Earshot Jazz
fn One Ear ■ The quartet S tin k h o rn has signed a distribution deal with Omnitone Records, the highly regarded independent New York jazz label, which w ill distribute the group’s just-released new CD, Tunguska, in the U nited States, Italy, Portugal, and Spain. The quartet, w hich is Michael Monhart (saxes), Brian Heaney (electric guitar) H o w a rd O u c h i (drums), and John Morris (electric bass), is also planning a tour o f the East Coast and the Midwest. In August it w ill perform at Seattle’s first progressive rock/jazz festival, T h e P rogm an C o m e th (August 16 18), at the M oore Theatre, w hich w ill also present Soft Machine w ith A lla n H o ld s w o rth , Hugh Hopper, E lto n D e a n , and John Marshall, as well as former Gong members Daevid Allen and P ip P yle and their current bands. More information on The Progman Cometh event is available online at www.twomonkeyfinger.com. For more on Omnitone, see www.omnitone.com. S tinkhorn’s website is at www.stinkhorn- music.com. News of bassist M att Sperry , long a fixture on the Seattle improvised-music scene until moving to Oakland, Cal., a few years ago. He appears on three o f the four CDs in a new A n th o n y B raxton box set Six Compositions (Gtm) 2001 (Rastascan Records), that was set to appear late last m onth.
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