WALCHANDNAGAR INDUSTRIES LIMITED % Website: Email: wil@wa| 1908-2008 WALCHANDNAGAR Ref. No. : WIL:SEC:2018 Date : 08.10.2018 National Stock Exchange of India Ltd BSE Ltd., Corporate Action Department Corporate Relations Department Exchange Plaza, 5th floor, lst floor, New Trading Ring, Plot No. C/ 1, G Block, Rotunda Bldg PJ. Tower, Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra (East) Mumbai 400 001 Mumbai 400 051 Fax:: 22723121 / 2039/ 2037 Fax :26598237/ 38, 66418126/ 25/ 24 Sub : Disclosure of Schedule of Analyst / Institutional Investor Meet for Walchandnagar Industries Limited (” Company”). Dear Sir / Madam, In terms of Regulation 30, Regulation 46 and Schedule III, Part A and other applicable provisions of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations 2015 (“ SEBI Listing Regulations”), as amended read with corresponding circulars and notifications issued thereunder, it is hereby informed that the representatives of the Company will be meeting certain financial / institutional Investors from October 9, 2018 to October 11, 2018 at Mumbai. A Copy of the corporate presentation is attached herewith. Further, the corporate presentation of the Company is uploaded on the website of the Company, Viz. This is for your records and request the same be treated as compliance under the applicable c1ause(s) of the SEBI Listing Regulations. Thank you. Yours Sincerely, For Walchandnagar Industries Ltd. G. S. Agrawal Vice President (Legal & Taxation) & Company Secretary Encl.: As above REGD OFFICE: 3 Walchand Terraces, Tardeo Road, Mumbai 400 034, India Tel: 022-40287109 Fax: 022—23634527 CIN: L74999MH1908PLC000291 Corporate Presentation October 2018 Disclaimer This presentation has been prepared by Walchandnagar Industries Limited (the “Company”) solely for information purposes without regard to any specific objectives, financial situations or informational needs of any particular person.
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