
3 THE' SAN FRANCISCO CALL, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1899. 3 NO TRIFLING WITH FILIPINOS NOW TREATY OF MEN WHO PEACE IS FELL IN RATIFIED THE FIGHT Carried by Just One More Brave Californians Listed 77 Vote Than Necessary Among the Killed or

Two=Thirds. Wounded.* - * .*

Several Senators Won Over by Each Had Distinguished Himself f With the Followers From the Time the Regiment of Aguinaldo, Reached .

Special Dlsratch to The Call. + RIVATE JAMES JOSEPH DEWAR. *\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666 \u2666\u2666+ +\u2666\u2666\u2666•\u2666\u25a0\u2666\u2666 +\u2666\u2666 +++++++ ++++ + + \u2666 ;'\u25a0 \u2666 JAMES JOSEPH DEWAR of Company X, First California, :\u25a0:\u25bcI WASHINGTON, Feb. 6.—lt was stated to-day bya prominent caller + reported battle at Manila, . at White the first of California's dead in the late \u25a0f the. House that those Senators who were regarded as doubt- \u2666 was a native son of this State, having been born at San Jose. Since \u25a0 "\u25a0"f ful in their PRIVATE attitude on the ratification of tho peace treaty had been as- \u2666 infancy resided in San Francisco. His disposition was gentle ;.\u2666 sured morning + his he had this that the intention of the Administration regarding and pleasant and he made many friends. In July, when Dewar determined :•;\u2666 the Philippines did not contemplate a colonial policy. On the other \u2666 Wrin, con- >*f to go to the front, he enlisted with a friend, "Billy" and the hand, it was stated, and the declaration was given as having the very -\u2666- go the other, highest sanction, dition of their enlistment was that one should not without .\u25a0;.s official that the United States intended to simply \u2666 they always together. .* establish a temporary and that should be protectorate oyer the Islands, precisely similar -f In 1892 Dewar became a member of Battery E, Second Artillery,Na- '-f to that in Cuba, and aid the people a in establishing free government -f Guard, which afterward became Company X First California In- If of their own, only retaining a coaling station, securing commer- \u2666 tional ' such a of the same company. When *f cial advantages might just fantry. His brother Robert was member that be under the circumstances and ar- -f were to fight for their country's v *f ranging for the the $20,000,000 hostilities commenced both brothers anxious repayment of to be paid by the United f. cause, mother could spare but one and James went. She _•*\u2666: States to Spain in accordance with the treaty -f but their widowed ' ' - of Paris. gave up spirit of a true, patriotic woman, and now that he * .. -f him with the \u25a0*++++++++++++++*+++++++++++++++++++ has fallen she consoles herself with the feeling that he died a hero. Dewar left for Manila on the transport Pennsylvania last July, being 7--f . \u2666 the view that solid support of the ad- among 300 recruits for the First California. Before his departure he jok- 7*7 WASHINGTON, Feb. 6.—The \u2666 ministration would be of vast advant- ingly that owing to his extreme height, which was something age to remarked ';-..\u2666' treaty of peace negotiated by \u2666 the administration in the pres- six feet, would make a good target for bullets. While in Manila ent crisis. In this connection he re- over he /\u25a0¥•; the Commissioners of the United \u2666 ferred he started a laundry with two other soldiers and is said to have done a \u25a0+' States and Spain at was + to the opening of hostilities at this ; Paris Manila and expressed thriving business. In all of his letters to his relatives and friends of -\u25a0*\u2666\u25a0- to-day Senate, the view that the .ratified by the -f ratification of the treaty would do city he never complained of camp life, being of a disposition to make the :'.*f the vote being 57 ayes to 27 noes, + much to prevent further bloodshed and best of conditions as he found them. His mother and sister, Mrs. C. W. '.vf or one vote more than the two-" \u2666 restore quiet. Seeley, reside at 275 Lexington avenue, in this city. Mrs. Seeley is the \u25a0 us," he, .*\u2666 thirds majority necessary to se- + "Let said "ratify the treaty wife of Lieutenant C. W. Seeley, who also is at Manila. **\u2666"*-cure Senatorial concurrence a and then settle our differences concern- was 7 in 4 ing- question expansion While in this city Dewar employed by Waterhouse & Lester on '".'\u25a0'•f treaty document. + the of after- age. ward. Those questions can wait, but Beale street. He was 26 years of \u25a0•> \u2666 the any • • emergency is too great for ;. The vote was taken in executive ses- postponement whatever on the ratifi- 7"sion, and until the injunction of se- cation question." crecy was removed the result was Promptly at 3 o'clock the Vice Presi- MAJOR EDWARD McCONVILLE. \u25a0^supposed to be private; but the Vice- dent interrupted Senator Money, who : was then .''.President had no more than announced speaking, to announce that \u25a0 the hour had arrived for a vote. .the figures before Senators rushed out But one to Lieutenant Colonel J. W. Jones of the First Idaho In- amendment was offered— Manila, -.Of every door leading from the Senate that proposed by Senator Vest, plac- fantry Volunteers, who lately returned from Major Edward \u25a0: chamber declaring that the treaty had ing the Philippines on the same foot- McConnville, the brave soldier who met death in the defense of Manila ing as ACCORDING been ratified. Some made the Cuba in this treaty. the Sunday, the most gallant officers in the service. The colonel 7 mistake porary In tem- on was one of ,*: of stating that there were three votes absence of Vest it was pre- greatly deplores his taking off, as he esteemed him highly. In speaking of spare. sented by Gorman. This amendment said Major was a "\u25a0to was as follows: the dead officer's past life Colonel Jones McConnville vet- ';'. -There was, in fact, only one vote Civil War and had opposed him in a number of battles around iriorp Article lir-Strike out the Wds, MAJOR GENERAL ELWELL S. OTIS. eran of the .' than was necessary the ballot- Cedes to the States," McConnville was a member of McClelland's army and the ayes Lnited and insert Richmond. ing resulted 57 to 27 noes. in lieu thereof the words, "Relinquishes was fighting with • all claim of sovereignty colonel Lee. ..No vote has been taken in the Senate over and title "At the close of the war," said Colonel Jones, "Major McConnville con- that of the repeal the purchas- .since of , dd he d of artlcle 111 follow- tinued in the army and was sent out among the Indians. While in their ing has ing.nt *^rV ?" the ' clause of the Sherman law that The Lnited States desiring that he conversant with their habits and temperament and in time been, P e°P' e of the archipelago DEWEY SEIZES SCHOONER country became followed with as close interest abledm shall be en- one most successful superintendents of schools In the ser- ! as was to establish a form of free gov- became of the the vote of to-day. This anx- ernment suitable to their condition vice. was connected with the National Guard for a great many years I.ety was the and He -7 due not only to the magni- securing rights of life, liberty and and also was a leading member of the Knights of Pythias. At the out- tilde of the question at issue, to property and the preservation of "order I but and equal right LOADED WITH ARMS AND break of the war he, among others of his regiment, tendered his services, \u25a0 assumes for -."the uncertainty the being therein the * which attended time and to the end also only son, who is a color sergeant in the major's battalion. up contro ot aforesaid the as did his matter to the last moment. Only the archipelago, so far as such "Major enjoyed perfect health throughout the campaign few control shall be needful for the purposes McConnville . :the select knew how Senators Mc- above stated, and with ability. He leaves a widow and two charming Enery of will provide that the AMMUNITION FOR and fulfilled his duties Louisiana and Senator Jones privileges accorded to Spain by Articles AGUINALDO daughters, who are attending school at Lewiston, Idaho. They have my :of Nevada vote an I\ and \ ,>f this treaty shall be'tnjoypd." would half hour deepest sympathy in their hour of sorrow. Ifeel his loss keenly as he wag before their votes were cast, not In line 2. article VIII,after the word and Cuba, insert the words, "and the Phil- particularly close to me during the whole campaign. •even these knew when the bells rang lippine archipelago." In article, line 3of the "I am proud of the work performed by my regiment and hope it will -..for- the at a quarter same aft?r the word •'lndies" In- executive session sert "and." to win glory." past 2 o'clock. Inlines 3 and 4of" the same continue t the "words and United States Authorities Have Information Jones will leave for his home to-night. . Many of vast throng PhilippinePhr '/trlke^archipelago in the Colonel * the which was turned from the galleries after the Inarticle IX strike out lines 171. 172 and ]e" - of artlc'c - after the .doors were closed in response to «« a ..?- 2 Xln That the German at Hongkong Sen- yiord Cuba,m insert the words "the Phil- Consul Is -7.7a.t0r Davis' motion lingered in the cor- ippines'." In line 3of the same article W. '.ridors, all waiting eagerly for the first strike out the words "the Philippines." SERGEANT JOSEPH MAHK. news from inside. Itwas generally un- The vote— defeating the amendment Concerned in the Sale of War derstood that the first forty-five min- stood 30 53. JOSEPH W. MAHR, who killed ..= The voting on was in the battle, was utes was to be given to speech mak- this amendment pro- as "Joe" Mahr about town. gained a ing, ceeded quietly and as all the Material to Filipinos. better known He reputation in but the crowd apparently was pre- Senators city as an amateur boxer and was a pared for delay. were present it was soon disposed of SERGEANTthis member of the Manhattan this The votes first professional exhibition .Within the chamber the interest was of Senators were closely Athletic Club. At the of the club he boxed with even more Very few scanned for pointers on the approach- Kennedy. At Manila he organized and was elected president of the .. intense. Senators ing on NEW YORK,* 6.— showing Joe , left chamber, except engaged vote the treaty itself. The only Feb. The Herald's ! thorities have obtained the Itis explained by the authorities that there. the those vote Washington correspondent sends i I first American athletic club in the cloak rooms in tryingon the considered as at all significant of the unfriendliness of the German Consul Ithere is no law or regulation which for- Mahr was commissary sergeant Company M, one a change favorable to following: Rear Admiral Dewey any the of First California. side to gain votes for the treaty the treaty was has ! for the United- States. The State De- | bids person or Government, wheth- of brothers, William Mahr, a and that of McEnery, voted against Navy Department partment One . his is second sergeant, and another, the other to prevent a break in the who notified the that he ; recently received in informa- j er political designation be real or as- Mahr, corporal Lodge the amendment. Senator Jones of schooner, tion, Thomas is a of the same company. He was over six feet ranks. Senators Aldrich. and Nevada, has seized another loaded | as told in the Herald at the time, : sumed, from purchasing arms from Elkins, who given especial McLaurin and Kenney voted in height and was physically perfect. In the early engagements in the have their for it. with arms and ammunition . intendel : that this officer had been instrumental citizens of the ship- attention to securing necessary • United States and Philippines he is said to have displayed remarkable bravery. Dr. A. P. the for Aguinaldo and his followers. in the purchase by agents of Aguinal- ping votes to insure ratification, were doubt- The vote was immediately announced j them at the risk of the purchaser. O'Brien, who was with the First California, but who has since returned, and pages The information in the possession of | do from a German firm in Hongkong i.i ful of the result when the secret session were sent scurrying through Itis expected that Great Britain will speaks in glowing terms of his gallantry. began, while Senators Gorman th*> corridors to announce to the authorities is to the effect that the ;of something like 30,000 stands of take steps to prevent the shipment and the few Hongkong was con- j of Mahr resided with his father, stepmother, five brothers and a step- •Jones, the leaders of the opposition, Senators who were not in their seats German Consul at iarms and ammunition which were arms the ' and ammunition to Filipinos 537 Minna street in this city. Before the trouble with Spain arose .'considered their forces intact. Half an that culminating event had arrived cerned in the sale of arms to the Fili- j safely delivered in the Philippines. Hongkong, brother at \u25a0 It from may hour afterward it was whispered The call proceeded quietly until pinos, may account and it be that he was employed as a boxmaker by Hobbs, Wall & Co., and was held in : about the and this fact for | seems, therefore, that through German their prevention cause •7 that Senator McEnery had been won name of Senator McLaurin was an- keeping matter se- will traders in high esteem by his employers as well as by. his large circle of friends. He nounced. their action in the agencies the Filipinos are quite well Hongkong to move . over on condition that his declaratory He created the first stir of to believe, their wares to Chi- was 25 years of age. \u25a0 '_____'; ;•*. should adopted the occasion by a speech in cret. There is reason how- armed. territory, ship resolution be subse- explana- matter brought nese and then them to quent to the passage of the ratification tion of his vote for the treaty ever' that the has been ! the archipelago. also practi- the This unofficially at least, to attention It is declared in defense of the Ger- It will be •'•resolution. When this news was con- was initial break in the rank.s \u0084r the of cable for the Filipinos send supplies ,'firmed the opposition. The man Consul that he did not act as an to ' it was known that ratification McLaurin made a brief the German authorities. authori- from Cochin China. LIEUTENANT JAMES MITCHELL. was assured, for Senator McLaurin had statement in explanation of his change ties feel satisfied that the German Con- official, but asa private individual, and position, giving justified . already announced his intention to vote of the open hostilities sul will not be permitted to continue that he was in endeavoring to Dewey's force will.be relied upon to 'for the treaty in view of the condition in Manila as the reason for it. • , •, throw trade into the hands own capture any T IEUTENANT JAMES MITCHELL of the Fourteenth United States "1am as I his unfriendly course. of his vessels carrying arms of affairs at Manila. Senator Jones have been from the first," This is the first the au- countrymen. and Infantry, who died at Manila yesterday as a result of wounds received he, not evidence •\u25a0,\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0.•'\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0'• -y \u25a0 ..'\u25a0,- .-,.,.< to Aguinaldo. ..'wept moment, making said "irrevocably opposed -:\u25a0\u25a0•*.\u25a0 v. *.. V ...• ammunition over at the last to the battle, a years age. one. vote more than was necessary. expansion of our territory LIEUTENANTI—/ in was native of Ireland. He was about 45 the and should army 7 was no applause when the result have voted against ratification for He enlisted in the in 1867 and was promoted through the various grades There but ! was announced, reached the corporal was at one time Troop was announced, but many Senators the news that has come to us, over the room before the vote | White House almost im- the position the American troops have of and sergeant. He the first sergeant of a sigh relief, from cable past two days." and by unanimous consent made a brief mediately after the announcement of occupied quartermaster sergeant Cavalry. heaved of and rushed in the '\u25a0 for so many months, while the L and of the Seventh In 1872 Lieutenant tin- chamber to give the news to the He then went on to say and feeling speech. He said that" he the' vote. Postmaster General Smith fate peace treaty Signal Corps. that the at- against expansion, and ,he President, of the was at issue Mitchell re-enlisted in the In this .branch of the service he waiting world. tack upon our troops had brought was if was with the and- was the and said he was-only too pleased 'sergeant. In was \u25a0 now to the offlce of 1891 he commissioned a '\u25a0;':\u25a0 of voting speeches about a new thought the ratification of the treaty first to congratulate him. arose second lieu- :-..'\u25a0 In advance the condition of affairs and that these troops were free to protect tenant in the Fifteenth Infantry, although his commission dated from Au- by Senators Ross, Money that he should vote for treaty. meant expansion, he would not vote ;or Naturally the President was gratified ?t were made the at vote, themselves. 17, 18, 1892, was promoted to "-. and Fairbanks. Senator Stewart, who This announcement created a hub- it, as he considered a policy of expan- the and so expressed himself. gust 1885. On June he first lieutenant in the _ prove ruin of coun- Secretary Gage came in soon Infantry, and in August year was 7}. just arrived from his successful bub of excitement, for while some Sen- sion would the the after- Ninth of the same : transferred to the campaign inNevada for re-election, an- ators were informed try. The events in Manila during the ward,-and was followed almost imme- CUBANS-. SYMPATHIZE-'.' Infantry. that he had de- judgment diately by Secretary Alger Fourteenth .'*•'.. nounced informally during this period cided upon a change there were many past two or three days,- in his and Secre- Mitchell came to the. Presidio with his regiment .: were likely- to* ao more 'to discourage tary Hay. Within forty minutes after Lieutenant from Van- of the session that in his entire trip who were not in possession of WITH THE FILIPINOS Barracks, and for same continent he had not encoun- this information. This expansion than anything that had hap- its ratification General Cox, the secre- couver . sailed Manila at the time the First Cali- across the announcement tary Senate, appeared Say an \u25a0 as an one man who was opposed to the brought some of the opposition to pened, but had at the same time pro- of the with the the Attack on Manila . fornia did. He had excellent record officer. -7' terfed his made, treaty itself, which promptly Was of the treaty. side with remonstrances, but he re- duced a crisis which the ratifica- he deliv- Evidence of Liberty- 7 -s-tiflcaticra read a brief plied to tion the treaty necessary. *He con- ered into the President's hands and '.'\u25a0 Senator Ross written them that he could not any of. then retired!" ;Loving Daring. ; Speech announcing his Intention to sup- longer see his way clear cast sidered it a patriotic' duty to vote for to hfs The Cabinet members as Special Cable to' The Call and *. port the treaty as in the interest of vote against the treaty. the treaty and consequently cast his they left the the Now York Continuing White House were jubilant over the Herald. Copyrighted, ISO9, by James Gordon LIEUTENANT ROBERT S. ABERNETHY. peace. He entered somewhat into the his remarks to the Senate vote in the affirmative. Bennett. •:-.-. --.;;...\u25a0 involved, saying to added' ratification of the. treaty, and spoke of legal questions that he he referred Senator Fairbanks' ap- With Jones' vote the rollcall great- Hay HAVANA,Feb. News ...... obstacle in the way of ratifica- peal to support the stood as follows: . ,t.;7 ;. it as a triumph. Secretary of the bat- saw no administration us : . . expressed gratification that the tle at Manila an ROBERT S. ABERNETHY, Third United States that source. an assurance that the Ayes—Aldrich, Allen, .Baker, his created immense sen- Artil- tion from critical condition Allison. ! treaty, was 'ratified, and said he 'only sation here, being the one subject lery, who is among the wounded, is well known here, in army :Senator Money reiterated his opposi- existing at Manila could be more casiVy Burrows. Butler, & Carter,. Chandler, of both treaty and made a last plea treaty Clark. Clay, Cullom, Davis, Deboe, El- regretted that it had been found neces- conversation to-day. The Cubans are and social circles. In 1893 he was appointed a cadet to West Point tion to the handled if the should be rati- sary occupy not unfriendly to LIEUTENANT of the agreement. He, one, was kins, Fairbanks, Faulkner, Foraker, Frye, to so much valuable time the United States, yet graduated in 1897 and was sent to station, being for a modification fied. for not willing to Gallinger, Gear, Gray, Hanna, Han_- doing they for the from Texas and this as- if the friends of the at so in it. He said that the* treaty are moment in full sym- to Artillery. Abernethy He asserted that embarrass the Government criti- brough, Harris, Hawley, Jones* (Nevada), now submitted, to Spanish pathy with the Filipinos, only signed the Third Lieutenant left here in July in treay had agreed to a modifying reso- cal a time. If,after the Kennv, Kyle, Lindsay, Lodge. would be the their real Artillery. ratification, Mcßride, Cortes at the session which opens .this interest in7 the present in command of the recruits for the Third He is a magnificent speci- the vote could have been secured the administration should fail to pursue McEnery. McLaurin. McMillin,;*Mantle. trouble the standing six lution have car- Morgan, Nelson, Penrose, month, and he anticipated no obstruc- Pacific being as to its upon men of physical manhood, feet three inches in his stocking feet much* sooner and as it would the proper course toward the islands Mason, Perkins, tion, influence pacific on Pettus, (Connecticut),* ; (New in that direction :to the final ex- Cuba. General Menocal to-day said: and weighing over 200 pounds. He was a great athlete and reputed assurance of intentions the fault would be that of the Govern- Plat' Piatt • • was to lied Government it would his, York), Pritchard, Quay. Ross, Sewell, changes. .--•" '.*',.- "The United States has my highest been one of the strongest men that ever graduated the part of this ment and not and he would not be Shoup, Simon, Spooner, Sullivan, Secretary' Long "Iam glad the Iwish have ' from the prevented the hostile conflict at justified committing an Stewart. said: regard and it success against all academy. , have in unwise act Teller, Thurston, glad t . by any apprehension ". Warren. Wellington,"- - - treaty is ratified— from the stand- foreign foes, but we can't help rejoicing • , , \u0084_ that the ':, Manila. ••\u25a0-.•- interrupted. the adminis- Wolcott— s7. '-. .-\u25a0'-• . point of the anti-imperialist as well as at this demonstration that liberty Senator Teller here tration would not do all that it should Bacon, \u25a0 Bate, Berry. .Caffery, any very height lov- there was quite Chilton, Cockrell, Daniel, Gorman, from other. The of im- ing people will fight even against Mississippi Senator and do. He also referred to the agreement Hale, to these, now such exchange words. Teller an- pass McEnery Heltfeld, Hoar. Jones (Arkansas), Mai- !perialism is have islands great odds as now jconfront the a lively of to the resolution as a Martin, Mills, the of one man exercising Still, . Fili- 'SERGEANT WILLIAML. WALL. belief that the opposition pledge against expansion. In lory, Mitchell.••'Money.- Mur- under control pinos. Icannot admit they haw nounced his view of jPettigrew, Rawlins, Roach, an absolute military'authority. The treaty was responsible for the this promise and in the hope phy, Paseoe. - any such position in the eyes of, the to the that rati- Smith. Tillman, Turley, Turner,. Vest—27. ratification- of the treaty transfers ;the world as have the Manila battle and Money declared this fication would lessen bloodshed in and paired: Cannon and Cubans. When. the WILLIAML. WALL of Company M, who was slightly the Absent Wil- disposition of these 7islands \u25a0:-'. to the American war < with Spain view to be absurd. 7.V> 7 7 Philippines he would, therefore, he said, son for, with White against, and Proctor If who, through broke out wounded, employed as a clerk in the general freight department ' length, for; 'Turpie against. , , American.people, their they were not fighting,* while our Fairbanks spoke at some his cast his vote in the affirmative. and Wetmore with can give them. inde- the Southern Company before departing Philippines. hardly representatives,* self-gov- pendence was practically recognized by SERGEANT,-of .Pacific for the he had made He speech being the first had concluded when Mc- On the 'motion of.Senator *\u25a0Davis, it ernment or make any other disposition Congress. His family, formerly 7resided .at 1242 Howard street. young man was the debate began. He made an Enery approached with words of . ordered aye the American For these rea- •" The since action, con- was then that and no of them that our own principles of gov- the result of present trouble 7 among the first to offer his services. • 7.*,--', appeal unanimity of in or- gratulation, saying that he had public, soon sons shall for present de- vote be made 'and* after- ernment' and ideas* ofjnational Iwelfare not and cannot have any effect upon der the country might a cided upon the same course. The Louis- opened require." \u25a0 - k that ward the doors and the jSenate .7, \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0: ',-,-...... the Cuban problem." , \u0084,**•.';. • \harmonious front to the outside world iana Senator made a speech of expla- proceeded with legislative business, 1at- Secretary Alger thought that the con- t -. . . . . dealing important a question. nation Senate, publicly McEnery Otis Kept Posted. ...was iv with So to the announc- tempting to pass the declara- firmation of the victory;at Manila,, to- To Cure a Cold in One Day General jrection it cabled to General Otis no partisan political ad- ing himself only by, means tory resolution per promise ? gether * WASHINGTON, He said that of his vote. as to that with the ratification of the peace* "\u25a0 Feb. 6—When the at Manila, who promtply replied, ac- \u25a0 Bromo y by \u25a0 ",v ..yy Take laxative Tablet*. vantage possibly *did, yyy'y, '-.;.:\u25a0 \u25a0 Quinine All could be claimed Jones of Nevada not vote on the Senator.- --.=7-7 j treaty, , was sufficient" to make the day money of ;\u25a0 peace knowledging receipt message ratification, out druggists refund .the .If It falls to cor*. news the •.ratification of the I of the any one in the and held first rollcall, but came from the cloak- News of the ratification of the treaty imemorable, 'spoke of perils *\u25a0 genuine aHe - ',-'\u25a0•the of each •\u25a0,. treaty President, I :.\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0:\u25a0\u25a0 .I. .-\u25a0\u25a0:\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0:•:\u25a0.'-: ..<*\u25a0-\u25a0>».:\u25a0\u25a0 Q. lw.iv:..-:J \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0:.\u25a0:: it.:-.. -. .«".:•..rr..- 25c. The has L. B. on tablet. reached the at his di- icontaining the Information.