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00012-31-04 ( .Pdf ) www.BonairExel.com December 31, 2004 to January 7, 2005 Volume 12, Issue 1 Kaya Gob. Debrot 200 • E-mail: [email protected] • 717-8988 SINCE 1994 berto Ribeiro gave Labega authoriza- IN THIS ISSUE: tion to act on his behalf in dealing with ome 40 aliens. The two countries hope to sign the four islands. This includes matters Tsunami (Asia) 4 S detectives the agreement on January 11, 2005. involving the police, prisons, Court of Letters (Robert van Dam) 5 from Holland The Antillean police union Guardianship and the Prosecutor’s Of- Obituary- Diane DiBona 5 will be sent to does not agree with the idea of bring- fice. Top Stories of 2004 6 Kingdom Currency 6 the Netherlands ing in the 40 Dutch detectives to help “The Justice Minister wants the th KLM 70 Anniversary 7 Antilles, start- fight crime because they would fall di- proper policy and right state secretary Dive the Wild Side 8 ing in Febru- rectly under the Attorney General and in place,” said Labega. “Now he will Indoor Windsurfing? 9 ary, to assist bypass the normal police chain of com- have more freedom and time for the Journalist (Ibi Piar) Award 9 local police in mand. In their opinion it amounts to a Civil Defense program and major issues Special Olympic Walk-a-thon 10 fighting crime. second Kingdom Detective Team (the in Curaçao, without shortchanging the Where to Find The Reporter 11 That’s one RST). other islands.” As for Bonaire, Labega Student Chef Competition 12 agreement reached after talks in Cura- A union spokesman said, “Instead of said it was a “small island” that “needs FKPD Gala Dinner 15 çao between Dutch Kingdom Relations looking for police in Holland, we need a lot of attention.” Bonaire Windows– 18th Palm 16 Captain Don is Home 16 Minister Thom de Graf and the Antil- to look for politicians, senators and Turtle Travels 17 lean Cabinet, represented by Prime ministers there, because those who gov- Julien Larmonie, Director of the Jong Bonaire Top Kids 17 Minister Etienne Ys and Justice Minis- ern this country have not done their job General and Judicial Affairs Depart- STCB Banner Year 17 ter Norberto Ribeiro. as they should. The population, which ment (AJZ), says if the Netherlands An- Pet Professor– Shelter Adoption 18 In addition to providing the detectives is suffering from the crime wave, must tilles is abolished, 75% of the Central MCB Press Awards / Jong Bonaire for a limited period, the Dutch Govern- hold government responsible. If they Government’s debt of NAƒ4.8 billion 22 ment will assist in expanding the capac- had listened to us and the police com- will be the responsibility of Curaçao, WEEKLY FEATURES: ity of the lockups to prevent criminals mand in the past, we would not be in so based on the population size and the Flotsam & Jetsam 2 from being released back on the street much trouble now.” income per head of family. However, Vessel List & Tide Table 9 too quickly. Up to 20 Dutch police of- he added, based on a study conducted Classifieds 14 ficials will also be made available to State two years ago, abolishing the extra Picture Yourself (China) 14 support the operation and management Secretary Erno layer of government would mean a sav- Reporter Masthead 18 of the judicial system. For border con- Labega has been ings of NAƒ100 million annually. What’s Happening 19 trol teams, Holland will provide 13 given full au- . Micro Movie Review 19 Pet of the Week (Fluffy) 19 Royal Marechaussees (military po- thority to han- Antillean authorities have al- Shopping & Dining Guides 20 lice) and 12 Customs agents as well. In dle judicial mat- ready confiscated more than 500 On the Island Since total, some 85 Dutch officials will be ters in all the passports of drug couriers since the (Eithel George Ammerlaan) 21 sent to the islands. Antillean police offi- Antillean is- policy was initiated. Once the passport Bonaire Sky Park 23 cers will be free to patrol on the streets. lands except is confiscated all Dutch embassies are The Stars Have It 23 Holland and the Antilles also plan to Curaçao. Ac- notified so that they don’t issue another work together to sustain the fight cording to La- one. The passports are normally held against crime. The main ingredients are bega, it is the State Secretary for a two-year period as part of the the recruitment, selection and training first time a state Erno Labega (alternative) sentence for convicted of police officers and prison personnel, secretary has drug couriers. "If all these people had to strengthening and expanding the police been granted that power. Through a be locked up, they could fill an entire cells and holding facilities for illegal ministerial decree Justice Minister Nor- (Continued on page 4) Page 2 Bonaire Reporter - December 31, 2004 to January 7, 2005 ©2004 Published The Bonaire Reporter weekly advertising . For information about in 7252, fax 717-8988,The Bonaire E-mail to:Reporter subscriptions, stories Bonaire Reporter , phone (599) 717-8988, 791- or Editor in Chief. Address:, George Kaya DeSalvo, [email protected] Publis Antilles. Available on-line at: Gob. Debrother. 200-6; Laura Bonaire, DeSalvo, Neth. The Reporters: www.bonairereporter.com Jack Horkheimer, Susan Greta Brown, Kooistra, Captain Don, Rudsel Chirino, Dodo, chael Thiessen, Andy Uhr, Marion Walthie Features Editor: Ann Phelan, Dee Scarr, Mi- Sue Ellen Felix Greta Kooistra , Production: Translations: Peggy Bakker, Distribution:Barbara Lockwood Housekeeping:Yuchi Molina (Rincon), Elizabeth Silberie (Playa); kerij Jaidy Rojas Acevedo. Printed by: DeStad Druk- Taxes extra Add NAƒ100 for Bonair- Exel flight to Curacao Bonaire Info: 717-0707 Bonaire Reporter - December 31, 2004 to January 7, 2005 Page 3 Flotsam and Jetsam (Continued from page 2) KLM's management, while new prison,” commented Justice Minis- celebrating the 70th Anniversary of the ter Norberto Ribeiro. airline in the Antilles, suggested they were looking for a "trustworthy con- The Exel Aviation Group has nection" in the islands. Peter Hart- a new Chief Executive Officer. He's man, KLM's second-in-command, said, Bart Drechsel, formerly with KLM and "The best way is to find a partner. We Jet Airways of India. Drechsel succeeds are looking within our group of compa- Harm Prins who is under indictment for nies to find one: Air France, Northwest, money laundering, extortion and for- Transavia. And up until now Bonair- gery. Exel has severed all ties with Exel is proving to be capable of offer- Prins, who was recently released from ing trustworthy connections. This detention, pending trial. Prins has re- morning we departed on time." At the turned his 15% share in the company to same celebration KLM announced that major shareholder Erik de Vlieger. its Business Class passengers will be offered a ceramic model of the Pehna Prior to his departure from Bon- House. It is the 85th in the series of the aire (see story on page 7), KLM Direc- coveted gin-filled mementos and the tor Peter Hartman announced that for- first of a non-Dutch house. Marius mation of a regional hub in Curaçao Noort has been delayed, but that it will hap- pen in 2005. Last month our source for The seven days of Kwanzaa is Bonaire teens made it another “Shining Christmas” for their less fortunate KLM information said KLM was not upon us (December 26 to January 1). neighbors. But this time their neighborhood extended all the way to Aruba! For the fifth year in a row the “Goodhearted Youngster Group” made Christmas happier for disadvan- interested in the Caribbean for its own Kwanzaa is an African festival tradition th operations. However, hopes in Curaçao that was reintroduced in the US by taged children. On Saturday, December 18 they traveled to Aruba and distributed gifts to 300 children. After flying to Curaçao on the 19th they gave out more gifts to another are high that the airline would increase Maulana Karenga during the 1960s. th its involvement on Curaçao. Kwanzaa is a harvest festival and a 668 children there. Finally on Friday, December 24 280 Bonaire kids got their gifts. This was all made possible by a grant from AMFO and local businessmen. Special thanks combination of other festivals practiced go to the Bonaire Rotary Club and the Venezuelan Consulate. Just before Christmas Bonaire's in various parts of Africa. It is one of Customs officers walked off their the most ancient forms of celebration jobs because, among other things, the and has been conducted for over 15,000 Panneflek would take over as of that air conditioning and telephone system years. date. Police officers in Bonaire pro- in the Customs building were not work- tested against Daantje being replaced ing. They agreed to stop their job action POLICE UPDATE: According by Panneflek and the transfer never only after two new air conditioning to reports from the police union, Minis- happened. units were installed. Even though Cus- ter of Justice Norberto Ribeiro has put toms is a Central Government function the transfer of St. Martin Police Chief Last week The Bonaire Re- and responsibility, it was the Bonaire Richard Panneflek to Bonaire on porter increased the number of copies Government that provided the aircos. hold. Panneflek had been in Curaçao it prints by about 15% in an effort to It was concerned that local businesses awaiting the official transfer to Bonaire. ensure that all who want a copy during and markets would not be able to re- The Minister informed Bonaire’s cur- the busy holiday period were able to get ceive their supplies for the holiday sea- rent Police Chief Gerold Daantje in a one.
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