Sustainable Energy Mix and Policy Framework for Jordan
Sustainable Energy Mix and Policy Framework for Jordan Sustainable Energy Mix and Policy Framework for Jordan ! "!!# a & H/ N c ^8H_ !"# $% & '()# *!+, -(!. /(! 0(!&1 $(R+ 3#/ &, 4++5 *!&!)67 8 9 :8 ;< =<( 3( 5 9::>??8; =)!<(!51 !"# $% & '()# *!+ -(!. /(! 0(!& & P ?,;AY<CA/C AT6"-AT68 '(CA2*>,E( (C;.A2T012E(3<-;T "#$%&' ())$$$"# * $#,% ())$$"#$ * . / ) 0 1 23 45 6 7))8 9): ) ()) <=$$ * IR.0 > E(W$QA\R=(M Sustainable Energy Mix and Policy Framework for Jordan “Meanwhile, we are dealing pro-actively to overcome our limited natural resources. By better managing water resources, and increasing supply through desalination, while providing new solar, wind, and nuclear energy sources, Jordan‘s future development will be secured”. * His Majesty King Abdullah II, the Jordan Investment Forum, 2007 “The sun-belt and the technology belt can become very powerful when they begin to understand themselves as a community: a community of energy, water and climate security; a community for their common future.” * H.R.H. Prince El Hassan Bin Talal, World Energy Dialogue, Hannover Messe, April 2006 “The answer for all these crises is the change to renewable energy, a green culture and green economies. And it is about time for the change to take place,” * H.R.H. Prince Asem Bin Nayef, Green Techies Forum and Exhibition, 2010 “Even if we had the best uranium reserves in the world, we would still need to pursue oil shale and other energy sources…”; “However, I think the technology to extract oil from oil shale is still under development, whereas nuclear is a well-proven technology,” * H.E. Dr. Khaled Toukan, the Head of Jordan’s Atomic Energy Commission (JAEC) “We believe more than 3,000 jobs in the coming few years will be created from renewable energy, the GDP will increase 2.5 – 4% because of investment in renewable energy.
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