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OBSERVER Vol. 16 No. 3 October 27, 1976 Front Page Shit on Toast Mark Callahan Highstrung Kate Phillips Quote From Leon Botstein Save the Children! No Male Lady Jane Hurd Bill C. Davis Gypsy Dreams Catherine Williams Page 2 An Apology Gail Levinson Letters [“ . Article discussing the value of the pool tables in the basement . .”] Andy Abbatepaolo [“ . Article on the faculty art show.”] Steve Salzman [“My name is Jef Brown and I am writing to you from a state prison.”] Jef Brown [“ . Bard Clinic Staff at Northern Dutchess Hospital has asked us to . .”] The Health Committee Viewpoints Commit Your Professor Cash In Your Hands Alternative Viewpoints Kim C. Graves Page 3 Dr. Bish Questions & Answers Dishwater Virgin Music Steve Salzman Comedy Depicts Lowness Peter Kosewski Page 4 Necrophelia Faculty By Themselves Ellsworth P. Squeazer, ed. A Gross Canard? Perhaps Stuart F. Brown Who Would Win the Right? Christopher Rushton Future Daze Alex McKnight Page 5 The Gift Lloyd Nichols Necrophelia Faculty By Themselves Ellsworth P. Squeazer, ed. Page 6 The Art of Stooping Christopher Rushton Trick-Or-Treat! John Rittmaster Theses Vanish Robin Carroll Page 7 Sports Mark Callahan Bard Puzzle Solution Page 8 It’s The Amazing Newshow Photograph Hugh Crawford ; . ...-----volume 16 number 3 October 27 1976 TEN CENTS ---- : ' .. Shit. .on Toast Believe it or not, the food situation pere is being improved. There is nowa concentrated effort by S.A.G.A., the administration, and the student Food Committee Conriie Fow!e, Bard 's friendly passed the investigation at oneof to accomplish this. Ata recent ~Weltlffie riiailroöm person, has recently been the month ly member 's rriectings. meeting of the Food Committee, thesource of much local controver Last wee~ she was voted on, 39 concrete steps were taken towards sy. She just wants to'join the Red aga~ nst, 3 for. But she 'snot gqing . bettering the quality of the food . <Clhillfrdl~ifu~ Hook Resc:;ue Squad, which she is to Jet them get away with that. She served by SAGA .. Specifically, qualified to join, as she has taken intends to take legal action t.hrough_ the aitns of theFood Committee Lisa Preschel, astudent at Bard, the advanced First Aid program of the Mid-Hudson Civil Libertit~s Un f ar~ tlj) insure that food here will through an organization called Save fered to faculty at Bard. However, ion, which has rccently contacted be palatable, available in suff.icient the Children, is helping to feed a for some as yet unexplained reason, . the New York CivH Liberties. U.'nJon quantities and weil prepared. ch il d in the inner city. Sh e began Connie cannot join the Rescue Squad to help back her. · She.'is aware~that< Some might argue, and under- this in August by way of a $16 . until she is also a member of the Red she will have to prove that she''h'as' .. standably so, thatthis will never · monthly contribution to Save the Hook Fire Department, another has been discriminated aga:inst, and must , happen, that SAGA is'the I.B.M. Children Federation, and has since sle altogether. , · find someone who was present · · of food servkes and it is unalter begun a correspondence with the •At the time Connie submitted at the voting who will testify to, able. Yet, as Chairrnan of the child she is sponsoring. The an application, she was tol d that she that effect. She feels that she · J Food Committee, I feel we can situation. of our ow n food plan didn' t stand a chance, because the is unable to trust anybnc w~o.w,a~. ·- ( imprave the food situation and here with its abundmce, ifnot Fire Department 's by-laws prohibit there, and so is r~ther dul:)ious ..·. ease the heavy vol ume of student real not,Jrishment, makes for an women from joining. So she deci about the court, situatio. n .. Co.upled 1 complaints which Dean Sugatt everall ppignancy. Lisa has sug ded to put up a bit of a stink - nam wit,h that is the problem that thy. ij_ and Controller Bill Asip eal! the gested that students at Bard might cly, ei reulatinga petition that Iand Rescue Squad, (with the Oll)ission heaviest ever. ed her cause in three local newspap l arrange to missameal (or meals) of her husband 1 who isa member), .-.·~ The fact that Ludlow figures and have that particular arnount ers (a H udson paper 1 and two from is not really helping her or at : from Sugatt to Sotstein have of food plan money contributed Red Hook).·~ !east vowing to.give her support · stated that wc are now confront to Save the Children. She said . The upshot of this public ex- · yvhen she goes to court. I ing an either/ or situation gives that this went weil with all in .. posure was the Fire Department 's At this point, she can only 11 me considerable hope for im volved at Sarah Lawrence College, decision to e hange their laws so that . hofe the CivH Liberties un ron ~·; .· proving the food'plan. Either and is certairily possible for Bard. anyone fulfilling the age requirement wil be able tp pull her through. SAGA shapes up or action will Shc fcels Save the Children is an (18-45) can join. Their newly es lf any students have any advice. 1 be taker'l against it by the studcnts hanest chan~el for these contri- '. tablished method is to 1) take appli I would g/adly appreciate it, sh e ' • and administration. Let's hope butions. Anyone interested in con cations, 2) send.applicants before says, adding, lt's rough to do it · that the students herc can effect tributing energy to this project the investigation committee, and alane. We can sympathize. a positiye change in lhe food with- - then 3) vote on candidates who ,have might cont<J,d the Observer Jane Hurd out radical action !ike that taken, (Box 85). lf your interest is in at New Paltz, or fwther recourse sponsoring a child you should write to the administration. · to: Save the Children Federation · To do this please keep in D ept. P, Wilton Roa d, Westport bill e davis, author of" Everyman touch with the activities of the . Conne'cticut 06880. Revisited ", "Celebrating the First Food Committee and attend its Few Months ", "Metanoia ", and billedaVis meetings. The next one will be "Who is Enoch Crosby? " 1 n ow Thursday, November 4 at 12:30 prcsents" Gentle Catapults ". grow old." in the Committee Room. Jim "Genti e Catapults" is about Surprisingly enough, the play- . Ga vin, head of Bard 's SAGA, friendship growing in the Stark. wright is b.ut a··quarter ö.fa century old. · · · · . will be there and will be more purity of a home for aged men. than happy to d iseuss any sug "The play shows th?-t love is strang "GentiG Catapults "·is pres~nted ge~tio.ns you might have. lf you er than death, but instead of dem in conjunction with the Perfdrming strating it on a ~al co ny ("Romeo have complaints, either cometo Arts of, Woodstock. The play will . · . the meetings, see me, or hold and J ul iet ") it is demonstrated on be performed at the First Lutheran · . · t~e porch of a home where death, Church in Woodstock during the. ' your peace. · ·,·,· is just a few breaths away, "says first two weekends in November. davis. ((It gives a real perspective· For additiona! information eal! to those of us wllo think we'll never (914) 679-7900. ' /---" ' . • l ghstrung for~ piece t~ex. could fi.nd.· such' Hl. musrcrans by usrng the ltst.) · One might think that music . Music at Bar~ can be is~lat~d can be fo und_ easily at Bard, but to JUSt the people tnvolved Wlthtn there are peopfe interested in eertai n circles. When seen only · diffcrent kinds of music that are through the music department, 'not openly exp'r'essecl,in the depart- it 111ay seem very formalized to ment. A good example 'iS tofk, someohe outside the dept., but traditional, and ethnic music who may be interested in music which I love but have found the as a side interest or hobby. discovery of other people inter- This is where I think the ested in it to be sl ow and· difficu!t Dr. Philip Bennett ...gypsy hopetulty ci1allenging, body ofre coffeehouse comes in. The pur- · because no medium of,contact 1 philosopher? wandering m ystic? sponse to the philosophical argu pose of it is to provide entertain- exists at the present time. Weil, you take a college professor meots hesets forth. The lecture he menffor students at Bard performed The coffeehouse al')d this with a year 's sabbati'cal' a van to' , gave Tuesday night {OcC19) in by students off-campus performers. list can best broaden arcas of travel in, and, most importantly, 8. ard H~H, entitled Drer;ltJJing and . \. I think one of the mai n attributes interest (in music, dramaJ dance, the incentive to share through lec Madness, was one in th~. ?eri es of . ' of the coffeehouse.should be to poetry read i·ngs, etc.) so that all ture and discussion his own par four he has i n his repertöry. The :· :~ · provide entertairlment (music, peoplc can be exposed to the ticular angle in the perplexing area subject of this lecture dealt with·. · 1 dance I drama, poetry, etc.) that wide assortm~nt at Bard. of philosophy, and you 've got, if two questions raised by Descartes · • ~· not exactly a mysti.c, at least a does not necessarily have its Please ~oritact me Kate in The Meditatio.