% 562 West 181st Street, New York LOrraine 8-31 41

TISHRI 5719 SEPTEMBER 1958 VOL. VI, No. 2 (33)


Das neue Jahr 5719 wird in nur alles daran setzen um unsere G'ttes¬ noch recht kurzer Zeit seinen Einzug dienste wiederum zu einer Glanzleistung halten. zu bringen. Wie immer in den letzten Jahren, Bei dieser Gelegenheit gestatte ich halten wir wiederum die hohen Feierstags- mir, unseren Herren Rabbiner und Can- G'ttesdienste in unserer herrlichen Syna¬ (jforgesetzt auf Seite 3) gogue und in unserer ebenso wuerdigen Social Hall ab. An den Vorbereitungen fuer diese G-ttesdienste ist noch viel OUR TENTH ANNIVERSARY Arbeit zu leisten, wozu die geehrten As announced previously, preparations Vorstandsmitglieder und Mitglieder der for our Tenth Anniversary Celebration Gemeinde ihre Dienste selbstlos zur Ver- are in full progress. The special Tenth fuegung stellen. Anniversary Committee has revealed plans Die Leftung der G'ttesdienste liegt which will make this year, our Tenth wiederum in den sicheren und gutbe- Anniversary Year, a most significant waehrten Haenden unseres hochverehrten one in the history of our Congregation, Herrn Rabbiner Shlomo Kahn, sowie one which will be talked about and unseres sehr geschaetzten Herrn Cantor always remembered by those who will Jack Schartenberg. Weitere bekannte und participate in it. recht gute Chasonim, unser bewaehrter Elsewhere in this issue of HAKOHOL, Maennerchor unter der guten Leitung the committee has outlined the schedule das Dirigenten und ehemaligen Ober- of events which will specifically com- kantor Aron Goldschmidt, sowie unser allseits beliebter Knabenchor, werden (continued on page 21) Page Two HAKOHOL

HAKOHOL Die Gemeinde berichtet...

... mit Published bi-monthly by Dank, das folgende Breakfasts fuer den Breakfast Club gestiftet wurden: CONGREGATION BETH ISRAEL Mr. & Mrs. Manfred Schoen, Mr. & OF WASHINGTON HEIGHTS, INC. Mrs. Fred Stone, Dr. & Mrs. Samuel Kirsch, Mr. Charles 562 West 181st Kahn, Mr. & Mrs. St., New York 33, N. Y. David Kulp ... Tel.: LO. 8-3141 ... mit Dank, dass eine anonyme Spende anla,esslich qines Gedenktages an die Gemeinde gesandt wurde... Dr. Herman Blumenthal Editor ... dass die diesjaehrige Simchas-Thora Feier HAKOHOL takes no responsibility for am 11. Oktober stattfinden wird, the Kashruss of the products advertised. wozu alle Mitglieder & Freunde drin- gend gebeten werden, die erhaltenen Raffle-Buecher zu verkaufen & den Er- Rabbi Shlomo Kahn loes der Gemeinde zuzusenden. Es sei 160 Wadsworth Ave. WA. 8-8806 darauf hingewiesen, dass sich kein Mit- glied von der Rafflle-Aktion ausschliessen Cantor Jack Schartenberg darf, sondern im 215 Audubon Ave. LO. 8-4075 Gegenteil, mit Hinblick auf unser "Tenth Anniversary Year" noch in Albert S. Moses, President gesteigertem Mass sich am Verkauf 56 Bennett Ave. WA.8-4002 der Rafflles beteiligen muss...... dass, wie in der letzten Nummer Dr. Samuel Kirsch, Treasurer von Hakohol berichtet, am 801 W. 181st St. vergangenen TO.7-0909 18. Mai ein Sisterhood Luncheon stattge- funden Eric Hanau, Financial Secretary hat, wobei den zahlreichen Teil- nehmern bei 24 Bennett Ave. WA. 7-1948 einem ausgezeichneten Es¬ sen, kuenstlerische Darbietungen unserer

Jugend praesentiert wurden ... OFFICE HOURS ... dass waehrend der letzten Monate Sonntags von 10:00 bis 12:00 unsere Mitglieder von Vertreter der Ju- gendgruppe besucht wurden, um die Tal¬ mud Thora Buechsen zu In Faellen von Krankheit oder leeren. Wir sonstigen bitten Ereignissen, bitten wir, sich folgender diejenigen Mitglieder, die von Adressen unserer zwecks Benachrichtigung zu Jugend nicht erreicht werden bedienen: konnten, die Buechsen bei naechster Ge- Rabbi Shlomo Kahn legenheit zum Gemeinde-Buero zu bring- en. Auch bitten 160 Wadsworth Ave. WA. 8-8806 wir, weiterhin regel- Cantor Jack Schartenberg maessige Geldspenden in die Buechse zu 215 Audubon Ave. LO. 8-4075 tun, sodass die Gemeinde auf Grund der Julius Hamburger naechsten Buechsenleerung einige 255 Ft. Washington Ave. WA. 8-6080 dringende Neuanschaffungen fuer unsere Talmud Thora und Jugendgruppen durch-

fuehren kann ...

Television - Radio - Repair Custom Antenna Installation BRILLEN Reliable Test of all Tubes For Fast — and — Reliable Service CALL: OPTIKER E. 4312 REISS Benno Strauss BROADWAY - WA 7-6072 560 AUDUBON AVE. (zwischen 183. und 184. Str.) Tel.: M.tglied des Workmen's Bene6t Fund WA. 7-0882 HAKOHOL Page Three



In Verbindung mit der Ueberlieferung, der schweren Last senkte sich die Schale dass an den Jomim Noroim G'tt uns tief zu Boden. richtet und zwar unsere Mitzwos und Da kam ein kleiner, blasser Engel und unsere Aweros, die wir waehrend des legte auf die andere Waagschale die ein- Jahres begangen haben, "auf die Waag- zig erfuellte Mitzwo des Verstorbenen, schale" gelegt werden, wird folgende naehmlich die gute Tat am Erew Pessach. chassidische Legende erzaehlt: Es war eine schoene, hell glaenzende Ein armes juedisches Ehepaar fuhr und gut duftende Mitzwo, aber war viel mit Pferd und Wagen am Erew Pessach zu klein gegenuebcr der Aweros. Schon von der Stadt zurueck ins Dorf mit war das himmlische Gericht bereit, die den bescheidenen Pessachwaren die sie Seele zu verurteilen, da aber verlangte der sich leisten konnten. Es war schon spaer Verteidiger, auch das Paket und nachmittag und sie hatten Malheur, der Pessach-Waren mit hineinzulegen. Aber Wagen blieb im Schlamm stecken. Mann immer noch blieb die Schale zu leicht. und Frau versuchten, dem Pferd zu "Bringt Pferd und Wagen!" befahl der helfen, sanken aber selber bis zu den Engel, jedoch selbst dadurch ruehrte sich Knieen in den Schlamm. nicht die mit Aweros gefuellte Schale Da kam ein vornehmer Wagen mit vom Ort. Da hiess der Engel den ganzen Doppelgespann vorbei und dessen In- Schlamm bringen, in dem der Wagen sasse, Gutsbesitzer, ein reicher liess hal- stecken blieb und so lange schuettete man ten, half der armen Familie weiter zu Schlamm in die Schale der Mitzwo, bis fahren und gab ihnen auch noch eine sie erschwert zu Boden sank und der schoene Geldspende zu Ehren Pessachs Verstorbene wurde frei gesprochen. mit. Kurz nach Pessach starb dieser reiche G'ttes Liebe, so lehrt uns diese Erzaeh- Mann. Er war selbst auch Jude, war lung, nimmt alles mit in Betracht, selbst aber abtruennig geworden und hielt nichts die Schwierigkeiten, die sich uns manch- mehr von den juedischen Gesetzen. Als mal bei der Erfuellung unserer Pflicht in seine Seele vor G'tt erschien, wurden den Weg stellen. Sie sollen uns aber nicht schon seine Aweros auf die eine der zurueckschrecken, denn, so sprechen unsere beiden Waagschalen gehaeuft. Diese sch- Weisen in Pirke Owos : KUK KISTS DID1? ienen gar kein Ende zu nehmen und unter entsprechend der Muehe ist der Lohn."

(fortgesetzt von Seite 1) Mrs. Shlomo Kahn zu ihrer Vermaeh- lung. tor, alien Vorstandsmitgliedern, alien Mit- Moege der Allmaechtige sie beide unserer gliedern und Freunden Gemeinde, und alle der Chevra Kadisha, der Sisterhood, Mitglieder und Freunde der Gemeinde in das Buch des Lebens ein- dem Maenner — und Knabenchor, der schreiben. Parents-Association, der gesamten Ju- Moege das kommende Jahr, in dem gend, insbesondere dem Breakfast Club, wir unser meine aller herzlichsten Neujahrsgruesse 10 — jaehriges Bestehen und besten Wuensche zu entbieten. gross feiern werden, ein Jahr der Ge- Darueberhinaus und besonders recht sundheit, des Gluecks und der Zufrieden- herzlich gratuliere ich sowohl persoen- heit sein. lich als auch im Namen des Vorstands L'SCHONO TOWO und aller Gemeindemitglieder nochmals ALBERT S. MOSES, unserem jungen Ehepaar Rabbi und President Page Four HAKOHOL

•Dnsn naitt rW? Alba Beauty Salon

WILLIAM WAHRHAFTIG "Originality in Hairstyling" 112 NAGLE AVENUE FURNITURE UPHOLSTERY Permanents for any style SLIPCOVERS & DRAPERIES Specializing in silver blonding coloring Top Quality Work 4125 Broadway Bet. 174 & 175 St. Tel. : LO. 7-0870 Shomer Shabbos WAdsworth 7-7460

F. ERMAN isnsn pints nw? LADIES' MEN'S & CHILDREN'S WEAE DRY GOODS Royal Wine Corporation Rein Wollene Kuebler Hosen ERZEUGER VON in alien Groessen "KEDEM" Bekannt fuer gute Qualitaeten 4169 BROADWAY KOSHER WEIN UND ECHTEM Bet. W. 176 - 177th Sts. HIMBEERSAFT WA. 8-7348 SOWIE GRAPE JUICE 132 RIVINGTON STREET, MANHATTAN 35th Ave. & EAST RIVER, L. I. CITY

"ASK YOUR DEALER" Best Camp Chair Service Co.

•Dron i-Ditt CHAIRS - TABLES - DISHES Rent Our Linen FOR HIRE You don't pay more than you pay for 561 WEST 179th STREET your own linen NEW YORK 33, N. Y. NO MINIMUM Phone: WAdsworth 7-0200 call WA. 7-6904 KATZ LAUNDRY

& LINEN SERVICE •Dron rDits nw* 1289 ST. NICHOLAS AVE. Leon Ehrmann Fred Bachner Save-On Servicenter 2470 AMSTERDAM AVE., at 183rd St. ■oran naits ruts^ WA. 3-9924 NE WYORK 33 Official State Inspecition Station UHRMACHER & JUWELIER Tires - Batteries - Lubrication L. Oppenheimer Expert Mechanic on Duty Road Service, Save 5c AAA Station 4227 BROADWAY (179 St.) WA. 3-5030 HAPPY NEW YEAR to all our customers Grosse Auswahl in 14 Kt. Charms & Braclets Preiswerte Religioese Geschenkartikel •eran raits nstr1? Sterling Silber & Kristal WA. 3-4155 After 9 P. M. LO. 8-2409 GIFT CENTER


JOSEPH KRIEGEL Lamps - Crystal - China

Bric-A-Brac - Silver - Jewish Relig. Grocery Articles 4173 BROADWAY 758 WEST 181st STREET (Bet. 176 & 177 Sts.) NEW YORK NEW YORK 33, N. Y. 33, N. Y. HAKOHOL Page Five


Der Unsere Chevra wird auch im kommen- Beginn eines neuen Jahres liegt vor uns. den Jahre s. G. w. versuchen, die tradi- Die Sisterhood hat in den verflossenen tionellen religioesen Pflichten zu erfuellen. Jahren stets mit Wir werden bestrebt sein, alien gutem Erfolg fuer das denen Wohl der Gemeinde nach gearbeitet. Dies Moeglichkeit zu helfen, die der wird mit G'ttes Hilfe auch weiterhin menschlichen Hilfe beduerfen. Der Chev¬ fortgesetzt tverden. Fuer die monatlichen ra als Mitglied anzugehoeren, ist Ehren- Zusammenkuenfte werden unterhaltende pflicht. Programme geboten werden. Es waere zu erwarten, dass alle Mitglieder der Sisterhood daran teilnehmen werden. Mit G'ttvertrauen sehen wir dem neuen Den Damen der Frauenchevra, die sich Jahre hoffnungsvoll entgegen. Moege es stets der Pflichten unserer Religion be- ein Jahr des Glueckes, der Gepundheit wusst sind, herzlichsten Dank. Es waere u nd des Friedens fuer alle werden. wuenschenswert, wenn noch mehr Mit¬ glieder sich diesen Pflichten der Frauen¬ chevra anschliessen wuerden. Allen Mitgliedern der Chevra, der Zur Vermaehlung unseres verehrcen Sisterhood und der ganzen Gemeinde Rabbi Shlomo Kahn mit Miss Eva Gluck entbiete ich namens des Chevra Vor- wuenscht die Sisterhood ein herzlichstcs standes die allerbesten Wuensche zam Maseltov. Moege der Allmaechtige Setnen Jahreswechsel. Moege der Allraaechtige Segen zu diesem Bunde geben, fuer das Sie alle einschreiben in das Buch des junge Paar, deren Familien, sowie auch Segen fuer unsere Gemeinde. gluecklichen Lebens. Zum bevorstehenden Jahreswechsel wu- ensche im Namen der Sisterhood nnseren L'SCHONO TOWO TIKOSEWU verehrten Rabbi Kahn und Cantor Schar- tenberg, den Vorstaenden der Gemeinde, der Chevra Kadischa, alien Mitgliedern JULIUS HAMBURGER, und Freunden unserer Gemeinde ein President gesundes, gesegnetes Jahr. L'SCHONO TOWO

IDA KAUFHERR, President Honor the memory of your loved ones, for whom no momument exists, with a memorial plaque on our beautiful, new Die neue Adresse des Rabbiners ist:

BRONZE MEMORIAL TABLET. 160 Wadsworth Ave. If you contact us immediately, the Apt. 408 name will be inscribed before the Yom Kippur Yizkor Services. Tel.: WA. 8-8806 Page Six HAKOHOL

isrpn Mitt n:tt^ IDMfi Mitt nw* Res.: LEO C. ADER TOmpkins 7-0291 WA. 7-2453 FRED FULD and his Orchestra CUSTOM UPHOLSTERY 535 WEST 110th STREET SLIP NEW YORK 25, N. Y. COVERS MOnument 6-0693 DRAPERIES — CORNICES



GR. 3-0200

laron Mitt nw* Singer Glass Co. Mirrors & Glass Tops Made to Order

Auto Glass — Picture Frames

Venetian Blinds - All Kinds of Glass Work

1315 St. Nicholas Ave. 503 W. 181st St. NEW YORK 33, N. Y. LOrraine 8-9482

Phone WAdsworth 3-8088 mron Mitt nw* TEMPLE

Tailors - Cleaners - Dyers EVERYTHING CLEANED FROM A GLOVE TO THE LARGEST ORIENTAL RUG 4183 BROADWAY mMn Mitt nw* near 177th Street

BEI MIR GIBT ES NICHTS GRATIS isnsn Mitt nw* Sondern Ausgesprochen Reellen Dienst! LOrraine 8-6800 WERNER'S HEIGHTS Tasty Pastry TV SERVICE "Cake and Pastry for All Occasions" TV and Hi-Fi Sales and Repairs Willi Gruenebaum — Henry Baer 6 BENNETT AVE. near 181st ST. Under Supervision of NEW YORK 33, N. Y. Rabbi Dr. J. Breuer SWinburne 5-4951 4175 BROADWAY Werner Blumenthal Bet. 176th & 177th Sts. HAKOHOL Page Seven



"rrrring! ! !" went the 10 Commandments and the Torah, there alarm clock and reluc¬ was heard the sound of the Shofar. So, tantly Joey came awake. on Rosh ha-Shono, when we hear the It was Erev Rosh ha- Shofar, we should remember to obseve Shono, the day before the laws of the Torah." the holiday and although he would have liked to "Also," Joey continued, "when Moshi- ach will come and bring peace to the sleep a little longer, he world, G-d will sound the Shofar." got up and dressed. There was still much to "O, but you forgot the most im¬ be done in preparation for Yomtov. portant reason of all," Debby cried, "the Shofar is to wake us from our Later in the morning he met Debby, sleep !" his friend. Joey was waiting for Debby "Wake us from our because he wanted to show off. His sleep ?" Joey asked surprised. father owned a Shofar and secretly "Yes, often during the year we may Joey had practiced blowing on it. Some¬ forget our duty as Jews and then we times he could manage to bring out commit sins. That is just like falling the sounds quite nicely but on some asleep on our job. The Shofar comes days it didn't go at all. along and wakes us and reminds us Now, he put the Shofar to his lips to live our Jewish way of life." and blew and blew with all his might. "What do you know," mused Joey, His cheeks were puffed out, his eyes "the Shofar is just like my alarm clock!" were bulging and his face red from exertion. Debby was watching expec¬ QUIZ tantly but, try as he might, no sound To win a prize, send in the names of came out of the Shofar. the 5 M'gillos, mentioning: 1. Who wrote them "How come ?" wailed Joey. "When 2. When do we read them the man does it in the synagogue, it 3. What does each contain. looks so simple!" "Well," Debby consoled him, "when Correct answers to the last quiz were you grow up you'll be able to do it sent in again by Steven Mayer and too. After all, blowing the Shofar is Steven Meier, who seen to monopolize a man's job, it's so important."^ our winnings. Anyone want to beat "I know quite a number of reasons them this time ? for the blowing of the Shofar," Joey now said. "Howr many do you know ?" WA 8-2140 "First of all," Debby began, "the mrDfi mita rW? Shofar reminds us of Abraham and Isaac." ASHER SHALLER "Right," Joey interrupted, "it is a ram's horn and tells us that we should DTY^tD '.DnBD Hebrew Book, Record & Israeli Gift always be ready to do G-d's will just Center, Rosh Hashono Greeting Cards as Abraham was ready even to sacrifice from Israel his son when G-d commanded it. But Machzorim, Shofros, Kittels, Bechers of what else does the Shofar remind Mantles, Poroches, Etc. 9> Bookbinding — Mezuzohs US ? 1495 ST. NICHOLAS AVENUE "We read in the Torah," said Debby, (Bet. 184 — 185 Sts.) NEW YORK 33 "that at Mt. Sinai, when G-d gave the Page Eight HAKOHOL

•Dron witt rw? LO. 8-0535 A & E Furniture Corp. WA. 8-3770 Mr. Mosbacher M. & Inh. Walter Abraham M. TAILORS Das Grosse Spezialgeschaeft MEN'S and LADIES' SUITS fuer Moderne Moebel MADE TO ORDER

Credenzas — Schlafzimmer FRENCH DRY CLEANING & Polstermoebel ALTERATIONS Call & Delivery Service 4044 BROADWAY 81 CABRINI BLVD. NEW YORK 33 (Between 170th & 171st Streets) Bet. 180th & 181st St. HAKOHOL Page Nine

GEBETSZEITEN Tages- Vorabend Schacharis Mincho Maariw anfang* Schabb. Nitzowim, 13. September 6:50 8:30 7:20 7:51 5:21 1. Tag Sukkos, 29. September 6:25 7:00 Predigt 5:30 7:50 2. Tab Rosch ha-Schono, 16. Sept. 7:00 Sermon 7:20 7:50 Schabb. Schuwo, 20. September 6:40 8:30 Predigt 7:10 7:40 5:37 Jom Kippur, 24. September (beg. 6:30) 7:00 7 30 Yiskor 7:30 Schabb. Hasinu, 27. September 6:30 30 Barmitzvo 6:55 7:2 6 5:45 1. Tab Sukkos, 29. September 6:25 30 Predigt 6:55 7:24 2. Tag Sukkos, 30. September 30 Sermon 6:55 7:24 Schabb. Choi ha-Moed, 4. Okt 6:15 30 Predigt 6:50 7:20 5:52 Sch'mini Atzeres, 6. Oktober 6:15 30 Yiskor 6:45 7:18 Simchas Torah, 7. Oktober 00 6:45 7:18 Schabb. B'reischis, 11. Oktober 6:05 30 6:30 7:00 6:00 Schabb. Noach, 18. Oktober 5:55 30 Sermon 6:20 6:50 6:06 Schabb. Lech l'cho, 25. Oktober 5:45 30 6:10 6:41 5:14 Schabb. Wajero, 1. November 4:35 30 5:00 5:32 5:22 Schabb. Chaje Soro, 8. November 4:25 30 Predigt 4:50 5:24 5:31

Schabb. Toldos, 15. November ... 4:20 30 4:45 5:17 5:39 Schabb. 4:40 5:47 Wajetze, 22. November ... 4:15 30 Predigt 5:13 Schabb. Wajischlach, 29. Nov 4:10 30 4:40 5:10 5:54 Schabb. Wajeschew, 6. Dezember 4:10 30 Sermon 4:40 5:09 6:01

S'LICHOS-TAGE Oneg Schabbos fuer Kinder 6-10 Jahren Sonntag, 7. Sept. (1. Tag S'lichos) jeden Schabbos 3:30 P. M. (erstmalig am 18. Oktober) 7 A. M. Mont. — Freit., 8-12. Sept. 5:45 A. M. Erew Rosch ha-Schono, Lerngruppen fuer Kinder ueber 10 Jahren Sonnt., Sept. 6:30 A. M. jeden Schabbos 3:30 P. M. Breakfast Club (utb. Bar-& Bas-Mitzvo) Zom G'daljo, Mittwoch, 17. Sept. Sonntags 8:00 A. M. (beg. 19. Okt.) Fastenbeginn 5:10 A. M. Recreation Evening fuer Jugend Schabb. Schacharis 5:30 A. M. 8c Sonntag Abend 7-9 P. M. Fastenende 7:45 P. M. Schiurim (beg. 13. Okt.) Damen Mont Donnerst., Freit., Mont., 18., 19., 22 8:30 P. M., Herren Dienst. 8c Don¬ Sept. 5:30 A. M. nerst. 8:15 P. M. Sonnt., 21. Sept., 6:30 A. M. UNSER HOSCHANO-RABBO LERNEN Erew Jom Kippur, Dienst. 23. Sept. FINDET S. G. W. AM SCHABBOS, 5:15 A. M., Mincho 3:00 P. M. 4. OKT, ABENDS 9:00 UHR STATT. Choi ha-Moed Sukkos: MITGLIEDER UND FREUNDE SIND

Mittw. — Freit. 1.-3. Okt. 7:30 A. M. HIERZU HERZLICHST EINGELADEN. Hoschano Rabbo, Sonnt. 5. Okt. 7:4$ A. M. •oron rDita Rosch Chodesch Cheschwon, Dienstag & Mittwoch, 14. & 15. Okt. 7:30 A. M. Esrogim and Lulovim FROM ISRAEL Rosch Chodesch Kislew, Donnerst. 13. in best quality at reasonable prices Nov. 7:30 A. M. Fritz Goldman TAL MOTOR erstmalig Donnerstag 812 WEST Abend 4. Dez. 181st STREET, APT. 43 Tel. : WA. 3-3514 Sonntags 8:00 A. M., Montags 8c Don- You can make your selection nerstags 7:30 A. M., taeglich 8:00 starting Thursday, September 25th, 1958 P. M. Page Ten HAKOHOL

■Dron nmts nw?


For All Occasions

Piano - Orchestra 447 FT. WASHINGTON AVE. NEW YORK 33 Tel. WA. 7-9996




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Zippers, Cotton Thread, Shoulder Pads and all Kinds of Supplies Special: Button-Hole Twist Silk Imported from Israel KARL KAHN

720 WEST 181st STREET

LOrraine 8-8494

lanan nam "ianan naia rW? WA. 8-5776 WAdsworth 3-6193 EMPIRE HARDWARE Zeitlin's Pharmacy and HOUSEFURNISHINGS Israel Zeitlin, Prop. Max Oppenheimer, Prop. Prescription Specialist LICENSED LOCKSMITH Board of Health Station Doorchecks and All Other We Carry a Complete Line of Loeb's Dietetic Food Kinds of Repairs Notary Public 365 AUDUBON AVE. (Bet. 183-184 Sts) 4200 BROADWAY NEW YORK NEW YORK 33, N. Y. (Cor. 178th Street) HAKOHOL Page Eleven


1. Saturday, January 10th: "SHABBOS VO-ERO"

8:30 A. M. Special Services

Kiddush in the Social Hall following Services

2. Saturday Night, January 10th:


featuring our Youth Group

3. Sunday, January 18th:


A Formal Affair

Featuring Headline Entertainment

Admission by Reservation Only Page Twelve HAKOHOL PLEASE PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS HAKOHOL Page Thirteen


FROM OUR WEALTH OF TRADITION Question : The 6th blessing of the Sh'mone Esre begins : "Forgive us, our Father, for we have sinned..Once a I year this prayer for forgiveness seems -pa out of place. At Maariv-time after Yom Question : The 9th blessing of the Kippur is over and we have been for¬ Sh'mone Esre begins: "Bless for us, given our sins, does it make sense to G-d, our G-d, this year..Once a pray, just a few minutes after N'ilo, "For¬ year this prayer for Parnoso seems out give us, our Father ?" Answer : With of place. At Mincho-time on Erev Rosh tongue in cheek, our ha-Shono the year is almost over, a people answer this question by pointing few more minutes and the new year to the manner in which Maariv services will be ushered in. Does it make sense are conducted after the end of N'ilo. to pray at that time : "Bless for us Surely we need forgiveness for such a Maariv ! But this year. ?" seriously (although this un¬ Answer : How often does an entire fortunate situation is all too common) there are sins which Yom future hinge- on a fleeting moment of Kippur does not atone. Wherever true is time. A careless word, a thoughtless T'shuvo action, an unfortunate accident can quickly lacking, the sin is not forgiven. Trans¬ destroy life or fortune. And conversely, gressions against fellow-man without first a life of happiness can at times be the attaining the wronged person's pardon, are result of a moment's event. Thus, even not forgiven. Therefore, even at Yom for the last few minutes we pray for Kippur's end, we continue to pray and G-d's blessing for the outgoing year. hope for forgiveness.

REISEN SIE MIT RAUNER TRAVEL MIT ZUVERSICHT INS NEUE JAHR. i Nehmen Sie unsern herzlichsten Dank fuer die Betreuung Ihrer Reisen im abgelaufenen Jahr. Lassen Sie sich fuer 1959 geplante Schiffsreisen schon jetzt I unverbindlich registrieren. Keine Anzahlung — keinerlei Verpflichtung. Fragen Sie unsere zahlreichen Kunden ueber unseren zuverlaessigen Kuindendienst. Buchen Sie jetzt fuer FLORIDA aeusserst preiswert sowie fuer die ab Dezember monatlich stattfindenden Cruises mit der "Jerusalem" nach den Caribbeans 6c Sued- Amerika. Verlangen Sie Prospect. I HOTEL-RESERVATIONS ) i§y\ IN ALLEN FUEHRENDEN HOTELS IN & AUSLAND

A. RAUNER TRAVEL AGENCY 572 WEST 187th STREET, N. Y. 33 / TEL.: TO. 7-0232 Page Fourteen HAKOHOL

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Auto and General Insurance (Monthly payments). All Services con¬ nected with Motor Vehicle Bureau, License, Registration, etc. Photos — Photostats — Car Buying Service, Income Tax, Public Accountant

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Known all over the Heights for Honest and Reliable Service 4500 BROADWAY (192nd STREET) LO. 9-2320



To all our relatives, Iriends and customers ISDUfl nSIti from the LIEBMAN'S FAMILY

■oron nam nstr1? HIRSCH & SONS Juedisches Beerdigungs-Institut Vollstaendige Erledigung aller Beerdigungs-Einzelheiten zu niedrigen Preisen in alien Teilen New Yorks Anerkannt von deutsch-juedischen Gemeinden Grabstaetten auf alien Friedhoefen Neue, moderne eingerichtete Chapel (nahe Washington Heights) 1225 JEROME AVE. (Ecke 167th St.) Tel.: WYandotte 2-2000 HAKOHOL Page Fifteen


Judaeus II

Fuerstenthal, somewhat subdued by this later, the driver noticed that his pas¬ outburst, continued to listen attentively senger was still holding the heavy valises as Orlowsky spoke : in his hand. When he asked about it, the traveller answered shyly : "If I encounter serious anxiety in providing for myself and my family and "It is enough that you permit me to sometimes find myself incapable of cop¬ ride with you. I cannot expect you to ing with my problems, then I turn to transport my heavy load in addition." our Holy Writings and seek comfort Laughing heartily, the driver said : there. This I have always found. Just "Just put your load down. I am trans¬ today, this morning, I chanced upon porting it anyway, even you the verse in the Psalms of David : if hold on to it!" 'Cast your burden upon G-d and He will sustain you.' I was reminded of This foolishness of the traveller, so an explanation given by the famous comments the Maggid of Dubno, over Maggid of Dubno which I heard when which we tend to smile, actually exists I was young. The thought of this among those that laugh over it more verse and its explanation already banish¬ than they imagine. Everybody has his ed at once all worry and I involuntarily load of worries with which he is burd¬ smiled so that my wife wanted to know ened as he travels through life. G-d, why. When I told her, she too was Who has given us life, also gives us similarly cheered and satisfied." the means to live it. Therefore we read in the Psalms : 'Cast your burden upon Fuerstenthal now begged Orlowsky to G-d, He must anyway sustain reveal this explanation and Orlowsky you.'" began : Fuerstenthal, now convinced that Or¬ lowsky will remain steadfast, finished his "The Maggid of Dubno was a famous tea and was man. Here he is not well known but ready to call it a day. Orlowsky however, expected some com¬ from where I come, he continues to ment and when it was not forthcoming, be very much alive although he died he asked : long ago. His uniqueness consisted of the ability to explain even the most "Well, was this not a nice explana- difficult Bible passages by means of tion ? excellent parables. Here, the verse of "Nice it the Psalms compares worry with a load, is," Fuerstenthal said, "but that is not the a burden, which we should cast upon point here at all. I will G-d. The Maggid illustrated this with go a step further and admit that the following parable: it is much nicer to rest on Shabbos than to work. But what is nice is not "A simple-minded traveller was on the always good and right. Good and right road on a hot day, wearily lugging it is to utilize one's time and not to two heavy valises. When a horse-drawn spend such a large part of it in idle¬ wagon began to overtake him, he hailed ness and rest." the driver and begged him for a ride. The driver cheerfully agreed and the Orlowsky refused to be deterred, not traveller climbed in and seated himself even when Fuerstenthal impatiently glanc¬ behind the driver. About half an hour ed at his watch and gave other obvious Page Sixteen HAKOHOL signs that he would have liked to end When this scoundrel learned that the the conversation. Orlowsky continued : dearest possessions of his Jewish serfs "If you are not thoroughly convinced were the synagogue and the Beth Hamid- of the fact that G-d, Who provides rash (study hall), he had the synagogue for every human soul, has sanctified demolished and the study hall converted and blessed the seventh day, then I into a stable for his animals. In short, understand your behavior although I there was no brutality of which this cannot condone it. What I beg of you barbarian was not capable and which is nothing more than that you too give he did not maliciously commit. There justification for my point of view and was no judge on earth before whom he refrain from tempting me to forsake could be summoned. it. It would not help much to do so Feudal labor on the property of Count anyway. Every conscientious Jew is deeply Ashinsky was the lot of the peasants. and reverently attached to his G-d-given On Shabbos Jews were, as a matter-of- Shabbos. But aside from that, I once fact, excused from work in the same underwent an experience in this respect, way as the others were off on Sunday. which cannot easily be forgotten. If you In spite of all lack of freedom and permit me, I shall tell you the following rights, in spite of all the violations true story." that the Jews had to bear, no ruler Did the wealthy and prominent Mr. and no lord in the Russian Empire Fuerstenthal get a glimpse of the great ever dreamed of taking from them the gulf that separated him, with all his Jewish Shabbos. wealth, education and enlightenment from Then, one day, the shocking news the indestructable idealism of the poor, came, Count Ashinsky requested the Jews lowly clothing dealer ? Or did he only to work on Shabbos! He knew fully out of politeness agree to listen to the well that the Jews would try to disobey story ? At any rate, he Mr. Or¬ begged such an order. Therefore he added that lowsky to tell his experience. any Jew who refuses to work on the "I come from a small Russian village. day on which he was assigned, would The entire village belonged to a wealthy immediately be hanged. Furthermore he nobleman, Count Ashinsky, a man who ordered that the rabbi of the community, was feared by the people in his region who had always been exempted from for his spiteful malice. He treated the field labor, must report personally for peasants, who were his serfs, very cruelly work on the following Shabbos. and he was even more inhumanly brutal I was at that time a boy of ten towards Jews. He had unlimited power years but the agitation of those days over life and death in the entire region. are so fresh in my memory as if all The slightest theft or even the smallest that had occured only yesterday. Such infrigement of his harsh orders was an experience is unforgettable. The com¬ punished by death. In his castle's court munity gathered for counsel, the rabbi yard stood a gallows on which at least decreed fasting and prayers. The cries once a month an unfortunate person and lamentations of the unfortunate com¬ was hanged in the presence of all munity rose to heaven day and night. inhabitants. (to be continued) HAKOHOL Pags Seventeen



Sunday Sept. 7 10-12 Mon. — Thur., Sept. 8-11 3-5 P. M.

A. SCHEDULE OF HEBREW SCHOOL Rashi Class : Mon 4:30-5:30 Mishna Class: Wed 3:30-4:15 CLASSES: Dinim Class: Shabbos 3:30-4:30

Class A1 : Tue. & Thur 3:15-4:15 Choir Rehearsal : Wed 5:15-6:00 Class A2 : Tue. & Thur 4:15-5:15 Bar-Mitzvo Class: Mon 5:15-6:00 Class B1 : Mon 3:30-4:30 Wed 3:15-4:15 Class B2 : Mon 3:30-4:30 B. YOUTH GOUPS AND ACTIVITIES Wed 4:15-5:15 Class CI : Mon 3:15-4:15 Oneg Shabbos: Shabbos 3:30 Wed 4:15-5:15 (beg. Oct. 18) Class C2 : Mon. & Wed 4:15-5:15 Breakfast Club (for boys over 13 & girls Class D : Tue. & Thur 3:30-4:30 over 12) Sunday morning ...8:00 A. M. Class E: Tue. & Thur 4:30-5:30 (beg. Oct. 19) Class PG (Pre-Graduate): Recreation Night : (for boys over 13 & Tue. & Thur 5:30-6:30 girls over 12) Sat. & Sun 7-9 P. M.

* * *

Report on Graduation and Concluding Exercises of our Hebrew School

On Thursday, June 19th the Hebrew stock, Steven Frank, Gary Hanig and Susan School held its first annual Graduation Neuman. and Concluding Exercises. Prizes were awarded, for perfect ob¬ Before a packed audience of parents servance of the Counting of the Gmer and friends, the exercises were opened to : Lorraine Dunka, Sandra Garson, with the singing of the national anthems. Edwin Gerstley, Ellen Hershenson, Man- »n Dr. Herman Blumenthal, chairman of Kayem, Steven Mayer, Steven M°ier, the Hebrew School Committee and Mrs. Allen Neuhaus, Milton Plant, Frances Alfred Meier, president of the Parents' Simon, and Jeffrey Stone. Association greeted the guests. A delightful play, portraying the Jew¬ Rabbi Kahn, at the end of his address, ish holidays throughout the year, was awarded diplomas to the following grad¬ presented by the graduates under the uates : Susan Abramson, Lorraine Durka, direction of Carter Schartenherg and Ruth Lauenger and Eileen Schoeinan. with the accompaniment of the boys' choir. Then there were presented the follow¬ ing students who, although ready for The serving of refreshments concluded graduation, volunteered to continue their the affair and also the school year. studies for another yea:: Lawrence Bern- Page Eighteen HAKOHOL

ismn mm n:ts^ CAROLYN'S — SCHILD BROTHERS mnan mm nm"? Strictly Kosher NEW FALL AND WINTER FIRST CLASS SAUSAGES and DELICATESSEN FASHIONS Under Supervision of Rabbi Dr. J. Breuer in 1339 ST. NICHOLAS AVE. DRESSES — SUITS Comer 177th Street COATS — TOPPERS WA. 7-5997 NEW YORK 33 SKIRTS — BLOUSES In the Newest Fabrics, Styles and the Lowest •Dron nsita rW? Prices. WA. 3-5602 Jack Reinheimer, Prop. CAROLYN Jack's Furniture Co. Uptown's Largest Store DRESS SHOP, INC. For Modern Furniture Das Haus des guten Geschmacks 4231 BROADWAY Fuehrend in Auswahl, Betw. 179 180th Streets Qualitaet und Preis. Tel. WA 7-5378 4290 Broadway New York 33 (Corner 183rd Street) RAINCOATS

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1390 ST. NICHOLAS AVENUE Cor. 180th Sreet

Other Offices in the Bronx

FLOYD CRAMER, President HAKOHOL Page Nineteen

Familen-Nachrichten In Memoriam

Maseltov zu Mr. Fred Marx anlaess- Leopold Tannenbaum lich seines 65. Geburtstages Maseltov zu Mr. Isaak Schoen anlaess- Mary Mayer lich seines 65. Harry Knurr Geburtstages Mathilde Wallach Maseltov zu Mr. & Mrs. Jacob Strauss Herman & Minna zur Geburt eines Enkels Glauberg Bertha Jacob Maseltov zu Mrs. zur Kugelmann Ge¬ Emma Donsaft burt zweier Enkelinen Salomon Maseltov zu Mr. & Mrs. Semi Strauss Heyum Blanka zur Geburt einer Enkelin Meyer Hermann Pines Maseltov zu Mr. & Mrs. Otto Loewen- stein zur Geburt eines Enkels Hedy Price Morris Maseltov zu Mr. & Mrs. Leo Stock Oppenheim Rudolf Rose zur Geburt eines Enkels Klara Schoenfeld Maseltov zu Mr. & Mrs. Charles New- Lilli Hirsch haus anlaesslich ihrer silbernen Hochzeit Isi Rosenheimer Maseltov zu Mr. Alfred Queller zum Julius Adler 50. Geburtstag sowie ihm & seiner William Kugelman Gattin zur silbernen Hochzeit & zur Barmitzvo ihres Sohnes Steven (Schabb. R'ei) Maseltov zu Mr. & Mrs. Max Mayer anlaesslich der Barmitzvo ihres Sohnes Steven (Schabb. Hasinu) Maseltov zu Mr. & Mrs. Richard Meyer zur silbernen Hochzeit

Maseltov zu Mrs. Clara Neu anlaess¬ lich der Barmitzvo ihres Enkels Maseltov zu Mr. & Mrs. Richard Katz anlaesslich der Graduation ihres Sohnes Danny Joel Maseltov anlaesslich der Hochzeiten von Mrs. Hilda Kaufmann & Mr. Gus- tav Bendheim, Mrs. Hanna Rosenthal & Mr. Hermann Meyer, Miss Eva Gluck & Rabbi Shlomo Kahn

Die Gemeinde zusammen mit den Angehoerigen betrauern den Heimgang von : Arnold Berney (Bruder von Mrs. Fred Moser) Julius Adler William Kugelman Berthold Koesterich (Bruder von Mrs. Herman Koesterich) Max Levi (Vater von Mr. Iwan Levi) SICHRONOM LIVROCHO Page Twenty HAKOHOL

the traditional way to say

mw y&ar BARTONS ® MwimM, continental candies You know it's welcome — and in the spirit of the day — when it's from BARTON'S, originators of unique Jewish holiday candies. And the name BARTON'S is your guarantee it's kosher.

For mail orders ahd brochures, write: BARTON'S Dept. 80 DeKalb Ave. SINGER'S EGGS, Inc. Brooklyn 1, N. Y. Barton's factory, offices and 65 734 W. 181st STREET owner-operated continental choco¬ late shops in New York, Phila¬ delphia, Detroit and Newark are WA. 3-6612 closed on the Sabbath and all Jewish holidays. Fine Dairy Food and Fresh Farm Eggs HAKOHOL Page Twenty-One

(continued from page 1) Benutzen Sie in Zukunft unsere prise the "Week of Celebrating our Tenth Anniversary." FLOWER CARDS Each of the activities enumerated (Abloesungs-Telegramme) there will furnish the proper festive an Stelle von Telegrammen oder atmosphere and good entertainment, es¬ BLmen. Sie Sparen Geld und helien pecially the Gala Dinner, the grand gleichLeitig unsere Aktivitaeten fuer highlight of the week, in honor of die Jugend zu foerdern und weiter which a Tenth Anniversary Journal auszubauen. will be published and which will surely Flower Cards sind erhaeltlich zum enjoy the attendance of all our mem¬ Preis von 50c in unserem Office und bers and friends. bei unseren Vorstandsmitgliedern. All proceeds from the Tenth Anni¬ versary Celebrations will go towards a special fund to finance the installation of completely modern air-condition units for our Synagogue and Social Halls. isrisn mitt


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FOR A DELICIOUS TREAT IT'S GUTMANN & MEYER'S MEAT STORES AT 1508 St. Nicholas Ave. 4229 Broadway WA. 3-1989 IN QUEENS WA. 3-3073 JUMA QUALITY MEAT & POULTRY INC. Supervision,: Rabbi Dr. Ph. Biberfeld 63-22 99th St. Rego Park JL. 9-6271 To all our Customers & Friends ISrDfi PDItt

nnits mityn The well known WEBERS CATERERS are opening a store on ST. NICHOLAS AVE. and 187 ST. You can get all kinds of ready-to-serve foods such as — Kishkes — Buffed Cabbage Chow — Mein — etc. Also beautifully prepared platters for your Party You can also come in and have a meal with us. GLATT KOSHER u nder Strict Rabbinical Supervision Tel.: TO. 7-5446 HAKOHOL Page Twenty-three

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xnnsn nattD LO. 8-1487 13J"Ori HS1?2 fW? BLOOMS TAXL Inc. Polsterer 140 Wadsworth Ave. New York 33 kommt ins Haus zum Neubeziehen, Aufarbeiten und To All Mountain Resorts & Lakewood Neugurten von Polsterrnoebel Gute und billige Bedienung Call WA. 8-8209 Max Mayer In Fleischmanns, N. Y. Tel.: 371 Daily to: 72 WADSWORTH TERRACE NEW HIGHMOUNT COUNTRY CLUB Schoumer Schabbos Highmount, N. Y. Page Twenty-four HAKOHOL


all our many Friends

and Customers

a Happy, Healthy,

Prosperous and Peaceful New Year!