

Vol. 164 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 2018 No. 35 Senate The Senate met at 10 a.m. and was without fear, worshiping as we choose, RESERVATION OF LEADER TIME called to order by the Honorable BEN and continuing to bask in that greater The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- SASSE, a Senator from the State of Ne- love which You shed and allow us to pore. Under the previous order, the braska. live within. leadership time is reserved. f Teach us now and forever to cele- brate our differences. Unify us to pre- f PRAYER serve and admire those differences CONCLUSION OF MORNING The PRESIDING OFFICER. Today’s among us—all of us—with respect and BUSINESS opening prayer will be offered by Rabbi dignity for all the inhabitants of this The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- Seth H. Frisch, senior rabbi of Historic Nation. Congregation Kesher Israel, from Lord, we ask You to bestow Your pore. Morning business is closed. Philadelphia, PA. blessings today upon this assembly and f The guest Chaplain offered the fol- upon the Nation which it serves. Bless EXECUTIVE SESSION lowing prayer: all the inhabitants of this land with Dearest God, we look to You today, both prosperity and lasting joy, love, You who remembers all that we have and freedom. EXECUTIVE CALENDAR forgotten and You who is the eternal Yevarechecha Adonai, source of blessing. V’Yishmerecha. The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- We stand before You on the eve of the May God bless you and keep you. pore. Under the previous order, the Biblical Festival of Purim, a joyous May God bless the United States of Senate will proceed to executive ses- time in which we read from the ancient America, and may God bless us all. sion to resume consideration of the fol- and sacred scroll of the Book of Esther. Amen. lowing nomination, which the clerk will report. It is in the scroll we read at first of a f The senior assistant legislative clerk certain darkness, a darkness which PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE would come to envelope the entire na- read the nomination of Elizabeth L. The Presiding Officer led the Pledge tion over which Esther would soon Branch, of Georgia, to be United States of Allegiance, as follows: reign as Queen. Circuit Judge for the Eleventh Circuit. It was Queen Esther who became I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the RECOGNITION OF THE MINORITY LEADER United States of America, and to the Repub- frightened when the plan revealing a The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- lic for which it stands, one nation under God, pore. The Democratic leader is recog- plot to erase the sacred remnants of indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. nized. her people, along with the fundamental f teachings of her faith, came to light; GUN SAFETY and yet it was Esther, who, when con- APPOINTMENT OF ACTING Mr. SCHUMER. Mr. President, after fronted by the impending darkness, PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE Columbine, Sandy Hook, Charleston, was able to bring the plot to an end, al- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Orlando, Las Vegas, and too many lowing her people to emerge from the clerk will please read a communication more to name, the Nation convulsed, shadow of darkness—of this horror— to the Senate from the President pro and we talked about reforming our gun and live freely, without fear, cele- tempore (Mr. HATCH). safety laws to prevent more names and brating life itself in the light of their The senior assistant legislative clerk places from being added to the list. newfound freedom. read the following letter: Each time, we talked, but the Senate, And now, standing here today, before U.S. SENATE, the House—this government—did noth- You, on the eve of this festival, we, PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE, ing. too, ask that You remember us for life, Washington, DC, February 27, 2018. Now, in the wake of the tragic shoot- instilling within us a greater love of To the Senate: ing at Stoneman Douglas High School freedom, seeking both peace and pros- Under the provisions of rule I, paragraph 3, that took the lives of another 17 Amer- of the Standing Rules of the Senate, I hereby perity for all the inhabitants of this appoint the Honorable BEN SASSE, a Senator icans, we must try again to pass mean- great Nation. from the State of Nebraska, to perform the ingful changes to our laws to keep our And yet, Dear Lord, we would be re- duties of the Chair. children safe. That is our duty, and miss if we were not to remember those ORRIN G. HATCH, there are many things we could and who have sacrificed much, suffered, and President pro tempore. should pursue. paid dearly with their lives, allowing Mr. SASSE thereupon assumed the Yesterday, I suggested that com- all of us—to this day—a life of freedom Chair as Acting President pro tempore. prehensive background checks would

∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor.



VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:51 Feb 27, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A27FE6.000 S27FEPT1 S1224 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE February 27, 2018 be an excellent and necessary place to we had an outstanding discussion this Democrats believe that the future of start. It doesn’t make sense that we morning—I look forward to working the internet must be as free and open allow anyone, regardless of his crimi- with our Republican colleagues to see as in the past; that the startup founder nal history—felons—or a history of if we can get something real done. living in her parents’ basement should mental illness, to walk into a gun show NET NEUTRALITY be able to compete with the world’s or to go online and buy a gun with no Mr. President, on another matter, largest corporations; that the young questions asked. There is no sense in today Senate Democrats will be intro- student in an underserved school dis- that. When I wrote the Brady Law back ducing our legislation to reverse the trict should be able to find all the in- in 1993, gun shows were not popular, FCC’s repeal of net neutrality. It has formation he needs online; that every and we didn’t have internet sales to the support of every single Democrat American should be able to afford eas- worry about at the time because there and one Senate Republican, Senator ily accessible internet. If we start gra- was no internet. These loopholes grew COLLINS from the State of Maine. dating the internet, it could dramati- and grew and grew over time. Now, it is I say to all my Republican col- cally hurt our economy and hurt equal- hard to know the exact number be- leagues: This CRA is the best way to ity in America—something we are all cause we don’t record the number of undo the terrible decision to repeal net striving for. guns that are sold at gun shows or on- neutrality. It is an important debate. Right now, unfortunately, only one line, but about one-fifth of all gun sales At stake are two opposing visions of Republican has signed up for the fair, happen without there being back- the future of the internet. open vision of an internet that we need ground checks. For its entire history, the internet and want to keep. All we need is one It is likely that criminals and others has been free and open, accessible to all more. On this net neutrality day of ac- who are up to no good have a higher Americans. It has been a true public tion, I urge all Americans to contact percentage because they do not want to good, just as our highways have. their Senators and demand they sign be detected and go through background Whether you are on Main Street or up with us to save the internet. checks. It is outrageous that so many Wall Street, you have the same inter- REPUBLICAN TAX BILL guns are sold with there being no back- net. Whether you are a consumer or big Mr. President, finally, a word on the ground checks whatsoever—whether corporation, you have the same inter- Republican tax bill. When President you are a felon, one who is adjudicated net. Whether you are a teacher in a Trump and congressional Republicans mentally ill, or a spousal abuser. It is wealthy school or an underresourced were trying to sell their tax bill, all we outrageous. We should close those loop- school, you have the same internet. heard about was how it is going to be a holes and close them now. We should Equality of access has driven innova- boon to workers, stimulate invest- have comprehensive background tion and entrepreneurship and so much ments in new factories, raise wages, checks, not just a little something here of what we value in the American spir- and create jobs. It is a few months and a little something there. Com- it and the American economy. It is the after the tax bill, and the promises prehensive background checks are sup- American way. have not been backed up by the evi- ported overwhelmingly by the Amer- Net neutrality rules were put in dence. ican people. place to ensure that the internet re- Now the evidence is flowing in that Later this morning, just in about 15, mains that way—open and equal access corporations are spending the lion’s 20 minutes, I will be meeting with sev- to all, no matter who you are, how share of the benefits they reap on the eral of the students—the brave, coura- much money you have, how much tax bill not on workers but on goosing geous students—from Stoneman Doug- power you have. But the repeal by the their own stock. las High School. I want to hear what Republican-led FCC has opened us to they have to say. These brave students, an entirely new universe where inter- A headline from Monday’s New York whether at the Florida statehouse or net service providers—the big boys— Times states ‘‘Trump’s Tax Cuts in on national television, have spoken out will have the authority to sell quality Hand, Companies Spend More on Them- with passion, with eloquence, with internet to the highest bidder. That selves Than on Wages.’’ The article grace. I believe they are changing the means they could restrict customers’ goes on to document how the Repub- way our country thinks about this access to their favorite websites by lican tax bill has unleashed a wave of issue. I hope—I pray—they compel us forcing them to buy internet packages share buybacks and stock repurchasing to do something significant because we or pay more for premium services. programs, things which help out rich cannot settle for half measures, not Big companies could pay to get faster executives and shareholders but don’t after what happened in Florida, not internet service, while startups and accomplish much for everyday Amer- after so many tragedies. small businesses and average Ameri- ican workers. If you are a CEO of a The fix NICS bill is an idea that has cans are left in the slow lane. company, you are judged by whether wide support in this Chamber, but it is Everything from Netflix, to Amazon your stock is going up. The quickest tiny. It is a grant program that ad- Prime, to Spotify, streaming tele- hit on that is to buy back your shares, dresses one specific issue. Now, we have vision, sports, and movies could be reduce the number. It doesn’t help your a whole host of issues to address, not slower if you don’t pay up. workers, it doesn’t help American pro- just one. Fix NICS was aimed by the Public schools that don’t pay for pre- ductivity, but it helps your bottom Senator from Texas at a particular mium service could be put at a signifi- line, Mr. CEO. tragedy in Texas by which a member of cant disadvantage. That is so wrong, that we passed a the Air Force had a record that would Startups that are looking to get huge tax bill and put ourselves in deep have disqualified him from getting a their businesses off the ground but debt so that much of the money can go gun, but the Air Force failed to send aren’t large enough to negotiate faster to corporate executives—not improving the statement to NICS. It is a good internet delivery with ISPs might the actual performance of their compa- thing to make sure that doesn’t hap- never take off. Our startups in New nies but just raising the value of their pen, but we should not be aiming our York are scared to death of the elimi- stock by buybacks. That is so wrong. gun legislation simply at one past trag- nation of net neutrality, and they have The article in edy. We must look to the future and created hundreds of thousands of jobs documents how the Republican tax bill what will prevent future tragedies. in my city and millions throughout the has unleashed this wave of share Comprehensive background checks country. buybacks and stock repurchasing pro- will; the Fix NICS bill will not. The internet without net neutrality grams, which, as I said, helps out rich So let’s not set our sights too narrow is a tale of two internets, where the executives and shareholders but and squander this moment. Let’s try best internet goes to the highest bidder doesn’t accomplish much for everyday for significant, bipartisan legislation and everyone else loses. workers. that will make a real difference in We have an opportunity to save the Rather than investing in new equip- keeping our children safe. Even as our internet with our CRA, which would re- ment and research, raising wages, pro- caucus discusses what legislation is institute net neutrality rules that keep viding better benefits, and raising pro- best—and in our leadership meeting, the internet just the way it is now. ductivity, which we are so short of here

VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:51 Feb 27, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G27FE6.001 S27FEPT1 February 27, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S1225 in America right now, corporate Amer- grandfather to think that my little nothing when Americans get shot ica is using the Trump tax cut to give first grader, this beautiful little girl, every day in their homes, their neigh- itself a raise. was worried about the moment when borhoods, their churches, nightclubs, At Morgan Stanley—hardly a left- somebody would walk in her classroom concerts, and schools. They are fed up wing company—the analysts surveyed and wantonly try to kill the students with politicians in Washington who ig- a bunch of companies, and the compa- and teachers who are there. nore the overwhelming majority of nies surveyed said that they would pass I cannot believe that any sane person Americans who want commonsense gun only 13 percent of the Trump tax cut believes that the Second Amendment safety and listen instead to paranoid, savings on to workers, compared to the to the Constitution—the right to bear bullying gun sales lobbyists. 43 percent that go to share buybacks. arms—envisioned that possibility. I am Remember, the National Rifle Asso- For manufacturers—we all care about sure it didn’t. I am sure our Founding ciation and its allies oppose virtually manufacturing—it is even worse. They Fathers—and we can debate for the anything that hurts gun sales. They expect 9 percent to go to workers and rest of the day what their words actu- fight against proposals that might re- 47 percent to go to share buybacks. ally meant—never envisioned that an duce gun sales, and they try to roll Republicans made a conscious deci- American citizen’s right to bear arms back laws on the books that limit sion to give corporations and the could somehow translate into violence them. That is their agenda. But it is wealthiest Americans the lion’s share against so many innocent people, as it not America’s agenda. Corporate Amer- of the tax cuts and promised it would has over and over again. ica is starting to walk away from the trickle down to everybody else. Unfor- Last week, I was in . I was NRA. It is no longer a source of pride tunately, trickle-down never works. joined at a press conference by gun that they are doing business with the Corporate America is doing what is safety advocates at the Martin Luther National Rifle Association—just the best for corporate America, and work- King Jr. Community Center on the opposite. We are seeing company after ing America is getting left behind. South Side. We stood together, victims company end relationships with the I yield the floor. of gun violence and I, at a press con- NRA because of its increasingly un- The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- ference. With me were advocates from hinged and hysterical rhetoric on the pore. The assistant Democratic leader. Hadiya’s Promise and the Illinois issue of gun safety. Corporate Amer- GUN SAFETY Council Against Handgun Violence, ica—some of the biggest corporations Mr. DURBIN. Mr. President, a few who have been working together for in our Nation—realize that the NRA no years ago, an author named Malcolm years to combat the scourge gun vio- longer speaks for responsible gun own- Gladwell wrote a book titled ‘‘The Tip- lence in Illinois. I also stood with Pat- ers. When will Congress realize this? ping Point.’’ He spelled out that in the rick Korellis, who was wounded on Feb- We know we need to act to keep our course of history, when something oc- ruary 14 10 years ago at a mass school children safe. There is no single reform curs that changes people’s thinking shooting at Northern Illinois Univer- that can stop every shooting, but we and actions, it is a precipitous moment sity in DeKalb, IL. know there are gaps in our gun laws where what has been done for so long A new voice came to join us, a grad- that make it easy for criminals, abus- stops, is reevaluated, and a different uate from Marjory Stoneman Douglas ers, troubled children, and mentally course is followed. The clear question High School in Parkland, FL, named unstable people to get guns, even mili- we have in America today is whether Francyn Brown. She graduated from tary assault weapons with bump stocks we have reached a tipping point when Stoneman Douglas in 2009. She is cur- and high-capacity magazines. it comes to gun violence. rently a law student at the Chicago- We need to close these gaps, and that It has only been 13 days since the Kent College of Law. She is one of doz- requires the Republicans who control tragedy in Parkland, FL. Look at what ens of Stoneman Douglas graduates in Congress to stand up to the NRA and has happened since. Of course there is the Chicago area—which include, inci- do something that the NRA might not outrage, sadness, and mourning for the dentally, the first baseman for the Chi- like. For starters, my Republican col- families who lost these wonderful stu- cago Cubs, Anthony Rizzo—and hun- leagues could take up legislation that dents, teachers, and administrators, dreds, if not thousands, nationwide the leader of their party, President but beyond that, these high school stu- who joined together in the aftermath Trump, proposed last Thursday. Here is dents—17, 18 years old, some even of the February 14 mass shooting that one of the President’s infamous tweets: younger—have become a national killed 14 Stoneman Douglas students I will be strongly pushing Comprehensive voice, a powerful voice on the issue of and 3 staff. These young men and Background Checks with an emphasis on gun safety in schools. women have come together to speak up Mental Health. Raise age to 21 and end sale I often wondered when this moment and urge their lawmakers to do some- of Bump Stocks! Congress is in a mood to fi- might occur or whether it would occur. thing about the Nation’s epidemic of nally do something on this issue—I hope! There has been such a long litany and gun violence. The message is starting And I hope as well. string of mass shootings and mas- to resonate. There are proposals that Americans sacres. It is sad to say that there was When Francyn Brown was speaking broadly support. Let’s do something. Of a numbness setting in. When terrible last Wednesday, students at schools course, the NRA is opposed to most of things occurred in places like Las across the Chicagoland area were walk- these. We expected that. These pro- Vegas, Texas, and other States, you ing out of class in solidarity with posals might have some negative im- wondered, is that the event? Will the Stoneman Douglas students. They are pact on gun sales, but is the gun sales killing of those innocent children in all calling for commonsense gun re- lobby now in charge of writing bills for Sandy Hook Elementary School in form. These students don’t have time the Senate and the House? Deferring to Connecticut be the tipping point? Will or patience for political games in the NRA is the reason we have reached America finally say ‘‘enough’’? It ap- Washington or Springfield. They have this moment in history. pears that on this day, 13 days after the seen their friends, kids just like them- Remember, the Senate has held one tragedy in Florida, we are near or at a selves, get shot in their classrooms and gun vote since President Trump came tipping point when it comes to gun neighborhoods. They have had enough. to office, and it was a vote to prevent safety. Francyn Brown said: mental health records from the Social Some of it is very personal. Two It’s not supposed to matter what side of Security Administration from going weeks ago, after this occurred, my 6- the aisle a politician sits. We are supposed to into the FBI’s gun background check year-old granddaughter said to her all protect the future of our children. system. That is the only vote since the mother that she had been warned in I couldn’t agree more. Trump administration took office. It is her first grade classroom that if a These students and young people the only thing we have done here—roll shooter should turn up at school firing across the country are changing the de- back a law on the books on mental a gun, first, she should stay away from bate about gun violence. They are health and background checks. That the windows, and second, she should lie making it clear how absurd it is for was a giveaway to the gun lobby, which down on the floor. I can’t tell you what lawmakers in this Chamber, across the claims to support enforcing the laws on a profound impact that had on me as a rotunda, or in State capitals to do the books but actually tries to roll

VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:51 Feb 27, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G27FE6.004 S27FEPT1 S1226 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE February 27, 2018 back those laws if it means helping to children at Stoneman Douglas High able to protect every citizen against lift their sales. School. First and foremost, why didn’t terrible tragedies like this, but there Let’s show the students at Stoneman Federal and local law enforcement fol- are things we can do that will make Douglas and across the country that we low up on threats and warnings? This things better and that will be effective hear them. I hope we show that reduc- young man, the shooter who took the in changing the outcome and, I believe, ing gun violence is a priority. lives of 17 people, telegraphed in very in saving lives. I call on my Republican colleagues to clear, unmistakable language what he Real solutions require us to look at join the Democrats in a bipartisan ef- intended to do, but the very people why the FBI and local law enforcement fort to treat the issue of gun safety whom we trust and entrust with public failed to respond to multiple warnings. with the sense of urgency that the safety at the Federal and State levels I asked one police officer about this, American people believe is necessary. did not respond. and he said: Well, in America we can’t If Republicans gave a fraction of the ef- We know that the alleged shooter arrest somebody for precrimes. In fort to gun safety that they have to was expelled from school for discipli- other words, we can’t arrest somebody other issues, we could get this done— nary reasons. We know that deputies in for an offense that they haven’t com- and done quickly. There are plenty of Broward County received at least 18 mitted yet. It is perhaps a flaw that is reforms we could pass that are com- calls warning them over the course of exposed in our system when, unfortu- pletely consistent with the Second several years—18 calls. We know about nately, we can’t anticipate who might Amendment and would save lives. Even the disturbing YouTube posts, where commit these terrible offenses and stop President Trump, for the time being, the shooter basically said what he in- them before they commit the act. That has said that he supports them. tend to do and did, in fact, do later. We is a feature of our law enforcement sys- So let’s get started. Not on a give- know that the FBI received many dis- tem, but this isn’t just another job for away to the gun lobby—let’s work on turbing tips from citizens about the law enforcement. There are a lot more closing loopholes. Let’s have universal imminent danger posed by the shooter. people who could contribute to a solu- background checks. Over 90 percent of Another question is whether mental tion here and prevent these incidents the American people believe we should health officials could have done more. from happening beyond law enforce- keep guns out of the hands of convicted We know that this young man had a ment, who are, by our very Constitu- felons and mentally unstable people. I long history of violent outbursts. We tion, structured to investigate and also believe that those who are subject are told that in 2016 he reportedly at- prosecute crimes that have already oc- to protective orders for domestic vio- tempted suicide by drinking gasoline. curred, not to stop them in the first lence should be disqualified from buy- He had been accused of verbal slurs place. I think a fair question to ask is, ing a gun. I would say that those who against racial and religious minorities. What is the role of social media in pre- are on the terrorist watch list, whom We know that Florida has a State venting mass violence? When you have we do not allow to fly on airplanes be- law, as some have advocated at the people basically telling us what they cause of fear that they could do harm Federal level, that permits forced hos- are getting ready to do and posting to others, shouldn’t be allowed to buy pitalization of people in mental health those on social media and nothing guns in the United States. I want to crises, but it seems that in this par- seems to happen as a consequence, it add a provision that straw purchasers— ticular case, mental health workers strikes me that something is terribly the girlfriends with no criminal record concluded that this individual was sta- wrong there. What is the responsibility who buy the weapons to give to the ble at the time they examined him. of these platforms? Well, we know that boyfriends with a long criminal Why and how was that determination Congress has said, for example, that record—ought to have the book thrown made, and why does that stand in such you have a responsibility to police at them. Let’s get to work. stark contrast to the picture that we your platform for things like child por- I want to thank the victims and ad- have been able to draw as a result of all nography. In other words, they can’t be vocates who have worked for many the information that we received since totally oblivious to the things that are years to help reduce the epidemic of this terrible shooting? If law enforce- being posted on these social media gun violence. I want them to know we ment, public health workers, and platforms. They have a responsibility stand with them, and I hope we can all school officials were communicating to intervene in some cases, and maybe stand with them on a bipartisan basis. and coordinating effectively, would it ought to be in more cases. I yield the floor. they have made the same decisions in What options currently exist to re- The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- this case? Could they have made a dif- porting disturbing content online? I be- pore. The majority whip. ference in the outcome? Well, I think lieve in the YouTube video case, it was FIX NICS BILL we need the answers to those ques- someone who actually saw it, was dis- Mr. CORNYN. Mr. President, I heard tions. turbed by it, and then reported it to the remarks of my colleague from Illi- There are two other questions we the FBI. It was not even YouTube itself nois, and I, too, hope that we can get need to answer as well. One is why and that identified it. Of course, they past the rhetoric and the talking how did the shooter have access to fire- would be in the best position to iden- points of the past and actually do arms in the first place? Another is why tify it immediately. It was some third something meaningful when it comes didn’t the school’s armed resource offi- party who happened to see it, was dis- to public safety and address the ter- cer intervene once the shooting began? turbed by it, and contacted the FBI. rible tragedies like the one that oc- All of us are angry at the fact that Tragically, it was never followed up on. curred at Stoneman Douglas High this shooting happened, but that How often are these popular platforms School in Florida just 2 weeks ago. But shouldn’t tempt us into easy solutions reporting to police or Federal authori- we are not going to do it by trotting that at the end of the day wouldn’t ties when people actually threaten to out our laundry lists of requests and make any difference in the outcome commit acts of violence? If there are saying that it has to be all of this or and wouldn’t do any good. That is what holes in the reporting protocol, we nothing because when you say here in we tend to get here in Congress when should close them. Washington—and particularly in Con- we have hard issues like this—easy so- That is why I think this is a systemic gress—‘‘I want everything on my list or lution talking points that lead to no ef- failure. When you look at mental I want nothing,’’ one thing is for sure. fective action. We can’t let that happen health providers, when you look at law You will end up with nothing, and that here. As one columnist put it last enforcement officials, when you look simply is an unacceptable outcome, week, we can’t fall victim to ‘‘the poli- at the schools, when you look at the particularly when it comes to the pub- tics of false hope.’’ social media platforms, when you look lic safety crisis manifested here most The most frequent refrain I hear in at all of this together, I think it begins recently at Stoneman Douglas High Washington after some tragedy like to give us some ideas about things we School in Florida. this occurs is ‘‘We need to do some- can do that may end up saving lives, We know that there were many, thing.’’ Well, we need to do something and we should do them. many failures; you might even call this effective, something that would change Members are discussing many ideas, a systemic failure when it comes to the the likely outcome. We may not be which always happens after a tragedy

VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:51 Feb 27, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G27FE6.005 S27FEPT1 February 27, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S1227 like this, and I am open to a conversa- that would help stem the tide of gun Our colleagues on the Judiciary Com- tion with anyone who shares my desire violence perpetrated by dangerous mittee reported her nomination favor- to take effective action to prevent an- criminals. Well, this is their chance. ably by an overwhelming vote. Con- other one of these tragedies. There is This is our chance. It is our chance to firming this worthy nominee will be a one proposal that has already been in- show the Nation that we refuse to ac- further credit to the outstanding work troduced that has won bipartisan sup- cept shootings in schools and churches of Chairman GRASSLEY and the mem- port and has brought together advo- as the new normal, and we can do that. bers of the committee. cates from all sides. It is really a We can start doing that by passing Fix I encourage all my colleagues to join unique piece of legislation because NICS this week. me in voting to confirm Elizabeth there are not many times that I can Senator SCHUMER, the minority lead- Branch today. Let’s continue to fulfill think of where people who are strong er, said yesterday that he wants to our constitutional responsibility and Second Amendment advocates and peo- wait, even though he is a cosponsor of confirm the President’s outstanding ju- ple who believe there ought to be more the Fix NICS bill. He is a cosponsor of dicial nominees. controls imposed on guns can come to- the bill, but he says that he wants to I suggest the absence of a quorum. gether to find consensus, to find com- wait. He wants to wait and debate The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- mon ground, but we have on a bill other ideas he knows are controversial pore. The clerk will call the roll. called the Fix NICS Act, which I intro- and can’t pass. Of course, that is his The senior assistant legislative clerk duced to strengthen the background right as a Senator, but as I said earlier, proceeded to call the roll. check system. if our attitude is ‘‘I want everything on Mr. YOUNG. Mr. President, I ask It may take a long time to answer all my list or nothing,’’ we are going to unanimous consent that the order for the questions raised by the tragedy in end up with nothing. the quorum call be rescinded. Parkland, but one step we can take I, for one, am not willing to go home The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- right now is to pass the Fix NICS bill. and look my constituents in the face pore. Without objection, it is so or- This bill has the unique quality of and say that we had an opportunity to dered. causing the junior Senator from Con- pass legislation, the Fix NICS bill, f necticut and me to cointroduce this which will save lives in the future and bill. We couldn’t be more ideologically will make sure that existing laws are EXECUTIVE CALENDAR enforced. I will not be able to go home different. He is a Democrat and I am a Mr. YOUNG. Mr. President, I ask Republican, but we have come together and tell them, in good faith, that we have done everything we can in our unanimous consent that the Senate on a bill that does enjoy broad bipar- proceed to the consideration of the fol- tisan support and that, I believe, will power to help save lives. We can do that by passing bipartisan legislation lowing nomination: Executive Calendar save lives. No. 387. This bill was introduced in the wake that could pass today if it were put on the floor and voted on by a super- The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- of the shooting last fall in the small pore. Without objection, it is so or- community near San Antonio called majority of the Senate. I implore our Democratic colleagues dered. Sutherland Springs, TX. As we will re- to change course. Let’s do the art of The clerk will report the nomination. call, a deranged gunman with a crimi- the possible. That is what politics is, The senior assistant legislative clerk nal record and a history of violence and the art of the possible. Let’s do what read the nomination of William mental illness opened fire during a we can immediately to pass Fix NICS Northey, of Iowa, to be Under Sec- Sunday morning church service, kill- and build from there. I am willing to retary of Agriculture for Farm and ing 26 people and wounding 20 more. To work with them. The President is will- Foreign Agricultural Services. add to the tragedy that had already oc- ing to work with them on things like Thereupon, the Senate proceeded to curred, this murderer’s criminal con- bump stocks and the mental health consider the nomination. viction records were never uploaded to failure, trying to make sure that our Mr. YOUNG. Mr. President, I ask the FBI’s National Instant Criminal schools are safer and to make sure that unanimous consent that the Senate Background Check System. When he social media platforms report threats vote on the nomination with no inter- went to purchase firearms, he lied of violence to law enforcement officials vening action or debate; that if con- about his record, and there was nothing so they can be followed up on. firmed, the motion to reconsider be in the criminal background check sys- There are a lot of other things we can considered made and laid upon the tem to show that he lied and thus deny do, but the one thing we can do this table; that the President be imme- him the opportunity to purchase weap- week before we go home is to pass the diately notified of the Senate’s action; ons. This failure to enforce our back- Fix NICS bill and to send it to the that no further motions be in order; ground check law allowed this shooter House and have the President sign it and that any statements relating to to walk into a gun store, pass a back- into law. It will save lives. the nomination be printed in the ground check, and illegally purchase a I yield the floor. RECORD. firearm. RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY LEADER The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- This bipartisan legislation would The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- pore. Without objection, it is so or- tighten the National Instant Back- pore. The majority leader is recog- dered. ground Check System. It is supported nized. The question is, Will the Senate ad- by people all across the political spec- Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, the vise and consent to the Northey nomi- trum. It is even cosponsored by the Senate will soon vote to confirm an- nation? Democratic leader, Senator SCHUMER, other fine candidate to serve on the The nomination was confirmed. and is supported by Everytown for Gun Federal bench. The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- Safety. It has brought together all Yesterday afternoon, we voted to ad- pore. Under the previous order, the mo- sides in the gun debate—leaders on the vance the nomination of Judge Eliza- tion to reconsider is considered made Republican side and Democratic side beth Branch for the Eleventh Circuit and laid upon the table and the Presi- alike. Court of Appeals. Judge Branch has sat dent will be immediately notified of Under current law, mentally ill indi- on the Georgia Court of Appeals since the Senate’s action. viduals and persons convicted of vio- 2012. This follows a fine career that lent crimes are prohibited by current spanned both private practice and pub- f law from purchasing or possessing fire- lic service. EXECUTIVE CALENDAR—Continued arms. This is to make sure that these Judge Branch has previously an- laws are enforced and that criminal swered the call to serve at the Depart- The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- history information is uploaded into ment of Homeland Security, where she pore. The Senator from Utah. the NICS Federal database by State worked as associate general counsel, REMEMBERING FREDERICK DOUGLASS and Federal authorities. and then at the Office of Information Mr. LEE. Mr. President, 200 years ago For years, our colleagues across the and Regulatory Affairs. Her record and this month, a man was born into slav- aisle have said that they want reform qualifications are well known. ery in a cabin not far from here in

VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:51 Feb 27, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G27FE6.006 S27FEPT1 S1228 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE February 27, 2018 Maryland. The child knew his mother through the words of Cicero and Wash- feared punishment. Here, a runaway only briefly; they were cruelly sepa- ington, went on to be history’s most el- slave could make a name for himself, rated when he was young. He knew his oquent witness against slavery. He de- rising to a position of esteem in his father only by the rumors. He didn’t nounced the bloody institution in 1,000 community through his service. Here, a even know the exact day of his birth. speeches and from the pages of his own family could put down roots and flour- Yes, even his birthday—for many of us, abolitionist newspaper, The North ish. that foundational aspect of identity— Star, and he denounced slavery firmly Those are two very different soci- was denied him by the cruel master of from inside the American tradition. eties, guided by very different beliefs. slavery. Like many radical abolitionists, at One is a weak community hiding be- This slave was whipped and beaten. times Frederick Douglass was pro- hind a show of strength. The other is a His days were filled with toil. His foundly ambivalent about his own strong and free community with abso- nights were filled with restless turning country. Indeed, there was a time in lutely nothing to hide. on a packed dirt floor. But that is not his early adulthood when he affirma- Today we are blessedly free from the where the story ends—no, it is only the tively hated the United States, prefer- institution of slavery, but our commu- beginning of the incredible life of Fred- ring disunion to union with nities have their own problems. The erick Douglass, the great abolitionist, slaveholders. But Frederick Douglass American family is in crisis. Our pris- orator, and one of the greatest Ameri- later came to a different conclusion ons are full, and our pews are empty. cans ever to live. As Douglass would about America. When he read the Na- Heroin and opioids enslave millions. later write in his memoirs, ‘‘You have tion’s founding documents, he did not Many more are killed before they even seen how a man was made a slave. You find codified defenses of slavery; to the get the chance to live. shall see how a slave was made a man.’’ contrary, he found that the com- Yes, we have our own battles to fight. For all its terrible might—its blood- promises the Founders had made to In too many ways, we have fallen short hounds and its implements of torture— slavery were meant to undermine that of the high principles upon which our slavery was not built to withstand institution over time, not to sustain it. Nation was built. That ultimately is Frederick Douglass, just as it was not What Douglass found in the Founders why the legacy of Frederick Douglass built to withstand the universal desire was quite different from what he had is so very important. He implored his for freedom that lies within the heart expected to find. He later said: Their generation to heal itself of its greatest of man. message ‘‘is ‘We the people’; not we the disease. He calls upon us to do the Douglass knew that the first step to white people, not even we the citizens, same. freedom was education, so he taught not we the privileged class, not we the Thank you. himself to read in secrecy because high, not we the low, but we the peo- I yield the floor. slaves were punished for learning to ple.’’ I suggest the absence of a quorum. read. Around the time he was 12, he got Douglass was an activist, yes, a mili- The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- hold of an old textbook called ‘‘The Co- tant, yes, who led recruiting drives for pore. The clerk will call the roll. lumbian Orator.’’ Little did Douglass Black soldiers during the Civil War. The assistant bill clerk proceeded to know that around that same time, the But for all of his righteous anger, he call the roll. same textbook was being studied on did not want to cast aside the prin- Mr. PORTMAN. Mr. President, I ask the Illinois prairie by a young man ciples of his country. Douglass knew unanimous consent that the order for named Abraham Lincoln. In that text- that the most powerful antidote to in- the quorum call be rescinded. book, Douglass found speeches by justice was found within the American The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. George Washington and Benjamin tradition, with its insistence on nat- YOUNG). Without objection, it is so or- Franklin—men who revolted against ural rights for all men. dered. Douglass wrote: tyranny to claim their liberty. In that Mr. PORTMAN. Mr. President, I ask book, he also found a fictional dialogue From the first, I saw no chance of unanimous consent that notwith- bettering the condition of the freedman until between a slave and his master where standing the provisions of rule XXII, the master brought forward ‘‘the whole he should cease to be merely a freedman and should become a citizen. . . . The liberties of all postcloture time on the Branch argument in behalf of slavery . . . all the American people [are] dependent upon nomination expire at 4 p.m. today and of which was disposed of by the slave.’’ the -box, the jury-box, and the car- the Senate vote on the nomination Douglass wrote: This exchange ‘‘gave tridge-box; that without these no class of with no intervening action or debate. tongue to interesting thoughts of [his] people could live and flourish in this coun- Finally, if confirmed, the motion to re- soul.’’ It kindled his burning convic- try. consider be considered made and laid tion that slavery was wrong and he Frederick Douglass has many lessons upon the table and the President be im- must escape it. From that moment on, to teach us if we are willing to listen. mediately notified of the Senate’s ac- Douglass was a grave threat to the I would like to highlight just one more, tion. very institution of slavery itself. He which I think is especially relevant to The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without was free in his own mind. us today. objection, it is so ordered. Douglass’ journey ‘‘from the tomb of At the end of his famous autobiog- slavery, to the heaven of freedom’’ raphy, Frederick Douglass contrasted f would go through many dramatic two societies: the slaveholder society RECESS twists and turns before its conclusion. he was born into and the northern soci- Mr. PORTMAN. Mr. President, I ask When a notorious slave breaker tried ety where he was reborn in freedom. to beat him for disobeying orders, The slave society he described was unanimous consent that the Senate Douglass wrestled him into submission. built on force and fraud. Its religion stand in recess as under the previous He insisted on being treated as a man, had been perverted to serve earthly order. and from that day forward, he was idols. Its families were torn apart at There being no objection, the Senate, never whipped again. the auction block. Its workers toiled to at 12:18 p.m., recessed until 2:15 p.m. Douglass’ first attempt at escape was no reward. This society had been and reassembled when called to order a failure, thwarted at the last minute poisoned by its rejection of the Amer- by the Presiding Officer (Mr. by a betrayal of confidence. He did not ican creed, by its insistence that all PORTMAN). fail a second time. In 1938, traveling in men are not created equal. Indeed, it f disguise under an assumed identity, had become an authoritarian society EXECUTIVE CALENDAR—Continued Douglass took a steamboat north to that policed movement, association, the blessedness of freedom. At this even intimacy. And for what? To pro- The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. point in the story, you might expect tect a hideous falsehood. CRUZ). The Senator from Ohio. Douglass to fade from history, to enjoy The free society Douglass described HONORING OFFICERS ANTHONY MORELLI AND a modest and tranquil life with his wife was different. Here, a man could hold ERIC JOERING and his children. But no—the former an honest job, and he worked because Mr. PORTMAN. Mr. President, I slave, who taught himself to read his work was rewarded, not because he would like to talk today about two

VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:51 Feb 27, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G27FE6.007 S27FEPT1 February 27, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S1229 brave Ohioans who were tragically for just 2 months, but it is already wage increases, new jobs, increased in- killed while serving their community helping American workers. vestment, bonuses, benefit increases, and all of us. When it came time to draft tax re- and the list goes on and on. On Saturday, February 10, Ohio lost form legislation, we had one objective, Take utility bills. Lower utility bills two of its finest when Westerville Po- and that was to make hard-working might not be the first result we think lice Officers Anthony Morelli and Eric Americans’ lives better. To accomplish of from tax reform, but tax reform is Joering were fatally shot responding to that, we focused on two important pri- saving utility companies money, and a 9–1-1 call. They rushed to the scene. orities. they are passing those savings on to When they arrived, they were under First, we focused on immediately in- consumers. fire. Officer Joering was killed at the creasing Americans’ take-home pay. Washington, DC, radio station WTOP scene. Officer Morelli died in surgery We lowered tax rates across the board, reports: later that day. we nearly doubled the standard deduc- In a flip-flop related to tax reform, [utility Officer Morelli was a 29-year veteran tion, and we doubled the child tax cred- company] Pepco now says it wants to cut of the Westerville Police Department. it. All of those provisions went into ef- rates instead of raise them. In December and January, the utility an- He leaves behind his wife Linda, their fect on January 1, and by the end of nounced plans to raise rates in D.C. and daughter Beth, and son Chris. Officer this month, according to the IRS, 90 Maryland respectively. . . . But the sweeping Joering was a 16-year veteran of the percent of the American people should Federal tax bill signed into law late last year Westerville Police Department, where see lower paychecks. meant a significant tax savings for the util- he was a K–9 officer partnered with his While immediate relief for hard- ity. As a result, Pepco is now asking the dog Sam. working Americans was crucial, we Maryland Public Service Commission to ap- Eric loved working with Sam, but wanted more than that. We wanted to prove a rate cut. what he really loved were his kids and give the American people access to the That is right—they were talking his wife. His most important job, he kinds of jobs and the kinds of wages about a rate increase, but now they are said, was being a husband and a father. and opportunities that would set them talking about a rate cut in their utility He is survived by his wife Jami and his up for long-term security. We wanted rates. beautiful daughters Eva, Elena, and to give them the kinds of jobs and Take this story from the Daily En- Ella. wages where they wouldn’t be forced to ergy Insider titled ‘‘Federal Tax Cut Both men were loved and respected choose between sending their kids to More Than Reverses Eversource Rate members of the Westerville commu- college and saving for a secure retire- Increase in Massachusetts.’’ nity, and both will be sorely missed. I ment or between paying the mortgage The Daily Energy Insider: had a chance to talk to a number of or medical bills. So in addition to low- Many Eversource Energy electricity cus- tomers in Massachusetts who were expecting their fellow officers, their colleagues, ering the tax burden on Americans di- to see a rate increase this year instead will over the weekend and heard many sto- rectly, we set about improving the see a rate reduction because of the recent ries about them, their bravery, and playing field for American businesses Federal corporate tax cut. their commitment to service. so that we could make things better for ‘‘What was expected to be about a $36 mil- I also had the great honor to meet American workers. lion annual rate increase has turned into a with the families of both of these fallen Needless to say, in order for Amer- $20 million annual decrease,’’ said the Massa- officers over this past weekend in Co- ican workers to thrive, the American chusetts Department of Public Utilities. lumbus, OH. Linda Morelli and Jami economy has to thrive, and that means In my home State of South Dakota, Joering are incredibly strong women that American businesses have to Black Hills Energy in Rapid City is and incredibly strong mothers. I ex- thrive. It is pretty hard for a small working with regulators to pass tax pressed my thanks from all Ohioans for business to hire a new worker or to savings on to South Dakotans. So far, their husbands’ service. I also had a raise wages if the owner can barely pay utility companies in at least 39 States chance to talk to four of the five chil- the tax bill. It is unlikely that an are passing tax savings on to con- dren about their fathers’ exemplary American company is going to have a sumers, and that can be a real help to service; that they had fallen in service lot of spare cash for investing in its family budgets. Everybody knows how to all of us and how much we appre- workforce if it is struggling to compete much gets spent out of every family’s ciated them. with foreign companies that are paying budget on utilities, on energy, and cer- The U.S. Capitol has flags that are far less in taxes. It is unlikely that tainly in my part of the country in flown for special occasions, and two America’s global companies are going South Dakota, with the cold winters, flags were flown in honor of the sac- to focus on reinvesting in the United that is even amplified. It can be a real rifices these two good men made pro- States if they face a tax penalty for help to family budgets, particularly tecting the people of Ohio. bringing foreign earnings back home. families who are living paycheck to Throughout this tragic situation, I So we lowered our Nation’s massive paycheck. In Florida, Florida Power and Light will say the people of Central Ohio and, corporate tax rate, which, up until Company announced that thanks to frankly, across the Nation have January 1, was the highest corporate the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, it will no stepped up in big ways to support and tax rate in the developed world. We longer require its customers to pay a assist these two families. I am encour- lowered tax rates across the board for surcharge for Hurricane Irma restora- aged by the kindness and generosity we owners of small- and medium-sized tion. Instead, the company reports: have seen. businesses, farms, and ranches. We ex- I want to take a moment to just say Florida Power and Light plans to apply panded business owners’ ability to re- federal tax savings toward the $1.3 billion that these two brave officers, Tony Mo- cover investments they make in their cost of Hurricane Irma restoration, which relli and Eric Joering, were the best. businesses, which will free up cash that will save each of Florida Power and Light’s They made the ultimate sacrifice for they can reinvest into their operations 4.9 million customers an average of approxi- all of us. Today, we hold their families and their workers. We brought the U.S. mately $250. up in prayer. international tax system into the 21st Thanks to tax reform, good news for (The remarks of Mr. PORTMAN per- century by replacing our outdated American workers seems to just pour taining to the introduction of S. 2456 worldwide system with a modernized in daily, whether it is lower utility are printed in today’s RECORD under territorial tax system so that Amer- bills, new jobs, bonuses, or, as Blue ‘‘Statements on Introduced Bills and ican businesses are not operating at a Cross and Blue Shield of North Caro- Joint Resolutions.’’) disadvantage next to their foreign com- lina announced last week, lower rate Mr. PORTMAN. I yield back. petitors. increases on health insurance. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- The goal in all of this was to free up I am proud that tax reform is accom- ator from South Dakota. businesses to increase their invest- plishing our goal of making life better TAX REFORM ments in the American economy and in for hard-working Americans, and I look Mr. THUNE. Mr. President, tax re- American workers, and that is exactly forward to seeing even more benefits form is working. The Tax Cuts and what businesses are doing. The list of for American workers in the weeks and Jobs Act has been the law of the land tax reform good news keeps growing— months to come.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:51 Feb 27, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G27FE6.011 S27FEPT1 S1230 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE February 27, 2018 I yield the floor. ment and Budget. Ms. Combs has had a sick person in Las Vegas break a win- Mr. President, I suggest the absence long and successful career both in busi- dow and start mowing down people. He of a quorum. ness and in public service, including as killed some 58 Americans and wounded The PRESIDING OFFICER. The a member of the Texas House of Rep- 500 people within a period of a few min- clerk will call the roll. resentatives, as Texas’s agriculture utes. That was on top of Sandy Hook. The senior assistant legislative clerk commissioner, and as Texas’s comp- It was on top of so many gun slaugh- proceeded to call the roll. troller of public accounts. Her proven ters that, I think, what has finally hap- Mr. DAINES. Mr. President, I ask management track record in public pened—maybe because of the extraor- unanimous consent that the order for service and in business is crucial to dinary efforts of these young people the quorum call be rescinded. making the Department of the Interior from Parkland—the American people The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. more efficient and effective to help en- are saying that enough is enough, that HOEVEN). Without objection, it is so or- sure the responsible stewardship of we have a difficult problem. We may dered. western lands. not be able to solve it completely over- NOMINATIONS OF RYAN NELSON AND SUSAN Both Mr. Nelson’s and Ms. Combs’s night, but we have a moral obligation COMBS nominations have been pending longer to do everything we can to make cer- Mr. DAINES. Mr. President, as chair- than any of their predecessors’—now tain that no more children—no more man of the Senate Western Caucus and listen to this—over the past 25 years. people in this country—are mowed as a Montanan, I am here to urge the This is not just bad governance; it is a down by some sick person with a weap- swift confirmation of two outstanding complete lack of governance. Here is on. nominations to serve in the Depart- the problem. When you have qualified That is not just I who is talking, and ment of the Interior. The first is Ryan individuals like Mr. Nelson and like it is not just the young people from the Nelson, a native of Idaho Falls, ID, as Ms. Combs who wait in this bureau- high school in Florida. It is pretty Solicitor of the Department of the In- cratic limbo for this long, it then puts much what the American people want. terior. The second is Susan Combs, a them in a position to, maybe, find Let me refer the Presiding Officer to a rancher from Big Bend, TX. She is other employment. We need to find the few polls that were conducted fairly re- nominated to be Assistant Secretary best people who are willing to serve in cently. for Policy, Management and Budget. these positions, and we need to give A Quinnipiac poll was done on Feb- Both of these positions are critical to them the respect of moving them ruary 20, just a week ago. This is what managing our public lands and wildlife. through quickly so that we can keep that poll showed. Yet these two well-qualified individ- them with the thought of entering pub- It showed that 97 percent of the uals have been waiting in a bureau- lic service. American people support universal cratic limbo. Mr. Nelson was first nom- Colleagues, it is time to get the job background checks, which is not a rad- inated over 209 days ago, and Ms. done and move these critical nomina- ical idea. What the American people Combs received her first nomination tions across the finish line. are saying and what gun owners are over 231 days ago. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- saying is that we should keep guns out Mr. Nelson is a great choice to serve ator from Vermont. of the hands of people who are not re- as Solicitor. He is a westerner, and he GUN SAFETY sponsible and should not own guns. spends time fishing and hunting with Mr. SANDERS. Mr. President, this Universal background checks are al- his family in Idaho. He understands our morning, I had the opportunity to meet most universally supported by the western way of life, and he has the with some extraordinary young people. American people. work experience to make sure our pub- These were students from Parkland, In that same Quinnipiac poll, 83 per- lic lands are managed and protected in FL, who attend the school where the cent of the American people indicated the right way. mass shooting took place 2 weeks ago. support for a mandatory waiting period His service includes serving as clerk What was amazingly impressive about for all gun purchases. You don’t want on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the these young people is that in the midst somebody who is angry, who is upset, D.C. Circuit, serving as special counsel of their grief, in the midst of the unbe- or who had something terrible happen for the Senate Committee on the Judi- lievably traumatic experience that to go running to a gun store, buying a ciary and as Deputy Assistant Attor- they went through in seeing their best gun, and then going out and using it. ney General in the Environment and friends being shot and wounded in cold There are 75 percent who, basically, Natural Resources Division of the De- blood and their teachers killed, they want the Congress to address the issue partment of Justice. resolved not just to mourn and grieve of gun violence and to start taking ac- At the Department of Justice, he for their friends and neighbors; they re- tion. worked to defend vital Federal pro- solved to stand up and fight back and There are 67 percent of the people grams and oversaw many complex come to Washington, go to Tallahassee, polled by Quinnipiac who support a na- cases involving our natural resources, FL, and go around the country to do tionwide ban on the sale of assault wildlife, and environment. He also everything they can to make certain weapons. They believe and I believe compelled polluters to limit harmful that no more children—no more young that assault weapons are designed as emissions into the air and worked with people—are mowed down and slaugh- military weapons to kill human beings. then-Solicitor of the Department of the tered in schools. That is what those weapons are de- Interior David Bernhardt on the listing Nobody thinks that the issue of gun signed to do. I believe and have be- decision for the polar bear. Like Mr. safety is going to be an easy issue to lieved for 30 years—and a majority of Bernhardt, Ryan is capable of uphold- solve. There are literally hundreds of the American people believe—that we ing the law and the science, even when millions of guns throughout this coun- should end the sale and distribution of it is not easy. try, and there are 5 million assault those weapons. That was in a If you want someone who values con- weapons throughout this country Quinnipiac poll. servation, who knows the appropriate today. Tragically, there are many According to a CNN poll that was use of laws, like the Antiquities Act thousands of people, I expect in every done more recently, just a few days ago and the Endangered Species Act, then State in this country, who are walking on February 25, 70 percent of the Amer- Ryan is your guy. The Department of our streets and are at their wits end ican people want stricter gun laws. the Interior needs Ryan’s expertise to emotionally, who are suicidal, who are This is the highest number that CNN help make the best decisions possible homicidal. Many of those people have has registered since way back when the for the benefit of our natural resources access to guns and guns of mass de- Brady Bill passed, in 1993. and the people and wildlife living struction. I think that in some re- According to CNN, 87 percent support around them. His confirmation must be spects, the slaughter at the high school laws to prevent convicted felons and prioritized. in Parkland, FL, was kind of the straw the mentally ill from owning guns. Ms. Combs is also exactly the right that broke the camel’s back. There are 71 percent who support ban- person for the job to serve as the As- Several months ago, the American ning anyone under the age of 21 from sistant Secretary for Policy, Manage- people were stunned to see some very buying a gun. There are 63 percent who

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:32 Feb 28, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G27FE6.013 S27FEPT1 February 27, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S1231 support a ban on the sale and posses- We are at a moment when the Amer- Net neutrality is not and should not sion of high-capacity magazines. There ican people have had it up to here. be a partisan issue. I thank Senator are 57 percent who support an assault They do not want to turn on their TVs SUSAN COLLINS for supporting my CRA, weapons ban, and 56 percent say that tomorrow or next week or next month and I encourage other Republican col- stricter gun laws would reduce gun-re- and see the horrible, unspeakable leagues to stand with all of us who sup- lated deaths. things that we have seen in schools port net neutrality. We are just one We have a difficult issue which is not throughout this country. vote away in the Senate from restoring going to be solved overnight, and no- At this particular moment in his- net neutrality. There will be a vote body thinks that it will. Yet the Amer- tory, I hope that in a bipartisan way right here on the floor of the Senate ican people are demanding that we we can come together and do what the sometime this spring. The clock is have the courage to stand up to the American people want us to do, which ticking. We just need a simple major- NRA and finally take some action that is to pass commonsense gun safety leg- ity for passage, and that is just one will move us in the right direction. Let islation that is supported by the over- more vote. me just suggest some of the ways I be- whelming majority of the American When we take that vote, every one of lieve we should go forward in a bipar- people. my colleagues will have to answer the tisan way. Thank you. simple question: Whose side are you Once again, the American people be- I yield the floor. on? Do you stand with hard-working lieve and I believe in universal back- I suggest the absence of a quorum. American families for whom the inter- ground checks. That means, among The PRESIDING OFFICER. The net is essential or do you stand with other things, ending the so-called gun clerk will call the roll. the Big Money corporate interests and show loophole, because background The assistant bill clerk proceeded to their army of lobbyists? We should all checks don’t mean anything if some- call the roll. be on the right side of history. body can go to a gun show or on the Mr. MARKEY. Mr. President, I ask Millennials are motivated. Momen- internet and buy weapons without un- unanimous consent that the order for tum is building. Citizens are joining to- dergoing any background check. Over- the quorum call be rescinded. gether demonstrating, writing letters, whelmingly, the American people say The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without calling their Members of Congress, and that before somebody is able to pur- objection, it is so ordered. taking this message to social media. chase a gun, we need to know: Is the NET NEUTRALITY They are joined by groups that include person a killer? Is he a person who has Mr. MARKEY. Mr. President, I would Fight for the Future, Demand engaged in domestic violence? Is he like to speak on behalf of my constitu- Progress, Free Press, the Center for somebody who has a history of mental ents and the tens of millions of Ameri- Digital Technology, the Center for health problems? If that is the case, cans who rely on a free and open inter- Media Justice, Color of Change, Com- that person should not be buying a gun. net. mon Cause, Consumers Union, Engine, I think serious gun safety legislation Make no mistake, we are locked in a the National Hispanic Media Coalition, must include addressing the so-called historic battle to preserve the core the Open Technology Institute, Public straw man purchases. This is a provi- principles of competition, innovation, Knowledge, and many others out across sion by which people can legally go to and consumer choice that have made the country that are organizing right gun shops, buy the weapons that they the internet the world’s greatest plat- now as part of an effort that is going to want, but then they are going to sell form for commerce and communica- bring millions of voices into the offices those weapons or distribute those tions; a historic battle to restore the of every Senator and every House weapons to people who should not be hallmark of American innovation and Member in our country. owning those weapons and who could This fight is not limited to the Halls democratization; a historic battle to not have purchased those weapons on of Congress. We are seeing a historic protect America’s innovation incu- their own. I have indicated it is my groundswell of activity at the State bator and job generator—a battle for view that we should ban assault weap- and local level. The Governors in Ha- net neutrality. ons in this country—weapons that are waii, New Jersey, Vermont, Montana, In December, the Trump FCC, the designed for no other purpose but to and New York have issued executive Federal Communications Commission, kill human beings. orders promoting net neutrality. Furthermore, I think it is clear that eliminated net neutrality. These rules State legislatures in more than half we are a nation that is facing a mental prevented your internet service pro- of the United States are currently con- health crisis. I know that in my of- vider—Comcast, Verizon, AT&T, and sidering net neutrality legislation. fice—and I expect in the offices of Charter—from indiscriminately charg- Just today, 76 mayors across the Na- other Senators—we get calls all of the ing more for internet fast lanes or tion signed a letter opposing net neu- time from people who say: I am worried slowing down or even blocking certain trality repeal, and 23 State attorneys about my husband. I am worried about websites entirely, the very rules that general have filed suit to reinstate the my brother. He is at his wits end. I allow inventors, entrepreneurs, and rule, and we plan to stand by them don’t know what he is going to do to small businesses, the lifeblood of the throughout this entire battle, in the himself or what he is going to do to American economy, to connect to the court and out here on the floor of Con- somebody else. We have been searching internet. gress. for mental health treatment, but we The reason why is simple. The Trump We cannot let net neutrality be an- cannot find anything that is available administration sides with the rich and other example of Congress disregarding now or that we can afford. the powerful first and consistently puts public opinion and putting donor inter- I believe we should be moving for- everyday American lives last. We have ests first. Net neutrality is our 21st ward to pass legislation which says seen them wage an all-out assault on century right, and we will fight to pro- that Americans who suffer today from healthcare, on climate change, and now tect it. In fact, 83 percent of all Ameri- mental health crises should be able to on net neutrality, but today the inter- cans in polling say they want to pro- get the mental healthcare they need net is fighting back, and we have a tect net neutrality. By the way, that is now, not 2 months from now, because 2 powerful tool at our disposal that will pretty much every millennial, because months from now may be too late. allow the average consumer to have for millennials, the internet is like ox- We also need to address the fact that, their voices heard right here on the ygen. I will say that if you are 35 years every year, women are being killed by floor of the U.S. Senate. old or younger, the poll is at pretty their husbands or their boyfriends and Today I am officially introducing a close to 100 percent. that if somebody is a stalker, if some- CRA—Congressional Review Act—reso- I can see all the pages nodding their body is convicted of domestic violence, lution that will fully restore net neu- heads as I am speaking. They know no if somebody is under a restraining trality. The entire Senate Democratic life without a device that they are car- order, we should be clear that that per- caucus is now standing with the mil- rying around. This is the world in son should not be owning a gun. This is lions of Americans who want to reverse which we are living, and they do not just some of what I think needs to be the FCC’s partisan actions and restore want to have any discrimination intro- done. net neutrality. duce itself into the relationship they

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:20 Feb 28, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G27FE6.016 S27FEPT1 S1232 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE February 27, 2018 have between the internet and their for operation only by the authorized scourge of gun violence. Like genera- ability to control their own lives. That user. That means, unless you are au- tions past, this one is making the is what the battle is all about, those thorized by fingerprint or other tech- change they want to see in our society. nodding heads of the pages in the well nology, you will not be able to fire that So, to them, let me say: I hear you. of the Senate. Those are the people handgun. If we can do it for an iPhone, I am with you, and I will fight with you who are going to be making a dif- we should be able to do it for a hand- to ensure that not one more student ference, the millennials, the generation gun so that if a child gets ahold of a has to endure what you did, not one Z young people who want this to be gun, if it is not their thumb, they can- more person has to be damaged because open for entrepreneurial activity and not fire it. If someone steals a gun we did not put the laws on the books for democracy. from a home, it will not work because that should have been there to prevent GUN VIOLENCE it will not be their thumb that is on this harm from occurring. I will fight Mr. President, I also want to speak the barrel of that gun. That is ulti- with you to ensure that this does not for a few moments about the epidemic mately a way to reduce dramatically happen in one more school in our coun- of gun violence in our country. Almost the amount of harm we see in our try. 2 weeks ago, a 19-year-old armed with country. That is our challenge. That is the an AR–15 semiautomatic rifle entered We must also ban these military- goal we should set. That is what should Marjory Stoneman Douglas High style assault weapons like the AR–15, be the agenda here on the floor of the School in Parkland, FL, and killed 14 which are the guns of choice for those Senate in 2018. who seek to inflict mass casualties on I yield the floor. students and 3 teachers, and 14 others The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- civilians. These are weapons that be- were injured. Time and again, we have ator from Arizona. seen this tragedy play out and time long in combat, not in our commu- NO-FLY LIST GUN LEGISLATION and again we are seeing Congress fail nities. We must also pass legislation to en- Mr. FLAKE. Mr. President, I rise to act. today in support of bipartisan legisla- Each year we lose 33,000 American sure that all gun purchases include a tion aimed at ensuring that those indi- lives due to gun violence. In instances background check. In fact, 97 percent viduals who are on the Department of of disease, illness, natural disaster, of all Americans now support expanded Homeland Security’s no-fly list are this level of widespread death would be background checks—97 percent of all Americans. No one should be able to likewise not able to have access to met with immediate and meaningful guns. I just met with several of the stu- purchase a gun through Facebook or action by Congress. Yet we continually dents from the shooting at the school Instagram without a background abdicate our moral responsibility when in Florida and heard the very compel- check. Instagram should not mean it comes to gun violence prevention. ling case they have made to take this ‘‘Instagun,’’ with no background check. We don’t have to accept this epidemic issue seriously and do what we can on That is crazy. That is crazy. You can of gun violence in our country. It is not a commonsense basis to make it more go on Instagram and buy a gun without preordained. It is preventable. difficult for those who shouldn’t have a background check. That is crazy in So what should Congress do? guns to have guns. First, we should allow public health America in 2018. Regardless of what happened in Flor- researchers to study the causes of gun We have the capacity to quickly do ida these past couple of weeks, this is violence so they can find solutions to background checks to be able to find a measure we should have taken before. this public health crisis. Right now, out whether somebody should be able It has been brought to the floor of the zero dollars are spent at the Centers to purchase a gun. It is crazy not to Senate, and it has received majority for Disease Control and Prevention on have that kind of a system put in support here. I think it is simply com- gun violence prevention research. That place. mon sense that someone who is not is because since 1996, an appropriations If you can buy a gun on Instagram, permitted to fly in this country and is rider has prohibited the Centers for we should be able to check online considered by the Federal Government Disease Control from advocating or whether or not that person, in fact, to be a potential threat to national se- promoting gun control. should be allowed legally to purchase curity should not be allowed to pur- Just last week, Secretary of Health the gun. chase a firearm. and Human Services Alex Azar said he Let’s close the gun show loophole, as The no-fly list and the selectee list would not let the rider impede the well as the one that allows someone on that we are talking about is composed CDC’s research into the causes of gun the terrorist watch list to purchase a of those who are not allowed to fly. violence. So there is no reason now not weapon. Let’s close the loophole that With the selectee list, it is those who to fully fund this critical research allows domestic abusers to buy guns. require additional screening. These are agenda. Let’s close the loophole that allows both narrowly tailored, defined, tar- I have introduced legislation to fund straw purchasers to buy guns and flood geted lists. research into the causes and preven- our streets with them. Let’s ban bump This restriction would affect just a tion of gun violence. My bill now has 32 stocks. Let’s repeal the Protection of small number of people, all of whom cosponsors in the Senate. I urge my Lawful Commerce in Arms Act, or would be afforded due process under colleagues on both sides of the aisle to PLCAA, and take away the gun manu- the Constitution. Those who find them- cosponsor this commonsense bill. It is facturers’ immunity from civil liabil- selves on either of these lists would long past time that we treat gun vio- ity. These are sensible steps. have the authority to challenge that lence like the public health emergency What is not sensible is hoping that designation, and the onus would be on it is, but we must also keep guns out of thoughts and prayers will prevent the the government, not the individual; the the hands of those who should not have next shooting. This generation of onus would be on the government to them. young people recognize this truth, and justify the classification and to prove Currently, anyone can use a handgun that is why they are leading this chil- that they should not be allowed to pur- in America—whether it is the gun’s dren’s crusade. They are picking up chase a firearm. These are strong, ro- owner, a thief, or, tragically, a young microphones and raising their voices. bust, due process protections that child, but it doesn’t have to be this They are saying enough is enough. It is would make sure that these restric- way. Technology exists now that can my hope that this might just be the tions are constitutionally sound. authorize handgun use only by its movement that pushes Republican This bill also adds another layer of owner. In the 21st century, we have to leaders, once and for all, to take action safety for citizens from those who use advances in technology to our ad- on gun violence and make the NRA would do us harm, ensuring that any- vantage, and we can save lives by using stand for ‘‘not relevant anymore’’ in one who has been denied the right to it. American politics. This is the time for fly cannot purchase a weapon without That is why I used the opportunity to that to take place on the Senate floor. at least undergoing additional scru- introduce smart gun legislation that This generation of young people is tiny. It simply stands to reason that if will require all handguns manufactured rising up, and they are demanding that we fear that someone may use our com- in the United States to be personalized we protect this country from the mercial airlines as a weapon or to

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:20 Feb 28, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G27FE6.017 S27FEPT1 February 27, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S1233 harm those on board, we should not that she will be an excellent court of consider is considered made and laid allow that same person to purchase a appeals judge. I am pleased to support upon the table and the President will weapon without additional scrutiny. her nomination today. be immediately notified of the Senate’s I encourage my colleagues to review Mr. FLAKE. I suggest the absence of action. this bipartisan legislation and to join a quorum. f me, along with Senator COLLINS and a The PRESIDING OFFICER. The number of our colleagues here—a bipar- clerk will call the roll. CLOTURE MOTION The bill clerk proceeded to call the tisan group of Senators—in supporting The PRESIDING OFFICER. Pursuant roll. this commonsense piece of legislation. to rule XXII, the Chair lays before the I hope we will have a debate on some Mr. WICKER. Mr. President, I ask Senate the pending cloture motion, of these measures. I will be talking in unanimous consent that the order for which the clerk will state. the coming days about some of the the quorum call be rescinded. The senior assistant legislative clerk other measures that we ought to take The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. read as follows: to make sure that we don’t put guns in FLAKE). Without objection, it is so or- the hands of those who shouldn’t have dered. CLOTURE MOTION them. Under the previous order, all We, the undersigned Senators, in accord- My heart goes out to those in Flor- postcloture time is expired. ance with the provisions of rule XXII of the ida, and my vote will go here to meas- The question is, Will the Senate ad- Standing Rules of the Senate, do hereby ures that will make schools safer. vise and consent to the Branch nomi- move to bring to a close debate on the nomi- I yield the floor. nation? nation of Russell Vought, of Virginia, to be Mr. WICKER. Mr. President, I ask for Deputy Director of the Office of Management Mr. GRASSLEY. Mr. President, and Budget. today the Senate is voting to confirm the yeas and nays. Mitch McConnell, Pat Roberts, Roy Judge Elizabeth Branch to serve as a The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there a Blunt, Shelley Moore Capito, Thom U.S. circuit court judge for the Elev- sufficient second? Tillis, Richard Burr, Roger F. Wicker, enth Circuit. Judge Branch was favor- There appears to be a sufficient sec- Mike Crapo, Orrin G. Hatch, John Bar- ably reported out of the Judiciary ond. rasso, Johnny Isakson, Michael B. Committee on a 19–2 bipartisan vote. The clerk will call the roll. Enzi, John Boozman, Mike Rounds, She has broad bipartisan support from The assistant bill clerk called the James M. Inhofe, John Thune, Lindsey her home State of Georgia. The Amer- roll. Graham. Mr. CORNYN. The following Senators ican Bar Association rated Judge The PRESIDING OFFICER. By unan- Branch as unanimously well-qualified. are necessarily absent: the Senator imous consent, the mandatory quorum If the Senate confirms Judge Branch, from Arizona (Mr. MCCAIN), the Sen- call has been waived. as I am confident it will, she will be ator from South Dakota (Mr. ROUNDS), The question is, Is it the sense of the the fourth woman confirmed by the and the Senator from Alaska (Mr. SUL- Senate that debate on the nomination Senate to the Federal courts of appeals LIVAN). of Russell Vought, of Virginia, to be Mr. DURBIN. I announce that the in the 115th Congress, three more than Deputy Director of the Office of Man- Senator from Alabama (Mr. JONES) is the one woman confirmed at this point agement and Budget, shall be brought necessarily absent. in President Obama’s first term. to a close? The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. Judge Branch’s judicial career and The yeas and nays are mandatory JOHNSON) broad range of legal experiences have . Are there any other Senators under the rule. well prepared her to serve on the Elev- in the Chamber desiring to vote? The clerk will call the roll. The result was announced—yeas 73, enth Circuit. Judge Branch was ap- The senior assistant legislative clerk nays 23, as follows: pointed to the Georgia Court of Ap- called the roll. [Rollcall Vote No. 38 Ex.] peals in 2012. In her time on the appel- Mr. CORNYN. The following Senators late bench, she has participated in over YEAS—73 are necessarily absent: the Senator 1,500 cases. Before joining the bench, Alexander Feinstein Moran from Arizona (Mr. MCCAIN), the Sen- Judge Branch spent several years in Baldwin Fischer Murkowski Barrasso Flake Nelson ator from South Dakota (Mr. ROUNDS). private practice. She also served in Bennet Gardner Paul Mr. DURBIN. I announce that the government, including her role as a top Blunt Graham Perdue Senator from Alabama (Mr. JONES) is lawyer for the Department of Home- Boozman Grassley Portman Burr Hassan necessarily absent. land Security. Judge Branch received Risch The PRESIDING OFFICER. Are there Capito Hatch Roberts her B.A. from Davidson College and her Cardin Heitkamp Rubio any other Senators in the Chamber de- Carper Heller J.D. from Emory. After law school, Sasse siring to vote? Judge Branch clerked for Judge Owen Casey Hirono Cassidy Hoeven Scott The yeas and nays resulted—yeas 49, Forrester on the U.S. District Court for Cochran Inhofe Shaheen nays 48, as follows: Shelby the Northern District of Georgia. Collins Isakson [Rollcall Vote No. 39 Ex.] As I noted earlier, if confirmed, Coons Johnson Smith Corker Kaine Tester YEAS—49 Judge Branch will become the fourth Thune Cornyn Kennedy Alexander Fischer Paul female circuit court judge confirmed Tillis Cotton King Barrasso Flake Perdue Crapo Toomey under President Trump. Her confirma- Klobuchar Blunt Gardner Portman Cruz Lankford Van Hollen tion puts her in good company, joining Boozman Graham Risch Daines Leahy Warner a class of first-rate female jurists and Burr Grassley Roberts Donnelly Lee Whitehouse Capito Hatch Rubio legal scholars. She will join a group Durbin Manchin Wicker Cassidy Heller Sasse that includes: Seventh Circuit Judge Enzi McCaskill Young Cochran Hoeven Scott Ernst McConnell Collins Inhofe Amy Coney Barrett, a former professor Shelby Corker Isakson at Notre Dame University Law School NAYS— 23 Sullivan Cornyn Johnson Thune and law clerk to Justice Scalia; Tenth Blumenthal Heinrich Sanders Cotton Kennedy Circuit Judge Allison Eid, a former Booker Markey Schatz Crapo Lankford Tillis Colorado Supreme Court Justice and Brown Menendez Schumer Cruz Lee Toomey Cantwell Merkley Wicker law clerk to Justice Thomas; and Sixth Stabenow Daines McConnell Cortez Masto Murphy Udall Enzi Moran Young Circuit Judge Joan Larsen, another Duckworth Murray Warren Ernst Murkowski clerk of Justice Scalia and former Gillibrand Peters Wyden Michigan Supreme Court justice. I am Harris Reed NAYS—48 confident that Judge Branch will serve NOT VOTING—4 Baldwin Carper Feinstein Bennet Casey Gillibrand as an excellent addition to this out- Jones Rounds Blumenthal Coons Harris standing class of female circuit court McCain Sullivan Booker Cortez Masto Hassan judges. The nomination was confirmed. Brown Donnelly Heinrich Judge Branch’s impressive back- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under Cantwell Duckworth Heitkamp Cardin Durbin Hirono ground and bipartisan support suggest the previous order, the motion to re-

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:20 Feb 28, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G27FE6.019 S27FEPT1 S1234 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE February 27, 2018 Kaine Murphy Smith She met fellow Fulbright scholar Le Guin, her life and her legacy. Her King Murray Stabenow Klobuchar Nelson Tester Charles Le Guin on her way there, and pioneering writing is going to continue Leahy Peters Udall they were married shortly thereafter. to make readers challenge their con- Manchin Reed Van Hollen The pair returned to the United ceptions and contemplate their role in Markey Sanders Warner States and ultimately settled in Or- this enormously vast universe for dec- McCaskill Schatz Warren Menendez Schumer Whitehouse egon in the late 1950s, when her hus- ades to come. Her long career’s worth Merkley Shaheen Wyden band took a job at Portland State Uni- of great works will be treasured far NOT VOTING—3 versity. She focused on the couple’s into the future. I especially appreciate three children and on her writing, re- Jones McCain Rounds the opportunity to recognize the ex- turning to science fiction with traordinary work of a woman who did The PRESIDING OFFICER. On this ‘‘Rocannon’s World’’ in 1966. Two years so much to promote writing and at- vote, the yeas are 49, the nays are 48. later, she published ‘‘A Wizard of tract young readers at home in Oregon The motion is agreed to. Earthsea,’’ the first in a series of high- and the chance to have been able to f ly acclaimed fantasy novels that have recognize Ursula Le Guin today before EXECUTIVE CALENDAR remained in print to the delight of mil- the U.S. Senate. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The lions. I yield the floor. clerk will report the nomination. I can’t imagine it is an easy feat for I suggest the absence of a quorum. The senior assistant legislative clerk any author to create an entire universe The PRESIDING OFFICER. The read the nomination of Russell Vought, that sticks in the minds of readers for clerk will call the roll. of Virginia, to be Deputy Director of generations. In building Earthsea, Mrs. The bill clerk proceeded to call the the Office of Management and Budget. Le Guin joined that elite group of fic- roll. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- tion writers, like Tolkien and C.S. Mr. WHITEHOUSE. Mr. President, I ator from Maine. Lewis, who have done just that. ask unanimous consent that the order (The remarks of Ms. COLLINS and Mr. More impressively, she used her writ- for the quorum call be rescinded. HEINRICH pertaining to the introduc- ing to push back against social injus- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without tion of S. 2458 are printed in today’s tices and social constraints. She wrote objection, it is so ordered. Mr. WHITEHOUSE. Mr. President, I RECORD under ‘‘Statements on Intro- about environmental destruction, duced Bills and Joint Resolutions.’’) about feminism and gender inequality, ask unanimous consent to speak for up The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- about racism, about war and peace. She to 20 minutes as in morning business. ator from Oregon. wrote about women protagonists and The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without objection, it is so ordered. REMEMBERING URSULA K. LE GUIN about non-White heroes when they Mr. WYDEN. Mr. President, I rise were even less commonly highlighted CLIMATE CHANGE today to honor the extraordinary life than they are today. She wrote about Mr. WHITEHOUSE. Mr. President, I and work of one of Oregon’s finest, Ur- multidimensional characters and oth- am here for my 198th ‘‘Time to Wake sula K. Le Guin, who, after a long life, ers who sought to better themselves Up’’ speech with my increasingly dog- passed away in my hometown of Port- and their societies rather than bend eared and beaten chart. land on January 22 at the age of 88. others to their will. My last two speeches focused on, You would have a tough time over- The more Mrs. Le Guin wrote, the shall we say, the peculiar role two of stating Mrs. Le Guin’s impact on more people would read, and the more this country’s largest trade associa- American literature, particularly on the awards started to pile up. She tions play on climate change. They the genres of fantasy and science fic- racked up awards in the course of her have dozens and dozens of member tion. She didn’t invent science fiction career like few authors have—multiple companies that support action on cli- or fantasy literature, but what she did, Hugo, Nebula, and Locus Awards, a Na- mate change. Renewable energy now in true Oregon fashion, is redefine tional Book Award, a Newbery Medal, provides more jobs than fossil fuels and them. and a Pushcart Prize. In 1977, she was lots of American manufacturing. Yet Millions of school children in Oregon shortlisted for the Pulitzer Prize. the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and the and around the world know her best as She twice won the Hugo and Nebula National Association of Manufacturers the author of the unforgettable Awards in the same year, for 1969’s spend millions and millions of dollars Earthsea series. She also wrote essays, ‘‘The Left Hand of Darkness’’ and in lobbying Congress against climate ac- poetry, and short stories throughout 1974 for ‘‘The Dispossessed.’’ tion, against renewables, and in favor her life. To the end, she fiercely re- I would be here until next week if I of the fossil fuel industry. Go figure. sisted the constant attempts to pigeon- tried to list all of her achievements, In 2016, Senator WARREN and I sur- hole her as a sci-fi author. but because we have a rule in the veyed the 108 companies on the cham- Over five decades, she upended con- Wyden household against filibustering ber of commerce’s board, and we ventions, shattered ceilings, and in- friends, let me just say that in 2000, the couldn’t find a single one that would spired generations of readers and au- Library of Congress made official what endorse the chamber’s anti-climate thors. She is going to be missed, even all of Oregon had long known. It de- lobbying—not one. Many of these com- as her legacy lives on. clared that Ursula Le Guin was a ‘‘Liv- panies had very public pro-climate po- Ursula Le Guin was born Ursula ing Legend’’ for her contributions to sitions. None said they had even been Kroeber on October 21, 1921, in Berke- American literature. consulted by the chamber about the ley, CA. Her parents were both success- The fact is, we love our bookstores, chamber’s anti-climate crusade. ful anthropologists who encouraged and I very often kid Michael Powell The U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s war their kids to think and to question. Ex- and my wife Nancy that they are the on climate action isn’t just in lobbying posed to mythology and science fiction LeBron James and Damian Lillard of Congress. It also spends tens of mil- at an early age, she soon grew tired of bookstores. The fact is, Mrs. Le Guin lions of dollars in elections, using po- what she would later describe as White has been in demand in bookstores and litical attack ads to sink pro-climate men and soldiers going forth and con- libraries for decades, and she has al- candidates. So I asked in my last quering the universe. ways been sharing that wisdom in her speeches: Why? Why does the chamber A shy young woman, she escaped the books with visitors near and far. and NAM advance the special interests anxieties of adolescence by reading au- Thanks to her example and her influ- of the fossil fuel industry, opposing cli- thors like Austen, Shelley, and Tolstoy ence, generations of women writers mate action, ignoring their own pro- in her local public library. She went on have blazed new trails and defied old climate members, and turning their to Radcliffe College, graduating Phi dogmas. backs on the whole renewable energy Beta Kappa in 1951. She earned a mas- As a dad who knows full well the im- and green technology economy? Why, ter’s degree from Columbia University portance of reading in a child’s life, indeed. the following year and won a pres- this is really a special honor today to Well, today I would like to talk tigious Fulbright scholarship to con- be able to stand before this distin- about a fossil fuel trade association— tinue her studies in Paris. guished body and remember Ursula K. the American Petroleum Institute,

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:20 Feb 28, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A27FE6.003 S27FEPT1 February 27, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S1235 API. API is a slightly different beast on carbon emissions would be bad for is great. Have your front group do your than the chamber and NAM. It rep- the economy. dirty work for you, fill your websites resents the oil and gas industry. You On the issue of methane flaring, API with happy assurances, while you let wouldn’t expect it to care about renew- out front led the charge against De- API loose on Washington to crush any able energy or green technology. API’s partment of the Interior and Environ- pro-climate policies that might actu- policy positions should align with the mental Protection Agency rules. Its ally reduce carbon emissions and big oil companies it represents, but it lobbying campaign has paid off, as two threaten your bottom line. gets complicated. It gets complicated of Trump’s fossil fuel stooges, Interior Hypocrisy? Yes, but then hypocrisy is because the big oil companies all claim Secretary Ryan Zinke and EPA Admin- famously the tribute vice pays to vir- to support action on climate change. istrator Scott Pruitt, are busily trying tue. I suppose it is at least a start. It Here is what ExxonMobil claims: ‘‘The to dismantle these rules. Luckily, they is a sign that we have reached the risk of climate change is clear and the are not very bright about it, and courts point where Big Oil recognizes the need risk warrants action.’’ keep upending their schemes. to try to at least look virtuous. That is In 2009, then-Exxon CEO Rex Let’s look at the lobbying. Big Oil a start, but it still leaves us with this Tillerson said the company supported a money provides much of API’s power in huge disconnect between the pro-cli- price on carbon. That is supposedly the Halls of Congress. API has spent mate policies the big oil companies ExxonMobil’s position today. over $100 million lobbying the Federal claim to support and their American Here is Shell on carbon pricing: ‘‘The Government, and apparently its lob- Petroleum Institute’s relentless anti- transition to low-carbon solutions is bying goes against the wishes as stated climate lobbying. best underpinned by meaningful gov- by its biggest clients, the four oil ma- Remember, throughout the oil indus- ernment-led carbon ‘pricing’ mecha- jors. If you look, there is a big bump up try’s decades-long campaign against nisms.’’ in 2009 and here through 2016—the climate action, they knew all along. On the Paris Agreement, Exxon pub- Obama years—when they wanted to go Exxon knew decades ago about the ef- licly supported the Paris Agreement, in and stop all kinds of progress on cli- fects of carbon , but they as did Chevron, as did Shell, as did BP. mate change. worked through an elaborate web of In addition, BP and Shell signed on to In this building, we all know per- front groups to propagate doubt and an initiative to eliminate methane fectly well that API is not here lob- denial about the science they knew. flaring. bying for a price on carbon. We know Shell knew too. In 1991, Shell even So summing up, all of the major oil perfectly well that if a Republican were produced a documentary warning about companies supported the Paris Agree- to say, ‘‘I am for a price on carbon,’’ or the serious threat climate change ment. Three out of four, including sign on to a bill, they would probably posed to the future of civilization. De- ExxonMobil—the big kahuna—publicly get a visit from API saying, ‘‘Whoa, spite acknowledging this threat, Shell, support putting a price on carbon emis- not so fast there, partner.’’ We know like Exxon, continued to fund API and sions, and two of them even support perfectly well that they are not in this other front groups that sought to mis- eliminating methane flaring. building lobbying for the Paris accord. lead the public about climate change So where is the American Petroleum So why the discrepancy? Is it pos- and opposed climate action here in Institute on these policies? Let’s start sible that all of this money—$100 mil- Congress. with the Paris Agreement. API funds a lion—is being thrown around without group called the American Council on the approval of the big oil companies? Exxon’s trade group—this American Capital Formation, which, along with Has the American Petroleum Institute Petroleum Institute—also knew. They the Chamber of Commerce, funded the sort of gone off on its own, off the knew of the reality of climate change. debunked study claiming that the leash, free range, running away from They knew it was caused by carbon Paris Agreement would cause massive the oil companies? It is a puzzlement, emissions from fossil fuels, and they job losses and huge costs. This de- this vast gulf between the pro-climate knew of the danger it poses. Way back bunked report was cited by President policies the oil majors say they support in 1959—almost 60 years ago—API was Trump as justification for withdrawing and the anti-climate policies the API warned by an eminent scientist that if from the Paris accord. So API funded lobbyists support. we kept burning fossil fuels, we would the report used as a basis for with- I said one possibility is, Big Oil increase the concentration of carbon drawal—but wait. It gets better. The doesn’t know how its lobbying money dioxide in the atmosphere. Back in authors of this API-funded study are is being spent. Maybe those CEOs have 1959, they were warned. The prediction the same two characters API hired way lost control of their own trade associa- they received was that it would warm back in 1997 and 1998 to write similar tion and don’t even know it. I mean, the atmosphere, melt the icecaps, and reports critical of the Kyoto Protocol. after all, around here, who pays atten- submerge coastal cities and towns, as The Kyoto Protocol, of course, was vio- tion to their own lobbying operation, we are beginning to see along the Flor- lently opposed in the Senate by the fos- anyway? Maybe the $100 million is such ida coastline right now. That was the sil fuel industry and API. chump change to the big oil companies prediction in 1959. So here we are 20 years after Kyoto, that they have just lost track of it, In 1959, the concentration of carbon and API used almost exactly the same like we might lose change in our couch dioxide in the atmosphere was 316 parts playbook—even the same personnel— cushions. per million. Then, in 1968, a group of against the Paris Agreement that they Maybe—cover your ears, young scientists API had itself commissioned had used against the Kyoto accord, ex- pages, because I may say something warned API that significant tempera- cept that this time API paid for the re- shocking here—maybe it is a scam. It ture changes could occur by the year port through a front group to hide is totally shocking that a big corpora- 2000 and that, ultimately, potential API’s hand in torpedoing the Paris tion will say one thing and do another. damage to the environment could be Agreement. How do you relate that to What a concept, but it is a concept severe. By 1968, the atmosphere con- the stated position of the four oil ma- that works out great for Big Oil. The centration of CO2 was up to 323 parts jors for the Paris Agreement? You Big Oil CEOs get to go to cocktail par- per million. would have to ask API to explain. ties in Davos or on Fifth Avenue. They In 1980, scientists hired by API again So now let’s look at API’s position get to go to international conferences, warned API that carbon emissions on carbon pricing, which three out of and with all their sophisticated friends, from burning fossil fuels were likely to those four oil majors say they support. they get to say: Hey, we are not a have catastrophic effects. By 1980, the API’s President has claimed that his bunch of science-hating, heads-in-the- atmospheric concentration of CO2 was organization doesn’t have an official sand climate deniers. We have sensible 339. In 1983, API disbanded the sci- position on carbon pricing, but if you climate policies. entific working group it had created to take a look at API’s website, it is load- At the same time, they can send study global warming. Apparently, API ed with comments critical of putting a their lobbying goons out to make sure didn’t like what it was hearing so, in price on carbon, and API also funded no one in Congress takes that ‘‘sensible 1983, they shut it off. There is a legal yet another study claiming that a price climate policies’’ nonsense seriously. It term for when you are on notice but

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:20 Feb 28, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G27FE6.031 S27FEPT1 S1236 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE February 27, 2018 then just turn away; it is called ‘‘will- it as a win—nearly 60 years of industry and clinics do everything from deliv- ful ignorance.’’ By 1983, the atmos- profits they protected behind the barri- ering babies, to providing dental serv- pheric concentration of CO2 was 343 cade of lies, but at what price to our ices, to fighting the opioid crisis. parts per million. country? At what price to Americans Right now, more than a year into Then came 1999, when James Han- whose lives have already, in many President Trump’s term, there is still sen’s famous Senate testimony threat- cases, been upended by climate change? no permanent leader at the Indian ened API’s willful ignorance scheme. At what price to people around the Health Service. Two weeks ago, the So API and its Big Oil members found- world who will suffer the effects of cli- nomination for IHS Director was with- ed a front group with the misleading mate change and one day want an an- drawn, and there hasn’t been a Senate- name Global Climate Coalition. What swer about why America, through all confirmed Director for years. This is it with these front groups and these this period, let this take place—why leadership vacuum creates a serious people, anyway? Why is it always these America let them down. problem. The IHS cannot engage in front groups? Global Climate Coalition The time for deception, the time for long-term planning without a perma- began to spread falsehoods and front groups, for misinformation, for nent Director at the helm. It cannot of- disinformation about climate science, inaction is over. API and its fossil fuel ficially fix problems at hospitals that even though in 1989 they knew. In 1989, allies over at the U.S. Chamber of Com- failed inspections and where Medicare they had known for 30 years, since that merce and National Association of and Medicaid funding is in jeopardy. It first report in 1959, and by 1989 the at- Manufacturers have blocked climate cannot move as decisively to ensure mospheric concentration was 353 parts action in Congress long enough. Look that IHS facilities stay open. It cannot per million. at the price we paid to allow the fossil implement agency-wide standards for In 1993, API hired one of the same fuel lobby to dictate climate policy in quality of care, as the Government Ac- men who wrote those phony Kyoto and this great body. Four hundred seven countability Office has recommended. Paris reports that I mentioned to write parts per million is a measurement, The IHS cannot prioritize competing a report attacking President Clinton’s and it is a measurement unprecedented issues, solve serious and longstanding so-called Btu tax on fuel sources. In in the full span of human history on problems, or work through how to 1993, the CO2 concentration in the at- this planet. meet multiple goals more effectively. mosphere was up to 357 parts per mil- I yield the floor. Its relationship with other Federal lion. In 1998, API did that report at- I suggest the absence of a quorum. agencies is weakened without a stable tacking the Kyoto Protocol. It also The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. leader—critical relationships with the commissioned what it called its Global RUBIO). The clerk will call the roll. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Climate Science Communications Plan, The senior assistant legislative clerk Services, the Office of Management and a plan designed to mislead Americans proceeded to call the roll. Budget, the Substance Abuse and Men- about climate science. By 1998, the at- Ms. WARREN. Mr. President, I ask tal Health Services Administration, mospheric concentration of CO2 was 367 unanimous consent that the order for and the rest of the Department of parts per million. the quorum call be rescinded. Health and Human Services. It cannot In 2009, API fought and killed the The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without ensure that programs like the Special Waxman-Markey cap-and-trade legisla- objection, it is so ordered. Diabetes Program for Indians, which tion that would have controlled carbon INDIAN HEALTH SERVICE has created real, positive outcomes, is emissions. By 2009, the atmospheric Ms. WARREN. Mr. President, I rise implemented as well as possible. The concentration of CO2 was 387 parts per today to call on President Trump to IHS cannot work out a direction for million. nominate a Director for the Indian the Service and hold a single stable Now here we are in 2018. API is still Health Service. leader accountable for doing a good fighting climate action. The concentra- There are many critical issues facing job. tion of carbon dioxide in the atmos- Indian Country—economic develop- The IHS faces serious challenges that phere is now 407 parts per million, al- ment, infrastructure, protection of Na- require the attention of a permanent, most 30 percent higher than it was tive lands, respect for Tribal govern- dedicated Director. The agency is un- when API probably first learned what ments—and after years and years of derfunded and has been underfunded for climate science meant. As we have broken promises, discrimination, and a long time. As a result, its facilities kept dumping carbon pollution into the neglect, Washington owes Tribes a often lack medical equipment that atmosphere, temperatures and sea lev- fighting chance to build stronger com- many Americans take for granted when els have indeed steadily risen—just as munities and a brighter future. they visit a clinic or a hospital, like an API was told they would. They knew, The Federal Indian trust responsi- MRI machine or a functioning oper- but they lied. bility means that Washington has a ating room. A 2016 report by the in- For decades, they lied on a massive basic legal obligation to the Tribes. spector general of the U.S. Department industrial scale. They lied through Washington also has a fundamental of Health and Human Services found phony science. They lied through moral obligation, and that starts with that IHS hospital administrators have phony front groups and bogus studies. basic healthcare. had difficulty recruiting and retaining They lied through talk shows. They American Indians have treaty rights critical staff. Aging hospital buildings lied through rightwing media. They to healthcare from the Federal Govern- and outdated equipment also raise con- lied through AstroTurf, and well-paid ment, but the U.S. Government cannot cerns about patient safety. The inspec- PR firms. They lied for decades, and fulfill our treaty obligations if key tor general cites concerns about cor- now the American people have to pay posts, such as the Director of IHS, lay roded pipes leaking sewage into the OR the price of climate change to the tune vacant for years. and not being able to find replacement of hundreds of billions of dollars. The IHS is a big deal. It is the pri- parts to fix old equipment the hospitals So, from their point of view, what mary Federal healthcare provider for are relying on. Doctors and nurses the heck? After decades of lying about American Indians and Alaska Natives. should be able to focus on helping their climate change, what is a little dis- It serves 2.2 million people spread patients get well, not on whether the crepancy now between what Big Oil across 36 States. It has a budget of building is habitable and basic facili- CEOs say and what Big Oil lobbyists nearly $5 billion annually. The IHS ties are available. do? The industry’s sophisticated and provides care through more than 660 There are also serious staffing short- expensive disinformation and lobbying clinics, hospitals, and health stations ages. At its Great Plains facilities, for campaign has blockaded climate action on or near reservations, many of them example, IHS vacancy rates have in this country for more than half a in remote and rural locations located reached 37 percent. Compare that to century. When you have been lying hours away from other health facili- my home State of Massachusetts, that long, maybe it is a hard habit to ties. It serves more than 13 million out- where only 6 percent of nursing jobs break. patient visitors a year. were vacant in 2015. Looking back at this whole scam, I The doctors, nurses, and other Tribal leaders are understandably guess API and its members actually see healthcare providers at IHS hospitals concerned about the direction of an

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:30 Feb 28, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G27FE6.032 S27FEPT1 February 27, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S1237 agency that plays such a vital role in We need a good person in this job, the water level of rivers continued to their communities. Here is what I which means the nominee must be rise, several communities had to evac- heard from Chairwoman Cheryl An- thoroughly vetted. But that is not an uate their homes for their own safety. drews-Maltais, of the Wampanoag excuse for more delay or for the White Sadly, these storms were so severe that Tribe of Gay Head—the Aquinnah—in House to drag its feet. It needs to work flooded roadways claimed the life of an Massachusetts: ‘‘This vacancy has cre- with the Tribes to find the right person Illinois resident after her car rolled ated significant instability and nega- for the job and then submit the nomi- into a rain-filled ditch. Multiple com- tively affects the already burdened IHS nation quickly. munities were evacuated, and in some system.’’ She added: ‘‘Not only is it a The person who heads up the IHS areas, residents had to be rescued by failure on the part of the Federal Gov- should be knowledgeable and should boat. ernment to not adequately fund have a vision for how to deliver better Some of the worst impacted areas healthcare for Indians; the failure to healthcare to Native Americans. The were in Iroquois, Kankakee, and appoint someone to lead this critical person should have the determination Vermilion Counties. The Governor de- service area is considered by many and commitment to push Congress to clared a State disaster for these coun- Tribes as gross negligence.’’ The chair- meet its treaty obligations in pro- ties, and the American Red Cross es- woman says that the United States is viding healthcare to Native commu- tablished shelters for evacuated resi- failing to keep its word and failing to nities. dents. fulfill its ‘‘solemn responsibility’’ to The Trump administration doesn’t These floods were not just limited to the Tribes. I agree with the chair- have a stellar record when it comes to communities in east central Illinois. woman. nominating the right people for impor- Counties in western and downstate Illi- Healthcare is a basic human right, tant jobs. I often strongly disagree nois were also among the most im- and everyone in this country deserves with the President’s picks. But leaving pacted. In Ford Heights, a suburb of access to quality, affordable hundreds of critical posts across our Chicago, at least 100 homes were im- pacted and seven residents were res- healthcare. But the stakes are particu- government vacant, including the IHS cued by boat. In north central Illinois, larly high for Native people. Director, has a devastating effect all a nursing home in LaSalle County had An American Indian or Alaska Na- its own. to be evacuated, and the next day, tive baby born today has a life expect- It wasn’t until just 2 weeks ago that parts of the county were placed under ancy that is almost 41⁄2 years shorter President Trump finally named a than the U.S. average. These little ba- mandatory evacuation order. nominee to be Commissioner of the Ad- Downstate, rain continued through bies are also more likely to die before ministration for Native Americans. the weekend, and crews from the De- they ever reach their first birthday. Several offices in the Federal bu- partment of Corrections worked to in- Native infant mortality is about 25 per- reaucracy have an important role in stall flood gates in Hardin County, and cent higher than for the U.S. as a running important programs for the Department of Transportation de- whole. Tribes, and the President hasn’t nomi- livered pumps, hoses, and sandbags to Chronic diseases like diabetes and nated heads for some of those offices— aid in recovery. The Illinois Depart- heart disease hit Native Americans for instance, the Director of the De- ment of Natural Resources also pro- harder too. For instance, American In- partment of Justice’s Office on Vio- vided boats to aid with flood patrols. dians and Alaska Natives die from dia- lence Against Women, which admin- Some of the areas that experienced betes at a rate that is three times high- isters key grant programs for Tribal heavy rains and flooding throughout er than that of the entire American programs to combat domestic violence last week, like Freeport in north- population. and sexual assault, and the Assistant western Illinois, were also impacted by Mental health and addiction issues Secretary of the Employment and flooding just last year. Freeport was are also a very big concern. The opioid Training Administration in the Depart- flooded in July 2017, and on Friday epidemic has devastated communities ment of Labor, which provides work- night, the Red Cross once again opened all over our country, but it is a par- force innovation and opportunity an emergency shelter there. Situations ticularly virulent problem for Native grants to Tribes and Tribal organiza- like this are the reason that commu- Americans, who have the highest per tions. These vacancies hit Native com- nities that often experience flooding capita rates of opioid overdoses in the munities hard, and they represent one need more assistance, both to plan for country. more broken promise to Native people. emergencies and to quickly mitigate Similarly, the alcohol-related death There is no excuse for delay. I urge the aftermath. rate for Native Americans is about 500 President Trump to move quickly to With extreme weather conditions percent higher than for the rest of the consult with Tribes and to submit a like these becoming more frequent and population. nomination for IHS Director. The Na- more severe, I have heard from many Suicide rates are about 70 percent tive community should not have to Illinois constituents who are concerned higher. wait any longer. about their ability to recover from re- Everyone struggling with addiction I yield the floor. peated flood events like these. I stand deserves access to high-quality treat- f ready to assist at the Federal level to ment, no matter who they are or where help these communities rebuild and re- they live. That is the only way we are LEGISLATIVE SESSION cover in a way that will allow them to going to make progress in tackling this be more resilient when the next flood crisis. But right now, in a place where MORNING BUSINESS occurs. the need is great, the Federal Govern- As is often the case when a disaster ment is failing to provide adequate Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I like this occurs, I was so impressed care. ask unanimous consent that the Sen- with the residents, first responders, With so much need, investing in im- ate resume legislative session for a pe- and local officials who worked tire- proving the IHS should be a top pri- riod of morning business, with Sen- lessly to protect their communities. I ority for Washington. I am glad that ators permitted to speak therein for up want to thank our local law enforce- the Trump administration’s latest to 10 minutes each. ment—firefighters and police—who al- budget for the IHS includes a funding The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without ways do the best job to keep our com- increase. Still, this government needs objection, it is so ordered. munities safe and work long hours be- to do more—much more. A Senate-con- f cause of it. firmed Director can serve as the advo- I also want to recognize the hard cate the IHS needs in order to get the ILLINOIS FLOODING work of the State and Federal employ- resources it deserves. In fact, Federal Mr. DURBIN. Mr. President, last ees that have pitched in at every level, law explicitly says that advocating week, rainstorms and melting snow including the Army Corps of Engineers, good Indian health policy is one of the caused flooding across Illinois, with the Department of Natural Resources, Director’s job responsibilities. We more than 20 counties throughout the and the Illinois Emergency Manage- should be doing that job. State placed under a flood warning. As ment Agency.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:30 Feb 28, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00015 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G27FE6.034 S27FEPT1 S1238 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE February 27, 2018 Our thoughts are with the family and As Heideh leaves the Senate after tion management of lobster fishery friends of the Illinois resident who lost years of hard work and dedicated pub- from the Federal New England Fishery her life and with all those who have ex- lic service, she leaves behind an im- Management Council to the Atlantic perienced damage to their homes and pressive list of accomplishments and States Marine Fisheries Commission other property. We will rebuild—as the colleagues whose lives she touched be- and, as a result, expanded the Maine people of Illinois always do—and will cause she was such an exceptional role practice of marking egg-bearing fe- once again be stronger for it. model and mentor. I wish her contin- males and returning them to the water f ued success and much happiness in the so they may continue to breed to other years to come. States and Canadian provinces. He also HONORING COMMANDER PAUL oversaw successful efforts to signifi- BAUER f cantly reduce the large amount of lob- ADDITIONAL STATEMENTS Ms. DUCKWORTH. Mr. President, ster that was being caught in the Gulf today I wish to pay tribute to Com- of Maine as bycatch in draggers’ mander Paul Bauer, a 31-year veteran TRIBUTE TO DAVID COUSENS trawls, limit the total number of traps of the police force who was fatally shot that lobstermen fish and increase the ∑ on Tuesday February 13, 2018, while in Mr. KING. Mr. President, today I size of escape vents that allow juvenile the line of duty. Commander Bauer had wish to recognize David Cousens of lobsters to escape a trap. Most re- a remarkable career with the Chicago South Thomaston, ME, who will soon cently, as the fishery moves further Police Department and will be remem- retire from being the president of the offshore amidst warming ocean tem- bered by his colleagues as a model po- Maine Lobstermen’s Association after peratures and concerns about its impli- lice officer. Commander Bauer made a tenure spanning three decades. cations on whale population have aris- the ultimate sacrifice while protecting Dave’s skills as a leader and savvy as a en—Dave’s trademark leadership style our city and its people, and I am lobsterman have steered the organiza- has set the stage for meaningful ex- thankful for all of his years of service. tion and members of the industry it change and beneficial compromise on He leaves behind his wife, Erin, of 16 represents with a strong and steady an issue that will likely get a lot of at- years and his 13-year-old daughter, hand through a period of increased tention in the coming years. Grace. May his service, sacrifice, and landings, innovative conservation, and As Dave looks forward to spending a kind spirit serve as an inspiration to us improved regulatory structure. Dave’s little more time with his family and all. hallmark over his entire career was an friends, I wish to commend him on the f ability to listen to and foster respect exemplary leadership over the years— between a diverse crowd of harvesters, TRIBUTE TO HEIDEH SHAHMORADI listening, learning, and always keeping regulators, scientists, and other mem- Ms. COLLINS. Mr. President, today I a clear, insightful, and good-humored bers of the industry. eye on the horizon.∑ wish to express my gratitude to Heideh When Dave became president of the Shahmoradi, who since 2011 has served Maine Lobstermen’s Association in f as clerk for the Appropriations Sub- 1991, great change was afoot. Then, RECOGNIZING ADVANCED committee on Transportation, Housing with annual landings in the range of 30 WELDING AND STEEL and Urban Development, and Related million pounds, lobstermen were not ∑ Mr. RISCH. Mr. President, setting Agencies, or THUD, for her many years limited in the number of traps they out to start a small business in Amer- of distinguished public service. fished, draggers were permitted to land Heideh’s 24 years of public service ica is not for the faint of heart. In large quantities of lobster, and, despite have included time on both the Senate many cases, it takes a great deal of a vast majority of it taking place in Appropriations Committee and the En- self-sufficiency and perseverance, and, State waters, the fishery was managed vironment and Public Works Com- for most, success does not come easily. federally. Furthermore, many of the mittee, as well as the Department of Success is often built through years of conservation measures that we now Transportation and the Federal High- hard work, sacrifice, and dedication. identify as integral to the fishery were, way Administration, where she first Today, I would like to recognize a at the time, only practiced voluntarily started as a part-time employee at the small business from my home State of by Maine lobstermen. age of 16. Idaho that exemplifies these very In her 7 years with THUD, Heideh has Over the past 27 years, while running traits. As chairman of the Committee played an instrumental role on a host one of the most prominent industry on Small Business and Entrepreneur- of issues. Her programmatic knowledge groups in the State, Dave has not ship, I am proud to recognize a and technical expertise have been crit- backed off his primary occupation, Grangeville, ID, small business, Ad- ical in policy-making decisions that that of a lobsterman. The time he has vanced Welding and Steel, as the Small ensured air traffic controllers were spent behind the wheel of his truck Business of the Month for February able to get back to safely managing getting to meetings up and down the 2018. This small business demonstrates our Nation’s air traffic control system coast of Maine, in meetings from Wash- a dedication to producing quality goods following the across-the-board spend- ington, DC, to Nova Scotia and every- while providing a unique service. Their ing cuts in 2013. Heideh has also where in between, and on the phone story reminds us that, with hard work worked to make groundbreaking trans- with anyone and everyone has not and dedication, Americans can accom- formations in how we address youth stopped him from continuing to fish a plish almost anything to which they homelessness, which afflicts far too full complement of traps—800 these set their minds. With over 20 years in many young people each year. Thanks days. This commitment, personal and business, Advanced Welding and Steel to Heideh’s dedicated efforts, we have communal, to an iconic Maine way of has served as a great example of the de- successfully created targeted programs life is a significant reason why the fish- termined entrepreneurial spirit found that are designed to meet the unique ery, which recently landed a record an- all across Idaho. needs of teenagers through the Youth nual catch of 130 million pounds, is Advanced Welding and Steel’s story Homelessness Demonstration Program, today both a crown jewel of Maine’s is the quintessential story of American in ways that our traditional approach coastal economy and a shining example entrepreneurship. Ryan Uhlenkott to homelessness was unsuccessful in of sustainability envied around the grew up in a hard-working entrepre- addressing. world. neurial family. He learned valuable Heideh is truly a consummate profes- For generations, Maine lobstermen traits such as a strong work ethic, sional, a brilliant expert, and most im- like Dave have known that to ensure timeliness, and honesty while working portantly, one of the kindest and their future livelihood and that of their on the family farm, splitting wood for friendliest people in the Senate. She is children—(his three sons are also the winter, and helping out at the fam- known by her colleagues as being an lobstermen)—they must responsibly ily water well drilling business. While a honest broker who is able to work in a shepherd the resource. Under Dave’s college student, he worked part time truly bipartisan fashion in order to leadership, the Maine Lobstermen’s As- sweeping floors in a welding shop, help us advance important legislation. sociation successfully helped transi- which led to a full-time welding job.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:29 Feb 28, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00016 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G27FE6.028 S27FEPT1 February 27, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S1239 Before he set out on his own, Ryan merce, Science, and Transportation ruary 27, 2018, he has signed the fol- gained experience in a variety of posi- Committee intern Anthony Stoks. An- lowing enrolled bills, which were pre- tions across the fabrication industry, thony hails from Adelaide, Australia, viously signed by the Speaker pro tem- including as a crane operator, planner, and is a law student at Flinders Uni- pore (Mr. MOONEY): mapper, welder, erecter, and fabricator. versity. H.R. 1725. An act to direct the Secretary of After receiving certifications in boiler While interning for the Commerce Veterans Affairs to submit certain reports and pipe welding, he decided to intro- Committee, Anthony assisted the Sub- relating to medical evidence submitted in duce his own approach to fabrication. committee on Space, Science, and support of claims for benefits under the laws He drew upon his knowledge, experi- Competitiveness. He is a dedicated administered by the Secretary. ence, and his innate entrepreneurial worker who was committed to getting H.R. 3122. An act to direct the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to include on the internet mindset in 1998, when he founded Ad- the most out of his internship. I extend website of the Department of Veterans Af- vanced Welding and Steel. Ryan start- my sincere thanks and appreciation to fairs a warning regarding dishonest, preda- ed out with one welder mounted on the Anthony for all of the fine work he did tory, or otherwise unlawful practices tar- back of a pickup truck. The company for the committee and wish him con- geting individuals who are eligible for in- quickly grew in both employees and ca- tinued success in the years to come.∑ creased pension on the basis of need for reg- ular aid and attendance, and for other pur- pacity, going from a 6,000-square-foot f shop in 2003 to the current state-of-the- poses. MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT H.R. 4533. An act to designate the health art 60,000-square-foot shop with paint care system of the Department of Veterans booths, shot blasters, and a railings Messages from the President of the Affairs in Lexington, Kentucky, as the ‘‘Lex- shop. A major motivating factor in United States were communicated to ington VA Health Care System’’ and to make starting his own business was Ryan’s the Senate by Ms. Ridgway, one of his certain other designations. desire to spend more time with his secretaries. f family. To this day, he considers his f family and his employees’ families to MEASURES REFERRED be the center of his business model. EXECUTIVE MESSAGES REFERRED The following bills were read the first Today, Advanced Welding and Steel In executive session the Presiding Of- and the second times by unanimous delivers its products across the western ficer laid before the Senate messages consent, and referred as indicated: United States, including Alaska and from the President of the United H.R. 767. An act to establish the Stop, Ob- Hawaii. The company’s attention to de- States submitting sundry nominations serve, Ask, and Respond to Health and tail in its processes of estimating, de- which were referred to the appropriate Wellness Training pilot program to address tailing, and project management has committees. human trafficking in the health care system; turned the small business into one of (The messages received today are to the Committee on Health, Education, the most respected fabricators in the Labor, and Pensions. printed at the end of the Senate pro- H.R. 880. An act to amend the Public region. A team of 15 highly qualified ceedings.) Health Service Act to facilitate assignment professionals work at the company, f of military trauma care providers to civilian and over the years, they estimate that trauma centers in order to maintain mili- they have delivered over 15 million MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE tary trauma readiness and to support such pounds of steel to their customers. At 10:02 a.m., a message from the centers, and for other purposes; to the Com- Their hard work resulted in Advanced House of Representatives, delivered by mittee on Health, Education, Labor, and Welding and Steel being recognized in Mr. Novotny, one of its reading clerks, Pensions. the July 2017 edition of Modern Steel H.R. 1222. An act to amend the Public announced that the House has passed Health Service Act to coordinate Federal Construction for their outstanding the following bills, in which it requests congenital heart disease research efforts and work as the prime fabricator for the the concurrence of the Senate: to improve public education and awareness new student center at Gonzaga Univer- H.R. 767. An act to establish the Stop, Ob- of congenital heart disease, and for other sity in Spokane, WA. The company is serve, Ask, and Respond to Health and purposes; to the Committee on Health, Edu- committed to excellence in their craft Wellness Training pilot program to address cation, Labor, and Pensions. and also to the sustainable use of their human trafficking in the health care system. H.R. 2410. An act to amend the Public products, as over 90 percent of the steel H.R. 880. An act to amend the Public Health Service Act to reauthorize a sickle Health Service Act to facilitate assignment cell disease prevention and treatment dem- they work with has been recycled, add- onstration program and to provide for sickle ing to the overwhelmingly positive im- of military trauma care providers to civilian trauma centers in order to maintain mili- cell disease research, surveillance, preven- pact they bring to local Idaho commu- tary trauma readiness and to support such tion, and treatment; to the Committee on nities. centers, and for other purposes. Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions. The hard-working team members of H.R. 1222. An act to amend the Public H.R. 2422. An act to amend the Public Advanced Welding and Steel have dec- Health Service Act to coordinate Federal Health Service Act to improve essential oral ades of experience in multiple fields congenital heart disease research efforts and health care for low-income and other under- within the steel industry. Through to improve public education and awareness served individuals by breaking down barriers their commitment to their customers, of congenital heart disease, and for other to care, and for other purposes; to the Com- mittee on Health, Education, Labor, and Ryan’s team provides an excellent purposes. H.R. 2410. An act to amend the Public Pensions. product with exceptional service, and Health Service Act to reauthorize a sickle f they make a sizable impact in the local cell disease prevention and treatment dem- and national fabricating industry. onstration program and to provide for sickle MEASURES READ THE FIRST TIME They ensure that their projects are cell disease research, surveillance, preven- The following bill was read the first well planned and seamlessly executed. tion, and treatment. time: H.R. 2422. An act to amend the Public The State of Idaho is proud to be a S. 2464. A bill to improve border security Health Service Act to improve essential oral home for small businesses like them and to provide conditional provision resi- health care for low-income and other under- who go above and beyond in pursuit of dence to certain long-term residents who en- served individuals by breaking down barriers tered the United States as children. the American dream. to care, and for other purposes. I extend my sincerest congratula- f tions to Ryan Uhlenkott, his family, The message also announced that the and the entire team at Advanced Weld- House has passed the following bill, EXECUTIVE AND OTHER ing and Steel. I look forward to watch- with an amendment, in which it re- COMMUNICATIONS ing your continued growth and suc- quests the concurrence of the Senate: The following communications were cess.∑ S. 772. An act to amend the PROTECT Act laid before the Senate, together with to make Indian tribes eligible for AMBER f accompanying papers, reports, and doc- Alert grants. uments, and were referred as indicated: TRIBUTE TO ANTHONY STOKS ENROLLED BILLS SIGNED EC–4362. A communication from the Direc- ∑ Mr. THUNE. Mr. President, today I The President pro tempore (Mr. tor, Office of Management and Budget, Exec- recognize the hard work of my Com- HATCH) announced that on today, Feb- utive Office of the President, transmitting,

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:30 Feb 28, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00017 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A27FE6.038 S27FEPT1 S1240 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE February 27, 2018 pursuant to law, a report entitled ‘‘OMB Re- to law, a report relative to Military Heli- Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- port to the Congress on the Joint Committee copter Noise; to the Committee on Armed ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- Reductions for Fiscal Year 2019’’; to the Spe- Services. titled ‘‘Air Plan Approval; Connecticut; Non- cial Committee on Aging; Agriculture, Nu- EC–4370. A communication from the Coun- attainment New Source Review Permit Re- trition, and Forestry; Appropriations; Armed sel of the Legislative and Regulatory Activi- quirements for the 2008 8-Hour Ozone Stand- Services; Banking, Housing, and Urban Af- ties Division, Office of the Comptroller of ard’’ (FRL No. 9973–18–Region 1) received in fairs; the Budget; Commerce, Science, and the Currency, Department of the Treasury, the Office of the President of the Senate on Transportation; Energy and Natural Re- transmitting, pursuant to law, the report of February 15, 2018; to the Committee on Envi- sources; Environment and Public Works; Se- a rule entitled ‘‘Rules of Practice and Proce- ronment and Public Works. lect Committee on Ethics; Finance; Foreign dure; Rules of Practice and Procedure in Ad- EC–4379. A communication from the Chair- Relations; Health, Education, Labor, and judicatory Proceedings; Civil Money Penalty man of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Pensions; Homeland Security and Govern- Inflation Adjustments’’ (RIN1557–AE14) re- transmitting, pursuant to law, the Commis- mental Affairs; Indian Affairs; Select Com- ceived in the office of the President of the sion’s Strategic Plan for fiscal year 2018 mittee on Intelligence; the Judiciary; Rules Senate on February 15, 2018; to the Com- through fiscal year 2022; to the Committee and Administration; Small Business and En- mittee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Af- on Environment and Public Works. trepreneurship; and Veterans’ Affairs. fairs. EC–4380. A communication from the Direc- EC–4363. A communication from the Direc- EC–4371. A communication from the Senior tor of the Regulatory Management Division, tor, Office of Management and Budget, Exec- Counsel, Legal Division, Bureau of Consumer Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- utive Office of the President, transmitting, Financial Protection, transmitting, pursu- ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- pursuant to law, a report entitled ‘‘OMB Se- ant to law, the report of a rule entitled titled ‘‘Air Plan Approval; Illinois; Rule Part questration Preview Report to the President ‘‘Rules Concerning Prepaid Accounts Under 225, Control of Emissions from Large Com- and Congress for Fiscal Year 2019’’; to the the Electronic Fund Transfer Act (Regula- bustion Sources’’ (FRL No. 9974–87–Region 5) Special Committee on Aging; Agriculture, tion E) and the Truth in Lending Act (Regu- received during adjournment of the Senate Nutrition, and Forestry; Appropriations; lation Z)’’ (12 CFR Part 1005 and 1026) re- in the Office of the President of the Senate Armed Services; Banking, Housing, and ceived in the Office of the President of the on February 22, 2018; to the Committee on Urban Affairs; the Budget; Commerce, Senate on February 15, 2018; to the Com- Environment and Public Works. Science, and Transportation; Energy and mittee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Af- EC–4381. A communication from the Direc- Natural Resources; Environment and Public fairs. tor of the Regulatory Management Division, Works; Select Committee on Ethics; Fi- EC–4372. A communication from the Dep- nance; Foreign Relations; Health, Education, Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- uty General Counsel for Operations, Depart- ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- Labor, and Pensions; Homeland Security and ment of Housing and Urban Development, Governmental Affairs; Indian Affairs; Select titled ‘‘Air Plan Approval; Indiana; Indiana transmitting, pursuant to law, four (4) re- NSR/PSD; Indiana PM2.5 NSR; Correction’’ Committee on Intelligence; the Judiciary; ports relative to vacancies in the Depart- Rules and Administration; Small Business (FRL No. 9974–88–Region 5) received during ment of Housing and Urban Development, re- adjournment of the Senate in the Office of and Entrepreneurship; and Veterans’ Affairs. ceived in the Office of the President of the EC–4364. A communication from the Direc- the President of the Senate on February 22, Senate on February 15, 2018; to the Com- 2018; to the Committee on Environment and tor of the Regulatory Management Division, mittee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Af- Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- Public Works. fairs. EC–4382. A communication from the Prin- ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- EC–4373. A communication from the Presi- cipal Deputy Assistant Secretary of the titled ‘‘Distillates (petroleum), Solvent- dent of the United States, transmitting, pur- Army (Civil Works), transmitting proposed Dewaxed Heavy Paraffinic; Exemption from suant to law, a report on the continuation of legislation entitled ‘‘Washington Aqueduct the Requirement of a Tolerance’’ (FRL No. the national emergency with respect to Cuba Divestiture Act of 2018’’; to the Committee 9974–14) received during adjournment of the and of the emergency authority relating to on Environment and Public Works. Senate in the Office of the President of the the regulation of the anchorage and move- EC–4383. A communication from the Prin- Senate on February 22, 2018; to the Com- ment of vessels, as amended; to the Com- cipal Deputy Assistant Secretary of the mittee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and For- mittee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Af- estry. Army (Civil Works), transmitting a legisla- fairs. EC–4365. A communication from the Direc- EC–4374. A communication from the Direc- tive proposal ‘‘Inland Waterways Revenue tor of the Regulatory Management Division, tor of the Regulatory Management Division, Act of 2018’’; to the Committee on Environ- Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- ment and Public Works. ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- EC–4384. A communication from the Sec- titled ‘‘Quizalofop ethyl; Pesticide Toler- titled ‘‘Quizalofop ethyl, Pesticide Toler- retary of the Treasury, transmitting, pursu- ances’’ (FRL No. 9972–30) received during ad- ances’’ (FRL No. 9972–24) received in the Of- ant to law, the Department of the Treasury’s journment of the Senate in the Office of the fice of the President of the Senate on Feb- strategic plan for fiscal years 2018 - 2022; to President of the Senate on February 22, 2018; ruary 15, 2018; to the Committee on Agri- the Committee on Finance. to the Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, culture, Nutrition, and Forestry. EC–4385. A communication from the Chief and Forestry. of the Publications and Regulations Branch, EC–4366. A communication from the Direc- EC–4375. A communication from the Direc- tor of the Regulatory Management Division, Internal Revenue Service, Department of the tor of the Regulatory Management Division, Treasury, transmitting, pursuant to law, the Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- report of a rule entitled ‘‘Revenue Procedure ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- 2018–17’’ (Rev. Proc. 2018–17) received in the titled ‘‘Indaziflam; Pesticide Tolerances for titled ‘‘Pendimethalin; Pesticide Toler- ances’’ (FRL No. 9973–03) received in the Of- Office of the President of the Senate on Feb- Emergency Exemptions’’ (FRL No. 9973–10) ruary 15, 2018; to the Committee on Finance. received during adjournment of the Senate fice of the President of the Senate on Feb- ruary 15, 2018; to the Committee on Agri- EC–4386. A communication from the Chief in the Office of the President of the Senate of the Publications and Regulations Branch, on February 16, 2018; to the Committee on culture, Nutrition, and Forestry. EC–4376. A communication from the Direc- Internal Revenue Service, Department of the Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry. Treasury, transmitting, pursuant to law, the EC–4367. A communication from the Direc- tor of the Regulatory Management Division, report of a rule entitled ‘‘Low-Income Hous- tor of the Regulatory Management Division, Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- ing Credit Disaster Relief for the Common- Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- wealth of Puerto Rico’’ (Notice 2018–17) re- ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- titled ‘‘Approval of Arizona Plan Revisions, titled ‘‘Methyl-alpha-D-mannopyranoside Arizona Department of Environmental Qual- ceived during adjournment of the Senate in (Alpha Methyl Mannoside); Exemption from ity’’ (FRL No. 9974–68–Region 9) received in the Office of the President of the Senate on the Requirement of a Tolerance’’ (FRL No. the Office of the President of the Senate on February 21, 2018; to the Committee on Fi- 9972–04) received during adjournment of the February 15, 2018; to the Committee on Envi- nance. Senate in the Office of the President of the ronment and Public Works. EC–4387. A communication from the Dep- Senate on February 16, 2018; to the Com- EC–4377. A communication from the Direc- uty Inspector General for Audit Services, De- mittee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and For- tor of the Regulatory Management Division, partment of Health and Human Services, estry. Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- transmitting, pursuant to law, a report enti- EC–4368. A communication from the Under ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- tled ‘‘Review of Medicare Administrative Secretary of Defense (Comptroller), trans- titled ‘‘Approval and Promulgation of Air Contractor Information Security Program mitting, pursuant to law, a report relative to Quality Implementation Plans; Virginia; Re- Evaluations for Fiscal Year 2016’’ ; to the violations of the Antideficiency Act that in- visions to Implement the Revocation of the Committee on Finance. volved fiscal years 2011–2015 Operation and 1997 Ozone NAAQS’’ (FRL No. 9974–66–Region EC–4388. A communication from the Chief Maintenance, Army (OMA), funds and was 3) received in the Office of the President of of the Border Security Regulations Branch, assigned case number 17–01; to the Com- the Senate on February 15, 2018; to the Com- Customs and Border Protection, Department mittee on Appropriations. mittee on Environment and Public Works. of Homeland Security, transmitting, pursu- EC–4369. A communication from the Sec- EC–4378. A communication from the Direc- ant to law, the report of a rule entitled retary of the Army, transmitting, pursuant tor of the Regulatory Management Division, ‘‘Technical Amendment to List of User Fee

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:29 Feb 28, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00018 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A27FE6.011 S27FEPT1 February 27, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S1241 Airports: Name Changes of Several Airports on D.C. Act 22–249, ‘‘Electric Vehicle Public partment of Homeland Security, transmit- and the Addition of Five Airports’’ (CBP Infrastructure Expansion Amendment Act of ting, pursuant to law, the Department’s 2017 Dec. 18–01) received during adjournment of 2018’’; to the Committee on Homeland Secu- Federal Information Security Management the Senate in the Office of the President of rity and Governmental Affairs. Act (FISMA) and Agency Privacy Manage- the Senate on February 16, 2018; to the Com- EC–4398. A communication from the Chair- ment Report; to the Committee on Homeland mittee on Finance. man of the Council of the District of Colum- Security and Governmental Affairs. EC–4389. A communication from the Assist- bia, transmitting, pursuant to law, a report EC–4410. A communication from the Vice ant Legal Adviser for Treaty Affairs, Depart- on D.C. Act 22–250, ‘‘Africare Real Property Chairman, Merit Systems Protection Board, ment of State, transmitting, pursuant to the Tax Relief Act of 2018’’; to the Committee on transmitting, pursuant to law, a report enti- Case-Zablocki Act, 1 U.S.C. 112b, as amended, Homeland Security and Governmental Af- tled ‘‘U.S. Merit Systems Protection Board the report of the texts and background state- fairs. Annual Performance Report for FY 2017 and ments of international agreements, other EC–4399. A communication from the Chair- Annual Performance Plan for FY 2018 (Final) than treaties (List 2018–0010 - 2018–0017); to man of the Council of the District of Colum- and FY 2019 (Proposed)’’ and the Board’s the Committee on Foreign Relations. bia, transmitting, pursuant to law, a report Strategic Plan for FY 2018–2022; to the Com- EC–4390. A communication from the Assist- on D.C. Act 22–251, ‘‘General Obligation mittee on Homeland Security and Govern- ant Secretary, Legislative Affairs, Depart- Bonds and Bond Anticipation Notes for Fis- mental Affairs. ment of State, transmitting, pursuant to cal Years 2018–2023 Authorization Act of EC–4411. A communication from the Asso- law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Amend- 2018’’; to the Committee on Homeland Secu- ciate General Counsel for General Law, De- ment to the International Traffic in Arms rity and Governmental Affairs. partment of Homeland Security, transmit- Regulations: Addition of South Sudan’’ EC–4400. A communication from the Chair- ting, pursuant to law, a report relative to a (RIN1400–AE51) received in the Office of the man of the Council of the District of Colum- vacancy in the position of Under Secretary, President of the Senate on February 15, 2018; bia, transmitting, pursuant to law, a report National Protection and Programs Direc- to the Committee on Foreign Relations. on D.C. Act 22–252, ‘‘East End Commercial torate, Department of Homeland Security, EC–4391. A communication from the Assist- Real Property Tax Rate Reduction Amend- received during adjournment of the Senate ant Secretary, Legislative Affairs, Depart- ment Act of 2018’’; to the Committee on in the Office of the President of the Senate ment of State, transmitting, pursuant to Homeland Security and Governmental Af- on February 22, 2018; to the Committee on section 36(c) of the Arms Export Control Act, fairs. Homeland Security and Governmental Af- the certification of a proposed license for the EC–4401. A communication from the Chair- fairs. export of defense articles, including tech- man of the Council of the District of Colum- EC–4412. A communication from the Chief bia, transmitting, pursuant to law, a report nical data and defense services to Australia of External Affairs and Performance Branch, on D.C. Act 22–253, ‘‘Jackson School Lease to support the manufacture, assembly, and Office of Government Ethics, transmitting, Renewal Authorization Act of 2018’’; to the support of Gimbal Weapon Mounts for Re- pursuant to law, a report relative to a va- Committee on Homeland Security and Gov- motely Operated Weapon System for ulti- cancy in the position of Director, Office of ernmental Affairs. mate end-use by the government of Saudi Government Ethics, received during adjourn- EC–4402. A communication from the Chair- ment of the Senate in the Office of the Presi- Arabia in the amount of $50,000,000 or more man of the Council of the District of Colum- (Transmittal No. DDTC 17–021); to the Com- dent of the Senate on February 20, 2018; to bia, transmitting, pursuant to law, a report the Committee on Homeland Security and mittee on Foreign Relations. on D.C. Act 22–254, ‘‘East End Grocery and EC–4392. A communication from the Assist- Governmental Affairs. Retail Incentive Tax Exemption Act of 2018’’; EC–4413. A communication from the Chief ant Secretary, Legislative Affairs, Depart- to the Committee on Homeland Security and Financial Officer, National Labor Relations ment of State, transmitting, pursuant to Governmental Affairs. Board, transmitting, pursuant to law, a re- section 36(c) of the Arms Export Control Act, EC–4403. A communication from the Chair- port entitled ‘‘Performance and Account- the certification of a proposed license for the man of the Council of the District of Colum- ability Report for Fiscal Year 2017’’; to the export of defense articles, including tech- bia, transmitting, pursuant to law, a report Committee on Homeland Security and Gov- nical data and defense services to Japan to on D.C. Act 22–255, ‘‘Washington Metrorail ernmental Affairs. support the integration, operation, mainte- Safety Commission Board of Directors Ap- EC–4414. A communication from the Ad- nance, test, repair, and general support of pointment Amendment Act of 2018’’; to the ministrator, Small Business Administration, the Microwave Power Module Based Trans- Committee on Homeland Security and Gov- transmitting, pursuant to law, the Uniform mitter for the Japanese Ministry of Defense ernmental Affairs. Resource Locator (URL) for the Administra- F–15J aircraft in the amount of $100,000,000 or EC–4404. A communication from the Sec- tion’s Strategic Plan for fiscal years 2018– more (Transmittal No. DDTC 17–115); to the retary of the Treasury, transmitting, pursu- 2022; to the Committee on Small Business Committee on Foreign Relations. ant to law, a report entitled ‘‘Financial Re- and Entrepreneurship. EC–4393. A communication from the In- port of the United States Government for EC–4415. A communication from the Presi- spector General of the Railroad Retirement Fiscal Year 2017’’; to the Committee on dent of the United States, transmitting, pur- Board, transmitting, pursuant to law, the In- Homeland Security and Governmental Af- suant to law, the Economic Report of the spector General’s Congressional Budget Jus- fairs. President together with the 2018 Annual Re- tification for fiscal year 2019; to the Com- EC–4405. A communication from the Presi- port of the Council of Economic Advisers; to mittee on Health, Education, Labor, and dent and CEO, Inter-American Foundation, the Joint Economic Committee. Pensions. transmitting, pursuant to law, the Founda- EC–4416. A communication from the Direc- EC–4394. A communication from the Attor- tion’s FY17 Annual Performance Report; to tor, Bureau of Economic Analysis, Depart- ney-Advisor, U.S. Coast Guard, Department the Committee on Homeland Security and ment of Commerce, transmitting, pursuant of Homeland Security, transmitting, pursu- Governmental Affairs. to law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Inter- ant to law, the report of a rule entitled EC–4406. A communication from the Presi- national Services Surveys: BE–120 Bench- ‘‘Drawbridge Operation Regulation; China dent and CEO, Inter-American Foundation, mark Survey of Transactions in Selected Basin, Mission Creek, San Francisco, CA’’ transmitting, pursuant to law, the Founda- Services and Intellectual Property With For- ((RIN1625–AA09) (Docket No. USCG–2017– tion’s FY17 Annual Performance Report; to eign Persons’’ (RIN0691–AA87) received dur- 1015)) received during adjournment of the the Committee on Homeland Security and ing adjournment of the Senate in the Office Senate in the Office of the President of the Governmental Affairs. of the President of the Senate on February Senate on February 20, 2018; to the Com- EC–4407. A communication from the Attor- 16, 2018; to the Committee on Commerce, mittee on Commerce, Science, and Transpor- ney-Advisor, U.S. Coast Guard, Department Science, and Transportation. tation. of Homeland Security, transmitting, pursu- EC–4417. A communication from the Asso- EC–4395. A communication from the Chair- ant to law, the report of a rule entitled ciate Bureau Chief, Wireline Competition man of the Council of the District of Colum- ‘‘Drawbridge Operation Regulation; Bureau, Federal Communications Commis- bia, transmitting, pursuant to law, a report Pequonnock River, Bridgeport, CT’’ sion, transmitting, pursuant to law, the re- on D.C. Act 22–247, ‘‘National Community ((RIN1625–AA09) (Docket No. USCG–2017– port of a rule entitled ‘‘Connect America Reinvestment Coalition Real Property Tax 0161)) received during adjournment of the Fund; ETC Annual Reports and Certifi- Exemption Amendment Act of 2018’’ ; to the Senate in the Office of the President of the cations; Rural Broadband Experiments; and Committee on Homeland Security and Gov- Senate on February 20, 2018; to the Com- Connect America Fund Phase II Auction’’ ernmental Affairs. mittee on Commerce, Science, and Transpor- ((WC Docket No. 10–90; WC Docket No. 14–58; EC–4396. A communication from the Chair- tation. WC Docket No. 14–259; and AU Docket No. 17– man of the Council of the District of Colum- EC–4408. A communication from the In- 182) (FCC 18–5)) received during adjournment bia, transmitting, pursuant to law, a report spector General of the Railroad Retirement of the Senate in the Office of the President on D.C. Act 22–248, ‘‘Bicycle and Pedestrian Board, transmitting, pursuant to law, the In- of the Senate on February 16, 2018; to the Safety Clarification Amendment Act of spector General’s Congressional Budget Jus- Committee on Commerce, Science, and 2018’’; to the Committee on Homeland Secu- tification for fiscal year 2019; to the Com- Transportation. rity and Governmental Affairs. mittee on Homeland Security and Govern- EC–4418. A communication from the Assist- EC–4397. A communication from the Chair- mental Affairs. ant Secretary for Export Administration, man of the Council of the District of Colum- EC–4409. A communication from the Assist- Bureau of Industry and Security, Depart- bia, transmitting, pursuant to law, a report ant Secretary for Legislative Affairs, De- ment of Commerce, transmitting, pursuant

VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:01 May 31, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00019 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD18\FEBRUARY\S27FE8.REC S27FE8 S1242 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE February 27, 2018 to law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Russian John P. York, which nominations were re- Air Force nominations beginning with Sanctions: Addition of Certain Entities to ceived by the Senate and appeared in the Kerry L. Hirzel and ending with Joshua S. the Entity List’’ (RIN0694–AH48) received Congressional Record on January 18, 2018. Trice, which nominations were received by during adjournment of the Senate in the Of- Air Force nominations beginning with Col. the Senate and appeared in the Congres- fice of the President of the Senate on Feb- Christopher R. Alderdice and ending with sional Record on February 5, 2018. ruary 22, 2018; to the Committee on Com- Col. David J. Mounkes, which nominations Air Force nomination of Miguel J. Mo- merce, Science, and Transportation. were received by the Senate and appeared in rales, to be Major. EC–4419. A communication from the Dep- the Congressional Record on January 18, Air Force nominations beginning with uty Assistant Administrator for Regulatory 2018. Julie A. Bowman and ending with Larrin S. Programs, Office of Protected Resources, De- Marine Corps nominations beginning with Wampler, which nominations were received partment of Commerce, transmitting, pursu- Col. Timothy L. Adams and ending with Col. by the Senate and appeared in the Congres- ant to law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘En- Karl D. Pierson, which nominations were re- sional Record on February 5, 2018. dangered and Threatened Wildlife and ceived by the Senate and appeared in the Air Force nominations beginning with Plants; Listing the Oceanic Whitetip Shark Congressional Record on January 18, 2018. Marc M. Adair and ending with Jesse B. as Threatened Under the Endangered Species Air Force nominations beginning with Zydallis, which nominations were received Act’’ (RIN0648–XE314) received during ad- Brig. Gen. John J. DeGoes and ending with by the Senate and appeared in the Congres- journment of the Senate in the Office of the Brig. Gen. Lee E. Payne, which nominations sional Record on February 8, 2018. President of the Senate on February 22, 2018; were received by the Senate and appeared in Army nomination of Devry C. Anderson, to to the Committee on Commerce, Science, the Congressional Record on February 5, be Colonel. and Transportation. 2018. Army nominations beginning with Andrew EC–4420. A communication from the Attor- Army nomination of Brig. Gen. Jeffrey P. A. Arndt and ending with D013347, which ney-Advisor, U.S. Coast Guard, Department Kramer, to be Major General. nominations were received by the Senate and of Homeland Security, transmitting, pursu- Navy nomination of Rear Adm. (lh) Gordon appeared in the Congressional Record on ant to law, the report of a rule entitled D. Peters, to be Vice Admiral. January 19, 2018. ‘‘Harmonization of Fire Protection Equip- Navy nomination of Rear Adm. Brian B. Army nomination of Tyler M. Aber- ment Standards for Towing Vessels’’ Brown, to be Vice Admiral. crombie, to be Lieutenant Colonel. ((RIN1625–AC43) (Docket No. USCG–2017– Air Force nomination of Col. John J. Army nomination of Randolph S. Car- 1060)) received during adjournment of the Allen, to be Brigadier General. penter, to be Lieutenant Colonel. Senate in the Office of the President of the Army nomination of Col. Todd M. Army nomination of Angel Soto, to be Senate on February 22, 2018; to the Com- Lazaroski, to be Brigadier General. Major. mittee on Commerce, Science, and Transpor- Mr. INHOFE for Mr. McCAIN. Mr. Army nominations beginning with Mat- tation. President, for the Committee on Armed thew C. Dawson and ending with Lee C. Novy, which nominations were received by EC–4421. A communication from the Attor- Services I report favorably the fol- ney-Advisor, Office of General Counsel, De- the Senate and appeared in the Congres- partment of Transportation, transmitting, lowing nomination lists which were sional Record on January 19, 2018. pursuant to law, a report relative to a va- printed in the RECORDS on the dates in- Army nomination of Thomas A. Summers, cancy for the position of Assistant Secretary dicated, and ask unanimous consent, to to be Lieutenant Colonel. for Governmental Affairs, received in the Of- save the expense of reprinting on the Army nomination of Christina M. Buchner, fice of the President of the Senate on Feb- Executive Calendar that these nomina- to be Lieutenant Colonel. ruary 15, 2018; to the Committee on Com- tions lie at the Secretary’s desk for the Army nomination of Marcia L. Lewis, to be merce, Science, and Transportation. information of Senators. Colonel. Army nomination of Jack E. Shields III, to EC–4422. A communication from the Attor- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without ney-Advisor, U.S. Coast Guard, Department be Colonel. of Homeland Security, transmitting, pursu- objection, it is so ordered. Army nomination of Jerzy M. Matyszczuk, ant to law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Spe- Air Force nominations beginning with to be Lieutenant Colonel. cial Local Regulation; Pamlico River, Wash- Paul Obi Amaliri and ending with Meoshia Army nominations beginning with Alecia ington, NC’’ ((RIN1625–AA08) (Docket No. A. Wilson, which nominations were received D. Biddison and ending with Roger R. Wold, USCG–2017–1100)) received during adjourn- by the Senate and appeared in the Congres- which nominations were received by the Sen- ment of the Senate in the Office of the Presi- sional Record on November 14, 2017. ate and appeared in the Congressional dent of the Senate on February 20, 2018; to Air Force nominations beginning with Carl Record on February 5, 2018. the Committee on Commerce, Science , and P. Bhend and ending with Christopher M. Army nominations beginning with Joseph Transportation. Wolbert, which nominations were received W. Bishop and ending with Robert T. Utlaut, EC–4423. A communication from the Attor- by the Senate and appeared in the Congres- which nominations were received by the Sen- ney-Advisor, U.S. Coast Guard, Department sional Record on January 19, 2018. ate and appeared in the Congressional of Homeland Security, transmitting, pursu- Air Force nominations beginning with Ste- Record on February 5, 2018. ant to law, the report of a rule entitled ‘‘Spe- ven J. Acevedo and ending with Heather C. Army nomination of Jennifer L. White, to cial Local Regulation; Gasparilla Marine Pa- Yun, which nominations were received by be Major. rade; Hillsborough Bay, Tampa, FL’’ the Senate and appeared in the Congres- Army nomination of Patrick E. Mather, to ((RIN1625–AA08) (Docket No. USCG–2017– sional Record on January 19, 2018. be Major. 1102)) received during adjournment of the Air Force nominations beginning with Army nominations beginning with Luis G. Senate in the Office of the President of the Nataliya A. Ables and ending with Michelle Fuchu and ending with Dexter C. Nunnally, Senate on February 20, 2018; to the Com- L. Zielinski, which nominations were re- which nominations were received by the Sen- mittee on Commerce, Science, and Transpor- ceived by the Senate and appeared in the ate and appeared in the Congressional tation. Congressional Record on January 19, 2018. Record on February 5, 2018. EC–4424. A communication from the Attor- Air Force nominations beginning with Army nomination of Olivia H. Ivey, to be ney-Advisor, U.S. Coast Guard, Department George Z. Aberth and ending with Veranika Major. of Homeland Security, transmitting, pursu- Zakharyeva, which nominations were re- Army nomination of Han S. Kim, to be ant to law, the report of a rule entitled ceived by the Senate and appeared in the Major. ‘‘Drawbridge Operation Regulation; Canav- Congressional Record on January 19, 2018. Army nomination of John E. Richardson, eral Barge Canal; Canaveral, FL’’ ((RIN1625– Air Force nominations beginning with to be Colonel. AA09) (Docket No. USCG–2017–0161)) received Kevin D. Alford and ending with Winnifred Army nomination of Paul A. White, to be during adjournment of the Senate in the Of- M. Wong, which nominations were received Lieutenant Colonel. fice of the President of the Senate on Feb- by the Senate and appeared in the Congres- Army nominations beginning with Robert ruary 20, 2018; to the Committee on Com- sional Record on January 19, 2018. T. Carter, Jr. and ending with Charles A. merce, Science, and Transportation. Air Force nominations beginning with Ann Phillips, which nominations were received E. Alexander and ending with Patrick B. by the Senate and appeared in the Congres- f Parsons, which nominations were received sional Record on February 5, 2018. EXECUTIVE REPORTS OF by the Senate and appeared in the Congres- Army nomination of Kyle R. Stiefel, to be COMMITTEE sional Record on January 19, 2018. Lieutenant Colonel. Air Force nomination of David J. Caswell, Army nomination of Adam C. Miller, to be The following executive reports of to be Colonel. Colonel. nominations were submitted: Air Force nomination of Bruce P. Army nomination of Mathew M. Condry, to By Mr. INHOFE for Mr. McCAIN for the Heseltine, Jr., to be Colonel. be Colonel. Committee on Armed Services. Air Force nominations beginning with Mi- Army nominations beginning with David Air Force nomination of Col. Lee H. chael T. Cain and ending with Ilda Y. Isaza, A. Amamoo and ending with D013799, which Harvis, to be Brigadier General. which nominations were received by the Sen- nominations were received by the Senate and Air Force nominations beginning with Col. ate and appeared in the Congressional appeared in the Congressional Record on Michael L. Ahmann and ending with Col. Record on February 5, 2018. February 8, 2018.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:30 Feb 28, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00020 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A27FE6.015 S27FEPT1 February 27, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S1243 Army nomination of Jason B. Yenrick, to Navy nomination of Elisabeth S. Stephens, for brick and structural clay products or for be Lieutenant Colonel. to be Captain. clay ceramics manufacturing before requir- Army nomination of David R. Addams, to (Nominations without an asterisk ing compliance with the rules by existing be Major. were reported with the recommenda- sources; to the Committee on Environment Army nomination of Pankaj A. and Public Works. Ksheersagar, to be Major. tion that they be confirmed.) By Mr. LEAHY (for himself and Mr. Army nomination of Michael P. Sargent, f DAINES): to be Major. INTRODUCTION OF BILLS AND S. 2462. A bill to place restrictions on Army nomination of Nicholas E. Hurd, to searches and seizures of electronic devices at be Major. JOINT RESOLUTIONS the border; to the Committee on Homeland Army nomination of Michael C. Agbay, to The following bills and joint resolu- Security and Governmental Affairs. be Major. tions were introduced, read the first By Mr. CORKER (for himself, Mr. Army nomination of Jay A. Iannacito, to and second times by unanimous con- COONS, Mr. ISAKSON, Mr. MURPHY, Mr. be Colonel. sent, and referred as indicated: YOUNG, Mrs. SHAHEEN, Mr. PORTMAN, Marine Corps nomination of Lonnie M. and Mr. KAINE): McGhee, Jr., to be Lieutenant Colonel. By Mr. GRASSLEY: S. 2463. A bill to establish the United Marine Corps nominations beginning with S. 2453. A bill to amend title XVIII of the States International Development Finance Michael E. Feuquay and ending with Heath Social Security Act to require hospitals to Corporation, and for other purposes; to the E. Ruppert, which nominations were received provide the Secretary with information on Committee on Foreign Relations. by the Senate and appeared in the Congres- the hospital’s acquisition costs for 340B By Mr. FLAKE (for himself and Ms. drugs and the total revenues received by the sional Record on February 5, 2018. HEITKAMP): Marine Corps nominations beginning with hospital for such drugs; to the Committee on S. 2464. A bill to improve border security Shawn P. Chabot and ending with Ricardo B. Finance. and to provide conditional provision resi- Rivera, which nominations were received by By Ms. WARREN (for herself, Mr. MAR- dence to certain long-term residents who en- the Senate and appeared in the Congres- KEY, Mr. MERKLEY, Mrs. FEINSTEIN, tered the United States as children; read the sional Record on February 8, 2018. Mr. DURBIN, Mr. BLUMENTHAL, and first time. Marine Corps nominations beginning with Mrs. GILLIBRAND): By Mr. MARKEY (for himself, Mr. Enrique Luz, Jr. and ending with Jeremy J. S. 2454. A bill to amend the Securities Ex- SCHUMER, Mr. WYDEN, Ms. CANTWELL, Willoughby, which nominations were re- change Act of 1934 to require disclosure of Mr. SCHATZ, Mr. BLUMENTHAL, Mr. ceived by the Senate and appeared in the payments for settlements of disputes regard- WHITEHOUSE, Mr. MERKLEY, Mrs. Congressional Record on February 8, 2018. ing sexual abuse and certain types of GILLIBRAND, Ms. BALDWIN, Mr. HEIN- Marine Corps nominations beginning with harrassment and discrimination, and for RICH, Ms. HASSAN, Ms. KLOBUCHAR, Jeffrey A. Bryant and ending with Joe A. other purposes; to the Committee on Bank- Mr. PETERS, Ms. STABENOW, Mr. Saenz, which nominations were received by ing, Housing, and Urban Affairs. LEAHY, Mr. SANDERS, Mr. BROWN, Mr. the Senate and appeared in the Congres- By Mr. BROWN (for himself, Mr. REED, Mr. KAINE, Ms. WARREN, Mr. sional Record on February 8, 2018. TOOMEY, Ms. KLOBUCHAR, and Mr. DURBIN, Mr. BENNET, Mrs. SHAHEEN, Marine Corps nominations beginning with GRAHAM): Mr. VAN HOLLEN, Mr. CARDIN, Ms. Andrew E. Cheatum and ending with Joseph S. 2455. A bill to encourage United States- HIRONO, Ms. DUCKWORTH, Ms. HARRIS, M. David, which nominations were received Ukraine cybersecurity cooperation and re- Mrs. MCCASKILL, Mr. UDALL, Mr. by the Senate and appeared in the Congres- quire a report regarding such cooperation, BOOKER, Mr. CASEY, Ms. CORTEZ sional Record on February 8, 2018. and for other purposes; to the Committee on MASTO, Mr. MENENDEZ, Mrs. MURRAY, Marine Corps nominations beginning with Foreign Relations. Ms. SMITH, Mr. TESTER, Mr. KING, Mr. Brian K. Evans and ending with Jeremy F. By Mr. PORTMAN (for himself, Mr. NELSON, Mr. MURPHY, Mrs. FEIN- Ortiz, which nominations were received by WHITEHOUSE, Mrs. CAPITO, Ms. KLO- STEIN, Mr. WARNER, Mr. DONNELLY, the Senate and appeared in the Congres- BUCHAR, Mr. SULLIVAN, Ms. HASSAN, Mr. CARPER, Mr. COONS, Ms. sional Record on February 8, 2018. Mr. CASSIDY, and Ms. CANTWELL): HEITKAMP, Mr. MANCHIN, and Mr. Marine Corps nominations beginning with S. 2456. A bill to reauthorize and expand JONES): Daniel H. Flick and ending with Jesse C. the Comprehensive Addiction and Recovery S.J. Res. 52. A joint resolution providing Tallman, which nominations were received Act of 2016; to the Committee on Health, for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 by the Senate and appeared in the Congres- Education, Labor, and Pensions. of title 5, United States Code, of the rule sional Record on February 8, 2018. By Mr. KAINE (for himself, Mr. BOOZ- submitted by the Federal Communications Marine Corps nominations beginning with MAN, and Mr. TESTER): Commission relating to ‘‘Restoring Internet Ezra H. Bardo and ending with Michael C. S. 2457. A bill to provide a work oppor- Freedom’’; to the Committee on Commerce, Medley, which nominations were received by tunity tax credit for military spouses and to Science, and Transportation. the Senate and appeared in the Congres- provide for flexible spending arrangements sional Record on February 8, 2018. for childcare services for military families; f Marine Corps nominations beginning with to the Committee on Finance. Matthew C. Pampush and ending with Ste- By Ms. COLLINS (for herself, Ms. SUBMISSION OF CONCURRENT AND phen T. Sutton, which nominations were re- HEITKAMP, Mr. FLAKE, Mr. HEINRICH, SENATE RESOLUTIONS ceived by the Senate and appeared in the Mr. TOOMEY, Ms. BALDWIN, Mr. KING, The following concurrent resolutions Congressional Record on February 8, 2018. Mr. NELSON, Mr. MANCHIN, and Mr. and Senate resolutions were read, and Marine Corps nominations beginning with KAINE): Odin Pineda and ending with James M. Rod, S. 2458. A bill to authorize the Attorney referred (or acted upon), as indicated: which nominations were received by the Sen- General to deny the transfer of firearms and By Mr. DURBIN (for himself, Mr. ate and appeared in the Congressional explosives and Federal firearms and explo- MENENDEZ, Mr. CARDIN, Mr. VAN HOL- Record on February 8, 2018. sives licenses and permits to known or sus- LEN, Mr. LEAHY, Mr. NELSON, Mr. Marine Corps nominations beginning with pected terrorists; to the Committee on the BENNET, Mr. COONS, Mr. REED, Mr. Natalie E. Moore and ending with Brooke J. Judiciary. KAINE, and Mr. SANDERS): Speers, which nominations were received by By Mr. WHITEHOUSE: S. Res. 414. A resolution condemning the the Senate and appeared in the Congres- S. 2459. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- continued undemocratic measures by the sional Record on February 13, 2018. enue Code of 1986 to provide for current year Government of to undermine the Navy nomination of Henry J. Kennedy, to inclusion of net CFC tested income, and for independence of democratic institutions and be Lieutenant Commander. other purposes; to the Committee on Fi- calling for a free and fair electoral process; Navy nomination of John A. Mills, to be nance. to the Committee on Foreign Relations. Captain. By Mr. BENNET (for himself, Mr. By Mr. GRASSLEY (for himself, Mr. Navy nomination of Eric C. Correll, to be HELLER, Ms. WARREN, and Mr. COONS, Ms. WARREN, Mr. DURBIN, and Captain. TOOMEY): Ms. KLOBUCHAR): Navy nomination of Jamal L. Headen, to S. 2460. A bill to amend title XVIII of the S. Res. 415. A resolution designating March be Lieutenant Commander. Social Security Act to require e-prescribing 2, 2018, as ‘‘National Speech and Debate Edu- Navy nominations beginning with Patrick for coverage under part D of the Medicare cation Day’’; considered and agreed to. P. Arrigo and ending with Oliver C. Zufelt, program of prescription drugs that are con- By Mr. KAINE (for himself, Mr. which nominations were received by the Sen- trolled substances; to the Committee on Fi- PORTMAN, Ms. BALDWIN, Mr. YOUNG, ate and appeared in the Congressional nance. Mr. BARRASSO, Mr. BENNET, Mr. Record on February 5, 2018. By Mr. WICKER (for himself and Mr. BLUMENTHAL, Mr. BOOZMAN, Mr. Navy nomination of Jessica M. Ferraro, to DONNELLY): BROWN, Ms. CANTWELL, Mrs. CAPITO, be Lieutenant Commander. S. 2461. A bill to allow for judicial review of Mr. CASEY, Mr. COONS, Ms. CORTEZ Navy nomination of Vijay M. Ravindra, to certain final rules relating to national emis- MASTO, Mr. DAINES, Mr. DONNELLY, be Lieutenant Commander. sion standards for hazardous air pollutants Ms. DUCKWORTH, Mr. DURBIN, Mr.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:30 Feb 28, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00021 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A27FE6.016 S27FEPT1 S1244 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE February 27, 2018 ENZI, Mrs. FEINSTEIN, Ms. HARRIS, ease Control and Prevention for con- of S. 1945, a bill to regulate large ca- Ms. HASSAN, Mr. HATCH, Mr. HEIN- ducting or supporting research on fire- pacity ammunition feeding devices. RICH, Ms. HEITKAMP, Ms. HIRONO, Mr. arms safety or gun violence prevention. S. 2073 HOEVEN, Mr. INHOFE, Mr. ISAKSON, S. 1091 Mr. KING, Ms. KLOBUCHAR, Mr. At the request of Mr. BENNET, the MANCHIN, Mr. MARKEY, Mrs. MURRAY, At the request of Ms. COLLINS, the name of the Senator from North Da- Mr. PERDUE, Mr. PETERS, Mr. ROB- name of the Senator from Minnesota kota (Ms. HEITKAMP) was added as a co- ERTS, Mr. ROUNDS, Mrs. SHAHEEN, Ms. (Ms. SMITH) was added as a cosponsor sponsor of S. 2073, a bill to establish a SMITH, Ms. STABENOW, Mr. THUNE, of S. 1091, a bill to establish a Federal vegetation management pilot program Mr. TILLIS, Mr. WARNER, and Mr. Task Force to Support Grandparents on National Forest System land to bet- WYDEN): Raising Grandchildren. ter protect utility infrastructure from S. Res. 416. A resolution supporting the goals and ideals of Career and Technical S. 1278 passing wildfire, and for other pur- Education Month; considered and agreed to. At the request of Mr. CARPER, the poses. By Mr. BOOZMAN (for himself and Mr. names of the Senator from California S. 2076 COTTON): (Ms. HARRIS) and the Senator from At the request of Ms. COLLINS, the S. Con. Res. 34. A concurrent resolution Vermont (Mr. LEAHY) were added as co- name of the Senator from Indiana (Mr. recognizing the rich history, heritage, and sponsors of S. 1278, a bill to provide for YOUNG) was added as a cosponsor of S. strategic importance of the Republic of the the admission of the State of Wash- Marshall Islands and the Marshallese popu- 2076, a bill to amend the Public Health lation residing in the United States; to the ington, D.C. into the Union. Service Act to authorize the expansion Committee on Energy and Natural Re- S. 1539 of activities related to Alzheimer’s dis- sources. At the request of Ms. KLOBUCHAR, the ease, cognitive decline, and brain By Mr. WARNER (for himself and Mr. name of the Senator from health under the Alzheimer’s Disease BLUNT): (Mr. CARPER) was added as a cosponsor and Healthy Aging Program, and for S. Con. Res. 35. A concurrent resolution au- of S. 1539, a bill to protect victims of other purposes. thorizing the use of Emancipation Hall in the Capitol Visitor Center for a ceremony to stalking from gun violence. S. 2135 present the Congressional Gold Medal collec- S. 1589 At the request of Mr. CORNYN, the tively to the members of the Office of Stra- At the request of Mr. ROBERTS, the names of the Senator from Michigan tegic Services; considered and agreed to. name of the Senator from Montana (Mr. PETERS), the Senator from South f (Mr. DAINES) was added as a cosponsor Dakota (Mr. THUNE), the Senator from ADDITIONAL COSPONSORS of S. 1589, a bill to amend the Internal Missouri (Mr. BLUNT) and the Senator Revenue Code of 1986 and the Small from Illinois (Ms. DUCKWORTH) were S. 58 Business Act to expand the availability added as cosponsors of S. 2135, a bill to At the request of Mr. HELLER, the of employee stock ownership plans in S enforce current law regarding the Na- names of the Senator from Iowa (Mrs. corporations, and for other purposes. tional Instant Criminal Background ERNST) and the Senator from Con- S. 1632 Check System. LUMENTHAL necticut (Mr. B ) were added At the request of Mr. MORAN, the S. 2208 as cosponsors of S. 58, a bill to amend name of the Senator from New Hamp- At the request of Mr. MARKEY, the the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to re- shire (Mrs. SHAHEEN) was added as a co- name of the Senator from West Vir- peal the excise tax on high cost em- sponsor of S. 1632, a bill to establish an ginia (Mr. MANCHIN) was added as a co- ployer-sponsored health coverage. additional fund in the Treasury to sponsor of S. 2208, a bill to provide for S. 168 meet existing statutory obligations to the issuance of an Alzheimer’s Disease At the request of Mr. WICKER, the reimburse costs reasonably incurred as Research Semipostal Stamp. name of the Senator from New Hamp- a result of the reorganization of broad- S. 2278 shire (Mrs. SHAHEEN) was added as a co- cast television spectrum, and for other At the request of Mr. ROBERTS, the sponsor of S. 168, a bill to amend and purposes. name of the Senator from Maine (Ms. enhance certain maritime programs of S. 1674 COLLINS) was added as a cosponsor of S. the Department of Transportation. At the request of Mr. REED, the name 2278, a bill to amend the Public Health S. 397 of the Senator from Oregon (Mr. Service Act to provide grants to im- At the request of Mr. ISAKSON, the MERKLEY) was added as a cosponsor of prove health care in rural areas. name of the Senator from Louisiana S. 1674, a bill to provide grants for the At the request of Ms. HEITKAMP, the (Mr. CASSIDY) was added as a cosponsor repair, renovation, and construction of name of the Senator from New Hamp- of S. 397, a bill to amend title XVIII of public elementary schools and sec- shire (Ms. HASSAN) was added as a co- the Social Security Act to ensure fair- ondary schools, to establish a school sponsor of S. 2278, supra. ness in Medicare hospital payments by infrastructure bond program, and for S. 2324 establishing a floor for the area wage other purposes. At the request of Mr. HELLER, the index applied with respect to certain S. 1710 names of the Senator from Michigan hospitals. At the request of Mr. MENENDEZ, the (Ms. STABENOW), the Senator from S. 793 name of the Senator from Massachu- North Dakota (Ms. HEITKAMP), the Sen- At the request of Mr. BOOKER, the setts (Ms. WARREN) was added as a co- ator from Colorado (Mr. BENNET), the name of the Senator from Washington sponsor of S. 1710, a bill to reduce the Senator from Michigan (Mr. PETERS), (Mrs. MURRAY) was added as a cospon- Federal budget deficit by closing big the Senator from North Carolina (Mr. sor of S. 793, a bill to prohibit sale of oil tax loopholes, and for other pur- TILLIS) and the Senator from Pennsyl- shark fins, and for other purposes. poses. vania (Mr. CASEY) were added as co- S. 811 S. 1879 sponsors of S. 2324, a bill to amend the At the request of Mr. ENZI, the name At the request of Mr. BARRASSO, the Investment Company Act of 1940 to of the Senator from Missouri (Mr. name of the Senator from Maine (Ms. change certain requirements relating BLUNT) was added as a cosponsor of S. COLLINS) was added as a cosponsor of S. to the capital structure of business de- 811, a bill to ensure that organizations 1879, a bill to amend title XVIII of the velopment companies, to direct the Se- with religious or moral convictions are Social Security Act to provide for the curities and Exchange Commission to allowed to continue to provide services coverage of marriage and family thera- revise certain rules relating to business for children. pist services and mental health coun- development companies, and for other S. 834 selor services under part B of the Medi- purposes. At the request of Mr. MARKEY, the care program, and for other purposes. S. 2341 name of the Senator from New S. 1945 At the request of Mr. TESTER, the (Mr. UDALL) was added as a cosponsor At the request of Mr. MENENDEZ, the name of the Senator from Oregon (Mr. of S. 834, a bill to authorize the appro- name of the Senator from New Mexico WYDEN) was added as a cosponsor of S. priation of funds to the Centers for Dis- (Mr. UDALL) was added as a cosponsor 2341, a bill to amend title 38, United

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:30 Feb 28, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00022 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A27FE6.018 S27FEPT1 February 27, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S1245 States Code, to improve the processing fully served and retired from the than ever. It is these synthetic of veterans benefits by the Department Armed Forces of the United States, opioids—fentanyl, carfentanil—that of Veterans Affairs, to limit the au- designating April 18, 2018, as ‘‘Military have moved into our States, over- thority of the Secretary of Veterans Retiree Appreciation Day’’, and en- coming our law enforcement, and the Affairs to recover overpayments made couraging the people of the United results have been deadly. by the Department and other amounts States to honor the past and continued By the way, it is a crisis that does owed by veterans to the United States, service of military retirees to their not discriminate. Opioid addiction af- to improve the due process accorded local communities and the United fects everybody, regardless of age, area veterans with respect to such recovery, States. code, class, or color. In Ohio, drug ad- and for other purposes. f diction and acts committed to support S. 2353 it have now become the No. 1 cause of STATEMENTS ON INTRODUCED crime in our communities—probably At the request of Mr. COTTON, the BILLS AND JOINT RESOLUTIONS name of the Senator from Nebraska the same in your community. Employers, of course, are increas- (Mr. SASSE) was added as a cosponsor By Mr. PORTMAN (for himself, of S. 2353, a bill to require the Sec- Mr. WHITEHOUSE, Mrs. CAPITO, ingly pointing to the inability to find retary of the Treasury to report on the Ms. KLOBUCHAR, Mr. SULLIVAN, workers who can pass a drug test. They estimated total assets under direct or Ms. HASSAN, Mr. CASSIDY, and can’t fill vacant positions. There is new indirect control by certain senior Ira- Ms. CANTWELL): data out with regard to people who are nian leaders and other figures, and for S. 2456. A bill to reauthorize and ex- not showing up on the unemployment other purposes. pand the Comprehensive Addiction and rolls but have given up looking for Recovery Act of 2016; to the Committee work altogether. There are probably 9 S. 2360 on Health, Education, Labor, and Pen- million men between 25 and 55 who are At the request of Ms. HEITKAMP, the sions. considered to be able-bodied who aren’t name of the Senator from New Hamp- Mr. PORTMAN. Mr. President, I want even looking for work. Some really shire (Ms. HASSAN) was added as a co- to address a critical issue today in troubling statistics out there indicate sponsor of S. 2360, a bill to provide for Westerville, OH, and, frankly, every that maybe as many as half—one study the minimum size of crews of freight community I represent in my State says 48 percent—of those individuals trains, and for other purposes. and communities all over the country. are taking opioids on a daily basis. S. 2421 Today, I want to talk about the opioid This is affecting all of us. Every as- At the request of Mrs. FISCHER, the epidemic that is gripping our country. pect of our communities is affected. names of the Senator from Wyoming Every State represented in this Everybody has a role to play over- (Mr. ENZI) and the Senator from Colo- Chamber has had too many commu- coming this epidemic. There is an ur- rado (Mr. GARDNER) were added as co- nities devastated, families broken gency coming up with better strategies sponsors of S. 2421, a bill to amend the apart, and lives taken by the opioid to turn the tide on addiction. Although Comprehensive Environmental Re- overdoses. The Centers for Disease Con- I believe progress has been made re- sponse, Compensation, and Liability trol now tells us more than 63,000 cently—and it is starting to be made in Act of 1980 to provide an exemption Americans died from drug overdoses in my State and other States—much more from certain notice requirements and 2016, the last year for which they have needs to be done and done urgently. penalties for releases of hazardous sub- records. It also looks like it was worse Part of that starts with under- stances from animal waste at farms. in 2017. More Americans are dying from standing that addiction is a disease, S. 2430 drug overdoses than the total number and it is treatable. Too often it is not At the request of Mr. COONS, the of casualties during the Vietnam war. treated like that. The appropriate re- name of the Senator from Massachu- Every year, more Americans are dying sponse should include much more ag- setts (Ms. WARREN) was added as a co- from drug overdoses than the total gressive prevention and education, ab- sponsor of S. 2430, a bill to provide a number of casualties from the Vietnam solutely, and more aggressive law en- permanent appropriation of funds for war. Think about that. It is a stag- forcement keeping deadly fentanyl out the payment of death gratuities and re- gering statistic. of our communities through the STOP lated benefits for survivors of deceased On average, more than 174 Americans Act and other means, of course, but we members of the uniformed services in died every single day from a drug over- also have to get more effective treat- event of any period of lapsed appropria- dose in 2016. That is up from 143 Ameri- ment strategies. We have a couple hun- tions. cans in 2015 and 105 Americans in 2010. dred thousand people in Ohio who are In other words, it is getting worse, and S. CON. RES. 7 addicted. We need to get them into 2016 was the deadliest year on record. treatment, including more effective At the request of Mr. ROBERTS, the Initial estimates for 2017 suggest it is name of the Senator from Michigan detox, medication-assisted treatment, going to be even deadlier, including in and longer term recovery. We know, (Mr. PETERS) was added as a cosponsor my home State of Ohio. of S. Con. Res. 7, a concurrent resolu- coupled with the right kind of therapy, Opioids—prescription drugs, heroin, tion expressing the sense of Congress the right kind of support and help, peo- and synthetic forms of heroin—are in- that tax-exempt fraternal benefit soci- ple can get into recovery and get back creasingly the reason why. Opioids eties have historically provided and to their families, get back to work, and were involved in about two-thirds of all continue to provide critical benefits to get back to being productive citizens. overdose deaths in 2016. Opioid over- We also know recovery results are a the people and communities of the dose deaths were five times higher in lot better with that kind of continuous United States. 2016 than they were just back in 1999. support. Closing the gaps that occur is S. RES. 168 In the past 17 years, we have seen a key to overcoming addiction. There is At the request of Mr. CARDIN, the fivefold increase in these overdose a gap between the crisis response, name of the Senator from South Caro- deaths. It is a national epidemic. which is often a first responder—like lina (Mr. GRAHAM) was added as a co- It has unfolded in three different the two brave officers I talked about sponsor of S. Res. 168, a resolution sup- waves. It started with prescription earlier—finding someone who has porting respect for human rights and drugs, overprescribing of prescription overdosed. Often it is firefighters as encouraging inclusive governance in drugs—pain pills. The pill mills we saw well providing Narcan, this miracle Ethiopia. in Southern Ohio and around our State drug that reverses the effect of the S. RES. 377 exploded about 15 to 20 years ago. Next, overdose. That is incredibly important At the request of Ms. WARREN, the there were the heroin deaths. Heroin to saving lives. name of the Senator from New Jersey moved in and spiked as people moved Narcan alone is not sufficient. The (Mr. MENENDEZ) was added as a cospon- to less expensive and more accessible key is to get those people into detox sor of S. Res. 377, a resolution recog- alternatives than prescription drugs. and into treatment and longer term re- nizing the importance of paying tribute Now, I hate to tell you, there is a new covery. The gaps we have out there be- to those individuals who have faith- danger and a threat, and it is deadlier tween the crisis response and Narcan,

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:30 Feb 28, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00023 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A27FE6.020 S27FEPT1 S1246 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE February 27, 2018 then going to detox, then going to will tell you this is an increasing prob- tion awarded my State of Ohio with $26 treatment, and then going to recovery lem. million, and we are using every penny are creating a lot of the inability to We had veterans come in, and we had of it. solve this problem. experts come in to help veterans make I was at a facility over the weekend I have probably met a couple of thou- that transition because, sadly, the use that gave me hope. It is called the sand addicts or recovering addicts in of opioids among veterans is also in- Maryhaven Addiction Stabilization the last few years. What they tell me creasing. They sometimes use opioids Center, and it is in Columbus, OH. is: I tried treatment, but it was for 6, 7, for injuries, for accidents, for PTSD, They talked about the gaps, where peo- 8 weeks, and then there was nothing for and they become addicted. How do you ple who overdose are provided Narcan, me. It didn’t work for me. Then there build support around those veterans? and then they go back to their commu- are people who overdosed, not once or We also had people come in and talk nity, and what first responders will tell twice but several times, and they had about longer term recovery and hous- you is that sometimes in the same never been in detox and treatment. ing and how, over time, you can get week or even on the same day on some One young man I spoke to last week- better results if you provide those occasions, there is another overdose. end has been an addict for 7 years. Fi- kinds of services. Our goal was to le- The revolving door continues without nally, his brother convinced him to verage the expertise and perspectives any treatment and without any solu- seek help. The last time he overdosed, of everyone involved in this epidemic, tion. Maryhaven Stabilization Center he did go into detox. He did go into to find best practices, and to create an is a response to that. They used the treatment, to a facility where those evidence-based education, treatment, Cures money we talked about, they gaps were closed, where there was no and recovery bill that works. used some CARA funding from the waiting time, where he was able to get With strong bipartisan support, we county—the county is a part of the the help, rather than going back to his moved from hearings, to a unanimous broader strategy of where the CARA old community and his old friends and committee markup, to Senate passage money went—and they said: Let’s put a situation that was going to lead him of this legislation. By the way, it together an institution where there is back into more use and more addiction. passed with a vote of 92 to 2. That is an emergency room that focuses on The key, again, is to get those who not typical around here, certainly not overdoses. have overdosed into the treatment for something so comprehensive. Yet I have been to other emergency they need. Overdose reversal provides a everybody has experienced this back rooms in Columbus, OH, and I have second chance at life. Let’s face it. home and is desperate to figure out seen what they do with the people who Some of these people who are over- strategies to help. In July of 2016, overdose. They save lives, and that is dosing come out of this after Narcan is President Obama signed CARA into fantastic, but frankly these emergency administered. They have seen their life law. It was the first comprehensive ad- rooms are equipped for everything, and they have to be—for gunshot wounds, flash before their eyes, and they are diction reform in more than 20 years. It car accidents, trauma. ready for something. We have to be was the first time Congress had ever This emergency room would be fo- ready for them. Just as the overdose provided any support or help for this cused specifically on overdoses, which reversal provides a second chance at longer term recovery piece. makes it more cost-effective but also life, it is treatment and longer term re- The CARA law targets prevention more effective for those recovering ad- covery that provides that second and education resources to prevent dicts, those addicts who are coming in. chance to live addiction-free—again, to abuse before it even starts—the most But most importantly, in that same fa- get back with your family, get back to effective way. It helps first responders cility, there is a detox center. In that work, and get back to a productive life. reverse overdoses to save lives. It de- same facility, there are 50 treatment It takes a comprehensive solution be- votes resources to evidence-based beds. Whereas in the typical case when cause it is a comprehensive problem. treatment and recovery programs. It somebody overdoses, they go to the That is what led some of us in this expands prescription drug take-back emergency room and end up going back body, including my colleague Senator programs to get addictive pain pills off to their community, back home, back SHELDON WHITEHOUSE and me, to intro- the bathroom shelves. More than $180 to the gang, back to the family, in this duce the Comprehensive Addiction and million was authorized to assist com- case, 103 people who have gone through Recovery Act, or CARA, back in 2015. munities in these efforts to combat in the last month—it has only been We developed that bill over time by re- this epidemic. Frankly, because of this open a month—80 percent of them have lying on experts in the field and those crisis, the appropriators decided: You gone into treatment. I had the oppor- most affected by addiction. know, we need this so badly, we are ac- tunity to meet someone who had been Beginning in 2014, when we were in tually going to appropriate more than through that process, and we talked the process of putting together the leg- the $180 million. Last year, as an exam- about the difference this makes. You islation, we hosted five national fo- ple, they appropriated $267 million—al- literally walk through the door into rums here in Washington, DC. We most $100 million beyond our author- treatment, there is strong encourage- brought experts and practitioners in ization. ment to do it, and it is working. from around the country—prevention, Again, I think it is beginning to These are the kinds of things that treatment, law enforcement, and recov- make a difference. I see it back home are going to make a difference in our ery communities. We wanted to get the in Ohio. I see some of these strategies communities. It seems to be common best practices to find out what was beginning to work. It is going to take sense, but frankly it is not happening working, what wasn’t working, and some time, and we need to do more. In in other places. Programs like these how we could improve the response. Ohio, we received about $4 million. are what are going to help us overcome What role could the Federal Govern- When I say ‘‘we,’’ I mean groups, peo- addiction and are examples of how Fed- ment play in all of this? We had forums ple who are in the trenches doing the eral funds can be used more effectively focused on the science of addiction to hard work. to leverage, in this case, a lot of pri- understand it better, evidence-based We have also made progress in this vate dollars, some State dollars. prevention strategies that actually fight with separate opioid legislation Both of these landmark laws—the work; treating pregnant women who that was part of the 21st Century Cures CARA Act that we talked about and are addicted and babies at risk of being legislation. That legislation was for the Cures Act—are providing increased born drug-dependent. There is nothing substance abuse and mental health. resources to local communities, but more heartbreaking than going into Many of us successfully fought to help this problem is not getting better, it is the neonatal units in the hospitals in secure a 2-year commitment there of getting worse. my home State and seeing these babies $500 million a year, totaling $1 billion. One of the problems is the avail- who were born dependent and watching It goes directly to the States. This ability and the low cost of these highly them go through the painful with- money goes to States that are hardest addictive, even more dangerous drugs drawal process as infants. Every neo- hit, and States are allowed to decide coming in. There are synthetic opioids. natal unit in our country has seen this. how to spend that money. The first in- Fentanyl is 50 times stronger than her- If you go to your own hospital, they stallment of funding from that legisla- oin on average. It is coming in through

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:30 Feb 28, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00024 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G27FE6.009 S27FEPT1 February 27, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S1247 the mail. We need to do more to stop it back against that, but this is based on medication-assisted treatment, and through law enforcement, but we also good evidence and good research. When first responders. need to acknowledge that it has been someone goes in for a simple proce- As the title indicates, it is a com- sprinkled in other drugs and is creating dure—say, a wisdom tooth extraction— prehensive solution. Every aspect of a lot of these addiction overdoses and and that young person is given a bottle our communities is affected, so every higher rates of death. of opioids when he or she leaves, too aspect of our communities needs assist- The degree of damage this is causing often, that leads to addiction. I don’t ance. The opioid epidemic is one of the to our communities, our families, our want more parents coming up to me most urgent challenges we face as a local budgets, and our criminal justice and saying: My kid, when he or she was country. system requires us to take a more ag- a teenager, was given these opioids by By the way, ultimately, this crisis is gressive stance, to do more to figure a doctor or a dentist, so we thought not going to be solved here in Wash- this out. We need to strengthen our re- they were safe. Our child then turned ington, DC. It is not going to be solved solve. We made progress recently with to heroin because the pills became too by legislation we pass here. We get the bipartisan budget agreement Presi- expensive and less accessible and then that. It is going to be solved in our dent Trump signed into law just a few turned to fentanyl and overdosed and communities. It is going to be solved in weeks ago. We included in there an ad- died. our families. It is going to be solved in ditional amount of funding—$6 billion I have had two such parents from our hearts. But this is a national crisis, over 2 years—to help combat the opioid Ohio come to me and tell me their and the national government needs to epidemic. So instead of the $500 million story. You probably know others. We be a much better partner with State a year and the $260 million a year that need to ensure that these prescriptions government, local government, com- I talked about, it would be $3 billion a are limited. For those who have chron- munities, and nonprofits—those who year and then $3 billion the year after. ic pain and those who have cancer, it are out there doing the hard work. I believe that the evidence-based pro- wouldn’t apply. And after those 3 days, The $6 billion commitment over the grams we set out in the Comprehensive you can go back to that doctor and tell next 2 years is a real opportunity to Addiction Recovery Act provide a good them why you need it and explain it. help turn the tide—not by just throw- framework as to how to spend that Experts say that about 80 percent of ing more money at the problem but by money effectively. That is why I am those who overdose from heroin started being sure that money is well spent on pleased to stand here today as we in- on prescription drugs. I am sure the an epidemic that is taking too many troduce the next stage of this—CARA same is true with regard to fentanyl. lives and devastating too many com- 2.0—to help provide a framework for Four out of five heroin addicts in my munities. how these funds to combat opioid ad- State of Ohio who overdosed started on CARA 2.0 will build on our accom- diction can be spent wisely. It is a prescription drugs. We do need to deal plishments and continue to give com- roadmap for Congress to build on with this overprescription problem. munities the resources they need to ad- CARA’s successes since becoming law. By the way, the evidence is that after dress this issue. Yes, we have made The bipartisan CARA 2.0 act is being that fourth day, fifth day, sixth day— some progress around here, and that is introduced by SHELDON WHITEHOUSE that is when you get into the bigger good, but we need to do much more. and me and also by six other col- risk of becoming addicted to prescrip- CARA 2.0 gives us that opportunity. It leagues—Senators SHELLEY MOORE tion drugs. represents the next step toward helping CAPITO, AMY KLOBUCHAR, DAN SUL- As I mentioned, this epidemic started our communities address this epidemic LIVAN, MAGGIE HASSAN, BILL CASSIDY, with an explosion of pain pill use 15 to and helping our communities heal. and MARIA CANTWELL—a bipartisan 20 years ago. We need to stop the addic- Thank you. group of four Republicans and four tion at the source, and for most people Democrats who are passionate about that begins with prescription drugs. By By Mr. KAINE (for himself, Mr. this issue. It authorizes $1 billion a ensuring that clinicians prescribe the BOOZMAN, and Mr. TESTER): year for specific evidence-based drug appropriate strength and supply of pain S. 2457. A bill to provide a work op- prevention, education, treatment, and pills for non-life-threatening injuries, portunity tax credit for military recovery programs. we can keep so many more people from spouses and to provide for flexible It is very important to have this $6 becoming addicted. spending arrangements for childcare billion of funding over the next couple The bill also includes legislation very services for military families; to the of years. We need it. But we have to be similar to that which passed the Sen- Committee on Finance. sure it is spent wisely. It is not a mat- ate in 2015 but was dropped out in the Mr. KAINE. Mr. President. We right- ter of just throwing money at a prob- House-Senate conference. It is very fully honor the sacrifice of veterans lem; it is a matter of being sure we are simple. It requires doctors and phar- and servicemembers and as a member effectively addressing the real issues. macists to use the prescription drug of the Senate Armed Services Com- As I mentioned earlier, the longer monitoring programs to ensure that we mittee, I am proud of the work we do term recovery programs are what real- are not overprescribing opioids for cer- to ensure that we have the best ly help those gripped by addiction to tain individuals. That helps us identify equipped and most successful fighting overcome this disease. That is evidence where the problems are and to get peo- force in the world. Military families that we have. I have certainly seen a ple into treatment. It also requires are critical to the success and readi- lot of evidence of that firsthand and States to share data with other States ness of our military, but are too often countless examples of this, where this to prevent people from crossing State unrecognized for their support to our longer term recovery and the support lines to get prescriptions. One of our servicemembers and left without nec- networks are what get people back on big problems in Ohio is people can essary programs and assistance to help track, back with their families, back to cross the State lines in West Virginia, them succeed. Military families fre- work. We need to expand access to Kentucky, or other States and get quently face financial insecurity due to them to those communities that are in their prescription filled even though it spousal unemployment, which impacts need and give everyone a second chance has already been filled once in Ohio. the overall success of our military. of living up to their own God-given po- Across State lines, we need to have Somewhere between 12% and 25% of tential. That is why, in this new CARA prescription drug monitoring programs military spouses are unemployed. 2.0, we increase funding for recovery. that work. Today, I am pleased to introduce In addition to expanding the reach of CARA 2.0 is going to help turn the with my colleagues Senators BOOZMAN CARA’s evidence-based programs, this tide of this epidemic. The bill increases and TESTER the Jobs and Childcare for bill puts in place new policy reforms to Federal funds for specific evidence- Military Families Act of 2018. This leg- strengthen the government’s response based programs to better protect vul- islation encourages businesses to step in so many ways. We take what some nerable groups—including infants, up and play a bigger role in hiring mili- would consider a pretty dramatic step young adults, pregnant and postpartum tary spouses who sacrifice so much by by limiting opioid prescriptions to 3 women, and veterans—as well as re- expanding the Work Opportunity Tax days for acute pain. Some will push sources for community programs, Credit to also include military spouses.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:30 Feb 28, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00025 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G27FE6.010 S27FEPT1 S1248 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE February 27, 2018 The bill also further addresses a real the narrowest subsets of all of the gov- that I have had from Federal officials, obstacle to professional success for ernment’s terrorist watch lists. These in the State of Maine gang members many military families: access to qual- lists include the names of individuals from other States have targeted ad- ity, affordable childcare by estab- who pose the greatest threat of com- dicts to go buy firearms for them, and lishing a flexible spending account for mitting an act of terrorism against then they swap firearms for drugs. military families to use to reimburse aviation, against our homeland, or Right now a straw purchaser can be themselves for out of pocket child care against U.S. interests abroad. This bill prosecuted only for lying on a Federal costs. would also provide an immediate alert form, which is treated far too often as Addressing these issues will help to the FBI and to local law enforce- just a paperwork violation. Instead of a military spouses advance in their ca- ment if an individual who has been on slap on the wrist, our bill would create reers despite frequent moves. Being a the government’s terrorist watch list new, specific criminal offenses for military family member will never be at any time during the past 5 years straw purchasing and trafficking, pun- easy, but if we can do something to purchases a firearm. ishable by hefty prison terms, particu- ease the burden in any way, we should. Our hearts are all broken by the hor- larly for those who have reason to be- This legislation follows the introduc- rific shootings of the students in Flor- lieve that the firearms will be used to tion of another bipartisan bill earlier ida. There was another horrendous commit violent crimes. this month, the Military Spouse Em- shooting in Florida in 2016 that dem- Our bill would also outlaw firearms ployment Act of 2018, which provides onstrates why this look-back provision and ammunition smuggling out of the direct employment opportunities and in this legislation is so important. The United States to another country. That additional access to childcare, im- gunman, Omar Mateen, was on the se- is vitally important for combating proves educational opportunities and lectee list for approximately 10 drug trafficking near and across our extends transition and counseling serv- months, but he was no longer on the southern border, which is contributing ices. I believe if we make it bipartisan list when he purchased the 2 guns that to the heroin crisis here at home. priority to support military families, he used to murder 49 people and injure Let me again be clear that the bill I we will see an improvement in the scores more. If our bill had been en- have introduced with Senator LEAHY readiness of our military and reap the acted, the FBI would have been noti- protects the Second Amendment rights economic benefits of supporting this fied immediately when Omar Mateen of law-abiding citizens. underutilized and resilient workforce purchased his first firearm in the These are just two commonsense re- of military spouses. I hope to see many weeks leading up to the shooting. Then forms that we can pass while fully pro- of the provisions of these two bills in- the FBI would have been notified a sec- tecting the constitutional rights of corporated into this year’s National ond time that Mateen had sought to law-abiding Americans. We can make Defense Authorization Act. purchase additional firearms. Surely, it as difficult for a terrorist to obtain that would have caused the FBI to re- a gun as it is for him to board an air- By Ms. COLLINS (for herself, Ms. open its investigation of Omar Mateen. plane. We can outlaw straw purchasing HEITKAMP, Mr. FLAKE, Mr. If our proposal had been law at that by increasing the penalties to make a HEINRICH, Mr. TOOMEY, Ms. time, perhaps that massacre might real difference. I urge my colleagues to BALDWIN, Mr. KING, Mr. NEL- have been prevented. support both the bipartisan Terrorist SON, Mr. MANCHIN, and Mr. I note that our bill would provide ro- Firearms Prevention Act and the straw KAINE): bust due process procedures to protect purchasing bill, as well as other com- S. 2458. A bill to authorize the Attor- the Second Amendment rights of law- monsense reforms. ney General to deny the transfer of abiding Americans. Any American who Thank you, Mr. President. firearms and explosives and Federal would be denied a purchase under this The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- firearms and explosives licenses and bill would have the opportunity to pe- ator from New Mexico. permits to known or suspected terror- tition a Federal district court and re- ists; to the Committee on the Judici- ceive a decision within 14 days. If the Mr. HEINRICH. Mr. President, I want ary. government, which would have the bur- to start by thanking my colleague, Ms. COLLINS. Mr. President, I rise den of proof, would fail to prove its Senator COLLINS of Maine, for her work to introduce the Terrorist Firearms case, it would have to pay attorneys’s in crafting this legislation and the lan- Prevention Act, which would prohibit fees for that individual, and, of course, guage of this bill and, more generally, suspected or known terrorists from le- the purchase of the firearm would go for her leadership, formerly on the gally purchasing a firearm. forward. Homeland Security and Governmental I thank my colleagues—Senators In 2016, when the Senate voted on our Affairs Committee and certainly for HEITKAMP, FLAKE, HEINRICH, TOOMEY, bill, it won majority and bipartisan the time that I have been on the Intel- BALDWIN, KING, NELSON, MANCHIN, and support. Our bill was endorsed by a dis- ligence Committee. Her contributions KAINE—for their cosponsorship of this tinguished group of military and intel- have not gone unnoticed, and she has bipartisan bill. I particularly recognize ligence leaders. I note that during the been a pleasure to work with in trying the leadership of Senator HEINRICH, 2016 Presidential debates, both can- to find reasonable places where we can who has joined me on the floor this didates agreed with our principle of no make a material difference in the evening as we introduce the bill and ex- fly, no buy. Surely, this is a sensible, kinds of mass shootings we have seen. plain it to our colleagues. reasonable policy around which we can I should start by speaking a little bit Often referred to as ‘‘no fly, no buy,’’ build consensus. to the recent tragedy in Florida. As the this bill represents one of the sensible Another step that we can take right father of two young boys, I can’t begin steps that we can take to reform our now is to pass legislation I introduced to imagine the nightmare that families Nation’s gun laws to better protect our with Senator LEAHY to explicitly out- are living through as they mourn the people. Our bill is based on a simple law straw purchasing. Straw pur- loss of their children in the wake of yet principle: If you are considered to be chasing is intended for one purpose another horrific mass shooting. too dangerous to board an airplane, only, and that is to put a gun into the Frankly, no parent should have to then you are too dangerous to buy a hands of a criminal who cannot legally live in fear of their child not coming firearm. obtain one. Our bill, the Stop Illegal home from school. It is pretty unthink- Our legislation would grant the At- Trafficking in Firearms Act, would able. torney General the authority to block provide law enforcement with an effec- Just last week, one of my own sons the purchase of a gun by a person who tive tool to fight the violence that too went through an active shooter train- is on either the no-fly or the selectee often goes hand in hand with drug traf- ing at his school. Sadly, that is now list. Remarkably, current law does not ficking and gang-related crimes. the new norm in schools all across our prohibit a person known or suspected Today, gun traffickers exploit weak- country. In fact, 91 Americans are of engaging in terrorism from walking nesses in our Federal laws by targeting killed each day by gun violence, and we into a gun shop and buying a firearm. individuals who can lawfully purchase simply cannot accept the status quo as The no-fly list and the selectee list are firearms. Sadly, according to briefings the new normal when there are real

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:30 Feb 28, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00026 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A27FE6.024 S27FEPT1 February 27, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S1249 and concrete steps we can take to re- won’t cut it anymore. We all need to these invasive tools, providing Con- duce gun violence while respecting con- listen to these students, parents, gress and the American people an op- stitutional rights. teachers, and to our own children who portunity to assess the balance be- Once again, Americans are looking to are calling on us to be part of the solu- tween the needs of law enforcement Congress to finally enact commonsense tion. and the imperative of protecting pri- reforms to our gun laws, to protect our New Mexicans can count on me, de- vacy and civil liberties. schools, to protect our children, to pro- spite the odds, to continue fighting for I urge other Senators to join us in tect our communities. Like so many real solutions to keep our children support of this legislation. It should Americans, I have been deeply moved safe, to reduce gun violence, and to not be controversial to be concerned at by the Marjory Stoneman Douglas keep our communities safe. That is the Government’s ability to search our High School students and young people what our communities and our con- electronic devices at the border with- all across this country who have spo- stituents deserve. out any suspicion at all. All of us—Re- ken out after losing classmates and Thank you. publican and Democrat—can support friends to demand that we as law- the goal of protecting our borders makers take action to prevent future By Mr. LEAHY (for himself and while also protecting the Fourth tragedies. Mr. DAINES): Amendment. It is no secret to my constituents or S. 2462. A bill to place restrictions on even my colleagues here that I am a searches and seizures of electronic de- By Mr. FLAKE (for himself and passionate outdoorsman, hunter, and vices at the border; to the Committee Ms. HEITKAMP): owner of firearms. I strongly believe on Homeland Security and Govern- S. 2464. A bill to improve border secu- that law-abiding Americans have a mental Affairs. rity and to provide conditional provi- right to own guns for sport and self-de- Mr. LEAHY. Mr. President. No Amer- sion residence to certain long-term fense. I am teaching my own sons how ican should have to relinquish all of residents who entered the United to safely and responsibly use those fire- their privacy rights in their cell States as children; read the first time. arms. The vast majority of Americans, phones, laptops, and other electronic S. 2464 including gun owners like me, know devices, simply because they are com- Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- that Congress must take action to ing home from a trip abroad. Yet that resentatives of the United States of America in close loopholes and reform our laws to is exactly how our Government views Congress assembled, keep those deadly weapons out of the it: currently, if a Vermonter crosses SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE; TABLE OF CONTENTS. hands of those who would turn them the border into Canada for a day, U.S. (a) SHORT TITLE.—This Act may be cited as against our communities. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) the ‘‘Three-Year Border and DACA Exten- Today I am quite proud to join my can search through the Vermonter’s sion Act’’. emails, text messages, photos, and any- (b) TABLE OF CONTENTS.—The table of con- colleagues from both sides of the tents for this Act is as follows: aisle—Senators COLLINS, HEITKAMP, thing else contained in their electronic Sec. 1. Short title; table of contents. FLAKE, and others—to introduce one of devices without any reason to suspect those measures that should have broad the person is in violation of anything. TITLE I—BORDER SECURITY bipartisan support. This is a poster Let me repeat that: without any sus- Sec. 101. Authorization of appropriations. child for the kind of policy that ought picion at all. That is unacceptable. Sec. 102. Operations and support. to get across the finish line even in That is why I am joining with Sen- TITLE II—DACA EXTENSION these deeply divided, partisan times. ator DAINES to introduce legislation to Sec. 201. Provisional protected presence for Our bipartisan legislation, the Ter- require the Government to have rea- young individuals. rorist Firearms Prevention Act, would sonable suspicion or probable cause to TITLE I—BORDER SECURITY deny firearms sales to individuals who search or seize Americans’ electronic SEC. 101. AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS. appear on the Department of Justice’s devices at the border. This legislation There is authorized to be appropriated a no-fly or selectee lists. These are the is a vital step toward protecting our total of $7,639,000,000 to the Department of narrowest of databases, the kinds of Fourth Amendment rights, while also Homeland Security for fiscal years 2018 lists one would have to work pretty ensuring that officers protecting our through 2020 for the purpose of improving border security. hard to land on, and for good reason. homeland have the lawful authorities SEC. 102. OPERATIONS AND SUPPORT. Our legislation includes due process they need to do their jobs. Last year, CBP searched the elec- (a) PURPOSE.—It is the purpose of this sec- procedures for individuals to appeal tion to establish a Border Security Enforce- their placement on those lists. tronic devices of over 30,000 travelers, ment Fund (referred to in this section as the It seems pretty straightforward to and this number continues to grow. ‘‘Fund’’), to be administered through the De- most of my constituents that if the These searches can take place at any partment of Homeland Security and, in fiscal government and law enforcement have international airport, or at any land year 2018 only, through the Department of determined that an individual is so border point such as U.S.-Canada bor- State, to provide for costs necessary to im- dangerous as to land on the terrorist der crossings in my home state of plement this Act and other Acts related to border security for activities, including— watch list and is too dangerous to fly Vermont or Senator DAINES’s home state of Montana. (1) constructing, installing, deploying, op- on a commercial airplane, that person erating, and maintaining tactical infrastruc- should not be able to walk into a gun Nothing in this legislation will pre- ture and technology in the vicinity of the shop and purchase a gun. But unless we vent CBP officers from doing their jobs United States border— pass this legislation, this glaring loop- to protect the homeland, detect contra- (A) to achieve situational awareness and hole will continue to allow individuals band, and enforce the law. Our legisla- operational control of the border; and identified as terror suspects to buy tion simply says that if an officer of (B) to deter, impede, and detect illegal ac- firearms. the Government wants to search an tivity in high traffic areas; and It is time for those Members of Con- American’s electronic device at the (C) to implement other border security border, at a minimum they should have provisions under this section; gress who oppose commonsense reforms (2) implementing port of entry provisions like this to finally step up and tell us reasonable suspicion. If they want to under this section; what they are doing to protect the pub- seize the device, they should have prob- (3) purchasing new aircraft, vessels, spare lic. It is time for all of us to listen to able cause. And if they want to conduct parts, and equipment to operate and main- the student leaders across this country a forensic examination of the device, tain such craft; and who are rejecting the unacceptable sta- they should get a warrant from a (4) hiring and recruitment. tus quo of our Nation’s gun violence judge. (b) FUNDING.—There are appropriated, to epidemic. Our legislation also requires the De- the Fund, out of any monies in the Treasury Those of us in the Senate who know partment of Homeland Security to col- not otherwise appropriated, a total of $7,639,000,000, as follows: firearms well have a special duty to lect statistics on such searches and sei- (1) For fiscal year 2018, $2,947,000,000, to re- lead these efforts and to get the details zures and report them to Congress. main available through fiscal year 2022. right on any legislation to reshape our This will significantly increase trans- (2) For fiscal year 2019, $2,225,000,000, to re- Nation’s gun laws. Inaction simply parency on the Government’s use of main available through fiscal year 2023.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:30 Feb 28, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00027 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G27FE6.023 S27FEPT1 S1250 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE February 27, 2018 (3) For fiscal year 2020, $2,467,000,000, to re- ‘‘SEC. 244A. PROVISIONAL PROTECTED PRES- ‘‘(3) continuously resided in the United main available through fiscal year 2024. ENCE. States between June 15, 2007, and the date on (c) PHYSICAL BARRIERS.— ‘‘(a) DEFINITIONS.—In this section: which the alien files an application under (1) IN GENERAL.—In each of the following ‘‘(1) DACA RECIPIENT.—- The term ‘DACA this section; fiscal years, the Secretary of Homeland Se- recipient’ means an alien who is in deferred ‘‘(4) was physically present in the United curity shall transfer, from the Fund to the action status on the date of the enactment of States on June 15, 2012, and on the date on U.S. Customs and Border Protection—Pro- this section pursuant to the Deferred Action which the alien files an application under curement, Construction and Improvements for Childhood Arrivals (‘DACA’) Program an- this section; account, for the purpose of constructing, re- nounced on June 15, 2012. ‘‘(5) was unlawfully present in the United placing, or planning physical barriers along ‘‘(2) FELONY.—The term ‘felony’ means a States on June 15, 2012; the United States land border, a total of Federal, State, or local criminal offense (ex- ‘‘(6) on the date on which the alien files an $5,013,000,000, as follows: cluding a State or local offense for which an application for provisional protected pres- (A) For fiscal year 2018, $1,571,000,000. essential element was the alien’s immigra- ence— (B) For fiscal year 2019, $1,600,000,000. tion status) punishable by imprisonment for ‘‘(A) is enrolled in school or in an edu- (C) For fiscal year 2020, $1,842,000,000. a term exceeding 1 year. cation program assisting students in obtain- (2) AVAILABILITY OF FUNDS.—Notwith- ‘‘(3) MISDEMEANOR.—The term ‘mis- ing a regular high school diploma or its rec- standing section 1552(a) of title 31, United demeanor’ means a Federal, State, or local ognized equivalent under State law, or in States Code, any amounts obligated for the criminal offense (excluding a State or local passing a general educational development purposes described in paragraph (1) shall re- offense for which an essential element was exam or other State-authorized exam; main available for disbursement until ex- the alien’s immigration status, a significant ‘‘(B) has graduated or obtained a certifi- pended. misdemeanor, and a minor traffic offense) cate of completion from high school; (d) TRANSFER AUTHORITY.—Other than the for which— ‘‘(C) has obtained a general educational de- amounts transferred by the Secretary of ‘‘(A) the maximum term of imprisonment velopment certificate; or Homeland Security and the Secretary of is greater than five days and not greater ‘‘(D) is an honorably discharged veteran of State pursuant to subsections (b) and (c), the than 1 year; and the Coast Guard or Armed Forces of the Committee on Appropriations of the Senate ‘‘(B) the individual was sentenced to time United States; and the Committee on Appropriations of the in custody of 90 days or less. ‘‘(7) has not been convicted of— House of Representatives may provide for ‘‘(4) SECRETARY.—The term ‘Secretary’ ‘‘(A) a felony; the transfer of amounts in the Fund for each means the Secretary of Homeland Security. ‘‘(B) a significant misdemeanor; or fiscal year to eligible activities under this ‘‘(5) SIGNIFICANT MISDEMEANOR.—The term ‘‘(C) 3 or more misdemeanors not occurring section, including— ‘significant misdemeanor’ means a Federal, on the same date and not arising out of the (1) for the purpose of constructing, replac- State, or local criminal offense (excluding a same act, omission, or scheme of mis- ing, or planning for physical barriers along State or local offense for which an essential conduct; and the United States land border; or element was the alien’s immigration status) ‘‘(8) does not otherwise pose a threat to na- (2) for any of the activities described in for which the maximum term of imprison- tional security or a threat to public safety. subsection (a). ment is greater than 5 days and not greater ‘‘(d) DURATION OF PROVISIONAL PROTECTED (e) USE OF FUND.—If the Committee on Ap- than 1 year that— PRESENCE AND EMPLOYMENT AUTHORIZA- propriations of the Senate and the Com- ‘‘(A) regardless of the sentence imposed, is TION.—Provisional protected presence and mittee on Appropriations of the House of a crime of domestic violence (as defined in employment authorization provided under this section shall be effective until the date Representatives do not provide for the trans- section 237(a)(2)(E)(i)) or an offense of sexual that is 3 years after the date of the enact- fer of funds in a full-year appropriation in abuse or exploitation, burglary, unlawful ment of the Three-Year Border and DACA any fiscal year in accordance with sub- possession or use of a firearm, drug distribu- Extension Act. section (d), the Secretary of Homeland Secu- tion or trafficking, or driving under the in- ‘‘(e) STATUS DURING PERIOD OF PROVISIONAL rity shall transfer amounts in the Fund to fluence if the State law requires, as an ele- PROTECTED PRESENCE.— accounts within the Department of Home- ment of the offense, the operation of a motor ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—An alien granted provi- land Security for eligible activities under vehicle and a finding of impairment or a sional protected presence is not considered this section, including not less than the blood alcohol content of .08 or higher; or to be unlawfully present in the United States amounts specified in subsection (c) for the ‘‘(B) resulted in a sentence of time in cus- during the period beginning on the date such purpose of constructing, replacing, or plan- tody of more than 90 days, excluding an of- status is granted and ending on the date de- ning for physical barriers along the United fense for which the sentence was suspended. scribed in subsection (d). States land border. ‘‘(6) THREAT TO NATIONAL SECURITY.—An ‘‘(2) STATUS OUTSIDE PERIOD.—The granting (f) BUDGET REQUEST.—A request for the alien is a ‘threat to national security’ if the of provisional protected presence under this transfer of amounts in the Fund under this alien is— section does not excuse previous or subse- section— ‘‘(A) inadmissible under section 212(a)(3); quent periods of unlawful presence. (1) shall be included in each budget for a or ‘‘(f) APPLICATION.— fiscal year submitted by the President under ‘‘(B) deportable under section 237(a)(4). ‘‘(1) AGE REQUIREMENT.— section 1105 of title 31, United States Code; ‘‘(7) THREAT TO PUBLIC SAFETY.—An alien is ‘‘(A) IN GENERAL.—An alien who has never and a ‘threat to public safety’ if the alien— been in removal proceedings, or whose pro- (2) shall detail planned obligations by pro- ‘‘(A) has been convicted of an offense for ceedings have been terminated before mak- gram, project, and activity in the receiving which an element was participation in a ing a request for provisional protected pres- account at the same level of detail provided criminal street gang (as defined in section ence, shall be at least 15 years old on the for in the request for other appropriations in 521(a) of title 18, United States Code); or date on which the alien submits an applica- that account. ‘‘(B) has engaged in a continuing criminal tion under this section. (g) REPORTING REQUIREMENT.—At the be- enterprise (as defined in section 408(c) of the ‘‘(B) EXCEPTION.—The age requirement set ginning of fiscal year 2019, and annually Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and forth in subparagraph (A) shall not apply to thereafter until the funding made available Control Act of 1970 (21 U.S.C. 848(c))). an alien who, on the date on which the alien under this title has been expended, the Sec- ‘‘(b) AUTHORIZATION.—The Secretary— applies for provisional protected presence, is retary of Homeland Security shall submit a ‘‘(1) shall grant provisional protected pres- in removal proceedings, has a final removal report to the Committee on Homeland Secu- ence to an alien who— order, or has a voluntary departure order. rity and Governmental Affairs of the Senate, ‘‘(A) files an application demonstrating ‘‘(2) APPLICATION FEE.— the Committee on the Judiciary of the Sen- that he or she meets the eligibility criteria ‘‘(A) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary may re- ate, the Committee on Homeland Security of under subsection (c); and quire aliens applying for provisional pro- the House of Representatives, and the Com- ‘‘(B) pays the appropriate application fee; tected presence and employment authoriza- mittee on the Judiciary of the House of Rep- ‘‘(2) may not remove such alien from the tion under this section to pay a reasonable resentatives that describes— United States during the period in which fee that is commensurate with the cost of (1) the status of border security in the such provisional protected presence is in ef- processing the application. United States; and fect unless such status is rescinded pursuant ‘‘(B) EXEMPTION.—An applicant may be ex- (2) the amount planned to be expended on to subsection (g); and empted from paying the fee required under border security during the upcoming fiscal ‘‘(3) shall provide such alien with employ- subparagraph (A) if the alien— year, broken down by project and activity. ment authorization. ‘‘(i)(I) is younger than 18 years of age; TITLE II—DACA EXTENSION ‘‘(c) ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA.—An alien is eli- ‘‘(II) received total income during the 12- SEC. 201. PROVISIONAL PROTECTED PRESENCE gible for provisional protected presence and month period immediately preceding the FOR YOUNG INDIVIDUALS. employment authorization under this sec- date on which the alien files an application (a) IN GENERAL.—Chapter 4 of title II of the tion if the alien— under this section that is less than 150 per- Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. ‘‘(1) was born after June 15, 1981; cent of the United States poverty level; and 1221 et seq.) is amended by adding at the end ‘‘(2) entered the United States before ‘‘(III) is in foster care or otherwise lacking the following: reaching 16 years of age; any parental or other familial support;

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:30 Feb 28, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00028 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A27FE6.028 S27FEPT1 February 27, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S1251 ‘‘(ii) is younger than 18 years of age and is ‘‘(1) has been convicted of— SUBMITTED RESOLUTIONS homeless; ‘‘(A) a felony; ‘‘(iii)(I) cannot care for himself or herself ‘‘(B) a significant misdemeanor; or because of a serious, chronic disability; and ‘‘(C) 3 or more misdemeanors not occurring ‘‘(II) received total income during the 12- on the same date and not arising out of the SENATE RESOLUTION 414—CON- month period immediately preceding the same act, omission, or scheme of mis- DEMNING THE CONTINUED UN- date on which the alien files an application conduct; DEMOCRATIC MEASURES BY THE under this section that is less than 150 per- ‘‘(2) poses a threat to national security or cent of the United States poverty level; or GOVERNMENT OF VENEZUELA a threat to public safety; ‘‘(iv)(I) as of the date on which the alien TO UNDERMINE THE INDEPEND- files an application under this section, has ‘‘(3) has traveled outside of the United ENCE OF DEMOCRATIC INSTITU- accumulated $10,000 or more in debt in the States without authorization from the Sec- TIONS AND CALLING FOR A past 12 months as a result of unreimbursed retary; or FREE AND FAIR ELECTORAL medical expenses incurred by the alien or an ‘‘(4) has ceased to continuously reside in PROCESS immediate family member of the alien; and the United States. Mr. DURBIN (for himself, Mr. ‘‘(II) received total income during the 12- ‘‘(h) TREATMENT OF BRIEF, CASUAL, AND IN- MENENDEZ, Mr. CARDIN, Mr. VAN HOL- month period immediately preceding the NOCENT DEPARTURES AND CERTAIN OTHER AB- date on which the alien files an application LEN EAHY ELSON EN SENCES.—For purposes of subsections (c)(3) , Mr. L , Mr. N , Mr. B - under this section that is less than 150 per- NET, Mr. COONS, Mr. REED, Mr. KAINE, cent of the United States poverty level. and (g)(4), an alien shall not be considered to have failed to continuously reside in the and Mr. SANDERS) submitted the fol- ‘‘(3) REMOVAL STAYED WHILE APPLICATION lowing resolution; which was referred PENDING.—The Secretary may not remove an United States due to— alien from the United States who appears ‘‘(1) brief, casual, and innocent absences to the Committee on Foreign Rela- prima facie eligible for provisional protected from the United States during the period be- tions: presence while the alien’s application for ginning on June 15, 2007, and ending on Au- S. RES. 414 provisional protected presence is pending. gust 14, 2012; or Whereas Venezuelan President Nicola´ s ‘‘(4) ALIENS NOT IN IMMIGRATION DETEN- ‘‘(2) travel outside of the United States on Maduro continues to take measures to con- TION.—An alien who is not in immigration or after August 15, 2012, if such travel was solidate an authoritarian government and detention, but who is in removal pro- authorized by the Secretary. undermine the independence of democratic ceedings, is the subject of a final removal ‘‘(i) TREATMENT OF EXPUNGED CONVIC- institutions in the country; order, or is the subject of a voluntary depar- Whereas the Government of Peru, as host TIONS.—For purposes of subsections (c)(7) and ture order, may apply for provisional pro- of the upcoming Summit of the Americas, (g)(1), an expunged conviction shall not auto- tected presence under this section if the has indicated that President Nicola´ s Maduro alien appears prima facie eligible for provi- matically be treated as a disqualifying fel- is not welcome to attend because of his fail- sional protected presence. ony, significant misdemeanor, or mis- ure to uphold the region’s shared commit- ‘‘(5) ALIENS IN IMMIGRATION DETENTION.— demeanor, but shall be evaluated on a case- ment to strengthening democracy and im- The Secretary shall provide any alien in im- by-case basis according to the nature and se- proving citizens’ well-being; migration detention, including any alien verity of the offense to determine whether, Whereas Venezuela’s National Electoral who is in removal proceedings, is the subject Council (CNE) unilaterally called for a presi- of a final removal order, or is the subject of under the particular circumstances, the dential election on April 22, 2018, despite the a voluntary departure order, who appears alien should be eligible for provisional pro- absence of an agreement between the Gov- prima facie eligible for provisional protected tected presence under this section. ernment of Venezuela and the political oppo- presence, upon request, with a reasonable op- ‘‘(j) EFFECT OF DEFERRED ACTION UNDER sition on the conditions necessary for the portunity to apply for provisional protected DEFERRED ACTION FOR CHILDHOOD ARRIVALS electoral process; presence under this section. PROGRAM.— Whereas, on February 13, 2018, the Min- ‘‘(6) CONFIDENTIALITY.— ‘‘(1) PROVISIONAL PROTECTED PRESENCE.—A isters of Foreign Affairs of , , ‘‘(A) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary shall pro- DACA recipient is deemed to have provi- Canada, , Colombia, Costa Rica, Guate- tect information provided in applications for mala, Guyana, Honduras, Mexico, , provisional protected presence under this sional protected presence under this section Paraguay, Peru, and Saint Lucia, rejected section and in requests for consideration of through the expiration date of the alien’s de- the decision of the Government of Venezuela DACA from disclosure to U.S. Immigration ferred action status, as specified by the Sec- to hold elections on April 22; and Customs Enforcement and U.S. Customs retary in conjunction with the approval of Whereas these 14 Foreign Ministers stated and Border Protection for the purpose of im- the alien’s DACA application. that elections would not be considered legiti- migration enforcement proceedings. ‘‘(2) EMPLOYMENT AUTHORIZATION.—If a mate if the elections do not— ‘‘(B) REFERRALS PROHIBITED.—The Sec- DACA recipient has been granted employ- (1) permit the participation of all Ven- retary may not refer individuals whose cases ment authorization by the Secretary in addi- ezuelan citizens and political parties; have been deferred pursuant to DACA or who tion to deferred action, the employment au- (2) include observation by credible inter- have been granted provisional protected thorization shall continue through the expi- national organizations; and presence under this section to U.S. Immigra- ration date of the alien’s deferred action sta- (3) meet recognized international stand- tion and Customs Enforcement. tus, as specified by the Secretary in conjunc- ards; ‘‘(C) LIMITED EXCEPTION.—The information tion with the approval of the alien’s DACA Whereas despite these denunciations, on submitted in applications for provisional application. February 21, 2018, President Maduro stated protected presence under this section and in ‘‘(3) EFFECT OF APPLICATION.—If a DACA re- that he wanted to hold elections for the Na- requests for consideration of DACA may be cipient files an application for provisional shared with national security and law en- tional Assembly, state legislative councils, protected presence under this section not and municipal councils in conjunction with forcement agencies— later than the expiration date of the alien’s ‘‘(i) for assistance in the consideration of the presidential election scheduled for April deferred action status, as specified by the the application for provisional protected 22; Secretary in conjunction with the approval presence; Whereas, in January 2018, Venezuelan au- ‘‘(ii) to identify or prevent fraudulent of the alien’s DACA application, the alien’s thorities banned the Democratic Unity claims; provisional protected presence, and any em- Roundtable (MUD), the principal coalition of ‘‘(iii) for national security purposes; and ployment authorization, shall remain in ef- opposition parties, and leading opposition ‘‘(iv) for the investigation or prosecution fect pending the adjudication of such appli- political parties Voluntad Popular and of any felony not related to immigration sta- cation.’’. Primero Justicia, from participating in the presidential election; tus. (b) CLERICAL AMENDMENT.—The table of Whereas Venezuela’s December 2017 munic- ‘‘(7) ACCEPTANCE OF APPLICATIONS.—Not contents for the Immigration and Nation- ipal elections and October 2017 gubernatorial later than 60 days after the date of the enact- ality Act (8 U.S.C. 1101 note) is amended by ment of the Three-Year Border and DACA elections failed to meet recognized inter- inserting after the item relating to section Extension Act, the Secretary shall begin ac- national standards; cepting applications for provisional pro- 244 the following: Whereas, in July 2017, Venezuela held fraudulent elections to install a National tected presence and employment authoriza- ‘‘Sec. 244A. Provisional protected pres- Constituent Assembly, a parallel legislature tion. ence.’’. ‘‘(g) RESCISSION OF PROVISIONAL PROTECTED that undemocratically usurped the constitu- PRESENCE.—The Secretary may not rescind tional authorities vested in the country’s an alien’s provisional protected presence or democratically-elected National Assembly; employment authorization granted under Whereas Smartmatic, the company that this section unless the Secretary determines manufactured the tech- that the alien— nology, confirmed that—

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:30 Feb 28, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00029 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A27FE6.028 S27FEPT1 S1252 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE February 27, 2018 (1) the result of the July 2017 National Con- (4) rejects the Venezuelan Government’s ef- portance of speech and debate through Na- stituent Assembly election was manipulated; forts to blame the country’s economic, hu- tional Speech and Debate Education Day; and manitarian, and political crisis on other ac- and (2) a change of more than 1,000,000 votes oc- tors instead of recognizing that the crisis Whereas National Speech and Debate Edu- curred in the final tabulation; was caused by its own malfeasance and crim- cation Day emphasizes the importance of Whereas a global coalition of more than 40 inality; speech and debate education and the integra- countries have rejected the installation of (5) urges the Government of Venezuela— tion of speech and debate education across Venezuela’s National Constituent Assembly (A) to permit the unobstructed delivery of grade levels and disciplines: Now, therefore, and refused to recognize it as a legitimate humanitarian assistance to the people of be it institution; Venezuela; and Resolved, That the Senate— Whereas the collapse of democratic govern- (B) to stop using food as a tool of political (1) designates March 2, 2018, as ‘‘National ance and the proliferation of political cor- coercion; Speech and Debate Education Day’’; ruption, criminal violence, failed economic (6) condemns the Government of Venezuela (2) strongly affirms the purposes of Na- policies, and hyperinflation have created a for failing to credibly participate in inter- tional Speech and Debate Education Day; devastating humanitarian crisis in Ven- nationally mediated negotiations— and ezuela; (A) to restore democracy; (3) encourages educational institutions, Whereas the majority of Venezuela’s citi- (B) to free political prisoners; and businesses, community and civic associa- zens lack access to essential medicines and (C) to permit the delivery of humanitarian tions, and all people of the United States to basic food supplies; assistance; celebrate and promote National Speech and Whereas the precarious humanitarian con- (7) supports the decision of the Govern- Debate Education Day. ditions in Venezuela have prompted hun- ment of Peru, as host of the Eighth Summit f dreds of thousands of Venezuelan citizens to of the Americas, to not invite President emigrate, which is fueling a migration and Maduro; and SENATE RESOLUTION 416—SUP- refugee crisis in neighboring countries; (8) supports the efforts of the Office of the PORTING THE GOALS AND Whereas, the Chief Prosecutor of the Inter- Prosecutor of the International Criminal IDEALS OF CAREER AND TECH- national Criminal Court has stated that the Court to examine the Venezuelan Govern- NICAL EDUCATION MONTH ment’s use of torture, excessive force, and Office of the Prosecutor will open a prelimi- Mr. KAINE (for himself, Mr. nary examination of the Venezuelan Govern- arbitrary detentions against Venezuelan citi- PORTMAN, Ms. BALDWIN, Mr. YOUNG, ment’s use of torture and excessive force zens. against demonstrators and the arbitrary de- f Mr. BARRASSO, Mr. BENNET, Mr. BLUMENTHAL, Mr. BOOZMAN, Mr. tention of thousands of anti-government pro- SENATE RESOLUTION 415—DESIG- testers; BROWN, Ms. CANTWELL, Mrs. CAPITO, Whereas, despite the presence of inter- NATING MARCH 2, 2018, AS ‘‘NA- Mr. CASEY, Mr. COONS, Ms. CORTEZ national mediators, the Government of Ven- TIONAL SPEECH AND DEBATE MASTO, Mr. DAINES, Mr. DONNELLY, Ms. ezuela failed to credibly participate in nego- EDUCATION DAY’’ DUCKWORTH, Mr. DURBIN, Mr. ENZI, tiations with the country’s political opposi- Mr. GRASSLEY (for himself, Mr. Mrs. FEINSTEIN, Ms. HARRIS, Ms. HAS- tion in order to reach an agreement that COONS, Ms. WARREN, Mr. DURBIN, and SAN, Mr. HATCH, Mr. HEINRICH, Ms. would— Ms. KLOBUCHAR) submitted the fol- (1) restore democracy; HEITKAMP, Ms. HIRONO, Mr. HOEVEN, (2) free political prisoners; lowing resolution; which was consid- Mr. INHOFE, Mr. ISAKSON, Mr. KING, Ms. (3) facilitate the delivery of humanitarian ered and agreed to: KLOBUCHAR, Mr. MANCHIN, Mr. MARKEY, aid; and S. RES. 415 Mrs. MURRAY, Mr. PERDUE, Mr. PETERS, (4) establish conditions for legitimate Whereas it is essential for youth to learn Mr. ROBERTS, Mr. ROUNDS, Mrs. SHA- democratic elections: and practice the art of communicating with HEEN, Ms. SMITH, Ms. STABENOW, Mr. Now, therefore, be it and without technology; THUNE, Mr. TILLIS, Mr. WARNER, and Resolved, That the Senate— Whereas speech and debate education of- Mr. WYDEN) submitted the following (1) calls on the Government of Venezuela fers students myriad forms of public speak- resolution; which was considered and to postpone the presidential election and any ing through which students may develop tal- concurrent National Assembly, state legisla- ent and exercise unique voice and character; agreed to: tive council, or municipal council elections Whereas speech and debate education gives S. RES. 416 scheduled for April 22, 2018, until— students the 21st-century skills of commu- Whereas a competitive global economy re- (A) international and local election observ- nication, critical thinking, creativity, and quires workers who are prepared for skilled ers from credible organizations are allowed collaboration; professions; to observe the electoral process, including Whereas critical analysis and effective Whereas, according to Deloitte and the the pre-election period, and determine a le- communication allow important ideas, texts, Manufacturing Institute, 84 percent of execu- gitimate process; and philosophies the opportunity to flourish; tives agree that there is a talent shortage in (B) the National Electoral Council is led Whereas personal, professional, and civic manufacturing in the United States, includ- and staffed by nonpartisan members that interactions are enhanced by the ability of ing talent for front-line worker jobs such as have the confidence of contesting parties; the participants in those interactions to lis- machinists, operators, craft workers, dis- (C) opposition parties and candidates are ten, concur, question, and dissent with rea- tributors, and technicians; free to peacefully compete in the election son and compassion; Whereas career and technical education without threat of arrest, harassment, or ret- Whereas students who participate in (referred to in this preamble as ‘‘CTE’’) en- ribution, including access to government speech and debate have chosen a challenging sures that competitive and skilled workers controlled media; activity that requires regular practice, dedi- are ready, willing, and capable of holding (D) arrangements are made for all Ven- cation, and hard work; jobs in high-wage, high-skill, and in-demand ezuelan voters, including those residing out- Whereas teachers and coaches of speech career fields such as science, technology, en- side of Venezuela, to be able to participate in and debate devote in-school, afterschool, and gineering, mathematics, nursing, allied the election; and weekend hours to equip students with life- health, construction, information tech- (E) there is no implied or direct link be- changing skills and opportunities; nology, energy sustainability, and many tween an individual’s vote and the govern- Whereas National Speech and Debate Edu- other career fields that are vital in keeping ment food rations to which the individual is cation Day emphasizes the lifelong impact of the United States competitive in the global eligible and no record is retained of a voter’s providing people of the United States with economy; choice for any reason related to government the confidence and preparation to both dis- Whereas CTE helps the United States meet benefits, including retaliation; cern and share views; the very real and immediate challenges of (2) denounces as illegitimate any presi- Whereas National Speech and Debate Edu- economic development, student achieve- dential election in Venezuela that fails to cation Day acknowledges that most achieve- ment, and global competitiveness; meet the standards described in paragraph ments, celebrations, commemorations, and Whereas the United States has 30,000,000 (1); pivotal moments in modern history begin, jobs with an average income of $55,000 per (3) condemns the steps taken by President end, or are crystallized with public address; year that do not require a bachelor’s degree Maduro— Whereas National Speech and Debate Edu- yet increasingly require some level of post- (A) to consolidate an authoritarian govern- cation Day recognizes that learning to re- secondary education; ment in Venezuela; and search, construct, and present an argument Whereas nearly 12,000,000 students are en- (B) to undermine the independence of is integral to personal advocacy, social rolled in CTE across the country with CTE democratic institutions such as the National movements, and the making of public policy; programs in thousands of CTE centers, com- Assembly of Venezuela, the Supreme Tri- Whereas the National Speech & Debate As- prehensive high schools, career academies, bunal of Justice of Venezuela, and the Na- sociation, in conjunction with national and and CTE high schools, and nearly 1,600 2-year tional Electoral Council of Venezuela; local partners, honors and celebrates the im- colleges;

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:30 Feb 28, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00030 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A27FE6.029 S27FEPT1 February 27, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S1253 Whereas CTE matches employability skills (A) is set to expire in 2023; and tegic Services (OSS), in recognition of their with workforce demand and provides rel- (B) authorizes economic assistance, superior service and major contributions evant academic and technical coursework through Federal grants and programs, to during World War II. leading to industry-recognized credentials persons in the Republic of the Marshall Is- (b) PREPARATIONS.—Physical preparations for secondary, postsecondary, and adult lands; and for the conduct of the ceremony described in learners; (2) has full authority and responsibility Whereas CTE affords students the oppor- over security and defense matters relating to subsection (a) shall be carried out in accord- tunity to gain the knowledge, skills, and cre- the Republic of the Marshall Islands; ance with such conditions as may be pre- dentials needed to secure careers in growing, Whereas, under the Compact, eligible citi- scribed by the Architect of the Capitol. high-demand fields; zens of the Republic of the Marshall Islands Mr. KAINE. Mr. President, our Na- Whereas secondary CTE is associated with may reside, work, and study in the United a lower probability of dropping out of high States without a visa and may serve in the tion’s ongoing success and economic school and a higher likelihood of graduating Armed Forces of the United States; mobility depends on the skills and edu- on-time; Whereas an estimated 1⁄3 of the population cation of the American workforce and Whereas CTE students were significantly of the Republic of the Marshall Islands has its preparedness to meet and adjust to more likely than non-CTE students to report relocated to the United States; and the demands of today’s economy. Ca- having developed problem-solving, project Whereas Marshallese individuals who live reer and technical education (CTE) completion, research, math, college applica- in the United States— tion, work-related, communication, time (1) offer positive economic and cultural programs are an essential component management, and critical thinking skills benefits to the communities in which those to each student’s education, giving stu- during high school; individuals live; dents the opportunity to gain knowl- Whereas, according to an American Fed- (2) pay Federal and State taxes but are not edge, skills, and credentials needed to eration of Teachers poll, 94 percent of par- eligible for benefits under— secure careers in growing, high-demand ents approve of expanding access to CTE and (A) the Medicare program established other programs that prepare students for under title XVIII of the Social Security fields. Today, approximately 12 million jobs; Act (42 U.S.C. 1395 et seq.); or students are enrolled in CTE across the Whereas students at schools with highly (B) the Medicaid program established country with CTE programs in thou- integrated rigorous academic and CTE pro- under title XIX of the Social Security Act sands of CTE centers, comprehensive grams have significantly higher achievement (42 U.S.C. 1396 et seq.); and high schools, career academies, CTE in reading, mathematics, and science than (3) were undercounted in the 2010 census high schools, and community colleges. students at schools with less integrated pro- and, as a result, areas where those individ- Through applied learning, these stu- grams; and uals live are underserved by the Federal Gov- Whereas February 23, 2018, marks the 101st ernment: Now, therefore, be it dents obtain technical and employ- anniversary of the signing of the Act of Feb- Resolved by the Senate (the House of Rep- ability skills that parallel workforce ruary 23, 1917 (commonly known as the resentatives concurring), That Congress— demand. ‘‘Smith-Hughes Vocational Education Act of (1) commends— According to the American Federa- 1917’’) (39 Stat. 929, chapter 114), which was (A) the rich history and heritage of the Re- the first major Federal investment in sec- public of the Marshall Islands; and tion of Teachers, 94 percent of parents ondary CTE and laid the foundation for the (B) citizens of the Republic of the Marshall approve of expanding access to CTE bipartisan, bicameral support for CTE that Islands who live in the United States for the and other programs that prepare stu- continues as of February 2018: Now, there- contributions of those individuals to— dents for jobs. CTE ensures that com- fore, be it (i) the communities in which those individ- petitive and skilled workers are ready, Resolved, That the Senate— uals live; and willing, and capable of holding jobs in (1) designates February 2018 as ‘‘Career and (ii) the national defense of the United Technical Education Month’’ to celebrate ca- States through their service in the Armed high-wage, high-skill, and in-demand reer and technical education across the Forces of the United States; career fields. Throughout Virginia, I’ve United States; (2) recognizes— heard manufacturers express dis- (2) supports the goals and ideals of Career (A) the strategic importance of the Repub- content with shortage of qualified and Technical Education month; lic of the Marshall Islands; and skilled production employees—roles (3) recognizes the importance of career and (B) the importance of the upcoming re- that require the instruction and train- technical education in preparing a well-edu- negotiation of the Compact of Free Associa- cated and skilled workforce in the United tion between the Government of the United ing offered in CTE classrooms. It is States; and States and the Government of the Republic vital that we heighten awareness of (4) encourages educators, guidance and ca- of the Marshall Islands; and CTE’s role in helping the United States reer development professionals, administra- (3) encourages a continued commitment to to meet the very real and immediate tors, and parents to promote career and improve census data to better serve citizens challenges of economic development, technical education as a respected option for of the Republic of the Marshall Islands who student achievement, and global com- students. live in the United States. petitiveness. f f This is why today, with my Senate SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLU- SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLU- CTE Caucus co-chairs Senator TION 34—RECOGNIZING THE RICH TION 35—AUTHORIZING THE USE PORTMAN, SENATOR BALDWIN, and Sen- HISTORY, HERITAGE, AND STRA- OF EMANCIPATION HALL IN THE ator YOUNG and 41 colleagues in the TEGIC IMPORTANCE OF THE RE- CAPITOL VISITOR CENTER FOR A Senate, I am proud to introduce a bi- PUBLIC OF THE MARSHALL IS- CEREMONY TO PRESENT THE partisan resolution to designate Feb- LANDS AND THE MARSHALLESE CONGRESSIONAL GOLD MEDAL ruary as Career and Technical Edu- POPULATION RESIDING IN THE COLLECTIVELY TO THE MEM- cation (CTE) month. CTE Month offers UNITED STATES BERS OF THE OFFICE OF STRA- an opportunity for students, parents, TEGIC SERVICES Mr. BOOZMAN (for himself and Mr. counselors, educators and school lead- COTTON) submitted the following con- Mr. WARNER (for himself and Mr. ers to become more informed about the current resolution; which was referred BLUNT) submitted the following con- educational opportunities attainable in to the Committee on Energy and Nat- current resolution; which was consid- their communities, and acknowledge ural Resources: ered and agreed to: the importance of CTE in cultivating a S. CON. RES. 34 S. CON. RES. 35 skilled and well-educated workforce in Whereas the Republic of the Marshall Is- Resolved by the Senate (the House of Rep- our nation. lands— resentatives concurring), Through formal recognition of CTE (1) is a sovereign country in free associa- SECTION 1. USE OF EMANCIPATION HALL FOR tion with the United States under the Com- CEREMONY TO PRESENT THE CON- Month through this resolution, it is pact of Free Association between the Gov- GRESSIONAL GOLD MEDAL TO THE our hope that we can foster greater ernment of the United States and the Gov- OFFICE OF STRATEGIC SERVICES. support for the importance of improv- ernment of the Republic of the Marshall Is- (a) AUTHORIZATION.—Emancipation Hall in ing access to high-quality CTE for mil- lands (referred to in this preamble as the the Capitol Visitor Center is authorized to be ‘‘Compact’’), approved in the Compact of used on March 21, 2018, for a ceremony to lions of America’s students and our Free Association Amendments Act of 2003 present the Congressional Gold Medal collec- country’s continued economic competi- (Public Law 108–188; 117 Stat. 2720), which— tively to the members of the Office of Stra- tiveness.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:30 Feb 28, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00031 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A27FE6.031 S27FEPT1 S1254 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE February 27, 2018 AUTHORITY FOR COMMITTEES TO Honorable JONI ERNST of Iowa, the Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I MEET Honorable SHELDON WHITEHOUSE of ask unanimous consent that the reso- Mr. PORTMAN. Mr. President, I have Rhode Island, the Honorable MICHAEL lution be agreed to, the preamble be 5 requests for committees to meet dur- BENNET of Colorado, the Honorable agreed to, and the motions to recon- ing today’s session of the Senate. They BRIAN SCHATZ of Hawaii, and the Hon- sider be considered made and laid upon have the approval of the Majority and orable MAIZE K. HIRONO of Hawaii. the table with no intervening action or Minority leaders. The Chair, on behalf of the majority debate. Pursuant to rule XXVI, paragraph and minority leaders of the Senate, The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without 5(a), of the Standing Rules of the Sen- pursuant to section 30422 of Public Law objection, it is so ordered. ate, the following committees are au- 115–123, appoints the following as Mem- The resolution (S. Res. 415) was thorized to meet during today’s session bers of the Joint Select Committee on agreed to. The preamble was agreed to. of the Senate: Solvency of Multiemployer Pension Plans: the Honorable ORRIN G. HATCH (The resolution, with its preamble, is COMMITTEE ON ARMED SERVICES of Utah (Co-Chair), the Honorable printed in today’s RECORD under ‘‘Sub- The Committee on Armed Services is LAMAR ALEXANDER of Tennessee, the mitted Resolutions.’’) authorized to meet during the session Honorable ROB J. PORTMAN of Ohio, the f of the Senate on Tuesday, February, 27, Honorable MIKE D. CRAPO of Idaho, the 2018, at 9:30 a.m., to conduct a hearing. SUPPORTING THE GOALS AND Honorable SHERROD BROWN of Ohio (Co- IDEALS OF CAREER AND TECH- COMMITTEE ON HEALTH, EDUCATION, LABOR AND Chair), the Honorable JOE MANCHIN III PENSIONS NICAL EDUCATION MONTH of West Virginia, the Honorable HEIDI Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I The Committee on Health, Edu- HEITKAMP of North Dakota, and the ask unanimous consent that the Sen- cation, Labor and Pensions is author- Honorable TINA SMITH of Minnesota. ized to meet during the session of the ate proceed to the immediate consider- Senate on Tuesday, February, 27, 2018, f ation of S. Res. 416, submitted earlier at 10 a.m., to conduct a hearing enti- APPOINTMENT today. tled ‘‘The Opioid Crisis: The Role of The PRESIDING OFFICER. The The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Technology and Data in Preventing clerk will report the resolution by Chair, on behalf of the majority leader, and Treating Addiction.’’ title. pursuant to Public Law 106–567, the In- The senior assistant legislative clerk COMMITTEE ON FOREIGN RELATIONS telligence Authorization Act for Fiscal The Committee on Foreign Relations read as follows: Year 2001, appoints the following indi- A resolution (S. Res. 416) supporting the is authorized to meet during the ses- vidual to serve as a member of the Pub- sion of the Senate on Tuesday, Feb- goals and ideals of Career and Technical lic Interest Declassification Board: Education Month. ruary, 27, 2018, at 2:30 p.m., to conduct Alissa M. Starzak of the District of Co- There being no objection, the Senate a hearing on the following nomina- lumbia. tions: Kevin Edward Moley, of Arizona, proceeded to consider the resolution. Mr. MCCONNELL. I further ask to be an Assistant Secretary of State f unanimous consent that the resolution (International Organization Affairs), MEASURE READ THE FIRST be agreed to, the preamble be agreed Josephine Olsen, of Maryland, to be Di- TIME—S. 2464 to, and the motions to reconsider be rector of the Peace Corps, Erik Bethel, Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I considered made and laid upon the of Florida, to be United States Alter- understand there is a bill at the desk, table with no intervening action or de- nate Executive Director of the Inter- and I ask for its first reading. bate. national Bank for Reconstruction and The PRESIDING OFFICER. The The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Development, and Sean Cairncross, of clerk will read the bill by title for the objection, it is so ordered. Minnesota, to be Chief Executive Offi- first time. The resolution (S. Res. 416) was cer, Millennium Challenge Corpora- The senior assistant legislative clerk agreed to. tion. read as follows: The preamble was agreed to. COMMITTEE ON VETERANS’ AFFAIRS A bill (S. 2464) to improve border security (The resolution, with its preamble, is The Committee on Veterans’ Affairs and to provide conditional provision resi- printed in today’s RECORD under ‘‘Sub- is authorized to meet during the ses- dence to certain long-term residents who en- mitted Resolutions.’’) sion of the Senate on Tuesday, Feb- tered the United States as children. f ruary, 27, 2018, at 2 p.m., to conduct a Mr. MCCONNELL. I now ask for a joint hearing with the House Com- AUTHORIZING USE OF second reading and, in order to place EMANCIPATION HALL mittee on Veterans’ Affairs. the bill on the calendar under the pro- SELECT COMMITTEE ON INTELLIGENCE visions of rule XIV, I object to my own Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I The Select Committee on Intel- request. ask unanimous consent that the Sen- ligence is authorized to meet during The PRESIDING OFFICER. Objec- ate proceed to the immediate consider- the session of the Senate on Tuesday, tion having been heard, the bill will be ation of S. Con. Res. 35, submitted ear- February, 27, at 2:30 p.m. to conduct a read for the second time on the next lier today. closed hearing. legislative day. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The clerk will report the concurrent resolu- f f tion by title. APPOINTMENTS NATIONAL SPEECH AND DEBATE The senior assistant legislative clerk EDUCATION DAY read as follows: Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I A concurrent resolution (S. Con. Res. 35) Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I understand appointments were made authorizing the use of Emancipation Hall in during the adjournment of the Senate. ask unanimous consent that the Sen- the Capitol Visitor Center for a ceremony to I ask they be stated for the RECORD. ate proceed to the consideration of S. present the Congressional Gold Medal collec- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Res. 415, submitted earlier today. tively to the members of the Office of Stra- Chair, on behalf of the majority and The PRESIDING OFFICER. The tegic Services. minority leaders of the Senate, pursu- clerk will report the resolution by There being no objection, the Senate ant to section 30442 of Public Law 115– title. proceeded to consider the concurrent 123, appoints the following as Members The senior assistant legislative clerk resolution. of the Joint Select Committee on read as follows: Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I Budget and Appropriations Process Re- A resolution (S. Res. 415) designating further ask unanimous consent that form: the Honorable ROY D. BLUNT of March 2, 2018, as ‘‘National Speech and De- the concurrent resolution be agreed to Missouri, the Honorable DAVID A. bate Education Day.’’ and the motion to reconsider be consid- PERDUE, JR. of Georgia, the Honorable There being no objection, the Senate ered made and laid upon the table with JAMES P. LANKFORD of Oklahoma, the proceeded to consider the resolution. no intervening action or debate.


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