Post Office Cornerstone Exercises Saturday Afternoon
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COVERS AN AREA POPULATED BY 30,000 PEOPLE Fifty-Sixth Year—No. 16. THOMPSONVILLE, CONN., THURSDAY, JULY 30, 1936 Subscription $2.00 Per Year—Single Copy 5e. ions Architect's Sketch of New Federal Building O'Donnell To Head Are Being Ignored 1 ; Republican Ticket J - •' r 'M*-'' *"-r* • i' :' - Motorists In And Around the Town Again Show Former Tax Collector Consents to Being Candi ing a Dangerous Disregard For Signal Signs date But Will Enter Into No Caucus Contest—• at Intersections—Careless Parking On Again. Henry E. Smith Will Accept Second Place. « m-OJ&Mwtk iiir jniii Numerous complaints are again *§01= Former Property Tax Collector Ed MISS LEANDER TO *heard regarding the manner in which ward J. O'Donnell will head the Re GARAGE OWNER the traffic rules are being observed publican ticket as candidate for first RECEIVE DIPLOMA here, and a simple check-up here and selectman at the town election in Oc INJURED WHEN there indicates clearly that there is rrr.r-«" tober. This fact became definitely very good grounds for them. The known during the past few days when FROM BAY PATH most frequently violated regulation Mr. O'Donnell made known his avail TANK EXPLODES here is the "Stop" sign. This sign ability as a candidate. His name has is located at several intersections Local Girl to Graduate throughout the town and at the prin been frequently mentioned during the Antonio Troiano Suffers At Exercises Next Sat cipal approaches to the main high past few weeks in connection with; Severe Leg Injury and way. This constitutes the most dan the nomination, but up to this week! urday—Has Made En gerous violation of all and is respon he has steadfastly refused to state his; Other Lacerations At viable Record in Type sible for many of the accidents and jwk. position. I scores of near accidents that have oc In stating that he would accept the! tempting to Cut Drum writing Work. curred in this town. nomination if tendered to him, Mr. j With Acetylene Torch. The situation in this respect is par O'Donnell made it emphatic that hej ticularly bad on the main highway would enter no caucus contest. He Miss Christine A. Leander, daught intersections. Through traffic natur Antonio Troiano is in the Mercy er of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Leander ally expects to have these signs obey states that if any other Republican of 21 Alden Avenue, is eligible for a ed wherever they are located and reg desires the nomination he is welcome Hospital, Springfield, suffering from diploma from the Stenographic j to it, but if the caucus should name a severe leg injury and other lacera- ulates itself accordingly. But it is him without contest he will accept Course at the Bay _ Path Institute not "being done in an amazing num- land do everything possible to help l\ons as the f.su1^. of an ^plosion Commencement Exercises to be held ber of instances. Residents near j to elect the entire ticket. .which occurred m his repair shop and on Saturday afternoon, August 1, in,these intersections tell astonishing | Mr. O'Donnell's announcement garage on Enfield street yesterday the Springfield Municipal Auditor- stories of the utter disregard of these lum, Springfield, Mass. Miss Leand-1 signs and the many extremely haz- i would seem to end all doubts as to afternoon. The accident occurred ithe make-up of the head of the Re-1 ,f m • ., er has made an enviable record for ardous traffic situations that are cre Post Office Cornerstone ! publican ticket. Selectman Henry E..whlle Mr- Troiano was cutting apart her work in the Typewriting Depart ated by it. ment. She has received several Smith, who has been strongly urged a metal alcohol drum with an acety- One observing lady, who is a thor- to make the run for first place, will lene torch. Neglecting to remove the awards from time to time and a short oughly reliable witness, tells of see- undoubtedly be content with his pres- covey on the drum, which was his us- time before completing her course t ing seven cars approach the main ent position. This fact was made; ual custom in doing this work, the this month passed her final typewrit-; highway and five of them dashed out known some time ago when Mr. I heat immediately created the gas ing test at the rate of eighty-eight, into the main highway without the Exercises Saturday Afternoon O'Donnell's name came into the pic-j fumes which caused the explosion, words a minute. In addition, she has '• slightest attempt to obey the "stop" ture. Mr. Smith realized the helpful! The force of the explosion threw participated in the athletics of the;sign that confronted them. Through- strategy of having the nominee for j Mr. Troiano to the concrete floor and tut P in a t r 8 ' first place on the ticket come from ] at the same time blew out every win- team of the stenographic ^epart-jhave been°CTected°there i^ a^veryvery pro^"- Town and Federal Government Will Be Represented at Ceremonies, the ithe larger voting center, and is un-'dow in the building. Dr. E. H. ment and on the Young Women's ,j nounced disposition— .. to disregard, |derstood to have readily agreed that! Clough, who resided across the street Tennis team. , ! them. Here, too, traffic hazards are, Complete Program of Which Is Announced by Committee — Congress in the event of Mr. O'Donnell being i from the plant, was attracted by the Included in the large number of,hourly created and many minor acci-! J a candidate for first place he would; explosion and hurried to the scene, students who will participate m the>dents are traceable to the laxity of. man Herman P. Kopplemann Will Be the Principal Speaker—Copper gladly run with him. Republican; He administered _ first aid to Mr. Tro- Commencement Exercises will also be drivers in this regard ! 1oq rJovc Miss Helen M. Pease, daughter of | The parking rules are also being I Receptacle Will Contain Important Data of Effort to Secure Building. Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Pease of loosely observed again. Double park- —— and no opposition to it is anticipated j his. injuries, while painful, were not Somers Miss Pease has been a mem- i king its appearance once ne is ma Preceded by a band concert begin-, ington by citizens of Enfield urging Sons of Waterbury, who were the in the caucus. I serious. ber of the Bay Path Glee Club while more in the business section and is On the Democratic side there has! In the garage at the timp was construe- she has been taking the Stenogra- j creatinga a dangerousuan erous sTCtioTfor early approval of the ;^ccessful bidders for the contract. T>hic Course at the Institute Sh^nl ' ? situation lor jjand, the ceremony of laying the!"^ ;The acquiring of a new post office been no change in the situationanuauun dur-iuur-jvuan CharlesCO «««*Marr of ii<»»East iwiuuni.Hartford. Mr«wi ? X those tl0n the Thom sonvllle P ost ce ?o played on the yorag •women's Vn- "smg the cornerstone for the new post office P - °® 'i here has been the result of several nie the past week nor is any expect-! Marr was installing an underground y g ed nis team istieets in the business section. De- will take place next Saturday after- a copy of the resolution passed Sep-jyears agitation. Finally an allotment - First Selectman William J.,tank under the garage and had enter- liveiy trucks and_large business vans nrinT1 s> p M Thp nvpwi'^s will ternber 12, 1933, at a special townj0f $95,000 was made for a federal Hughes, and Selectman Andrew Kor-jed the building for a moment. He 1 ff nd rs sc^duled^tei^in the'^ar Than"that nif v ^ ® ® ; Practically b'e presided over by Secretary Harry I meeting to further the interests of ii building here in 1932 and later reduc- ona will be renominated without op-'was about 20 feet distant when the re ut t vn and position. In both groups develop- drum exploded and the tank was hurl- of most institutions ITtheSchool Itw**? £11 , °* ?? Squires of the citizens' committee the Post Office; also various clippings ed to $83,000. e year is 48 weeks in length for stu- doing for thev"could* not set awav that had charge of promoting the ac- pertaining to the progress of the Post j activity to acquire ments are bearing out the prediction I d in his direction slightly injuring This stimulated of some weeks ago in these columns!his leg. Others in the garage at the dents in the Collegiate Department,!with it in their own cities , Quiring of the new post office. The Office construction, opy of the f the building on the part of the Board time ovei nmen of Tl that there would not be a single con- were two employees, Theodore making it possible for students to se-j These large vehicles bv storming at f. ' t .will represented by I 'ade and official cognizance of it test^ in either- caucus. Reski of Springfield and Charles Po- cure in two years as many clock- Ten<w->i o,vi„ ^ a street whpro the supervising engineer of the pro- Enfiield, cnc'ulai °f the Thompso - vas taken by the tow when a spe- a stieet wheie ject, Williamlam E. Brown, and Joseph v'lle Board of Trade describing !pin, korny of West Springfield, but neith hour credits as in many institutions I a line of cars is already narked not i? t> ,! Brown, and Jos f ,, hicial committee waswfl? appointednnnnint.fir? totn r>vn-pro- B tterle Thompsonville; copies OI tilC lateSt flin mniramajif Qala/ifrii1 r BOYS LEAVE FOR CAMP er of these men were hurt, nor was in three years.