INTERIM REPORT – STUDY ON THE HUMAN RIGHTS OF FEDERALLY-SENTENCED PERSONS: THE MOST BASIC HUMAN RIGHT IS TO BE TREATED AS A HUMAN BEING (1 FEBRUARY 2017-26 MARCH 2018) Interim Report of the Standing Senate Committee on Human Rights The Honourable Wanda Elaine Thomas Bernard, Chair The Honourable Salma Ataullahjan, Deputy Chair The Honourable Jane Cordy, Deputy Chair 1 February 2019 For more information please contact us: By email:
[email protected] By mail: The Standing Senate on Human Rights Senate, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, K1A 0A4 This report can be downloaded at: The Senate is on Twitter: @SenateCA Follow the committee using the hashtag #RIDR Ce rapport est également offert en français. 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................ 3 THE COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP ................................................................... 5 ORDER OF REFERENCE .............................................................................. 6 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ............................................................................... 8 INTRODUCTION...................................................................................... 11 HUMAN RIGHTS AND THE LEGAL FRAMEWORK FOR FEDERAL CORRECTIONS . 13 Human Rights Protections under the Corrections and Conditional Release Act ......................................................................................................... 17 OVERARCHING CONCERNS .....................................................................