June 15, 1973 Paper 62


D. T. DONOVAN University College, London, England


The origins of the theory of recapitulation as applied to the of fossil groups are examined. The theory is shown to have originated independently at least three times, with L. Agassiz and Hyatt, Müller and Haeckel, and S. S. Buckman, respectively. Hyatt further introduced the idea of cycles of evolution whereby many independent lineages underwent similar changes. Buckman, like Hyatt before him, applied recapitulation and cyclic evolution to prob- lems of the of ammonites. He recognized, however, that recapitulation was imperfect and that some stages of phylogeny were often omitted from ontogeny, especially when a more direct development was thereby produced. Buckman's application of recapitulation was accompanied by extreme taxonomic splitting. Trueman applied the theory of recapitulation to the Lower Jurassic family Liparo- ceratidae and reconstructed nine lineages each evolving front capricorn to sphaerocone form. This interpretation was later challenged by Spath. Trueman and Williams later attempted to use the theory to elucidate the family Echioceratidae but were unable to trace any lineages. Pavlov and Spath opposed the universal application by certain paleontologists of recapitulation theory and drew attention to sequences of fossils which did not support it. Their views were supported by biological critics of the theory. The theory was abandoned by English ammonite workers by the end of the 1920's.


This paper is intended as an introduction to count of the ideas of Hyatt and his school or of the accompanying systematic revision of genera their effect on ammonite systematics, which was in the Lower Jurassic ammonite family Echiocera- extensive and often disastrous. Such a study tidae by T. A. Getty. This was probably the last would be lengthy and probably tedious, and it is family to the study of which the theory of re- doubtful whether the labor necessary to compile capitulation was applied, about 45 years ago by it would be worthwhile. I have naturally fol- Trueman. The origins of this theory and its ap- lowed the chain of influence which led up to plication to some Jurassic ammonites are briefly Trueman's papers, but many other threads could described. be followed. This treatment is in no sense a complete ac- The relationship between ontogeny and pity-

2 The University of Kansas Paleontological Contributions—Paper 62 logeny aroused much interest during the nine- structure of the descendants would give no pre- teenth century. Von Baer (1828) had pointed out cise clues as to their ancestry, but in type 2, the that resemble one another more closely in ontogeny should present a series of stages cor- their young than in their adult stages. Ontogeny responding to ancestral adult stages. Müller illus- proceeds by progressive differentiation and com- trated his views from the Crustacea which he plication of structure and as differentiation in- believed to have ontogenies largely of the second creases in the "higher" animals, the earlier stages type. passed through show characteristics of "lower M iller's ideas were taken up enthusiastically groups." The gill slits shown by embryonic mam- by Ernst Haeckel who in 1866 gave the first mals are a well-known example. The embryonic statement of his famous Biogenetic Law declaring mammal in no way resembles any known adult ‘`ontogeny is the short and rapid recapitulation fish; it shows resemblances to embryonic fishes. of phylogeny," although he did at the same time With increasing interest in evolution and the point out that this ideal relationship between publication of the Origin of species in 1859 these phylogeny and ontogeny was obscured by sec- phenomena came to be viewed in an evolution- ondary , e.g., for larval . Later ary light. The embryonic gill slits of the mammal (1874) he used the terms palingenetic for char- could be seen as evidence of mammalian deriva- acters which obeyed the Biogenetic Law and tion from fishes, or at least from animals in which kenogenetic for ones which resulted from fetal gill slits were functional at some stage of the life or larval adaptations. history. Recapitulation in the later nineteenth The essential point of the Biogenetic Law is century, however, came to mean more than this. that ontogeny recapitulates a series of adult an- The seeds were sown by Fritz Müller in his book cestors. It is this feature which, if true, would Fiir Darwin (1864) where he recognized two permit the reconstruction of detailed phylogenies kinds of evolutionary modification: 1) in which from their end members. It is this assumption descendants deviate from their parents by modifi- which has given rise to so much controversy; the cation of the ontogeny at an earlier or later stage, persistence of embryonic stages is not in doubt. and 2) in which the descendants, in ontogeny, at- tain the form of their parents and then advance ACKNOWLEDGMENT further. I am grateful to Dr. MARY WHITEAR for ad- In evolution of ller's type 1, clearly, the vice on nineteenth-century biological literature.

ALPHEUS HYATT In the same year that Haeckel published his between this morphological degradation of the whorl Biogenetic Law, Alpheus Hyatt (1838-1902) read and the production of the degradational features in the declining period of the individual, demonstrating a brief communication, on 21 February 1866, to that both consisted in the return of embryonic or the Boston Society of Natural History (Hyatt, prototypical characteristics of the form, and partly of 1866): the structure.

Mr. A. Hyatt made a communication upon the The supposed "agreement" is stated in the most agreement between the different periods in the life of general terms, and is based on a wild simplifica- the individual shell, and the collective life of the tion of history. The earliest cephalo- Tetrabranchiate . He showed that the aberrant genera beginning the life of the Nautiloids in pods had rather simple shells, whereas some later the Palaeozoic age, and the aberrant genera terminat- ones acquired ornamented shells or complicated ing the existence of the Ammonoids in the septa or both. But all cephalopod shells are sim- Period, arc morphologically similar to the youngest ple in their earliest growth stages, and hence the period and the period of decay of the individual; the intermediate normal forms agreeing in a similar man- earliest stages of more elaborate forms appear to ner with the adult period of the individual. He also recapitulate the adults of primitive forms, in pointed out the departure of the whorl among the which there is little change during growth. The aberrant Ammonoids from its complete development among the normal forms, its final appearance as a evidence does not contradict von Baer's Law or straight tube in the Baculite, and the close connection the later critics of Recapitulation who pointed out

Donovan—Ammonite Classification 3

that early stages of ontogeny recapitulate early that of Agassiz worked out on a nonevolutionary stages of ancestors, not their adults. However, basis. So long as the Creator was involved, there because the primitive genera do not change much could be no objection to it, and indeed it had a during ontogeny it was possible to interpret the certain plausibility. The defects in the theory as evolution as Maces type 2, whereas it can applied to evolution had their origin in its non- equally well be regarded as being of type I. evolutionary source. The end of this very brief report referred to Hyatt's original views were not precisely iden- the "constant tendency . . . in the young of the tical with Haeckel's. Hyatt believed that an evo- higher species, to adopt the adult, and finally the lutionary series of species had a "life cycle" like old age peculiarities of species which were lower that of an individual, and he was particularly than themselves." No detailed examples were insistent on the importance of old-age characters, given to support any of these ideas. i.e., that the senile forms of today become the This resumé, given less than four years after normal adults of tomorrow, and so the species or lineage itself Hyatt graduated at Harvard and in the year fol- passes into old age. Hyatt himself lowing his release from armed service (he had spoke of his "old-age theory" as the guiding motive enlisted immediately after graduation), already in all his work. contained the germs of most of his later views. Its Hyatt must have been the first to extend the origins lay in the thinking of his teacher, Louis ideas of von Baer and Agassiz to form a hypoth- Agassiz. esis which could be used to relate evolutionary sequences of forms in time. This was presumably Agassiz, unlike Hyatt and the later workers the reason for his great influence among paleon- considered in this paper, was not an evolutionist. tologists, who could now seize upon a He had worked in Cuvier's laboratory and held theory of development to complement the work Cuvier's belief that successive creations accounted of Darwin and explain the evolution of fossil lineages. for the sequence of fossil faunas. As a result of Hyatt later (e.g., about 10 years' work on fossil fishes Agassiz had 1883, p. 349) expounded a more strictly come to the conclusion that "the successive crea- Haeckelian form of recapitulation: " an tions have followed phases of development analo- exact correspondence between the life of an individual Cephalopod gous to those followed by the embryo during its and the group to which it belonged: namely growth" ("les créations successives ont parcouru the young and adolescent stages having direct correspondence with des phases de développement analogues it celles and repeating the past history of que parcourt l'embryon pendant son accroisse- its own group to a greater or less extent, ment") (Agassiz, 1844, p. xxvi). Agassiz appar- the adult corresponding to the present . . . ently held that the Creator had improved the and the metamorphoses of old age to the design with each successive model, rather like a pathological modifications and changes found in the types motor car, and it is somewhat surprising to find which arose in unfavourable localities, or which were found him in opposition to Darwin after 1859. Clearly as a rule to termi- nate the history of the group it would have been easy to transfer his ideas to an in time." Hyatt evolutionary context. extended the Biogenetic Law to cover the in- corporation of old-age ("geratologous") or patho- In the work quoted above, Agassiz (1844, p. logical features into racial history. As the history xvii) also wrote of the proliferation of "tortured" of earlier cephalopods appeared to him to be a forms of ammonites prior to the of the case of progression from straight to tightly-coiled group at the end of the Cretaceous, and implied so the Mesozoic "uncoiled" heteromorphs were a causal relationship between the two phenomena. seen as a genetic fixation of the tendency, seen in These ideas must have been expressed in lec- some coiled cephalopod shells, toward more open tures by Agassiz, who had also expounded with coiling and weaker ornament on the latest whorls. enthusiasm the ideas of von Baer (Brooks, 1909). Increased coiling was regarded as "progressive" Hyatt is very unlikely to have known in early and uncoiling as "retrogressive." Hyatt, with no 1866 of Miiller's work, published in Germany good reason, constantly applied adjectives such as while he was on active service. His theory of "pathological," "degraded," and "distorted" to recapitulation applied to evolution arose from the heteromorphs. By doing so he started the

4 The University of Kansas Paleontological Contributions—Paper 62 practice of referring to "racial old age" and simi- within a much smaller range were repeated in lar rubbish which haunted paleontological text- parallel lineages, within a family and even a books for so long. The origin of the idea lay in genus, in a brief span of geological time (Fig. 1). one of Louis Agassiz's lectures in which he had This was the stage that Hyatt's work had . `compared the twisted forms found in the Cre- reached when it came to the notice of Buckman taceous just before the extinction of the group, to and through him influenced other English work- the writhing contortions of a struggle" ers on ammonites. These workers were not con- (Mayer, 1911, p. 131). cerned with the grand picture of cephalopod One of Hyatt's major contributions was to evolution but with the minutiae of individual realize that the history of the Cephalopoda in- groups, mainly in the Jurassic. Hyatt expounded volved a number of separate lineages, and that his views on many occasions.' They were formu- the old generic names based on the shape of the lated in great detail with little attempt at concise- shell were merely form genera. In 1883 Hyatt ness of expression, and more than one of his wrote (p. 330): ". . . the genera, Orthoceras, biographers (Brooks, 1909, p. 319; Mayer, 1911, Cyrtoceras, Gyroceras and Nautilus, as those p. 144) remarked on the difficulty of following terms are now applied, are in reality generalized his reasoning. The following salient points are descriptive terms for representative forms of dif- quoted from the memoir of 1889, one of the ferent series, which resemble each other in form, works well known to Buckman: distinct structurally. Each series can be but are A. Law of morphogenesis (p. viii, item 1): distinguished ... but each one springs from some 4 `... a natural classification may be made by ... a through a straight or arcuate form, and passes system of analysis in which the individual is the .." The mod- parallel series of transformations.. unit of comparison, because its life in all its ern student of fossil cephalopods would agree as phases . . (ontogeny), correlates with the mor- homeomorphy, but would prob- to the extent of phological and physiological history of the group ably regard the "parallel series" as altogether too . . . (phylogeny)." rigid in their supposed sequence of forms. Hyatt B. Morphological equivalence (p. viii, item was right when he distinguished a number of 4): "In the different genetic series . . . derived evolutionary series on structural criteria, but from one ancestral stock there is a perpetual re- wrong when, turning to ontogenies, and finding currence of similar forms in similar succession "everywhere a similar repetition of arcuate, gyro- . . . often falsely classified together, though they ceratan and nautilian forms" (ibid., p. 330), he really belong to divergent, genetic series." (p. ix, saw in this evidence for a closely similar evolu- item 10): ". . . morphological equivalents can be tionary sequence in each lineage. Many Paleozoic predicted with the same certainty as the recur- coiled cephalopods are not tightly coiled to begin rence of cycles in physical phenomena. Thus we with, they have an "umbilical perforation," and can say of any new series of Nautiloids or Am- the shell comes into contact with its earlier-formed monoids, that, the habitat remaining similar, they part only after one complete whorl. In Hyatt's whenever or wherever found, tend to de- view such genera were descended independently will, from less tightly coiled ancestors. While the velop arcuate, coiled, close-coiled, or discoidal and theoretical basis for this assumption was unsound, finally involute forms in progressive series, and and probably the detailed phylogenies were at reverse this process in retrogressive series." fault, it led Hyatt to realize that there had been C. Acceleration in development (later called much parallel evolution and that some shell forms tachygenesis) (p. ix, item 11): "All modifications had been evolved, not once, but many times. and variations in progressive series tend to appear Hyatt's ideas of recapitulation and the evolu- first in the adolescent or adult stages of growth, tion of parallel, homeomorphous lineages were and then to be inherited in successive descendants first worked out with regard to the major features at earlier and earlier stages according to the law of cephalopod evolution. He later came to apply of acceleration, until they either become em- them to much smaller taxonomic units, for example, the Lower Liassic family "Arietidae" ' A bibliography of Hyatt's writings, which, however, is not (recte Arietitidae) in 1889. Evolutionary changes complete, was given by Brooks (1909).

Donovan—Ammonite Classification 5

g3J Fm. I. Parallel evolutionary I Mes leading to oxycone shells in Arietitidae. Reproduced from Hyatt (1889, summary plate XI ), with the addition of generic names from the plate explanation.

6 The University of Kansas Paleontological Contributions—Paper 62 bryonic, or are crowded out of the organization, Anaplasis, Metaplasis and Cataplasis, correlate and replaced in the development by characteris- with the three periods of phylogenesis, Epacme, tics of later origin." (p. x, item 14): "the law of Acme and Paracme." acceleration in development seems, therefore, to A brief nontechnical summary was given by express an invariable mode of action of heredity." Mayer (1911). D. The three phases of development (p. x, Hyatt's views did not find much favor with item 15): "In following up series, it has been contemporary zoologists, but his influence on found that the development of ancestral forms is paleontologists was considerable. The "Hyatt simple and direct (Epacme); that of their more school" included F. A. Bather, C. E. Beecher, specialised descendants becomes gradually indirect S. S. Buckman, J. M. Clarke, E. R. Cumings, (Acme), acquiring complicated intermediate or A. W. Grabau, R. T. Jackson, R. Ruedemann, larval stages; and that of the terminal retrogres- T. W. Stanton, J. Perrin Smith, Burnet Smith, sive or geratologous and pathological forms be- Charles Schuchert, and Van Ingen, according to comes again more or less direct (Paracme)." (p. Mayer (1911). They worked on many groups of x, item 17): "Agreement between ontogeny and fossils, but the ammonites, with the whole on- phylogeny is completed by the correlation be- togeny clearly displayed in the more evolute tween the mode of development of the individual forms, were among the most suitable for the ap-

and its phylogenetic position. Using Haeckel's plication . of Hyatt's theories and they carne in for nomenclature, the three periods of ontogenesis, their full share of attention.


In Britain the law of recapitulation was once posed that ontogeny exactly repeated phylogeny, more stated independently by S. S. Buckman but that this was not in fact the case—the earliest (1860-1929), whose first major work was A whorls did not show all the characters of the Monograph of the Ammonites of the "Inferior stage they represent; "earlier inheritance acts Oolite Series" of England (1887-1907). In part 3 partially, in that it allows certain characters to (March, 1889) he formulated (ibid., part 3, p. be retained and not others. Presumably only 134) three laws governing the evolution of the those characters adapted to the requirements of Jurassic ammonites he had been studying. One the at that stage of life are retained, while of these (III) is virtually identical with the others disappear." He further stated (ibid., p. principle of Acceleration of Development ex- 289, footnote 1): pounded by Hyatt. The others concerned (I) the Developmental variations may be classed as tendency towards greater involution of the shell' progressive (ana genesis, Hyatt) and retro- and (II) a tendency towards sigmoidally-curved gressive (catagenesis, Hyatt). .. . Among Am- ribs. Buckman was at that time unaware of monites proper (excluding Lytoceratinae Hyatt's work, but a year later (part 4, p. 159, Hyatt) ontogenetical investigations have footnote 3; published March, 1890), he noted the shown me that the progressive . . . variations close agreement between Hyatt's and his own may be referred to the following stages, which views. In the same part (ibid., p. 159, footnote follow each other in regular order as here set 1) Buckman stated that "the omission of a stage down:—Globose; smooth evolute; striate; of development may be formulated as a general costate; unispinous; bispinous; multispinous. rule," a phenomenon to which the term Lipo- Thus Buckman, while accepting the principle of palingenesis was later applied. This had also Acceleration (or Law of Earlier Inheritance as he been noted by Hyatt. often called it), had found from his own work In 1892 (Buckman, 1887-1907, part 6, p. 288), on ammonite lineages that the recapitulation was Buckman noted that it had hitherto been sup- imperfect, and on p. 290 he expounded three reasons why this was to be expected. But he also followed a Hyattian idea of predetermined cycles A similar tendency had been discerned by Hyatt (e.g., 1883, p. 343). of evolution. Hyatt had recognized them in coil- Donovan—Ammonite Classification 7

ing. Buckman applied them to small-scale evolu- Although the coverage of the subject was still tion of ornament. far from complete, part 9 was the last normal In part 9 of the Monograph (1894, p. 382) part to be published and Buckman embarked on Buckman explained that although each character a series of five supplements (1898-1907) in which (shell form, ornament, etc.) passed, in phylogeny, the earlier parts of the Monograph (parts 1-6) through a series of stages (progressive and retro- were revised in great detail, and many new ge- gressive, as noted above), the relative rates of neric and specific names were introduced. Most change of different characters might be different of the new species were described very briefly and in different lineages. Since the phylogenetic an elaborate set of terms was used in order to changes were repeated in the individual, indi- condense the morphological descriptions. In 1907 viduals which had acquired more or less the same the Council of the Palaeontographical Society adult form could (in Buckman's view) be distin- terminated publication of the Monograph in an guished and attributed to different stocks accord- unfinished state. Two years later Buckman em- ing to the relative times of appearance of differ- barked on his second major undertaking, Type ent characters in ontogeny. He used formulae to Ammonites. express the different rates of evolution in different This is not an appropriate place to consider in stocks, foreshadowing his later numerical treat- detail the further development of Buckman's ment (in Type Ammonites, 1909) of develop- work as embodied in Type Ammonites (1909- mental stages. 30) which in any case consists mainly of plates of These views were applied in practice to the (1,052 them figuring 797 species, most of these new; Davies, Bajocian ammonite genus Sonninia, and resulted 1930) with little text. The text in- in Buckman's recognizing a large number (ca. cluded sporadic references to ammonite develop- ment 25) of parallel lines of descent, from a few ances- and evolution and Buckman at one time employed a tral species (Fig. 2). From the nomenclatural method of allotting numerals (from to point of view he retained all these forms in the 1 5) to denote stage of development of each character of one genus, in which he recognized 70 species, a specimen. These numbers could be added each lineage containing from one to five species. and averaged to give a representative All but one of the 70 species had been collected number for the specimen as a whole. If this was done for from a single bed about one foot thick within a several specimens they could then be placed in "biological order" according to the very small area in southern England. To the totals obtained. While this may today appear as modern view it is difficult to understand how so a crude predecessor to numerical taxonomy, it many separate lineages could have differentiated was coupled with extreme splitting (see Donovan, and persisted within the sanie area. At the other 1954, p. 4) and with a readiness to set up as- extreme Westermann (1966), after studying the sumed stratigraphical successions based on the original material, reduced the number of species supposed phylogenetic order of specimens. Much to two. of Buckman's work has thus fallen into disrepute.


A. E. Trueman (1894-1956) was born in 1894 place. It was not published until 1923 but Swin- and after a notable academic career became chair- nerton's lectures must have developed along the man of the University Grants Committee of same lines. Britain in 1949. A full account of his life and While still a schoolboy, Trueman began to work is given by Pugh (1958). He studied geol- study variation in the banded snail Helix now ogy at Nottingham from 1912 to 1917 with H. H. CepaeaI nemoralis Lint-16 and eventually collected Swinnerton who was at the time assembling ma- about 20,000 examples. He published a paper on terial for his book Outlines of palaeontology. the subject in 1919. He found that some of the This book takes a strongly biological view of fos- variation, especially in shell thickness, showed sils and also gives Hyattian ideas a prominent partial correlation with the substrate, but on the 8 The University of Kansas Paleontological Contributions—Paper 62


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Donovan—Ammonite Classification 9

whole he was inclined to minimize environmen- individuals suggested to Trueman that P. sp. cf. tal influences on the composition of local popula- P. jupiter might be polyphyletic, being "catage- tions. Studying the order of appearance of the netic descendants of several different more highly five color bands in ontogeny, he found this to be ornamented forms." This paper also shows that different for populations in different parts of Trueman accepted the "ornament cycle" adopted Britain. He concluded that "if the order of ap- for ammonites by Buckman (YTA, i, p. xiii). pearance of the bands in ontogeny in any way Trueman's first major work was a study of reproduces the order of their appearance in phy- the "Evolution of the ," a family logeny," the ancestral shells were unbanded, and of Lower Jurassic ammonites. The paper was that banding had been evolved independently in read to the Geological Society of London in each group. The "if" in the sentence quoted April, 1918, and published in 1919. These am- appears to be rhetorical and the context shows monites fall into three main groups: 1) capri- that Trueman was inclined to accept the view corns, or serpenticones, which are wholly evolute; that "ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny" and its 2) sphaerocones, wholly involute forms with in- application to the snails. He did remark on the flated whorls; and 3) intermediate types with difficulty of explaining the normal presence of capricorn inner whorls and inflated outer whorls five similar bands in each group. We see here the ("dimorphs" or "hybrids" of some authors). In conclusion that what is to some naturalists a 1867 Hyatt had proposed the three generic names single (though highly variable) species in fact Microceras, 1 Liparoceras, and Androgynoceras, consists of groups which are homeomorphous for these three groups, respectively. This was (except for ontogenetic details) and have evolved originally a purely morphological classification. independently. The model of a series of parallel, For adherents of the law of acceleration of de- homeomorphous lineages, worked out on the velopment, however, it was clear that ammonites basis of recapitulation, is similar to that previ- of type 3 were descended from type 1 by addition ously inferred by Hyatt for cephalopod evolution of an inflated outer whorl, and it was but a small and by Buckman for Son ninia. The references to step to suppose that the sphaerocones of type 2 this paper show that Trueman had read standard were descended from ammonites of type 3, the works of the time such as Bateson on variation evolute stage now having been completely sup- and on genetics, and numerous papers on varia- pressed in the ontogeny. This step was taken by tion in molluscs. Buckman (1891, p. 289, footnote), who later, Trueman had already written his first paper on evidently believing that a genus should comprise ammonites (1916), stimulated by Spath's detailed a single evolutionary line of descent, used Hyatt's account in 1914 of the ontogeny and inferred an- three genera for presumed separate lineages, each cestry of the English Lower Liassic ammonite of which evolved from capricorn to sphaerocone loscombi. Spath in this paper (Buckman, 1909). Thus, the simple gross mor- was a thorough-going recapitulationist, tracing phological definitions of the genera were lost, and the ancestry of the genus back to forms the names were applied to supposedly homeomor- on the basis of ontogenetic details, although he phous forms where distinction rested on subtle was shortly to turn strongly against Hyatt's ideas. points of morphology, and on stratigraphical age. Trueman studied a series of specimens from Old Trueman carried Buckman's interpretation Dalby (Leicestershire) railway tunnel spoil heaps, further, recognizing nine genera each constitut- their relative stratigraphical positions being un- ing a separate line of descent (Trueman, 1919, p. known, and inferred an evolutionary sequence on 206, table III) (Fig. 3, herewith). Some of these the basis of recapitulation. His next ammonite included a complete series from capricorns to paper in 1917 described further Old Dalby ma- sphaerocones, while others comprised only par- terial of the genus Polymorphites. The ontogeny tial series which had to be separated for theo- of P. sp. cf. P. jupiter (d'Orbigny) was described, retical reasons. For example, the earliest known and because this smooth form has ribbed inner Liparoceratidae are in fact sphaerocones, but, whorls it was inferred to have descended from an- cestors ribbed in the adult. Furthermore, differ- Later replaced on account of homonymy by Waagen, ences between the ribbed inner whorls of different 1869.

10 The University of Kansas Paleontological Contributions—Paper 62 since according to the recapitulatory interpreta- seven genera were distinguished on sutural de- tion these must be end forms of lineages, they tails, except for Amblycoceras and Oistoceras, were placed in two distinct genera (i.e., Part- which were said to be characterized by respec- nodiceras and Vicininodiceras, differing in whorl tively slightly and sharply curved ribs on the section) with unknown capricorn ancestors. venter. A sequence of evolution of ornament was These early genera also differ from later sphaero- discerned as well as a sequence of shell forms. cones by having paired tubercles. The remaining Stages (a) to (e) (Trueman, 1919, p. 256), of

TABLE — showing the probable relationships of the species

of the Li.paroceratidœ.

Zones and Sub-Zones Anisololboceras 0,stoceras nautd.formis margaritatus alIceotypum

0 curvicornum.Wt O curvornuin.Sch

Oistoceras 0 flout inurn 0.cWgulinum Becheiceras !wale, O ormssum 1 1 • Aegoceras Androgynoceras divaricosta dwdalocosta A mblycoceras dazdalocosta n A 7 henley n d ssotypum

A .hybrida A crescent A ?Sinuosum A.brevilobatum I ataecosta 1 A obtus.coata • Pi latmcosta

A maculat,um A.aeguoicosta

Liparoceras L hei ptanoulare cheltiense L.pseudostroatum ) L z.eteni : L obtusinodum .bee '

L.heterogenes 1 L.sparstcosta I ?A adneth ,cus Par , nockeras I

1Vicin n nodteeras I I 1 1 I 1 I

[Continuous vertical lines = proved range of the genus ; broken lines = probable range ; dotted lines indicate affinity ; for dwdalocosta read dxdalicosta.]

FIG. 3. Probable evolutionary relationships within the family Liparoceratidae (after Trucman, 1919, p. 286).

Donovan—Ammonite Classification 11 generally increasing elaboration, were said to be p. 268) said that the Scottish ammonites had not anagenetic, while stage (f) (returned to paired yet been critically studied—"a very long task"—, tubercles) was catagenetic. but that "as the product of development at in- The paper was well received by Buckman, tervals during a very long period of time, they A. M. Davies, and Swinnerton, although G. W. are much more understandable than as the prod- Lamplugh, President of the Geological Society, in uct of one date; and, as the outcome of repetitive opening the discussion complained of the diffi- series evolving on parallel lines, the frequent culties of the field geologist confronted with such similarity but not identity in the Echiocerata is a complex classification. Trueman, like Buck- explicable." Buckman regarded the Echiocera- man, used generic names for lineages, and the tidae as showing an evolutionary pattern like practical result was (as he noted, 1919, p. 257) that postulated by Trueman for the Liparocera- that there is much greater similarity between the tidae. Trueman's paper on Liparoceratidae may corresponding evolutionary stages of different thus be useful in understanding his less explicit series (genera) than between different stages of paper on echioceratids. the same series. Simple morphological definitions The work on the Echioceratidae was True- of genera are not possible. man's second and last major study in ammonite As a result of his work on Liparoceratidae systematics (Trueman & Williams, 1925). It was Trueman wrote a paper (1922) entitled "Aspects undertaken in collaboration with Miss D. M. of ontogeny in the study of ammonite evolution" Williams, a research student at University Col- which had the object, more limited than the title lege Swansea. Trueman had been at Swansea as suggests, of drawing attention to the skipping of Head of the Geology Department since 1920, but stages in recapitulation or lipopalingenesis.' The took an active interest in the geology of north phenomenon was divided into chapters "The Somerset. An important stratigraphical paper on omission of earlier characters" and "The omis- the Lias of the Radstock area (Somerset) had sion of comparatively late characters" and for the resulted from collaboration with the well-known latter phenomenon the example of the liparo- Bristol amateur J. W. Tutcher (1858-1951) ceratid sphaerocones was used—although sup- (Tutcher & Trueman, 1925). Trueman was thus posedly descended from comparatively near (in familiar with the abundant and well-preserved time) capricorn ancestors, there was no trace of echioceratid material in the "Armatus Bed" of the capricorn stage in their ontogeny. This was the Radstock quarries, a condensed deposit con- explained on the grounds that the earliest whorls taining in its basal few inches fossils from several in all members of the group are stout, and the subzones. Out of 36 new species set up in the omission of the slender capricorn stage enabled paper, 19 were founded on holotypes from the ontogeny to proceed in the most expeditious way, Armatus Bed. Material was also studied from from stout direct to stout. measured sections on the Dorset coast, where the Buckman, in discussion of Trueman's 1919 late W. I). Lang was engaged on his meticulous paper, quoted the Liparoceratidae as illustrating study of the Lias succession (Lang, 1926), from the principle of faunal repetition, "successive the Yorkshire coast, from the Inner Hebrides of waves of capricorns developing into bituberculate Scotland, and from inland exposures in the Eng- sphaerocones." This principle had emerged from lish Midlands. a study of the upper on the island of In reviewing this work the question of species Raasay, Scotland, where a thick section shows may be mentioned first. Trueman and Williams alternating fossil horizons with echioceratid and recognized 79 species in their paper, which was with coderoceratid ammonites (Buckman in Lee, almost wholly restricted to the British fauna. 1920, P. 69-71). Presenting these results to the They remarked (Trueman & Williams, 1925, p. Geological Society of London about a year be- 704) that "Unquestionably there are great num- fore Trueman's paper was read, Buckman (1918, bers of other Echiocerates which have been exam- ined which might legitimately be admitted to

A complex nomenclature grew up to describe different aspects specific rank, and the immensity of the Echio- of recapitulation. Some of the terms are still useful and others ceratid fauna is yet scarcely indicated by the .gotten. For the purpose of this review it does not appear necessary to explain this nomenclature. numbers of figured species." It is clear that if 12 The University of Kansas Paleontological Contributions—Paper 62 they had carried out a full monographic treat- The multiplication of genera which was in- ment a very large number of species would have dulged in by Trueman and Williams was un- been recognized. This is in contrast with the related to the multiplication of species. They had approach of more recent British workers, such as no objection in principle to genera containing a M. K. Howarth, who recognized 24 British species large number of species, and those used ranged in the Middle Liassic ammonite family Amal- from monotypic ones to Echioceras with 29 Brit- theidae, placing about 20 further species into ish species. But separate lineages should be given synonymy, and T. A. Getty, who reduces Trueman generic status, as in the Liparoceratidae (Fig. 3). and Williams' 79 species of Echioceratidae, plus No phylogenetic diagram was given for the about 30 more unknown to them, to about half echioceratids, but the authors wrote "In making this total in a current unpublished study. How- these genera . . . attention has naturally been arth and Donovan in a study of the genus Trago- paid as far as possible to the presumed phylogeny phylloceras (1964) reduced 14 nominal species to of the family. It must be noted, however, that four. Trueman's approach is explained in a paper this family is a very large one, with apparently on The Species-concept in Palaeontology (1924), numerous stocks evolving along more or less in which many of the difficulties resulting from parallel lines. It is not unlikely that in several the time-dimension and from incomplete preser- cases members of different stocks have been vation were cogently discussed. Trueman thought placed on one genus . . . the genera are in most that the Linnean system of binomial nomencla- cases much more than mere lineages, the species ture was inadequate for the needs of paleontol- referred to each genus probably represent related ogy, although he thought it premature to propose and parallel lineages" (Trueman & Williams, an alternative. At the end of this paper Trueman 1925, p. 706). The different lineages were declared himself to be in favor of "restricting the worked out on the basis of differences between use of the specific name to specimens identical inner whorls, supposed to indicate different an- with the holotype." He was under no illusion cestry according to the Recapitulation Theory. that a species used in this way was any kind of The differences were slight, however (e.g., "Pal- biological entity,' and he realized that doing this techioceras represents a parallel development from ‘`must lead to enormous increases in the numbers a stouter stock with stronger ribbing," op. cit., p. specific names." Notwithstanding the many 707). One wonders whether such fine generic studies of variation in assemblages of fossils distinctions would have been maintained in any which had been published, he evidently did not other group of fossils! In the case of the Liparo- consider that fossil species in any real sense, i.e., caratidae, several homeomorphous lineages re- natural communities, could be recognized by quired by Recapitulation were of different ages, paying attention to the ranges of variation shown so there was some reason for separating them by different characters. generically. With the Echioceratidae, the sup- The present writer has rejected this approach posedly homeomorphous groups were of the same because it leads to a "species for every specimen" age, and their separation at generic rather than situation and because he believes there is a need specific level must have been the result of a belief to try to recognize natural assemblages which that a genus should correspond with a lineage. are bound to show variation. It was, however, There is no agreement on this point among am- common in Trueman's day, not only with Buck- monite paleontologists, others (e.g., Arkell, 1940, man (who was a notorious splitter) but with p. 399) using the genus (or subgenus) for grades of evolution. avowedly more progressive specialists such as There is an important difference in taxonomic Spath and Arkell. It is interesting, however, that treatment of these lineages between Liparocera- it was consciously accepted by Trueman as a logi- tidae by Trueman (1919) and Echioceratidae by cal consequence of using binomial nomenclature. Trueman and Williams. In the former case, as already remarked, each lineage included a range Compare the revealing statement made later by spath (1938, of morphological forms from capricorn to sphae- p. 25) that "the examination of numbers of individuals of Beaniceras leads to the conviction that, with the numerous passage- rocone. In the echioceratids each genus has a forms to Androgynoceras and Ligaroceras, all the species of Beanie,as formed one interbreeding population." much smaller morphological range and corre- Donovan—Ammonite Classification 13 sponds to only one evolutionary stage of a sup- ation and with problems of naming and defining posed lineage. The authors remarked that sev- fossil species. In a paper published in 1930, he eral sulcate genera "are probably derived from seemed to have been more ready to admit excep- several different stocks of pre-sulcate forms," but tions to recapitulation, although he wrote that they were in fact unable to identify these ances- "evidence of recapitulation have been observed in tors. The taxonomic treatment was therefore un- most groups of animals, and . . . some degree of avoidable. Notwithstanding its introductory recapitulation is to be expected in any organisms apologia for recapitulation, the paper represents a which have arisen from ancestors different from failure of the theory to separate the multiple themselves" (1930, p. 137). This is rather differ- lineages which were assumed to exist. ent from the thorough-going recapitulation im- Trueman and Williams' paper was the last in plied by his earliest systematic work. In the same the English-language literature on Jurassic am- paper (1930, p. 133) Trueman dismissed as monites to give prominence to the theory of re- unlikely, with regard to the Ostrea-Gryphdea capitulation. Trueman himself transferred his faunas of the , the possibility that a attention to the correlation of the Coal Measures "lineage" really consisted of a great number of and the systematics of their nonmarine lamel- parallel lines of evolution, such as he had inferred libranchs. He became much concerned with van- for Cepaea.


The Biogenetic Law probably had more fol- vertebrates, and wrote "it is to be hoped that, lowers among paleontologists than neontologists under the influence of the facts, the limitations of (Mayer, 1911). However, it had enough adher- the recapitulation hypotheses will soon ix» realised ents among biologists to provoke repeated refuta- and that outside those limits the field vill be left tion, for example, by Sedgwick (1894), Garstang free for other interpretations" (quoted by Arkell, (1922, 1929) and again by De Beer (1940). Bio- 1949, p. 405). logical critics argued largely from the obvious fact Hyatt, who died in 1902, is unlikely to have that developmental stages do not usually resemble known of Pavlov's criticisms, and they seem to adult types, though they may resemble develop- have been unknown to Buckman and to True- ment stages of other animals in accordance with man, perhaps because they were Jurassic spe- the generalization of von Baer. Paleontological cialists while the title of Pavlov's paper referred critics, at least among workers writing in English, to the Cretaceous. Pavlov's work was certainly were surprisingly slow in coming forward. Hyatt, known to Spath (1882-1957), whose knowledge for example, had (1889) constructed detailed phy- of ammonite literature was legendary, and it was logenies for Liassic ammonites, largely on the Spath who (after a first paper [Spath, 1914] in basis of museum specimens. But because the which recapitulation was enthusiastically em- general succession of forms was known, and be- braced) was the first among English ammonite cause evolutionary changes in groups largely af- workers to rebel, recanting his earlier beliefs. fected the outer whorls, his results were not too Unfortunately Spath habitually assumed that his different from what would be accepted today. readers' knowledge and intelligence matched his However, it needed only one exception to be own, and merely referred in passing to the "dis- demonstrated by careful stratigraphical collecting credited laws of recapitulation" (1924, p. 198). for the "Law" as applied by Hyatt and by Buck- This did not seriously worry Trueman and Wil- man to be invalidated. Such an exception was liams who complained (1925, p. 700) that Spath supplied in 1901 by the Russian paleontologist had adduced no good evidence in support of his A. P. Pavlov who pointed out that in Kepp/erites heterodox views. It is more surprising that True- and other genera new characters first appear in man was not aware of, or ignored, Garstang's young stages and spread to the adult only in criticism of the theory which was read before the fossils from later strata. He cited other instances Linnean Society on 2nd June 1921 (Garstang, of the same thing in belemnites, gastropods, and 1922). It is true that Garstang was diffident about 14 The University of Kansas Paleontological Contributions—Paper 62 attacking the ammonoid "evidence," being ap- and Hyatt had the famous Haeckel, whose works parently baited by the barrier of names and com- ran into many editions, to encourage him. He plex terminology which had been introduced by also had Lamarck, and in days before our modern ammonite systematists. He was on surer ground knowledge of genetics made a Lamarckian posi- with echinoderms, however, and presented a de- tion untenable he could believe, as he did, that tailed and scathing attack on the recapitulatory "pathological" aberrations of shell form, induced interpretation of echinoderm evolution favored by by unfavorable circumstance (Hyatt, 1883, p. the paleontologist F. A. Bather and the em- 349), could be inherited. In those days of un- bryologist E. W. MacBride. certainty he could also largely reject Darwinian The 1920's, then, saw the end of the theory of ideas of variation and (ibid., p. recapitulation among English paleontologists. 340, 347). Recapitulation per se is not incom- About this time Roland Brinkmann studied kos- patible with natural selection, although palm- moceratid ammonites from the Upper Jurassic genetic stagesstages of ontogeny must have escaped the Oxford Clay of England, and published, in 1929, action of selection, or they would not have sur- a now classic paper on their detailed evolution. 1 vived unmodified. All exponents of recapitula- One of his lineages (Gulielmites-Zugokosmo- tion conceded cenogenetic modifications of on- ceras) showed that a tabulate venter, present on togeny, due to for larval or miniature the inner whorls only of earlier specimens, per- life, and these would have resulted from natural sists throughout growth on later examples; the selection. Hyatt's ideas of evolutionary cycles and reverse of recapitulation (Fig. 4). Spath pub- racial old age were, however, incompatible with lished a detailed refutation of the theory as ap- natural selection, implying predestined evolu- plied to fossil cephalopods in 1933, and an inter- tionary programs and irreversible progress to- pretation of the Liparoceratidae, in which the ward extinction. Before the rediscovery of Men- evolutionary sequence accepted by Buckman and del's work on genetics such views, although anti- by Trueman was reversed, in 1938. Although Darwinian, were not controverted by clear bio- W. D. Lang in a preface to this work drew atten- logical evidence. tion to Spath's "challenge," it was not taken up; Similarly, the views of Buckman and Bather, Trueman published no more ammonite system- Swinnerton and Trueman may to some extent, atics after 1925, Buckman had died in 1929, and perhaps, be explained by the climate of biological Bather in 1934. thought of their time, however indirectly it may How could the theory of recapitulation domi- have affected them. Julian Huxley (1942, p. 22) nate ammonite studies for so long, and come to has noted the "eclipse of " in the be accepted uncritically by able men such as earlier years of this century—the universal appli- Bather and Truernan? There is probably no sim- cation of was far from ple or satisfactory answer. The influence of able being understood, and natural selection was less and enthusiastic teachers: of Agassiz on Hyatt, widely accepted than it is today. An authority Swinnerton on Trueman, was doubtless both real such as Bateson gave it little emphasis, and his and important. The most brilliant minds often views, propounded to the British Association in begin by emulating their teachers, and instant 1914, that all is loss from an ancestral rebellion is rare. Buckman, however, was vir- complex containing all hereditary factors (Hux- tually self-taught as a paleontologist, and so was ley, 1942, p. 24), could be squared with Hyatt's Spath. Deeper reasons must be found in the per- predestined cycles of evolution. In the absence of sonalities of the people involved and the general a clear lead from biologists the theories of pale- background of biological thinking of their time. ontologists could achieve wide acceptance and re- Hyatt seems to have become obsessed with re- spectability. Even J. B. S. Haldane in 1932, capitulation and his "old-age theory," but paleon- stumbling over the ammonite evidence like Gar- tologists must always depend on the opinions of stang before him, was "not competent to judge biologists as to what may be genetically possible, between them I Spath and Hyatt], but wish I ed] to state the anti-Darwinian position as fairly as

1 This paper is difficult to obtain; I owe my copy to the kindness possible" (quoted by Huxley, 1942, p. 508). of Professor Hans Griineberg. It has been summarized by Woodford (1963). More difficult to understand is paleontologists' Donovan—Ammonite Classification 15

failure to test the theory of recapitulation by Zugokosmoceras Kosmoceras careful stratigraphical collecting. It was not really tested at all. Hyatt was a museum specialist who did no field work. Buckman was a careful col- lector but the Inferior Oolite whose ammonites he monographed is a thin, condensed deposit not suited for working out detailed phylogenies. Trueman's liparoceratids occur in beds averaging several hundred feet thick, but exposed at a num- ber of localities, correlation between them not Profilh6he being adequate in Trueman's day. It is hardly ciii surprising that clear geological evidence of evo- lutionary sequence did not emerge from their work. Most surprising of all, perhaps, is the fact that both Buckman and Trueman acknowledged that evolution could be either cenogenetic or palm- genetic, yet they seem to have assumed that palm- genesis had occurred. They did not state how, in -1300 practice, the two modes of evolution were to be distinguished. Clearly one is involved in a cir- cular argument; one cannot safely assume that - 900 palingenesis has occurred unless the course of evolution is already known. Once one exception is admitted, and there are now many, it becomes useless as a general rule. It is a pity that it domi- nated English and American work on ammonites for so long.





FIG. 4. Evolution of Kosmo(rras and Zugokosteloceras in the Oxford Clay of Peterborough, England (part of pl. 5 of firinkinann, 1929, mod.). [Profi/hdhc=vertical distance.] 16 The University of Kansas Paleontological Contributions-Paper 62

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