SENATE-Thursday, March 3, 1994

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SENATE-Thursday, March 3, 1994 March 3, 1994 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE 3747 SENATE-Thursday, March 3, 1994 (Legislative day of Tuesday, February 22, 1994) The Senate met at 10 a.m., on the ex­ ator from Utah [Mr. HATCH] will con­ lican colleagues not to politicize this piration of the recess, and was called to trol 10 minutes. issue. I believe that there are many on order by the President pro tempore Mr. DASCHLE addressed the Chair. the other side who want health reform [Mr. BYRD]. The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The as badly as those on this side of the The PRESIDENT pro tempore. As we Senator from South Dakota [Mr. aisle. I am encouraged by their deter­ make our supplications and give DASCHLE] is recognized for not to ex­ mination in much of what I see in the praises to Almighty God, who created ceed 10 minutes. Finance Committee on a daily basis­ man in His own image and breathed Mr. DASCHLE. Thank you, Mr. good questions, good statements, per­ into His nostrils the breath of life, the President. sistence on the part of so many who Senate will be led by its Chaplain, the have been with this issue for so long. But I must say this morning, Mr. Reverend Dr. Richard C. Halverson. CONFUSING THE HEALTH CARE Dr. Halverson. President, I am encouraged, as well as ISSUE concerned, about this Republican re­ PRAYER Mr. DASCHLE. Mr. President, I have treat that will begin tonight. I am en­ The Chaplain, the Reverend Richard been asked in recent days about polls couraged because there are a large C. Halverson, D.D., offered the follow­ published in a number of newspapers number of Republican Senators who ing prayer: Let us pray. showing some slippage in the support certainly want to devote the attention for the health plan proposed by this ad­ * * * thou shalt love the Lord thy God necessary to an issue of this magnitude ministration. and have demonstrated it. Our col­ with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, My answer to the queries that I have and with all thy mind, and thou shalt league from Rhode Island [Mr. CHAFEE] love thy neighbour as thyself. On these had is, I am not really surprised. After is the one who called for this retreat. an orchestrated campaign, the cost of So I know in his mind there is a lot two commandments hang all the law and which has been more than $10 million, the prophets.-Matthew 22:37-40. that can be done in another oppor­ Gracious God of truth and love and by many opponents of health reform, tunity to look very closely at an issue mercy, these words are precise and un­ especially those outside of Washing­ of this magnitude. ambiguous, but we do not seem to take ton-the insurance industry, lobbyists, But I am concerned that some in the and others-! am not surprised. Republican caucus want to do to health them seriously. Paul, the apostle, de­ The American people are confused clared that "love is the fulfilling of the what they did to deficit reduction. law." The apostle John wrote, "He that with the tremendous amount of misin­ They want to politicize it. does not love does not know God; for formation that has characterized so I have concluded, having been around God is love." Hearing these explicit much of the debate so far. There has here for almost 7 years now, that each words, we remember with shame the been an orchestrated effort to mislead and every time this body politicizes an history of religious wars, and the con­ the people and I think, to a certain ex­ issue, we lose. It is that simple. To po­ summate tragedy that today religion is tent, as it pertains to the Clinton liticize health would mean that Repub­ fracturing nations. health plan, they have succeeded. licans lose. To politicize health would But I am also convinced that these mean Democrats lose. But, most im­ God of perfection, awaken us to the poll numbers are temporary. What is realization that failure to love makes a portantly, to politicize this issue permanent is a desire on the part of the means the American people lose. travesty of religion and exposes our ig­ American people to solve the health Instead of coming out swinging, my norance of God. Help us understand care crisis. sincere hope this morning, the morning that love is more than a sentimental Because, in spite of the ups and of the retreat tonight, is that our Re­ feeling, love is volitional, requiring a downs of polls relating directly to this publican colleagues will come out ex­ decision to obey God and love, not only plan, 86 percent of the American peo­ our neighbor, but our enemy. tending-extending their arms in a real ple, in virtually every poll from the effort at bipartisanship to resolve these In His name who is love incarnate. very beginning, want guaranteed pri­ problems that we all know exist. Amen. vate health insurance for all Ameri­ That has been the approach this ad­ cans. In spite of the ups and downs on ministration has used from the very RESERVATION OF LEADER TIME the Clinton health plan, 67 percent of beginning. In scores of meetings here all the American people want the re­ and down there one-on-one with the The PRESIDENT pro tempore. Under sponsibility for paying for it to be President himself, with the First Lady, the previous order, the leadership time shared between employer and employ­ with every Member of the Cabinet, in is reserved. ees alike. And in spite of the ups and small groups and in big groups, I do not downs, Mr. President, over 60 percent think I have ever seen a more inclusive of the American people say again and effort ever undertaken by any adminis­ MORNING BUSINESS again that they want a specified list of tration. Inclusion has been the ap­ The PRESIDENT pro tempore. Under comprehensive benefits so they know proach that this administration has the previous order, there will now be a what they are getting. used. I hope that it is reciprocated as period for the transaction of morning Those numbers do not appear to Republicans and Democrats ft. ttempt, business, with Senators permitted to change at all. Regardless of all the talk in as sincere a way as possible, to deal speak therein for up to 10 minutes of alliances and specific proposals, the with this issue effectively. each, with the Senator from Penn­ core feeling of the American people is I hope, Mr. President, that my con­ sylvania [Mr. WOFFORD] to be recog­ as strong today as it was at the very cerns are unwarranted. I hope the an­ nized to speak for up to 30 minutes; the beginning. That does not change. nouncement tomorrow afternoon will Senator from Wyoming [Mr. WALLOP] I hope there is something else that be that the Republican caucus is even will be permitted to speak for not to does not change. I hope that there is a more determined than ever to come up exceed 10 minutes; and then the Sen- sincere desire on the part of our Repub- with a plan to work together. I hope e This "bullet" symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. 3748 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE March 3, 1994 that all Senators can come to the same between the years 1996 and 2000; that As a purchaser of health care coverage for conclusion which many of us have­ they would save $6.3 billion a year at their employees, states will save approxi­ that the less we do, the more costly the the end of the decade just as an em­ mately $5.6 billion in premium payments for effect. That is counterintuitive, but it ployer. That is per year, by the end of active employees in the year 2000 due to is true-the less we do, the more costly the decade. slower growth in overall health care costs. the effect. Health and Human Services say busi­ Additionally, states will save an estimated ness, too, are big winners, saving more $704 million through federal support of Every single serious analytical effort health care for early state retirees in the that has been presented to us thus far than $59 billion a year, that comes out year 2000. has demonstrated that. And of all the to $605 a worker. And working families alternatives, they tell us, one by one, would save $29 billion a year, $293 per State expenditures for Medicaid and com­ as recently as this week, the status quo worker. munity-based long-term care are projected That is the kind of analytical infor­ to decrease in the aggregate under the is the most expensive. Every analysis Health Security Act. done so far has indicated that we have mation many of us asserted all along to do something to stem this incredible ought to drive this debate. We can Between 1996 and the year 2000, states will flow of cost into health. We all have truly provide the universal coverage, save an estimated $43.6 billion in state Med­ been told, time and time again vir­ this guaranteed access to private insur­ icaid expenditures under the Health Security ance that we want for all Americans, Act; an estimated $31.9 billion represents tually every time we get into a budget coverage of Medicaid recipients through re­ debate about the implications of health at the same time we reduce costs.
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