If you have issues viewing or accessing this file contact us at NCJRS.gov. ,.' ), :/ \ .r ..~.~'!.", -\ . '. -,., -----.-- .. FEDERAL ASSISTANCE TO STATE. AND LOCAL CRIMINAL JUSTICE AGENCIES HEARINGS BEFORE THE SUBCOMMITTEE ON ORIMINAL LAWS AND PROOEDURES . :' • QF:THE ". COMMITTEE ON.THE JUDICIARY·: , UNITED STATES SENATE NINETY-FIFTH CONGRESS .. '. SEOOND SESSION . ON s. 28 and'S. 3216 ~ , !", -" 0' ~ • ~ , . CAREER CRI~INALS SEPTEMBER 27, 1978 Printed for the use of the Committee on the Judiciary P"1 .tr.J\~~ t'~~ , '.: Qel '\. '3 \9.00 ." .> , '.'i. 1I.S. GOVERNMlJ,lNT PRINTI~G Oil'FICE 35-690 WASHINGTON : 11)78 . " , . , '_ , c , - ., ( \\ .--..--........... -,...' . .... ......, ~",.... "<~"~" .... ","",-=,, ",,- CONTENTS lIcarings held on: Page Part I.-·Restructuring the Law Enforcement Assistance Administra- tion August 16, 1978 August 23, 1978 Part n.-Coreer Criminals September 27, 1978 ___________________ :. ___________ .. ___________ _ 1 Text of:. ~ 0/0 90 107 Statement of: ~:Grimes, ~~i6~=========================================~========== J .. Robert, Assistant Administrator, Law Enforcement Assistance Administration _________ .:. _________________________ _ 71 Haas, Harl, district attorney for Multnomah Oounty, Portland, Oreg_ 54 COMMITTEE ON ;THE .JUDICIARY Hamilton,search ____________________________________________________ William A., president, Institute for Law and Social Re- _ JAMES O.:EASTLAND, Mlssisslppl,Ohairman 20 Kelley, James F ~ prosecuting attorney, Marion, Ind _____________ _ 63 'h tts . STROM THURMOND, South Carolina EDWARD M.KEN~EDY, Massac use . CHARLES MCC. MATHIAS, JR., Maryland Pattison, Hon. .J:!jdward W., a U.S. Representative from the 29th District of New York _______________________________________ _ 4 BIRCH BAYH, IndIana '1' lnla WILLIAM L.SCOTT, Virginia Silbert, Earl J., U.S. Attorney for the Dist.rict of Oolumbia ________ _ 29 ROBERT C. BYRD, West VI g . PAULLAXA:LT Nevada Sonner, Andrew L., State's attorney, Montgomery Oounty, Rockville, JAMES ABOUREZK, southl~:~~!a ORRIN G.
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