names of SPECIAL FOR SAMOS, CLEANSED. tlip the men who will com- at bis for the of DEPARTMENT vation laboratory prevention for each section being given in pete In the high and broad jumps were Take care to have yellow fever. iotunlm asd Curraspondenca Invited. his order: direotion of held under advisement, owing to difficulty every your Temperature, the WOMEN'S CLOTHING In making selections for these events. FLEET GOES TO NEWPORT. CUIXBN C. CHAPMAN, President. wind, state of weather: They will be announoed later. Thost Boston, 08 S, rain; New positively decided upon are; J. P. biscuit made with which is Washington, June 20.— The North At- THOMAS H. Cashier. degrees, EATON, CLEANSED. York, 74 degrees,' SE. rain: Philadel- Adams, Yale, half mile; F. A. Blount Royal, lantic squadron will Lave Boston Thurs- phia, 78 degrees, N,cloudy: Washington, Yale, lOOyarde; D, Board moo, Yale, day for Newport to take part In the work- out of some of the of TAILOR'S PRESSMEN. 84 degiees, S, clear; Albany, 08 de- quarter mile; C. Dupee, Yale, 100 yard: a cream of tartar ing problems tbe and quarter mile; W. N. pure naval war college. grees, 8, cloudy; Buffalo, 08 degrees, Flneke, Yale, baking pow- hurdler; T. R. Fisher, Yale, quarter aut: NW, clear; Detroit, 72 degrees, S,p. cldy; half mile; C. K. Palmer. M. BOURGEOISE SUMMONED. h™ 02 St. Yale, distance; if CflQTED’Q Chicago, degrees, SE, cloudy; H. P. Smith, distance; C. 11. der, would avoid Yalet you Paris, June 20.—It Is an- Paul. 72 degrees, E, clear; St. Vincent, VV. A. Beal indigestion. detlnltely rUd I Cn vi S3S..2.—- Sptlier, Yale, distance; nounced that President Loubet had ashed 74 degrees, SE, cloudy: Huron, Dak., Harvard, hammer: H. J. Har 18 Preble 8t.. Opp. Preble House. Brown, M. who Is head of the French 74 degrees, E, clear; Jacksonville, 70 vard, hammer; T. E, Burke, Harvard bourgeolse W Kid Gloves Cleansed every ROYAL BAKING POWDER NEW YORK. delegation at Tbe conference to day. degrees, S, clear. half mile; H.B. nuu*. Harvard,distance CO., Hague form a cabinet. , ... #

k. —h-A .If ■.- —

dow Iff* this plnoe anti west oat' Into NATIONAL LKAUUK.'bTANDIMJ. €ROOKS CAPTURED. the train shod. Mr. Stasis fallowed this VERY. LITTLE BATTISfi. liuimufi BUST. ___._Won. Lott p« 0t, THU mau, who when arrested a Illtlo later, ITSSHyn ..T u Boston,...... 36 is gave bis name as Bryant. Officer Quinn ,'mm *■* ...... 3i £' ^ nntodotnku.... 21 ’• followed another one of the and at. I f gang Loom..c1 22 ™aw tried to keep tie eyee oh all of the other*. Chicago.W*-. m 23 YOU ARE NOT SO 32 WARM MtOton. 31 .«*■ Three Pickpockets Ar- Mr. Steels eaw ths man whs culls him- ButiPortland Beat Finn’s rittsbiu*....36 36 33- Considerable Damage By i self Bryant!) try to reach tbe pocteta of Cincinnati,...... an 3n *3 New York. aft ,w 4A4 two women were rested Yesterday. who boarding a train, Men Tuesday. WasUnaion.l» 37 jsn Thunderbolts. but be was eetdeatiy uneuooeeafnl. Louisville...... Ift at As will bo the next few weeks. not one Cleveland. 0 41 ’tM you during Why bo of the Mr. Steele gate him a third woman "e try BASE BALL NOTES. pocket, just as she was gating Into tbe The nation of the train, tut thla woman discovered the re-organ! Taunton nnl team* mao was crowding her and turned Pawtuoket probably Insures Mas Ik- A.Dnmh Turns the New House and t'arn at Sorth Yar- 4 Mewspapw Does Seme around and (poke to him. the follow Play by Armstrong England league finishing the season. apolo (Ired and fell baok Into the' crowd month burned. COMFORTABLE PEOPLE WHO WEAR tcetive Work. the Seale. Brockton has Holmes at OUR again. got last, and ENTERS THE PARLOR OAR. got a good man too. It la qnlto likely that the Mr. Steals then law tbe leader of the Newport scorers were partly to blame for the few gang or tbe mao who appeared to to the base bits made by the Portlands yester- leader, eater the palror oer of the east Catcher Holmes Joins day. Oxford They Have Been Work- bound train. Mr. Steele fallowed vhlm An County Barn We gained a point on Manchester and saw him try to put bit band Into a yes- Brockton. terday. Struck. ing at Union Station. woman’s pooket, but If he snooeeded ip {k y ./•.. Taunton wants a team np to the It was go "fas* getting anything Impossible Cool 1 *to Clothes? land and Brookton standard.'’ That Ts ,..7, S'.'* 7 It discover a the woman did not make any 7 mb: »,»"■*— Jif a laudable ambition and If complaint. Tanntop •'I t* |rv realises It the will hate In the meantime Porter Snowden who HorrlngtiClty a pretty good-bell team... i; Prices are at zero while the is 90 in the shade. For in- Third Man Arrested by Officer rune on tealn 04 of tbe Boston and Maine Taunton and Pawtucket Associa- Considerable Damage Done In mark, quality It la tald'tkat Manage* h Moore hng been wbloh waa bound to Boston.saw the man tions Reorganise. too easy with the TauntnE' of stance, the Hammer Saits we are at $8.00 to sell for Henderson Last Nlfht. hlmaelf players. Vicinity Bangor. selling ought $10.00. who calla Bryant put hie hand -- U v s ff»v* into a man’s United States hip pooket. 071 LAUNCHING OF The to si _ CHE8APEAKS $10.00 Suits bring and on. The coolest Suit Marshal Is alto said to «n ought $14.00, yon Deputy Hasty ___ have seen this man trying to pick some Hew Training Ship Put Into Water jkp ** > -i 4. < m > can is a fast color kind we are at and §8.48. one’s Porter Snowden buy Serge—the selling $6.50 pooket. reported Jane a The la broken at last by month or *o there have been Newport, 20.—Armstrong by Yesterday. long drought For the Jut the matter to Offioer at once and Quin thunder which aaem to be to the station dummy play,gave Portland today’s game ninny storms, Crash Suits are cool. A Crash Suit for §4.00. frequent report* made police the officer went into tbe train and arrest- always good slier the Finn an unusual amount of about at Union sta- and game gave Armstrong Bath, June 80.—The United State* doing damage pookete being picked ed ths man whom Porter Snowden point- bis a with the thunder-boll* wblob they acatter White a tion. The station has been raileeae. Uallagher pltobed superb practice vessel Chesapeake was Munched Duck Trousers at 50c, 75c and 98c evidently ed out to him. At first this man, pair. Bry- three 0 around. The storm whtoh threatened a of thieves and game, .allowing only bits.The rlslt- at 36 tnla morning from the Bath Iron worked by skilful gang refuted to car In ant, leave Ahe smoking Into afternoon waa that of ore* runs were made by poor support of Works. Portland yeaterday Thin Coats at 38c each. It was not until yesterday any which he sat. Officer told him he Quinn In instanoe. Stackhouse She was obrlatened very severe in the Inland portions of the were rounded tbe Uallagtier every with American them up by police, had better come without along making made first At North Yarmouth tba bouse of bave been for them his appearance at third, oreat- champagne hy Miss Ellze Bradford, county. Straws show which way the wind blows, nnd just now it is blowing our though they watching any but tbe fellow refused to trouble, a William Johnaon waa (truck to last Ing good Impression. The feature was daughter of Bear Admiral Bradford,chief by lightning for some time. Up midnight leave hit seat. Offioer then Qninn pulled the work of of the bureau of equipment at and horned to the with men had been taken Into one- raptA Newport’s infield. The Washing- ground together large stock of night three the man out of the seat and took him to ton. The Che-n will be taken score: prate the barn and outbuilding!. The loss waa tody by tbe police and tbe officers were to Charlestown navy yard where she will tbe baggage room under arrest. PORTLAND. about *2600. hot on the trail of tbs other two men. he rigged end fitted for sea duty. I * ANOTHER ONE ARRESTED. AM H BH TBPO A K the lunch was Monday at 4 p. m., at Denmark, Me., The most of the detective work in this Following launching wpran, as, R 1 i> 0 7 5 0 served In Superintendent Hanoom's office atruck Jacob MerrlBeld and hi* a news- | Mr. Steele then went into the car with lightning oaae was done by bright young Nobftt ,ef, 5 1 0 0 0 0 0 at the Iron works. Offioer and out another oxen, killing the oxen and nearly killing paper man, Mr. Harry Steele. Yesterday Qninn pointed Smith. rf, 4 0 114 0 0 Hear Admiral Bradford, Miss Kline ■ Mr. MerrlBeld. He and His son ware to one of the gang who had Tlrhe. 2b, 4 0 0 0 5 4 0 Bradford, Rear Ad tral Ghcrn.il and morning his dntlss oalled him Union jostled up our Pulslfsr. 4 1 0 0 0 0 0 Oact. and Mrs. Benjamin were among fencing In the woods. The into the hands of at 19c, 45c and 98c each. station and while the oiowd of passengers against tbe man whose pooket the pair are If, drawing customers, 25c, lb, SO g 9 6 0 0 the "• Conroy, gueeta. came donti a tree, near i * > tbe said to have tried to while hie com- lightning pine •. 'if < < were gathering to take morning pick Taft. o. 3000411 ThvlOhesaneeke was built at a cost of Where stand. It shocked tba young trains aast.and west Mr. Steele notloed panion, Bryant, did tbe work. This man tSuliirau, 3b, 3 0 0 0 1 1 0 *860,000. She was designed by Chief Con- they was with a before Finnughan, p, 8 1 U O 0 8 0 structor Blah born, ana is to be used as a man eomiwbat. ■-» five men, very sharp looking anil Kitting newspaper up * yfwU for the at the shower Weluh- rather his face, but Porter Snowden reoognlzed Totals, S3 4 § 8 if; II 1 training ship q*Yal aoademy During Monday at dressed, who acted peculiarly. She la constructed of steel, Annapoll*. vine hr Dining sirnex me juioomvme They would separate and watch the pas- blm as the other men who had tried to NEWPORT. with four Inch planking of yellow pine ~ and eo this man waa taken AB R BH below tbs water line. Is connared from Uerrlok stable and burned all the bnlld- seogers getting Into the trains aad ksep a help Bryant TUtPO A K keel A> a point two feef above the water The bourn had just been vacated. sharp eye open for those persons purchas- ont of tbe car and joined hie cumpanlon Gilbert, <4, 7 4 0 8 8 ;4 0 0 Iggs. line and Is fitted with every modern con- to men 4 0 0 0 8 1 0 The buildings belonged the heirs of ing tickets at the tloket window and In ,the baggage room. jThe ’two Riley, ss. venience fot oomfurt. Shirrs, 4 0 118 10 Ellen 0. Herriek, who live In weald then ootne talk matter* when brought face to faaa appeared not lb, The dimensions are: Brldgtan. together, Armstrong, rf, 4 0 0 O 0 2 principal Length IraF. f on 17S Loss was not Insured. Clark Mad-water breadth on & Co. one line, feat; |900, probably over anil separate again. They seemed to to recognize another, but they were .-taokhouse, 30, 4 0 11110 load water lloa, 37 feet; mean draft, 16.fi At on of last ye and the orders takap to the station and looked up 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 Hartford, Ha., Wednesday be vary, anti celled upon poltoe O'Brien, U, feet, displacement tons. Bunns, 8 0 1 1 0 4 1 1,176 week the residence of W. K. and H. A. wblob were given them by a tall, gaunt Their three companion* were seen by 8b, Tbe main battery will consist of six Ulllerloh, o, 3 0 115 9 0 Mr. Steele and others to from train four-loob fire rifles on tbe covered Blokaell was strnok by lightning and man, who was slightly lame and jump 8 1 0 0 9 7 0 rapid ONE SPOT CASH lookii}£ Gatingbery p, deck, four six-pound Are and No lire but one PRICE, who seemed to be their leader. M on which the two men were arrested rapid badly damaged. resulted, 7 mounted on Totals] ST'S 7 94 IS 3 K'uo one-pounder gunr the end of the house was wreoked and one onto train 64, wblob oat ahead of WOTTING A VICTIM. palled 3 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 z—4 rail and worked from the flush spar-deck. Portland, corner post was entirely demolished. Ten the other ttaln. They oould not hare Newport, 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0—2 The Chesapeake will lmve no other A man and his wife entered the station were In the house but no one far west on this train for as mode of propulsion than that afforded by persons started for the gone very Saoriftoe hlte-MHlerlok. Noblll Bsse just before the 8.80 train her aalls, tbe young sailors thusgulntnr was hurt, will be Inter they returned on the on balls—O'Brien, bpratt, FJanagban. although the-llghtnlng vjslted the man went to the tloket offloe told. valuable training In seamanship east,and Strnok out—RUey. Armstrong, Stack almost every broom In the bouse. Mr. H. HATTERS & eight o'clock train from tbe west. which canid he had In no other class of CLOTHIERS, FURNISHERS, to boy his tloket. As he npproaohed the Tlghe, Pulslfer, Tofr a, Sulllran. a house, vessel. She will be full ship rigged and A Blokaell had very narrow eaoape, was THE TBIKD ONE CAPTURED. Doable Riley and Shires; window, Mr. Steele, who wstohlng ploys—Hanna, the total area will be feet. the a window which Hanna and Riley. Stolen basee—Gilbert. 19,975 lightning entering the. men whom he of On this train from the west a woman At tbe after end of the gun-deok Is lo- suspected being Tims—1 hour, 40 minutes. he had just left, entirely demolishing It. Umpire—Kel- cated the eabln, a stateroom for the crooks, saw the leader of the gang sluing complained to the conductor that ehe had ley. Attendance—500. o»p- The lightning also struck near the spring Monument and and taln, a spahfi stateroom lavptoiy house at about the same time and jl tbe who was at tbs window. fobbed of 120 on the train. The Philip up man been PAWTUCKET 8; BROCKTON, 1. offices far the executive officers Square. oapteln, Wlthlngton, an employe, received so se- Tills who waB his tloket* conductor aatlbed a man whom he haa the man baying Pawtuokwt. June 30.— Callahan pitched and navigator and also armory. Near vere a shook that he was unoontolous tor CHAS. II. REDLOli . of the berth deok are ten . opened his pocket book and exhibited a seen trnVelBtig back and forth a good magnificent baU today againstBrack too, the after end some time. Proprietor. / but lire hits and not nl'oma for the ward'room officers and tbe * large roll of bills, there being two one deal, and who had sat on the arm of this allowing loaning a Lightning entered the house of George atngle paaa. Kvraon alao pitched tn One ward room dlDlng room extending aoross Ward la Topsham last week and struck hundred dollar bills on top of the roll. woman's seat on the way into Portland. vessel. The ward staterooms form. Catcher Itoimea about whom there the rooms, Mrs. Ward, who at lait reports was para- The imtu with this large sum of money When the woman told him of her lose the was muoh aontroreray between Broakta n and dining rooms will be heated by steam lyzed from her waist down. She will bia from a boiler which furnishes e jir.el to hbndle It rather carelessly and oonduotor at onoe suspected this man. and Portland, played first game and supplied probably recover. No damage was done showed well. The score: for the windlass, ADAMS & this at once attracted the attention of not up power running pumps, the house, but the oat reoelvad a heavy RANDALL k ANDERSON, GO,, The plokpooket had been beard eleetne jo iALLISfER SUMMER VISITORS Pawtuoket, 00000003 0—2 etc. A patent distillery plant charge and was killed. 31 he leader of'the crooks. Walking away from for tbe last however. When a are the Exchange Street, time, Brookton, l 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0—1 and refrigerating plant among from tbe tloket sellers' window tbe man the were out of the of the veasel. Directly alt KILLED BY LIGHTNING. AOKXTS OF passengers crowding Base fnrnlahlngs Are welcome to hits—Pawtuoket, 3; Brookton, 8. of the ward room dining, are several the who had bought bis tickets pat them train on its arrival In Portland one of Quincy, June SO.—Richard 'Powers Errors—Pawtucket, 4; Brookton, 1. Bat- bath rooms and wash rooms for tha oa- Into bis book and and ME PALATINE INSURANCE CO.- Ltd., pocket folded It up. the women passengers orled out tbat teries—Callahan Curtis; Everson und d«ts. On the starboard side, forward of a young son of John Powers living on Holmes. Cf t Mr. Steele saw tbe tall man with the some one had robbed her of three dollar*. tha ward room dining room are quarters Liberty square, was struck and Inst intly Manchester, nglaud. BAIN IN MANCHESTER. for the warrant offioers. On tbe a bolt of a se- Blight llutp in his gait with his head A man, who waa a on port .killed by lightning during COAL. Incorporated June 9. 188«. commenced busi- young passenger side is the ward room vere thunder storm here this ness Ui ll. 8. Dec. 17. 1892. over Manchester, K. H June 88.— After pantry,paymaster's morning. Book Store right this man’s shoulder and the this saw the when he train, plokpooket office and The The was near an win- two and a half Innings of the Taunton- sick-bay dispensary. boy sitting open I VVILLI AF WOOD, crook followed him until he got on his hand In the woman's aud are forward and store In hit father’s house Manager. put pocket Manobestcr game bad been played thu crew’s quarters dow when the flu gh -OF the as rooms are in the hold. bolt also struck a STATEMENT U. S. EKANCH. board train going west. As soon gave chase to tbe fellow. Tbe pickpocket contest was called on aocount of rain, the came. The lamp In the A Full Assortment tt tad Fret scare The will be supplied with room, smashing It, and also stunue d for Lehigh he saw the man and his wife gat Into ran aoroes-the platform, dodged under a standing 8 to 9 In favor of the home Chesapeake DECEMBER 31,1898. club. eight boats, a 30-foot steam cutter, a a time, the members of the family who ASSET9. this train tbe tall man ran out Into the Coils tor Domestic Use. Lon ns on and train of oars, dim bed over a high board launch, two 93-foot cutters, one,93-foot wen In the room. Burning boud mortgage (.first liens). $ 60/00.00 train shelf aad hastily got together hi* fenoe and Offloer NEW ENGLAND STANDING. whale one 98-fret gig, a 90-foct disappeared. Keating boat, STABLE STRUCK. Pocahontas (fSemi-BItuminonj) aud LORING, SHORT & HARMON Btocks and bonds owned by tho had and a 15-foot dingy, the latter to fbur companions. They evidently was bot In pursuit of the mar, hut lost Won. Lost. Average dingy comim.i market value.. 2.084.178.C0 oe oariled on the launch. gncuLtonsna] Georges Creek Cumberland Coals are Cash in the company’s principal purchased tickets to east on the train when he the r ■ go him climbed fenoe. Offloer Portland. 30 9 ,, !mS has accommodations office and in bunk. 143.498.60 Tpe Chesapeake June 80.—A shower Latest wbion leaves at 8.80 o'clock bat when th* Keating and Offloer Henderson banted Manchester, 10 11 ui .083 for ISO cadets and when she Is placed In Brownfield, heavy unsurpassed for general steam ami Books, Lntrr*st due and accrued.-... 12.466.0J Brockton, £0 14 .888 over this t*reiulumi in due course of collec- tall man bad talked to them a minute bli around the entire section, but SJ commission th*t naval academy will have passed village aooompanled by through Pawtucket, 30 14 h .588 forgo nao. Fine tion .. 291.952.S8 a the finest acquisition for training In sea- thunder and Stationery, four companions saade rush for tb< could not And their man. A small 14 IN .438 sharp Ughnlng. Lightning All other assets.<. 1.489.41 boy Newport, manship since that institution was es- Genuine kens Y Franklin, ticket offloe and tickets f or th< Taunton. 14 19 .434 strnok C. E. Whitney's stable at East I,y alley bought saw a out of a yard on St. tablished. ,*> Low Prices. of all the admitted as- maiysome Brownfield Aggregate wsst. then and al setting the stable on fin. It English aud American CanaeL sets of the at their They separated John stree£aj}d run towards-a streetcar. MANAGER MOORE RETIRES. company CHANCED HER MIND TOO LATE. was soon with but little actual value. .$2,693,583.39 bearded the west bound train and entered Tbe boy to!# Officer Henderson and be extinguished Above Coals Constant- LIABILITIES. DECEMBER 31. ld98. oar In Which the with tbe men June 3d—The Taun- damage. CONGRESS Preble House. the man, went to tbe oar and arrested the man, Tannton, Mass., Blddeford, Jnne 9U-—Mamie Connors, ,'v ST., Opp. eodtt Net amount of uupaid losses and and his wife were seated. The ton Athletic association will control the Hand. }c9 ey tiooki who when taken to the station and seen aged 96, took a tabiespoonf ol of rough on PLAYED HAVOC DOWN EAST. ly On claims.$ 220.783.69 baseball team TELEPHONE .... 100.3 t<> re-in- (Mduut sit together but separated them by Mr Steele waa at once Identified as New England league of rats, and au hour and a half later.repsnt- June SO.—The Amount required safely Bangor. thunder storm IPhaowhoa sur« risks. tbe leaded of tbe gang of crooks, tbe man that hereafter. The beat of all outstanding 1.384.428.13 city players lng of her auloldal purpose, fallowed the whloh over this section this eve- All other demanus against the w ith the slight limp In his gait, whom passed OFFICE: open onthetr Intended victims. Mr. Steel. the present team will be retained and with a dose of mustard and water comuany. viz., commissions, etc 38,084.00 he had been mutoblng n the morning poison ning was the heaviest or the season. In .the meantime had not been Hi 1 new men secured to strengthen up to the as an were & 70 EVERY... idle. and at noon. emetlo. Physicians called, Lightning struck a house on Seoond 7b&Commsrclal Eichanrejts- Total amount of liabilities, except had eeen all thee* things and had foam This roan gave Me name as Walter Portland and Brockton standard. Robert but It was too 1st*. She died about mid- capital mock and net surplus... 1.643.295.82 street to this some damage but Dawson and said he lived In Manches- Mnnru aril 1 spiv* nvt fhn nunkoomanl: Knit oily,doing Surplus beyond capital 950.287.67 tiase to notify Offloer Tom Qalnn wh< ... ter. Tha two men who were at the same nignu Injuring no person. EVERY WOMAN MAN was also to aot. The men had will retain hie Interest In the club. Aggregate amount of liabilities prompt gang and who wen arrested In the morn- Tbs woman was an operative la the Sometimes needs a rellsbit including uet surplus...... 82.593.583.T9 done to this time that would Officer their names as monthly regulating medicine. nothing np ing by Quinn gave PAWTUCKET REORGANIZES. mills. She had lately been suffering burned. In Hampden eome farm build- June 16 eod3w Edward Davis of Albany and Lewis DR. PEAL’S TO HIS TRADE warrant their being arrested but Mr from nervoos prostration. were etruek and of Manchester. Dawson was R. Jane new or- ing* burned. In 1a Scaeie them out to Offloer Braynt Pawtuoket, I., 00.—A pointed Quinn, searched and locked a bouse was straek a thoroughly then up las tl on of the Pawtucket bane ball E1REW ORKS FOR THE FOURTH. Orange and woman flj k»n •Ultosun who oar where gan v PENNYROYAL piLLS, Wl entered he they ware and In the cell room. Mr. hjtsele and anoth- was killed. association was effected at a meeting to- Are prompt, safe snd esrtsin In result Thenna- warned the gentleman and hie wife that er bright newspaper man were also Tbomss J. Briggs has a large and oom- aeeer Sen t *• w w*k Mgr FARMERS tne rorTPsal'a) disappoint. any when, m looked up In the oel 1 room at the same night, and thee* o(Boers warn chosen: TAKE COURAGE, Peal Mediates Oo., Cleralsnd. 0. they were being watched. Offloer Qulnr plste line of fireworks and other aooessor- 11.06. time. President, Ron. J. J. vice- (arnaux. to hi run] 0. H. OCPPY A OO.. Arts.. Portland. Me told them that there were some Flslgsenld; les to a proper celebration of the glorlons susplc Hog Latin is a language whlob almost president, Samuel J. Sweeney; hnenolal the of his store Brown Held, June 80.—The showers of ous men on the train who had erldantly every scohol boy knows and when Mr. anniversary, department nnmMWiM»»i»n»ew snake the prioe reasonable." man and H. J. LITTLEFIELD marked them and he warned the mat Steele and bis brother nawsp aper recording secretary, Lee; at 879 Congress street, devoted to this the lest few days have given farmers new Darned It man y years ago they bad no treasurer, John Bennett; directors, Ed- not to get Into a crowd and to keep t feature, containing all that the most courage. In many parts of the town seed ^ ***** lha war. Idea that they would ever Bad it very atwaga ward Moors, Oharlcs H. Bloodgood and ardent patriot oould desire. Mr. Brings failed to eome not even dose watch on hls'.pooketbook. useful. It turnedtout last night to be up, sprouting, ud AND Win. B. O'Nall. (hares of la agent for the well-known A. L. Dne (atiatactory fcr1a#a wnallaa. this time the 8.10 train however. Dawson was seen Forty-two for some two weeks. Tha will About police ▼ery useful, fireworks and he has other brands as apple orop his two when he was stock were paid In and NNia out for the west and with It went th. by companions Hobart .'Whiting wdU. He makes a specialty of be a failure. There will not be even taken to his cell bat neither of them furnishing pro- was elected manager of the team. A material tor town displays Head bis ad- alder Recent rains will tbe crooks and tbsir Intended victims fessed to know him end In foot said they apples. help transfer of the franchise end vertisement in this Issue. Tin TKUMTOH MONT, did not know him nor eaoh belongings hay crop, WATCHING THE CROOKS. other, CONANT, Officer of the club was made to the new though Mr. Steele and Quinn organi- A BOAT CAPSIZED. PORTLAND, U. bad seen these three men with the two sation Mr. former and COLBY ORACLE OFFICER 1 At uoon, when the trains from bold by May,the owner, at *- .J who are not afternoon a boat In the yet captured, talking togeth- a lease of the waa seen reft for Yesterday har- June 80.—At the annual and east and west oome into Union sta grounds the Watery)lie, er at Union station. bor In there were several remainder of the season. The whlob people; meeting of tbe Oraols association tion bringing a large.crowd of people,Mr, IN LATIN. re-organl- Colby TALKED HOG a sadden and the Clothiers zation means that the Pawtuoket team eapsiasd during sqaall held Tuesday morning the following oil! Steele was again at the station. The mo was In a Dawson lacked oell and the were will remain in the Held to the oloee. ooonpants thrown into the water. oars were elected to the F. U. meet bs entered the waiting room b. turnkey and deputy left the room. All paper: were some was for some time when the twc They rescued after time by and business spied four of the men whom he had Been quiet Sawyer, 1900, president WM. M. men heard the three some men who swam ont to the MARKS, newspaper prisoner) INNINGS. cap- assistant mana- go oat on the west bound train in tb. 1 THIRTEEN" manager; Sprague, 1901, talking In H 6g Latin. The prisoner) elzsd boat and all hands ashore. Furnishers, brought editor-ln-chlef. morning and saw that they were ono. talked In a low tone of voloe, bat almost Boston Wine from Chicago In Inter- ger; F.F.Lawrence, 1901, It was lest to word muttered was beard. Impossible night learn Kaoh member of tbe women's socle ties more at their old game. Mr. Steele foam every they In esting end Hard Fought Game. UNDER of the rescuers or of the first place they asked Dawson how b» the names the res- will be.represented on the board one Card and told him about tb. by oai;«r Quinn had been He told them In th) Chicago, Jnne 20.—Today’* game waa Book, caught. cued. matter and the honied member. patrolman away same Hog Latin which they used ‘‘I wai one of the hardest fought battlee of the AND- At a of on oltlzens the better to "he meeting tbe Colby Atbletlo put dothes, dc caught clean, said, evidently meaning season. Beth pltohers were at their best Monday night Patrolman Haggett ar- that no evidence had been association Car) Cottrn 1900 elect.- i WEST END was back no time Incriminating was HOTEL, his work,and again In and up to the last Inning Griffith had re- retted a man named Asa Archibald on found upon blm. "What name did yot captain of the traok team and William There was a.big crowd of people abou asked him. He told their ceived end at times sensational an assault oomplalnt prefered by a Mrs. give?" they perfect Abbot JOB .■ the ticket, sellers' window formed In • and one of the two asked bln who averred that Archibald 1901, manager. PRINTER, Railroad prisoners In the thirteenth Roach, went Sq. support. Inning after riMTUr EXC HANGS, line land all In a to their tlok what be did that for. "Not now,” Daw- stable to take hurry gel two outs and with men on second and to her husband's hts horse CARRIE JONK8 GOES TO JAIL. so n replied, meaning that he would not «. Mr. Steele saw one of the orooka a out without permission and that when hear u. tell them then. The three prisoners con third, MoCormlok (ambled, tilling the NSW York, June 2u.—Carrie Jones, tbe 07 I*# Exchange lL Portland You will from > end ol this line the ! be knooked her pushing peopl tlnued to talk In Hog Latin and showed base*. Griffith lost ooutrol, forcing In a she remeoetrated down. nurse girl who pleaded guilty to kidnap later. ■> while cn the other end of th that they knew one another wel and Collins .ether, very run, doubled, soerlag thrao In of her assertion she exhibited ping Baby Marion Clark, and who re- jeHeodti and that had been to some crook proof w .s another one of the crowd they up more The sours: ceived a sentence of fourteen In prison, FINE JOB PRINTING A SPECIALTY. gang a wound been ed game toge her. scalp [alleged to[have la- was takeo from the Tombs la the ■ the towards bis Chicago, 000100000000 0—1 today u people companion > A fter the men were locked Offlosi bTmaU up Boston, 000100000000 4—6 ducted by him. Grand Central railroad depot whenoe sbe ff:omf-iy u the outside of this line of tw found under the uaiidSftr ^^Ti, people Keaitng train beneath The schedule of games of the Dart- was taken to the An born prison. bad Baw bits—Chloago, 7; Boeton, 0. Er- of the other crooks were an 1 whlob Dawson crawled In making hovering 1; 8. mouth foot-ball team Includes a date for his escape from his pursuers, a light coat rors—Chicago, Boston, BaMerles_ THkHODgRI BBAOVY we e evidently trying to plok the pocket 1 Griffith and suob as pick pockets carry on their arm t< Donahue; Mobol* and Clark. Bowdols at Hknover, October T. Tufts of the ticket while their Thrives on good food and buyers oompan veil their work At Pittsburg—New York, 4; Pittsburg, has a date for Bowdoln at Brunswick Oe- sunshine, Marshal Frith tel ten of exercise THREE MEN KILLED. Ions crowded the people dose togethei Deputy last evening 8, innings. and at Tufts November 16. with plenty la the upon air. TENNEY to Huston end Kotin taber'88,. meu of ephoned Inspector At Cincinnati—Philadelphia, 8; Uln- The onthe outside the llun eao ■ Bor farm glows with health and her face Rat Portage. Out., June an ac- son who it Is bellsved will know tiira ehieali, 8 ‘20.—By over arm a thin eont a mistake to that its cident to the hoisting at the carried his as n luen will come here today to sea If he rar At If’t imagine blooms with beauty. If her system apparatus CU LIST 9; Cleveland, itching ■ Cleveland-^-Brooklyn, can’t be a mistake Black Sturgeon mint last night,four men rnKKi professional pickpockets do,and thoy wei a Identity them. The police believe tha piles cured; to suffer needs the action of a laxative ud Ophthalmic Optician, than cleansing were precipitated to the bottom of the they have made an important am At 1st. 5: St. a day hunger you can kelp. Doan’s evidently operating under this coat. capture Louis—Washington, remedy, sbe uses the gentle and *00 foot shaft. Charles Adams of Kora Soldiers’Monument. have got the people who have teen re Louis, 8. OinHnVnk brings Instant relief and per- pleasant 15334 Congress St, opp. Stonily on* of tbs men who was dolu Booola. Charles Haas and John Howe 3 sponsible for all of the loesee which imvi At Loutsvllle—Baltimore, 8; manent cure. At any Syrup of Figs, made by the California Louisville, drug store, 50 ware killed Charles Anderson was the crowding at the ticket sellers' wlu la e been at the Union station ^ y reported cents. Fig Syrup Co. only. seriously Injured Office Days: Saturday l Only,

I.. :"i'Ssa3£- a tssea ■ 1 WBieai' MWatH IWMHW. SOUTH PORTLAND. SCHOOL AND COLEOE. ycauwow. ncmtAinwi._— __mmomaaiiioh_ rnonmm

The Ladles' Aid of Bethany oburoh will FRYKBUHG ACADEMY, meet with the president, iMrs. M. a t Frysborg, Jdao-tB.-Tbo Baccalaureate Young. Preble street, next Friday after- services of tbe olaas at '*■ of Fryeborg noon. A, fall attendance Is requested. Academy were hell at the'Congregational r. ivi. l.e:\azse:ini & co.’s has baas lire. F. J. Oatohell, who ohnrah last Sunday sewing and were oon- absent In Lynn for the past font or flsa ducted by Rev. David R Hatch of Port- SIXTH SEMI-ANNUAL MARK waekt rat uraecLho nee Sunday. land. The floral decoration* were DOWN SALE. There la a good elaad gang of men em- panel** and terns Appropriate anthems the Portland railroad at work and ware Ladies’ and ployed by response* hymn* fljkoly rendered Missis' Jackets, Setts, Capes, Skirts, Silk Waists, Shirt Waists and Children’s Garments, the track on Broadway. tha Nonesuch assist- opening up by Ladiea'.Qnartette, AND MONDAY, TUMDAY WEDNESDAY, JUNE 90 AND I Miss Florenoe Merrtman, one of the ed by Mrs. A. U. Abbott, organist, 19, 9 Only three days more and our.SixtJhieuiAEmuatSMaEk Down Sale will close. All this season's olerke la the poet offloe, will lease today Misses Louise Abbott and |Ina Sawtelle, good# ardjmarked at and below cost. Do not fail'to benefit By the unusual dfscon*»fr#er«rat thisi part of AhAseason when the goods are and for a brlat stela In Auburn. violinists, and s large oborua obolr. The perfectly fifegh ftt.ni the latest designs8 Come bcforcftfufsafe is oYer and get one ot the articles mentioned below. 1'lcaseraad It ctrefuHv Mrs. A. A. Otis and family were tha Baocalaureate address was flllsd with guests, yaeterday, of Mra. £. Man ter of earnest though* for tbe student*. It lot you will find several sample One lot Capes, made of English Capa Elisabeth. wo* founded upon tbe words In SUITS. given garments. clay diagonal, 24 and 27 inches long SHIRT WAISTS. I M. Cole returned from and tbe K. Byron John, aomnd chapter, a part of tbs One lot Suits, made of good quality Other coats at *6.50, 7.S0, 8.50 and lined throughout with satin, worth other places la "Old Oxford oounty” on elevmth verso: "This beginning of mira- cheviot, ®be ooftt iMlfr.Tormetly sold from *13.00 to $6.98. For this salt $8.9!* Why do they call our Shirt Waists I black, and^brow&i, only the Monday. Ha reports fishing better than cles did.Jeans In Cana of Galilee, and and skirt lined With black or colcfced coxa One lot Silk Capes, handsdtaely prettiest in the city? Because we- I go to T. ten and any time for many years and some good manIfeeted forth his glory." Rev. Mr. taffetas, tight biting fetyle, Sold alrMa- trimmed with lace and ribbon, reg- every days select I son anything worth As I c«totree have been mads by the keen Hatoh said in brief: Tbs ol at (dO.OO now only $12.60 ular $4.08. Sale price $2.98 Saving. these, beginning price are new and our of One lot Suits, tightfitting and reefer Other Capes, including Golf entirely prices’"'® oven sport. any work—dlpeolally of any life-work—li ower than style, made or covert cheviot and Capes, at two-thirds’ and one-half floods elsewhere, we have not At a recant of the South Port- moat Important In its our moating bearing upon laoaets lined with SfLK WAISTS. of former (marked these goods down, but wiJhgive / No. broadcloth, silk, prices. land Hose and Ladder company. 1,' futurw'aMalnmenta, and as It was with sold y°dJO per cent Discount on allz? skirts percaline lined, formerly All silk waists have been divided the following by-law was adopted: 'Any Christ so Is It with n* all. Evaryoas froth to this Shirt Waists while this sale lasts. $15,00 $17.60. For sale in bvelots and will be sold at fhe member of this company not being pres- reeds also to have modesty, oonfldenoo, $10.60 followfcg exceptionally low prices ent at one in every month,; shall courage and fallbfulneea to win socoeet One lot made of all wool Ven- SKIRTS. meeting suitB; *475, 5.5*, 4.76, 3.50 and 2.50. be notified the dark to at tbs In any field of labor. Christ was etian and covert doth, some by appear Intensa- tlghtQfc- Lot No. 1—All Fancy Waists, Our line of Dress Skirts was UNDERSKIRTS. 1.1 discharge* which weaken so next member ly human and loved all tbs best ting, others, reefer style, some have regular meeting. Any things ol some cost as high as dollars never so complete. We had them This is H women are caused Ca- braid these suits have been twenty a line of goods that I mafty by being absent three meetings In auooea- Ufa and sought to bring them to men. trimming; others sold from *18.50 to 17.60. made in all desirable wt^can- leaders at $18.50 and For this materials, not cut the price on have lf of the distinctly feminine excuse be He $12.60. astthey T^en. tprch elon wltbont a reasonable may manifested forth hla glory by his Our semi-annual sale price *6.76 cheviots, broad 61 rtths, mohairs.crep- marked close so The sufferer call sale our patrons shsll have tbelr very we shall offer«the<5 S organs. may a of the mem- words aod bis Lot No. 2-All waists which re- on, silk, etc. We have these expelled by two-thltdejvote note not leu than by the choice at $8,98 put same lO per cent Disconnt grten tare but left.gvery olllolated. Wednesday afternoon o'clock, Little know smdll'slzes. na is an absolute for these ailments, ^ formerly frcfto $7.98 to 10.00. In this 'settfi-antiual sale only $1.39 pou’t can And out at a glance. (number, will at '50c, specific Falla, South Windham, Ihejtollowtng -go _; which are so common in summer. Dr. ANNUAL FIELD DAY. programme has bean arranged) for alterations. No afternoons. We are a Hartfhan, in a practice of over forty years, The annua] field day of the Ladies' We shall charge goods exchanged barring big rush, therefore we would like to suggest to those who Mir to come forenoons. HE, never lost a single case of cholera infantnm, Circle of the Universalis! society will be dysentery, diarrhoea, or cholera morbus, held Wednesday at the cottage owned by S' Salutatory Leeland Braokett and his only remedy wae Pe-ru-na. W. at Falmouth Kore- Hoy Mr. Ueorge Fenley The Woman of Mumble Bead, fhoee farther should R. M. LEWSEN & 538 desiring particulars side. They will leave South Portland Mary Jane MoLtllan CO. Congress St. send for a of free copy “Summer Catarrh." post offloe on tbs 7.48 a. m. car. Mrs. Motto. Dr. 0. Progress of tbe,19 Century, Address, Hartman,.Columbus, Cobb will have of the U~ ■ Lionel ohargs party <=*= ~** ,t"“' T'* ■ »"» Kpth Olive Anderson 1 u Iff1,.. I1 and Is making all of the arrangement!. POTTER ACADEMY COMMENCE- Liberty and Union, (Webster), Miss Nellis Lockheed, Stanford street, Charles VaJentte Cook. MENT, MubIo. Is vIMtlng In Lewiston far a fsw days. who like Wholesome, Strength Bread shonfd eat fcebego, Me., June la.—The Through tbe Beok People Good, Giving $9.99 WHICH. Allsn Cobb, Main street, WllUrd, has graduation Ages, exsrotaes of 'S8 class, Potter Academy, on sold filled case Waltham or Elgin gone on a week’s wheeling trip to Moose- Valedlstory, a sn'yeav the Ade^ Jt^Mo^eilan Kick#! movement, warranted to be the best head Lake Thursday afternoon, ISth, were fol- 2&U8lO. watch tar the money. McKENNEY. the lowed by a oonoert la the evening the Awarding of Diplomas Jeweler Monnment Square. Je9 PLB ASANTDALE. by Ceolllan Quartette of Portland, consisting anilo.meddotlon. Mlee Nellie Bar ke Is passing the week of the following talent: Miss Brown, Miss In the at (ireat Diamond Island. Miss evening at 8 o'dock the CeelUan Riohardson, Sawyer and , Miss BOND’S of Portland a CHANGE OF TIME. Mies Ethel Fullerton, Brown street, Hawes. There was a crowded house In quartette wE|l give grand oonoert for tbe benaOt of the left Monday for a few weeks In Boston. the afternoon. A mong the trustee* that pobllo grad- class. Mrs. Elinor Cash Rogers, Chapel attended were L. A. Poor, J. C. Babb uating street, passed Tuesday ae the guest of and Arthur Dyer. The order of the after- WESTBROOK SEMINARY COM- Grand Trunk Mrs. L. H. Plllsbury. noon exercises was: MENCEMENT. Railway System. of The Sunday sohoo) board Brown’• Prayer Tbt programme for tbe graduation of On and after June trains were HYGIENIC entertained Ceclllan Monday, 19tb, 1899, Hill ohuroh, Monday Quartette the senior date of Westbrook Seminary to will leave as tallows: Salutatory-Origin of Mualo, Sana night at the home of Mr.and Mrs. Ernest Dyer be held June has BREAD, Class Thursday, 89 been air- For Essay—L’ourrage valno tout,. _ Lewiston and Auburn, 7.00, 8.15 a. m., 1.30 Brown stmet. 4.90 8.3o in. Henry, Julia announoed as follows: p. _ Douglass Prayer; muilo; For Qornamand Berlin, 8.15 a. m., 1.30, 8.30 p. Mr. Walter Huston has returned from a Wonders of the Nineteenth Century, salutatory, Mary Elizabeth Bartlett, Bry- It Contains All the Nutriment of m. the White Wheat. business trip in the eastern part of the Alphonr.0 ant's Pond; "A Orer the For Montreal aud Chicago, s.15 a. m., 8.30 p. m Music, Ceclllan Quartette eesay, Trip For Quebec, 8.15 a. 8.30 in. state. m., p. Class Hlsetory, Myra Prances Nason Sierra Nevadae and tbe Mooklea," Ruth Tell to order it for yon fresh. ARRIVALS. Mrs. F. C. Sawyer Is sntertalnlng Miss Makars of American Literature, Marie Maxwell, Richmond; deolamatlon. your grocer From Lewiston and a. Auburn, 8.40, 11.30 m., Edith Sawyer, South Portland Heights. Liasle Mae Jewell “Cnailes Sumner 0.15. 5.45 m. Carl Sohnrz," Ernest MADE BY GrOTJDY 3.15, p. Claw Oration—Amerloa in the East, tfc BLEKTT From Durham and JO a. Mrs. J. W Devine has been very 111 at Llnwood je!6 ff&Ftt Berlin, 6.40,11 m., 5.45 Curtis KI wood Sanborn Hooper, Auburn; musio; ora- p. nu tee home of hor daug liter, Mrs. Charles in From Montreal and Chicago, 0.40 a. 5.45 Muslo, Ceollllan Quartette tion, “Lumbering Maine," Blynn m„ p. Summer street. in. E. Hayes, Claw Poem, —A Monument of Gold, Fred Vlies, Skownegan; recitation, "A From Quebec. 6.40 a. m.. 5.45 p. m. Vida Anna Dyer OftnHurrmn nf t.hm Hid finhrtnl " insfln SUNDAYS-, DEPARTURES. Prophecy, Georgia Catherine Harding MORRILLS. Vaiediotorv—Ideals. Dobson, Alba May Pease, For Lewiston and Anburn. 8.30 a. m„ 8.30 p. ra. Cambridge; ARRIVALS. Herbert Ellery Thompson oration, “New England In the 18th Cen- Muelo, Ceolllan Quartette and Willard From Lewiston and Auburn, 6.40 a. m. The of the Hall associ- tury Today” Harry Hall, Montreal and a. meeting Deerlng Conferring Diploma* by L A. Poor GREAT BARGAIN From Chicago, 6 40 m. Calais, (excused;) “Tbe Life of Charlotte ;i«i9d3t ation which was to have been held last Benediction Bronte,” Dora 3. Leighton, Portland; Saturday evening was postponed nntll Hr. the oration, Clarence Merlon further notice. Stone, principal, resigns his “Pertoles," position to take tbe Brldgton French, Portland; essay, "Chinees Cus- DIAMONDS-INSTALLMENTS. Quite a large delegation of the mem- High school. Hiss Poor and Hiss Wales, assis- toms," Esther Perley Foster, land BICYCLE SALE. B have a assortment of Diamond bers of Lebanon Commandary, Knights \V large also “Tbe Cl of Rinas, Pins, Ear Rings and bcarf Pins* Df Malta, are to go on the plunlo and field tants, resign. The former Is going (excused;) oration, A SYMPHONY all good ana This quality perfect. is a very lay to be held today at Long Island. The to college and the latter expeote to go to Macbeth,” Charles Horatk rts, easy way to buy a Diamond as we make tbe members will participate In the In ray man is so that will not miss the parade Boston. It will be neoessary to hare new Cambridge, Maee.; muslo; ion, by you Portland and on at the Me The arrival island money KENNEY, .Jeweler, Monu- teaohers for the year “His Mother's Sermon," lari Jo .. i, wen, ment square. febOdtf will enjoy one of Cushing's clam bakes. beginning September IN BIDE. Sth, '99. | Edith Taloott, New Vineyard; orutlon, “Some Metbode of Alfred FREE EXPRESS DELIVERY IN It is rumored that owing to a bad bond Colonlsatkn.'' Boecoe Moores N. This 1$ what we cell our DEKRINQ. tbe town has lost about one thousand dol- Maxwell, Mills, B.; VICTOR : BYCII For lars of the Potter fund. If so as re- valedictory, Arthur William Cooltdge, Women. The residents of Portland at Dr. Tolman’a lias Woodfords, of Monthly Regulator brought Center. North ported, tbe town of Sebago will be rrepon Portland; awarding dlploiitas; music; happiness to hundreds of anxious women. Dskdale, Deerlng Morrllls, Ms Window to make benedlotiou. There is positively no other remedy known Deerlng and Brighton corner are now en- elble good any losses of the fund Furnishing to The list of with courses and medical science, that will so quickly and |oylng the advantages of a free express In so that the graduates do trust, aoademy oannot be safety the work. Have never had a single iellvery. The American Express company Is as follows: THU failure. The at any loss If of the fund Is lost degrees WEEK. longest and most obstinate cases this week made arrangements with Hodg- any Fiwl Wheels la Ilia WoiU. are Laureute of Arts Elizabeth Bart- relieved in 3 days without fail. No other Investment. -Mary ion’s express to make two deliveries a through tset we eell at- remedy will do this. No pain, no danger, no lett. It U with pardonable pride and afternoon of all ■ interference with work. The most difficult lay, morning paok- GORHAM HIGH SCHOOL. College Preparatory Course—Arthur tention to this great collection ol blue Neck- Have always been sold previous to this season for froni-lOS oases troated iges addressed to street and n umber. successfully through corree- William Cooldtge, Esther Perley Foster, wear. Yea Will na< all the various to 150 dollars. The factory have several thousSChd of these Oonaence, and the most The for Ine shapes'in complete satisfaction following programme grad- Alfrel Boscoe Maxwell to evel7 instance. I demand, frofb'tbe modest bow op to the latest wheels on hand and have decided slaughter the price for relievo hun- uation of the tiorbam High school has Course—Clarence Merton dreds of ladles whom 1 never see. Write for DAILY EUROPEAN HINTS. English creation In Neckwear the bl* BHOLISH quick cash. ftlther All been annonnosd for tbe exercises French, Harry Willard Hall, Ernest Lin- particulars. letters truthfully which Mill ARB sooalled. These are all made trots answered. Free confidential advice in all wood Hooper, Dora Sohorn Leighton, are to occur Friday, June 93 at 9 o’clock HtMOHraPStfl matters of a private or delicate nature. Bear Huth Marie Maxwell, Abble MamyPease, the best quality ot rsrtU in mind this is WE OFFER THREE HUNDRED remedy absolutely safe under at the Congregational church. Chandler's Charles Horatio Boberta, Edltb Taloott, Bilk aud u is sale to say’that flUa assortment ot possible condition and will evdfcr positively orchestra of Portland will Fred Vilas. blue Neckwear cdhnoFbe Bee 'out tewve no ill effects upon tbe fornish tbe Blynn surpassed. after health. Bv * mail sealed, Dr. rauslci The exerolses will Tbe honor awarded are as follows: wludow display this week. seoufbly $2.00. E. M. TOL- open with parte - - MAN CO., 170 Tremont 8t., Boston, Mass, muslo followed with prayer, after which First honor, Ernest Llnwood Hooper, Ar- 1899- Victor- the following parts will be oarried out: thur William Coolldge, Esther Perley Bicycles NOTICE. Salutatory In Latin, Foster, Mary Elisabeth Bartlett; seoond at- To the PuBLict Having bought out Marlon Lincoln Cummings honor, Alfred Boscoe Maxwell, Edith translation from Cicero— the firm of L. M. Lovejoy A Son, Car- Original Taloott. -k and 192 The Second Inveotlvu Against j haskell&jbnes, penters Buildsrs, Brackett St., 1 will, after the first of July, Catallne, MAINE PATENTS. SPOT occupy Oren MoKenney Moulton _J_ Clothiers ani their place of business and in tbe mean- Tailors, Furnishers, Muslo. Washington, June 30.—The following time, orders lrft at either will re- shop Theme—Tbe Czar’s Peace have been granted to Maine ceive attention. Commission, patents MONUMENT' CASH. prompt Joseph Randell Hidlon people: W. U. Crlmmla. North Sullivan StlllAHE^ CHAS. B. HOWATT. Class History, Charlotte A. Mtllett fastening; A. U.Fltz, separable Auburn, NO The ever We would recommend Mr. Howatt to Muslo. treeing raachlnj. NO TRUST, INSTALMENTS. greatest vglue our customers as one who will serve in a No wheel on earth offers so actual value ! you — ■ ..... > giveai bityclc. ga-eat faithfully. Thanking you for past patron- at any price. age we wish a continuance of the same for our successor. L. M. L. A SOX. JelSJlw [New! Something F. O. BAILEY & CO., CONGRESSIONAL RECORDS 46 Exchange Street. jedstf

FOB SALE. NO WINCS ON IT. This represents a house without wings. If you own one it will stay with British & Insurance Co, Sets of Congressional Rcorsfs you aud bring large returns, either foi North Mercantile own home or as an investment. OP LONDON AND EDINBURGH. for to your period from 1864 1894. If used for own home will your yon nol Tlie Largest ltsnranc* Company In the World doing a Fire Business. Apply ut only save paying rent, but will secure fbi your family comfort aud contentment, •’2,339,101.00 Loaaei paid at the Great Fire, October, 1871. which are of health Chicago productive and pros- •749,007.50 Losses paid at the Great Boston Fire, November, 187*4. Portland Press Office, perity. Try a home of your own for a •660,000.00 Losses paid at the Great St. Johu, N. B.. Fire, Jane, 1877. Daily short time and you will never be satisfied to rent again. Talk with us about a 97 EXCHANGE ST. pay ALL LOSSES PROMPTLY ADJUSTED BY LOCAL AGENTS. Large package of the World’s lot, und let some of your friends build a je20 dtf In Portland t cleanser for a nickel. Still house for you, or we will build for you, Represented by Dinner toilette, by Paquin. Princess of If you with. BSPOT CASH-OLD COLD. maize colored silk anpligued with leaves of omy In 4 pound package. NORTON & 17 AUSTIN & black guipure embroidered with HALL, Exchaas* Strest.; SHEARMAN, We give yuu tbe beat far Old Gold ss gold spangles, big prlee tiuimpe and sleeves of embroidered black tulle THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY, Llewelljn M. we use it for McKEKKEY tbe 'Leighton, CUTLER 28 maktnfrink*. and flounce si the same. New Yerk. Beetoo, R. UBBY, Eukatge Stmt, i CeeriBg‘District Jeweler, Uosumeutdidhare. ocl27dtf CblcM*. at. LouU. 5» EXCHANCE ST. arplfsodt! —a. ! v.. -—. mMnu. ■ V general dtamament could but make tar Indicates that the fair will not be frith rnticui. vihmul. ---- *rm-. .. .. THE PRESS. mm and could bnt redact tbe burden# «• thle jeer. '-T ipon tbe people, tar It I# well know# and Subscription Books June U M’S JUNE 21. MAINE NEWS NOTES. Open Monday, 30, WEDNESDAY, , ’enerally admitted that It U tbe military and — Close at 3 ■ ■.H" narsl P. M. June 38. THEATRE. -'5JX..' I >nd expenses of tbe nations of Wednesday, McCULL RIVERTON PARK. TERMS' Europe that chiefly opprea*| the (top'#. General T. W. Hyde, of Bath, la rally- F»iwn f or PNdamiMi. j DAILY PRESS— Tbe trouble with tbe Cser's scheme wae ing somewhat from bla terers Ilia can. advance or at the ead of Msuafsmsnt nf BARTLEY MoCCIXCM. WEEKOF J(JIE By the year, *6 In (7 , hat It required tbe adherenoe of a large He la attn at Chloago. 19, the year. lumber of Independent and adjaoent The flftlnth anniversary of the Sooth Afternoon ant Erenlni, By the mourn, 60 cents. The Coolest, Cosiest. Beet VentllMe sad itatas, mob suspicious of tbe sincerity of Durham High school and Pbilologlan The DAILY PRESS In delivered at thane ratee Equipped Sumner Theatre la Hour England. A Company of Onaxealled Entertainers, bo otber, In It Into This, will be held at South Durham every morning to subscribers In all parts at put practlo*. Society 1 t Portland, and m Westbrook and South Port- appeared early, could not be scoured, la the Friends' meeting houae on Friday, Ooe Week, Coneneeaelni non- land, 1 md so tbe Csar’e original plan was August 18. A pleulo dinner Will be Massachusetts Electric day Evenlnf, Jane 191b, THE MAINE STATE PRESS (Weekly)— 1 acltly abandoned before I tbe conference served tn .Hood Templars’ Hall at IS Companies MATTISEES DAILY BECMH5RI6 By tne year, f 1 m advance, or J1.28 at the net, and tbe beet prsventlre of war, j'cloeh sharp. The literary exorcises end of the year. I lamely, lack of maobmury to nil! begin at 1 o’clock. Members are TUESDAY. BOSTON For six mombJ. 60 cents; lor three mouths. •rry It saarlboed. An at- jrivtleged to Invite their friend* aa guests. on, $ 12,000,000 Aa Elaborate ProdnaMen of 26 cents,1 •mpt wae made to subetltnte Communications may be addressed to islIintlreB like arbitration and mediation Joseph Henry Davis, president. Sooth NOVELTY Subscribers chose paoers are not delivered FOUR PER CENT CUMULATIVE SHARES jo far as oan be judged by present ap- Durham, or Vu. R. O. Bates, secretary, promptly are requested to notify the office of Maranoee tbe fallnre of theee le a# certain Skowhegen. aa to and the DAILY PRESS. No. 07 Exchange street, (Preferred Prinolpals Divldende.) ALABAMA. 1 m that of tbe Otar's original plan; and It Asa Mason, accused of tha theft of |80 COMPANY Portland. Me. BT AUGUSTUS THOMAS. of ealoe from tbe con- 'roiu the houae of Bates at St. Al- mythlng proceeds Cyrua Born A Play of a Dream and a Dream Patrons ot the PRESS who arc town srenee it will be In the dlreotlou simply aans, attempted suicide by taking parts leaving of o Play. 'Bssvawjssan'ssr,"'.”' temporarily nay have the addressee of their if making war more humane, especially green when taken Into ouatody. $ 12,000,000 ■syalllcfsl Scenic Effect.. papers changed as often ae they may delire by ipon tbe sea. Charles Ldnooln, for 86 years or more a Appropriate notifying the office. On 3 cause, and we are Inclined to think nadlng dry goods dealer and merchant COMMON SHARES CoiSma. THE ihe chief the failure la that In Into bank- FADETTES one, of the sailor Farmlngtco.baa gone The friends of Admiral their The enure prodaetton (Iran under the nr. Schley by nesses of tbe of tbe various Hie liabilities are from fWO-J to The 1 The people •uptoy. Massachusetts Electric Computet is a association a board of 15 who hold the title | tonal direction of Bartley MeCullum. Popular Lady Orchestra of overzeal seem to have got him into a peek voluntary managed by trustees, Bound istkins are yet a long way from fully 18000, with assets amounting to barely to lte assets. The Declaration of Trust trip tickets, Including admission to frtends are to be oontalns strict provisions the creation of any Indebtedness share- the theatre, BOo. Reserved America, rendering of trouble. Fool apt the of 18000 against whereby any ouly seats io lomprebendlng superiority peooe (Boston Globe.) holder or trustee can be held to end 30 cenu nua cars leave MonuaMnt more hurtful than avowed enemies. uy personal liability. It will bold th* majority, and. In most iastaaoes, practioally tho a promote national Interacts, An attempt waa mads on Snnday to all, Square every 16 minutes for MeCullum’. stock of th# following Theatre. Reserved seats on sale 3- GRAND CONCERTS X. at Sawyer's DA!tf-3 A much of the Dem- the martial spirit U still wlde- tldnap the ten-year-old boy of Dr. R. Monument larger percentage Confectionery Store, Square. Tele Patron* eaa obtain Rsserrsd Basts at tbe and each as la won on bat- of a man la a No. 636-3. ocrats than of the Republicans In the ipread glory Healey Bangor, strange STREET RAILWAY AND ELECTRIC LIGHTING COMPANIES: phono Casino. at home eleotion I fields still holds a great place In the carriage attempting to luxe the little fel- second district stayed Kashas Strsst Kailway Ca. WlliStM * BConeham at, Ky. Co. Hrecktoa, BsM|twahr * Taastoa St' lopular Imagination. Tbs military or ow away by promisee of candy aad non- •Lowell * THE C3EIH day. Perhaps that la not unnatural. aoharbaa St. By. Co. Woburn * HsoSIss Bt. Hy. Co. Ky. Ca. THEATRE, Peaks Island. laval hero takes In tb# The llttla waa not and Men don’t ilka to follow a forlorn hope. easily precedence iy. boy tempted Lowell. Lawrence A Haverhill Bt. Hy. Ce Myrtle Valley Bt. Ky. Co. Rainey * Boatoa St. Ky. Co. Ken * estimation of tbs people even In th# most sold bla father. The police are Investi- Stag Lowell *1. Ky. Co. North Wobara Bt. Ity. Oo. Tsastos Bt. By. Co. ?*g am'lVHHCB’lTOCK TSSpAs! } IN It looka ad Mr. Littlefield’s at, Co. AMERICA. though inllgbtened nations over all others. Two gating the case. Kpckyort Hy. Needham a Boatoa Bt. Ky. Oo. Dftghton, Somerset * Swaasea Bt. Ky. Oo. over Oloaeeoter Bt. Monday Evening. Jane 19, and majority would be 6,000 greater ir three reckless dashes In the Charles fourteen son of Ry. Co. Wat Roxbary * RosMaBala Bt. R». Co. PrortOenee * Tannton at. Oo. Every Evening aid, Carter, yean, Ry. Matinees and excess Gloasottov * St. Co. Tuesday, Friday Saturday aW.4t. than Mr. Dlogley’s. Is this to be ‘hllipplnes promoted Glen. Vnnston traoa Carter of Bangor, waa drowned Rockport Ry. Norfolk Babarbaa Bt. pty. Co. Globe Bt. Ry. Co. to lha of the Hon. Gloaeoster, Bs.er * Beverly St. Ry. Co. Norfolk Central Bt. Co. a Pall River Bt. Co. credited apaach George c a In tbe v afternoon while In on Ry. Newport Ry. MR. O. plaoe popular lionday bathing * Boston B. R. Co. JAMES BARROWS Williams at Lewiston last Boston, Milton e Brockton St. Ry. Co. Newport Illnmlnetlng Co. Fred Saturday nlnd that be oould not have attained by Kenduekeag stream. He wee eelaed with and hi* will Bererby a Danrert St. Ry. Co. Braintree Bt. Ry. Co. Newport It Hy. Co. superb oompany present Belasco dcOegfllle's greatest .nocese, night? ears of painstaking and snoosasrul labor vamps and sank before bla oompanlona •***■* * WsksStM Bt. Ry. Co. Brockton Bt. Ry. Co. H/tte Park Bier trie Light Co. n any of the art# of peace. A pretty xrald reach him. Tha body waa re- Congressman Fitzgerald of Boston, Broehton * Boat Bridgewater St. Ry. Co. Dtghton Reek Park Corporation, THE WIFE. large per cent of tbe people, even of x> vend. tender contract to leacc. who was In the laet Congress the only Played by a powerful and perfectly balanced cast of latlon# as far advanced ae oar own, are Philip H.[ Coombs, a painter,was found Democrat from Mew England, objects to companies cover the greater part of the street railway mileage north of Boston, as far as Nashua, N. H., and id a, Fred Williams Hanging ny W1H oeoa sue luvsup and the declaration of George Newburyport Gloucester, Mast., and south as far as Fall River, Mass., and and B. Ttct.u wltn coupon edmlrtaa to cut*. BcMrrett 10 Its to “llok” Belfast afternoon. Ad effloer not Newport Providence, I., connecting T>»tr.’e seen, a!5r?l SSok I a wintry by ability somebody Sunday wi that Bryan Is the oboloe of the Massa- directly th the street railway system of Boston. Various electric basinets In the same tnd an occasional war whlon famishes blm down In time to save his llfat lighting companies, doing section, chusetts Democracy. Mr.Fitzgerald hlm- are also included. .he wished for demonstration Is by no Sunday night a plea* of a railroad rail sulf admits that Bryan Is tbedogloal can- The Board of five of are to be means to them. The wns In the track of the Maine Cen- Trustees, whom elected by the certificate holders eaoh year, tad to serve for a term ef to disagreeable ; spirit placed HfA]fcm> didate, but he objeots allowing Mr. three Is as follows! d the masses has got to be tral at Joaeelyn oroealng near Hast New- years, to run all alone. greatly Williams the.loglo FOB TRIUCE TEARS. MOONLIGHT SML shingeil before wars will cease. They port, Mat. It la thought to have been FOR TWO YEARS- FOR oKB TEAR. STAtfEMEKT OF THE COYlttTIOS Richard WednMda; June Senator Thurston of Nebraska thinks have got to oome to look upon war as the work of tramps. The west bound ex- Olaey. Gordon Abbott, 8. Endlcott Peabody, —OF THE— Evening, llit, now was Charles E. at 7.80 Gorman of Maryland may be nominated they do upon pestilences, as unrolled press jolted by the obetruotion, and Cottlng, Amos F. Breed, 8. Reed Antboay, Portland Trust Co.. Portlands o'clock, the but on a silver nil. While it as a was Goodwin >. by Democrats, plat- they regard stepping stopped by Engineer by Eugene Foss, John !». Berkley. Everett W. Bnrdett, June It, 1899. STKAMER FI LG KIM will Uk* the CHRIS- Home such result would not be itone to or Tbe form. individual national greatness gulok application of the air brakes. Percy Parker, Stlllmaa F. U WILLIAM G. DAVI8, President, TIAN EJiDKAVOKKRS aud,their friends on Kelley, Philip Sallonstall, JAMES P. Two thirds of the will never be averse to It. If of rail was found In one of BAXTER, Vice-President »[dslighmil Mil of three hoar* surprising. delegatee they very pleea lodged Cbarlea Francis Adaais, 2d, Walter Hunnewell. K. Rollins Morse. HaRBY BUTLER, Treasurer. aanug the are to nominate In the Demo- baok of eaoh one of the tbe truck framee of the oar. JOSHUA Island* ef Casco Bar. required representatives express The Trustees will issue a LIBBY, As»L Treasurer. certificates of participation to the amount of Tickets a cents for cratic national convention. Ho a little jf the various nations at the Hague con- Tbe largest provincial excursion laav- Trustees—Wllllam G. Davis, James P. Baxter, i sale at the beet. Custom A. H. Walker, Chas. K. Wllllam House Wharf. over a third of the convention may foroe ference had been a sentiment tb at Watervlllv.ooenryed Tuesday Libby, JV If public ng morning 912,000,000 in Common Shares (Par SI00) Brown, David W. Snow, Augustus R. Wrlmt, stormy.following Saturday evening. a candidate of Gorman’s but the sbborred war. and aa when 100 trench cltlsens In oh of W. Franklin R. kind; regarded It unjusti- urge Sidney Thaxter, Barrett, Wal- __ }eUd3t ler O. Dans, Frederick Roblc, Chas. O. Ban- wHl make a to suit Uable In self defenoe there Rev. Fr. Gharlend of St. Franols de in 4 majority J platform except would $12,000,000 per cent Preferred Shares (Par $100) croft, Weston F. MUltkeu. Harry Butler. themselves. tiave been no In Sales Catholic church, departed'over the Id accordance with the terms of the great difficulty coming Deed of Trust, and each holder of these participation certificates will therefore be ao Organized March 31,1883. to some understanding tbat would bare Maine Central railroad for Montreal and owner of a Interest in each share LIABILITIES. Mr. Hendsrson, who is to be Speaker, proportionate of stock held by the Trustees, and these certificates will represent practically KGTZSCHHARhaW, llminished the of conflicts. But St. for a two weeks’ Capital stock. frequenoe George trip. the entire capital stock of the above-named as well as (200,000,00 Is quoted as saying that Mr. Payne ol compiDios sufficient oash to take up the floating debts and provide for 100,000.06 there was no such sentiment, or It was Bates Curtis, a Richmond farmer, at- Deeded Surplus, New York, will be chairman of the ways improvements. Undivided profits. te|ii8J2 not of such and commit suicide He Demand “v**. strength unanimity as tempted to Tuesday. Both classes deposits, I.U12MM JUBILEE, and means committee In the next House of shares are free from taxation in Massachusetts Time TtokatS 30c. 71>,o. «Ma, on. sale-at to make Itself respeoted and feared. The Is expeotsd to dls. Curtis has been de- Deposits, 58,731.1$ Creucy, of After the death of for several BOSTON, June 13. 1890. Deposits for coupons, 3,417.00 Jones & Aden Monday. June iNith. Htdf Hepresentatlves. spondent weeks. *■ Bret essential for the abolition of war is MESSRS E. ROLLINS MOR3E Trust funds. 12,838.14 fare on the railroads to all holding Reed Mr. Tbe of Myron N. Kusaell A BRO., AND MESSRS. TUCKER, ANTHONY A BOSTON: Mr. Dlcgley, Speaker promoted appointment CO., Sinking funds for corporations, 373A1S.67 "Jubilee'' tickets. jelsdiw to instil Into the publlo mind hatred of of to be a m >11 Dear Sirs—At your request, I have examined Into tbe financial affairs of the com- Stillwater, Me., railway thirty-three Companies, whose Rsnew.il land, Payne to the chairmanship of the stock is cotrolled the 1.000,000 war. When the victories of peace are clerk Is announced by tbe United States by Massachusetts Electrio Companies, for a period of five years, and find that the earnings mittee, and Mr. Payne neld the plice for frost Office to dividends on the shares of Association for the last piisAjrci aL. more renowned in the pnbllo estimation Department. applicable tills completed fiscal year were (733,238. $1,896,930.98 about two until the end of the Walter J. Gowell bag been uamed as a a months, My examination also shows substantial lnorease in the earnings of these Companies for the past few months RESOURCES. than those of war, when the her oes of substitute mall oarrler at Me. Congress. It wonld be expected that be Auburn, as compared with the same period of previous years. Yours very truly, AUGUSTUS NICKERSON, Demand Loans, A SPLENOID peace are set upon as a pedestal as Time INVESTMENT. would be made chairman and Mr. high Pubiio Accountant. Loans, again, Expert and those of war the people will cease to per- AUCTION SACKS. Stocks bonds, Henderson's determination to appoint The uri Income of these properties, ns shown bj (he above report, after payment of Interest Trust investment*. In dividend paying and prospective raining mit themselves to be burdened to support Sinking fund Investments, stocks or property, vuch as Gold, Cop- him Indicates that he intends to mnke up BY F. 0. BAILEY ft (0., Auctioneers. on all bonded Silver, great military establishments, and then Indebtedness, was.$733,883 Renewal luud investment. Lead and Zinc that will stand the light of his committees in accordance with the 4 Furniture and fixtures. vestigatlou. It you have money to Invest la the of will have bsen per cent, on $18,000,000 Preferred Shares would be $480,000 Cr. of the House. age peace fairly Expense account, either large or small amounts, and have faith usages Sale at Auction 8 ceul. on Common Shares would on u hcred In. Today the monarchs perceive Assignee’s per $12,000,000 be .... 840,000—$780,000 Cub deposit, in legitimate mining propositions, and wish to Cashou band. deal direct with principal, either on the grounu The guaranteejagnlnst war in South Af- the disadvantages of war more clearly at a. floor or it will to call on or THURSDAY, Juno 22d, >0 m., I shall Leaving a balance top floor, pay you rica lies in the fact that the British mili- than the people, and the oiamor of the ON mu at rooms of F. O. Bailey & Co., 46 Ex- of.~$iat833 * address change street, a general stock of goods con- F. E. T1MBERLAKB, authorities a masses much more J. L. tary fully appreciate that frequently precipitates sisting of Boots, Hhoes. Clothing. Furnishing The foregoinx statement or earnings show that, even with the poor business done by all the Street Railways Je21dtt Bank Examiner. RICE, conflict with the Boers will be a very a oonfllot than the seoret plottings of the Goods, Ribbons, Hosiery. Underwear, Gloves,. during the last year, there would be sufficient income to.safely pay 4 per eent. on the Preferred shares aud 2 per cent, 35 Congress St., Boston, Braldes, Laces, Neckwear, Teas, Soaps. Fancy on both in men tbe Common, or 50 percent. In exceas of the for the Preferred shares’ dividend. 8tnndli.li Water ft Construction costly affair and money, if few. War must be far less popular than Goods, Patent Medicines. Extracts. Spices, requirements before making any other Investment, jemdiw President realm were e of ao- now before it will Hardware, Palot Brushes; 4’s, due 1928, Kruger’s isy stop. also^boks,Toys, the dividends on the Preferred shares to 4 or to half the Company, small quantity of Dry Goods and many other By limiting per cent, only amount of dividends the law allows oess and his troops were nothing but bar- guranteed principal and In- goods. Street Railway Companies to pay, they will equal, as shown above, only two-thirds of the net earnings of the properties for = THE = we CHAS. W. barians Imagine that before this the Kate Furbish ALLEN, leretl, by the Portland Water —Miss of Brunswick Je20d3t Assignee of H. H. Burbank. the last year, and make the Preferred shares partake of the nature of a bond. The dividends on the Preferred shares are so would have on th9 march to English been a Company. whose work as botanist has often been secure that they make au investment that will bo attractive to Trustees, which could not be the case If their dividends were relieve the Outlandtrs from the oppressive notioed in these Is at Lewiston. .Walne, Ons Light oolumns, present FINANCIAL. liable to fluctuate with tbe variations of business. By this plan such liability of fluctuation is borne the Common shares. restraints that have been pnt upon them by Casco National Bank engaged In an exhaustive of the Company, first mortgage, 4’s study On the other hand, however, the Common shares may dividends that will 4 as the result by Kruger’s legislature, but the prospect fairly expect average per oent, of In- .OF. toadstools and mUBbrooms of Maine. She creased business and economies of co-operative management. due 1921. coolest soldiers uTmeetTitg iO,uOO^)f”’the’' has two seasons spent already in this The statement, having been figured during a to the in Chester, \l„ Water Company, MAINE. and the most accurate marksmen In the earnings period previous present improvement general business, PORTLAND, work, having explored the country BONDS. should the minimum The condition of is first mortgage, gold, 5’s. due world In a that affords innumer- represent earnings. present general prosperity already being reflected by increase! oountry around In Oxford two 1824. Gilead, county, in over tbe months of last as shown the 1919, Gravity Supply. Incorporated able oppoitunitles fo r ambuscade is one earnings corresponding year, by following figures: years ago. and that around Wells, In High grade Securilien, nullable Hudson, .V 11., Water CAPITAL. AND SURPLUS from whloh the government of Great 1899 1898 Increase Company, York]oounty, last season. The winters (or March 705.83 first Britain reoolls, and savings Ranks, Trust Funds $283, $275,121.51 $8,383.88 mortgage, gold, 5’s, due very properly. *H have been spent In studying the fungi at and Private Investors. April 318,671.87 877,018.38 35,661.93 1919. of Tlurvard University. Of eaoh of the May 357,417.83 313,963.81 The question Sunday golf playing 13,484.68 ludiuunpoil., Indianu. Water toadstools whlob she has FOR SAXE BY ONE MILLION at the frout somewhat In Borl- found, Miss whlcbjwas Far Hie three months Company, 5’s, due 1926. Furbish has made a water 953,887.48 866,097.04 87,730.39 (10.18 per and last year, Is oaualng an Interesting color study, cent.; CHARLES F. The form and of the declaration of trust and all matters Incidental Es.cx-Luion, W’ater & Light llsoussion In New York, and the Tribune as is ber method In studying the flora of FLAGG, provisions to the organi- zation of Hie association have been approved by Messrs. Gaston, Snow Ac Sulionstull. Company, first mortgage, gold, if that city has thought it worth while to the State, and these studies form a most 17 Exchange St., Portland. DOLLARS. June 1809. 5's, due 1916-1924. levote several oolnmns to an examination beautiful and Interesting She has BOSTON, Mass., 9, folio, York MESSRS. E. ROLLINS MORSE & AND ANTHONY A COMPANY: found three hundred and (New Correspondents, Redmond, Kerr BRO., TUCKER, 4 of Rahw-a;, N. J 4’s, due if the opinions of leading clergymen on tllty dlstlnet & Co.) GENTLEMEN— » City specimens of the family, and believes that may22eodtf 1932. Interest Paid on the snbjeot. While they generally oon- I have, as requested, made careful examinations of thirty-three Street Railway and Electric Light properties there be as nj a of lemned Sunday golf playing, a few may many thousand In for the purpose of ascertaining their values. City Zanesville, Ohio, 4’s, due the State. Miss Fnrbish These Street and two ti.hi: DEPOSITS. jhought It might be a proper recreation has attained the comprise thirty-one Railway Electric Lighting plants, which latter furnish power for 1913. distinction of two several of the railways. for suoh as have no other time for out of proud having plants .FOB Drafts drawn i’», due 1907 MERCANTILE day towns and cities; Lewiston, Auburn, put by this united interest amusement and recreation. It was Respectfully submitted, GILBERT HODGES, Town of Vomarlscotta 4Vs due 1900 eug- Bldrieford, Saco, Brunswick, Augusta Consulting Engineer ;ested also that the Saturday half-holiday investment Securities. Portlaud Water Co. 4’s, due 1927 and Waterrille. The new law relating 50,000 of the Preferred, with Jo,000 of the Common Shares have been subscribed for by the former owners of the aow so .well established, removed, to a prop Maine Central K. V. 6’s. dne 1900 to truancy, which specifically repeals all crties and their friends. TRUST COMPANY. extent all excuse for the use of Sun- ’arge "acts inconsistent herewith,” Maine Central R. R. 7’s, due 1912 provides We now offer for shares day as a day of pleasure. Letters of public subscription 70.000 of the Preferred, 33,000 shares of the that when any child from seven to fifteen Credit, St. Croix El. ft Water Co. Common, In lots of uot less than two shares of preferred and oue share of on the basis si due 1906 THE HAGUE CONFERENCE AND years Is absent from sohool for six days Common, *’«, Capital, $100,000 or tbe or trie Telegraph ft Telephone WAR. more, parent guardian may he Drafts. lO a fine more foreign ($1000) Preferred Shares Ce. Collat. Trust 5’s, due 1936 of Stockholders, $100,000 is no reason to punished by of not than |f0. <1(.. Liability There doubt that the lanlMU Of course the or the Cleveland 5’s. due 1909 Gear was einoere when he broaohed the attorney general 5 ($500) Common Shares City Ry. courts will settle the but Hamilton ft Buf- INTEREST PAID ON idea of a conference of representatives of question finally, Toronto. It would seem to tbe mind as list will on and will falo Ry. 4's, dne 1946 the civilised states to arrange a plan of lay though The subscription opeu Monday, June 30, close al 3 P. M. Wednesday ALL It would seem be for ohlldren to will Union Pacific Co. 4’s, due 1947 DEPOSITS disarmament for the promotion of peaoe Illegal June SS, and allotment be marts on Thursday, June 30. Ry. labor In the ootton mills while tbe Falls PewerCo, due 1082 and the lightening of the burdens that schools THE FOLLOWING BONDS, The right Is reserved to reject or reduce In nmount any subscription. Niagara 5’s, OF MONEY. are Fond du Lae Water Co. 5's, dne 1915 now rest with suob crushing force upon keeping. Payment of to per cent of the nmaunl aVpIle i for must accompany all subscriptions, and th< the people of the nations of Europe by Listed on New York Slock Ex- remainder will be puyable ut the AND OTHER GOOD SECURITIES. Those having money to deposit while —It Is believed that considerable ad- reason of their oostly military and naval change, are legal for Maine awaiting permanent investment, and vantage will result from tbe recent visit establishments. A monarch wdb a con- Savings Banks and will com- OLD COLONY TRUST Ames Administrators, Trustees, of tbe general passenger agents of the COMPANY, Building, Boston, Executors, science ruling over a realm lA Russia mend themselves for Trust and others funds under their Vanderbilt lines to Poland Springs and on July 3, when temporary ceriiUca’e* will be Issued, to be cxcliiinged for engraved certlQcutes as having where every peasant carries a soldier on Fuuds. It to make Portland. Already It has resulted In the soon as lire same can be prepared. SWAN & BARRETT, control will find profitable his bacc, could hardly escape an occasion- New York. Ontario & Western R. It. (new) 1st with this Such dlreot checking of baggage from Western Kefuudinir, Gold, 48. due l9dJ, 186 middle their deposits Company. al of gelt and an oc- Mtge yield will to Street, sharp twinge reproof about 3.75 cent. .tpplicatiou be made list the shares on the Bostou Stock Exchange. points direct to Poland Spring; and It Is per funds will draw interest while still sub- casional generous emotion whloh should Lenlgh Valley o( New York R. R., 1st Mtge. thought that this portion of Maine will due about 4.to PORTLAND, ME. to oheck. prompt him to do something to ameliorate Gold, 4,/»u, 1041, yield i»**r ject oome In for considerable railroad adver- cent. All subscriptions to he made to and their oonditlon. It Is not necessary to In- Cleveland, Lorain & Wheeling R. R.. let. Mtge. Correspondence Interviews tising that it hns not before received. The due auom 4 6» cent. quire whether the Czar’s famous 'circular Gold, 6«. 1033, yield t»er Solicited. Grand Trunk has advertised Portland Circular descriptive of these and other issues was the outoome of oalra deliberation or on application. E. ROLLINS MORSE & BRO., 38 State St., Boston, Mass considerably In the West, telng the ouly 57 St. sprung from a sudden emotion to be able Exchange through line touching here. But the Portland, Me. |ue20JLf ta judge of Its slooerlty. .There was little Vanderbilt lines now reach to Boston, PHILIP H. TUCKER,, ANTHONY & CO.. 53 State St., Boston. Mass. motive for publishing It exoept FARLEY, MARRY ME, NELLIE. and have very Intimate relations with the obvious one cf promoting peaoe among 4 St.. Po tlanh Me. And I wilt buy you such a pretty King at the Boston & Maine and Maine Central. Exc ange A thousand solid gold the nations and relieving the people of k* STEPHEN McKanuay’s. Kings uepii k .vr tat**, BERRY, Diamond^. Opal-Pearls. Rubies, Emeralds and the burdens whch grew out of oonstant —The business like way In wbich Hlg- W:LSON & SiKl IlKW BA'imt SWAN & all oiber precious stoues. Engagement ana * stock tr- preparedness for war. Certainly the by Park and tbe Esw England Agricul- BARRETT, Wedding Kings specially. Largest 41 If all ht.» New York. Ml, M ami Card Printer, olly. McKEENKY. The Jeweler? Muuwetd were to the end In view. are 186 Middle Street, Portland, Maiue. iucaDe adapted tural society settling up their affairs, JttneMtf NO. 31 PLUM STBBgT. Square. aasdSn


Xmmar That Kx-Drpatjr Clark at Bn. Hnmar That fcrrtterf tf Stair Board pastor Caart Will Be Made Deputy of Health Will Br On at Park ltro.1 Clark aftl.t. Caart. Nrkool Commissioner#.

Itlt waa rumored yyaterday about tba olty bat ex-Depot? dbrk of Courts Herbert It D rumored tbat Dr. A. U. Y oung of r. Libby will be appointed deputy olerk Augusta, secretary of the stats board of in tbe United States court. This It a braltb. will be one of the cnramisslouere lew ofloe wbloh baa bean rendered nec- Who ore to examine the Park stint “«*ery by tbe bankruptcy, law. Sir. Lib- sohool bouse and nport 'upon whether by waa for aoni* yean deputy olerk of It on be rebuilt or tf It will be more Dumber land County courts. economical to tsar the old building down and pul up a new structure. The WEDDINGS. appointment has been offered to Dr. Young and be lias accepted It, so It Is stated. DHEfHKR-FOSTKH. If the rumor turns out to be correct the A vary pretty borne wadding waa bald appointment of Dr Young would be Tuesday afternoon at 3 o’oloek at tha highly satisfactory,to those ,nfcp an In- SAILORS borne of Mr. M. * Stephen Dresser, Strotid- terested In the IWk strut «4W- ■Du ls tv & «•: W watet street, Westbrook, when his daugh- an on >• the expert sanlMMg Some satisfaction in these in a store where have Nnllor ter, Mies Nellie Viola Dresser was united «Mpo«»£pd buying goods you every Fad to select author of several TsVpMlfemgflbWhph' on from. In to Mr. Edward marriage Henry Faster sohul hygiene and rur A if was lhe'sd&»rwpjja»i one m ten can decide on a sailor and not of her Portland. The houao prettily deoo- tlon of sobool boutaa In ladt tmTYoung Scarcely lady hurriedly repent purchase the r.ited with and I next ferns, evergreen daisies, Is one of the but kfeowa -aatboritles on ifay. la the corner of the room where cere- are in tbe this subjeot In tbs ouwotiy, and his opln- You certafpi to tails plenty of time the selection here because there is such a 'argo variety of was there was n hank of mony performed lou In regard to the Park strut sobool styles that they command attention. blind with and a In K. Tlllson and MU 8 reduoed rate round tlokets on There Is more catarrh lu this section of ttu Augusta, June 14, C. In Soarhoro, June 20, SheltlcM A. Thompson In own owe I a sounc placed trip wbo was chairman of tbo 1 each. fy. inj enjoy country than all ether diseases put together luimlgrattoi Irene Jones. aged 87 years. $1.00 ^ sale which inolude an admission to committee In A. Winslow 1 J. B. Madras at $1.00 per pair. re the and until the last few years was to hi tbe last Congress, Is dead In Hallowell. June 14, Frank ( [Funeral services Thursday afternoon at i > sls&pAt, night, waking thoroughly supposed raoes at the stations and Informa- lacurabte. For a great many years doctors pro Martin Trafton of Georgetown, Ms. Hallowell aud Uertna U Brown ot Augusta, o'clock at ids late resldeuce, Scarboro. Buria [; Bose Gold Buckles, from 3Sc are and leading eyes stronger bright nounced tt a local and luca ■ a' Bind- at freetajB;|uiy disease, prescribed died Monday, aged 67 years. He was Rogue lo each, Ferris W’aists $1.00 per tion regarding them as well as train ser- anc curl id as $1.00 ar, mnffary' is certainly better and mi remedies, by constantly falling to prominent citizen,having been selectman [Mac papers please copy. be obtained of with local treatment, pronounced It lu Or A7rl i- 1m vice, may station ticket treasurer and collector of that town, pair. aervesWmd'dlgestlon Immeasurably curable. Science has proven catarrh to be ■ [The funeral of William McBrady will tak< Kuiiineled Buckles, from 25c agents. constitutional county commltssinner and zepreaentatlv pro«M. iris my belief that ooffee anc disease, and therefore requ'.rei place from his late residence. No. 12H Greet to $1.00 each. P. D. Corsets :it $*.00 per pair. constitutional treatment Hall's Catarrh Cure to tbe legislature. He leaves » wife an In this June 20. Reuben Byram, aged 8 3 street. Wednesday morning at 7.30 o'clook. Is foi | oity, tea drinking largely responsible Albert Currier and family of Minne- mauuiactured by F. .1 Cheney & CO., Toledo four ohtlann, Stephen C. Trafton c t yours, ti mouths, (Requiem high mass at the Church or tin | Ohio, la the c hu lonal cure on tin and Trafton c ot hereafter. Sacred Heart at 8 o'clook. rmioh-of tlfe,domestic Motion and miss apolis, formerly of this olty, are only Everett, Mass., Woodbury f Notice funeral visiting market It Is taken mi .natty lu doses from n 1 IS June Robert G.. sou of Geor, e [The funeral of Mrs. Ann Johnston will tak the Boston, are brothers. tht* city, 20. ry, owing teirllfte ravages It worki with Mr. Arthur Manchester. drops to a teaspounlui. It acts directly on tin and Margaret Marshall, aged 1 year 8 monlb i. place from-the residence or her mother. No. h: Miss Emmons blood aud mucous ike from No. 5 u Pleasant afternoon on the nerves and digestion of those eub ; Blaine proposes to de- surlaces of system. The; Wuueral Tnursday at 2 o'clock street. Wednesday at 2.8 offer oue hundred case it vote IlCO.OOO to the establishment of s dollars for any falli No one could ever be bothered wit Willis street. o'clock. to these uafortnnMe bate is.” W to oure. send for ctccuiars and testimonials. In Michael W. Hmith. i Services at St. Dominic's church at 2 46e’clk jeet model school for the ohlldren In tbs constipation if every one knew ho' this oity. June 20, The Han Franoleoo Address, F. J. CHENEY & Ca, Toledo, O {.Funeral from bis late residence. No. 41 1 [The fuueral of John Goouiug wll take piae Mite hell, Kmpertaaa, crowded distriot of the West Sids la Chi- and Burdock Bloo 1 gold by Druggists, 76c. naturally qulokly Commercial au%t, Thursday morning at 8.1 0 from his late residence. 82 IHammo^d street Ol. oago. Ball's Family PtUs are the beet Bitters regulates tbe stomach and boweli v o’clock. Wednesday afteruMu at 2.80 o’clock. te. I -—-— AJt JLSXV iMwun iuvifcninvji tnj Aft, m ■». .. .■ ■■.■Hi ■■■ — MISCF.LLA3050OT,_ GOVERNOR NOMINATES. WESTBROOK. THE COURTS. V TOUT. FOR SALF. FOB KALB.

worrts ikNHMl Forty word* tooortod wader this hood Forty «a4tr this hood Forty words Inserted uodsr this head Board of Legal Kiamlners and Other w##k for M MiU, «Mh to sdssnat. wok for M ealtc. M*h la ad*ana*. T. F. FOSS At of Naomi Re- U. 8. COUKT. one week for 3ft oecfta. In nitrone*. OfTlrrro $he regular meeting Appointed. bekah sev- The have ledge held Monday evening, following fflsd p,tlrloDa )B fFO LET—At No. 14 Clifton POR SALE—Twin screw steam yachl Soko*t*. Woodford*, street, ■ roR SALE—At Bethel. a two and a half eral entertain- a down stairs rent. 6 A fine Dost for light pw$n|er travel. *■ large of tbe officers furnished bankruptoy: Fred W. Coburn of Houluon room*, In nice order, story dwelling house with ell and stablf & Ths nominations have bees chance for a 6 79 Fitted for fresh or salt water. Will be sold at SONS. following garden. $12.00; room*. Cush- and about two acre* ment and im F of land, situated In the and a general social. Refreshments Willi Morrissey of man stroet. hath, a Apply to J. H. HKZELTON, Wsst- made by the governor; Augusta. [pure]AND separate cellar. $18.00; whole barjgaJo. ot Tillage and the common. of wa« served. A novel Charles D.Reoord of house io rooms. Stale street. whole house brook, Me. ai-C 85*The house facing punrh and oake Headlbdu. convlot- $400; _ contain* fifteen rooms* Is Id first Board of Legal Examiners—Leslie G. I'umbnrland stroet. ft room* •both desirable. N. elass For Idea In the entertainment line was car ed of me of the U. 8. 9ALE CHEAP—A work horse. frescoed, has cemented cellar Cornish, Augusta, one Thomas L. Illegal mailt, mine 8- GARDINER. 53 Exchange good under wholerepair, year; Hi._21-1 FOR about eleven hundred pounds. house, is healed by coal furnace two John A. rled out much to tbe amusement of all. month* was for sen weighing and is Talbot, Portland, years; ago, arraigned tone* in '• O LET—Single tenement house, 21 North Inquire of VT. 1. MERRILL, Cumberland ten- tupglled tiltii running vvat-rfrim Th. three Matthew I mountain. it Is the residence Morrill, Auburn, years; A table wav In with a o! ‘he U. a court, street, seven rooms and bath; heated dt ter. formerly owned by brought variety Tuesday, nnd received SAFE the late Robsrt A. 1-aughlln, Bangor, fonr years; Johu B. hot water, eighteen dollars for Maine._21-1 Chapman and now occupied articles on It and allowed to remain for BO days In Auburn and a month, inquire five jail line of giO. of ALPHkUs GRirriN.gj North »t l pOR SALE—An established bakery and to JOHN 9. Madlgan, Houlton, years. ‘il * rlUCTOB, ( etitemilalFi°? nV ^PP*T ten minutes. The was tbrn removed Record was ths render of it fade?” is a wo- | grocery business located In Portland. Block. 14.1 Inspector of Fish—S. J. Roberts, Mil- table fonder* said “Will | IftOOMS TO LET—If there are any Cash sales $700 per month. Will sell at cost, bridge. and the members to the to the affections : II bouM and o! required gnesa procure of any person first when who are tired of boardlrr would find ao bonus asked for business. An F°KSAI.K-Tw°story lot land ; man's question they exceptional »< Inspector of Lime—Arthur B. Crock- a handsomely furnish* d and trade. For further to Reel Walnut articles from memory that they saw on who took.them nnd his customers parlor, sleeping particulars apply vS™Yaronmth. °?k WU' •i1"**'1to inn, Rockland. averred bath room, with small room Bandy grocery .turn and ett, ! wash fabrics. The auioining. all fitted trfflee. First National Rank Building, withinN,°.k, Bre rnlnutr, walk tbs table. The person the long- that they did not work buying up for in £"**te ol'fi; Mala, central State Detective—George L. Cole, New- guessing satisfactorily. light housekeeping, finest location In FREDERICK 8. VAILL.21-1 K. K. nation. the Well located. Price low for port. est list of articles was awarded the prise. At 10 o'olook Thursday test is in. the cHy; very pleasant. Address F. B., this cash to Blaming will washing, owes. pOR 8a17k—line oi the best restaurants ui Apply OKORUE M. SEIDERSot Ex- Coroner—William P. West- _$$■! * change street, Portland. Hodadon, Mrs. Allle Swrtt, Saoo street, presented begin the hearing before Special common ,”0™*nd; eeotrally locate ; finely equipped Juucjdtf Commis- Cheap soaps may witu all modern to the brook. the LET—An exceptionally Urge front room. Improvements: caters longest list and received the fancy sioner Uecrge E. Bird for the of with of trade. Terms For Inland Fish and Game Wardens—R. H. proring more a TO u«e of bath, either furnished or un- easy. further do damage than particulars to Real Fulcom, Keadtteld. plate offered as a prise. claims of various supply companies furnished, located on Pine street near Ix>ng- apply Kn»te Office. First HORSE FOR fellow for National Bank FREDERICK 8. SALE. to Prevent Mr. and Airs. A. H. Benoit and ohlldren the McDonald wear. Pure Square. Itmulre particulars and Building, Agents Cruelty—Stephen against Dredging year’s Soap— of HENRY 8. 121 VAILL. j|.i U. Edward W. Whit- compa- price TEICKEY. Exchange Meudy. Randolph of Bangor are the gnests of Mr. and Mrs. ten, Steuben. street.___13-2 Tb* yacht Jess*. 37 feet unt *11, J ohn MUNICIPAL COUKT. 20 12 outside Somul and can Dedlmus Just Forlln. Brown street. ■1E8IC ROOM TO LET- or K ft- water, be oe—B.W. Stewart, Hurt- Lawyer stenogva- ballast,.„12. 3 ton..beam' Inside -i In practice, overworked muscles are not uncom- ffhally regained control of bis horse and THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY i ! Lot, Cousin's Island, CLOCK REPAIRING; which Johnson's Liniment relieves LET—Furnished rooms at mon, Anodyne Spear, Church street. led him oif the track down the embank- £ 11 MYRTLE FOIL SAXifil- J. J. CASEY, Professional Oarsman. Now TO Hall. promptly. RAILROAD MATTERS. ment into the one A Chicago. York. St. Louis. Boston, ST., opposite City 16-1 Rev. John Matetson and wife, who have road. As views the j j Near the steamboat wharf, a Frenchh roof have made a specialty of clock repairing bridge with Its SB 10 nches house formerly John F. con- \VEff Pill been the of Mr. H. U. ties, nenrly the season at Great Diamond occupied by Hill, for years and ate perfectly familiar with “Best Liver Made.” reotntly gnests Mr. True's rpOILKT-Kor taining 17 rooms and cook house apart, escape without injury A Island, a cottage of 8 rooms and bath. attached, U in all ot Its branches. Our prices are reason- Starr end of Cumberland together with about one half acre of land. A EXTENSION OF THE PORTLAND family Mills, to himself or horae seems lltt Is short of a location and convenient to steamer able. Drop us a postal and we will call for your tine place for summer boarders. For have returned tu their homes In Auburn- miracle. of S. F. 04 and 06 price, etc. clock and return it when done without extra ROAD. WANTED. {Peasantaiidiug. Inquire HUNT, of H. S. >»2 Middle street, 15-1 inquire BRYANT, Middle St., clerk chnrge. Me KENNEY, the Monument iIaIp. Mars. of the executors of the will of Jeweler, arsons’ Pills w I I WlbUUM Ira p. farrlng- Square. Portland. Toe cure biliousness and eiok town offloera or soarboro have A llin- Ianl2dtt Positively headache, giv- VANTED—Burnham's jellycon, cream cue- LET—On Peaks liver and bowelcomnlalntt*. expel all Impurities Tbe graduating class of the Westbrook ” wine Flephaut Avenue, Island; They en the Elizabeth street com- tard. beef, and Iron and LlabU'a pro- TO a _jcHdlf the blood. Delicate women and from Cape railway nicely furnished cottage of six rooms, SALE—Look at this! New six room from relief school trill hold their annual class cess beef extract. If your grocer or druggist iweivc Acre them. Price ?4 cts.; are SI .00. free. a to tracks In that town High Dot anil siglitljr FOKhouse 6000 feet of land at Woodfords vnnf Pamphlet pany permit lay The Rnllnf rasaion.' hare not.the goods, witte E. DOW of E. 8 Cottage for Eb. JOHNSON A CO- 22 Custom House St-Boston. excursion Wednesday at the White Moun- J. T. SANFORD ou the Island, or ol C. E. oh only gl409. This never offered to tbe Saoo line on the Portland road. Burnham Co.. 401 Cumberland street, Portland Long Island, property before; ROLLINS, Westbrook, Me.15 1 has bay windows, piazzas. water, tains. < Maine., (or Information. 17-1 I’On SALE Sebago sewer, No hearing was held on the of near schools, stores, churches juid street cars. petition LET—Handsome new furnished to Near Marrlner’s a 3 Monday morning at St.- Hyaolnthe’s WANTED for C. 8. Army; able bodied cottage landing, story, hip roof Only §400 dollars down, balance $n.50 per tbe railroad company, bat the selectmen '’ TO let. never new furniture, fire- cottage, N. It. ( nmnlh I' U llil TOM ro L'.ni..,,.. AUTOMATIC BLUE FLAME unmarried men between ages of 18 and 35 occupied, formerly occupied by base, con- church, Rosana Bodesn was united In place, splendid water, 6 rooms and base- tau.inir 11 rooms, wilh about decide! that they wanted the road to go of good character and temperate habits, who large togeiher 12 acres JupeO-tf ment, on hill. 5 minutes walk to Forest of land. This Is situated __ marriage to Mr. Joseph Bautin by Her. can speak, read and write English. For infor- City cottage on Inch ground through and that It would be of benefit Landing. LITTLEFIELD & Peaks aud overlooks Hie ocean. For SALE—Read this. Mew two mation apply to KECKL'ITING OFFICER, 305 CO., Island, particulars In- Ij’OK story T Fr. Deoelles. The young couple will Maine, 15-1 quire of H. 8. 182 A room bouse aim stable on to the town, so they Issued a permit 1-3 Middle street, Portland. Me. dawtjeao BRYANT. Middle street, Rackllff street, continue their residence in thle clerk of the executors of the will of Ira P Deering Highlands, for *2800. lot is 60 x 100 and Oil without much city. rrO LET—Summer visitors take Stoves, formality. No conditions notice the Farrington. house has every modern convenience. 3 lines of a of Fienoh of West- ■ Baiae House is located 69 _Junen-tf cars are attached to the and It is Quite party people centrally Spring almost at door, ouly $600 down, baiance to permit, very street, cor. OAK, rooms and board. Price gi.oo suit. brook left Tuesday morulng on the excur- Bring this "ad" with you. C. B. 1)AL- liberal In Its provisions; pmctloally giv- INSPECTION WATCHES. per SUMMER BOARD. TON, 68 Exchange street.Jmiebutf sion to Quebto. day._13-tf ing the railroad company authority to IjiOR RENT—June 1st upper flat, home No’ $7.00 17 Fat. regulator A WUMMER BOARDERS at SA LE— Elegant new 0 room house, cor- to Jewel 199 White Mr. Ernest L. has adjusted nickel street, rooms, besides Rock Farm $15. Dresser moved his Elgin Spring eight IfORner run its traoks most In Soarboro. of Avenue and William St. anywhere Sllverlne oasc, 815.00. B, IV. Raymond 17 and halls aud bath room, with steam heat and all house, twelve miles from Portland; live Decrmg * family from their rent at tbe West End 31 Open plumbing, hot water heat, architects Beside the right to rnn a line the jewel adjusted Is the best Railroad Watch modern improvements; large lot In first class minutes walk from M. C. R. it. station, Moun- Wltli Oven. along lain plans, corner lot, beautiful surburban home. to the home of his These watches will pass the Inspection. Mc- order. at 64 GRAY mornlnc noon division; nigh location, good view, Portland is also father, Mr. Stephen Inquire ST., spring Price to suit and terms C. B. road, permission given KENNEY, the Jeweler. Monument Squate. or night. Juno 2-tf watvr, fresh harries, vegetables, egg* and milk. easy. DALTON. Stroud water where 53 Exchange street. Juue&dtf for a track from on Dresser, street, they For further particulars address A. N. PU KIN- spur Bunetan the _ _je9 tenement at 5 Fessenden are to reside. LET—Upper St., TON. While Rock, Portland road to Pine Point, and along ANTED—Everyoue who wants a new TO Oakdale; 7 rooms and bath, hot and cold Me._jyi SALE—New. 3 flat block (6 rooms on Mr. house In Portland or its suburbs to see us cemented FOReach flat) on High street, BARGAINS IN shore road Andrew C. Cloudman and family water, cellar, separate furnace, CUMMER BOARDEKS at Pine everything first the leading from Pine Point at once; we have several new houses which we GroveCottage; class and ample shed and yard room, house furnished nice house situated at strictly up to-date; finely finished, are enjoying a week's vaontlon In Farm- will sell low on lorms, or wtil accommodations; and heated, village past Grand Beaob. It is under- easy exchange with shades and screens and wired for electric edge of pine grove: lake near plnmbed nothing better: rents for for good collateral; no lair offer house; sandy *720 ington and vicinity. refused; this is lighting; never occupied except by owner: pos- beach; boating and bass and per year: will pay over 8 per cent net. C. stooa to be the intention of the company your chance. DALTON it 53 bathings trout fe. DALTON & 53 CO.. Exchange session given at ouoe. Apply to GEO. W. fishing. references Parties CO., Exchange 8t. Juued-tf Lawn Mowers. Mr. A. M. Beseltlne of Portland was City given. staying ultimately to go into Old Orobaid by 8tr««t_ JuneOdlf DOW, at Lewis. Hall & Co's.Junel-tf two weeks or over will bo given free In the trauspor- SALE—Hern’s another! Elegaut, new shore city luesdayjon business. ! tatlon from Gray station, coming and going this road, whioh is tbe extension persons In want of trucks LET—House 776 Congress street 13 rooms, FORnine room house on Eastern Promenade The members of n'ANTED—Alland to call on E. D. Particulars address MARSHAL tor Corner of Grand avenue. Preaumpsoot Valley bags REYNOLDS, TO hot water bath room, steam heat through- *3900. lot, sewer. Sebago. heated, •M Congress street, one door shove Shaw’s MORSE, Dry Mills, Me.je20-4 gas. hard wood K. of are to work out, !u first, class repair. A good place for bath, floor, very sightly, bay Some of tbe lodge, P., the third store, as we cottage owners at Grand grocery manufacture our goods or boarding house or private family. BOARDEKS wanted in country; windows, and piazza. Only 81000 down. balai>oe N. M. PERKINS & rank this for the at West and can therefore give bottom Truuks physician terms reasonable. to suit C. B. 63 GO., Beaoh to tbe location of the line In evening lodge prices. Location unsurpassed. Apply to E. HAaTY. SUMMER Address Mrs. FREE- you. DALTON, Exchange SL object repaired. Open evenlugs. We frame 12 DOM West Me. Falmouth. The members are Indian—My, wbat a beautiful b« pictures. Green streetmay9-tf DOUGLASS, Gorham. n-l _June9tf tbe road at tbe rear of their houees and If lodge to scalp 8FREE STREET. has!—New York spria-otf /TOOD board and rooms at a leave Cumberland Mills late tbe Journal. RENT—About May 1st, bouse No. 63 pleasant farm on SALE-- Pilot boat Address ]ei to enter Old la after- a1J10B v* the shore of a beautiful “JI&Kgl*,” pennlaslon Orohard Is asked Gray street. Nine rooms beside halls, pond, piazza* f'ORE. L. PARSONS, Box 158. Peaks noon in a shade trees, Address Island, barge, returning late In tne MMCKtidkll BOLTS. batli and store rooms: hot and cold water, set grove. GEORGE N. Me. £.4 for, they will probably appear to pro- Maine. tubs, furnace heat; with good yard room. All COLBY, Denmark. test. The evening. _16-2 dividing line between Old Pond's Extract Ointment is Indeed Forty wonts tnsortoe sadsr this heed in first class lorder. at 64 GRAY SALE—New House on Richardson St., a “Bsln Enquire summer board. one ttet.lt (or 35 cones, cash la advance. STREET, morning, noon or 3tf PARTIES wlshlug Address Fj'OK▼ery desirable, contains 8 roortis and bath, Orchard and Soarboro passes through the n Gilead," (or all aTfllctlons to which an nlgnt. -U BURNELL olnt FARM, Gorham, Me,, rofer- hot and cold water, wired for electric LET—Pleasant and desirable new- ence lights. Grand Beaob settlement, so that some WOODFOKDS. ment Is applicable. A positive specific lot piles rooms, required._ 1&.1 Inquire of a. L. RICHARDSON, 12 Best 1MONEY TO LOAN—On real estate In the city TO ly furnished at No. 5 head St., *'* Congress Park, eerlng Centre, 12d4w• The of the oottages there are In Old Orohard. and suburbs at five and six per of Park street. MRS. SKILLINGS. 15-tf Me._ Je To Public. ceut; houses and lots for sale at desirable FRYEBURC, ME., The whether tbe town officers Apprehensive. prices; LET—At Woodfords Forest SALE—Look at this! New two story six question The social purchasers will flud It for their Interest to call f|iO Corner, Young People's club of tbe A three 6-room to *15 FORroom house and 5000 feet of land in fleer- of Soarboro had a to a “Where did that on me and examine Avenue, tenements, (8 right grand permit nl you say conference Is to property offering belore month. of E. C. 31 ing lor *1409. *200 balance Woodfords U versa list church of Wood- N. 8. 53 per Inquire JORDAN. Vfa only down, only *11 without a be heldf” said the who does investing. GARDINER, Exchange hi don’t wait some On and hearing la alto likely to oome lunn not cars Bt. change streetmar6dtf THE OXFORD. per monin; until one buys 11 after May 1, 1899, fords have arranged a theatre for Irani C. B. up on aooount of the Grand Beach peo- party how much trouble he makes. _17-1 away you. DALTON, 53 Exchange riH) LET—Store 12 Free street. Possession This popular summer resort is now open for street. all bills of the ple’s opposition to the spur road. next Tuesday evening at Peaks Island. “At Het tcu GALVIN, chiropodist and dermatoio- JuneOdtt Consolidated Huis Bosch,” answered |>ROF:A A given of PORT- the season, under new management. Pleasant The on the gist, removes corns, bunions, immediately. Inquire hearing petition of the Cape The members of the club are to en- the after lngrowlug LAND drives, good fishing and For illustra- OK lady delegate looking at a piece o( and club nails witnout No SAVING'S BANK, 83 Exchange St boating. I? SALE—Bakery wagou, flue quality, latest Electric Light Co. of Maine for Elizabeth road to locate traoks in Saoo absolutely pain. ted circulars aud other Information address 1 joy a social afternoon at the Island, while paper. plasters used lor corns. Superfluous hair, mayadtf style, lowaown; fitted with boxes, draws, from the Soarboro line along the Portland S. F. WENTWORTH, Prop. etc.,lettered for the this is and will “It’s too was warts, moles, scars and birth marks removed business; wagou light power be made out to Beach the gentlemen members will the bad,” the comment, "too worth as an road street will be held next join forever by electrolysis without injury to skin jel2dtf advertisement lor your business bad. to into an WANTED—MALE HELP. more than ut the as Thursday afternoon. party In the and attend the They’re likely get alter- Aanress LINCOLN FA KK HOUSE. le-t it will cost you. Come in and look prices quoted by the evening it. cation over how It’s pronounced before SUMMER at BRADLEY & SMALL, 35 Preble street. NOTES. theatre. ANTEli-1 km uow ready to buy all kinds Yl'ANTED—County agents to take exclusive BOARD. Portland have \Y Tf 17-1 Electric Light Co. they been together SO minutes."— of cast off ladles', gents' and children's sale of the Automatic Elastic Halt- The lawn party which was to have been Safety Frank Keizer, who baa been Star. clothing, i pay more than any purchaser hi er. prevents accldeuts. Sells at Mm. SALE—Two good uew Milch In addition to this all baggage Washington Absolutely Howe will open the Trustee House to a Jersey lamp master on the held Monday at the home of Mrs. tlie city. Send letters to MR. or MRS. Du- to every horse owner. Exclusive sale for FORcow’s for sale. of D. F. morning train of the Knox evening eight limited number of boarders Enquire PALMER, ll R* KTT. 7ti Mldolo St. may24d3sra f term or years. to flftv dollars re- through Juiy aud West Falmouth, Me. 17-1 will be & Lincoln division of the Maine Cen- K. Vinton street was Twenty-five renewals famished Earle. Noyas post- quired. AUTOMATIC ELASTIC 8AFETY August. tral, wlll.on June 85, commence his du- & auctioneers, re- poned owing to the damp weather, Wilsou, HALTER CO.. Bos 16. peering Me. 20-1 Terms week. SALE—A stock of ladies’ free. ties as ionduutor main line NOTICE—Gossmoved to 154 to 180 Middle St, corner of gs per Special prices to fam- dry goods, on;tbe be- caused I^OItand gentlemen s lurnisBIug. etc., located tween Portland and by the shower. stiver St dtf YVANTED— Salesm&u to sell soap In ilies. Address, MRS. T. B. Bangor. Portland, HOWE, in a front brick in a CONSOLIDATED CASTOR ** must be well a plate glass block manufac- ELECTRIC A party of the residents of Oakdale held UTOKAGE for furniture, clean, suitable recommended, resident may24diwtMwed&sat3w Hebron. Me. turing town hi Cumberland county. For Anther o dry, acquainted with trade a Bears the of Cnas. H. lor household goods, pianos, etc. preferred, steady po- of J. li. SHORT of Mllli- LIGHT CO. OF MAINE. a neighborhood at Riverton signature Fl etc mbs. Spaces sition (or u and reliable man. enquire GORHAM. party park by 10 It. sq„ $1.35 per mouth: 13 ft. competent Ad- Cousens & lttt-ltfti sq.. $1.80 per dress P. C. & CO Particularseu. Short, Middle street, the at the ruatto In use for more than thirty years, and month; 15 ft TOMaON office 1T2 Tremout Weston F. attending performance sq., $2.75 per mouth; other sixes Mass. OXFORD 17-1 Milliken, Pres. at street Boston. 16-1 SPRING HOUSE, Portland._ non. n. ai. v ortncu, of toe theatre. The Kind Yon Have Apply OREN HOOPER'S principal Always Bought, in^ropomou. Oxford, Maiur, SALE—A very valuable wharf Wm. R. Treas. Gorham Normal NT pOR property Wood, sobool, will deliver the Miss Marguerite Ogden, daughter of ED—Reliable business man with some A fronting on Commercial street, having a 'LL hCY household or W'A to Near Poland ; mayl2dtl \\’B goods store capital manage branch office In Port- Spring:, open June 15 solid fill or about Go 000 square feet and a address before the training eohool at Rev. and Mrs. Charles T. of v V fixtures of Ogden any description, or will re- land for manufacture of “W. z. pneumatic under new management. on Commercial street of 150 leet. For ceive the Fine stable, frontage Lewiston, Wednesday, June 21. Ogontz, Penn.; of la same at our auction rooms for rabbet heel." the latest and best heel on the particulars apply to JOHN F. PROCTOR. formerly Woodfords, sale cn GOLF LINKS, Mass Fishing, nUSJKST TWO MILLtOITS A commission. GOSS 38 WILSON, market. For interview call U. S. Hotel. Port- Boating. ceuumnmi ijiock. SALES, -WEES. It has been rieolded to have the Gorham Miss Elizabeth of Ar- connection. 17-1 visiting Sparrow Auctioneers, 154 Middle street corner silver land. Wednesday 2lst, 10 a. m.. or 3 p. m., Telephone Normal WSlm school open the coming year Sep- To (lie Honorable Com- NATIONAL STANDARD MFG. CO., 170 je7M 0. E. FISIIEB, Prop. County atreet__,_leb3-tt Summer Boston. SALE—Three acres^dod land in Port- tember a TO street 16-1 12th, Instead of week earlier as Dr, C. W. Foster, who was oalled oo LOAN—Oa first and secoud FORland. Ward i». near Tukey Bridge and close missioners of Hie ol MONEY on real It has County mortgage estate at as low rale of to electric ears, high elevation, with extensive formerly. Monday to Long Island to attend W. H. interest as cm be obtained in Portland; also Vf views of Casco Bay aud In lull view of Portiaud; Mr. Frederick Cumberland. loans Oil sitlW'kd It.mil u imrannol nrnnuiv STATION RE8TAUBANT. 15-1 Davis, formerly of Gor- Moltey, Esq., who was stricken with a THE must he sold. Price $600. W. H. WALDRON or any other good A. C. now a The undersigned, officers of eecurliy. Inquire VA; ANTED—Mau to care for cow and CHECKLEY, & CO., 180 Middle street.16-1 ham, prominent merohant of Chi- shcck, reports his condition as muoh Im- municipal the LlbBr, 42 1-2 horses, L FOR BILIOUS AND town of Gorham, Exchange streetta-4 do general work about tbe NERVOUS DISORDERS made a brief visit with respectfully leprescnt that place. Apply Front’s oago, friends hete proved and chances good for his reoovery. the highway duly located within the town 01 Neck, Me., SALE—Just received, a lot of German • In WANTED—Cere of »ad health that H- IFA-N-ty w1"3,,»nd J*A*n the Stomach, Gorham, to wit. the South Windham win not benefit, ftoJIP^O^JONjANT^^ComerciAl^t IjiORmale canaries aud cardinals. Cuban 98, Fullness after Monday. The condition of Mr. John H. Morton road, sc hood 6 cents to Klaus Chemical igr AN1'B1>—First class harness stitcher. par- meal], Headache, called, that the true boundaries of said Co..New \ orlt, for and No NOW OPEN. rots ana young mocking birds will arrive nexc Mr. Fred Hanson high- 10Salopian 1.000testimonials. one but first class need OeowuMse* Flushings of Heat, has returned from a who was stricken with on Mon- way from a in the old Gorham JT workman apply. week. Also cages, seeds and sundries paralysis point road, at or F. O. BAILEY CARRIAGE For Wrma and circulars to already Cusciveseki, Blotcbee on In near, the house of Mark and CO.lft-i apply on hand. FRED A. BKO UBY, no Sr. ChiUa, year's sojourn Holland,with his health day was reported as muoh more comfort- Mosure, runuiui IHA C. FOSS, Congress iitettybed 81pep. thence to a point on the Uorh&m ana Gray road, LOST AND FOUN Piop., a and all nervous and much Improved. His friends will able D. Neck, Me. ___16-1 many yesterday and his prospects good for so called, near the watering trough which WANTED- -FKMALK HELP. jel7^3m_Front's be to learn this. stands from the RoDey School SPRING SALE—Hotel range nearly new, lot of glad recovery. northerly House, purse RAYMOND HOUSKT^^Imii^d so called, at South Windham, are containing ?12. A satisfac- Are IjiOItfibre mattiesses nearly new, toilet sets, d Mr. Frank Morse Is doubtful, un- LOST—Areward will bo Forty words fvsortod aider this head f* Spring. you looking for a cool com- acknowledge them to be now sprinkling a Assistant Engineer F. B. and certain or lost, wnerefore that tory paid U the finder win fortable Do crockery, bedding, carpets, matting, alt In A 1 Moody they prav your leave at PRESS one week for 36 cents, csih In advance. place? you enjov fishing. boating few of our It Honors will due notiee and OFFICE. a" and restful condition, will be sold low; also other house- streets. Is hoped that other wife and Mr. A. 0. Bragg and wife, are give thereafter pro drives? Have >ou ever visited the ceed to hear ihe parties, examine said monument of Poland l)o hold goods to close an estate. ROOM 5, 185 streets will be soon. highway, watch and chain In Maine, Spring? you H WONDERFUL sprinkled a week's outing at Mooss locate and define its limit and cen- ANTED—A want to Mladic street. 16-1 enjoying Pond, boundaries and LOST—Ladles’goldtral part ot cltv sometime capable girl; must be a good enjoy your vacation ? If so come to the Mr. Davis of the cause durable monuments to he erected at Wednesday Wr cook. at No 5 Spring: send for Harry Maine Univer- Denmark, Me. the afternoon, lultlals ou wateli and chain, and Apply CLIFFORD ST., circular, .address, C. E. angles thereof, aud take other action in the long cornor ot Thomas street. SMALL. North Me. 13-tf HOB SALE-The finest fruit and confection 1s friends i n neckclialti, suitable reward paid for Its returu _21-1 Raymond, A #9 MEDICINE sity, Orono, visiting Gor- Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Willard, Saunders premises to of 11 store in the state or double according provisions bectiou to PORTLAND BEEP CO.. 830Commercial Maine; Urge They owe Sfck ham. or Chapter 18. of the Revised Statutes of Maine 8t„ IMMEDIATELY—Table girls, chamber SUMMER BOARDERS WANTED at Clover. store in brick block, plate glass windows, ele- promptly Headache street have returned from their reoent Portland. 16.1 A girls, ^ aud the of law in such case made kitchen girls, hotel help lor mountains and dale Farm, Gilead, Me., situated In fixtures, cash registers, soda fountains. For a Weak Mr. E. M. Marshall our provisions vicinity Stomach, Impaired Dlges- popular photo- short visit at Buxton. and provided. seashore. Women cooks especially. Come In of White Mouutaias on Androscoggin river; f'ani06 cream parlor, electric motor, ice cream L-Itct in Men, Women or D now. We il?!5,^,,orSSred grapher, furnished the olass pictures tot The Woodfords oburoh Aud as iu duty bound will ever pray. WANTED—AGBNTA cannot fill our orders. D1RIGO Good rooms, excellent table, beaulilul sur- machinery, everything up to date, good stock, Children Rtpans Tabuloa are without a Congregational at EMPLOYMENT and the Dated Gorham, tula tth day of May, a. 1), ASSOCIATION, 92 Exchange roundings. hunting sporting opportunities, good trade, same owner thirteen years. This rival and they now have the Normal graduates. and school will no largest Bale of Sunduy go on their an- 1899. A few ugenls wtanied to take street, Portland. Me.__ 21-1 better place In the country to rusticate. 14.50 is a rare chance come aud investigate it any patent medicine In the world. | Postmaster K Harding has sold one cf CHAS. S. FURINTON. 1 to |6.00 E. R. w3w nual picnic Thursday, June 2* at Cousin's Selectmen order* for our ntir. weekly. Apply BENNETT. hla bouses to Wood fords and FKEDD. SCAM M high grade WANTED—An experienced cook. Please Gilead, Me. 0-2 __15-1 parties it ON, { 0f at will be oooupled la Island. Cars leave the ohuroh at 8.30 a.in. FREDA. G1DDINGS,I Gorham. sery stock;salnry or commission; y Applv 72 beering street, Wednesday SALE OK TO LET—The two story brick September. June 21, at 3 p. m. AN TED—Summer boarders on a farm, FOR Mr. Andrew Glllpatrlck has oullil free; the best of references jeiQdat Wr house, No. 313 Cumberland street, with purchased quiet place, high grounds, good view, good brick stable; also a two wooden tenement the on Elm The B. C. CHASE rooms, berries story large building street, and has NfcW MAINE STATE OF required. CO„ WANTKD—Experienced ’Protestant woman grove, high airy fresh from the house of twelve rooms. WANTED POSTMASTERS. MAINE. ff J. C. WOODMAN. 93 put In steam and will do a and ■lliilden, °f refinement ami good disposition to vines, fresh milk, eggs and vegetables. For "111 not bene- carriage Cumberland, ss. Excuauge 15-1 at and June Hass._mylm-w-sMt take cli&rgo of iniant in of two. further particulars enclose for street._ Vt-AtS&ftS1 % thgftt *¥*•***12 for 48 sleigh business, also repairing. Washington, 19.—C. F. Ham- At the court of family One stamp r^plv gli° £or,* <****’?* P****18 County Commissioners begun fond of children aud deslrious of home Address BOX 88, Staudish. Me. 30-4 fllYPF | Mr. C. N; Hayes our mond has been appointed postmaster at and holden at within com- may WRITERS—Two second-hand typo- aft accommodating Portland, and for the Wl 7Bo. forts with fair wages can A stable station Van Buren Post cilices have t een of AINSPRINCS, apply between three writers for sale at a bargain. ROOM 12, ?9*7 b»ni*n p*4n and prolonjrlife. agent, has Che grounds es- County Cumberland, on the first ol and six m. at POCKET Xh-UNTlTSTHOUaK. Oseipeelt Tuesday The best American p. No. 196 HloM A situated at 93 Exchange street, city. 16-1 gnoflPJof relief Accept ao cubatitute. around the depot looking llnely. 'ibe tablished at Bowerhark. Piscataquis June, Anno Domini, 1899, to wit, at a regular Mainsprings, made by the ST._n-l H., the base of Pocket Mt. Notc'Wus word R I P A VS on the pocket. Sower session thereof on the first Elgin and Waltham companies. Warranted T ADIES scenery unsurpassed by any in New Bend 5 cent* to Ripens Chemical park is just beautltul. county, with Wm. K. Clarke, postmaster Tuesday of June WANTED—Everywhere to mail clr- Knglaud- TMPORTA XT AUCTION SALE. On Saturday. Co7. No. 10 .Sprue* Autio Domini, 1899. for one year. MoKKNNEY, the Jeweler aj culars. table furnished with eggs, cream, milk berries ®t*. N*w York, for 10 iwaplee end l.vOu Gorham, June 80.—Rev. Mr. and at Stallings, Androscoggin samples and copy letters at home. A June 24th. at 2 o’clock, m., w e shall sell tettimoniele. Reynolds jfcounty. On the foregoing Petition it Monument Square. marlOdtl with vegetables etc., fresh from the farm. p. at Westtrook with Charles ll. us being satisfac- Reply envelope. PEERLESS Oueii at auction, 3 1-2 acres of fine preaohed Sunday in ex- Skillings postmaster. shown to the that the South stamped f,“°"abl9- H0™ public building torily Court, Petitioners CO., Bend. lud. n-l land, situated on Main street. Allen’s corner change with Rev. Mr. Adams. are aud that au BARGAINS IN OUR responsible, iuqulry into the E£&SSSo.£$r and owned Mr. Charles Field. Mr. Frank P. Johnson had merits is it is young lady as assistant In by This prop- greeu peas FREE OF expedienr, hereby ORDERED Yir-A-NHBIJ—Af f CUMMER or of first class C11ARUE. That office. One accustomed to use of BOARDERS—Two three persons erty has a.l the advantages house Sunday, from his Mr. Johnson th« County Commissioners will meet at type- can flud “MADE garden. writer. Address in own good board, large rooms, pleas- lots, oeing high aud dry, with good view of STRONC”Trousers Is one of our and the house of Mark Mosher, in said town of Gor- handwriting, stating ant lawn and large thrifty farmers. from a cold salary expected, A. Box 1M7. piazzas, delightful views of riv- country, on line of Norm and East Deerlug we sell for $1.00,1.25, 1.50. 2.00 and 2.60 Any adultsuffering settled ham ou Monday the tenth day of A. B., 16-1 er. per pair Miss Vivian Small formerly a teacher .July, D mountains, and intervale; terms, six to elect! lc cars and Sebago water, and we have 30 best value lor the sold on tlie bronchitis, throat or lfctM, at nine o’clock m tne a money anvwhere. 11 in the is the of breast, lung foruoou, nd that seven dollars per week, at good large house lots to be sold as one. without not n Hlgb school, gueit Miss the Petitioners give notice to all “HILLSIDE”. satisfactory examination, money will he troubles of any nature, who will call at persons inter- Farmington. Maiue. Lock box 672. reserve to bidder. GOSS & Sarah Rtdlon, South street. ested. au attested my'JTdff highest WILSON, refunded by returnlug to us before having been F. E. 212 E. by causing copy of said Pe- Auctioneers* 19-1 worn. Mra Edwards of Is Fickeit’s, Danforth, ft’. tition aud this Order of Court AKE HOUSE. North Me. Now Bangor visiting thereon, u> he -LiIf Wlnuham, Mrs. Dr. Main street. Stevens’, 107 Portland, McDonough & serve! upon the Town Clerk of said WAITRESS Open for the seasou of 18#9. loca- I?oi; SAl.fe—Four elegant lesiuences, near HASKELL & JONES, Chrelles, town of WANTED Quiet A: 235 or J. Gorham, and also Supplied with unexcelled mineral Western Promenade, every modem con- UliBRitcr Principal W. W. Woodman of the Slieridau’s, Congress, K. Gooid, by posttug up copies of the water. Building, Monument Square. High same in three u» ....AT,,.. t^Ood bass and salmon venience, prices range from $7500 to £14,000. W. eohool, entertained at bis residence the & Co.'s, 201 Federal St, will be presented public places said town and fishing; desirable rooms; 18)25 dSOt publishing the same cnee a week for correspondence solicited. L. P. CARR. Room 6, Oxford Building. 17-1 graduating class of and with a bottle of three * *UU, assistant sample Boscllce’s weeks successively iu the Portland ». nb^AN, proprietor. my27d4w* teachers Ginumi Daily Falmouth Saturday evening. Light re- Syrup, true of charge. Press, a newspaper printed iu Portland in said Hotc I. SALE—House at No. 276 Brackett street, freshments were served. Only one bottle given to one person and County, the first of said publications, aud each WANllD-smJATIOIis' 150Bcorner Neal street. Apply at the HOUSE. JEWELRY REPAIRING. The funeral of the late of the other notices, to be at least work and 20 1 Joseph Hanson none to children without order thirty davs Steady good pay. _ from before the lime of said at took place Sunday from the residence of meeting; which time man of Fessenden 1VE are familiar with all kinds of parents. aaa (.tfier it lias been Portland & SmaH Apply at Hotel Office. \lrANTED—A good address, would SALE-At Park, a new cosy '' Jewelry M. S. P. Church pDce. satisfactorily Point Steamboat Co. like to travel and have made It a Libby, street. Rev. No throat or shown the above afid solicit orders for a FORhouse of six rooms and bath; all modern repairing specialty lung remedy ever had that notice has been duiv jelMU bouse of lor We ore now to Mr. Cashmore olHolated Music the high slanding; no salary expected at We will sell the property, re- years. ready make to order by such a sale as Itoscliee’s given.) Ihe Commissioners will proceed to view reference* Improvements. in or of Methodise quartette. Pall bearers were flei'iiitm Dally trips commencing m first; gtveu. A. B. X.,press office. gardless of price, terms or interest. MARKS anything rings pins any special design in all the icute set lorih in said Petition, aud other April m wish at very short from the J. A. Aduw Syrup of the civilized 3rd. ittue. Steamer — 17-1 & EARLE COH No. 12 Monument Square. yod may notice. McKKN- Post and were Dr parts routes uud roads connected therewith, and after U M M£Y, tne Jeweler, Monument Wm. world. ago millions such will a will leave Portlantl Piet. Portlaud. M JB Square, Portland. Merrill, Col. U. R. Mr." Twenty years of view, they give hearing to the oar VV ANTED—A position as En- ____?0-l Mlllett, at 2 lor OrFs Island EYES TESTED 1 housekeeper. bottles were ties and their witnesses at p.m.. Card's W FREE f )am2dtf Theodore and some in the rear of Shaokford, and Capt. Frank given away, your drug- convenient quire 107 BRACICETT 8T.. SALE—Wo have decided to move our place In the vicinity, when and where Cove, Ouohog Bay, poor’s Point, We have made this a Whitney. Burial at Easteru gists will tell you its success was all n?r ™ special branch C«y. 17-1 FORbtisiuess from this to we oemetery. marvel- sous aud lima East Ilarpswell, Ashdale. Horse city another; have corporal Interested, muv juiueir of our business aud can give you on ous. It is the Throat and Island Harbor, Water Small glasses several bouses hand that must be sold at really only ana show cause, if any they have, why th* Cove, Point of any $6.50 WALTHAM Lung Harbor and Cundy’s Harbor. description. once. We offer them at any reasonable terms WATCH, Remedy generally enddorsed prayer of said Petttiou should not be erarrt£i Return, leave All glasses warranted or re- wIddinc rings. Cures sore phy- Cundv’s Harbor at 6 a money and at urices regardless of cost. We have Bilverino case, Waltbam or croup, throat, pulmonary sicians. One 75 cent attest. B. Or feTONK m., via abovo land- funded. Elgin movement, bottiewil!" cure or ciera In Portland On* hundred of them to select Irons. All seventy five house lots some of which are the A good timekeeper, warranted. McKKNNEY. troubles—Monarch over of everv Copv of the Petlilou and Order of Court thereon ings arriving about to a. m. pain prove its value. Sold by all in J. H. styles, hfl weights, all prices lu M, M and 18 finest m suburbs. No reasonable The Jeweler, Monument Square. j«9 sort. Dr. Thomas’ druggists Attest, B. o. STONE, MCDONALD, Manager. Portland Eclectic Oil. this city. clerk Office, us Caunercial St ie-a. McKENJiEY the Kb (fold. iusrgest and best stock cf rings offer will be romsaid for the lot or auy part of lr, pMUwlwW Telephone Jeweler, hi the A’thousaud ot them. MARKS & EARLE No. aptl tgf Monument oity. McKENNKY, CO., 12 Monument Square. JaniMU the Jeweler, MouuoMat hguaro juueidU Square. 20-1 i, SJ.-!5JLHL'...J. _*_ -."■A, "NTii.Begg MS _

Friends from Uowdolnbam have been who attend* the textile the New * FUTURE EVENTS. department of j York QaMat'one of Stock. Mid Hoad* OaaMO. HAILKOADK. feTKAMRRf. visiting Mr. aad Mrs. B. Strout Museum and School of In- George Pennsylvania AN!) MgnhAtUn. Bcnncu. New York— tbe week. FINANCIAL COMMERCIAL _ (*T Telegraph.i 8tenn«r past dustry; Arthur Knapp, ttudent In tho r F Lleeomb. JunA 18-21—Commencement Exercises at Mr. teen loHwMBg are the closing quotations of Baker of Naples has the guest medical department of the University of Sell Alice B CUrk. Clark, Nnwnort Newi-J 8 J IAINE CERTKAL It. ft! Hebron — CASCO BAY STEAMBOAT CO. Academy. of Charles Cole for a few Frank days. Pennsylvania; Head and Ernest June 1ft. June 30. IVinelow ft Co. June 18*4—Bowdoln College Commencement Charles H. Cole of Gilead Bondar Hall, students In the dental Scb (loliten Steal. Chandler, Kennebeo and |r. eltee: Jana It, 15J0. Exercises. Brunswick. spent department with hla parents. Othet visitor* here rt the same. who in the rblladelDbta—W B Jordan ft ('<>. Juue 21— Moonlight sail of Portland Christian Harry Wateon, It study- Quotations of Staple Prodiefc Trains lears Portland as follows. been Charles B. Jordan of at ble In Railroad, Simmons. Friendship -I J Eudeavor Unton. Lynn ing the veterinary department of that >l*% A m. For In Effect Jane 12th, 1899. of 2;; ft™*.l>3% 2*5 Brunswlok. Bata, B >okl*nd ol Howard Joyce, Medford, anivmslty, ;»nd who, (like .the othere Karketv June 21—Knights Malta Held day at Long M. Leadins SAILED—Sob Alice E Clark. Newport Newt, .afUeta, WaServUle, HkoWItegau. Lisbon Falls Island. Krents';**«., at his oonetn’e, Hattie Leav- named le a graduate of Brldgton Acad- eWIatOn via Kramer irk. Belfast. Bangor Mias Kdna U. Merrill, from the June 21—Reunion of 4th Maine itt's; »my, ia at his hoina In South Waterford. j lueksport, Houlson. Woodssoek and St WEEK DAY TIM TABLE. Battery Assocla- 1 via Vanceboro and St. •* tlou. Normal eohool, at Ckaa. Cole's; Mrs. 1 he last of the week there will noma EBlUjs.Kansu A Pacific FBOH OPR CORRESPONDENT,. tephen John. Farmington. ■lew York Mosk »d Bnv MukM. consols. Am. For Damn is For Fovfot City *.•» tiding, P*«ki Island, 5 45, Charles K. Klohards, of Falmouth at her from 8. Oregon KOOTHBAY HARBOR. June str ,*•» Jo.. MecUhido Fall a June 21- Annual Meeting of Maine Historical BowdoIn,tRoyal Cleaves, Aug. NkT.lat.114 114 30 Sid. , Inmford Falls lesrlstou, «.«4 8*00, 9.00, 10.30 A. »L, 12.00. If.. U6. 3.15, nooln John itkeMi Teiaa U G. lsts.. ..113 114 for schs Winthrop, Oakland! Society, Brunswick. parents’. Shorey, Jr., Li X* Cleaves, Pacific, Pauline, Banitor Boston; I'emaquld. \ lead field, Watervllle. Livermore Fa Is. Farm 5.15. 5.1ft. 7.JO. 1.00 P. M. Miss Luole P. Cola arrived home from 64% Wheeler, Boston for Rockport; Myra W Spear, For t June Pomona Field Corliss. 'J'hose home from University of NBW YORK, JunefO. ...““MU-3da. 64% igton. Plillllps and Kaugeley. u.l.ln*', Island. 6.45, 8.00, 10.30 A. ML* 21—Sagadahoc Grange's Closing quotations of stocksi Uwls, New York for Boo Hi hay. « at the Normal school last Friday. Main*: Edward E. Wilfred H. 10.25 A in. For Brunswlok. 2.15. 3.1ft, 4.1fl, 5.15, 6.15 P. M. Day Merrymeeting Park. Palmer, Monty on tall was steady 1H , Reading Stroup. laiidntfcs return, omitting Evergreen. Corps, stopping Bark Kdtnund Plilnney, Port Spain to New Paolfio pfd. 74% Port for Rook 1 or. bleeping oars to Bar Harbor and SL June 28— Memorial Services. Union Veteran Strout’s 163 Liberty port. Ubebeague, June 19.—Rev. Wm. H. 20. Northwestern.Ib8 Ar yota, sob* Cobb. St Emily * obn. HIND A Y TIME TABLE. Legion. Portland. There York, asphalt (2 Northwestern 188 Lgsle John, NB; will probably be no Fourth of boater and wife of Livermore Falls are pfd.1*2 3 more. Cote; Mark Pendleton. Ban* Whits Mountain Division. District Ministerial Asso- bchr Jennie A. Stubbs, New Yoi k to Cayenne, Ont. A West. 28% Bay Pigeon For Forest Clip Landing, Peaks Island. June 28-29—Portland July oelebrstlnu here aud the will the of for 28% zor: Nellie KllsworiU via Port Chester: people guests Rev. J. P. Cole two Grant, M6a.fn. For Brldgton. Fai yans, 'Hurling, 8.00. 9.00, 10 at) A. M., 12.16, a.15. ciation at Berwick. go to Mills and Webbs Mills. general oargo, ft ,too. Heading *1% 20% Horten*!*. H 2.1ft, 640, P. M. Dry week*. Bock Manilas; Jgmes Hoyt, Hurricane on. Lancaster, Unebeo.St Slier- For Cushing's Island, 10.30 A. June 29—Graduation Exercises of Emerson sebr Eila M. New Island.111% 113% Johu Hone. Bath. Jolmsbury. 9.00, M., 12.18, Raymond, June HO. —Mr. G. P. Davis Fur the past two months some sort of ttlllcy. York to Surinam, Uhutd; I rooke, Montreal, Ohtcag. HL Paul and Mamie 2.15. 3.15. 6.00 p. M. Sclibol, Portland. Cld, steamer Manhattan, Portland; ship St \ and all west. and has returned from Portland. disease has been the rounds among general cargo, at or about $3,76C. polls points For Little Great Diamond Islands. 1—Woman’s Union Field going 1?$* Paul. Yokohama; rob Everett.Maohiasportaud L45 m. For July Literary Day, the ohlldren. for Schr Mabel St. Paul i Omaha. *6 98 p. bebago l-ake. Cornish. Bride Trefethen'e and Kvergreen Landings. Mr.^George Green of Bolster's Mills Borne tbsve been slok Hooper, Philadelphia to Port-an- EaacMrt, on and lllram. Ottawa House, Portland. eh Paul a Omaha pfd....170 170 8.00, 9.00. 16.30 A. M., 12.15, 2XX), 4.201 P. M. while en route for Boston made a short s day or two In tbs hens*, others have Platte, material and coal and BOSTON—Cld 19th, seh* Branford C French. For 4—Celebrations at Scarboro and West- railway f*,300 Minn. A Mann.. 6.60 p. m. •Cumberland Mills. Sebago For Ponce’s Landing, Long Island, 890 July on not minded of our Newport News; Kane White. call bis sister-in-law, Mrs. O. H. It any. One dootors port Texas Donery. Horae, ■ake. Brldgton. Fryeburg. North Conway, G>n. 10 30 A. M.. 2 00, 4.20 P. M- brook. oharges. Paclflo. 18% 18% M. NB: Child* Pin la- Knight. Bays It Is soarlst fever; tbe other says It Union John, Harold, Sweeuev, | lartlett, Banyans. Luneuourg, St. Jolmsbury July 4—Excursion of Hlberuiau Knights to Se- Scbr B. W. Morse, Mobile to Ponce, lumber Pacific pfd. 7g% 74% Jelphia; Grace Andrew*, brown, Apalachicola; C. W. t. GOD15G, General Manager. Mr. and Mrs. Adelb ert Knight of Bos- Is not. W hen doctors disagree, who shall Wabash. 7% 7% ,nd Montreal, bago Lake. f 0 and port charges. barge AUule M Ash, Gregory, Kennebec and mjipig ton were recently In tbe plsoe. •< decide 1 Wabash pfd.119% 18% Washington SUNDAV TU 11XX. July 5—Portland Hleh school Cadets go into Schr K. Morse, New lum- (and sail'd). Mrs. Ella of Livermore Master Earl Hamilton of Vlnalbaven Mary Oulf to York, Boston A Maine. 1*2 seh* Sarah L> .T 7.20 a m. > Thompson Ar 20lh, Kawson. Clenfuego*; Paper tram for Brunswick, la Camp at High Head. ber New York and New pf..lOo 100 Portland & ^Stearnt)oafCfc Institute of Falls has been the guest of her sister, le visiting relatives here. as. Eng. Alfred W Piskeaud Ira b Kileni*, Perth Amboy; flislA Watervllle and Banger. Boothbay July 6—American Instruction, Bar 01d{ Colon*.*03% Harbor Mrs. Augustus Plummer Children's Day was observed at tbe sohr Ktta A. Stlmpson, 11. Liberty to Port- Henry H Chamberlain, Pascagoula; Herald, 12.30 p.m. 1 rain lor Bruussrlok. Lewiston, Adams Express .110 110 Port W C Norcross and Diadem. Ronk- lath. July if— Reunion of Sons and Daughters of Mr. and Mrs. K. A. Plummer were In Methodist chnroh the 18th ilnst. At the land, coal «Oo. Eaton; Augusta. Watervllle mid Bangor. BUMMER AKRAMJE51EMH. American 133 port; Ellen M Colder and Jobn Balti- 11.00 p.m. lor all Hallowell ai Hallowell. Windham on friends. forenoon service Rev. Francis Grovenor Express.133 Twohy. Night Express points, recently, calling Schr Telumah, PL. Johnston to coal U. 8. W II Groton. Ct: Jobn ear July 18— National Meeting of Labor Commis- Bangor, Kinross..... 46 46 more; Card, Proctor. ileeplng forliar Harbor and St John. Miss ;jultu PettengUl fig visiting In preached to the children from Jtbe words People L Whlton. South sioners. Augusta. 66c.. Gas.11 Vs 11*% Philadelphia; Harry Amboy; Arrivals In roman 1. Portland. "Follow Me.” In the evening a ounoart Homeataice. 71 70 Kate A Mary. Roodout; Stephen Bennett. Out- Steamer July 24-30—People’s Convocation, Ocean Park, Schr Moubegan, Tampa to I From Montreal. St. Enterprise Old Mr. Benjamin Knight of Portland was was ulTen by the children. A line pro- biladelphla,phos- Ontario. 8 8 ten t>erg; W F Campbell. Elizabeth port; Emma Johnstniry, Lunenburg, Orchard. rook So. rubyans, Bartlett, No.Conway ami learn But Bootbbay Wednaada. 31—C. L. 8. C. In the last Saturday. was rendered which was phate 81 Pacific Mall. 40% 47% F Angell. Philadelphia. Brldgton,ha Monday, July 31-Aug. Assembly, Ooean plaoe enjoyed v nt,, Lewiston an 1 Mechanic Fulls. ».M a m.; and Friday at TAB »• m. for Portland. Toucl (Md Orchard. Mrs. Elvira Rots of Harrison is a all. Schr Joste K. Burt, to Portland Pullman Palace.166 166 BANGOR—Ar 20th, Andrew Nebimre.-. Rob- Park, guest grammey Philadelphia watervllle and AugustA AW a m.; Bangor, lug at So. Bristol and Bootbbay Harbor. 2-3—Maine Fireman’s Convention Sugar, common.161% 163 Inson, Kingleader, Himonds. Boston; Dora Alli- August and at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Mrs. C. W. Hamilton Is Improving. eoal, 85c. tugusta ami Rockland. If.15 p. m.: Western son. no: Flora, IShilllna L».wsl.„l,— IS_S_ Hangeley,n..as_M Tournament, Bangor. Mr. Will Johnson ia his build- Union. 90% 89% Caulder, Kastport. flturdnl.l GOIKG EAST. Mason. painting Sohr Graoe Webster, Kennebec to New Southern pfd.. Cld, schs J B Van Dusen, Philbrook, New August 9 10—Reunion 6th Maine Regiment at Mr. York, Ity ’Hlh, Lewiston. 12.20 p.fn.;Hiram. Bride ton and Peaks Island. and Mrs. Thomas Morton have been ings. umber and Ken. Brooklyn Kapl Transit.116% T1 York; Julia Baker, Perkins. Boston; Sarah A $2 towages. Jornisu. 6.00 n. in: Skovt Watatvllla. Saturday* Prof. Morse and and Dr. Howell federal 8ieel common. 61 began. and at 7 a. ra. for Bootlibay Hhrbor. Aug, 20-25—Me. State School family, ... sU% Sunday Conference, cioaarj, sow i.us coal, nanmiore P Augusta, Rockland aim Bath. 5.2P p. m.:St. Bo. Bristol. East and Mr. and Mrs. Irving D. Mortdn and do pfd. 8 l'it 82% BATII—Ar ltftb, sob A Davis. Baltimore. lohn. Bar Boothbay DamarTsootta, rryeburu. o t A meelnSM Tolsa.oo Ai 1 ft* 1 L. Charles E Harbor, Aroostook County. Moose- Returning to Hast same — Portland, p. Sld 19tb, sen Batch, Crocker, Balti- Boothbay (lays. Aug 22-24—Ossippee Valley Fair at Cornish. little Harold spent tbe Sabbath with Mr. cottages tbe loth. »ead bake and Bancor. 5.35 p. Sehr .140 more. m.; Rarigeley leave Portland at 7.iw a. m for Fair. and Mrs. W. L. Churchill of North Hsrry ,J. McCarthy, O-reeu’s Landing to doped.... 140 Farmington. Rmnford Kallf, tLmwtafcsa, Mfc'p. 'Thursdays, Aug 29-81—Gray Ray- FBKKPOBT. Teiui.Coal & Iron. BOOTHBAY—Ar 20th. schs W Booth bay Harbor, Bo. Bristol and East Booth- mond. New York, alone 05 loaded and 64% 06% Myra Spear. n.; Chicago and Montre-d Aint all White 1—Eastern Maine $1 dlscliaraed. U. 8. Newark: Charles A Mansur B 1 bay. Aug 29-Sept Fair, Bangor. Booth 80.— Mts. Rubber. 53% 5 % Sproul, Bangor fountain 8.10 d. itdtn Mrs. Alios Plummer and Matter Cliff- Freeport, June Hannah Schr Casele Kennebec to Boston. points. mv; daily apr27dtfALFRED RACK. Manages. Sept 4-8—State Fair, Lewiston. Bronson, Washing- Metropolitan Street KiH.822% 223% Oakes, tar Harbor. Baili and Lewiston 1.30 ord visited relatives at Lake last P. Higgins, accompanied bj her daugh- sld. soh O Walter Boston. Bangor, Sebago Ion, hr, p. t. Continental Tobacco ptd...... 81% Scott, urn.; Halifax. St. .John. Bar Harbor, Water- i Sept 12-14—Cumberland County Fair at Gor- ter, Mrs. Bertha Knight, her grandsons. BRUNSWICK, Oa-Ar 19th, schs Helen L ham. Saturday. Bohr j. K. Souther, Newport News to Salem rtlle and Augusta. 3.50 a in. except Mondays. Mrs. Graoe has been In Henry Knight and Clyde and botsnn I’rodoo* Market. Martin, Fountain, New Yora; Thelma, Leo, Tukey visiting Higgins, or Portland, coal 86c. GEO. F. V P. & G. M. Sept. 5-7-CUristlon Endeavor State Convention. Mrs, Fred Spinney, another relative, re- Boston. EVANS, Naples. B°hr It. 8. Upharn, sorfolk to Portland, coal, F. E. BOOTHBY, G. P. A T. A. turned home from Portland last week, BOSTON Jnne 20 lseW-Tht teliowiDo ire BUCKSPORT-Ar 20th. barque Glosue ]>ot weak; No 2 at41%c( 14th, July, August and September. WEEK DAI TIME OF ,, u mer, Creighton, Mobile. Leave at 8.30 a. m. Return at 4 m. TABLE Mrs. James West and daughter, Miss Solo. Miss A four pound bass was caught from Dry j b afloat, 41o elev. p. Keeland bush: SALEM—Ar ltfih. schs Agricola, Gardiner for Ada passed at Riverton for Pond last week. 'ats—receipts 217,600 exports 114,188 West, Tuesday Chapter Children, Two Boys bush: sales 23u.O"0 Viueyard-Haveu for orders: J V Wellington, Kotiml Fare, Steamers for Free- Park. Mr. lbomas Quint Is in bealtb. bush spot andoutports; Trip Falmouth, I Would not live for Self Alone, failing weaker; No 2 at 800; No 3 at No 2 Sulltva for Newark. ilr; and Mrs. M. C, with a spot 20%e; and Brunswick and in- Mr. and Guy Wilson called on Miss Ella Manchester Mr, Merrill, wliite 32c ;No 3 white 31o;track mixed Western SAVANNAH-Ar 10th, schs T W Dunn. port few of tb sir frteuds a on friends at Cumberland Center on Thurs- Let the Children Come, had picnic tbalr £{ 3Oo,31%0; raok white S2*37c. Alley, boston; Lougiellow, Hannah, do; Carrie $I.OO. let inedible Landings. Island In Strong. Del. day afternoon. Miss Ethel Little Sebago lake, June 16. ■ Beef quiet Strong, Wilmington. Rat<»s to and from intermediate at cor- Elkins SOMES SOUND-SU sch C Stuart. points Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Had lock, Mr and Mr. nnd Mrs. Janies Libby of Portland ut meats steady. 17th, Mary respondingly low rates.jeTdtf ON AND AFTER JUNE 18th. 1899, Singing, Lard Western steamed at 8 Bowden, Philadelphia. Mrs. Willis Mr. can a are at bis father's, Mr. Isaac Libby's. steady; SO; refined Mountfort, George Hail, What Boy do, 7 VINE YARD-MAY KN—Sld 10th, schs Kate steamers leave West side Portland Pier Mr. W’arren Searles and a number The oaterplllnrs are eating the legves steady. more, Master Joseph Parker Fork dull. Walker, Stephen Heouett, George A Lawry, Portland & Yarmouth Electric Co. For Great Diamond at 8.00, 9.0S a. m., 12.10, a our from the oaks and ashes In the forests. Ky. making quite party from Grange, Reoltation, Mies Maragret Butter steady: 8 H Sawyer. Annie Gus, Wm E Campbell, Ira B 2.15 and ti lo p. m. attended the Partridge who has been In Westencreamey 16%*18%o; Laura Webster leave Great Diamond at meeting cf Cumberland Solo, Miss Lubee George Golf, visiting Cod, large Shore... 4 50® 4 76 do factorylat 12*14; state dairy at 13%*17o; Rllems, Oliver Ames, Robinson, Returning. 0.25. Cars leave Portland at 6.45 anti hourly tt.iu, u.ju a. in.. a,wu ana p. in. County Pomona Grange with Riverside Westbrook during tbe past week,returned Small Shore..... onn ln%*i8V,o. Barnard. Right Away, Harold L Berry. Dialogue—Altogether, Three BoyB sch Willie L bound east. to 12.45; then 1.15. and bait to 6.45; then at East on home Sunday afternoon Pollock. 2 6O.0 S 80 Eggs easy; State and Fenn ; Wes- Panted, Maxwell, hourly For Falmouth Forcilile, 8.00 0.00 a. m., Grange Raymond Saturday. Recitation, Miss Ellen Alkins * 16*16% Dourly till 10.45. Leave Yarmouth at 5.30 a. m ek.. —. 2 000 2 tern tresh Ar 20th. schs Ruth Robinson and Sarah Pot; and 6.10 m. Pleoataquu Lodg=», K of P. will work 25 14% *16c. and to then 12.00, aud half hourly 12.10,-2.15 p. Singing KUMFOHD. 2 ter. from Hillsboro for New York ; John Brace- hourly 11.30; leave Falmouth the r >nk Oil* 2 25 Potatoes steady; .ierseu sweets 1 00*2 60. 10 ben 9.30 Leave Returning. Foreside, 6.00, knight in the long torm on Benediction, Rev. E. A. Harlow well. Stonington for do; Addle P McFaddeu, 6.30; hourly till p. in.. Fal- ig.per box, sealed. 9 ® it sugar—raw quiet, barely steady; fair refining mouth ForesiUe for Portland 30 minutes later. 7.a\ 19.45 a. in.. 1.30 and 3 80 p. in. Wednesday evening, June 21st. Presump- Kumford June 18,—We bad a line shore Is.23 00 86 test Jess* Hart 2d. and Izetta, Bangor for do; An- Mrs. Charles Johnson, at her summer ireC 00^.25 4%c: Centrifugal 4%c; refined steady. Sundays, cars leave Portland at 8 a. m. and half For Prince s Point, 8.00, 9.00 a. m., 12.1ft 80ott Valiev Lodge will do the work. shower last Wednesday that ended in a irel, shore 2s. nie F Kimball, Fraukiort fur do: Oakes Ames, home. Windham Hill, met with uulte a DETROIT—Wheat quoted at 78%c lor cash Unn»l> (lnriflnA. /a, C U.lnn, bannnr hourly till 7.30 p. m.: then 8.15, 9.15. 9.45 p. ni. 2.15 aud 6.19 p. m. u»rs. u. n. nats jins storm which eon in poor light Thursday, broke our Largess. 14 008618 cash Red at Leave Yarmouth at 6.45 a. am! half leave Prince’s serious accident a lew days sines, (ailing White; 7Uo; July at 79%o; tepi for UO; Northern B.umor (or m., hourly Reluming, Point, 5.40, 7.2ft health for a number of weeks drouth and tbe farmers smil- Apples, Baldwins.t 00®5 00 Light, Hvntlllgton, 10.80 1.15 and m. past. unit her suarp gave at bu*» c. K & G W Calais for Lur- till 6.15 p. m.; then 7.00, 8.00,8.30. Office and ft. in., 3.40 p. Mr. and fracturing btp. Apples, Rvap. 10 a 11 LI; Hunts, Bridgeport; Mrs. G. W. Leighton and Mr. ing faoes. waiting room 440 Cougress street. a. Quite a number from tbe Congrega- TOLEDO—Wheat qutet-cash at 77%0; July ing C Ha lira. Gardiner lor Philadelphia; Ben- For Conaiu's, Littlejohn’s, 8 m., ftlft, and Mrs. is'. A. Lane from Portland F. KUlott one of our progressive mim apr25dtf 3.30 m. tional churcb attended tbe conference at George 78WC; Sept 79%c. jamin T Biggs, Bangor (or Haekousack. p. at Mr. fitrmgpa la mvtktnff itriiiItinna t.n hta huv>n bbl.. 7 ooa.8 60 For and Dustin’s spent Sunday LorenzojLelghton’s. Falmouth tbe week. Cape Cranberries, ST. LOUIS—Wheat closed 76 for Passed, schs C J WtllaiU. Perth Aiuboy for Chebeague Islands, past June; 77% 8.00 a. Di. and 3.30 m. Last Sunday was observed as Children’s and will pnt on a new roof that will take Beans, Pea.1 46^1 50 for for Portland ; C R Flint and John l» Paige, Phila- STEAMERS. p. Mr. Lewis Varney of Maine State Uni- Beans Yellow July; 78%o Sept. leave Cousin's and Little- Sunday at the Free Baptist church with forty-four hundred shingles to cover. The Eyes.1 eo.o 1 75 delphia for Gardiner; Lugano, Hoboken (or du; Returning, versity is home for his summer vacation. Beans, California Pea.i 76 00 Susie P Oliver. Perth tor john’s Islands, 7.00 a. in., 12.15, 3.56 p. m.; appropriate exercises appointments inside will be changed so ®2 Amboy Bangor; Druid, Mr. Arthur Hawkes of Portland Beans, Bed Kidney.3 o<\u 2 15 Cotton Markets. New York for Thomasion; Calvin P Harris, leave Chebeague. 6.60 a. in.. 12.06 p. m.; leave Mr. Jjeonard Leighton of West Cum- spent as to make It an up-to date barn. Sunday with hla parents. Mr. and Mrs. Onions, Egyptian. 2 26 a 2 60 Phiiadelpnla for Bald island; Eugene Borda, Dustin's, 6.30 aud 11.45 a. no. berland called on bis Miriam W. V. Clark and wife visited Mrs. (By Telegraph.) sister,.Mrs. Winslow Hawkes. do .. 35® 1 36 New York fot Kookland; Ebdu H King, do for For 80. Freeport and Porter’s Landing, Leighton, Sunday afternoon. Clark’s parents at the Point, and Mr. Potatoes, busb. JUNE 20. 1899. David S Bluer. Perth for Lata Steamboat Co. Mr. and Mra Irving Knight and fopo Juuesport; Amboy Sebago at 3.30 p. in. Tbs young people had another social at Ames on Sandy river Saturday and Sun- od New Southern, e bbl..3 60®3 76 NEW YORK—The Cotton market to-day was Casttoe; John J Kennedy. Maine and Paul Sen- Retaining, leave Porter’s Landing, (WOO daughter, of Providence, H. L, are visit- 6 do Win f Fthlan hall lust Friday evening. day. Sweet Potatoes.3 60 middling uplands 6-16c, gulf at 6 9- vey, bound east; Blue. Rockland for New a. in.; South Freeport, 6.15 a. m. ing their parents, Mr. and Mra Jason oo®3 sales 000 bales. Anuie B ror \Ym Mr Kd Libby was the of relatives M. L. Wyman and son have removed Eggs. Eastern fresh. a. 17 V* ?uiet;80; York; Lewis, Bangor do; D Mere Birch Island. guest Kennebec. bound west. S earners Hawthorne aid Louise. For Point, Ilarps- at West on Knight. boulders from their field Eggs, Western tresh. 00% 17 V* CHARLESTON—The cotton market to-day Marvel, uvll Ctr. uud Chamberlain’s Gray Sunday. Mrs. Morse and many unsightly WASHINGTON—Cld 10th. sch Landing, George daughter re- Eggs, held. ® closed Quiet; middlings 6Hc. Mary Augus- at a. 3.30 this sprlug which add much to the value Smith. Jiib>« 13. Brunswick, 8.00 m. and p m, BUXTON. turned to their home Id Hnllowell on Butter, fancy creamery. 20® 31 ta, Philadelphia. BeKiimiiifif and good looks. GAI.V ESTON—The Cotton market closed Ar 20th, schs Estelle Pliinney, Returning, leave Brunswick, Chamber- Monday of this week. Butter, Vermont. 17® 13 6 15-16c. Kennebec; Wsst the 19th Mrs. steady; middlings do. m. from lain’* Landing, at 11 a. in,; leave Buxton, June 19.—Mr. George Mrs. and Monday, Inst., Clara Cheese, N. York and Ver’mt..... 9 .» 10 Daylight, Will connect with 8.43 a. train Port- Harps George Hallett sols of Phila- Cotton market Wist ASSET-Ar sch Nellie well Ctr., 6.00 and 11.15 a. in.; Birch Island Smith and family of Portland were the Curtis and daughter Edith, start from Cheese, Sage. & 13 MKMHHIS—The to-day closed 20th, Chapman, land. touching at Kongo River, Naples. Brktg- delphia are spending the summer at Perth and Harrison. aud Meare Point, 6.15 and 11.30 a. Hi. guests of Mrs. N. U. Smith last week. Vermont on a visit to Mrs. Curtis’s sister. quiet; middlings W4o. Amboy. ton, N*>. Biidgton Returning Windham Centre. Prof. Hallett Is ex- NEW ORLEANS—The Cotton market leave Harrison at 1.30 p. m.. North Hridgion The botany class of H. B. S. held a They having lived with Mr. C. K. closed later in the season. Carry Oral* Foreiirn I'urta. 12.45 p. in., Bridgl'.OO p. ni.. Naples 2.45 i). ro., last at peoted the five Uaotatioaa. easy; middlings 6 ll-l6c. Portland.Freeport&Brunswici Steamboat Cs plonio Saturday Severance’s Pond. Miss Fva has closed her term past years. at Lake station with alter noon Ayer of Ar prior to connecting TAFT. E. A. BAKER. Miss Mildred Frazier spent at A. D. PutDnm with a pair of nice CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE MOBILE—Cotton market—nothing doing; at Wellington. NZ. June 18, barque train for Portlaud and Boston, information jeOdtt Sunday school on Cousin’s Island, Yarmouth, Hiram New York. the home of Miss Alice Barnes. horses has gone to Nororois to boom middlings at b 11*16c. Emery. Gorham, and tickets at the Union station, Portland and and is now at home. help Monday’s quoatlons. Ar at St Pierre. Mart, 28, sch Austin 1> Several from this attended the new town. Mr. Putnam's wife and SAVANNAH—The Cotton market closed May Boston. piaoe the Mrs. Charles of Naples la the WHEAi- Knight, French, New York. Porlland, Ml Desort and Machias Steamboat C children’s ooncert Mayberry son have to live with her sister at steady; middlings 5He. C. L. GOOD RIDGE, Sunday evening at guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Morrill. gone July Sept Dec. Arat St John, NB, June 20, sch Pandora, STB. KU WK JO\ KS. South Standisb. East Dixdeld. Putnam haB rented his Rockland. Je6dtf __Gen*! Mgr. Mrs. John Hunnewellof Melrose, Mass., Opening...... 7ev* 77va Holder, Service resumed Friday, March 31, 1899. on Mr. and Mrs. Frank who have house to Mr. Guilford. fcUo|MHu Market? sch Sea Bird, Andrews, Rockland. Libby, has been visiting relatives and friends In Oionue.764* 78V* 79V* Cld, which date the Bteamor Frank Jones wilf leave sold their farm iu South Water- A female deer tried to oross the river In Portland on aud Fridays at 11.00 recently Windham of late. While here he had a CORN (By Telegraph.) Sid fm Cape Town June 10, ship John A Tuesdays p. are to move to this this front >f W. Clarke’s the m. for Rockland, Bar Harbor and boro, place week. Granite In Morrllls Sunday, 18th, ouly. Sent. LONDON. June 19. 1899—Consols closed at Briggs, Baloti, Sydney, NSW. Macuiaspori Quincy monument set BOSTON and PHILADELPHIA. aud intermediate landings. Roturnii.g leave uinoug the logs In the boom and after Opening****. a*v* S4\a 108 3-16 for money and 108 6-16 for aocou.x SM fin Delagoa Bay June b. ship James Nes- RICHMOND, Cemetery. Machiasport aud at 4 a. struggling for an hour and a half she Closing 36 36Vs mith, McLeod, Newcastle. NSW. and San Fran- TKI-WEEKEY SA1UNU8. Mondays Thursdays The exercises of tbe John LIVERPOOL, |June 20. 1899.—The Cotton in., ForHand at 11.00 in. ENFORCEMENT OF LAW, graduating was drowned. Mr. OATS cisco. arriving p. connecting LIQUOR Andrews Clarke, who is IS market Amerie.in middling at 3 13-32d; with trains forlBoston. sohool, South Windham, oocur quiet; lu port at Matauzas June 13. sbh A R Keene. on years of age, did not dare attempt to res- Pent. sales estimated ;i<\00i) bales of which 0O0O From Boston F. FVANft F. E. Rlohmond, June 19.—Saturday evening Friday, the aSth. July. Keeue. trom Havana, arrived 7th, for Philadel- Tuesday. Thursday, Saturday. GEO. BOOTUBY, cue her. Corning. ■ *44* 22 bales were for speculation and expert. Gen’l Manager. Geu’l Fast. looal officer! under direction of Grant Mrs. John Swett and daughter have re- phia with old troo. Agent. WATERBORO. Closing...... 2*4* 23V* Fiom Portland. Maine. mar244ti ssarohed the Rlohmond turned home from a visit to relatives and Sid fm St Domingo about June 13. barque Philadelphia Monday, Wednesday Rogers, Esq., PORK City hotel and three barrels of stuff. friends in Oxford MINIATURE ALMANAC.JUNE 31. Olive Thurlow, Hayes. New York. and captured county. Joseph Down’s, Brown '00, Is at home Dee. July Friday. This afteroonn landlord James Devine Mr. J. Jacobs of Boston has been for the summer Sunrises. 4 .... 900 spend- vaoatton. Closing. 8 It 7||j._hUl*“ wavCrwa.-r From Central Wharf. Boston. 8 p. m. From several Sun sets. 7 24 .... 915 was tried before Justice B. F. Curtis ing days at his B. Carl son of W. 8 33 j at m. country home, Downs, D». J. Opening... Moon 2 0— Tine street Wharf. Philadelphia, 3 p. In- ALLAN LINE and found on three The Windham Centre. sets. 11 Height.0 Ou guilty oounts. Downs, will graduate Irom Portland Tuesday's quotation* Grand Trunk surance effected at office. case was and Mr. Devine was The friends of Mr. and Railway System. for the West the Penn. R. K. and nail .llomrcal appealed Mrs. Oliver High school at the ooming graduation. WHKAi Freights by Royal Meamcr», Winslow South forwarded connecting hues. bound oTcrJto appear at the August term sympathise with them In the The ball team defeated a nine by au

THE PHARMACISTS. Prof. W. J. Cortbell of 9orlum KEAB K.'TATK THE PRESS. B. & M. AGENTS ASSOCIATION will de- TRANSrKHS. HBW AaTmtTIWBSigWT*. liver the address el the graduation of The transfer* of ml estate Will Be In Portland In following They Jnly and l Fol- the Lewiston training aohool WOMEN’S NSW JHIVKRTISKNKKTI TODAY• Rtgnlar Meeting Held eaterduy today. iare been recorded: STOCKINGS Ti (9o To Bay or lei. Nap Which were Shore Dinner Walter B. of Seer born, and Bd- Oweii.'Moora* Co, lowing HUgln. HALF TRICE. CHANGES IN rard B. of *0 Albion H. J. K. Libby Co. end Soil. BUILDINGS. Higgins Boston, far a lot of land Bines Bros. Oo.. The 89d annual meeting of the Maine lawks* of Westbrook, 9», N. K. Telephone!* Telegraph Co. n Soar boro, at Higgins Baach, on Aah- Pharmaceutical Association will be held §om« Plans Which Arc Five Croat Lots of J. K. Palmer, < The Boston and Maine Agents’ assocI How Being 1 on arenna M. 2. In Portland 6 and 7. It la to Brdla Llewellyn Leighton— July the oldest atl on met in this city Tuesday and at Considered. Thomas Gagnoa.of Weetbrook Them. Thos. J. Briggs. State association of the kind r.Moolton of Baarlag for 91, a lot of land Ottawa House. In ths United 10.1# a. m. the courtesy of Gen- Through ind build toa* In Westbrook on the east- of Portland. States. e Oity eral Agent a cnr waa In wait- Tha meeting of the committee on I Eastern Steamboat Co. MoClutohy puli- erly side of North dirt Bress The first will be held at the at at Portland to Mat- Skirt* Made FREE W., W. * N. Railway Co. meeting ing Union station for a trip through llo buildings yesterday afteuoon was a Jolla B. Robinson Thursday. aonv Falmontb ut tor 91 a lot of RICHELIEU. Solid black Uren Hooper’s Motel at 8 o’clock Thursday the Boston and Maine Central most one and It lasted in R. Bell Portland, freight Important until at Knot 1 Tomorrow, w# will males newest, Dress Shirts FINANCIAL. at whloh time the President's and In Portland Jeering about (Thursday) style evening, yards. six o'clock when an adjournment was In color, J. L. Rice. l» rode from tha naw oounty road. .* » address will be the of the After [ Portland Trust Co. read, reports Inepeotlng the freight yard* a taken until this afternoon at four o'nlotk. lino gauge Lisle, guaranteed fast various officers and committees presented, buslneea meeting was held at the railroad Electrician Levi New Warns. To Let. For leost Found City Cummings ap- and at Sale, nomination stainless, tipped too and and similar advertisements will be found under applications for membership, branch of the Y. M. U. wbloh time before the committee and A.,at peared asked heel with tfc«ir appropriate beads on page tf. of offioers and all ocher business that It la white spliced heel and the aubjeot for debate waa “The receiv- permission to place a lire alarm bell on to be at the'irst Po*ti.a>d, June MM. toe all sizes, a 50 possible oompleted sitting ing of packages for shipment which arc the new high aohool building. Thla can- 21, splondid cent will be will be “Mrs. Winslow** booming rjr.p, presented. Headquarters not properly marked." Following the not be done unleaa a dormer window la stocking. at the Falmouth Hotel, where reduced HA TEVER Has been used over Fifty Years by millions of meeting, the Eldorado of the Casoo Bay out or some other means found for reach- This sale rates have been secured. price, 26 c mothers for their children while Teething, Steamboat oompany.gayly decorated with ing the cnpalo of tha bulldlog. The oom- else do at 8.(3 all will taka you with perfect success. It soothes the child, Friday morning the dags. Was In to taka the Associa- mlttee voted to refer the entire matter waiting to 1L softens the cures Wind train at Union for where on the ‘‘Glo- gums, allays Pain, Depot Sebngo tion to Peake Island where the party eat Councilman Farnhoiu of the committee Colic, regulates tee bowels, and is the best steamers will take tre party the lake up down to a brat class shore dinner pre- who will do aa he thinks best regarding PLAIN BLACK. Fine remedy for Diarrhoea whether arising from where rious Fourth" decorate a to tbe Bay of Naples, the seooud pared of the Peaks talnd hotel. the matter. For by.Sawyer teething or other causes. sale by Drug- session will be served and gauge held, banquet Dinner over, the members visited the of Sohools Lord bit. out a few gists In every wart of the world. Be sore and Superintendent ap- Haog warranted a general good time bad, returning Gem theatre and Lisle, fast and stain- ask for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, 25 cts witnessed the produc- peared before the committee with refer, abont 7 p. m., arriving at Portland about tion of “The Chinese Lanterns, some less bcel a bottle. Wife," by Mr. Barrows' ex- enoo to hiring the old U.*A, H. hall for a black, spliced and toe, h o'clock. cellent company and afterwards boarded manual training sobool. It la proposed to 1 and some tipped at toe audlieoi with CASTORTA from tbe flags, red, white. Representatives Amerloan the steamer for a sail the move the manual sohool out among lalands, training of 50c this sale Bears the of Chas. H. Flbtchrb, Pharmaceutical Association and ths white and blue kind, price, 26c signature returning in time to catch tbe, 6 o'olock the Vaughan street building and give an bunting, use for more than and National Association of Retail Druggists train la thirty years, for Boston. Through tha oourtesy extra room then for a olaaa room. The That sort of will b3 and address the thing doesn't III. The Kind You Have Always Bought* present msetiug. of the Portland Steamship company free committee took no notion on this matter President A. W. Harris of tbe Univer- transportation was to such cost the CASTORIA granted of yesterday. much, pleases BLACK WITH Schop- sity of Maine is to be present and other the party as desired to make tbe Tha addition to the Bears the of Chas. H. Flbtchb*. trip by propoeed Forest children and signature men from various of shows from of tha goods advertised below. WHITE STRIPES, distinguished parts water. Those present were: H. C. street school in East was dis- your any pec's than and Taft, Deerlng In use for more thirty years, tbe State. And not so mueh as a single cent charged for the designing, cut- Lowell, Maes.; C. A. Chandler, Salem; cussed. No estimate of the cost of the ad- patriotism. On the Ger- The Kind You Have Always Bought. The officers of the association are: ting or if the Linings of us. George Keating, West Boylston; W. G. dition being at hand the committee be- making, you buy many made, Rembrandt rib, on castoria A. Auburn. whole it’s a to Presldoot—W. Robinson, Cummings, Worcester; George H. Thor- dded to lat this matter rest until an esti- good thing lit Vice President—A. M. Robinson, black ground, are graduated Bears the signature of Chas. H. Flbtchbb* burn, Lynn; W. L. Goodwin, Boston; mate oan be obtained. decorate on the Fourth 81.25, 81.00 AND 75c Scotch Mixtures, Mohair and Worsted, Bangor. stripes of white warranted fast In use for more than thirty years, and 2nd Vice President—Gsa A. (Parober, John I. Hunnewell, Somerville; C. T. Chief Engineer M. N. KJdrldge of the COODS FOR 58c. Silk and Wool, and All Wool; a choice W. of The Kind You Have Always Bought. Ellsworth. Smith, Milford; Haven Doe, Somers- lire department appeared and gave the July. collection of styles and and stainless black, spliced toes 3rd Vice President—H. Bldde- qualities, Boynton, worth, M. M. Moore, Wilton, K. committee his Ideas the lord. H.; regarding ohaoges The Lanterns and widths 44 to CO inches. Have been $1.25, $1.00 and 75c. This sale price and heels, (tipped with white) Secretary—M. Is’. Porter, M. D., Dan- K. A. MoClutohy, Portland ; W. W.Rey- which will have to be made In tha engine BRIEF JOTTINGS. | and and 58c A true 50 ceut. this fort h. nolds. Beverly, N. J. Kimball, Roob es- bouse on ward one In order to place the Flags Bunting stocking, Treasurer—W. I. Portland. ter, N. H.; F. A. And we make yonr Skirt Free. salo Draw, Eastman, Frankkn, new ohemloal engine there. He recom- price, 25c Entertainment Committee—D. W. N. H.; E. W. other needful are of the Janklns, Woburn, Mass. things Only stipulating that you buy the Lining of us. Mis. Alice U White, principal B. R. O. M. Follans- m«n ded the taking aut of the front and HeselMne, Lane, a Industrial School at Montgomery, Ala- H. the ef new doors on th. here; stock of them. bee, W. Norton, C. A. Simmons. PERSONAL. placing uppsr big IV. bama, will tell of her work at the Coven- Local Secretary—C. A. Simmons, Port- ■Ida mndnllad nffstr tha imt.tnrn rtf thnaa 82.25, 82.00 AND 81,50 A splendid collection of high grado land. We recommend you to A lot of tlon of In the Ply- now In one. The wall* of the olitern In scroll and FANCY. many Klng’a Daughters Committee—A. COODS FOR 97c. stuffs; effects; large Reception Benjamin, Miss mhel l or mouth ohurch on Wednesday evening. John K. tioold.l A. S. Hinds, Chas. D. Hyde, who hag been 111 In the rear will need to be torn down and bring send your orders small figures; cheoks; mixtures ot style fancy stock- be a of Atlantic has been taken “Thera will meeting Bagley, E. S Everett, Cbas. M. Hay, Portland, to her home In the cistern discontinued. Tbs stable we’ll Silk and Wool; also Mohair and Woo4 Grenadine and Sootch effects. ings for women, colored stripes, jo. C. S. Fred H. Lotb- send the lodge of Maaona this evening. U C. Frye, Foss, Bath In the private oar ot General Man- should be continued the whole of to-day, Prices have been and This sale length $2.25, $2.00. $1.75 $1.50. price 97c boot patterns etc. 50 cent stock- of the Portland rop. of the Maine The quarterly meeting ager Brans, Centra], tbe house so ns to eaable the combination whenever and And the of Skirt Free if the of us. goods making your you buy Linings all of Marine i was held Tuesday after- Meagre. Charles H. Chase and 0. truck to set in with tbe ladders ings them. 25c soolety COMBINATION OF COTTON MILLS. J. be pro- wherever noon at the Board of Trade rooms. JMoth- Perkins of this oity and S. C Stanley of jecting between stalls. The stalls would you say. A combination of the|tollowing ootton 81.50. Poplins and Bengalines, elegant goods. There are Dresden lng but routine business came before the Boston, have gone on an exourslon to the be placed lu a.lloe. Tbe tenements to the V. mills has been effeoted: Bennett. How- patterns in the lot; most of them are our own styles, cannot meeting. regions around Mlrl Mlohl Bay, JS. B. upper part of the house would .be done land, Rotob and New Bedford mills of be here. TAN. Plain tan extra Fred 11. who has been em- Mr, duplicated color, Motiary Manaskst and Cohannet Benjamin Johnson of Jefferson, away with and a part devoted to sleeping Now Bedford, This sale fine ■.Invwt .t the Maine Eve and Ear Infirma- a confederate veteran and a clerk If are price 81.50 gauge, knit of mills of Sanford and Mo., in quarters for the regular men, while you going away Taunton, Globe, And the Skirt made Free. ry, for tbs past three year* as male nurse, the State treasurer's ollioe, la uffiulent ooul d be reserved for a Haco double North Dlgbton of Fail River. Tbe new spending space for the Summer or even pure yarn, eele, concluded his labors at that Institution the summer on Peaks Island, tbs guest of ward thus obviating the combination will be llnanoed by Kidder, room, neoesslty high spliced beel, pure and fast last Saturday. He has gone to his home hla daughter, Mrs. Charles Williams. of removing all tire apparatus into the for a or be sure BLACKS. Half a counterful of choice things in Blaok Dress Goods Peabodv &Co. of Boston. Baring Bros. day two, two where he will a The dye, shades of tan. at Smyrna today pass thirty-second annual Draper open air when a oanous Is held. The es- —Prunellas, Crepons, Grenadines and other choice stuffs & Co. at London, Eng., and Baring, to take a bottle of vacation ot two weeks after which he will Beading at Abbott Academy was held In timated of these is about along into this Free It's the of the This sale price, Magoun &Co. of New York. The man- expense changer go Skirt-Making Sale. opportunity season. 25c go to the Eastern Maine General hospital the old aoademy building Monday night. 11500. By the adoption of this plan for Dictmann’s ag ment of the mills will be mainly local, Camphor Ice. at Bangor. Among those who read was Miss Cor- the arrangement of Co. 8, Chief lildridge as heretofore, and the securities will be There’s like it The State Board of Pharmacy, ot nhloh nelia Woodfaull Fiokard of Portland, Me., thinks a large annual be nothing DRESS SUIT CASES AND BAGS. largely held as they have been. In New saving may J. R. LIBBY CO. Mr. D. W. Heseltlne of this otty Is a whose Beleotlon was “Love Love effected. The Bedford, Fall River and Taunton. Me, My public buildings committee for sunburn, for blistered member, Is to bare an office at the State Dog." has not yet the recommendations The officers of the new oombinstlon will ddopthd 8TYLE8 CORRECT, Just inside the west entrance—Congress House, In Augusta. (Miss of the Cam- of the chief hands and for be as folio we: President, Andrew U. Marguerite Huraery engineer. freckles, STOCK LARGE. street—you’ll see a gathering of these The annual held car of tbe C. T. A. S. bridge School for Girls, has The Chief’s idea is to mak3 Pleroe of New Bedford; vloe president, successfully engine and vacationists’ The large buy- on Jane 28. soothing requisites. will come off Bong Island, passed tne preliminary examination for oompany No.8, a double oompany, and to healing Edward D. Maltby of Taunton 'and An- ing. quick selling gives us close rates. The Temperance Cadets, a uniformed entrance to Bryn Mawr bare that handle both of black bites and mos. drew G. Pleroe, Jr., of New Bedford; ex- college. oompany pieces fly branch of this organization, now hare Mr. William Gunn of NO. 25. Dress Suit case of Monkey grain leather, full size, steel ecutive committee^ J. Frank Knowles of Harvard, olesi of apparatus. This will require additional Rates. Moreover linen a membership of 7IS. 1809, who returned to his home In men to handle tbe new tjuito stings. 83.89. frame, body and lid, two sets straps inside, lined, Telephone New Bedford, chairman, E. B. Jennings lately p3rmaneut truck A special Maine Central train of 12 this from a vacation to and tbe oblef believes it is a brass lock and solid sole leather corners, russet and of Fall Klver, Edward D. Maltby of oity trip Italy, that the greatest clean and healthful bolts, cars, bearing 10UO people from all parts has gone to to In oan olive. Taunton, A. G. Pleroe, Jr., of New Bed- Cambridge participate efficiency be obtained by appointing nourisher of the PORTLAND EXCHANGE. ot Mai oo, left on an exourslon tour to the commencement exercises. skin, it fold and James E. Stanton of New Bed- a permanent captain and lieutenant for Sizer 22 and 24 inch. Price 83.89 and after- Montreal tjuebec, Tuesday Mr. James A. Day and family of West engine company No. 8 and a driver for is nor 41 at $5.00. ford. not’sticky greasy Style OKLY A noon. street, have moved to their on $35.00 YEAR, parly The exeoutlve committee will have the oottage tbe combination track. and cannot .metallic measured ser- The bids for supplies for the United Peaks island for the summer. Ther3 will be tbe same number of the circuit, aotlve management of the mills of the call injure States revenue cutter Levi Woodbury dur- Misses Fannie vice, for a telephone. combination. £. Danforth and Annie men in the oompany as at present and at most delicate cuticle. the fiscal June ing year ending 80, 1900, B. Pbalr graduated from the nurses' a tire responded to by both the engine have been awarded as follows: Kandall Dictmann’s afford to be KING'S DAUGHTERS ENTER- eobool at the Kye and Bar Infirmary last and the trunk the oaptaln wilkdetall men Camphor Can you without it! ■Sc McAllister, coal, *2.64 a ton; Charles week. Lt Misses Bstetlla Mae to handle the truck. Whenever TAINED. Wultz/Isabel the engine Ice is used and recom- chandlery, and engineer's and Marie C. titover will also oon- Guptlll, ship Mrs. Isabelln Charles Davis of New Bragg leaves the hill to respond to an alarm of Manager will furnish all par- storse; W S, Jordan & Co., rations. olude their at the In tire In mended of ticulars. York,general secretary of the Internation- training Infirmary the business district,the lieutenant by many the The Boston boats bound west, now few weeks. will remain in of the truck and al Order of King's Daughters and Sons; charge nurses in the as as dock at Boston is be- slowly the being Judge A. H. Walker of Brldgton was two of tbe members of the oom- city Mrs Byron Stevens of Bunswlck, secre- engine NEW ENGLAND dredged by nigbt.and the work contlnnss at the United States hotel instead of to tbe tire will re- the tary of the Mains branob; Mrs. Emily 'yesterday. pany going ing cleanest and best until 6 a. m.. after which the boat is Miss Florence Koblnsou of secretary of the Rhode Island Hlohinond, par t at the house tp handle the truck In for Chace, of all berthed the day. Me., hat been in the oity friends. case an alarin should be sent In for a lotions—twenty- branch, and Miss Anna Osgood of Pitts Visiting Telephone and Telegraph Go. The appraisers are still working on the Mr. C. J. Butler Is on a two weeks’ Sre on d4 Held, Somerset Connty secretary, are en- thefelU. five cents. Je2l w affuirs of the New England Agricultural the mountains. Tbe remain ou hill at all tertained at Mrs.Piteher’s,130 Free street, fishing trip through truckijrlll the Society and the Klgby Park Association. Clerk of Courts C. Stone has re- their In the Mrs. Stev- BknJ. times and will uat respond to any fires during stay elty. The bast we ever saw at the price. Made of full weight grain leath- They have not yet submitted tbelr report, moved to No. 507 Cumberland street. below straet ens will at the of the Washington unless specially preside meetings steel double set of linen russet ana olive. TO LET but It can be said tbat tbe New England Mr. B. A. of thl s has the er, frame, straps, lined, convention of the order held in the First Higgins oity sent for. receive OWEN, MOORE & CO. 22 and 24 at Agricultural society will enough poeltlon with the American Tool com- The of a §iees inch, S5.00 Free Baptist church, Congress street, appointment permanent cap- enable them about 40 cent Size Size 24 inob. Made of 5 ounce to to pay per pany wnloh was reoentl y resigned by Mr. tain and lieutenant for NO. 141. 22, 86.00. 96.50. from Wednesday afternoon through engine company * ot tbelr on premiums, P. Crowell. steel linen double set of straps, lnd«$)tednesB Thursday evening. No. 8, will be a great improvement and grain leather, frame, lined, DRUG STORE. ,sto. The Indebtedness amounts to about «*!• iivuu wt iuo DO YOU WANT uuiuD| eupcnuivuuouv oaonot help increasing the efficiency. ANY brass lock and bolt, russet and olive. •*io, uoo. has leased the Edwards a CO. E,"l7tta MAINE REUNION. jail workshop, With combination truck and an en- No. 162, 22 inch, $8.50. 24 inch, $9.00- Tbe office at Cumberland The best location in the state post Ottawa, house on Pine street, and will move his glue MuuToy’hill will be adequately pro- The annual new for a bas been dlaoontlnned and mall reunion of Co. E, 17th to open a store .county, family here from Auburn the first of tected against lire (or some yeaos to ousne. Maine association will bs held thorough drag business. Apply for tbat plaoe will be sent to Portland. regiment September. The nsattdr of grading the Chestnut FIREWORKS? to at Grand Army ball, Yarmouth, Satur- Mr. Harold W. teacher in — Loker, Port- street sohool play ground was Wrought SUCH AS — THE INVALID’S HOME. day, June 2Mb. A social reunion and land has taken the It Is a High school, reoently up. proposed to'plaoe fenoe around Fir. Crackers. Cannon M. The regular monthly meeting of the dinner will be sjnjoyed after whloh tbe Crackers, Torpedoes, LLEWELLYN LEIGHTON, Boston teaohers' examinations and has It and put it In suitable ooudtMon as a RoekM., Roman Candida. Paper Caps. Pistols, managers of the Invalids’ Home will be annual business meeting and election of rorchas. Red Fire, Ptmk. Jack lu Box. Pin Portland. received a certificate of the highest grade. play yard for the children of tbe school. 53 Exchange street, held at the Home, Mechanic street, Drar- officers will be beld. Wlioalji. Fountains, IrtVuea. Vertical Wheels. je21dlw Mra Llawellyn Barton and oblldren The estimated cost la $83a. So action Hot Xlr Balloons, Flags or anything In tlia this June 21st at three lino us Fireworks. tug, afternoon, are the of Mra John INSPECTED THE BRIDGES. guests Hancook of was taken regarding Mils matter yester- o’olook. visitors are always Although Gray. day. We Make u Specialty of Town welcome on this day all are specially In- The board of connty commissioners yes- Mr. George Thomas and Miss Thomas It was voted to the Display*. vited to this attractive retreat. made an cf the place granite steps Inspect terday lnsneotlan three for the The Home Is at all times to visitors arrived home Monday evening. Miss at the Emerson -sohool building at on os. Agts. CeUkrxtad A. L. Hue Fireworks. open eounty bridges abot Portland and found but at ton o’clook. Visit- Thomas a talk In GIFTS. especially today gave parlor Hawkes the atone have WEDDING all in Washington Brothers, outcere, ors can leave the W estbrook cars at Grant tbem good condition. They will and one In Boston on her favorite theme and wanted to soon order that completed steps authority street. these bridges be painted. Ail of the nice effects in Silver “Woman.” put them In position. Sterling ami Cut Glass. You will he surprise* Mr. George if. West and family of Mel- The>ommittee then adjourned until Thomas J. at the meagre price when compared with len are at Briggs, street, thslr summer tht* afternoon at four o'olook when these home, MANUFACTURER CF CONFECTIONERY the intrinsic value of the goods. Our TWO IN ONE. at Cornish. bltchmont, matters which have not been acted on stock of Clocks will interest — ANC ICE superior surely Mr. and Mrs. CREAM. Whitman Sawyer will go will come up and ulso the matter of grad- you. A Clock is a positive ueceseH*. 379 There is nothing ordinary about to Thomaston today. Mr. bawyer Is one ing tbe Bearing High school yard. The Congress St, Fortlnnd,*,iTle. being both decorative and so useful. Our of the is this, you be to prison Inspectors and goes to meet committee has found that loam suitable |e21_TEI.KPHOXE «lT-4, dlw ine of the best plated Silverware ahvajrs though may tempted Towle an* the other members of the board for the for this purpose can be obtained now at complete—Rogers, Pairpoint, it a pass by with just of finest selected stock, band sewed on steel frame, best solid Wilcox, are all of the best. We are the only glance. regular monthly inspection. Governor a comparatively slight cost and they will Made a and bolt. Irish linen llnod, shirt fold. members of the combine in these goods and Look little closer. It is a anu Mra Powers are expeoted to be of oonslder the advislblllty today of doing brasslock OTTAWA can low prices because we own give you the tbe work at once. HOUSE, Dress Suit Oaso, plain, $3.19 party. I’edryoid range and copper water boiler in one hem lower. Mrs. William T. Curtis and her son, Cnshing’g Island. Either 22 or 24 inch. having even all the brass connec- KASTKKN STEAMBOAT CO. Mr.Cnrroll Curtis of Huntington avenue, Leather trimmed. 22 or 24 inch, 4.19 BEST HOTEL IN CASCO BAY. tions The boiler is at the will the summer Commencing next tbe steamer to complete. boston, <. spend with Monday Higher grade suit cases, $10.00 $18.00 out of the It is the Mra CurtlB's mother, Mrs. J. A. S. of the Eastern Steamboat oompany will Will Open to the Public FRANK P.llcKENNEY, top, way. range Hutchinson. leave Beth daily exoept Sunday at 8. SO a. TRAVELING BAGS. The for a small as it Jeweler, kitchen, econo- Mrs. Hummet Is m. fur Squlrrall Island, Har- JUNE 20tH. Henry In Dover, N. Boothbay A good fair Bag from $1.60 to $2.50 MONUMENT SQUARE. mizes space. H., on a visit to her mother. bor and Intermediate landings. Return- Island is * Cushing’s noted (or Its Better grade of grain leather, with full leather trimmings, Mrs. Coolbruth of Massachusetts ing will leave Boothbay Harbor at 2.80 Is p. splendid air, fine scenery and elegant $2.50 to $3.60 MOREOVER, spending the summer with Miss m. On the; Pophauo Beach route the Mary hotel accommodations. best brass steamers will leave Bath at 9 a. m. High cut club Bags, best selected stock, trimmings, Eng- It In a “Combination”—burns either coal or Coal in winter Bryant. and gas. *4.00 to $9.00 Mrs rf M. Buzzell and her sister, Mrs. 5 p. in. and Popbam Beaoh at 7 a. m. lish handle, CARING when want a warm in summer when want a B. C. you kitchen; gas you cool one. and 3.30 m. GIBSOU, Prop. club newest $3.50 to $8.00 Kebccca Pickett, went to the Wigwam, p. These steamers are fast jen out Women’s Bags, styles, to in or take the are Is THE Nothing put out; gas burners always in place. Ingleside farm, Fryeburg, ou Monday. and ooiumodious and the sail most de- FOR OF Extension Cases, from 49c to $3.00 Miss Stears of Dorchester Is visiting her lightful. CITY PORTLAND. sister Mrs. Wm. M. Marks, W.st street. IIAIR Notice to The is announced of Miss Contractor*. I engngement occasional Kl'a M.Gardner of form- requires Waltham,Mass., 44Good Beginnings cloausing with some erly ol this city, to Mr. J. Edwin Blake, PROPOSALS for constructing about amt SEALED000 feet of pipe sewer In Buruhhm street antiBoptio shampoo of a Jr., New Bedford, Mass. and about 160 reel of Pipe sewer lu Wharf st. tho application of Mr. John M. S. Hunter, wife and Make Good Endings bmweeu Pearl and Silver streets, will be re- nourishing tonic. ceived at the office of the C'ofmntRslouer of Pub- Here aro. daughter of Farmington,are in lic Hall. Until they Portland, You ate a •when Works, City Saturday. June 24th, I making good beginning o’clock ou thslr way to Portland, Oregon, to at- mu. at 12 n., when they will be pub- you commence to lake Hood’s Sarsaparilla licly opened and read, The successful bidder Hays' Tar Jolly, 85c jar ten the meeting of the National (Editorial will be to bond lu a sum required give and with Tho Ideal association. for any trouble of your blood, stomach, sureties satisfactory to the Commissioner of Shampoo. Public Works, to Insure the proper fulfillment Fred F. of kidneys or liver. Persistently taken, this Capt. Phillips Washington, of the ooiuitloiH of the contract. Blanks on Hay’s Tar Lotion, 50c a bottle medicine •will the end- which must be made, has leave to come to Maine to visit his great bring you good proposals plans, specifi- Grower and cations and further information, can be ob- A perfect Hair Nour- and friends at and health, strength and parents Bangor Port- ing of perfect vigor. tained at Uie office of the Commissioner of Pub- Probably the beat collection in Xorlbern New Eugranti. ishing Dressing. land. Later he will make a long tout of lic Works, who reserves the right to reject any or alt bids, should he deem It for the Interest of Europe. the city so to do. Bids should be marked #,Pro- ■ for Sewer” and addressed to Geo. M. Hon. Amos L. Allen of Alfred was In posals I Pernald, Commissioner of Public Works. H. & Son, Middle St Portland J. R. LIBBY CO. H.Hay yesterday. hie2ldtd j j