1 Republic of Ivory Coast Union-Discipline-Work MINISTRY

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1 Republic of Ivory Coast Union-Discipline-Work MINISTRY Republic of Ivory Coast Union-Discipline-work MINISTRY OF HEALTH, ENVIRONMENT, AND OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT ------------------------------------- PERMANENT EXECUTIVE SECRETARIAT for REDD+ ------------------------------------- Readiness Package (R-Package) For the reduction of emissions from deforestation and forest degradation In the Ivory Coast ------------------------------------- August 24, 2018 1 Table of Contents Table of Contents .......................................................................................................................................... 2 Tables of figures and tables .......................................................................................................................... 3 Acronyms and abbreviations ........................................................................................................................ 4 1 Introduction .......................................................................................................................................... 9 2 STRATEGIC VISION FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE REDD+ IN CÔTE D'IVOIRETE d'ivoire .......... 11 The process of creating the Vision .......................................................................................................... 11 Deforestation in Ivory Coast ............................................................................................................... 11 High-level commitment: "The forest, pillar of the emergence of Ivory Coast" .................................. 11 Process of building vision and strategic options REDD+ ..................................................................... 11 National Vision and Ambition ................................................................................................................. 11 3 REDD+ PREPARATION PROCESS + RESULTS ACHIEVED ....................................................................... 11 Component 1: Organization of preparation and consultation ............................................................... 12 Sub-component 1a: National REDD+ Management Systems ............................................................. 12 Sub-component 1c: Consultation, participation and awareness ........................................................ 30 Component 2: Preparation of the REDD+ strategy ................................................................................. 41 Sub-component 2a: Assessment of land use, change factors in land allocation, legislation, policies and forest governance ........................................................................................................................ 41 Sub-component 2b: REDD+ Strategic Options .................................................................................... 53 Sub-component 2c: Implementation Framework............................................................................... 59 2d Sub-component: Social and environmental Impacts ..................................................................... 65 Component 3: Emissions Reference Level / Reference Levels ............................................................... 68 Component 4: Forest monitoring system and safeguard measures....................................................... 74 Sub-component 4a: National Forest Monitoring System ................................................................... 74 Sub-component 4b: Information system on multiple benefits, other impacts, governance and safeguards ........................................................................................................................................... 82 4 Participatory R-PACKAGE self-EVALUATION process .......................................................................... 87 5 Results of the self-participatory R-PACKAGE EVALUATION ................................................................ 88 Summary of the assessment ................................................................................................................... 88 Assessment of criteria ............................................................................................................................. 91 Appendix ................................................................................................................................................... 106 Appendix 1: List of meetings of the bodies of the National REDD+ Committee .............................. 106 Appendix 2 OI-REN members............................................................................................................ 107 Appendix 3: Consultations carried out in the context of the preparation for REDD+ ...................... 109 2 Appendix 4 : National REDD+ Strategy Working groups ................................................................... 114 Appendix 5: Example of technical data sheets for REDD+ preparation projects in Côte d'ivoire .... 119 Appendix 6 : Action plan for NFMS operatioonalization .................................................................. 126 Appendix 7: Stakeholders who contributed to the participatory self-evaluation of the R-Package 130 Bibliography and references ..................................................................................................................... 132 Tables of figures and tables Figure 1. Elements and tools needed to prepare for REDD+ ...................................................................... 10 Table 1 : Summary table of participatory self-assessment ......................................................................... 12 Table2. Summary table of REDD+ preparation budgets ............................................................................. 18 Table 3. Summary table of REDD Readiness budgets and implementation ............................................... 19 Figure 2. Integrated Project Management Unit Organization Chart .......................................................... 25 Figure 3. Diagram of the MRP REDD+ of Cote d'ivoire ............................................................................... 27 Figure 4. Diagram of the operation of the MRP ......................................................................................... 28 Figure 5. Diagram showing the direct and indirect factors of deforestation and forest degradation ....... 47 Table 4 : Breakdown of the budget by component for the period 2018 – 2040 ........................................ 50 Table 5 : Implementation cost details, by region ....................................................................................... 51 Tableau 6 : Facteur de déforestation et de dégradation forestière, options stratégique REDD+ associées et volet du SNSF mobilisé pour en assurer le suivi ..................................................................................... 70 3 Acronyms and abbreviations AFD French Development Agency AIPH Interprofessional Association of Palm Oil ANADER National Support Agency for Rural Development ANASUR National Agency for Urban Safety ANDE National Agency for the Environment ANDEFOR National Forest Development Agency AP Protected Areas APD Public Aid for Development APROMAC Association of Natural Rubber Professionals of Côte d'ivoire APV/FLEGT Voluntary Partnership agreement/Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade ARECA Regulatory Authority for Cotton and Cashews ARSF Regional Forest Seed Bureaus BDAT Land Use Database BDOT Land Use Data Base BNETD National Office for Technical Studies and Development CCT Mapping and Remote Sensing Centre BTP Construction and Public Works C2D Debt Reduction and Development Contract CCC Coffee and Cocoa Board CCNUCC United Nations framework Convention on Climate Change CDB Convention on Biological Diversity CDF Forestry Development Committees CDGF Departmental Forest Management Council CEDEAO Economic Community of West African States CEPICI Centre for the Promotion of investments in Côte d'ivoire CEREEC Regional Centre for Renewable Energies and Energy Efficiency CES Economic and Social Council CF Functional Framework CGES Environmental and Social Management Framework CGFCC Board of Management of Coffee and Cocoa Sectors CGFR Land Management Committee CGIAR Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research CGRCP Framework for the Management of Physical Cultural Resources CIAPOL Anti-Pollution Center CIAT International Centre for Tropical Agriculture CICPPF Interministerial Committee for Coordination and Piloting of Forestry Policy CIRAD International Centre for Agronomic Research for Development CIRES Ivorian Center for Economic and Social Research the of Côte d'ivoire 4 CIRES Ivorian Economic and Social Studies Centre CISCI Côte d'Ivoire Sustainable Cocoa Initiative CLIP Prior informed Free Consent CN REDD+ National REDD+ Committee CNDD National Commission for sustainable development CNLFPF National Commission for the Control of Fires and the Protection of Forests CNRA National Centre for Agronomic Research CN-REDD+ National Commission for the Reduction of Greenhouse Gas Emissions Due to Deforestation and Forest Degradation CNSF National Forest Seed Centre CO2 Carbon dioxide COP Conference of the Parties CPP Steering Committee of the Programme CPR Relocation Policy Framework CRE Ecology Research Centre CRGF Regional Forest Management Committee CSP Socio-Professional Categories CSRS Swiss Centre for Scientific Research CTL Local Technical Committees CURAT Curate University Research and Application Center in Remote Sensing CVGFR Village Land Management
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