| P3RESS. ESTABLISHED JUNE 23, 1862-VOL. 37. _PORTLAND, MAINE, WEDNESDAY MORNING, JDNE 21. 1899, MSBffSsim ~~PR1Ce" THREE CENTsT M»OKLUyBOCT> _ This concluded the exerolaee the and ft D- Daley. Harrard, H.W. Foote, visitor* went to hall a Jump; attempt to Interfere with the running of I HONORS ALL AROLND. Brigham for brief CRISIS GROWS SERIOUS Harrsni, dl.tunoe; F. Z. Harvard, rest, sftsr which s Vox, oare on Clark avenue line ao aa there collation waa served hurdler; J.W. hurd- T NOB IS CONTROL. long ARBITRATION l\ at the Blok. Hullowell, Harvard, wae police protection, bnt tbl* evening SAUK. MB P- J. Quinlan, Harvard, ICO yards At 8 o'clock a wsa held on a *•*j there was a determined effort to get at recaption end quarter mils; J. T. platfonu sreoted In Boohs, Harvard, the non-union men who were taken to front of the loaul 100 yard, and jumps ohurob, at whloh the President shook tbe Holden avenue barns this forenoon to hand* with 8400 people and then rstarned opcratedhe oare from that end of the President Honored to MORRISSEY LASTED lino. Soon after dark 5000 aa- Mt. t.he Whiting house at Holyoke. Assis- No French Cabinet QUICK. Police Powerless pereone tant Secretary of the Navy Allen and Against aero bled. Therr ware twenty policemen Conference Will Lieut. Gov. who The at the barn, but they were powerless to Hague Presence. Crane, arrived Just In Irish Wonder Defeated In 3B See- Holyoke By In the Gov. Formed Yet. handle tbs mob. Fences ware torn down time, artlolpated reception. onds By Beeond Rate Rioters. and Mrs. Woloott returned to Boston Pagtllst. and the crowd broke Into tbe barns. The Adopt Form. after the non-union men escaped to the attic and Immediately ohapel eaerelsss. New Mis* Grace UoKlnley, tbe President's York, June SKI.-Pster Maher, the the rioters oontented themselves with a few oars. Several nlsoe and a member of the graduating Inih heavyweight pugilist, scored a smashing wagon her time after sh* loads of then arrived a nd the mob class, spent received lUlok victory over hit fallow country- polios And Honored Him her degree at the hands of “Unole Wil- N. was dispersed. At another place on the College By Giving Bourgeois’ Chances ire men, Mike Morrleasy of before south switches were torn and the liam” in entertaining Mrs.” McKinley. Pairly the Tipperary, Revolvers Used and One Han up Lenox A. C. tonight. were The evening was spent vary quietly In Morrissey tracks blocked. Miming Convention was heralded as an Invlnelble Irish obam- Nominally Degree. the Whiting residence, and both the prin- Good. Pour hundred employes of the Cleve- hlon, but he to the thou Killed. cipal guests retired early, -'tonight la qulokly proved land Foundry company struck toda y be- sands of oo-looksrs that ha had From Fiulura. the last that will be spent In Holyoke as tonight cause tbe oompaoy refused to dleoharge a Maher sited bis ma n at 10.18 tomorrow a down superiors foreman wbo had ridden on a big Con- morning trip and went for him tho river will be taken on the Mascot, Cnyquloitly stralght- solidated ear. »way. Than was no In and tbe balanoe of tbo day wlU bn spent apparently light the naw comer. A on in and a In light punch the He Honor in recaptions parade Springfield. l rasai and HODGSDON’S STATEMENT. Accepts Tbe President's special train will leave Treachery Caused Rous- » right cross to the jaw were the only blows struck and thaw were de- Strikers Seize Oar and Springfield for Adams at 4 o’oloog and livered Little in Ad- Graceful tbo until by MMMr. The blow that Maher Germany’s Speech, following days Wednesday, Juno seau Failure. landed He Confirms fhe Accusations Against 88 will he spent at the residence of Hon. on the Jaw was insufficient to Beat Motorman. W. B. Blanket. She President knook oat any man. Admiral Schley. vance of will The Others. leave for Washington the night of the moment that the men shaped it 28th. eras clearly evldt n; that Morrissey was Jane SO — "Vf | hfrsld and that Maher had the easiest Washington, Following the I task statement ever given him In Ms lighting ca- of Lieutenant Commander Leaves For CLASS DAY AT BOYVDOIN. Sfax reer. a Party Holyoke Today May Be Stopped Until Both fiddled for few moments Hogdeon respecting tbe events that oo- JPf* and then Maher went to his man Motorman and Cond actor Chased right ourredon tbe bridge of the Protection of Commencement with a left lead whloh landed on Brooklyn, Property At Sea Springfield. Week Begins In Aus- Crisis is Over. lightly the the cheat and sent his right over the jaw. Mob Into Woods. July 8, navy dpeartraent today made Manner, By picious Morrlswy fell In a neutral ooraer and public tbe following report bp Captain irredeemably Lost. lay there on hts resting right elbow,while Chadwick of his examination of Lleuten Maher strutted about the ring until Ref- Brunawlok, ! June 20,—A goodly .'Bom- ant Commander eree White oounted oS ton seconds Ma- Hellner: ber of the alnmnl of Mowdoln college her then walked to bis ooraer and the U- 9. 8. New York, Knee. Eonth Mass., Jane SO.—Thle June of tba Jnne Boston, Hadley, were here today to participate In tbe Paris, 31.—Tba prolongation master of ceremonies announced that Cleveland, 8>.—Dlatnrbanoaa on 81r—In obedlenoe to the orders of the wee what might be appropriately called cabinet crisis Is moat sat loan Maher had won. The time of the aooonnt of the atrlka broke oat at secretary of the hers the honor to aommenoement exercises. This waa elves becoming bout aboot navy,I Washington, June 80.— Private advloss was was S3 seconds. make tba of an honor day hare. Mt. Holyoke college whloh commencement MM. Dupuy and Lookroy both called upon noon. A crowd boarded a Wade Park av- following report examl- day begins work. ntlon of Lieut. [Waived here from a high ara at Its commence- Commander Hellner with authority honored by the presence Brnnswlok wore a Preaideot Loubet yesterday and enue aw near Lind* and Annrnle avenuaa gala appearance and eaprsaaod respect to his of a oon vena- to tbs effect that the conference at The of William HOUGH PATS BACK. knowledge ment exercise*, MoKlnley, a large erowd gathered at Memorial hall their aainMtr to be lettered of the respon- and beat the non-union motorman Into tion reported to have occurred between Dover. M. H.. June 30 —In obedience Hague probably will be redeemed nomi- President of the United States, and In sibilities or offloe as soon aa It The oonduotor Hear Admiral Schley aod Lieut. Com- and under the Thorndike oak. The pro- poeedbK to the be made when he lneenelbllity. deeerted nally from failure an promlw agreed to mander Hodgson, tbo notion of through agreement tarn It honored him by conferring upon waa of ta reported that ordera bare bean aent to bla oar and fled. Another Wade Park daring gramme nnueual Interest. surr*nder|Mmaelf tojtne federal authorl- 1898. m an arbitration that satis- doctor of civil law*. July 3, project .will him the degree of The exerclaea at 10 o’olook Ht. MIcbaela, A sore la'aida, directing ltlse, Harry Hough this morning deliv- avenue oar wae atoned and one Euclid began with Lieut. Commands Hellner states as fy the apparently general demand on that suoh a ered the (3300 to R. H. receiver Tbli I* the Aral time tint degree followed Oarl the oommsnder of the French nmlssr Sfax, Carroll, Avenue line was attacked. women follows: mnale, by prayer by Voea of the Coohebo national bank. Many point, bat which at the same time, by ha* ever been conferred upon a man by Than followed tbe which la bringing Capt. Dreyfus to were on board and ehrleked with terror Daring tbe notion of 9d I Woodbury. oration United Ktetea Commissioner Kelley of July strongly carefully framed safeguards will so nar- Mt. and It oarae as a complete France, to remain thare a abort go Portsmouth arrived ae the stonea ohaaed expressed my doabts as to tbe Brooklyn's Holyoke, by Lotion Drew Jsnninga, and the poem time, here tonight and ac- through the win- row the Held of matters that position before the as laid may or must to the President. So mooh of a aa not to arrive In cepted bonds for The ball was making loop •urpriae Arthnr ex- home writers until Hough. dow!. One woman fainted. At the oor- by Huntington bason. Tbe furnished his w.nuugBoo. oeveni oioer bat- go oefore the arbitration that be wee forced to de- the new Is by mother-in-law. Mrs. tribunal,'as surprise, indeed, sroisea under Thorndike ware ministry Initialled. ner of Wilaan avenua and I gators Mr. and oak held Almira J. Morrill, who qualified for 110,- Qjlnoy afreet, Comly Mr. Hehuetz, 1 to make It lltile' more than arbitration viate from the determination whloh be know, sided with me. Should M. Bourgeola accept the, 000. Mrs Harsh J. mother of the one mao waa ahot and other* had nar- Mr. Hodgson and Hough, on In name. The attitude of Is an Ilvered the addrees. The I this particular occasion walked Germany bad not.to.make address of opening claw a it la tba treasurer, and assistant row The aa ap expressed forming ministry, cashier, quail- escapes. paesengers escaped Wld to be .a history was by Clarence Fessenden tU*<1 far ksnnil.
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