"Must Visit Attractions in "

Created by: Cityseeker

8 Locations Bookmarked

Rotermanni Soolaladu "Great Architecture"

Rotermanni Soolaladu or the Rottermann's Salt Storage is a very famous industrial building made of limestone. You can have exhibitions and art events in the basement of the building. The best part is you can still see and taste the century-old salt which still penetrates the bricks.

by+372 Marcus 6 25 Vegas 7007 www.arhitektuurimuuseu info@arhitektuurimuuseum Ahtri 2, Tallinn m.ee/ .ee

Hellemann Tower "A Well Known Landmark"

A striking vestige of medieval Tallinn, the ever-imposing Hellemann Tower dates to as far back as the 14th Century. Despite all the renovations that took place in the due course of time, this historic masterpiece retains its old-world charm, bearing a largely rustic demeanor. Originally built as a prison and a repository of ammunition, the tower, today, serves as a by Diego Delso meeting point where locals, tourists and history aficionados are together awed by its colossal scale and heritage. Rich with a strong historical background, Hellemann Tower houses the Citizen Hall, the Bumpkin Chamber and an art gallery, all of which harmoniously lend insights into the heritage of the place. Concurrently, the tower is located alongside the sprawling Town Wall, which is regarded as one of Europe’s best-preserved fortifications, upheld by a tapestry of defensive towers. Affording panoramic views of Tallinn’s charming landscape dominated with red- roofed houses, the tower regularly plays host to many art exhibitions and private functions. A prized historic wonder of Tallinn, the glorious Hellemann Tower is a stirring testament to the long-standing military legacy of .

+372 6 46 4333 www.helleman.ee [email protected] Müürivahe 50, Tallinn

St. Catherine's Passage "Medieval Passage"

Katariina Käik, also known as St. Catherine's Passage, is one of the many jewels of Old Tallinn. Representing a truly medieval milieu, this passageway is where graceful archways loom over a quaint, cobbled course, whereas rustic, timeworn walls are embellished with tiny, local eateries, providing the onlooker with a taste of what Tallinn used to be by Bex.Walton during its historic heyday. Hidden behind the antiquated St. Catherine’s Church, this passageway forges a seamless synergy between ancient craftsmanship and an unfading medieval aura. The remaining portions of St. Catherine's church, which are believed to have been constructed in 1246, are yet present in the area. Perhaps the centerpiece of the passage is the St. Catherine’s Guild, a collective of shops and open studios, where local artists deftly create masterpieces before the eyes of admiring viewers, from charming houses, some of which date to as far back as the 15th Century. Ornamental jewelry, beautiful silk fabrics, skillfully-crafted ceramic-ware and glassware are some of the many items which are sold at this place which was formerly called the ‘Monk’s Alley’.

+372 6 45 7777 (Tourist Information) Off Vene, Tallinn

Mustpeade Maja "Renaissance Building"

Mustpeade Maja also known as the House of the Brotherhood of Black Heads was an association of young and foreign merchants staying in Estonia and Latvia in 1399 for a long period of time, but not permanently. The building represents a Renaissance architectural piece built by the Dutch, with lots of ornaments and carved decorations. The main entrance by Alma Pater is Tallinn's most eye catching door, which was constructed in 1640. The interior is in a Neo-Classical style. There are occasional concerts and conferences taking place in the house.

+372 6 31 3199 www.mustpeademaja.ee [email protected] Pikk 26, Tallinn

Raeapteek "Oldest in Tallinn"

The centerpiece of the Town Hall Square, , also known as the Town Hall Pharmacy, is nestled smack in the heart of Tallinn. One of the oldest of its kind in the whole of Europe, the pharmacy has been standing strong ever since its inception in the 15th Century. Standing under humble, sloping roofs, the pharmacy once sold an array of items including by Diego Delso remedial spices, herbs as well as local specialties like 'morsells', a kind of a spicy cookie. Having been run by generations and generations of the Burchart Family, this iconic pharmacy has aged gracefully for a lot more than 500 years. However, after 1990, the pharmacy was left largely abandoned, which resulted into it turning to shambles; it was only in 2003 that the place acquired a massive facelift. Today, a part of the pharmacy displays a vast assemblage of contemporary medicines, whereas a quaint museum beside it duly chronicles its ancient legacy. Its wall adorned with a glorious Coat of Arms illustrating the legacy of the Burchart Family, the pharmacy museum is a wealth of many medical and pharmaceutical curios like historic tools and equipment.

+372 6 40 4411 (Tourist Information) Raekoja Plats 11, Tallinn

Toompea Castle & Tall Hermann "Old & Grand Architecture"

Once the epicenter of ancient Estonia, the majestic Castle was built replacing a ramshackle, antiquated fortress. Functioning today as the official seat of the Parliament of Estonia, the castle stands under a gleaming pink facade crowned by sturdy roofs and beautifully- ornamented pediments. With its majestic perch on the Toompea Hill, the by Ivar Leidus castle harbors an interior which is largely crafted in a modernist style. The castle bears a particularly diverse history, having been reigned over by myriad empires including Danish and Livonian crusaders, the mighty Soviet regime as well as the Swedes. Bathed in the grandeur of Neo- classical and Baroque architecture, the castle also bears subtle undertones of various other styles, due to its multi-dynastic tenor. Hemmed by well-pruned lawns and thick, verdant droves, the castle grounds also harbor the imposing . Crowned by the national flag which flutters high and proud, this lofty tower, which dates back to the 14th Century, lords over the scenic recesses of central Tallinn. Forging a nexus between a multi-cultural history and an even distinct architectural legacy, this glorious castle complex has been an integral part in framing the course of Estonian history.

+372 631 6537 [email protected] Lossi Plats 1, Tallinn Eesti Rahvusraamatukogu "Reader's Paradise"

Eesti Rahvusraamatukogu also known as the National Library of Estonia is located in a very impressive building designed especially for the library. It is the largest library in the Baltic and has ten stores. It has two entrances and an amphitheater. Apart from checking out books, the library provides internet services, binding, restoration and copying. There are also by mikel.santamaria temporary and permanent art exhibitions held often. A library card might be required to visit.

+372 6 30 7611 www.nlib.ee/ [email protected] Tõnismägi 2, Tallinn

Kadriorg Palace "Northern Baroque Castle"

An exuberant canopy boasting palatial caliber, the Art Museum is the very quintessence of northern Baroque architecture. Nestled in the picturesque , this museum bears a long-standing history and has undergone many a facelift and transformation to get to where it is today. Built as a gift by Peter the Great to his wife Catherine, the museum by Eesti.pl deftly illustrates the finer nuances of foreign art across the 16th, 17th, 18th, 19th and 20th centuries. Adorned with rolling green meadows, vibrant flower gardens, forested groves and the ethereal Swan Lake, the palace museum is permeated with a strong sense of European grandeur, whereas the legacy of the great Tsar lingers across its opulent interior. Home to exquisite rooms laden with pristine white ceilings and elaborate stucco decorations, this museum collective forms an integral part in framing the artistic and cultural landscape of the country. Distinctly demarcated into separate sections, the museum harbors a wealth of paintings, sculptures, prints as well as porcelain artifacts which lend deep insights into the wondrous artistic finesse that thrived during the earlier centuries, especially in Russia and western Europe. Housing an arm of the Art Museum of Estonia, the museum also shelters a dedicated space which illustrates the heritage of Estonian art.

+372 6 06 6400 www.ekm.ee/eng/kadriorg [email protected] Weizenbergi 37, Tallinn .php




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