ORDINATION OF A BISHOP, OF PRIESTS, AND OF DEACONS ENGLISH TRANSLATION ACCORDING TO THE SECOND TYPICAL EDITION March 2018 The International Commission on English in the Liturgy A MIXED CO M M ISSIO N O F CA TH O LIC BISHO PS’ CO N FEREN CES 1100 Connecticut Avenue, NW, Suite 710 The MostReverend Arthur Serratelli Washi ngton, DC 20036-4101 USA BISHOP OF PATERSON, CHAIRMAN TELEP HON E 202-347-0800 The Revd Mgr Andrew Wadsworth FAX 202-347-1839 EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR EMAIL
[email protected] www.icelweb.org 30 March 2018 Your Eminence, Your Excellency, It gives me great pleasure to send you the attached Gray Book of Ordination of a Bishop, of Priests, and of Deacons, for a Canonical vote by the Bishops of your Conference. The translation of De Ordinatione Episcopi, presbyterorum et diaconorum has been altered as a result of comments received from the Conferences of Bishops on the same text in Green Book format last year. We are very grateful for the careful study of this important liturgical text. In evaluating the comments from the Conferences of Bishops, the ICEL Bishops noted three general principals that you will want to convey to the Bishops of your Conference: The Roman Missal provided a base text that would guide the work of translation of the remaining texts of the Roman Rite. Consistency with the Roman Missal and with other liturgical documents such as the Catechism, the Code of Canon Law, and other instructions and directives of the Holy See is highlighted in the texts in the form of notes.