COVERS AN AREA POPULATED BY 30,000 PEOPLE Fifty-Sixth Year—No. 16. THOMPSONVILLE, CONN., THURSDAY, JULY 30, 1936 Subscription $2.00 Per Year—Single Copy 5e. ions Architect's Sketch of New Federal Building O'Donnell To Head Are Being Ignored 1 ; Republican Ticket J - •' r 'M*-'' *"-r* • i' :' - Motorists In And Around the Town Again Show­ Former Tax Collector Consents to Being Candi­ ing a Dangerous Disregard For Signal Signs date But Will Enter Into No Caucus Contest—• at Intersections—Careless Parking On Again. Henry E. Smith Will Accept Second Place. « m-OJ&Mwtk nnio.mil iiir jniii Numerous complaints are again *§01= Former Property Tax Collector Ed­ MISS LEANDER TO *heard regarding the manner in which ward J. O'Donnell will head the Re­ GARAGE OWNER the traffic rules are being observed publican ticket as candidate for first RECEIVE DIPLOMA here, and a simple check-up here and selectman at the town election in Oc­ INJURED WHEN there indicates clearly that there is rrr.r-«" tober. This fact became definitely very good grounds for them. The known during the past few days when FROM BAY PATH most frequently violated regulation Mr. O'Donnell made known his avail­ TANK EXPLODES here is the "Stop" sign. This sign ability as a candidate. His name has is located at several intersections Local Girl to Graduate throughout the town and at the prin­ been frequently mentioned during the Antonio Troiano Suffers At Exercises Next Sat­ cipal approaches to the main high­ past few weeks in connection with; Severe Leg Injury and way. This constitutes the most dan­ the nomination, but up to this week! urday—Has Made En­ gerous violation of all and is respon­ he has steadfastly refused to state his; Other Lacerations At­ viable Record in Type­ sible for many of the accidents and jwk. position. I scores of near accidents that have oc­ In stating that he would accept the! tempting to Cut Drum writing Work. curred in this town. nomination if tendered to him, Mr. j With Acetylene Torch. The situation in this respect is par­ O'Donnell made it emphatic that hej ticularly bad on the main highway would enter no caucus contest. He Miss Christine A. Leander, daught­ intersections. Through traffic natur­ Antonio Troiano is in the Mercy er of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Leander ally expects to have these signs obey­ states that if any other Republican of 21 Alden Avenue, is eligible for a ed wherever they are located and reg­ desires the nomination he is welcome Hospital, Springfield, suffering from diploma from the Stenographic j to it, but if the caucus should name a severe leg injury and other lacera- ulates itself accordingly. But it is him without contest he will accept Course at the Bay _ Path Institute not "being done in an amazing num- land do everything possible to help l\ons as the f.su1^. of an ^plosion Commencement Exercises to be held ber of instances. Residents near j to elect the entire ticket. .which occurred m his repair shop and on Saturday afternoon, August 1, in,these intersections tell astonishing | Mr. O'Donnell's announcement garage on Enfield street yesterday the Springfield Municipal Auditor- stories of the utter disregard of these lum, Springfield, Mass. Miss Leand-1 signs and the many extremely haz- i would seem to end all doubts as to afternoon. The accident occurred ithe make-up of the head of the Re-1 ,f m • ., er has made an enviable record for ardous traffic situations that are cre­ Post Office Cornerstone ! publican ticket. Selectman Henry E..whlle Mr- Troiano was cutting apart her work in the Typewriting Depart­ ated by it. ment. She has received several Smith, who has been strongly urged a metal alcohol drum with an acety- One observing lady, who is a thor- to make the run for first place, will lene torch. Neglecting to remove the awards from time to time and a short oughly reliable witness, tells of see- undoubtedly be content with his pres- covey on the drum, which was his us- time before completing her course t ing seven cars approach the main ent position. This fact was made; ual custom in doing this work, the this month passed her final typewrit-; highway and five of them dashed out known some time ago when Mr. I heat immediately created the gas ing test at the rate of eighty-eight, into the main highway without the Exercises Saturday Afternoon O'Donnell's name came into the pic-j fumes which caused the explosion, words a minute. In addition, she has '• slightest attempt to obey the "stop" ture. Mr. Smith realized the helpful! The force of the explosion threw participated in the athletics of the;sign that confronted them. Through- strategy of having the nominee for j Mr. Troiano to the concrete floor and tut P in a t r 8 ' first place on the ticket come from ] at the same time blew out every win- team of the stenographic ^epart-jhave been°CTected°there i^ a^veryvery pro^"- Town and Federal Government Will Be Represented at Ceremonies, the ithe larger voting center, and is un-'dow in the building. Dr. E. H. ment and on the Young Women's ,j nounced disposition— .. to disregard, |derstood to have readily agreed that! Clough, who resided across the street Tennis team. , ! them. Here, too, traffic hazards are, Complete Program of Which Is Announced by Committee — Congress­ in the event of Mr. O'Donnell being i from the plant, was attracted by the Included in the large number of,hourly created and many minor acci-! J a candidate for first place he would; explosion and hurried to the scene, students who will participate m the>dents are traceable to the laxity of. man Herman P. Kopplemann Will Be the Principal Speaker—Copper gladly run with him. Republican; He administered _ first aid to Mr. Tro- Commencement Exercises will also be drivers in this regard ! 1oq rJovc Miss Helen M. Pease, daughter of | The parking rules are also being I Receptacle Will Contain Important Data of Effort to Secure Building. Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Pease of loosely observed again. Double park- —— and no opposition to it is anticipated j his. injuries, while painful, were not Somers Miss Pease has been a mem- i king its appearance once ne is ma Preceded by a band concert begin-, ington by citizens of Enfield urging Sons of Waterbury, who were the in the caucus. I serious. ber of the Bay Path Glee Club while more in the business section and is On the Democratic side there has! In the garage at the timp was construe- she has been taking the Stenogra- j creatinga a dangerousuan erous sTCtioTfor early approval of the ;^ccessful bidders for the contract. T>hic Course at the Institute Sh^nl ' ? situation lor jjand, the ceremony of laying the!"^ ;The acquiring of a new post office been no change in the situationanuauun dur-iuur-jvuan CharlesCO «««*Marr of ii<»»East iwiuuni.Hartford. Mr«wi ? X those tl0n the Thom sonvllle P ost ce ?o played on the yorag •women's Vn- "smg the cornerstone for the new post office P - °® 'i here has been the result of several nie the past week nor is any expect-! Marr was installing an underground y g ed nis team istieets in the business section. De- will take place next Saturday after- a copy of the resolution passed Sep-jyears agitation. Finally an allotment - First Selectman William J.,tank under the garage and had enter- liveiy trucks and_large business vans nrinT1 s> p M Thp nvpwi'^s will ternber 12, 1933, at a special townj0f $95,000 was made for a federal Hughes, and Selectman Andrew Kor-jed the building for a moment. He 1 ff nd rs sc^duled^tei^in the'^ar Than"that nif v ^ ® ® ; Practically b'e presided over by Secretary Harry I meeting to further the interests of ii building here in 1932 and later reduc- ona will be renominated without op-'was about 20 feet distant when the re ut t vn and position. In both groups develop- drum exploded and the tank was hurl- of most institutions ITtheSchool Itw**? £11 , °* ?? Squires of the citizens' committee the Post Office; also various clippings ed to $83,000. e year is 48 weeks in length for stu- doing for thev"could* not set awav that had charge of promoting the ac- pertaining to the progress of the Post j activity to acquire ments are bearing out the prediction I d in his direction slightly injuring This stimulated of some weeks ago in these columns!his leg. Others in the garage at the dents in the Collegiate Department,!with it in their own cities , Quiring of the new post office. The Office construction, opy of the f the building on the part of the Board time ovei nmen of Tl that there would not be a single con- were two employees, Theodore making it possible for students to se-j These large vehicles bv storming at f. ' t .will represented by I 'ade and official cognizance of it test^ in either- caucus. Reski of Springfield and Charles Po- cure in two years as many clock- Ten<w->i o,vi„ ^ a street whpro the supervising engineer of the pro- Enfiield, cnc'ulai °f the Thompso - vas taken by the tow when a spe- a stieet wheie ject, Williamlam E. Brown, and Joseph v'lle Board of Trade describing !pin, korny of West Springfield, but neith­ hour credits as in many institutions I a line of cars is already narked not i? t> ,! Brown, and Jos f ,, hicial committee waswfl? appointednnnnint.fir? totn r>vn-pro- B tterle Thompsonville; copies OI tilC lateSt flin mniramajif Qala/ifrii1 r BOYS LEAVE FOR CAMP er of these men were hurt, nor was in three years.
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