Oregon Pioneer Wa-Wa: a Compilation of Addresses of Charles B. Moores Relating to Oregon Pioneer History
OREGON PIONEER WA-WA A COMPILATION OF ADDRESSES OF CHARLES B. MOORES RELATING TO OREGON PIONEER HISTORY PREFACE The within compilation of addresses represents an accumulation of years. Being reluctant to destroy them we are moved for our own personalsatisfaction, to preserve theni in printed form.They contain much that is commonplace, and much that is purely personal and local in character.There is a great surplus of rhetoric. There is possibly an excess of eulogy. There is considerable repetition.There are probably inaccuracies. Thereisnothing, however, included in the compilation that does not have some bearing on Oregon Pioneer History, and this, at least, gives it sonic value.As but a limited nuniber of copies are to be printed, and these arc solely for gratuitous distribution among a few friends, and others, having some interest in the subjects treated, we send the volume adrift, just as it is, without apology and without elimination. Portland, Oregon, March 10, 1923. CHAS. B. MOOnJiS. ADDRESSES Page Chenieketa Lodge No. 1, I. 0. 0. F I Completion of Building of the First M. E. Church of Salem, Oregon 12 Printers' Picnic, Salem, Oregon, 1881 19 Dedication of the Odd Fellows' Temple in Salem, Ore.,190L26 Fiftieth Anniversary Celebration Chemeketa Lodge,I. 0. 0. F. No. 1, Salem, Oregon 34 I)onatjon Land LawFiftieth Anniversary Portland Daily Oregonian 44 Annual Reunion Pioneer Association, Yambill County, Oregon50 Unveiling Marble Tablet, Rev. Alvin F. Wailer 62 Thirty-second Annual Reunion, Oregon State Pioneer Asso- ciation, 1904 69 Laying Cornerstone Eaton Hall, Willarnette University,De- cember 16, 1908 87 Champoeg, May 1911 94 Dedication Jason Lee Memorial Church, Salem, June, 1912 100 Memorial Address, Champocg, Oregon, May 2nd, 1914 107 Oregon M.
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