• r . ' H * • V *"l ...... f ■ rvi'- NET PRESS BUN AVERAGE OAILV dBCULATION Tiffs « » A T H » PofMsact' 9rti,m wrnim for the Month of December, 1980 • ■ '■ ■ piMtford _ ' 5 , 5 9 3 Baht or anhtr linitglit prob­ Members of the Andit Bureau ably tely. tiuMky monilnf'; colder Tnetiday afthmohn Of of Circulations. j

(Classified (dvertialng on Page 10.) VOL. XLV., NO. 88. SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, JANUARY 12, 1931. (TWELVE PAGES) PRiCCr THREE CENTS

! TALKING BEACON MOB LYNCHES IS THE LATEST As British Troops Coped With Burmese Rioters.

Lighthouse in Scotland Shouts rrrrn NEGRO; BURNED i Its Name and Tells Ships They Are Near Rocks. WITHSCHOOL; Glasgow, Scotland, Jan. 12 (AP) —A talkmg beacon, the HAVE PERISHED AT SEA invention of Charles A. Steven­ son, a cousin of Robert Louis Black Who Confessed Killing Stevenson, has been installed at / little Cumbrae lighthouse on the Firth of Clyde. Woman and Navy Aviator School Teacher Is Chained It is the first of its kind and Opinions are Divided consists of a radio telephone Long Overdue On Hop To Roof of Building Which | transmission of a fog signal and speech from a gramophone re­ i/ cord. It speaks the word On Foreign Debt Cut From Bermuda To the Is Then Set Afire. “ Cumbrae” and counts out the ship's distance in miles and r cables from the signal station. Washington, Jan. 12 — (AP) — ■ Senator Fess, Republican, O.hip, Azores— Had Gasoline To Characteri.stic blasts of the Opinions for and against reductions said it would be unwise to reduce Maryville, Mo., Jan. 12.— (A P )— : fog signal also are heard on in inter-allied debts to the United Chained to the roof of the Garrett : wireless. The range of Cum­ States were expressed at the Capi­ the debts at this time. Keep^Them Aloft Until 6 rural school in which he was alleged brae talking beacon for direc­ tol today in connection with the Senator King, Democrat, Utah, tion finding is eight and three- suggestion by Albert H. Wiggins, to have assaulted and murdered suggested something should be done quarters miles but this could be chairman of the Chase National -ill the matter of foreign debts. O’ clock Last Night— Had Miss Velma Colter, 19 year o ld . increased or reduced according Back, that a cut would help busi­ “Back in 1920,” he said, “I pro­ teacher, Raymond Gunn, negro, was ! to wireless transmission power. . ness. posed an international conference No Radio — Not Sighted burned to death by a mob which i “As a good American proposition, looking to all round reduction of I am opposed to it,” said Chairman made a funeral pyre of the build-1 % war debts. With the situation in Smoot, of the Senate finance com­ Europe as unsatisfactory as it is By Ships In Path, ing today. |RECALL 70,000 MEN mittee. “The best settlement pos­ now it is even more important that Gunn was marched into the j sible was obtained in the Senate.” something be done.” schoolhouse and to the spot where ! Horta, Island of Fayal, Azores, the bruised body of the young I teacher was discovered. Those of the i TO DETROIT PLANTS Jan. 12.— (A P )—Fears were hey throng about him who were closest j NEW HOLDS here today that the storm swept At­ said the negro confessed his guilt. British and Indian troops joined in Burma to check an uprising of 1,000 well-armed native rebels who NEW YORK MOURNS lantic hq,d claimed the lives of two Taken To Roof j swept through the villages of the southeast Tharrawaddy district. This picture shows cavalrymen blocking more trans-Atlantic fliers. He was then aken to the roof of I Most of Them Had Been Laid the advance of rioters through a principal street. Ma ny were kUled during several days of fighting. There still was some hope fo^ the the building. He was placed across ! MUCH WANTED MAN DEATH OF STRAUS safety of Mrs. Beryl Hart, 27 year the ridge-pole. Holes were chopped | Off On Dec. 18— No New old red headed widow, and Lieut. in the roof and gasoline poured ! William S. MaeLaren, who left Ber­ over the floors and on the w'alls. A | muda Saturday noon for Horto in member of the mob applied a match. : Men Are Needed. STEEG SUGGESTS GOSER SPENCER IS TAKEN Promoter Promised Stock­ Noted Philanthropist Saved their monoplane laden with a “pay- Gunn was calm throughout. Those ; load” which they oped to take to close to him said he was not in- i Paris. 'They expected when th ^ jured during the march to the | holders To Get Money Detr(^it, Jan. 12.— (A P )—Detroit’s BY R. I. POLICEMEN Millions of Bahies’ Lives left Hamilton to negotiate the two school, although his clothing was U. S.-FRANCE RELATIONS thousand miles to Horta in about 21 stripped to w'aist. ' job-bouhd industrial army was aug­ hours, which would have elapsed, at At least 2,000 persons stood mented today by 70,000 or more men Back From Page & Shaw. By Giving Away Pure Milk 11:15 a. m. Sunday. But today around the small school building. i who were called back to their th^re had been no word from them Waves To Mob i benches and assembly lines after N.W fr » tb Premier Grams 2J p [,| E | j5 j m ® Waives Extradition and Re­ or of their having been sighted by Face down across the ridge pole, several weeks of inactivity. New London, Jan. 12 — (AP) — New York,,,; Jan. 12.— (jyP) — ships at sea. The craft carried no radio. Gunn pushed himself up and waved , Most of the re-employment was First Interview Since He Charged with fraud in a warrant is­ Nathan Straus, philanthropist, at the crowd which contained hun­ turns To Arctic To Face accounted for at the Rouge plant of sued by the Waterford Town Court leader in American Jewry and the Anxious watchers here were dreds of women. Then he sank the Ford Motor Company, which had gloomy as the hours passed with nc IN ATLANTIC HOPS said to ^ want«d on « similar against the roof. i been idle since an inventory shut Assumed Office — Called Charge As Highwayman. benefactor of little children the wor<} (rqm the little white ship. At One long, piercing shriek arose down on December 18, with the ex­ chai’S«i in Cfomweil and otlier world roimd, died in bis sleep yes­ one o'clock it impossible that above the crackling of the flames as ‘ ception of the employment of about places in this state, and in Massa* terday. He was 83. After the death the two fliers could have weather^’ they played about his head. j France’s Clearest Thinker 6,500 men on a part-time basis last Louis E. Spencer, otherwise ichusetts, Rhode Island, Maine, New of his wife, ten months ago his the storms which have been sweep­ The crowd, orderly throughout, ! week. The Ford Company for sev­ Twelve Planes Lost In Last Jersey and Pennsylvania, Charles ing the islands- stood about the four corners where Zauadaky, of 18 Warner street, health sank rapidly. He had been eral months has been operating Malley, 52 year old promoter, was restricted to a wheel chair since bis Not Sighted the school was located until the three days a week, eight hours a ' BY JOSEPH E. SHARllEY. Hartford, captured here Tuesday have been presented in the white, one-room frame building was Four Years— List of Un- return from Europe last year. Steamers passed and put In ,to day, and the lack of an announced (CopyrlK^ht, 1931. by the Associated evening, Janua^ 6. after he and two Waterford Town Court this after­ reduced to ashes. For his philanthropies in the con­ Horta reporting no word of the change from this policy indicated I Press) confederates hi-jacked^Md held up noon. The negro who had served a pris­ servation of infant life, the estab­ fliers. Onejahip came in with a dis­ that it is to be continued. T h e' sneessful FBghts. a Windsor hotel employee in West He was arrested in Groton yes­ lishment of a Jewish Homelmid and on term for an assault on another abled steamer in tow, reporting “the company announced that the em -( Paris, Jan. 12.— (A P )—’Theodore Warwick, R. L, waived extradition terday by State troopers from the the relief work of the World War, girl a few years ago was seized ployes recalled today _ brought ^ _ the worst weather in years” along the Steeg, premier of France, ha an in- when he faced Judgo Raymond A. Groton Barracks. In his possession the name of Nathan Straus was Trade Wind’s route. from Sheriff’s officers at the en-j total at the Rouge plant to 70,000,! terview with the Associated Press New York, Jan. 12.— (AP) — The Johnson in police court here this were foimd a private detective’s revered wherever mankind suffered. trance to the court house here this I while 32,000 others were ordered' morning. His counsel, AttopieJ^, John badge, and certificate, and a list of Three , hundred gallons pf gas today, urged economic co-operation Bom in ^lavaria whWfr’they had in their tRfiV.g Satur­ morning as *ih'e^‘was oeing Droughtr^ck to work in uiner parts of the Atlantic ocean which Mrs. tXii.Vl Yeomans, of Hartford, told the the stockholders of the Page & Bom in Rhenish Bavaria on Jan. day on the takeoff from Bermuda from the county jail for arraign- country. between France and the United Hart and Lieutenant William Mac- court that Spencer would return to Shaw candy company whose presi­ 31,1848, Nathan Straus was brought was said to be sufficient- to keep ment on charge of 3la5dng Miss C ol-!! At Other Plants States as a means of establishing Laren braved in the monoplane Rhode Island for trial without the dent is now serving a prison term to Ariverica as a boy of 14 by his fa­ ter. I Increased activity at them in the air until 6 p. m., Sun­ several 1 maintaining the peace and hap- “Trad" Wind,” in .an attempted necessity of applying for extradition for fraud in connection with the re­ ther, Lazarus, and settled In Talbot- day. Meets No Resistance , other automobile plants also was papers. cent Issuance of 82,000,000 worth of ton, Ga. When the Civil War i reported. The Buick Motor Car i the world. cargo a ght from New York to Paris, No attempt was made to stop the ' Fined Here stock in the concern. ruined his father’s business, the If forced to come down at sea lynching and the mob met little re- I ! company at Flint brought its total i Tomorrow he goes before Parlia- has claimed the lives of 29 fliers and 'The charge against him of being His Scheme family moved to New York and the they probably would not have been sistance in taking the negro from ijto 13,500 with recall of 1,700 men. j ment, perhaps to begin a battle 12 planes in the last four years. a fugitive from justice will be drop­ It is alleged that MaJley would elder Straus and his two sons able to keep their plane afloat mors the officers. visit one of the candy company’s than a few minutes. Althdugh it ' operating five seven-hour days a determine ]ust how long The list of unsuccessful flights in ped when, the Rhode Island authori­ started the crockery business of L. A detachment of Battery “C” stockholders and for a consideration Straus & Sons. was equipped with pontoons for a week, reported a norma) force of *^6 will remain at the helm of the which Lives were lost: ties take him. Also charged with 128th Field Artillery, local Missouri would agree to obtain and return to From that beginning the brothers sea landing the prevailing gd&ut 6,000. The Chevrolet Motor Com- French ship oi state. However in National Guard unit had been or­ i May 5, 1927—Captain St. Roman (Continued On Page 3.) them the money spent for the stock. waves would have crashed a craft 61 dered mobilized early today to cope pany, working two shifts, has 32,0001 this first interview since he assumed and two French companions, lost in He is specifically charged with ob­ (Continued On Page 8.) mueb larger size and of more sub­ ivith possible mob action. The men on a 32-hour a week basis. t j flight from Paris to South America. taining 850 from George Browns- stantial than the Trade Wind. The return of the men to w ork' statesman whom Lord Guardsmen were reported to have May 8, 1927—Captain Charles ward, Waterford, holder of a large Send Up Rockets brought additional pay to several, Balfour during the World War re- been gathered at their armory at Nungesser and Francois Coli lost in block of the worthless stock, as a hui^dred employes of the street car ^ garded as the most lucid mind in GIRLS FIND GUN Officials here sent up rockets the time Gunn was seized by the Paris-New York flight. retainer after promising to obtain from early last evening until late.at mob. It was understood they were system, as extra cars were operated , France, was apparently as calm and August 8, 1927—Princess Lowen- full reimbursement for him. FILIPINOS BURN on lines to the factories. night as a possible beacon for waiting for an official request from carefree as though, as in his earlier stein-Wertheim, Captain Leslie Arthur Ryan of Hartford and aviators. Authorities passed the Sheriff England for assistance. Detroit employers emphasized Hamilton and Colonel F. F. Minchln Manchester, N. H., chauffeur for that the men put to work are em­ USED IN MURDER word along the coast lines ol Early reports erroneously stated disappeared in flight from Upavon, Malley also was arrested when state ployes who had been laid off and (Continued On Page 3.) UP AMERICAN FLAG France, Portugal and Spain to that the Guardsmen were on duty England, to Ottawa, (Janada. troopers found that his dperator’s watch for the plane. If forced down I were recalled. There are no new license had been suspended. In the September 6, 1927—Monoplane on the Sparsely inhabited Morroean j jobs, they pointed out, and no men Groton Town Court this morning he (Continued On Patre I abe “ wanted” here. “Old G'ory” with Lloyd Bertaud, Noticed It Days Ago But coast they might remain lost for Philip Pc,yne and J. D. Hill, in flight pleaded guilty to driving while un­ ' Optimistic reports have come out Religious Fanatics Capture weeks without a wcu-d of them be­ RUSSIA TO ENTER from O.d Orchard, Me., to Rome. der suspension and was fined $100 ing received. I of the New York Automobile Show and costs. After court adjourned ' and statements of industrial lead- September 7, 1927—Captain Terry Were Afraid To Tell Po­ he was Immediately rearrested on a Mrs. Hart and Lieut. MaeLaren 2 7 QUAKE SHOCKS I srs that the depression soon is to be Tully and Lieutenant James Medcalf, fugitive warrant, it being alleged Two and Kill Civilians; left North Beach, N. Y., .’’anuary'S a thing of the past, have been ac- GASOLINE MARKET in flight from Harbor Grace, N. F., that he is wanted in Exeter, N. H., on their proposed flight to Paris, In­ to Croydon, Eng. lice— No Fingerprints. i cepted at their face value in De- on a charge of forgery. Police of­ Leaders Are Arrested. tending to make Bermuda their first ' troit. December 23, 1927—“The Dawn,” ficials of that place notified the state stop. ROCK PENAL ISLES with Mrs. Frances Grayson, Pilot i “Hard times” of the past year police that they would see to ex­ Last Wednesday they left for ! have appeared worse in Detroit Starts With Shipment of Wilmer Stultz and crew of two, in Bridgeport, Jan. 12.— (AP) — tradite Ryan without delay. Hamilton from Norfolk and mdde flight from Harbor Grace, N. F., to Clues growing out of the discovery Manila, Jan. 12.— (A P )—A staff the trip without difficulty. They re- than elsewhere because of the Denmark. greater contrast with normal con­ of the revolver believed to have correspondent of the Manila Tri­ n)ained in Bermuda imtil Saturday, been used last week in the slaying bune today reported religious fanat­ Fear Volcano Will Swallow ditions of prosperity. In days of 45,000 Barrels— May Be­ March 13, 1928— Captain Wal­ awaitii^ favorable weather and at of James Ciarfo, 44, were today be­ ics who raided the central Luson vil­ . prosperity when the assembly line.s ter R. G. Hinchliffe and the Hon. noon Saturday (11:15 a. m., E. S.* Elsie Mackay, in flight from Crom­ ing investigated by police. CHINA AGAINST lage of Tayug yesterday, lowered are crowded, Detroit i.s a boom T.) they took off for Horta.whence Convicts As Earth Is Open­ well Airdrome, Eng., to America. Discovery of the weapon was re­ and burned the American flag after town. Money appears to be plsnti- come Big Competitor. they intended to hop for Paris. October 17, 1928—H. C. MacDon­ ported yesterday by four girls who capturing the city hall. ful for all purposes. But during the ald in a tiny place flying from St, said they first saw it hidden imder a BIG SILVER LOAN “Fanaticism, inspired by Red NO SIGHT OF PLANE ing In Many Places, I past year the depression has had a hedge'the day followlngr the murder propaganda, he added seems to have Washington, Jan. 12.—.(AP>—The John’s, N. F., to London. Lisboa, Jan. 12.— (A P .)—Despite very noticeable effect. but kept silent on account of fear. been the underlying motive” of the July 13, 1928—Major Idzikowski an anxious watch^ kept along the During 1930 automobile manufac- potential effect of Russian petro­ Carfo was killed the eyening of conflict, in which several persons of Poland, killed in forced landing Portuguese coast for traces of Mrs. Tepic Nayarit, Mexico, Jan. 1 2 .__ leum shipments upon the Afperican at Azores on attempted Paris-New Jan. 3 as he sat in a parked car on were slain. (Continued On Page 3.) Finance Minister Thinks It Is Beryl Hart and Lieutenant William (A P )—In the breasts of hundreds of producer is being g(iven thpughtful York flight. State street near Mountain Grove The fanatics known as “(Jolo- Mexican felons, imprisoned on Las street. rums” attacked a n * captured the A. MaeLaren, long overdue ip the consideration by the Fediei^' ’ Oil August 19, 1929—Oscar Kaesar Azores after a transoceanic attempt Tresmarias Islands prison colony, and Kurt Luescher, young Swiss May Trace Owoer town early yesterday' Three Conservation Board. American Schmne To Get from Bermuda, nothing has been there burned today a desperate fear fliers, in flight from Lisbon, Portu- One shell In the revolver was dis­ civilians were killed. Major Quimbo, of a natural cataclysm which will An investigation was laimched re­ charged. Although police reported intelligence officer reported, while seen of them or their plane, i the. CONGRESS HASTENS gfil to'America. Trade Wind. sink their island home into the sea cently following the discharge, of that the rains of last week had Rid of Surplus. an undetermined number of Oolo- and drown all of them. October 22, 1929—Urban F. Dite- :man, in the "Golden Hind,” flying probably destroyed any fingerprints rums were slain when constabulary Madeira and Las Palmas, Canary For three days the islands have approximately 45,000 barrels Of from >Harbor Grace, N. F., to Lon- which might aid in ideiftif^ng the forces stormed a convent in which islands, both cabled that nothirfg been shaken by some powerful sub­ LEGISLATIVE WORK Soviet oil at Baltimore to determinfi tion. slayer, it will be examined; In addi­ Shanghai, Jan. 12.— (A P )— Ver-j the fanatics barricaded themselves had been seen of the aviators there terranean force which has cracked what effect the shipment had on ttie tion, tbe fact that the numbers of after burning the constabular Imr- although a ■ close watch was being buildings, opened crevases in the ; January 6, 1931—Five fliers in nacular press reports today said T ,! market. squadron of General Italo Balbo, in the gun were not obliterate led to racks, the postoffice and ten other kept for them. earth and sent in huge waves from hopes that its ownership might be V. Soong, finance minister, com-1 buildings. Major Quimbo today re­ the ocean. Twenty seven such Just now Chairman Wilbur said take off at Bolaina, Portuguese Confirms Four of Six Mem­ identified through that source. menting on advices the International j ported the situation was well in Pittsburgh, Jan. 12.— (APJ. , ’quakes occurred in a period of three today, the attitude of the toard is Guinea, on flight from Rome to I The weapon was seen under a band and said there was no danger Mrs. William MaeLaren, whose bus- ' hours. Cones on islets near the one of watchful waiting to see South America. Silver Commission was willing toi hedge on Clinton avenue last Sun­ of the disturbahee spreading to band was believed to have died tjlitli water’s edge have smoked and bers of Tariff Board; whether the single shipment will be day, the day following the murder, lend (Jhina 200,000,000 ounces of ‘ other section. emitted rumbling noises. followed by others. TREASURY BALANCE Mrs. Beryl Hart in their attempt tfcr by Virginia Seidel, 12, Ruth Oken- silver, asserted the Nationalist g o v -' Arrest Leader fly across the Atlantic ocean was Talk of Vengeance Has Vast Reserves quist, 11, Beatrice Loomis, 12, and ernment considered the project not | Pedro Tolosa, also known as Tos House Labors On Bill. Washington, Jan. 12.— (AP) — here today at the home of he^ Some of those on the islands b e -! Russia, Secretary Wilbur added, Virginia Gordon, 12. 'They remained likely to help this country through Leopardo, regarded by authorities as mother, Mrs. W. H. Nimick. lieve, it was said here, that a super- ______Treasury receipts for January 9 its silver crisis. easily could become a large factor silent for a week, but finding it still the supreme leader of the Colorums, Mrs. MaeLaren said she had--^t natural vengeance is about to be were 86,451,712.94; expenditures, Soong also was quoted as saying ia the world petroleum market, be­ there when they passed the scene was arrested later at San Niccolas seen Lieut MaeLaren for more thah visited on the penal colony wiping. Washington, Jan. 12.— (A P )— Ac- cause of her vast oil reserves and 813,707,956.79; balance, 8239,241,- yesterday morning, decided to aotify that the Nationalist government | with his assistant, Lazaro Corpus. a year and knew nothing of his 008.56. was not willing to accept such a | out ev e^ trace of it, in retaliation celerating its pace, the Senate today through her system of government the police. Constabulary officers said both 1 plans for the flight. The weddtoif for the imprisonment of Madre Con- confirmed with hardly a pause, four labor. loan. The finance minister added had confessed attacking Tayug.! of the MacLarenr here shortly ^ft^ ception who is serving 20 years on of the six members of the new tariff that he did not believe the project The immediate effect on the Amer­ Search for other leaders of the er the World War was a brilUi^t Maria Magdalena, as “moral author” commission. announced in Salt Lake City was a ican market, he considered negligi­ movement continued. society event. Before her marriagct’ ' of the assassination of General Ob-1 Tiie House worked on the vestal sincere effort to help China, fie was Cesario Abe, one o f the “generals’’ j regon in 1928. ble because of the long haul from Mrs. MaeLaren was Miss EUzabtt% bill for automatic copyright of Russia. Urges the Death Penalty quoted as charging it was an at­ of the uprising, was wounded and I tempt of American silver interests Ninfick. MaeLaren formerly wu. There is general fear that a vol­ creative work. Its rules committee captured. treasurer of a drug manufacturin|^ cano will open directly under the The next two years, he believed, to dump their surplus in China, had just paved the way for bringing would present an answer as to Tayug was beginning to return to company here. . ■ , prisoners feet or that one of the the 860,000,000 drought relief bill seeking to avoid losses consequent normal. Stores were reopened and nearby small cones will emit a flood whether the Soviet petroleum pro­ For Poison Booze Sellers to the decline in value of the metal. ■ I I- I- ., I ’ ...... ■ *' up tomorrow by voting to give it duction plans will develop into a townspeople who had fled were re­ of lava which will engulf them; special legislative status. Through Finances Crippled turning. CONSIDER BLUE LAWS » that contmuing ’quakes will reduce world wide program. Soong asserted he was aware that this channel, the committee hopes Records of the oil ■ conseryation the buildings or that an immense Columbus, O., Jan. 12.—(AP)—^ Two of the Ackerman bills and the fall of silver prices had crippled. FAVORABLE REPORTS to speed it soon afterward to con­ board support the belief, expre^ed the two Herner bills provide for re­ Norwalk, Jan. 12— (AP)— seismatic wave will inundate the is­ ference with the Senate upon the Six bills proposing repeal of statu China’s financial conditipn, mhking recently by various operators^ that peal of the Crabbe prohibition jaw Clity CoimcU tomorrow night, at Jtq lands and wipe them bare of human tory prohibition in (Jhio were intro­ the pasrment of foreign debts more Washington, Jan. 12 — (A P ) — reg^ar meeting, will be acpeptkIA6(' 815,000,000 amendment for human' Russia is on the way to becoming and the • Miller enforcement code. life. food loans. difficult and standing as an obstacle The nomination of Carroll Hincks to to suggestions regarding, the “blue": a great international competitor. duced in the State Senate today. The other Ackerman bill would re­ The entire west coast of Nayarit Another House committee, that to Import business. be district judge of Connecticut, put oh Sunday dancihg,- bowUti^^ also is alarmed. Here the ’quakes Resolutions proposing repeal of con­ peal the Dow-Aikin tax law which The , minister allegedly disap- was favorably reported today, by investigating Communistic activi­ DRIVER EXON^RATED^ stitutional prohibition were intro­ imposes 81,000 tax on property billiards and basketball, jit annoui^; are ascribed to the volcano Cero- roved the silver loap proposal as the Senate judiciary committee. Tke ed today; Several petitions ties, heard in a secret session from duced last -week in both branches. where intoxicating liquors are sold. comptroller of the eing “obviously detrimental to nominations of George Z. Medalie to pected to he hfard...... Norwich, Jan. 12— (A P )— John The repeal bills were Introduced Both Senators would retain so gChina.** He said America was will­ he attorney for the southern district rumbling and Treasury, recommendations for Kahn, 20, Franklin was generated The first ‘indigo” Sunday smokmg. Steps soon may be takeC ie.o^oiofiT...... 7. * ----- C ,T r.------.<50, r ranium was oxoneratea by Senatprs Joseph'N. Ackerman of much ot the Crabbe law as would ing to lend a large quantity of raw of New York was submitted to a poUce chief William R. Pe criminal responsibUity In the punish VMidbrs of poison liquor. to evacuate people living on the paigns” againstagainaf bankshanlrn .J_t-x. -J, ______Vi Qievel?tnd, and Willlani^ H. Hemer silver as the mines in America bad committee composed of Senatolrs tsaued'hls decree, pasiKd uneveat death of Jason Henry Kingsley, li, of Hufpn county. Ackerman had in­ Ackerman Wmild pro^de the death mountain side and nearby, particu­ Chairman Fletcher of the tariff been hard bit by the slump but that Robinson, RepubJlcw, . Indiaxja; ly yejiterday, with ' neither larly from Jala, a village at its of Franklin, in a finding announced troduced the opnstitutiohal amend­ penalty for persons knowingly sell­ otbbr means must be found to re- Hebert, Republican,, Rhode Island, m ot^' por patroBs-ef. the' ' toot. today by (Joroner Edward G. Mc- ment providing; for. rapeal last ing lioison liquor which causes stotie a hotter, rate o f exchange be- and Stephens, Democrat, Miijsisadp-. ampfeiaeBts the " (Continaed On Page fi.) Kav. •\rtek. death. godd and aavar, Pl- ImiiiMiate an^C . f ''^41 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, SOUTH J^CBESTBR, CONNn TO 1981.. »•»*■ ■ ■ f ■ ■ DBCOSS DISTRICTS Ic e n t e r h o se c o m p a n y LITHUANIANS BEGIN CHENEY WORKERS VISIT MOBLYNCHES W a ll S treet PLANS ANNUAL DINNER BUILDING CLUBHOUSE OBITUARY BONAMIPL^NTTUESDAY Local Stocks UNION WEDNESDAY NEGRO; BURNED (Furnished by PuUuuo & Co.) Central Row, Hartford, Conn, B riefs Wm Be Held Saturday Night, i Permit Granted and Cellar Is j Get Together Club Members i P. M. Stocks January 31 In Masonic Tern-1 Staked Out Today—Descrip-' DEATHS To Dine At North End Fac- i Bank Stocks Open Meeting To Be Held In Ble—Osano To Cater. ] WITHSCHOW. tion of Building. tory Tomorrow Evening. • j Bid Asked Stockholders of General Electric John A. Toscano Ci^y Bank and Trust. — 250 Company increased by 56,876 during Hose Company No. 2 of the South (Continued E^rona Pag® 1.) Plans drawn by Anthony Dix, a John A. Toscano, 44, of 85 Walnut The January meeting of the Get-1 Cap Nat B& T ...... 200 250 High School Hall— For Together Club of Cheney Brothers, j the period from December, 1929 and Manchester Fire Department at the member of the Manchester Lithuan­ street, died at St. Francis hospital Conn. River ...... 500 December, *1930 to a total of 116,750 Center will hold its annual banquet about the court house when Gunn ian Cooperative Association were in Hartford last oiglxt, after a to be held tomorrow night, will be I Htfd Conn T r u s t...... — an imusual one. It wil be held at | the largest in the company’s his­ Discussion Only. at the Masonic Temple, Saturday was taken. accepted at a meetmg of the asso­ week’s Illness, gangrene developing First Nat Hartford ... — tory. night, January 31, at 6 o’clock. Road Crowded ciation held yesterday afternoon and following an operation for a rup­ the Bon Ami plant on Hilliard street | Land Mtg and '1‘ltlp . . . — Osano wdll cater and will serve a The road leading to the pyre as a result work was today started ture. He had been employed a at 6:30 o’clock, at which time the i New Brit 1 lUSt ...... — Spinning and Dressing Depart-1 Net eaminga of Continental Can The voters of Manchester have chicken dinner. The entertainment which once was Miss Colter’s on the erection of a club house by presser in the cravat department of Riverside Trust ...... — Company for 1930 were appn«i- the association to be situated < oh ments serve a chicken a la King West Htfd Trust...... 266 been invited to attend a special is as yet incomplete. Arrangement^) school room, was thronged with au­ the ribbon mill at Cheney Brothers mately the same as those for 1929, the south side of Golway street. dinner. The plant will be in opera-; Insurance Stocks meetiog Wednesday night in High sire in charge of Ray Smith, Rob­ tomobiles and pedestrians through­ for twelve years. possibly showing a slight increase, ert May and Winston Turklngton. out the morning The outside,measurements of the Toscano leaves his wife, Mrs. tion from 8 to 9 o’clock and will : X Aetna Casualty .... 77 school hall for the purpose of dis­ give menabers of the club a chance : although larger amounts have been Those close to the negro as he building as to' be 26 by 65 feet the Mary (Gerrard) Toscano, one son, X Aetna F ir e ...... 49 charged off for depreciation, officisds cussing the consolidation of the frontage being thirty-six feet and to learn the methods of manufac- i was dragged along his three mile Joseph, three sisters, Mrs. Michael X Aetna Life ...... 58 of the company s^d. In 1929 net town’s school districts. The session will extend to the south a distance turing the product. W. W. Robert-, X Automobile' ...... 81 will be for discussion only and has death march said Gunn told them DeLauro of Hartford, Mrs. 'Vincent eaminga after all charges smd Fed­ ABOUT TOWN another negro, “ Shike” Smith, was of sixty five. It will be of frame DeLauro of Wethersfield and Mrs. son, president of the concern, will I Conn. (General ...... 112 been planned to present facts about construction one story high with be the speaker. Hartford F ire ...... 61 eral tax were equal to 5.02 a com­ present when Miss Colter was as­ James Murray of Hartford and three mon share then outstanding. the proposed merging of the school Women of Mooseheart Legion will basement with a veranda along the To date, over 200 members have I Hartfbrd Steam Boiler. 56 districts to those who desire infor­ saulted and killed. brothers, Edward, Albert and James hold their regular business meeting Smith was a hunting and trap­ front of the building thirty-six feet Toscano, all of Hartford. signed up for the meeting. Reserva- j National Fire ...... 55 mation. at the home club on Brainard Place long and eight feet wide. tions may be made up imtil noon to- j Phoenix F ire ...... 67 Dependent on plans for reorgani­ The town has already notified the ping companion of Gunn., The funeral will be held at 8:$0 zation and recapitalization being tomorrow evening. A supper at i spectators returned from the The permit for the building has Wednesday morning from the home morrow and it is expected that ’ X Travelers ...... 1005 General Assembly that a bill on approved by stockholders of Insur­ 6:30 wdll be served by already been secured and calls for a and at 9 o’clock at S t James’s many more will sign up by that Public Utilitieib Stocks school consolidation will be present­ Mrs. James scene of violence, they said mem­ ance Shares Corporation, United Stevenson, assisted by Mrs. WilUana cost of $5,000. The reason that the church. Burial ^ be ip S t time. Conn. Elec Serv ..... 72 ed during the present session. This bers of the mob made no attempt cost is placed at this amount is due Founders and American Founders J. Burke, Mrs. George Snow and to conceal their identity. James’s cemetery. Conn. Power ...... 65 bill will carry a referendum clause Mrs. Henry Valliant. Officers for to the work that will be done by the Greenwich, W&G, pfd. — will acquire an interest in Insur­ so that it will have to be voted up­ the year 1931 will be installed, the members of the association who Hartford Elec L t ...... 75 ance Shares Corporation, which will on later by the town. TROOPS NOT CALLED will give their services free ip the RICHARD TROTTHR. LATEST STOCKS take the name of General Chares, work being in charge of Mrs. Alice Jefferson City, Mo., Jan. 12.— Hartford Gas ...... 70 A large turnout of voters is ex­ Mead and staff of Hartford. digging or the cellar and the laying Telegrams have been received in do, pfd ...... 42 Inc., a meeting of Insurance Shares pected at Wednesday night's meet­ (A P )— Adjutant General A. V. of the concrete cellar foimdatlon. town announcing the death of Rich­ stockholders has been called for Adams, commandant of the Mis­ S N E T C o ...... 163 ing since a drive has been made to Local friends of Mrs. Paul The building will be erected on ard Trotter at his home in Pater­ New York, Jan. 12.— (AP) — An Manufacturing Stocks January 26. get out a big attendance. There has souri National Guard, In charge the west end of the land which they son, N. J. Mr. Trotter was a Zelinka, the former Miss Margaret militia activities at Maryville to obviously tired Stock Market sought Am Hardware ...... 51 53 been less discussion of this consoli­ purchased a year ago, and will be brother of Joseph and Thomas Trot­ New York, Jan. 12— Pig iron pro­ Porter daughter of Rev. J. S. Porter protect Raymond Gunn, negro, from refuge In a decline today, although Amer Hosiery ...... 25 dation bill than there was of char­ of Prague, Czechoslovakia, have^e- 50 feet from the west of their line ter of this town and was one of a the volume of trading was consider­ Amer Silver ...... — duction in the Chicago district re­ ter revision two years ago, but it mob action, reported by long d' and twenty-five feet back. The first family of nine boys and one girl mains imchanged at 65 per cent of ceived letters from her announcing tance telephone to Governor Henry ably lighter, than the turnover of the Arrow H and H, com .. 37 is understood that leading Demo­ the birth of an 8-pound sbn, Paul floor will be given up to a stage at brought up in Manchester. He Is capacity, Dow, Jones & Co. reports, S. Caidfield today that the troops recent advances. do, p f d ...... 102 crats here will demand a minority Porter Zelinka, on December 17 to the south end of building which will tho third member of the family to with four of six stacks active. were never called from the armory Hea'vlness of the rails, which had Automatic Retrlg .... — representation clause in the pro­ herself and husband, the Rev. Paul be fifteen feet deep and twenty feet die in less than three years, the EilUngs -ind Spencer .. 1 during the lynching. been piloting the new year rally, to­ posed bill. Zelinka. At the time of writing wide. On either side of the stage others being Alexander and James The Westinghouse Electric & ■ Adams had been instructed by the gether with the failure of U. S. Steel Bristol Brass ...... 11 Mrs. Zelinka was at her father’s (Vill be built dressing rooms and Trotter. 'Two brothers emigrated do, pfd ...... 90 Msmufacturing Co. has received an home in Prague. Rev. Porter is a governor to act under orders of there will also be stairs leading to Australia. Richard and another to respond to its favorable unfilled order from the Salt Lake & U t ^ Sheriff Harve England of Nodaway tonnage report, were signals for re- Case, LocKWOod and B 350 onissionary under the auspices of down into the basement which will brother left town for Paterson, N, j LoUlns Co ...... — railroad for a new 60-ton electric SWEDISH BIBLE CLASS county. Adams reported England newed activity by the shorts, who | Second Congregational church of connect with doors leading outside J., where they married two sisters. CoTt F irearm s...... 19 locomotive. did not call on him for assistance. also looked ahead to the unfavor- | Manchester. as a fire exit. Mr. Trotter leaves one daughter, Eagle Lock ...... 33 One unit of the National Guard, ELECTS ITS OFFICERS The lumber for the rough work Mrs. Bertha Bowman. able fourth quarter earnings report j F afnir Bearings ...... 50 The New York Stock Exchange a Maryville field artillery -battery, The regular, meeting of the Amer- will be purchased by bids as will Several of the local relatives will which soon will be appearing in | Fuller Brush, Class A. has received anotice from Motor can Legion Auxiliary unit will take comprising about fifty men, had also the windows, doors and inside leave today or early tomorrow bulk. ' Meter Gauge & Equipment Corp. of Miss Edith Johnson was re-elect- hart and (^oley .... place at the State Armory this been mobilized. finish. These bids are exppcted to morning to attend the funeral which After an early sag, the market chase 225,000 shares of common „ed president of the Fidelity Bible Iiartmann Tcb, com . evening at 8 o’clock. Out of town be in early this week sind the con­ will take place at his late home to­ Improved somewhat toward ’ noon do, pfd ...... 18 authorization of an option ta pur- CSass of the Swedish Lutheran guests are expected to be present. tract for the lumber will be let at but speculative sentiment refused to stock at $2 a share during the church at the annual meeting held morrow at 2:30. Inter Silver...... — A social time in charge of Mrs. ^ once. be stimulated "by this rally and the period from July 1, 1931 to July 1, yesterday morning, at which the SAYS GEN. ESCOBAR do, p f d ...... — John Allison will follow. Members I Bids are also being asked, and are downward trend was resumed, gath­ Landers, Frary & Clk. 60 1932. The option is not exercisable date of the Einnual banquet of the are urged to attend and to,remem­ open to all plumbers, fpr the beat­ ering a little momentum as it pro- in whole or in part unless aggregate class W8.S set for Wednesday eve­ Man & Bow, Class A . . 4 ber to bring the knitted squares for i ing and plumbing and it is also FUNERALS caeo^. The largest losses were in do. Class B ...... — gross sales of the corporation billed ning, February 11. Other officers ALREADY HAD WIFE the afghan they are makitlg for the planned to ask bids within a week carrier and specialty shares, al­ New Brit. Mch. com . 14 for any 6 months period from Jan. elected were: Vice-president, Dor­ soldiers’ home. (or the electrical wiring and cutlets. though all groups were affected. . do, pfd ...... 96 1, 1931, shall exceed by at least othy Davis; secretary, Lillian Hul- Joseph Grimes The entrance to the main hall Atchison, Reading and New York North & Judd ...... 15 $600,000 the aggregate gross sales tin; treasurer, Hilma Dalilman; Montreal, Jan. 12.— (A P.)—Sen- will be through double plate glass The funeral of Joseph Grimes was The social hall of the South ora Escobar, wife of General Jose Central sank 4 points, while Ene, Niles Bern P o n d ...... 19 billed for the same 6 months of the auditors, Ida Anderson and Ruth doors which open into a small hall­ held at the funeral parlors of Delaware and Hudson, Baltimore Methodist church was filled last eve- Escobar, former Mexican revolu­ Thomas G. Dougan at 59 Holl street Feck, Stow and Wilcox — period from Jan. 1, 1930 to July 1, Johnson. LUliam Hultin. was ap­^ ning for the first of a series of illus- way. On the west side will be a and Ohio, Southern Railway and 1931. tionary leader, arrived here today Saturday afternoon with Rev, Rob­ Russell Mfg C o ...... 34 pointed chairman of the banquet trated lectures by Rev. R. A. Col- kitchen where meals can be pre­ Frisco dropped about 8. This was ScovUl ...... S3 35 committee. from El Paso, Texas, accompanied pared and on the opposite side the ber t A. Colpitts officiating. Robert pifts. The subject of the sermon also the extent of the decline In Seth Thom Co. com .. 30 Kroger rocery and Baking Com­ by her lawyer, C. L. Vowell of El box office, the men and women's J. Gordon sang, “Lead Kindly was “An Irish Prophet,” Oliver Paso. Light” and "Jesus Lover” of Westinghouse, Allied Chemical, Re­ S tandard S c r e w ...... 89 95 pany sales for the five weeks ended Goldsmith. Mr. Colpitta spoke rest rooms and also the coat rooms. public Steel preferred and Eastman Senora Escobar was understood My Soul.” Willard Horton do, pfd., guar “A”.. 100 January 5 totaled $25,404,745, a de­ PUBLIC RECORDS The floor will be laid qp a level Kodak. briefly on the inspiration of his life to be In Montreal to discuss possi­ conducted the Odd Fellows funeral Stanley W orks ...... 34. 36 crease of 5.45 per cent from $26,- and read the descriptive matter for so it may be used for dancing, but ble settlement of the action she has rites. The service was private and U. S. Steel, after making up an S my the Mfg ...... 80 869,933 reported for the like period the pictures which were shown by there ’will be a storage space for early loss of a point, slipped off Taylor & Fenn ...... 100 FrolMite Notes started here to annul her marriage chairs, tables and other movable attended only by immediate mem­ of the previous year. Sales for the The will of M. Melissa Bowen, late Thomas Maxwell. The Cecilian club bers of the family and close friends. again and joined a sizeable group in­ Torrington ...... 44 year ended Jan. 3 aggregated $267,- furnished several musical numbers. to the general, but Montreal law­ articles under the stage. 57 of Manchester filed for Probate as yers engaged in the case said the Burial was In the East cemetery. cluding American Can, Case, Auburn Underwood Mfg Co 086.028, a decrease of 6.8 per cent The scenic spots of Ireland shown In the basement there will be Auto, R. H, Macy, Gulf States Steel, I'nion Mfg Go ... of Jan. 10 directs that all tangible negotiations have not yet started. located a storage room. The re- The bearers were John Clulow, Wil­ from $286,611,214 for the year 1929. were for the most part the lake re­ Union Pacific and Rock Island, that L S Envelope, com personal property of the deceased The wife charged Escobar already I malning section of the basement liam E. Keith, William Black, Sam­ January 3 the company had 5,165 gion about KUlamey, ruins of an­ showed recessions of 2 to 2 3-4. do, pfd ...... 112 — be bequeathed to Rosa O. Hall of was married when they were wed will be divided into two rooms, one uel Prentice, Loyden Clark and units in c^eration, compared with cient abbeys which dated back to I There were temporary rallies in V'eeder Root ...... 25 South Willington, Coim. in 1924 at La Cruces, New Mexico. to be used as the social room and James B. Hutchinson. 5,575 stores December 31, 1929. 1140; the Giant’s Causeway in Coun­ a few specialties, notably Gillette Whitlock (oil Pipe . . . — Other bequests were: 1100 to a Senora Escobar, winner of a beauty the other as a dining room which ty Antrim, the Vale of Avoca, the and Continental Baking preferred, X—Ex-dlvidend. niece, Nora Johnson of South Will­ contest in El Paso about ten years will be connected with a kitchen Wall street hears that officials of swinging rope suspension bridge at but the small gains were reduced. ington; $500 to a ne'pbew, William ago, Is several years younger than that will be fully equipped for the Associated Apparel Industries, Inc., H. Parker of Hartford; one half of Cg.iTick-a-Mede, the rugged coast of Shell Union Oil jpreferred soared 7 and Munsingwear. Inc., are holding Galway and several other bits of the general. serving of meals. COVENTRY the residue of the estate remaining points. conversations looking toward con­ natural scenery which every tourist Four Canadian banks were serv­ During the past week there have to a niece, Eva May Parker of been several new shares sold and Professional traders who returned solidation. Definite action awaits aims to see when traveling on the ed with writs attaching some $200,- N. Y. Sto(Jfs to the Short aide argued that the Pawtucket, R. I., and the other part 000 said to have beeq deposited by others are to be subscribed for. Tlhe membership campaign of the the report o f auditors who are Emerald Isle. Next Sunday eve­ optimism attendant upon the turn ot left In trust to be paid at the rate General Escobar under various land on which the building is to be Tolland County Farm Bureau was working on Munsingweaur’s books. of $5.00 a week to Frank Parker, ning'views will be shown of Eng­ located is fully paid for. j the year bad shown signs of waning Adaips E x p ...... 18% land’s beauty spots and the young names. carried on quite successfully Sr., or in the event of his decease In addition to this there is already ; throughout the county last week. and that the market might be said ! Air Reduction ...... 97 Vi Frederick H. Patterson, president people will be in charge of the de­ . 8 % to Frank Parker Jr. The First Na­ $3,000 In the treasury. To fiyther Each town had its solicitors, those to have discounted much of the sea­ I Allegheny ...... of the National Cash Register Co., votional exercises. .112% tional Bank of Hartford is the execu­ add to the fund there will be a show ■ from Coventry being Walter S. sonal improvement in business that Am C a n ...... said before sailing for Europe to tor. presented in Turn Hall on North ! has appeared so far. It was also ^ Am and For Pow .. . 33 survey the foreign busine.ss activi­ MANY CASES OF MEASLES Havens and GFeorge Kingsbury. The 20 Warrantee Deed street on February 15 when local ! pointed out that there bad been no ; Am luternat...... , ties of the company, that the com­ solicitors and officers of this organ­ . 48 Elmer C. Knofla to the Manches­ COP IS CONTRADICTED talent will appear. Other forms of ! important corrective reaction in ' Am Pow and Lt . . . pany’s outlook for 1931 is pointed ization met Saturday evening in . 17% ter Construction Co., lot 10 in the Hartford, Jan. 12.— (A P )—Mea­ entertainment will be given and it j some time and that the reduced ^Am Rad Stand Sam toward Improvement. Economies Coventry where a chicken pie sup­ : Am Roll Mills ...... 31- “Washington” tract on Washington Washington, Jan. 12.— (AP) — sles and chicken pox continue to be is expected that before the building \ per was given by the Coventry short interest had impaired the tech­ placed in force have reduced ex­ street. is completed the full amount will be i Am Smelt ...... 44 Patrolman Robert F. Langdon, be­ prevalent iq Connecticut 271 new Grange, At this meeting report* nical position. penses, he said, “ and with the same Building Permit raised which at the best will not ex- | i A T and T ...... 185 ing held in connection with the cases of measles having been report­ from the different towns ware giv­ The day’s news seemed to exert volume of business in 1931 as in A permit for a dance hall was ed to the State Department of ceed $2,000 of a mortgage on an in- I little influence on prices. Orders i Am Tob B ...... 111% death of 19-year old Beulah Limer­ en and Horace McKnight of Elling­ . 57% 1930 the company will show a sub^ issued by the building inspector to­ ick, today found himself contradict­ Health for the week ended at noon vestment of about $10,000, a.s this is | for rails continue to foreshadow im- 1 Am Water Wks .... ton put on a dialogue and a duet i . , . , j : Anaconda (Jop ...... 31 Va stantial improvement in esimings.” day to the Manchester Lithuanian ed before the coroner’s jury by a today as compared with 159 cases what it is figured it will cost to Corporation to be built on Golway equip the building after its con- i wassungoytwoof tbe’<4-Hmem-|Pl°^r?f^ production. Atchison T and S Fe .188% brother officer. I for the previous week. Hartford bers” of Tolland. Mys. Ernest Oow- which, it is believed will show an­ street. The work is to be done by county continues to have a large struction. I {Atlantic Ret ...... 22% Detective Walter Beck testified he I| dy played for singing which was other increase this week since some WARNER BROS. the Lithuanian society. proportion of the new cases, the city plants are expanding operations Baldwin ...... 22% inspected the mattress upon which led by the Misses Margaret and . 77 the former theater usher was found of Hartford reporting 88, West this week. Further cuts in tire Balt and Ohio ...... Rose Niederwerfep of Vernon. Mrs. . 19% shot to death and there was no sign Hartford 19, Wethersfield 18, East STATES IN LAW SUIT prices were announced. Bar silver Ben dix ...... Gowdv also played an accordion ; Beth Steel ...... , 51% PROTESTS WAGE CUT of a bullet hole. Hartford 13, Manchester 11, New rallied half a cent in the New York STATE Britain and Glastonbury 3 each, solo. The North Coventry orche.etra | Canadian Pac . 40% Police have quoted Langdon as . 87% TODAY AND TUESDAY saying he found such a hole while Bristol 2, Southington and Berlin Washington, Jan. 12.— (AP— Six 1 ^aa present and rendered several Pronounced easiness was sUll evi- ' Case Thresh ...... Washington, Jan. 12.— (AP) — Chi and Norwest .. . 41% he was detailed to guard the death one each, i.ates named defendants by Arizona numbers. After this games were i money markets. De- Chairman Couzens of the Senate In­ ‘ its effort to prevent erection of i everyone present, had a loans held officially at 1 1-1 Chrysler ...... 16% terstate Commerce committee, char­ house, after the bullet wound was New Haven county has 81 new . 35 cases, Litchfield county 9, Middle­ |oover damrlorv. today filed in the Su-O,, ! dellgbtful tlmC. ' ______i __:*!__ i______, Colura Gas and El . acterized today as “wholly unreas­ found in the girl’s head. ., , ^ J .. . i cent with plenty of funds offered . 8% A number of witnesses continued sex county 15, Fairfield county 3, 5m« Court a motion to dismiss Mrs. James N. Atwood took 1 ^ Colurn Graph ...... onable” the suggestion of Albert H. complaint made by Arizona. charge of the reading club for chil­ I Coml Solv ...... 157s Wiggin, chairman of the board of to pass before the jury. It was Windham county 2 and Tolland and The states were , Neva- dren Saturday afternoon. Comwlth and Sou .. . 8% the Chase National bank, the.t labor indicated an adjournment would be New London counties one each. . 85% taken to permit inquests into other There were 200 new cases of W , Utah, New Mexico, and Colora- Mrs. Foster Hall is spending a CURB QUOTATIONS j <2onsol Gas ...... accept wage reductions as an aid to few days with Mrs. John E. Kings­ I Contin Can ...... 50 business. deaths. chickenpox reported in the State for . 80% the week. The motion contended the Su­ bury helping her while she is sick. I Com Prod ...... “It seems wholly unreasonable in Mr. and Mrs. Harry B. Elliott aind (By Associated Press.) I Du Pont De Nero .. . 87% preme Court did not have jurisdic­ .154% view of the fact that one of the tion, arguing the bomplalnt did not family visited Mr. and Mrs. Kings­ Amer Cit Pow and Lt B ...... 6% Eastman Kodak ... difficulties that brought around this UQUOR EXPORTS REV. MCDERMOTT BURIED. . 42% present a “case or controversy of bury Sunday afternoon. Am Super P o w e r...... 10% Elec Pow and Lt .. depression, and in my opipion the Fox Film A ...... 27% , Norwalk, Jan. 12.— (A P )—With which the court can take judicial Tuesday evening the (Coventry A*3d Gas and E le c ...... 20 major one, has been due to the un­ Ottav/a, Jan. 12.— (AP.) cognizance.” Grange No. 75, P. of H., will hold a Cent States Elec ...... io% ' Gen Elec ...... 44% equal distribution of the earnings cf f I the solemn observance of a pontifical Gen Foods ...... 50 Canadian ban on the export of liq­ ' funeral mass, celebrated in St. The motion also contended that dance In the Grange hall. Cities Service...... 17% industry between capital and labor,” uor to the reduced Elec Bond and Share ...... 43% General Motors . . . . 86% Mary’s church this morning, by Rt. Arizona’s bill of complaint "does not The Tolland County Dairy CTub . 33% the millionaire Michigan Senator such exports from 103,945 gallons join the United States, which is an will hold a meeting Friday evening Italian Superpower...... 3 Gold Dust ...... said. Rev. Maurice J. McAuliffe, auxiliary Grigsby Grunow ... . 3% in December, 1929, to none in De­ bishop of Hartford, the late Very indispensable party to this^ suit,” at the conference room of Beach Niag and Hud P o w ...... 10% “No assurance is given that if Int Harv ...... 51% cember, 1930. In the same twelvs Rev. Henry J. McDermitt C. S. Sp. and it “ does not state facts suf­ hall at Stores. Nlag Hud W arrants...... 2 labor consented to such a thing that Int Nickel C an ...... 15% months the export of liquor from Superior of Ferndale, was buried ficient to constitute a call to ac­ Pennrpad ...... 7% the advantages of the reduced costs United Gas ...... 9% I T and T ...... 23% Canada to the French islands of St. with high church honors. tion.” . 60% would be passed on to the consuming Pierre and Miquelon increased by BIG HOLE IN STREET Unit Lt and Pow A ...... 24% Johns ManviUe...... The church was filled with visiting Kennecott ...... 24 public. It seems to me tha,t the buy­ 112,485 gallons. Util Pow and L t ...... io% clergymen from every city of the STUDENT IS ARRESTED Kreuger and Toll .. . 22% ing power would be reduced.” Rum runners to the United Rochester, N. Y„ Jan, 12.— (AP) Vacuum O il...... 60% diocese and from all parts of the Lehigh Val Coal . . . . 8 States hafVe been reported to have United States. A choir of semi­ New Haven, Jan. 12.— (A P )— — Automobile and street car tritiflo was diverted from Main street after j Loew’s, Inc ...... 45% Co-starring centered their bases on the French narians from Ferndale sang during Russell P. Underhill, 18, New Ha­ j Lorillard ...... 13 islands since the Canadian govern­ a hole, more than a dozen feet wide' the mass. Burial was in the ceme­ ven high school sophomore, was ar­ Mo Kan T e x ...... 21 % MARIE ment forbade shipment of liquor and ten feet deep, appeared in the CORNERED, SHOOTS SELF tery at Ferndale, where committal rested today on a charge of theft Mont W a r d ...... 17% from its territory to the United prayers were read over the grave. of an autopiobile and held in $5,000 center of the street near the east JDRESSLER bank of the Genesee river. ' Nat Cash Reg A . . . . 81% States. bonds. Police said they believed Washington, Jan. 12.— (A P .)—A . 41 Fearing that a large portion of : Nat Dairy ...... funnier than in “Caught Exports of liquor -to St. Pierre GAS WELL SPURTS others were involved in the the^t. man who said he was John Boyd, Nat Pow and Lt . . . . 33% and Miquelon in December 1929, The youth was arrested as he was the pavement and possibly buUdings 34, of Philadelphia, lay near death Short” ; more dramatic than might collapse, emergency police I Nev Cop ...... 1 0 % were 115,126 gallons, in December, Dundee, N. Y., Jan. 12.— (A P.)— about to enter an automobile stolen today after having shot bithself ■ N Y Cent ...... 118% in “ Anna Christie.” 1930, they were 227,611 gallons. A gas well, brought in yesterday Saturday and which was found and public works squads were ruah- when cornered Saturday night after . 85% ed to the scene. The river is en­ I NY NH and HTF . WALLACE near the village of Wayne, ten miles abandoned yesterday. Police placed holding up a grocery store. I Nor Am Avlat .... . 6% FIRE IN DERBY southwest of here, today was pro­ a guard on the machine, the proper­ tirely covered from view at ^ s Police saidi Boyd, and a coi^an- . 67% BEERY point. North Amer ...... ducing at the rate of 3,500,000 cub­ ty of Hugh Dayne, In the hope that lon, who Identified himself as Tneo- Packard ...... 9% better than his “ Botch” tu Derby, Jan. 12.— (A P )—Fire of ic feet every 24 hours. the thief might arrive to drive it dore R. Brewer of Wlnstone-Salem, Param Publix ...... 41% “The I»lg House” W e Loan You undetermined origin which kept Officials of the Tyrone Gas and away. STRUCK BY SKIP DRIVER N. C., robbed the grocery store. Penn ...... 59% three fire companies busy for sev­ Oil Company said It Is the largest Markers which had been stolen Gordon Hoof, who was passing fol­ Phila Read C and I . 10% eral hours after one this morning from another machine were found in in capacity of any well producing in Albany, N. Y., Jan. 12.— ( A P I - lowed them as they left and at­ Pub Serv N J ...... 77% Money did excess $3,000 damage at the Dayne’s car. Underhill disclaimed this section. Struck by a hit and run driver last tracted attention of police. When Radio . 13% Y ou have 20 months to pay i( back Sally Hat Shoppe in the Commodore any Icnowledge of the stolen car or night while coasting near his home they arrived, Boyd was s&ld to have Radio Keith ...... 17% Hull Theater Block on Elizabeth markers. SCHOONER IN DISTRESS in Kenwood, just outside this city, shot himself. Reading ...... 91 street Dense smoke prevented the Easy to Pay Edward Conklin, 9, died today in a Rem R a n d ...... 16 firemen from doing effective work, Saint John, N. B., Jan. 12.— (AP) SOUSA IS ILL hospital hAre. Sears Roebuck ...... 48 ; J lT Per Month, Pius Interest, NOT A CANDIDATE aqd John Benoit of Storm Engine —^The Canadian government steam­ Aima Mae Hoatling, 9, who was Sinclair Oil ...... 12% •J Repays a $100 Loan Company had a narrow escape from Baltimore, Jan. 12.— (A P )— John ship Laurentian sailed today to aid on Edward’s sled, was not injured. South Pac ...... 100% $■1 ^ Per Month, Plus Interest, serious injury when, blinded by the the disiressed four-masted schooner, Philip Sousa, band leader, who has at. Albans, Vt., Jan. 12.— (A P )— Southern Rwy ...... 57 > AVy Repays a $200 Loan • smoke he walked directly through a James E. Newsom, drifting helpless­ been in the Johns Hopkins hospital Congressman Elbert S. Brigham, Stand Brands...... 17% larke show wdndow carrying the ly without a rudder in high seas of here since Saturday, was under RESEARCH SOLVES ALL today issued a statement eliminat­ I Stand Gas and Elec . 63% J i t Per M onth, Plus Interest, glass with him. It is suspected by (^ape Sable. The schooner, carrying observation today in preparation for ing himself as a prospective candi- I Stand OU C a l ...... 49 Repays a $300 Loan the investigators that the fire start­ a cargo of salt from Turk’s Island an operation on bis lelft shoulder. New York, —Research conducted d » e for the Senate seat made Stand Oil N J ...... 49% ■H ^ The average monthly cost of a ed among rubbish in the cellar. for Liverpool, became disabled yes­ The "march king” for years has today will be the means of solving vacant by the death recently of U. ! Stand Oil N y ...... ■ 24% ^100 loan, repaid as per the above terday. The tlnited States trawler suffered from a congenital dlsloca- the depression of coming years, ac­ S. senator Frank L. Greene. IT ei C o r p ...... 35% ^ a b le, is only $1,84. This is based White Cap and the steamship West- tion of his shoulder, and the opera- | cording to the American Chemical Last July, Congressman Brigham ' Timken RoU Bear .. .^ 6 % l^jupon the legal interest rate o f three pool are standing by. tion by Dr, Dean Lewis, surgical | Society. "Hidden in th* taehnical said ha would not be a candidate Union G a r b ...... 67% .’^ o d one>half per cent per month chief of the hospital, is planned to and scientific publications of the. for re-election because of private tfnit Aircraft ...... 25% unpaid balances. Ship Arrivals KILLED IN CRASH overcome the ailment. The (Operation year lie developments Which ten or pjualness plans, Unit Corp ...... 18% will be performed later this week. twenty or fifty years from ndVv 'Will Unit Gas and Imp . . 28% * No Delay—No Red Tape Champaign, HI., Jan. 12— (A P )— rank as fondamnetsl contributions NO WORD IN PARIS ' U S Ind A l c o ...... 61% ARRIVED Thrown from her car to the front THREE KILLED IN RIOT on which new Industries and new . Paris, Jan. 12.— (A P .)—Paris at U S Pipe and Fdry . . 28% De Grasse, Plymouth, Jan. II bumper during a collision Mrs, Cartago, Colombia, Jan. 12.— schools of thought were based,” a noon today had no word ot the air­ U S R u bber...... 12% IRAUEIN PUN from New York for Havre. Mabel Emma Messlnger, 36, was (AP)—Three persons were killed statement from the- society explains. plane Trade Wind, which Saturday U 8 Steel ...... 142 Volendam, New York, Jan. 12, killed today as the car after rim- and twenty injured in a pre-election took off from Bermuda for the UtU P6w aind Lt A . . S4 ^Btaom2l4 92 .Pratt Street Rotterdam. nlng 200 feet under its own power, rjk>t here last night between Con­ Then there was the fleeteh visi­ Asores enroute here. Warner Bros Piet .. 1»% SAILED HARTFORD crashed into a cement pier. Her servatives and Liberals. Election of tor in Paris who carefully eaunnined Veeiele along the French coast Westing El and Mfg 87% Caledonia, Glasgow, Jan. 10 for "husband made a futile effort to' pull municipal officiale is to be held this all bis coins when h« was warn^ have been instructed to keep a look­ Woolworth ...... 57% m New York. her off the bumper. week. to beware the Latin quarter. out for tb# craft. yellow Truck ...... 10% - Ir'- M A N C l^ iE R MANCHESrEK, CONN^ MONDAYrJANT3‘ARY12i W31.

PLANS COMPLETED ABOUT TOWN CLOSER X-RAY SCREW DRIVER ..'■W The Beethoven Glee Club will re­ U. S ^ F R JP E RELATIONS BY AUTO LEAVING BUS FOR CHURCH NIGHT hearse at the Swedish Lutheran I Stanford, University, Cal., Jan. 12 TODmOITPJ church at 7:30 o’clock tonight. OFST.MARmiUB ABOUT AUSTRALIA —(AP) —^The mighty- X-ray has (Confiiiiied From p»$:e 1.) Goes In Front of Bus and! been put to the lowly task of driv­ The G Clef Glee Club will hold its ing screws. And all just to prove it (Continued from Page 1.) annual meeting tomorrow night at, dSaya, he were a pirofessor e^poimd- Walks Into Passing Car— | , isn’t what we thought it was. Swedish and G e r m a n 7 o’clock at the Swedish Lutheran^ Will Be Held At Armory Or ing plhloMphy in a schoolroom, Not Badly Injured. {W. W. Robeitsofl Repeats Perley Anson Ross, physics pro­ turers were careful to produce leas! church. At 8 o’clock the club will go fessor at Stanford University, in­ cars than were stock, so' sjuplus' lihe WUUam James Churches To Combine For j to the South Methodist church as Mrs. Charles Metros of 413 Hud- ] ventor of the X-ray screw driver, stock has been absorbed. - I guest of the Cecelian Club at a High School Some Thne tn Physically and mentally this man son street, Hartford, age 20, with | His Talk On Recent Trip uses toe machine to demonstrate All announcements by automobile^ ' social hour. evokes the, memory of William that toe rays have properties simi­ manufacturers have stated that her three-year-old daughter. Mar- | lar to bullets rather than waves, as Night At Rec Friday. j James, the American philosopher garet in her arms, was thrown to i only former employees will be con­ Two officers of the grand lodge, February. is popularly believed. All he does is j Whose works, like those of Emerson toe ground when she came in con- j To Antipodes. sidered for positions; and unemploy- including A. Giaimo, grand secre­ tact with an automobile driven by j _____ hook up a little machine known as ed men of other cities have been ^ tary of New Haven, attended the i and the French philosopher Auguste Earl Stairs of 51 Tanner street at | an X-ray spectometer, aim it at the warned not to come to Detroit seek- All plans have been completed for regular meeting of the Sons of Italy, When the 35th annual masquerade Comte, the premier admires. screw, and toe job is done. mg jobs. But the upturn in work­ the Church Night at the School 12:10 tMs noon. ^ iq hi.s talk before toe Manchester Despite the ease of operating held at Tinker Hall yesterday after­ “I have a ,deep affection for the Mrs. Metros with her child had j Kiwanis club this noon at the Hotel ing conditions here will help the Street Rec Friday night at 7:30 noon. Eighty-five members were Professor Ross’ screw driver, it steel, glass and other auto acces­ o’clock of the Swedish Lutheran, come to Manchester to visit with Sheridan, W. W. Robertson in toe isn’t likely to become a household present. Mr. Giaimo spoke on the Statf Am oryT^ie T mends at 36 Russell street. She short space of 20 minutes gave his sory business. Swedish Congregational, Zion Luth­ work being done by the various Auditorium, it will be the first time indpnpnripnp*. article. In the first place* it costs eran, and Concordia Lutheran nad made the transfer from the hearers an insight into the many $5,000, and anyway you have to lodges throughout the state. Re­ m over thirty years that Cheney toolley to fbe ’cross town bus a t the ; countries he visited during a sever- STILL ON S'TBIKE, churches. An extensive athletic freshments and entertainment were HaHwill not be toe scene rf thip a f-- ^ ^ s te r of public In- have an ordinary screw driver to program has been arranged by the fair, one of toe outstanding events contacts with uenter at 12:06 and had proceeded ; al months’ world tour, with Sydney start toe screw. ' London, Jan, 12.—(AP)—South furnished after the meeting. Flower street; Australia, as his objective. He re- Wales mine owners and representa­ committee in chargt and a huge in the social life of M ^chester and, American miver- tives of the miners’ unions made no crowd of young people are expected around^in the mannerisms of The St. Mary’s Young Men’s Club one which attracts a gathering in . Vu-^ ^ around in front of toe bus intending i the people of toe lands he visited, progress today toward a settlement to attend, as all four churches have will hold a special meeting at the toe neighborhood of one thousand' intellectual relations be- of a strike which began on New signified their intention ot being well persons every year. I%ns for toe tween our two nations should be car^drivSbTS?^Slf^^^^[ ^ enlightened the Kiwanians by BOOTLEGGER FINED clubhouse tonight. closer. Having the same culture nr,,.!-*, Stairs, also gomg | Ms powers of observation. Shortly Year’s day, throwing 150,000 men represented at the affair. masquerade were begun at toe an­ into idleness. At the end of a A volley ball game will be held nual meeting and banquet of toe and sensibilities; we should unite our toe^As intending to pass | after his arrival home aAout toe Although the residents of the > efforts to advance our scientific Hartford, Jan. 12—(AP) Five meeting here this afternoon it was at 7:45 o’clock, each church repre­ north end have been given notice club held Saturday night, a commit­ Accordinp- to tho • +• i middle of December, the Herald bootleggers paid fines totaling "$i’,- announced that toe conferences sented by three men. The German tee headed by James Dickson as achievements and our artistic that it is possible, on a petition of genius.” gather,oSice 5o h f St S e t t ^ ^ Kobertaon-a 050 and four others were given jail would continue tomorrow. churches will play against the Swed­ ten legal voters of the district, to general chairman, begin to complete Who was detailed to inrestiSte by I f ^ mtemew. To go into toe sentences by Judge Edwin S While the delegates were talking ish churches. At the same time a arrangements. Long In Algeria rhipf s; r nor-Hor. ^ f details of his discourse here would call a special meeting of the Eighth Premier Steeg for a long time turner b. G. Gordon when news of toe 1 gimnlv a rpuptition ^ o m as at a session of the United here, the situatiem was further com­ bowling tourney will be held down­ School and Utilities District for a Officers for toe coming year were accident was received, the woman! repetition, States District Court held here to- plicated by a strike of 2,000 more stairs with three men and three elected as follows: President, Rev, J. was governor-general of Algeria had walked in front of toe bus and attendance prizes in the general discussion and educational and president-general in Morocco, Michael J. Sheehan of miners at the Whitburn colliery ^ rls from each church. The Swed­ meeting on the question of school Stuart Neill; vice president, Fred­ was struck by the rear side of toe | . R R 1367 Chapel street. New Haven ! , near South Shields. ish Congregational will play the eric Rogers; secretary, John Fox; so it was only natural that he should Stairs’ car. ■ donated by C. R. Burr, were won consolidation, no petition has as yet choose to head the ministry of colo- ^arged with the violation of th e ' ^ o n Lutheran, and the Swedish been presented. assistant secretary, Earl Anderson; The child escaped uninjured but i Harrison Act on four counts, plead- Lutheran will meet the Concordia treasurer, Robert Wilson; executiyje n i^ in toe present cabinet, with' Mrs. Metros was bruised on the hip I McNally, Dr. D. C. Y. Moore contendere and was fined ! Lutheran. A relay race between The number applying for drivers’ committee, Alec Johnson,___ , _ chairman;____ jurisdiction over the welfare ot and the side of her face. She went and Charles J. McCann. $500 by Judge Thomas. Sheehan. ' teams of six men, three from each automobile licenses is at a low ebb Hector Macdonal ' James Dickson, 1 colonials. His aim for toe French to toe home of her friend at 36 Rus­ In the absence of President Fay­ accordi^ to Assistant United . 1 church, will be staged at 8:30 just at present. On the occasion of William Mercer, Clifford Joyce; li- colonies is high, he said, sell street. There were no arrests. ette B. Clarke who is in Boston States District Attorney George H ■ o'clock. At 8:40 o’clock the swim­ the last visit of the state policeman brarian, Torston Larson; auditors, ; -“France is* determined to attract, Vice-President W. G. Glenney pre­ Cohen, had issued prescriptions for ming pool will be open for men and to Manchester for examinations only Clarence Thornton and Fred Rogers;; to win over and to give the popula- sided. morphine to persons who were ad­ boys with Irving Carlson in charge. four applied. Present driving licenses investigation committeet Kenneth, tioM under her protection condi- dicted to the drug habit. The pre­ The pool tables will be available all expire on February 28. Smito, Clifford Joyce, and John Fox. j tiojis of life which wUl be more set- CONGRESS HASTENS scriptions were made out in the evening. Re^eshments will be The banquet was held in the par-1 tied, more elevated and more signi- SPENCER IS TAKEN name of persons other than for served at 10 o^clock. The K. of C. basketball team will ish house of St. Mary’s church, j fied,” he said. whom they were intended. Herman Johnson ot the Swedish practice in the Hollister street Several members of many years “For us colonization is less a LEGISLATIVE WORK The case of Joseph M. Flanagan Lutheran church is general chair­ school hall this evening. standing in toe club were speakers, J matter of conquest ivmn of crea- BY R. 1. POLICEMEN proprietor of the Hotel Flanagal in man of the Rec Night. Arthur An­ including Robert J. Smith, Thomas !tioh. Everywhere we are tr3dng to New Haven, a persistent liquor vio­ j (Continued From Page 1.) derson will be in charge of the game Now that the male supporters J. Rogers, Albert Foy and Alec organize associations of natives and (Continaed From Page 1.) lator, with two cases now pending. period. The following committee is and the members of the Majors Johnson. Following toe banquet toe French in toe fields of economics and club adjourned to the clubhouse colnmission was confirmed despite a assisted in arrangements: Anna football team have celebrated their politics. We are doing this in contention by Senator Borah, Re- transporting intoxicating liquors Lindberg, Mildred Berggren, Fred victory in a dinner there is a move­ where toe meeting was held. Algeria, where representatives of The committee appointed to adfeist publicanj^ Idaho, that he was with­ Spencer was fined 100 and costs by SCHOOilATOS Soderburg, Paul Erickson, Emil ment afoot at the north end where­ the natives are members o toe mu­ out proper knowlege of the subject. Judge Johnson. When it became Seelert, John Lange, Ray Kupinsky, by the members of the fair sex, the general chairman is as follows: nicipal councils on an equal footing Raymond Trueman, refreshment^; More strenuous opposition for Edgar known that Spencer would return to Manchester Green and the South and Carl Johnson. who also supported the team with with their French colleagues in B- Brossard of Utah, another Re­ Rhode Island without fighting ex­ COME IN their money and voices may have a Herman Hill, floor; Dexter Peterson, Morocco and in all our other colo­ Main street schools attained a per­ cloak room; Earl Anderson, prizes; publican member of the commis­ tradition Judge Johnson remitted fect score in school savings for the AND LET US SHOW dinner of their own. nies.” sion, was marshalled by Senator $90 of the fine. Spencer has lost his Kenneth Smith, publicity; Williana He preferred, he said, not to go week ending January 6, according YOU HOW QUIOCLY PRINCE MAKES PLANS Mercer, music; Clarence Thornton, Harrison, Democrat, Mississippi. Ford roadster in which he was to the latest summary revealed to­ AND PRIVATELY. WE The snow covered many slippery into toe problems of disarmament Echoes Of Fight j transporting the liquors. day by the Savings Bank. spots of ice on the sidewalks and tickets; Raymond Chambers, raffle. at this time, but with a gentle in­ CAN ARRANG£ A A special meeting of toe club will be Echoes of the bitter but losing Faces Serious Charge School Attend. Dep. p c CASH LOAN FOR SO. AMERICAN TRIP roads this morning and falls were sistence he said he considered it fight of the Sena ,e to have Presi­ not imcommon. held at 8 o’clock tonight to decide on only wrise that France should main­ The fine and costs assessed by toe School Attend. Dep. Per Cent! the definite date. Cheney Hall, tain a fleet large enough to protect dent Hoover resubbit the names of local .ncal court tntalGUtotalled $34.9209 Man Green 240 240 lOO London, Jan. 12 — (AP) — The where the masquerade has been held three members of the power com- u. $34.92. Spencer South 78 7g 200 ♦ 10 Prince of Wales and his brother. Hose Company No. 2 of the South her vast and- widely separated colo­ Manchester Fire Department will every year, with the exception of nial respionsibilities. Hollister St. 463 458 98 Prince George, expect to leave Lon­ toe first few, when toe dance was effort to block appropriations for the ford to raise the amount. As soon Washington 380 355 931 don next Thursday on the trip hold its regular monthly meeting at agency. No. School. St. 423 395 93 3 *300 the Hose house at the Center at 8 held at the WeUa Street ArmoTj, le d e ! L S o f i e i d e h S v e G n d S e Mr. Pole’s recommendation be­ as the money has been paid to the which eventually will take them to local court Spencer will be taken to Highland Park 161 149 92' IN 24 HOURS South America. Their plans now o’clock tonight. All members are re­ . i n fore the Cgmmunist committee was Buckland 118 107 90 quested to attend the meeting. remodeled into a toe great colonial exposition at Paris Arctic, R. I., to face the charge of include remaining a day or so in Cheney Brothers. for a Federal statute making it a highway robbery with violence. The Barnard 452 379 83 ★ Paris, it was said, before going to this year, but what has most deeply criminal offense to intentionally cir­ Ppice 73 39 53 THRIFT moved toe people of France is maximum sentence on this count in BOOK Santander where they wdll sail on culate false reports concerning any the state of Rhode Island is life im­ Lincoln 426 221 51 FRESI SMALL the steamer Oropesa next Sunday. MRS. PHILLIPS SEEKS America’s preservation of Moimt national bank or member of the Nathan Hale 451 222 4Q MONTHLy The heir to the throne spent today Vernon, the home of General Wash- Federal reserve system, imputing an prisonment. The sentence Spencer POLICE SPY DENIES faces in Rhode Island is one reason REPAYMENTS in the hunting field. He went early ington, whose memory is revered in 3265 2643 A DIVORCE IN RENO Fr^ce as in toe United States. r " ' “ ” - e t.e ,„ca. 80 The only charge iti three and 4»e-r to Melton Mowbray where the Duke court. of Gloucester also was hunting. HE SEEKS REVENGE “So many memories bind our two Because he believes the United half percent per month on nn^nid The next few days he will spend nations th it I am confident that in Well Gnajiled amonnt of loan. Reno, Nev., Jan. 12.—(AP)— States has been backward in the The prisoner was well guarded ANNOUNCE WEDDING at York House, his London resi­ Elizabeth Pillsbury Phillips, daugh­ the future we will continue to labor development of Diesel engines for dence, making final preparations for New York, Jan. 12,—r(AP) — together in friendly, mutual trust, when the case opened this morning. ter of toe late Albert E. Pillsbury, “Chile” Mapocha Acrma, former naval vessels. Rear Admiral Yar- In addition to toe local pofice fofee P E P S O N A t the trip. He already has bade the former attorney general of Massa­ stool pigeon, deified he had aiiy ani­ striving to consolidate toe peace of nell, chief of the Bureau of En­ Mr. and Mrs. Simon Johnson an­ King and Queen goodbye for they toe world.” usually on hand during a court trial nounce toe marriage of their daugh­ FINANCE CO» chusetts, has joined the Reno divorce mus agains police as he reiteraiqd gineering, asked the House naval there were five State policemen on are returning immediately to Sand­ colony and plans to file suit against “I feel confident also that by col­ committee to authorize $3,000,000 ter, Alice Irene, to Waitstill W. ROOM 2, «:t a t E THEATRE BLDG, ringham whether they came over the today his charges that vice,, sqii^ hand, three from the Connecticut her husband, Richard B. Phillips. members framed innocmt women. laboration- in a field less glorious, JEor experimentation of that type of Buckingham, son of Mrs. WiUiam week-end for the funeral of the ^rhapg, than in the past but infin­ power plant. force and two from Rhode Island. Buckingham of Milwaukee, Wiscon­ MAIN STREET Phillips is a student at Edinburgh He was a witness at departmental No other courc case was scheduled 753 ?H 0 N E , 3430 Princess Royal and today’s recep­ University, ScoUand, and i.- the son itely more productive, ouf two re­ Secretary Adams recommended sin. The ceremony was performed tion to the Indian round table dele­ trials of five policemen he accuses, publics will co-operate for a solution today. at Suflfield, Conn., January 10. gates. of Alexander V. Phillips, head of toe While he was in tombs prison on that the committee include this sum U MANCHESTER^ CONN* Bemis Bag Company of Boston. an extortion charge, Acuna said, he of the practical problems of eco­ in the pending construction bill, Mrs. Phillips denied a report from was visited several times by police nomics and finance.” which would authorize the appro­ Boston that her father-in-law had officers, one of whom was Inspector priation of $'.0,000,000 for naval NEW YORK MOURNS offered her $5,000 a month for life Harry hobdell. ships, making toe present construc­ if she would return to her husbaqd “I told Inspector I,«obdell 1 had THEY WANT BEER tion program total $142,935,000. DEATH OF STRAUS and become mother of another child. observed many wrong things,” he “There is no use denying that I said. “I told him I was framed be­ WOMAN BURNED TO DEATH am here for a divorce,” Mrs. Phillips cause I knew .00 much.” Washington, Jan. 12.—(AP)—The (Continued From Page l.i said, “my father-in-law did try and Later, he continlied, other police­ Industrial Club of St. Louis wants Bridgeport, Jan. 12—(AP) — The effect a reconciliation. He asked men visited him and took notes of beer. fatal burning of Mrs. Grace Everett, forged a brilliant business partner- ______80, tn the kitchen of her home, 130 New Silence.'^ New Beauty,/ me to return lo Dick and have an- the charges he made. It said so in a petitiem today to ship that lasted imtil Isador Straus other baby, with.the idea that such “Did you do this out of revenge?” Speaker Longworth, maintaining Mill Plain Road, Fairfield, today be­ was lost in the sinking of the Ti- {an event would bring us together defense counsel asked. that (Congress “% a few words can lieved to have followed toe over­ ^ i c m 1912. Heavily interested in ; permanently, but he never even “No,” Acuna replied, “just to immediately so amend the Volstead turning or explosion of an oil lamp department stores and other lines, i made a suggestion of paying me any as toe woman was sleeping in a Plus the show how I myself had been framed Act as to once more legalize the chair. Nathan Straus resigned his last di- money. Of course, I sip o se some up.” manufacture and sale of non-intoxi­ rectorate in 1925 to devote his time j provision would be made for any cating beer.” Fairfield firemen found toe house The defense attorney confronted in flajpes when they arrived at 3 to the work of mercy. | child, but I have separated from my Acuna with Carlos FranehiQi, who “It is the opinion of the Industrial G re a te st Pasteunzed Milk | husband for all time. a. ra. They were unable to enter had been a prison njate of the wit­ Club of St. Loifis. that toe President toe kitchen as it was a mass of ness. I topuld immediately request (Con­ flames, although several efforts Washing Convenience '\- about February 2, when my three “Did you ever tell him that you gress to so amend the Volstead were made to save toe woman be­ lishing plants here and abroad for months’ residence is completed. 1 Act,” the petition said. its manufacture and distribution, would frame the cops as they had lieved to be there. donated an ice plant to Santiago, will charge non-support. A power framed you?” toe lawyer demanded. It was signed by Samuel W. For- After toe fire was under control E v e r Known Cuba, duribg the-Spauish-Ameriem 2 ‘“3 * “No,” Acuna replied. dyce, president, and Chauncey B. the woman’s charred body was Adams, secretary. found. '' in 1909, ministered to the, unem­ is here with her ORGANIST McKINLEY The Improved Model 22 ployed of New York in 1893 and baby and with her brother. 1914; contributed thousands of dol­ lars and raised millions more for re­ IN HARVARD RECITAL construction work among the Jews ROGERS AIDS IDLE ^ u t d M a t i c of Palestine: and said always his Carl McKinley, substitute organ­ ambition was “to die a poor man.” ist at the South Methodist church , Jan. 12 —(AP) — during the absence of Archibald Duo-DisC Will Rogers left the movie lots of Sessions, gave an organ recitM at SAN SALVADOR VOTES Hollywood today and began a trip the Harvard C?lub of Boston yestpf- ELECTRIC WASHER back home to help the folks in day afternoon. Mr. McKinley “is a .It s herd The fdmpus Automstic Duo-Disc Electric Washer Oklahoma, Arkansas and Texas in graduate of Harvard, class of j 917. with two new end outstanding refinements. So Silent 'in oper­ their tussle with hard times. His program included Handel’s suite ation you can hardly hear it run— thanks to the new , San Salvador, Jan. 12—(AP) — Boarding an airmail plane bound This Central American Republic is from “The Water Music,” with a * worm gear and cable drive. So Beaatifat and rich in the midst of a three-day election for Fort' Worth, Rogers said he .special arrangement for the, organ booking in its soft colors of Duotone Sun Tan and would spend two or three weeks on Green—thanks to the new vitreous enameled tub. of a president, vice president and a tour of the three states, appear­ b)* himself. Mozart’s A n^nte from other national officers. the Fifth String Quintet, and num­ To it always so, you have only to wipe the tub ing before audiences and giving all occasionally with a damp cloth. The Automatic Duo-Disc The polls were opened yesterday funds collected to toe unemployed. bers by Bach, Bossi, Karg-El'erl, and -will remain open today and to­ McKinley and Detoier. Washer now adds these two extra values without any in­ morrow, the results to be announced Rogers said he hopes to use an crease in price. In choosing one for your home, remember airplane on the tour and indicated you also obtain Tuesday or thereafter. The elected arrangements had been made with officers are not to take their places Captain Frank Hawks, noted speed BOmERSPROTKTTAX until after March 1. flier, to pilot his ship. The Only Electric Washer Saloons have been closed and other precautions taken to insure MEN.YCE TO SHIPPING Waterbury, Conn., Jan. 12.—(AP) i That Will ^X^ash Either Way^^ maintenance of order during the —Strong opposition to the proposed polling period. There are five can­ The Invertible Duo-Disc agitatorwhen placed in down po- New London, Jan. 12—(AP) —In special tax on bottled beverages was sition rMuires but .® small amount of water to wash a new didates for the presidency. Dr. En­ expressed in a resolution and in ad­ rique Cordova, Dr. Alberto Gomez the waters of Napeague Bay, a For RHEUMATISM pieces. When placed in top position it washes equally well quarter of a mile west of Shagwong dresses at the 12th annual conven­ the heaviest blankets o ra tubful of clothes. Washes a tub­ Zarate, Miquel Thomas Molina, the Reef is, in the opinion of Coast tion of the Connecticut Manufactur­ ful in either position. Engineer Arthuro Araujo, and Gen­ ers of Carbonated Beverages hfere to­ eral Antonio Claremount Lucero. Guard officials, an uncharted sub­ Each Automatic Duo-Disc is accompanied by a lO-Year merged object which yesterday did day. Daniel J. Leary of Waterbury, prompt relief from HEADACHES, Service Guarantee Bond signed by the manufacturer. There are three candidates for the chairman of toe legislative qommit- vice presidency. damage to the Coast, Gu3-rd destroy­ COLDS, LUMBAGO, RHEUMATISM, Improvements, the price of the Improved er, Porter, the second of the ser- tee, reporting on toe proposal of toe Model 22 Automatic Due-Disc Washer remains the same. •vice’s destroyers to be so harmed. tax commissioner that toe tax be NEURALGIA, SORE THROAT, Each AutomadeWoeb- The Porter which is based at levied, asked toe members to figbt a u t o m a t i c w a s h e r c o m p a n y , Newton, Iowa er carries the maker's FIND LOST FUERS NEURITIS, ACHES and PAINS Makers el Dependable Washers Since 1908 slsned IO-Ycof New York, was here today and a with all means at their disposM Guarantee Bend. diver made repairs to damages against the tax. He predicted the THE ONLY WASHER THATWIU which included a hole in the vessel’s virtual ruin of the industry if the Alice Springs, Northern Terri­ tax be placed. P ric e H H I ______H tory, Australia, Jan. 12— (AP) _ hull through which water entered to Bayer-Tablets WO-DiXOoim flood toe fireroom. Several months The nominating copaipittee will DOES NOT HARM fora Few Pieces Two aviators lost in the central ago the destroyer Shaw was dam­ offer toe folloi^ng names for elec­ Australian desert for more than two aged when propeller blades struck Aspirin \ TH E H EART tion this afternoon: President,, O. weeks were brought in here today by a sunken object in toe area where rescuers with a story of how they J. G. Schueler of Stamford;^ 'iice- DUO-OIXl/p had lived on malted milk tablets, the accident to the Porter occurred. president, Rudolph F."* BaHer of D ^ - ^ a T u b ^ ' boiled grass and even tadpoles now bury; secretary, C. F, G. Schlrmer and then while they wandered to- TWO NOTED WRITERS of Waterbury; treasyrer, Eipil M^'- ■ward civilization through a track­ New Haven, Jan. 12—(AP)_Pro­ colo of Waterbury; advUoUr doinmit- less wild. fessor William Lyon Phelps of Yale tee, Robert's. Blakeslee of New Ha­ They are Captain ’W. L. Ktten- will have as luncheon guests .on Fri­ ven, James Campo of SLa^pr.^ burgh and S. J. Hambre, who start- day two of the outstanding' writers Springs, Barney Cott of East Bodt BAYER! $104-15 Budget $6-50 Down $fi.50 A Month ed out for some mining properties of the world AE, who is Gfeorge Chester, Joseph Reiner of Watqr- last December and were forced Russell, the Irish essayist and bury, Meyer Rich of New lyondonr author and Gilbert K. Chesterton, George E. Grody oMJaFtfard a«d down in the desert on Dec. 20. A the English novelist, Mr. Russell searching plane located them on will give a Bergln lecture at Yale Jack Sevin of Kvtford: . Saturday and a rescue party in and Mr. (Jhesterton in the evening MANCHESTER EliCTRIC CO. ^tomobiles went out to get them, will debate with Clarence Darrow in “PerfecOy Sat)is4e(3i” Is the ^ e y were weak and exhausted to- answer of our oil customers. The T73 Mnih Street^ * South Manchester Phene 5181 lay but otherwise uninjured. the Arena, on “Will The World Re- Manchester Lumber (Do.,' Ph.oioe To Religion?” PIRINcontains proyai directions. Handy “Bayer” 5145. Coal and Fuel 011.-^A dv, tahletk Also bottles of 24 and 100—All-druggists.


flanrl|»Bt»r many more of these thsm there are of this Jewish merchant simply did of the substantially rich that the not exist. His charities everybody CvptHng, Hpralb total of their gl-ving not only exceeds knew to be actuated by- sheer love the total giving of the latter but PDBLJSHED BY THE of humanity. H^m ^NErjum cE HSXUIjD printing company. INC indl-vidually they give proportion­ With all his commercial acumen 13 Blssell Street ately more. South Manchester, Conn. and his high position In the business THOMAS PI RGUSON In the present situation, however, world o f the greatest business city General Manager the ability of the ordinary small on the globe, Nathan Straus was a vtciotm m»oMs$ra wMoam t>omtePiY Pounded October i. 1881 contributor is very likely to be' naive and simple soul. It is doubt­ Published Every Evening Except greatly modified; not through any ful whether In all his long life he Sundays and Holtdaya Entered at the Post Office at South Manchester lack of win or fearsome tightening gave a moment’s thought to such DEGREASE OF TUBERCULOSIS ^80 generally advised. However, I Conn., as Second Class Mail Matter. of the purse strings, but because so theoretical problems as whether ------believe a great deal of good is being SUBSCRIPTION RATES The number of deaths from tuber- accomplished in the open-air camps One Tear, by mall ...... $6.0C many are themselves either on part some other socisil system could be culosis has been steadily decreasing where the half-starved children of Per Month, by mall ...... 3 60 time employment or have relatives created whereby poverty could be Delivered, one year ...... $9.00 in proportion to the general popula­ the cities are sent to live in the open Single copies ...... $ 03 whom they feel they must assist first eliminated and entire economic jus­ air, bathe their young bodies in sim- tion. In 1900 there were 202 deaths MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED of aU. Reduced incomes, or incomes, tice established. His mind flew at light, and get plenty of wholesome from tuberculosis per 100,000, PRESS that mqst bear increased burdens, no such mark. He dealt with imme­ food. The Associated Press is exclusively whereas in 1927 there were only The treatment of the well devel­ entitled to the' use for republloatlon win make it impossible for a great diate problems that were not too big about 80 per 100,000. This great oped tubercular case is nevertheless o f .all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited In this many persons who otherwise would for him to tackle single handed. change should certainly encourage quite difficult, as I will explain in §ALE paper and also the local news pub­ be eager contributors to the special And the good that he did was tre­ us to believe that -in the next few tomorrow’s article. lished herein. Red Cross fund to do anything mendous. generr.t’ons this much-dreaded dis­ All rights of republlcatlon of ease will be almost entirely stamp­ QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS special dispatches herein are also re­ about it. served. Perhaps as significant an index as ed out. Ob-viously, then, the burden will could be pro'vided of the quality of I am sure my readers Will be in­ (Jumping in Sleep) SPECIAL ADVERTISING REPRE­ terested in my theories as to why SENTATIVE: Hamilton • DeLlsser. fan largely upon those who are the man Is the list of honorary pall Question: S. L. G. writes: .‘T RUGS Ino.. 286 Madison Ave., New York. N bearers selected by his son. It in­ this great change has taken place. would like to know what causes me Y.. and 613 North Michigan Ave.. actuaUy but little inconvenienced by In the first place I am certain that to jump in my sleep. I am imder- Chicago. Ilia diminished income, even though the cludes the names of William Lyon the statistics are somewhat faulty, weight What would be good for Full service client of N B A Ser- fall in stocks and the curtailment Phelps, John D. Rockefeller, Jr., and that many now declared cured that?” vloa Ina of dividends leaves them “feeling Mayor Walker and Benny Leonard of tuberculosis did not have thin Answer: Your trouble is no doubt poor.” And this should apply with the retired prize fighter, as well as disease at all, and perhaps only suf­ caused by using the wrong food Member. Audit Bureau of Clrcula- fered from bronchitis or sonie other combinations, which produce exces­ tlona those of Julius Rosenwald and Paul The Herald Printing Company. Inc., especial force to the well-to-do in form of irritation of the respiratory sive gas pressure and indigestion assumes no dnancial responsibility those geographical areas where the Warburg. organs. I have bad many patients during the night. If you are very for typographical errors, appearing In advertisements In the Manchester drought relief money is to be ex­ come to me for treatment the last much imderweight, it is an evidence Evening Herald. pended. few years who thought they were that your assimilation is poor. This suffering from tuberculosis, where­ Is often because of improper func­ MONDAY, JANUARY 12. It is worth while remembering IN NEW YORK as, I found upon examination that tioning of the liver or pancreas. E x-, that there are a great many rich there was really no sign of the dis­ cessive thinness is a disease, caused CONSOLIDATION men and women in every one of ease present. In many cases such by some fimctional disarder. Find On Wednesday evening the voters New York, Jan. 12.—The most in­ patients have been told by other out the cause of your thinness, and those states from which come ap­ curable of all Manhattan rounders of Manchester are to assemble in a doctors that they were in the first the cure will then b.. naturally sug­ peals for aid for the drought strick­ remains, after all these years, none stages of tuberculosis, or the name gested. Do not make the mistake meeting of peculiar character—one, en. Most of them have made their other than Harry K Thaw. “incipient tuberculosis” was applied of stuffing yourself with food in we believe, without precedent in this fortunes through dealings with the Just oefore the first snow flurry to their cases. With some of these order to try to gain weight. town, at least in recent years, and of winter, he returns to the bright patients such a diagnosis was ^ven people who now stand in need of aid. one which possibly may establish lights—an inexplicable strange echo after a quick and careless exami­ (Fats and Oils) First of all they should be ready to of the most sensationa murder case nation without the use of blood Question: J. S. writes: ‘T notice an excellent custom. It is not to be share with their distressed fellow this man’s town ever knew. tests. X-ray examination, etc. In that when I eat oils that have been a town meeting, for it is not to de­ citizens some part of their accumu­ Watching him making roimds m other cases, their physicians not cooked, my stomach hurts, and when a sort of dazed boredom, from which being sure whether or not the. dis­ I eat raw oils, like olive oil and but­ termine anything or commit the lations during the rears of bounding town to anything. It is to be mere­ ho seems lo awaken at moments un­ ease had developed, thought it the ter, this does not occur. Is this be­ prosperity. der the stimulus of some vivid and wise thing to frighten thfe patifnt cause uncooked fats are better than ly a gathering of the electors for l o o r coverings play an important role here at Watkins, for we real­ We have had in the past the ex­ new beauty of the cabaret floor so that he would take better c^fe others ?” the purpose of discussing and ise how important a decorative part of each room the floor really is I perience of Northern and Eastern shows, he seems to become each of himself. Because of this, many Answer: When fatty foods are mutually informing each other con­ year a more incredible puzzle. bronchitis patients in the last few overheated, fatty acids are some­ So we buy our rugs------thinking with each selection, “ Will this pat­ money poured in torrents into relief years ha-ve been scared into adopt- times released. These will some­ F cerning a subject on which they Most of those who figured ■with tern harmonize with the popular furniture periods ?” “Are the colorings funds when disaster overtook sec­ him in the days when his name hung ing better habits for health, times irritate the stomach and intes­ may have to make official decision I right for this year's decorating fashions ?” “Is the quality right; has the tions of the South or the Midwest, in huge black letters from every j Many weak, under-nourished chil- tines and are probably what you no­ later. School consolidation. manufacturer a reputation to live up to, and lastly” is this rug the finest without any corresponding lavish­ front page have either died or passed dren from the tenements have been ticed when eating the fried foods. This meeting can be of the utmost value at its price obtaintable? The first of the year saw new low prices ness on the part of the well-to-do from the picture. The men and sent to open-air camps. There they usefulness or it can be a sheer waste women of his-particular period are have taken nude feimbaths, and have (Thyroid Gland) effected by the manufacturers. Now the Semi-Annual sale reduces these in the afflicted regions. That was ■ of time, according to the temper in seldom heard from or seen. been fed more wholesome food than Question: P. B. D. asks: “What prices to even lower levels on discontinued patterns. Here are a few of the all very well in times when the East Now and then one may drop that to which •’hey had been accus­ is the function of the thyroid gland? sizes and prices. which it is approached. If the peo­ and the North did not have their do'wn to some survivor of the olden tomed. Although I disapprove of Is it necessary to retain this in ple will attend in large numbers and oivn factors of distress to contend days, such a.s the Beaux Arts, and the “stuffing process” in tuberculo­ order to enjojj good health? I have with a fixed determination to dis­ hear tales of how Thaw and all the sis, I am sure that many of these a small goitre and am considering with. But as between the jobless “blades” of the day started their cover, through interchange of facts sickly, under-nourished.^ children, ha’Ving it removed by surgery.” industrialists in the cities and to'wns night rounds from there. with only suspected tuberculosis, or Answer: The function of the thy­ and opinions, whether the present and the drought victims on the seeming to have that tendency, have roid gland is very important since What a different figure today? A 9x12 ari(i 8^^xl0y2 Sizes district school system or a unified farms of Midwest and South, the been fed into strong children more the secretion of this gland acts as a town system of school ownership bodyg;uard, and sometimes two, ac­ able to resist tuberculosis and other regrulator of metabolism. I am send­ necessities of the former are at company him. Just now he drops in and control is the better, there is diseases. I have never seen good re­ ing you my article on “Goitre” least as acute as those of the farm more often than not at Tex Guinan's Popular grade Axminster Rugs in 9x12 and 8 1-4 x 10 1-2 ft. sizes. no doubt whatever that as a body sults from the stuffing system In which outlines the form of treat­ dwellers— and there are infinitely all-night emporium. His entrance is well advanced cases of tuberculosis. ment I consider most satisfactory for Oriental designs and colorings. Reg. $32.50 and $27,50 ...... greeted oy some facetious musical $22-75 they will arrive at a wise decision. more of them to be looked after. Neither do I recommend the com­ this trouble, as I do not^ad'vlse an If on the other hand they attend gag, such as “You’re Dri-ving Me plete rest in bed treatment which is In this drought relief the suffering Crazy.” operation except aj the last resort iwo grades of Axminster Rugs in Oriental and hooked designs, the meeting with closed minds and states have no business to lean- on J’Tot a smile! Not a rebuke! Not and a few fringed velvet rugs. Reg. $41.50, $44.00 and $47.50 ...... variously with the purpose of win­ $29-75 the generosity of the industrial com­ a protest! Someone at a nearby j , 4.1. i. 1 1...__ .4, ning an argument, not much good table points and smiles. The Thaw vocabulary stigmatiE- munities, as they have so often in Three grades of Axminsters of the finest type and a few wool wil- can be expected to result from the party seats itself. A few whispers 3 JAPANESE HAS PLAN ! the past. Their weU-to-do should be pass■nass ahmitabout. .cinmpnnpSomeone whiariorowhispers fr,to • bookshelves, the general use of such tons. Reg. $55.00, $58.50, $65.00 and $69.00 ...... experiment. a word wil] discourage this odious made to understand that it is pri­ spmeone else that there’s a certain $39-50 The Herald has long been favora­ pretty glrly in the chorus who has fractice l"> placing it among the se­ TO WARM UP RUSSIA' marily up to them to take care ot rial improprieties,” says the letter. bly disposed to school consolidation been getting bracelets and necklaces Two grades of closely woven, fringed Axminster .rugs and rich, their own. Of course we coulo call them and has freely advocated it. Yet Somehow, the money bag never fringed wool wilton rugs. Reg. $67.50, $77.00 and up to $87.50 ...... seems to reach bottom Somehow, tome-roboers” or “librarians.” Khabarovsk, Siberia.— (A P )— A » we will frankly admit that there WE ARE ROASTED there never seems to come a surfeit However, I sdll prefei my own un­ scheme which woyld make the may be many angles of the problem point in this restless wraith’s wan­ printable epithets. j Discontinued Whittall Palmer Wilton rugs, finely designed and color­ It isn’t every day that a Connecti­ northern Japanese island of Hok­ that have escaped us and possibly derings. Another note informs me that, ed. Regular $89.50 and $95.00 ...... cut newspaper attains to tU distinc­ kaido and the eastern coast of Rus- some of them may be of vital im­ Yet seldom is one ever able to after promising never again to write tion of a -vitriolic roasting on the detect the slightest sign of gaiety another play, Booth Tarkington is Siberia semi-tropical, both now portance to a correct conclusion. Just a few of these Oriental reproductions with soft backs and fringed ( t O O floor of the United States Senate, so or amused reaction tc the proceed­ to reapD(>sr on Broadway. Some- j ha-ving extremely cold climates, has We submit that there is at least a ings. It’s all as mechanical as a ends. Regular $115.00 and $130.00 ...... The Herald take considerable satis­ thing iiKe 10 or lo years Mons. 1 peen submitted ‘•o the So'viet eov- bare possibility that there are angles shop-girl punching a time clock. Jarkington was reported as having I __ _ . ^ ^ ° faction in reprinting herewith, from Which have escaped likewise the Night after night . . week after taken the iheatrlcal pledge—shortly j by one of the most promi- the Congressional Record, ^ few week . . . the strange ceremony is after “Mons. Beaucaire” became a * ^ent leader^ in Japan. Two only heavy wool, “ Hooked Rug Designs.” Heavy reproduction attention of citizens who have been of fine old hooked rugs. Formerly $139.00 ...... words from a speech made by Sena­ I'ppeated. A hardy annual, who al­ hit, if 1 ’•ecall. The scheme suggested is that a ' quite convinced that consolidation ways seems to be stifling a yawn; $ ' tor Caraway of Arkansas: It’s to Aaron Burr he turns tww, dam be constructed at the narrow- j 89 would be a mistake. fading in and out of the Broadway J am told, and his title is “Colonel As a mere matter of record, pictures—one of its most baffling est point between Saghalien o f, Famous Bengal Oriental Rugs, reproductions of rare museum Ori­ The Herald has a single interest Satan.” because the editorial, which I figures! . . Like one of the fabulous which the Japanese own the south- ‘ entals. Unwashed, fringed ends. Formerly $160.00, $169.50 ...... In this matter—that whatever sys­ GILBERT SWAN. shall read does not represent ghosts doomed to walk the world, em half, and the continent which ' $120 tem Manchester schools are to be the sentiment of anybody but haunting the modern flesh-pots. the editor, I want to embalm in would turn the cold Arctic current' Two only Bengal Nahsak (9x12 ft.) rugs, reproductions of Orien­ operated on in the future shall be COLD IN PARIS eastward. At the narrowest point ! the Congressional Record a At last I have found a cause for tals with deepest pile imaginable. Reg. $ 2 1 5 .0 0 ...... the best system for all the people the width of the strait is about four, reference to a man by the name which I am willing to take the soap­ Paris, Jan. 12.— (AP) —Rising $150 and all the children of the com­ box. miles and the depth only 20 meters. of Thomas Ferguson,’ general temperatures today ended the bit­ munity. We believe that the citizen, manager of the Manchester From the Book Publishers’ Re­ The suggestion of Japan is that terly cold spell which gripped the two countries split the cost and ' whether pro or anti, who is n turns right in the first place and | and Mr. Gamer are at such wide ell been attributablf to the war adoption of the policy of co-opera­ to find out what was becoming the A avoid subsequent fuss and resultant j variemee about the refimds. no one years. Taxpayers generally paid tive inquiry and mutual enlighten­ matter with us. Under the circum­ refunds—or addltiona- assessments expects an ordinary newspaper cor- large amounts to the treasury, with m ent d —running into many hundreds of respondent to be able to figure it all legality

. I . ' i pipes of a nearby factory prevented Divisible> copyright, pcixmi.uilgpermitting x'-r''-'-’ picveutcU fight'’ would come on Edgar B. MAY REHEAR CASE OFF ON LONG TRIP the licensee—such as movie maker, water from freezing. The body Brossard, of Utah, another Repub­ magazine or theatrical producer—to was recovered by other skaters after lican member. He failed in an at­ THE MANCHESTER it had been in the water ten min­ Jacksonville, Fla., Jan. 12.— (AP) I Vpocksia^^ protect independently any right he tempt to obtain consent to take up Washington, Jan. 12.— (AP) — A —Two former wallpaper hanging acquires in a creative work; and. utes. Brossard’s nomination first. petition for re-hearing of the fa­ contractors from Chicago pointed International copyright, enabling Mrs. Filomena Castellucci, 71, was Borah quoted from Senate fi­ mous Black Tom case was filed with the bow of their 19-foot sailboat to­ tVENlNG HERALD American authors to secure copy­ fatally injured in bor Bridgeport nance hearings on the nominations the German-American claims com­ ward the mouth of the St, Johns 0 i i c e ' ' £ home when she fell out of her bed. <*- right without formality throughout and said Fletcher had testified he mission today by Robert W. River today on a voyage they hope forty nations. She suffered a fractured skull. A had no general tariff -views, had not Bonynge, American agent. will carry them down the coast to Sponsors who cut and rewrote fall also caused the death of Walter been acquainted with the tariff , law The case, involving a claim for Miami jand thence to Spain. and amplified the bill to meet con­ Melkowski, 49, Thompsonville. He but expected to learn something fell down a flight o£ stairs in his $20,000,000 for a fire during the war The men, Herman Bahr and Hans certed objections during the long about it “as the cases come along.” in the terminal of the Lehigh 'Valley rough road through committee an­ home after he had put his three Henningsen, expect to comple.te the There was a reverberation of the railroad in New York harbor, was trip in about 45 days sailing ■via ticipated favorable action. An oppo­ children to bed. Joseph Steele, 26, . fight against the power commission decided recently in favor of Ger­ Cuba, Porto Rico and Las Palmas, it’s wanted sition bloc led by Representative a hat factory employe committed nominees in the tariff debate. suicide in the Danbury jail by hang- many by the commission. Canary Islands, and on to Seville. Busby, Democrat, of Missis.sippi j by hang- ! Borah stated the. proposition that The commission found there was Their craft once was a lifeboat was prepared, however, to carry a ! bed sheetinp- ^ ! the executi-Ve and legilsative branch­ fie-ht on ihe flnnr ^ i Sheeting. ’TJie man was being not sufficient evidence presented to but it is now equipped with a 15- es of the government “ought to keep show the fire had been caused by bring up date : for .baervatlc. j their hands off the independent com- foot mast and fitted with detachable or needed- German agents or spies. oarlocks so the sailors could take to the copyright law, unchanged since sions after they are appointed and Today’s petition did not embrace oars should the boat be becalmed. 1909, the bill was shunted aside aft­ MEXICANS BETUBN H9 ME let them serve as a quasi judicial the case of a fire at the Kingsland body.” er heated debate almost doomed it plants of another company, involv­ A man touring the world to prove at the last session. Protracted hear­ Bingham’s Vlewp. our Ciudad Chihuahua, Mexico, Jan. ing a similar amount and which the earth is flat has been sued for ings with many popular artists— 12.— (AP)—The first of a number of Senator Bingham, Republican, was simultaneously decided in favor jbaclc taxes. At'least he now knows and as many interested industrial­__ special trains bearing Mexicans Connecticut, called attention that of Germany by the commission. I how it feels to be flat. ists and organization leaders -had wbo have been forced from the Unit- ^rah had voted for reconsidera­ %'■ :i. preceded that. The bill has been ied States by imemployment there, tion of the power commission nom­ completely re-drafted. j passed through here during the inees. Borah replied he agreed [night. The 100 or more on board there was nothing that could be BURGLARS GET $20 presented a pitiable sight with in- done about the power nominees, if Bridgeport. Jan. 12.— (AP.) sufficient clothing for the fresh they weije legally appoint;e(j, but TRIPLE though they hacked the combina­ weather and with little food. that it was his -view the Senate did tion off one safe, ransacked two Miguel Mendez, a merchant, sent have ar right to reconsider their others, broke open the secretary’s 4,000 bread rolls to the train for dis­ nominations. ACTION desk and the cigar case, burglars tribution and other merchants con­ Senator Reed, Republican, Penn­ who entered the Algonquin Club in tributed other rations. sylvania, took Issue with Borah. He 1— Soothes Irritation said Fletcher was a “lawyer, a sol­ the Court Exchange building at 2 11 2— Is mildly laxative dier -with a superb record, a diplo­ State street during the night care­ 100 HURT IN RIOTS 3— Clears the air passages fully avoided a burglar alarm- mat of trained experience, a proven patriot, and a man who is interested equipped safe in which there was Karachi, India,, Jan. 12.— (A P.)— i -si - ■ neither in importation of a foreign e more than $ in cash. , Fifty persons werS seriously hurt 1,000 article nor the domestic manufac­ The burglars got $20 in all for ! a himdred others slightly injur- lift;:: their trouble. ture of the competing article.” MOTHER KNEW S.B. SMITH I ed in rioting whlA begap last night Reed also said Fletcher had nev­ ■ and continued imtil early this morn­ er engaged ip tariff acU-vitles or Rath’s Coogh Gets Qaick Relief CLASSIFIED TRUMBULLS IN FLORIDA ing when Congress Party -adherents BROTHERS “lobbying” nor participated in a “When my little girl caught a attempted to hold mass meetings in tariff case. . Petersburg. Fla., Jan. 12.— cough I knew just what to do. Many r t defiance of police orders. “I can’t imagine how a better COUGH SYRUP (AP)—John Coolidge and his wife a ^time — when I was little — my More than thirty were arrested. appointment could have been made,” the former Florence Trumbull, and including the woman agitfftor, Gomi mother gave me S. B. Drops. T hat’s --- O ------” mmm . . . ------—f ^ he said. her parents, former Governor John why I vSent for their cough syrup. Bai. A number of the other prison­ Reed expressed the opinion that Trumbull of Connecticut and . Mrs.' ers were women who sat in the '. I wasn’t disappointed. Ruth’s cough former Chairman Marvin of the stopped quickly. She was spry ^ a m Trumbyll. have arrived here for a roadway and refused to move untU six weeks’ visit. commission could ^not have been in a-few hours."” M rs^ E . 'Meaick, the police drove them away. confirmed because ^ this “activities 1604 Baltimore Ave., Cincinfiati, 0 . 'V - V “



DAILY RADIO PROGRAM RADIO OLD TIMER QUBSnOHiJtND ^ANSWER SERIESf Overnight ST. Monday, January 12. 11:00—Ricardy dance orcheatrm. Leaiiing DX Stations. 11: .30—Moonbeam* music hour. I D O Y o u K n o w coNNEcncin? A (I, ■ i;mtization Of Mary Wilkin* 302.S—WBZ, NEW ENQLAND-^90. 405.2—WSB, ATLANTA 740. J'rceiM.'n's siory of New England life. 6:30—Vagabond*; orchestra. 8:30—NBC program s (1 ht > isQulrriNGAiR CwpiMkylllE CWHECTICPr CHAMBEK OF C0HH£KCE.1nc, A. P. News “A Conflict Ended/ will be presented 7:00—W JZ program* (4 hr*,) 10:80—Conservatory of music, ASYUIN St M T. RAKTrOSS over WEAP and associated station* at 11:00—M idnight dance melodies. 11:00—Amos ’n’ Andy: orchestra. f ;30 Monday night. The story concerns 348.6—WABC, NEW YORK—860. 11:30—Studio program : orchestra. Annual Report Read ^i.arcua Woodman, a stubborn Yankee, 6:00—A uto Show concert. 1:00—Slumber boat music. Q. Where was Noah Webster, the.^ Q. What are the chief causes of THrashington —^Po^er commlsaion Pariah Yesterday — Tnd2.',> •who took an oath th a t it the church to 6:45—Plano team , tenor. 293.9—KYW. CHICAGO—102". lexicographer, bom? forest fires in Coim.? to function inspite of Senate opposi- which he belonged called a certain 7:00—C urrent events; orchestra, 8:30—NBC program s (2'/4, h rs.» edness Cut Down ^8,CiOU. Breached he never again would enter 7:30—A strologer; one-man show. Shavers Have Been Broad­ A. In West Hartford, Connecticut, Q. What, county in Conn, has thr aton to three members. 11:00—Four dance orche.‘;tras. in 1758. It. Arthur Allen will play the psrt Of StOO—New World Symphony hour. 389.4—WBBM, CHICAGO—770. highest average value per farm of New York —^Nathin Straus, phil­ Woodman. A competitive recital be­ 8:30—A rabesque dramaUzatlon. 9:00—Get T ogether party. Q. Why waa Ansonid so named? all farm property? The annual financial report for ■ tween the member of the Fireman's 0:00—Three Bakers, comedians. 10:00—Songsters: orchestra. casting Since 1925; Some A. From Anson G. Phelps, found­ anthropist, dies at 82. the year 1930 was read at'ali of the- band and the Ladies’ augmented or­ 9:30—An evening in Pari*. 10:30—WABC programs. Q. How many towns and bor­ Washln^on — Hoover approves masses in St. James’s Church yes­ chestra will take place in Thompkins 10:00—Lombardo’s orchestra, soprano. 12:1.5—Around the town. er of the village. oughs are there ia Conn.? Corners a t 9;30. The contest will be 10:30—Male qu artet: orchestra. Q. How many lakes are there in Red CJross campaign for $10,000,000 terday morning by Rev. Wiiliam P. radiated in all detail by the WJZ 11:00—Truesdale’s orchestra. 416.4— WGN-W LIB, CHICAGO—720. of Tonight’s Features. . to aid drought sufferers. Reidy, the pastor. The report chain. To date the townspeople have 11:15—Eeywood Broun’* column. 7:,':o—Niglil hawk.s; H'lroH Teen. the state? been unable to judge which of the 11:30—Dance orchestras. 8:00—Symphony m usic; dance. A. About 1,000 lakes covering 43,- (Answers to these questions will New York —Albert H. Wiggin, showed that there had been a siib- rarious musicians has attained the 12:30—M idnight organ melodies. 8:30—NBC program.^ (2 his i 507 acres. be published in Wednesday’s paper.) chairman of the Clhase National stantial reduction in the church greatest proficiency on his chosen In­ 464.3—W EA F. NEW YORK—660. 10:.30—Gtrls’ frin; ninslcal menu. New York, Jan. 12—(AP) —^An­ bank advocates reduction wage^ debt of about $8,000 during the year strument. The recital is to determine 6:05—L aurler dinner music. 11:10—P ianist; H ungry Five. vjio really deseiwes the laurels, and 6:30—Talk; orchestra; baritone. 11:3ft—Three dance orchesiias. other old timer In the way of radio levels to stimulate business re­ and that m addition to the regfular exeryone will be on hand to assist the 7:15—Talk. James McDonald. 344.6— W LS, CHICAGO—870. program is to pass along. covery.' nmning expenses of the year there Jiidpes In rendering a decision. 7:30—Believe It, Or Not Ripley. 8:00—Family p.arty: harmony boya Washington—^Dr. Ernest H. (Sher­ had been the additional sum of over T^chaikowsky’s "Nutcracker Suite," 8:00—N ation’* capital program . 8:30—H ayloft theater program. The latest to retire is that WJZ PYTHIANS TO UNITE one of the best examples of humor In 8:30—Gypsies male qusoTeL 9:00—O rchestra; variety. WAPPING rington, dry leader, lays incretised $500 paid for the laying of the walk music will be played by the Columbia 9:30—Family party program with or- 447.5— WMAQ-WQJ, CHICAGO—670. night feature which presents Sam alcoholic death rate to “widespread on St. James street. That was a S- niphony orchestra over WABC and chestra and male quartet. 8;00-i-WABC programs (3 hrs.) Lanin’s orchestra eitner Eis the wet propaganda;” Henry H. (Sur- much needed Improvement to the slliort statlon.s at 8 o’clock. Other 10:00—Sherlock Holmes’ adventure*. 11:00—Amos ’n’ Andy, comediana The annual meeting of the Feder­ FOR INSTALLATIONS numhers will be “Overture Mln'ature” 10:30—M arlanl’* Rhythm M akers 11:30—Dan and Sylvia. Troubadours or as the Shavers, un­ ated church was held last Thursday ran, wet - c^ef, declares 24 states church grounds. and "Danses Characteristiques." 11:00—Three dance orchestras 11:45—Concert dance music. der the name of Ipana. evening with thirty members pres­ favor repeal of dry law, predicting The report was one of the most 393.6—W JZ, NEW YORK—760. 12 more ■will swing into line in two complete given in some years and Wave lengths In meters on left of 6:15—Mormon choir; organ. 361.2—KOA. DENVER—830. The finale is set for January 19 ent Reoprts were read and ac­ Memorial and Linne Lodges To 6:45—Ixiwell Thomas, reporter. 7:00—NBC program s (4 hr.s > years. there was mqph favorable comment station title, kilocycle* on the right 12:30—KOA Koons feature hour. after having been on the air since cepted, and the following officers See Officers Seated By Da­ Times are all Eastern Standard. Black 7:00—Amo* ’n* Andy, comedians. were elected. Secretary, Walden V. Philadelphia — National Guard heard by the members of the parish face type Indicates best features. 7:15—Male trio, mandoluts 1:00—Studio musical echoi y April 1925. mon Lodge of Rockville. 7:30_Phll Cook. soDgs-comedv, 1:30—Yir Frlen’ Scotty; ai lists. Collins: treasurer, Ralph E. Collins; sergeant killed, pilot saved by para­ of the good work that h u -been ac­ Leading East Stations. 7:46—Roxy and HI* Q*ng with Hsrry 374.8— W BAP, FORT W ORTH—300. Negotiations which have as their Simday school superintendent, Mrs. chute when' plane falls into Navy complished by Rev. William P. Bruer, vibra-harp soloist. 7:30—Jlusica! program s (SV, hrs.) objective the placing of the feature, Walter N. Foster; music com ^ttee, Both local lodges of the Knights Yard. Reidy since becoming pastor of the 272.6—WPG, ATLANTIC CITY—1100. 8:30—Lanin’s orchestra: tenor, trio. 357—CMC. HAVANA—840. of Pythias, Memorial, No. 38, and Washington — Senator Davis de­ church. 8:.“"—W .\BC program s (1 hr.) 9:00—Chorus and orchestra. 7:00—Studio m uslcai program. "Raising Junior,’’ on a network, are AJlce Johnson, Ellen Foster, Doro­ P:"''—Madden’s concert orche.stra. 9:30—Real Folks program. « 9:00—Spanish musical comedy. reported to be under way. The pro­ thy Frink, Walden V. Ck)Uins, Levi Linne, No. 72, will participate in a fends himself against Nye commit­ 10:111—WABC orchestra, sololsL 10:00—R ochester Civic orcheetra. 11:00—Havana danco music. joint installation of officers with tee’s attempt to remove. 10:4,1—.'Ringing cop; orchestra. 10:30—Sketch, "Empire Builders." gram at present is going to only T. Dewey: auditors, Mrs. Ethel 299.8—w o e , WHO. IOWA—1000. WJZ. B. coiiii'n.m*. famous explorers, with Harold Mc­ man, Mrs. Lois S. Collins, Mrs. Moscow — Kalinin denounces made. There was some expectation 280.2—WTAM, CLEVELAND—1070. 260.7t-WHAM. ROCHESTER—1160. 11:15—Spanish melodies: orchestra. charges of dumping and forced 8;on—W EA F program s (3 hrs.) 6:4.'i—WJZ programs (1% hrs.) 12:00—Organ recital .tenor. Cracken giving his experiences in Twele, Miss Finis Grant, Earl today tbat this action would ease 11:00—Vaudeville artists: orchestra. 8:30—R ochester orchestra. 12:.30—WEAF dance orchestra. the Arctic, WJZ and stations at I Hayes, Walter Skinner, Mrs. Ray­ labor as propaganda by capitalist the tense situation in Congress' (12:00—M idnight melodies: orchestra. 9:00—W JZ program s (2 hrs.) 254.1— KOB, NEW MEXICO—1180. 2:30. WEEK-END PRODUCES nations. 283—WTIC, HARTFORD—1060. 11 ;00—Vaudeville artists hour. 10:00—Farm talk; orchestra. mond W, Belcher and Alfred Stone. Los Angeles—Loos and A1 Es­ where for a week members have 7:30—Concert, pilots’ program . 379.6— WGY, SCHENECTADY—790. 10:30—Play; courtesy program. Music in the Air, a new series The supper Is to be ready at half clamored for and s^alnst a $16,(X)0,- 8 :00—Old Time Singing School. 11:45—M arkets, tim e, farm program s. 12:00—Feature musical program. presenting Percy Grainger as pian­ past six, which will be followed by ONE MINOR ACCIDENT pinosa lead golf tourney with 139 000 appropriation for food loaas S "o—W E.4F program s hrs.) 6:15—Dinner dance music. / 379.6— KGO. OAKLAND—790. ist, WJZ and stations. for 36 holes. 30 to—Connecticut Hillbillies hour. 7:00—Municipal talk: melodists^ 12:30—Miniature biography. an entertainmeiA, and the commit­ Miami, Fla. —Win Day, 15 year to drought sufferersw ;ll "'o—Merry madcaps, Hawallans. 7:00—W EA F program s (% hr.) 1:15—Halsteads’ dance orchestra. Talk by Florence Thom, on tee will be Rev. Harry B. Miner, 11 ;30—Theater organ recital. 8:00—^Agricultural program. old sensation, wins golf tourney in A new move to dispose of 270.1— WRVA. RICHMOND—1110. "American Women Face Employ­ Levi T. Dewey and Mrs. Alice John­ Police Not Given Much Trou­ controversy was planned at the out­ 42?,3—yvOR. NEWARK—710. 8:30—WEAF programs dt4 hrs.) 8:30—Dance orchestra: songs. ment Problem-Labor” WEAF and four extra holes. 7:l.'i—Musical doctors; quartet. 10:00—Cathedral echoes: rhythm hour. 9:^0—Concert: WJZ musicale. son. ble By Auto Violations— Jefferson'^lle, Ind.—Ingraham an­ set of today’s session of «the House 7:tS—Songs, comedy; enchanter*. 11:00—Debate, Union College vs. Bos* 10:30—Dixie Spiritual Singers. stations at 4. Harry P. Files, Sr., of Boston, 9:00—Weber and Fields, team. ton University. 11:00—Richmond dance orchestra. Small Crash At Center. nounces resignation as Navy' foot­ through offer of a special rule to 9:15—O rgan; orchestra. 11:30—Orgran'st; dance orchestra. Mass., spent the week-end at his ball coach to take undisclosed post. consider sending to conference the Secondary Eastern Stations Secondary DX Statiora. home here. Boston.—Nkieteen J^ersons killed drought loan app'ropriation biU. 344.6—W ENR. CHICAGO—370. The South Windsor Parent- No automobile law violations 608.2—W EEI, BOSTON—590. 6:40—Qiiestion box; orchestra PASTOR KILLS SELF came to the attention of ' the police in automobile accidents in Massa- This carries $45,000,000 for spring 7;00—Vocal solos, orchestra. 7:40—French composers’ corner. 7:00—Ensemble; farm program. Teacher Association held a meeting crop planting; the Senate attachied 9:30—Memories: family sketch, during the week end and only one •ebusetts last week, «7:2n—O’Leaty’s Irish minstrel*. 526—WNYC, NEW YORK—6/0. last Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Anna i Fall River, Mass.—Stephen V. the $150,000,000 for food suid four 8 ;'iii_ w e a F program s (2 hrs.) 7:15-Museum lecture. . mlisn—?(titslc medley; comedians. Sutton Mixter spoke. Her subject accident, of a minor nature, was re­ 9: "'—N’ight court program. 7:35—Alp college lecfcre*. • 12:15—.Air vaudeville orchestras to 2:0f IN ROOMING HOUSE i Carroll, 51, assistant agent of the times the Republican leaders have . 545.1—WKRC, CINCINNATI-6eO. 8:15—Historical talk. "Dentistry.’ 374.8—WFAA. DALLAS—800. was “Thirty Minute Dinners.” Mrs. ported. Had it not been for a con­ tinued case that was scheduled to j Soldiers and Sailors Relief Bureau failed to get unanimous consent tar 31 nil—.'^lumber music hour. 434.5—CNRO. OTTAWA—690. , 9:3P—Sludio artists Ijour. R. H. King was the hostess. calling a conference to take out this 12 no_irotir dance orchestras, 6:80—Girls and boys corner. 10:00—Cline's dance oichestra. Martin Ankstoles of Station 52 come before the police court this jof Fall River, arrested charged with 7:nn_Conrert orchestra, soloa New York, Jan. 12— (AP) —The item. Today’s procedure would put 215.7—W HK, CLEVELAND—1390. 12:110—Feature dance orchestra. Rev. Dr. William T. Reynolds, cen­ at East Windsor Hill died last Sun­ morning there would have been no I larceny from the city. 7:30—WABC program s (4 hrs.) 7:03—Dance orchestra. 491.6—WDAF. KANSAS CITY—610. Central Falls, R. I.—Mrs. Hector it through with only two tbirria ma­ 11:30—Two dance orchestras. 434.S-CKQW, TORONTO—690. 7:00—NBC program s (2V4 hr*.) ter of a recent slander suit against day at the Hartford hospital. He police court. jority. 325.9—W W J, DETROIT—920. O:!.’)—WJZ programs (U hr.) 9:9n_SUngln’ Mountaineers. Mrs. Margaret Du Pont Lee in was 42 years old. He leaves a wife, The one accident reported took Casavant and six children overcome 6:45—Studio musical program. 6:30—S tt^ lo dinner music. 10:45—O rchestra; comedy team . by gas from a furnace. 291.3—CFCF, MONTREAL—1030. 7:C0—WJZ programs (2 hrs.) Washington, D. C., committeed sui­ Mrs. 'Margaret Ankstoles, two place at the Center ac.9;30 Satur­ 8;r.n—Concert, studio recital. 9:00—Music shop: real folks. 11:30—Late dance orchestra. Manchester, N. H.—James F. Cav- 440.9— KPO. SAN FRANCISCO—680. cide yesterday by slashing his daughters, Helen and Rose, and four day evening when a Nash car own­ 9:00—^Telody M ike's m usic hour. 10:00—Jo v eastera: dance music. throat in a rooming house to which sons, John. Stanley. Joseph and Al- ed by Mark Holmes and being I anaugh, 757 widely known New Eng- 9:1 0—Drama; dance orchestra. 3iS.g_WRC, WASHINQTON-96a 11:00—Studio dance onfio.sTba. lland horse dealer, dies. LANDSLIDE K IL U 175 272.6—W LW L. NEW YORK—1100. 6:80—Studio musical program . 12:00—Variety program artlsls. he had come ■without funds. bin. The funeral was held at 8:15 driven by Harold Wilson of Wood- 6:00—Soprano, orchestra, tenor. 7:30—NBC entertainments. 12:30—NBC dance orchestra. Papers in his room disclosed that Tuesday morning at hls*’home, and bridge street was heading south as ' Manchester, N. H.—Dr. Emdon- he formerly was pastor of Grace at Holy Trinity church at nine a Essex car o'wned by William J. Fritz, 76, practicing physician for Episcopal church in Washington and o’clock with a requiem high mass. Kelley of South Coventry and driven 38 years and a native of Bridge­ Guayaquil, Ecuador, Jah. .12.— 8:00—Colt Shoe Time. 11:00—Bulova time; (Champion town, N. S., dies. (AP.)—Resc\je operations at the 8t00—New World Symphony Or­ Weatherman: temperature (B) held pastorates in Chicago, Phila­ Burial was in Mt. St. Benedict ceme­ by John T. Kelley of the same place WTIC PROGRAMS delphia and Providence, R. I. Other tery. clipped each other when rounding Gharlotteto'wn, P. E. I.—Prince site of a landslide which Saturday chestra playing Tschaikowsky’s 11:04—McEnelly’s Orchestra-Good showed he recently had been Edward Island trainsportatlon facili­ covered a half mile of railrot^d track Travelers Broadcasting Service "Nutcracker Suite.” (CBS) Evening, Only a Midnight Adven-1 anowea ne rec^uy naa Men The pulpit of the First Congrega­ the silent policeman at the Center. tional church of East Windsor, The car owned bj? Mr. Holmes had ties tied up by 16-inch sno^all. near Huigra, on - : Guayaquil Hartford, Conn. 8:15—Barbasol program; Adelyn ture. If Vd Listened to You, On a i ^ New Haven, Conn.—Professor Quin to line, were speeded tod^, Night Like This, We’re Friends | which h£is recently been vacated by a Isu running board broken and 60,000 W.. 1000 EL C.. 282.8 M. Hood and Vernon Dalhart, voca' In the Washington suit, Mrs Rev. W: W. EJvans, will be supplied also a bent left mudguard while the EduaVd Sapir of t£e University of but with almost no hope that any duet, male quartet and orchestra. Again, Laughing at Ufe. She’s Wa^ngton suit. Goreeous Thine When Kentucky' ®*“® ®^®^ ^® by Rev. Daniel Kennedy of Suffield, damage lo the Kelley car w is a Chicago, appointed Sterling profes­ of the 175 men known to have been (CBS) EWs^S^Woidd^Good ^ on the jround that the on Sunday. smashed bumper. Mr. Kelley assum­ sor of anthropology and linguistics bulled would be found alive. 8:8p—Scott Furriers present Ara­ at Yale. Monday, January 12, 1981 On a Mountain, Uklele Moon, • of Mr. and Mrs. Michael. McGrath ed the responsibility for the acci­ The railroad company says that besque, Desert Play. (CBS) are on a twelve day trip to Ber- dent and no arrests were made. Groton, Conn.—Charles Malley, 52, four weeks will be. needed to clear B. S. T. 9:00—The Three Bakers; Russell Charming, Am I Your Once in a ^®J “I. 7:00 p. m.—"The Community Nurse” While’? (Ot toxicated. Mrs. Ford was awarded muaa. They are expected nome on of Hartford, arrested on charge of the tracks, apd re-establish train I Pratt, Ransom Sherman, Joe Ru- ■ $4,000 damages but the case was Saturday. fraud in connection with alleged scJvice over the line, which con­ —Charlotte Eaton, Visiting Nurse I dolph. (CBS) 12:00—Bulova time (B) Association, auspices Hartford appealed. Dr. Reynolds also sued 2,000 OPIUM DENS promises to, owners of Page and nects Guayaquil and the National I 9:30—The Imperlad Quartet in Pro- Mrs. Lee for defamation in 1928 but Shaw stock. capital and is practically the only Medical Society. • gram of Spirituals. 7:08—Weather. I withdrew the action. West Springfield, Mass.-^Harry C. important railroad in the republic. 7:15-r-Radio and Television Institute 110:00—Sessions Clock Time, HINDENBURG’S MAIL MAJORS CELEBRATE Hankow—(AP)—It is estimated Robinson of New Bedfbrd named The workmen had been sent to j 10:00—Robert Bums Pinatela Pro- that there are more than 2,000 treasurer and secretary of West the scene of an earlier slide, before Program. opium smoking lens in this city, 7:30—Travelers Bank and Trust II gram: Guy Lombardo’s Orches­ CHRISTIAN SOCIALISTS Springfield Trust Company, which is midnight Friday but due to pea\y tra; Male Quartet sind "Lady in SUCCESSFUL SEASON all of them flourishing. 'reopening after being closed since rain had been unable fb start. to Concert with The Travelers | Berlin— (AP) —President Paul von I The dens are under supervishan of Pilot. I the Smoke.” (CBS) [December 11. work until about 5 a. m. They had 10:30—Weather Report. Hindenburg’s mail runs to 100,000 i London, Jan. 12.—(AP.)—A num­ the municipal government of Han­ ! Williamstown, Mass.—Five ctises 8:00—Seth Parker’s Old Fashioned 1 ber of Labor members of Parlia­ Banquet Held At Country Club barely been able to put a jpick to Singing School. i 10:30—The Columbians: Brad Rey­ letters a year. kow and the monthly revenue .to the of smallpox in two local families re­ their task when earth and stones, nolds and Larry Murphy, tenors; ment headed by George Lansbu^, Saturday Night — Attorney City Council runs as high as $3,000,- ported by state and town health came tumbling about t h ^ from the 8:30—The Gypsies—NBC. . Missives of all sorts, from beg­ former commissioner of works to 9;30_General Motors Family Party Evan Evans, baritone; Lon Mc­ ging letters to^schemes for "saving Shea Speaker. 000 (silver). This sum represents I officials. sides of the cut. C Adams, bass; orchestra directed the present government and several the greater share of the city’s in­ I Providence, R. I.—Robert Barton, —NBC. the Fatherland” are dally laid on the ministers of religion, have launch- 10:00—Phllco Symphony Orchestra. by Freddie Rich. presidential defek, after careful sift­ The Majors focffball team cele­ come and for tbat reason more than 12, rescues two girls and a boy com­ 10:30—Hank Keene and his Connec­ 11:00—Musical Aviators Orchestra ing by the secretariat Tnt a'nantoi ■ ^ British political organization to brated their succes,oful football sea­ any other, attempts of the reform­ panion from drotvnlng while direction Tom Truesdale. ((JBS) P he known as the "Christian Socialist son with a victory dinner In the ers to close the dens have met with skating. FALL KILLS FUER ticut Hillbillies. cases grants are made. strenuous opposition. 11:00—Nesvs; Weather. 11:15—Columbia’s Radio Colum.n, Ample proof of the nation-wide Crusade.” Country (Tlub Saturday night. There I Fall River, Mass. — Body of Heywood Broun. (CBS) The movement ,was Inaugurated were eighty-two present. A roast * A syndicate which maintains 48 George E. Landry, clad in diving 11:05—The Merry 'Madcaps—Nor­ veneration in which the 83-year-old . . large opium smoking resorts in Han­ man Cloutier, director; with Ilima 11:30 to Midn.—Fletcher Henderson president is held, is furnished b y! Friday when a manifesto was beef dinner was served by Thomas suit, found on beach at Sakonnet Philadelphia, Jan. 12.—(AP)-^ issued saying among other things Conran after which President Wil­ kow has applied to the city council , Point. Islanders. and His Orchestra. (CBS) thousands of letters in which the | for a monopoly. Failing to heed the warning of the 11:30—Strand Melodies — Waiter writers have nothing special to say I "the Christian faith must expre.ss j liam Quish called che gathering to ! Hartford, Conn.—Hartford police pilot to leap 'With a paraqhute from ! itsc.lf in an appropriate social order order and after a few remarks in­ Small dens have organized a pro­ Seifert, organist. IV’BZ—WBZ.\ except th^t they look up to him as tective association and are engaged .and Federal narcotic agents seize a falling cdrplane of the Peimsjd- 12:00 Midn.—Silent. a true “Father of the Fatherland.” and the main proposals gathered I troduced J. Leo Fay as the toast­ $10,000 worth of narcotics in one of vania National Guard, Sergeant Gazy Monday, January 12, 1981 I under the name of Socialism are es- j master of the evening. Mr. Fay in in conducting war against the syn­ E. S. T. From American children come dicate. the largest raids in Connecticut in I^d C. Brantley was k il^ yestin- Keene’s Connecticut Hillbillies -seutial to economic expression of turn called upon George Moonan, ten years. 4:00 p. m.—Music, Lovers—Eunice numerous postal messages that In the meantime, the national gov­ day vdien the plane crsuihed 2,6()0 .\chieve Cherished Goal make the president smile, one read:' gospel of Jesus Christ.” the coach of the team; Bruno Watertown, Conn.—Paul Hugo feet into the back channel at the Babcock Truesdale, soprano. Can- all Moske, captain; Peter Vendrillo, ernment continues to wage relent­ Hank Keene and nis Connecticut zonetta, Herbert; Gardep of Your "I have just been reading about you i Lousbury, who holds that Prentzel, musician, dies. , Philadelphia Na'vy Yau’d. Killbniies. heard eacB Monday night Christiana ought to be Socialists who was .termed the “scout” and J. less war on the drug dealers of Heart, Dorel; Mignonette, “Suite in the newspapers, and I must say Shanghai. Seizures on the Yangtse The pilot. Lieutenant Albert H. from Station WTIC at 10:30 o’clock, that you are all right!” and that all Socialists ought to be E. Rand, the treasurer. Hanta Maria, jumped from, a of Four Selected Pieces,” Friml; Mr. Rand told the gathering that river below Hankow are becoming have hit the bull’s eye that is the Romance, Still Wle die Nacht, Mere requests for autographs are Christians, in an inaugured speech BANKER DIES height of about 1,000 feet a ^ r ef­ aim of every radio performer—spe­ which was largely a statement of Eill bills had Been paid and that the daily occurrences while few coastal Chanson Provencale. dell’ Acqua; consigiJed at once to the waste paper or river ships are able to enter the forts to righbthe crippled plane had cifically, they have received 1,000 ap­ basket. famOiar Socialist doctrine asserted club was free from debt. The errors Dijon, France, Jan 12.—(AP)— failed and uninjured. IBs {Mun- In a Chinese Temple Garden, Ket- that migh,t have been made in the port of Shanghai without being Louis Casimir de Coppet, New York preciative letters in response to one elby; Turkish March, Beethoven i that commercialism rapidly was de­ searched. chute caught in the steel framework broadcast. (B) stroying civilization, which was on past season would serve as a guide banker and member of the firm of of a gigantic__ Navy Yard crame 200 Although Hank and his colleagues the verge of a cataclysm. for the coming season and he ad­ 4:30—Air (Dastle (B) ' “It’s the same old stories,” said Company, died here* feet above the water and he re- now reside in the rural birthplace of 4:50—State House Safety (B) SEEK FALLEN PLANE Society, he said, ought to be re­ vised getting a, team together early yesterday unexpectedly at the age TOaiined dangling in the air several Kathan Hale in the Connecticut in the season and keeping the num­ the architect as he laid out plans of 59.' Burial •will take place in the 4:55—World Bookman (B) organized to remove poverty, which for another apartment house. minutes imU rescued by seamien- hills, they are far from rustics in 5:00—Maltine Program (NY) was' a crime against God. ber to not over twenty-five men. United States reality. Hank made his radio debut 5:30—Stock Exchange quotations— Gloversville, N. Y., Jan. 12.— Attorney William J. Shea was in- at the age of 11 at WCK in St. Tifft Brothers (S) (AP.)—A band of snow-shoers pre­ ttoduced as the last speaker of the Although an Accident Put Me in Louis. Although his parents, who 5:45—Agricultural Markets (B) pared today to search the forest CANTEENS FOR STRIKERS evening and took for his subject Bed it Didn’t Put Me Out of Bnsi- RADIO SERVICE comprise part of the Hillbilly troche, 6:00—Time; Champion Weatherman covered hillsides north of here for “Sport”. He gave an exceptionally ness! BRING ON YOUR WM. H / PRENTICE, JR. on all makes. t were vaudeville headliners for al- (B) an airplane which was reported to interesting talk and admonished RADIO SERVICE Cardiff, Wales, Jan. 12.—(AP.)— RADIO TROUBLES r.icst 20 years. Hank was not reared 6:03—Statler Organ (B) have cra.shed in a tail-spin yester­ the men that “dirty work” was not I am all prepared to tackle them NEW SETS AND New Sets and StanArd backstage. He attended the Uni­ 6:30—Tom Clines’ Statler Orchestra day. Relief canteens are beginning to a part of sport but to the man that again. ACCESSORIES Aooeeeories versity of Kentucky and Tufts Col­ (B) The identity of the plane was not dot the .Welsh valleys where the played hard and clean went the ATWATER KENT SPECIALIST lege. His post-campus activities 6:44—Temperature (B) ascertained. Airports along the Mo­ weekly pay envelopes of 150,000 glory, be it in the backfleld or on M. E. W ORSAA PHONE 3452 have included appearances in Jan miners now have been missing on the line in a tackle or in the carry­ WM. E. KRAH f:45—Topics in Brief — Lowell hawk Valley from Albany to Syra­ 83 Center Street Phone 5277 869 Tolland Tomplkei. Phone STBS Garber s dance band; a vaudeville Thomas (NY) cuse and westward reported all two pay-days because of the coal ing of the ball. tour; the composition of muaical 7.00—Bulova time; Amos ’n’ Andy planes within their jurisdiction were strike. numhers for the stage, Including sev- (B-NY) 'There has been a flood of applica­ eral for Carroll’s “Flashes of i _ accounted for. ;15—Tastyeast Jesters (NY) Police were told, a plane fiying at tions for assistance from women Life”; and his broadcasts from thfijY.gQ—pjjii Cook, the Quaker Man and children and famllfea In dis­ BLIZZARD KILLS 30 Connecticut station. an altitude of about 4,000 feet went (NY) into h, tailspin and fell. The section tress. No adequate funds are avail­ 1 7:45—Jolly Time RSvue (B) is densely wooded and sparcely set­ able to aid the men during the Tokyo, Jan. 12.—(AP) — The New Webster’s CoUege, Hbme and Office ?:00—LeBoeuf Sketchbook (S) tled. strike and unless decisions in th e' death toll in the blizzard which pending test cases differ from pre-1 225—WDRC’ 8;15—McAleer Melodists (B) swept a large section of the Far : 8:30—Ingram Shavers —- Embrace- cedent they will not be grsmted a East during the week-end was esti­ Dictionary Giupon Hartford—1330 ! able You, If You Haven’t C5ot a TOURISTS BOBBED ^ dole. mated to have left at least 30 dead. Girl, Overnight, You’re Driving It is the men’s contention that The Japanese casualties included Me Crazy, Tom Thumb and Tiny Mexico City, Jan. 12.—(AP) they are entitled to this recom­ 20 fiabermen whose boats were You can secure this wonderful book of knowledge Program for Monday, January 12 Tena, Red Wing, Silver Bell, Pony When Pedro Castro Morales, 24, at­ pense on the ground that the mine swamped off Somi^un Fukushlma which contains complete Radio and Wireless edition by P. M. Boy, Selections, Three’s a Crowd,’ tempted to sell an expensive'camera owmers are attempting to keep them prefecture. In the region of Moji six clipping coupon and bring or send it to the Manchester 4:15—U. S. Army Band. (CBS) Where Have You Been? You’re in Mexico City he was arrested as at work on Illegal terms. j were reported frozen to death. Sev- Lucky to Me, Blue Again, Cheer­ one of the bandits who have been Shopkeepers met over the week- eral women were killed by collaps- Evening Herald Business Office with 98c in cash and this 4:30—Wardman Park Hotel Or­ New Webster College* Home and Office dictionary is chestra. (CBS) ful Little Earful, Under the Spell holding up tourists ascending the end and decided that owing to the ing houses in Echigo province. 5:00—Gypsy Music Makers, direc­ of Your Kiss, Sweet Jennie Lee volcano Popocatepetl and Ixtacci- precarious conditions it would be More than 1,000 houses were un­ yours. ’ tion Emery Deutsch. (CBS) (NY) huati. Police investigated the owner­ impossible for them to extend over roofed and 1,300 telegraph poles / ■ ' 9:00—^Bulova time (B) ship of the camera and found it be­ a week’s credit for supplies. were uprooted by the storm. • N / 5:30—The Bachelors. 9:01—Maytag Orchestra—Poet and Name .... •...... 5:45—The Gamholeers,'Dance Band. longed to Ricardo F. Miranda, who A sixty mile gale derailed a train Peasant Overture, Suppe; Drink said it had ben taken from him Dec. WHOLESALE ACCIDENTS on the CJoshoagara Mne in northern (Shepard) to Me Only with ’Thine Eyes, Es- 6:00—Salute to Advertising. (Shep­ 7 by a gang of three men equipped Japan and blew one coach over a A ddress...... ’ pana, Chabrier; The Beautiful with rifles and shot gims who way­ Vienna, Jan. 12.—(AP>— One cliff. There were nq casualties. ’ ard) Blue Danube, Strauss; Second laid his party on Ixtaccihuatl and himdreid and twenty men and wo­ Reports from Tientsin, (jhlna, said • * ■ ' . f *v 6:30—The Sjmeopators. Hungarian Rhapsody, Liszt; Three stole all their valuables. men skiers broke legs, arms, ankles three Japanese steamers were ice- If ordered by,mail add 12c extra for postage and padking 6:45—Tony’s Scrap Book. (CBS) Solitaires, Herbert; Italian Ca­ or fingers Sunday in the i/icinlty of boimd in the Paino river, 7:00—Current Events, H. V. Halten- price, Tschaikowsky (NY) ■Vienna and at times the courtyard born. (CBS) 9:30—“Real Folks” (NY) MISPLACED of an emergency hospital here re­ HOME, SWEET HOME ^ MAIL OR BRING/TO BUSINESiLOFPlCE'^ 7:15—World Bookman. 10:00—Stromberg-Carlson Program sembled in some ways a first aid Be sure to add Postage to mail ord'^rs. 7:20—Stock (Quotations. —Overture, “Fra Diavolo,” Auber; SECOND: Cheer up, Ted, ’e ain’t station back of a battle Hne. Him- SMITH: And do the people next 7:80—Evangeline Adams, Astrolo­ Piedmontese, Sinigaglla; En Ba- aiiy good. All he knows about box­ dreds of other injuries were report­ door borrow much from you? ger. (CBS) dinant, d’Ambrosio; Symphonic ing ’e could get iii ’is eye. ed throughout Austria. JONES: Borrow? Why, I feel 7:45'—“(Connecticut Heroes of the Poem, “L^ Jeunesse d’Hercule,” BOXER: Yus, I know, but ’e An ice crust forming over the more at home in their house than Manchester Evemng Herald World War,” presented by The Saint-Saens (NY) keeps putting it in mine Instead.— •mowflelds accoimted for the extra- in my own.—^Birmingham, Elngland, Hartford CouranL 10:30—Empire BuUdera (NY) Passing Show. ordinaiy number of aeddenta Post.

. ? t - ' ■■*'1' ' f .MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. SOUTH MANCHESTER. CONN« MONDAY, JANUARY |2 , 1931. PAG^ SEVEN AMERICAN FLIER ROCKVILLE Revolt In Panama *In The Wind* For Months; BUCKINGHAM LOCAL COUPLE MARRIED IS FREED BY PERU Rev. Henry A. Fast began his IN NEW YORK SATURDAY' / Forecast Pramp ted By Night Street Marchers duties as pastor of the Buckingham Special Meeting Tonight Congregational church on January A special meeting of the City 4. Mr. Fast ^ d his family moved Harry Kanehl and Miss Sophia Council will be held in the Council into the Buckidgham parsonage Naval Officer Arrives In New Chamber this evening for the pur­ January l. Rev. and Mrs. Fast have - Sodeska Wed At Little pose of selecting fifty jurors for the three little girls. Mr. Fast is taking Church Around the Corner. .City Court. This meeting is called a course of study at the Hartford York and Says He Was to conform with the requirements of Theological Seminary. (Special to the Herald) the City Charter. As the judge of New York, Jan. 10 — Harry Well Treated. the court disposes of most cases, the Kanehi, 25, of 189 Center Street, services of a jury are not needed South Manchester, Conn., and Misa frequently ind the selection of such HOLLYWOOD CREATES Sophia R. Sodeska, 24, of 140 a body is but a matter of form. Cooper street, South Manchester, New York, Jan. 12.—(AP.) — Remembered On Birthday STYLES FOR WOMEN were granted a license to marry at Harold Grow, U. S. Naval reserve Frederick Chapman, ' for many the Municipal Building here today. aviator who was inspector genera) years superintendent of the United They will be manied today at the of the Peruvian Air Service before States Envelope Company, was Hollywood, Cal., Jan. 12.— (AP) — Little Church Around the Comer, the revolution which deposed Presi­ kindly remembered by the overseers Motion picture fans sat for an hour 1 East 29th street, New York, by dent Augusto Leguia, arrived on the and officials of the Company on 'Sat­ recently watching a film showing the Rev. Randolph Ray, rector. liner Santa Maria today with “no urday, this being the occasion of his pretty actresses wearing beautiful The bridegroom is the son of Karl bitterness in my heart against the sixty-fifth birthday. During the clothes. J. and Anna Kanehb, and was bom present government of Peru." morning he was surprised to find a The suits and gowr.s worn by. in Waterbury, Conn. Miss Sodeska At the outbreak of the recent rev­ large basket containing sixty-five actors and actresses in screen plays who is the daughter of John’ and olution Grow was arrested by beautiful carnations on his desk, must be correct. All the clotted Anna Sodeska, was bom in Pitts­ the rebels, who charged he intended 'rhe gift was greatly appreciated. and some of the half-clothed world- burgh, Pa. to bomb the city of Arequipa. Tak­ On Sunday a family gathering was sees them. en to Lima, he was released on held at the home of Mr. Chapman, Hollywood and Los Angeles saw EXPLOSION AND FIRE promise that he would not leave the in his honor at which time a dinner an opportunity months ago to com­ city. was served Among the out of town pete with Paris in creating styles. Bridgeport, Jan. 12.--(AP.)—Fire After a long court martial he was guests were Mr. and Mrs. Elmer They have been creating styles and officials today were "investigating cleared of the charges and the new Chapman of Hartford. are giving Psiris lively competition. the origin of the explosion and fire government bought up his contract .Annual Meeting Beginning today upwards of 6,000 which late yesterday caused $300 which had a year to run, paying his The annual meeting of the Rock­ buyers from all over the United damage to the garage in the rear of salary in full and paying transpor ville Visiting Nurse Association wall States will be entertained here for a 377 Kent avenue and slight damage tation back to the United States for ' be held on Wednesday evening of week. They will see the actresses to three neighboring houses. himself and his wife. next week instead of Tuesday night ^wearing the beautiful clothes their The blaze was brought under con­ Well Treated previously planned. The meet- customers saw on the screen. trol within 12 minutes after the “I was treated with courtesy and j '^'bl be held in the Visiting Los Angeles, of which Hollywood alarm w'as turned in. respect by tire new government ' Nurse rooms in the Prescott block, is a part, is now the third city in heads,” said Grow. I annual reports will be read and the United States in -the manufac­ He sdld he “felt like a son" of for- j opcers for the ensuing year will be ture of wearing apparel. [Ore throats mer President Leguia and hoped the ®^®cted. , „ . $ Quickly rdieved deposed official would not die in | Oottheb C. Kloter view of Panama City contains the general section m which revolutionary activities occurred The^lnan at the left Just when the brush came into by rubbing on prison. j Gottlieb C. Kloter, 73, of 97 High sho«s Panama in its position between Central and South America; that at the right shows P a n a S Oty in r e l S to the c S lin e existence is not definitely known, Grow was in Peru four years. He ! p^eet, died late Friday night at his but with this writing instrument had no intimate plans for the fu-1 borne. He has been in failing Panama City, R. P.—4AP)—Late o ■ . ... I the great Chinese philosopher Con­ ' health the past year, but w-as able one night three months ago a as it was predicted. | be a Pan-Amaflcaii,highway from fucius wrote his marvelous philoso­ ture, but intended to continue in Icng dry season. So Panama is a phy. , O VEF^ MILLION JARS USED YEARLY aviation. to be about his home. He was the limousine, bearing a group of Amer- re^ons are rooted deeply and CAnada to Argentine., » “Banana Republic,” and the close His arrest occurred when he last of a family of eighteen children. leans back to their hotel from a somewhat vaguely in Panama’s I There isn’t much traffic on the to two million dollars worth of brought his plane down in a sub­ Mr. Kloter was bom in Langnau, day’s motoring, swung around a cor­ commercial life. | road, since the villages it links have bananas ,t exports are worth more urb of Arequipa to get gasoline. He , Zurich,..og- Switzerland,, „ February ----- 26 ner into a dark street' near Panama There lave been charges that Dr.: little commerce or common inter- than all its other products com­ City’s sea will and all but ran down .\rosemena was administering the est, but Panama is proud of it. Most bined. said he intended to drop pamphlets P ^ b i s country when Republic’s financial affairs care­ with a message from Leguia^ ^ over la young man, retummg to his 8 group of young men, marching of the national debt was incurred But in Panama City itself there native home for a few weeks at Lo the street. v. lessly, that tax remissions were ir building it. IS life and music and beauty. the city. made to favored interests, that the SPECIAL OFFER which time he was married. After They stattered, throwing away Some scores of road workers are Facing marble tiled public squares a few years in Rockville Mr. Kloter •national debt of $16,000,000 (incur­ employed in its maintainance, and “” Plate—made of lifeUke teeth with gold pins, the sticks which they were using red largely in the last five years) with their inevitable bandstands in imported English rubber. and his wife went to Ohio, where as rifles, as the car lights fell upon dozens more of police patrol it. the center are churOhes, palaces and POUCE COMMISSIONERS they resided for about twenty years. was too 'arge for a country whose The police also patrol the prin­ public buildings. them. But the host, an American chief revenue is the $250,000 the A $40.00 SET FOR $20.00 The couple returned to Rockville in resident of Panama looked back cipal cities of the Republic—Pan­ The presidential palace of white 1903. I'nited States pays tc it yearly in ama City and Cristobal, at opposite marble, filling the space inside a curiously ana said, at last: rental for the Panama Canal Zone. STUDY EQUIPMENT HERE Mr. Kloter was a carpenter by “There’ll be a revolution here-one ends of the Canal. They are the high iron fence, is guarded by sol­ Special Extra Special trade and followed that profession “The pubilc won’t get very ex­ Republic’s Standing army, of these days. It will be quiet. A diers who stand solemnly about the Red Rubber for many years, building many of cited,” the forecaster of revolution Panama agreed with, the United great pool under the rotimda. Natural Want Local Department To Be the homes in Rockville and vicinity. group of s u b s t ^ “Nobody bothers much States years ago to maintain no Gum Set. Ready To Handle Any Situa­ He was a member of the Christian to the Presidents palace some about voting here unless he’s a po­ other, but to call on United States The ground floor of the palace Plate morning and' tell President Arose- houses the Republic’s national tions That May Arise. Apostolic Church, which he attend­ liceman or a road worker. troops if t needed military aid. ed every Simday. Mr. and Mrs. mena he’s through. They’ll put in The police and chc road workers bank; the upper floors are the home a new President, and if what I hear Save where the road runs, $ 17.50 Kloter celebrated their fiftieth wed­ are Panama’s chief group of pub- through jungle and then over a and offices of the President. $10.00 A meeting of the Manchester is true it may be Dr. Harmodio Hard oy is the national thea^ter, Per Set police commissioners held Saturday ding anniversary last summer. Arias. lic servants, and the national road ' plateau, Panama is largely wilder- He leaves his wife, Emma (Reu- IS the Republic’s principal public which for several months a year afternoon took up several matters in ness. Its southern interior has no is the meeting place of the one- relation to the police department ber) Kloter, three sons Aaron, “He’s a lawyer here—only 44, well V . ork. < roads, and no railroads but the Moses and Barclay Kloter, and educated and trusted He’s a full- It runs from the Canal Zone “Banana Linfs” maintained by house national assembly, and which Special Offer end listened to suggestions by Chief blooded Panamanian who went to now and then gives hospice to some S. G. Gordon as to the need and three daughters, Mrs. EJdward Tom­ northward for 200 miles along the fruit companies. Its northern in­ linson, Mrs. Edwin Davis and Miss EJngland as a boy and worked his Pacific slope of the Isthmus, link­ terior, once one leaves the national foreign grand opera troupe, paus­ $ 2 S ° o uses of the present equipment and i owm way through an English uni- ing on its way to South America. NATUREBYTE TEETH Set the necessity of proposed additions. Miriam Kloter, all of this city. ing half a dozen interior towms with road, is equallv unconquetod. The funeral of Mr. Kloter was | ' ®^slty, Everybody thinks well of the Canal and Panama City. It is Cattle can’t be raised on range Within a few square blocks the 'These teeth are designed espetdally for discriminating peo­ The meeting was called chiefly at city Is concentrated. Leading away ple, that appreciate value, appearance £nd quality. WE USE the request of Chief of Police Sam­ held from his late home this after- blm. . . . • a link in what road enthusiasts of lands because of wood ticks. Farm­ noon at 2 o’clock and from the j revolution ha{)pened Janu- two continents hope will some day ing is impractical because of the toward the Canal Zone and govern­ THE NATUREBYTE system, which enables us, to select the uel G. Gordon who reported to the ment buildings is the Avenue Cen­ mould best adapted to the contour of your face, and the shade board of the courage shown by Christian Apostolic Church on | ______Orchard streel at 2:30. Rev. Harvey tral, Panama City’s shopping street, that blends with your complexion. Officer Joseph Prentice in his arrest studded \vith Oriental bazaars and of the alleged hi-jacker and rum- Birkler of New York and " Rev.^ steps on Brooklyn street. He was Einsiedel of New Haven, formerly Christian Gerber of this city of­ fined $17.18 including costs. of this city, and a meml3er of the cabarets. « ninner captured by him and two ficiated. Burial was in Grove Hill tiIRL WRENCHES KNEE Panama is not a country of rev­ members of the State Police depart­ Talks At Meeting rsfociation, will prompt for the old Examination cemetery. The floral tributes were Miss Eunice Sproat, a teacher at fashioned dance numbers. The olution, thanks perhaps to United ment last week. Chief Gordon ex­ numerous and beautiful. States influence. It has not had DR. C. W. KING Free p ir e d to the board that he felt the Rockville High School, was the Committee in charge of arrange­ IN SKITING MISHAP 306 MAIN STREET, HARTFORD Kiowa Council Installation speaker at the meeting of the ments includes Herbert Wormstedt, a serious uprising, until this one, that when a police officer had per­ Friday evening was a banner slrce it declared itself Independent Dental Nurse in .Attendance Tel. 6-3100 formed a duty that required nerve Young People’s C. E. Society of John H. Yost, A. P. Neumann, Fred Open Every Evening night for Kiowa Council, Degree of Union Church on Sunday evening at Yost, Max Schmidt, Herman of Columbia almost three decades and courage that such action should Pocahontas, with nearly one hun­ Pearl Stephen^, I2-year-old ago. be recognized by the board and that 6 o’clock. She had as her subject Zschirpe and Otto Lehrmitt. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. A. dred members in attendance at the “My Idea of What, a Young Man Notes the man should be commended for meeting. Mrs. Annie Mannee, de­ Stephens of Greenhill street, suf­ his good work. Should Be.” The address was most Members of Union Church are re­ fered a badly, wrenched knee in a puty great Pocahontas and her staff interesting and there was a goodly Manchester covers a large terri­ of Hartford were present to install minded that a box of clothing will skating accident at Center Springs tory and protection is given to the number of the young people present. be sent to Pleasant * Hill Academy, Pond yesterday afternoon and will the newly elected officers. The Stephen Von Eum is president of outskirts by police traveling by meeting was called to order by the Saturday, January 24. probably be out of school for a week automobile or motorcycle. A plan the society. or more. She Is in the eighth grade retiring Pocahontas, Mrs. Nellie To Present Play The flowers on the communion ■was taken into consideration where­ Meyers. The new presiding officer table on Sunday at Union Churfh at St. James’s Parochial school. by police might be given help in is Mrs. William Preusse. The Senior class of the Rockville w'ere sent in memory of Mrs. Ellen Pearl was knocked down when a case of a report of an automobile The work of the installing team High School is sponsoring 'a play, A. Buckmister. hoy gkated into her. As she started traveling through Manchester that was done in a most creditable man­ the proceeds of which will be used to get "up, the boy lost his balance for the Washington trip fund, to be Keith Schonrock of West Hart­ and fell on her. Pearl was resting was carr3dng persons wanted in ner. ford was a Rockville visitor on Sun­ other places. It is proposed to make Plans are underway to entertain held in the Sykes Auditorium bn day. on one knee at the time and the arrangements so that an officer Great Pocahontas Mrs. May Hall Friday evening, January 16. T ^ blow caused the knee joint to go out would not be called upon to be alone play will be given by the Slorra Harrison Busher of Philadelphia, of place and swell badly. She was and her entire staff at the next Pa., formerly of this city died last !on such trips. regular meeting, January 23. There College players and the title is, takep to a doctor’s office by George “Candida,” a three-act play by week, and his son Frank Busher of Rowsell. The men v^ll be given target prac­ will be an entertainment prog^ram Chestnut street and daughter, Mrs. tice one day each week and tear gas and informal talks by the chiefs, Bernard Shaw, which .was barred bombs will be purchased and the from the English stage for political Michael Mantak attende'd the fun­ also degree work under the direc­ reasons. The cast includes Miss eral on Wednesday, returning home men instructed in their use so they tion of Degree Master John Kuhnly. Sunday. can handle them if a serious situa­ A splendid reception will be given Abbie J. Quick of Hartford, William NEW PLANE ROUTE tion should develop. A large flood Zucker of Wlllimantic. Miss Dorcas Mr. and Mrs. Paul Martin of the Great Chiefs. A members’ sup­ Austin of Westerly, R. I., Frank light may be secured that can be per -will be served at 6:30, previous Hartford have been spending sever­ Shanghai, Jan. 12.—(AP)—The L. attached to one .of the automobiles to the meeting. Reilly and George Pincheny of- New al days' in this city, being called Haven.' Dancing will follow. E. Gale Company of Shanghai, when a complaint comss in of at­ Mrs. Preusse, the newly installed here by the death of the former’s American importers of aircraft,, to­ tempted breaking and entering dur­ Tickets can be secured from mem­ mother, Mrs. Wilhelmina Martin. Pocahontas has appointed the fol­ bers of the Senior Class. day einnounced plans for a trail- ing the night season. • lowing committees for the ensuing Miss Eleanor Dunn, daughter of blazing solo airplane flight between The men will also be given in­ ’six months: Auditing, John Kuhnly, ^ Grant Store Manager Resigns Clarence Dunn of Snipsic street is China and ihe Philippine Islands to" structions in the use of the riot guns Mrs. Bertha Weber and Mrs. Nellie Ralph Fogg, who has been mana­ undergoing treatment at the Hart­ pave the way for permanent aerial now owned by the department and a Jackson; Ways and Means, Mrs. ger of the Grant Store on the Broad ford Hospital. commimi cation. check of the police budget is to be Rose Marcus, Mrs. Annie Steppe, Walk for the past year, has resign­ Mrs. David Gilpin is ill at her ed his position and has moved from A biplane with a 110-horsepower made to see If it is not possible to Mrs. Ellen Fiss, Mrs. Mary Delbene home on Prospect street. motor probably will be used for the use the seryjces gf at least one more and Mrs. Lillian Gilpin; entertain­ Prospect street to Willsville, N. Y., where he' has accepted a position. flight, which will begin here* January .policeman regularly. Under the ment, Mrs. Minhie Dowding, Mrs. 17. It will proceed to Canton, 800 present plan of detailing police for Carrie Kane, Mrs. Mary Cham­ Mr. and Mrs. Fogg have a wide NOT TO VISIT U. S. acquaintance here and their host of miles south, for refueling, and then duty In the vicinity of Cheney pagne, Mrs. Gertrude Kington and await favorable weather for the Brothers mills the two men are in Mrs. Irene Morin. friends are sorry to learn they have London, Jan. 12.— (AP)—Barnard left the city. Shaw has not changed Ms mind 650 mile trip over the Pacific to the rear of the mill most of the Refreshmente and a social 'hour Manila. time and such boxes that they ring followed the meeting on Friday Y. G. A. A. Ball Soon about visiting the United States and night. ^ The Yoxmg German American today he issued a denial of reports G. W. Brophy of Los Angeles, are registered in Cheney Brothers’ manager of the aviation division of Enjoyed Skating Party Association will hold Its 47th An­ that he would go there in the au­ office, only one call an hour being tumn. * the company, wll Ibe the pilot. The registered at the police station. A large party, members of the nual Grand Concert and Ball at Princess H^'ll on Friday evening, “For thirty years,” \ he ' said, backers said the Nationalist govern­ This does not give the protection to Children of St. Bernard’s Chtirch, ment, of China and the Philippine the West Side that was formerly enjoyed a skating party at the January 30. The Oversees Decor­ “something like this has been said ating Company will have charge of three times a year and contradict­ government had granted permission given and there is also need of addi­ home of Miss Mary Loehr of Mile for the flight. tional police protection in the vicini­ Hill on Friday night. The members decorations. Seven prizes will be ed.” Lil ty of the Green and also between left the center of the city about awarded as in former years. Music He is only 74, however, so there is the Center and Depot Square. 7:30 and upon their arrival were will be furnished by Ernie Rock ^and still plenty of time for him to cross greeted by Miss Loehr, and a most his Cotton Pickers and Frq)3erick the Atlantic. delightful evening was spent. A hot TWO BURNED TO DEATH dog roast*was enjoyed_ and other UONS TO ENTERTAIN refreshments served. New York, Jan. 12.—(AP) — A Hour of Music Gets Belated Award for Hero Brother Brooklyn tenexq^nt fire killed a The second “Hour of Music” was negro woman and her granddaugh­ BENEFIT SHOW CAST presented at Union church on Sun­ ter early today and resulted In bums day afternoon from 4:30 to 5:30. A which may prove fatal -o a six-year- male quartet, consisting of Luther old boy. Those Who Played In “The Air­ V7hite, Wilfred Kent, Percy Cooley When flames leaped up an airsbaft plane Girl” To Be Given and Francis Prichard, rendered a of the four-story building, a police­ Party Friday Night. group of songs. Mrs. May Chap­ man ran through the corridors man Holt presided at the organ. arousing the .tenants. Most of them The Lion’s Club will hold a dance There were several hundred people fled in time, but Mrs. Giorgiana in honor of all those who took part in attendance. Thomas, 54, and Fannie Thomas, 8, in the recent State Theater stage Joint Installation were overlooked in the confusion production, “The Airplane Girl," The joint installation of the of­ and trapped in their room. Friday night at the Harding school ficers of James Milne Camp No. 14, A fireman stumbled on their pros^ on Hollister street. Members of the United Spanish War Veterans and trate bodies and on a bed nearby cast and chorus of the show may Ellen G. Berry Auxiliary will be held in G.A.R. Hall on Tuesday eve­ found Joseph Thomas, 6, badly burn­ bring along a friend if they desire. ed. He carried the boy down a lad­ ThomM F. Conrafl, chairman of the ning, Jamaary 13. Elaborate plans der to the street. ' \1 committee on arrangements. has have been made. Department Com­ mander Thomas E. White of Water- Three other members of the obtained Francis Hart and his Thomas family escaped. Syncopators to furnish the music. bury will not be able to attend, and Refreshments will also be served. Past Department Commander Hitchcock of Winsted will be the C. N. G. ORDERS Installing officer. An informal pro­ YOUR CAR gram will follow and refreshments WASHED Hartford, Jan. 12.—(AP.)_Pri­ will be served. QiiiiM vate Raymond W. Hayward, Com­ Fined In Court Joseph’ Zielenski, 25. of Brooklyn- ,

. . . S ’.;. .. ■■ ■- - ir v-'.^ ’' v ...... , - ' . - - ’.- - . - ' * ■■ ■ -■■•■>.' >. ^ G E E IG H T MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, JANUARY 12, 1 9 3 1. ' ' ' * Mlll*clGr W B r i d g e who Wouldn’t Want “Break” Like This? Ay ANNE ADSIIN blaoc pigeonT C ) » SISTER / *TUE Al^NGINritten. multiple inflammation of the ne^es on i by practice. Get off to a quiet place, weapon, filmost seven years later. whichf Is called ‘poly-neuritis’ uu me nerves and button when she said that con- j even if you have to seek the reading centration meant memory, or -vice j room of a library. Forget the worl^ Nita deposited $10,000 in cash in The truth ashed into his mind. this inflammation is succeeded by Hamilton, and Dundee wonders if loss of control of '’ertain muscular ^versa. For if we do not concentrate yourself, your troubles, even the. ta­ It was no coincidence that he had in * tu . J- I Qot remember. If we do not she were collecting “back aiimony” a copy of the very book to which his activities.” bles, lamps and chairs arottad you. from a husband who had married cations of ° our undivided attention to a Live for each printed page you turn. unknovTi correspondent referred hpri hpri nnfi fa k n o ^ ^ thing it is like carving our initials again, thinking her dead. Dimdee him. For the note had been written At the end of each chapter review feels this is the real lead, and drops ir this very room, on stationery con-^ Sita disease has g i4 n ft tae name Si^^eTstan'ls^ e o n T " ~ ^ Don’t strain nor worry if you can’t. the idea of investigating further veniently at hand, on the noiseless anU-neuriUo vltM to. ■'’ m T n l v r W . . It we do \ag^e scandals. Looking for records The other factor of vitamin B i% In time It will come. "• typewriter which had been far more not concentrate we do not remem­ of Nita’s marriage, Dundee finds considerate about not betraying the considered a preventative and also Children are different. They lack nothing in New York but realizes ber. That is as static as the North concentration because their interests intruder than' had the parrot whose a curative if the disease has not Star. that she

w ' MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONNh MONDAY, JANUARY 12,1981. PAGE NINE McCluskey Mentioned Fof Olympic - 5 ' Jack Dempsey Declares COLCHESTER LOSES Rec Five In Spotlight JUNIOR Y .M .C . A. Manchester Athlete TO WEST SIDE CLUB As H. S. Goes Touring TOURNEY IN TOWN

The West Sides went down to Col­ The annual Harifford Cotmty He Could Kayo Sharkey chester Saturday night and admin­ Now that Manchester High G. team in the Hartford City series. CaDed Outstanding Y. M. C. A. Basketball Tournament istered a 50-31 drubbing to the Col­ school’s basketball team has "done But "W aidy" can still afford to lose chester town team. The locals gone and left us!’ for the space of some excess flesh. for junior teams vill begin in the broke through Colchester’s defense more than a month, the only major The Young Men’s Community Recreation Center, youth Manches­ Says So In Making Annual Going Strong and scored on the first play and basketball attractions in town will Club of the North End will play ter, on Saturday, January 24, at By A. A. U. Official kept well out in front for the re­ be those furnished by the Rec Five. against the Tasty Yeast Five of 2:30. The first round will be played mainder of the game. Tomorrow night, for instance, the Springfield in the preliminary to the on that day, the boys reporting at 2 Selection of Boxers; Strib- The Westslders felt right at home Rec will take on the powerful Visitation-Rec battle tomorrow eve­ o’clock, the semi-finals on Febrii- tically the same condition prevails on the Colchester floor, it being Springfield Visitation Club, one of ning. Recently the Tasty Yeast boys ary 7, and the finsds will be played in the other sports. similar to the so-called “West Side Fordham Sensation Named the only two teams to defeat the jested Coach Paul Cervlni’s club in­ on Saturday, February 21, a t 8:00. In addition to having a finer ling, Schmeling, Sharkey Cheese Box” or West Side Rec. With to defeat in Springfield. Manager Manchester outfit this season. This The Junior Tournament is for string of candidates for the next Mattson, Chapman and Dowd sink­ feat was accompnished several Johnny Mikoleit’s boys are gunning boys who are under 16" years on x : ing them from all angles, the locals for revenge. And ■ so we have two Along With Jessup and Olympic games at Los Angeles, the and Camera In Order weeks ago up in the Home City. January 24 Irrespective of weight, American athletes will have an ad­ soon piled up a commanding lead. Saturday night the Rec will en- Manche-'ter teams seeking to and all boys over 16 and under 18 The score at the end of the first avenge previous defeats at the vantage they have not enjojred In 28 auto for Branford for the first of years on Janudry 24, who weigh Engle As Most Promising years. That is to be able to engage Mentioned, Dempsey’s half being 24-12. home and home series with the hands of Springfield. less than 110 poimds, stripped. The third period started off with a , Meanwhile Manchester High will There will be an entrance fee of in Olympic competition without the team that boasts among others the handicap of change of climate and ^bang. It was at this point that Montelius twins, Carl and Alex. Last practice hard at the State Armory three dollars per team, which \\dll New Candidates food and traveling from three to six Choice. Westsiders established a Colches­ year these two teams broke even. for its game with William Hall cover the costs of referees and so ' i ter record when they scored a dou­ Next week Tuesday, Manager Ben High in West Hartford Friday on. A suitable trophy will be thousand miles enroute to the ble decker in the first three seconds night. This is the first of a series of awarded to the winner of the By DANIEL J. FERRIS games. Clune announces the"' New Britain Secretary and Treasurer New York, Jan. 12.— (A P .)—W. of play. The floor work of Bissell National Guards will appear here. five consecutive out of town games tournament. When bemoaning the fact that of National A. A. U. there has been a noticeable falling L. (Young:) Stribling of Macon, Ga., and Maloney was a big feature in The Guards nosed out Olson^s Ter­ Manchester must play before re­ Reservations for partlcipaion the local victory. Jack Falkoski turning to its home surface. The should be made by teams at once. New York, Jan. 12.— (AP.) — off interest in track and field ath­ is the best of the current crop of rible Swedes in an overtime skir­ was Injured during the last few mish Saturday night. Clarkemen are leading the league No reservation will be accepted aft­ »With the Olympic games of 1832 letics in some sections of the Unit­ heavyweights in the opinion of Jack minutes of play and had to leave the with four victories and no defeats. er 12 o’clock, Wednesday noon, Jan­ only a year and a half away, Amer­ ed States, it is refreshing to note game but will be ready for duty Manager Clune has also booked a the continued improvement being Dempsey. series with the Knights of Lithuania Middletown is also undefeated, but uary 21. Reservations must be ac­ ica finds herself in a better position again for the next game. The West companied by registration fee of shown in the performances of the Making his annual selections of of Hartford. He admitted yesterday West Hartford has beaten only today to defend her athletic pres­ world fistic stars for The Ring, Sides were booked'to play in Meri­ East Hartford which counting last three dollars. Reservations should tige than ever before. On the whole high and prep school athletes. The den next Wednesday night but this while cutting a ^ew figure eights magazine, Dempsey places year has now lost close to two be made to the office of the Hart­ our track and field athletes, swim­ improvement has not been spotty game has been postponed to the fol­ at Center Spring Pond that he fear­ Stribling at the top with Max dozen successive basketball strug­ ford County Y. M. C. A. 93 .dim mers, boxers, gymnasts M d weight but rather has been general, in lowing Wednesday. ed no team more than the K. of L. gles. street, Hartford. A complete .ist of track and field. This progress has Schmeling second and Jack Sharkey who Saturday night toppled the lifters who are pointing toward West Sides (60) eligible players must be submitted been marked during the past twelve third. highly touted Springfield Mohawks Manchester Trade entertains Olympics, are of a higher calibre P 'B F T Hartford Trade Friday afternoon at wi ,J\ your entry. than in the past pre-Olympic years. months. ••To Stribling, I think, we must 0 Chapman, rf ...... 6 1-1 13 in a thrilling tussle. On Tuesday, the Rec gym. The locals have beaten If your team has not applied for The splendid performances of look to regain American suprema­ 2 Maloney, rf. If . . . 2 0-1 4 February 11, the Rec Five will every team they have played this eligibility with the Hartford County such comparative newcomers in SOCCER RESULTS cy in the heavyweight ranks,” said 1 Falkoski, i f ...... 1 0-0 2 travel to Brattleboro, Vt. season at least once. Y. M. C. A. Athletic Association, Dempsey, "for it is my opinion that Manager Clune is also working track, field, as Paul Jessup, Joseph 2 Mattson, c ...... 6 3-4 15 fill in the application blank which Cop Soccer Finals if Sharkey has ten more opportuni­ 3 Dowd, rg, I g ...... 6 0-0 12 on a game to be played in Bristol McCluskey, Charlie Engle, among SWIMMING will be sent you on request. There is New York Giants 6; Brooklyn 1. ties to win the crown, he still will 3 Wylie, rg ...... 1 0-0 2 a week from Saturday. The Bell no charge for this reglstratio- others, and such sterling new per­ Harold Madden, former Man­ City crew easily scuttled the House Wesleyan 41, Bowdoin 36. formers in swimming and diving as Hakoahs 2; New York, S. C. 1. fall short of the mark. Were I to 3 Bissell, Ig ...... 0 2-3 2 If your club is affiliated with the National Cup 'lie Soccer attempt a comeback, which I am chester High School basketball of David trom Benton Harbor, Worcester Tech 45, Williams 32. County Y. M. C. A., you are auto­ Helene Madison, Catherine Ames, Michigan, Saturday night. "Wardy” Amherst 45, Mass. Tech 23. Bernice Phelan, Malola Kalilo, Al Quincy, Mass. 3; Rochester Celtics trf certain I will not, poor as I might player, pictured above and later a 14 22 6-9 • 50 matically eligible for participation. 2. star with the Recreation Center Waterman, Rec guard, who is play­ Rider 44, Manhattan 15. Schwartz and Bud Shields, none of be, there is one heavyweight I am Colchester (31) A. L. Randall, Commissioner in Providence 1; Pawtucket 1 (tie.) sure I can knock out—none other team, took the leading role for Con­ P B ing guard with Bristol, has now Princeton 59, Lehigh 12. charge of Junior Basketball, is the whom was on the last team, indi­ been signed to play with the K. of Army 52, N. Y. U., 19. cates they will. all be outstanding Fall River 1; New Bedford 1 than Jack Sharkey.” necticut Agricultural College fresh­ 1 Fedus, rf ...... 0 authority for this Information. (tie.) Here’s the way Dempsey ranked men in defeating Connecticut Junior 4 Hurwitz, If ...... 1 candidates for the 1932 team. Prac­ the leaders in the various fistic di­ College 31 to 27 at Storrs Saturday 0 Polak, i f ...... 3 visions: night. Madden is by far the out­ 0 Gregory, c ...... 0 Heavyweights—Young Stribling, standing performer on the Aggde 1 Deitch, c ...... 3 ^Max Schmeling, Jack Sharkey, Frosh and would easily make the 1 Huron, r g ...... 3 I Primo Clarnera. varsity but for the first year ruling. 0 Polak, Ig ...... 3 Light heavyweights—Maxie Ros- The play of the Freshman team 2 Weich, Ig ...... 0 enbloom, Jimmy Slattery, Larry centers about Madden who in addi- | - Johnson. tion to doing the bulk of the pivot- | 9 13 5-15 31 Middleweights—Mickey Walker, ing, also carries the brunt of the of- ' Score first half, 24-12 West Sides. Len Harvey, Dave Shade. fense as well as the defense. I n : Referee, Deitch. W elterweights—Y oung Corbett, brief, he’s practically the whole Ag- i Hope You gie team, according to Benny Clune Not Tommy Freeman, Jimmy McLar- who witnessed the game , Saturday, nin. Junior welterweigfihts—Jack Kid night when "Hap” scored six field l .'7- goals and five fouls for 17 of his ' BOWLING Berg, King Tut, Manuel Quintero. team's 31 points. ■ // Lightweights — , Jack Kid Berg, , Justo I The Commercial Bowling League Suarez, A1 Singer, Louis Kid Kap­ I will resume its schedule tonight lan. j with the following matches: Abandon the Attack Junior lightweights—Benny Bass, BASKETBALL I At Farr’s—^Bon Ami vs. Rookies Roger Bernard, Al Foreman. I on alleys one and two; Oakes vs. —Al Brown, Earl British-Americans on three and Says Mastro, Fidel LaBarba. CENTRAL CONNECTICUT four. Bantamweights— Al Brown, Kid HIGH SCHOOL LE.VGUE At Murphy’s—Construction vs. Francis, . Young Timers on one and two; Cen­ — Midget Wolgast, Standings ters vs. Pirates on three and four. DR. J. C. ELDRIDGE , Phil Tobias. W. L. T.P. Pet. The league standing follows: Manchester ...... ■4 0 0 8 1.000 W L B.\ER VS. HEENEY Middletown ...... 2 0 0 4 1.000 Construction ...... 29 11 Health Director# Hamilton County# Tennessee New York, Jan. 12.— (AP) — Bristol ...... 2 1 0 4 .667 Oakes Service ...... 28 14 They’ve given Max Baer, of Califor­ Meriden ...... 1 1 0 2 .5(10 British-American ...... 2.5 15 nia a battle-scarred veteran of the W. H artford...... 1 3 0 2 .250 Young Timers...... 23 17 ring wars to work on his second E. Hartford ...... i 0 5 0 0 .000 Pirates ...... 17 13 •.. one of 56 health officials eastern appearance. Baer meets old Individual Scorers Bon Ami ...... 15 25 Tom Heeney, the one-time ‘‘hard G. F. Pts. Centers ...... 13 27 from 56 different points Rookies ...... 10 30 rock from down under” in the ten Hutt, E. Hartford . . . .15 5 32 c. **• ^ round feature boui. of Madison Squatrito, Man...... 12 9 31 Four teams composed of mem­ .n-v H E A L T H DEPARTMENT ’approving Cremo’s crusade Square Garden’s regular Friday Lincoln, Bristol . . . . .11 7 29 night card this week. Palau, Bristol ...... 11 5 27 bers of the women’s gym class at HAMILTON ^. Baer although he dropped the de­ Leahy, W. Hartford . . 8 2 23 the East Side Rec have organized against spit or spit-tipping. cision, made a great impression on a bowling league which operates on eastern fans in his first bout here GAMES FRIDAY NIGHT Monday and Wednesday evenings. The league has already begun and TENNESSEE against Ernie Schaaf, strong and Manchester at West Hartford. CHATTANOOGA. clever Boston heavyweight. Bristol at Middletown. sessions will be held tonight as well A t Philadelphia, Mickey Walker Meriden at East Hartford. as Wednesday of this week. Every smoker, every wife whose continues" his campaign against Team No. 2 meets Team No. 3 to­ heavyweights by taking on Matt sr.\TE HIGH SCHOOL night and Team No. 1 meets Team July 19» husband smokes cigars, should read Dr. Adgie. Wilby 26, Torrlngton 11. No. 4 on Wednesday. Here are the names of those on each team. Eldridge’s letter. STRraUNG VS. SCHMELENG STATE PROFESSIONAL No. 1— Margaret McLaughlin, New York, Jan. 12.— (A P )—If New Britain 40, Olson’s Swedes Emily Pillard, Catherine Coughlin fistic observers have interpreted the 38. and Anne Scranton. signs correctly, all obstacles in the K. of L. 27, Holyoke Mohawks 21. No. 2—Irene Brennan, Marie Fil- “ Who are the friends of ‘Spit’ ?” path of a heavyweight title match Bristol 36, House of David 19. liere, Clara Jackmore and Agnes between Schmeling and Young Winsted 48, Torrington 33. Doherty. No. 3—Etta Clulow, Elsie Kleln- 111 Avenue, Stribling have been cleared away. Turner Fall 39, House of David 111 - . ra A X # YOU MAY WELL ASK THIS Some of the more optimistic of 22. schmidt, Eleanor Runde and Ellen flenr York, Scranton. the experts opined that the bo^it QUESTION WHEN 56 IMPORTANT would be “ made” within 24 hours, STATE AMATEUR No. 4—Edith Woganowski, Alice Oentlonem but the more conservative were in­ Manchester W. S. 50, Colchester Carmody, Pearl Burke and one . s . 1. clined to believe that several minor 31. other to be selected later. HEALTH OFFICIALS HAVE WRITTEN odds and ends would have to be dis­ Bristol Boys Club 35, Collegiate posed of first Prep 20. SPECIAL MATCH SO STRONGLY AGAINST THE EVILS There were definite indications Wapping "Y” 40, All-Hartfords A t Meriden that "Pa” Stribling, father-manager 35. Meriden (1721) of the Macon, Ga., heavyweight, and Wapping Girls 21, Hartford Inde­ Woll ...... 118 183 116—368 OF SPIT OR SPIT-TIPPING. promoters for the Hearst Milk Fund pendents 7. Baldy ...... H3 121 121—365 were close to an agreement and Chest ...... 106 117 120—343 might iron out all difficulties when EASTEI^ LEAGUE Quarty ...... 137 80 107—383 Dr. Eldridge 'writes t “ Your at> they resume their conferences today. Standing of the Eastern Intercol­ Neils ...... 110 103 109—322 Schmeling already is under contract legiate League to date: tack on this evil in connection with your to the Milk Fund and no trouble is W. L. Pet. 585 563 578 1721 anticipated from that quarter. Y a le ...... 2 0 1.000 Manchester (1695) recent cigar advertising is an effective Columbia ...... 0 Sardella ...... 128 114 96—388 . . . 1 1.000 Pontillo ...... 98 Dartmouth ...... 1 0 114 86—298 1.000 Wilkie ...... 91 stroke.” Cornell ...... 0 1 .000 99 106—296 Princeton ...... 0 2 Beletti ...... 126 121 137—384 .000 Kebart ...... 143 HOCKEY Pennsylvania . . . . 0 2 .000 109 127—879 The war ogafnst spit Is a crufode of LATEST RESULTS 586 557 556 1695 NATIONAL HOCKEY Yale 30, Cornell 26. LEAGUE STANDING Columbia 44, Princeton 26. decency. Join it...SmokeCertlfled Dartmouth 30, Pennsylvania 21. International Section College Sports SlnMMWIS'*” ' Cranio —a really wonderful Games Goals COLLEGE RESULTS W. L. T. F. A. Pts. Purdue 30, Illinois 15, WRESTLING smoke- mild - mellow- nut- Canadi^.s . ..11 6 3 58 48 25 St. Johns 26, City College 21. Yale 24, M. I. T. 8, Toronto ___ . .10 7 4 44 46 24 Univ. of Buffalo 52, Clarkson 33. Washington & Lee 34, Army 0. Maroons ... . .10 9 3 46 49 23 Lafayette 29, Lebanon 'Valley 27. Springfield 14, North Adams Y. sweet I Every leaf entering the Americans . . 7 7 6 34 24 20 George Washington 47, Drexel 23. M. C. A. 6. Ottawa .... . 5 14 2 40 64 12 Manhattan 24, 'Villa Nova 23. Lehigh 16, S5Tacuse 9. clean, sunny Cremo factories U American Section West Virginia Wesleyan 42, West Lafayette 22, Rutgers 8. Boston ...... 15 5 2 75 45 32 Virginia 36. ' Brown 25, Brooklyn Polytech 16. scientifically treated by methods Chicago ___ .12 7 2 53 33 26 Army 41, Johns Hopkins 33. Michigan 29, West Virginia 5. Rangers __ .10 8 4 57 46 24 Ohio State 29, Wisconsin 19. HOCKEY Detroit ...... 9 9 3 53 43 21 Bethany 41, Penn State 14. Princeton 7, Amherst 1. recommended by the United Philadelphia . . 2 19 1 34 92 5 Carnegie Tech 49, Thiel 18. Choate 3, Yale Freshmen 2. Ohio Wesleyan 30, Miami 11. Colby 3, Bowdoin 0. States Deportment of Agrlculturo* Last Night’s Results Northwestern 27, Michigan 22. Harvard 10, Army 0. Boston 4, Detroit 1. Yale 30. Cornell 26. ^ New Hampshire 2, Northeastern Chicago 2, Rangers 0. Pittsburgh 40, N. Y. U. 22. Minnesota 26, Iowa 22. Alabama 22, North Carolipa State In this period of i. ► CANADIAN-AMERICAN 15. CASINO HOCKEY STANDING Chicago 28, Indiana 27. BOWLING ALLEY? cold wpathor Harvard 31, Vermont 28. JOHN HAND, Prop. and cracked lips, Games Goals Syracuse 51, Lehigh 23. W. L. T. F. A. Pts. Columbia 44, Princeton 26. Selwltz Block above all Insist Springfield .. .15 2 0 76 32 30 Springfield 27, Tufts 20. Cor. Main and Pearl Sts. pro'vldence .. .10 4 4 57 36 24 on a cigar— free Dartmouth 30, Pennsylvania 21. NOW OPEN B o sto n ...... 7 12 0 44 56 14 Colgate 31, Fordham 18. New Haven . . 6 13 2 82 65 of the spit germ. 14 Franklin & Marshall 36, St. Jo­ a f t e r n o o n s u n t i l Philadelphia : . 5 11 2 32 52 12 seph’s 31. Wesleyan 23, Amherst 20. FURTHER NOTICE. Resolto Last Night Co m . Aggies 44, East Strouds­ burg 20. Special rates for the afternoon. T H E GOOD 5 ^ Make np a bowling party at the providence 2, Philadelphia 2. Rutgers 30, Navy 36. Casino alleys. ® laai Awtrlcn C l..r Co. T M A T JkMTJBMUCA. ■ ilANCHESTER EVEmNG.H|®AW)/SdUTH':MANCHESTER.CO^n. MONDAY,;JANXJABY\W^^^^ • ' r;X- 'vV' 'j PAGE TEN j '’!g?';-r^ f.-i. •>. v’ ■ T H E CW^XSSi FI ED S?E€TI OK1 rnammmmuvrv-MMn s c u . ‘IvfiyK LOST AND FOUND 1 APARTMENl’S—FLATS— LECiAL NOTICES 79 Want Ad Information TENEMENTS 63 AT A COURT OF PROBATE HELD BIG CROWD SEES CLOSE GOLF BATTII LOST—BLACK AND white and at Manchester, ■within and for the Manchester brown hound pup. Finder p'lehse Fo r R E N T -f o u r ro o m flat, up­ district Of' M anchester on the lUth telephone 3280. stairs 522, gai-age, 5 Ridgewood day of January, A, D., 1931. street, ready February 1st. Inquire Present WILLIAM S. HYDE, Esq- SKATING EVENTS FOR$10,OOaPRli& Evening Herald LOST—NEAR CORNER of Doane Judge. 178 Parker street or telephone Estate of, Michael H. Mhlley late of CLASSIFIED street, Monday, January 5th, 1 ten 6623. Manchester In said district, deceased.. and 1 twenty dollar bill. Finder Upon ■ aypllhatlon of the Executor ADVERTISEMENTS please call Ed. Dwyer 8396. f o r RENT—m o d e r n 5 room for an ordtr to mortgage real estate flat, .ISt floor, 37 Delmont street. belonging' to .said Estate as per ap­ Hartford Speedsters Con­ bi) W pam B raueb.^ Espinosa and Loos L ^ d By r*rmnt aix a.vera&To words to a 11ns. WILL THE PERSON seen to take- . ptione 8039. plication oh file. Initials, numbers and a pair of shoes from the side of O RDERED:—That tlie said appli­ each count as a word and compound cation be heard and determined at duct Series of Races At ■ LOVE, TENNIS, ETC. young without the consent of their j Single Stroke With ( ^ r s •words as two words. Minimum cost is the hockey rink at Center Springs BEAUTIFUL PLACE for couple, the Probate office In Manchester oil , . t ' —:----- parfenttf. These four are Frsincis X. | nrlce ot three lines. ‘Sunday night please return the all newly redecorated 4 rooms, tile 17th day^ of Ja.’uary, A. D.. l,»31r No less -a personage than Louis Shields, Cliflfotd Sutter, Gregory | Line rates nprper day for transient .same to the store at Center with bath, lights, white sink; als.o ut 9 o'clock In forenoon, and the ads. Court dR-eeJs said executor to give Center Springs Lake. B. ‘ Dailey, president of the M n n ^ 'Sidney B. Wood, Jr., At Their Heels. EnccUvc March 1". Springs. , garage, all ’’for $20, free shades. public notice to all persons Interested United . States Lslvi^ Tennis . Asso-! None d£ theee bbjrs is yet old enough | Cash Charge Call nights or phone 7505, 91 South in said estate to appear If they . see. 7 cts| » cts elation thinks that since George to vote, -out they may comprise the 8 Consecutive Days Main street. cause, and be. heard fhareon by pub- D a^s Clip, team of 1931. 3 Consecutive Day's 9 ctsl U cts announcements 2 Ushlng a copy of this order once in The first feature Ice attraction of Lott; Wllmer AllisOb »and Jo h ^ y Los Angeles, Calif., Jan. 12.— 1 l^siy 11 ctsl IS cts FOR RENT—TWO ROOM suite in .some newspaper having a circulation the season was held on Center Van Ryn heve been recently mar­ Shields reached the finals of the (AP)—One stroke to the good, two All orders for irregular Insertions MEALS SERVED at Cheney Hall In said probate district, and by post­ Springs Pond yesterday afternoon ried, and ertered upor business ca national singles tournament last will be charged at the one time rate. Johnson Block, facing Main street. ing a copy of this order on the public . r. ^ , , r T u T-x TT • ' Chicago veteran pro’s, Eddie Loos Special rates for long term every from Monday to Saturday noon on Phone Aaron Johnson 3726 or Jani­ sign i)ost In said Manchester, five before an attendance of 1,000 people reers, the associatior ' should en- , year, losing to Johnny Doeg. He is , and A1 Espinosa turned in the home day advertising given upon request. basis of 17 meals at $6.50. Cheney tor 7635. days before flie said day' of liearliig when Helen Cosker, women's New courage them to concentrate upon 19, but las been playing six years, j stretch of the Los Angeles 510,000 Ads ordered tor three or six da.ys Brothers. and return make to the Court. » England Speed Skating Champ, and their careers and' no tempt them graduating'from shagging balls at open golf tourney today with scores and stopped before the third or fifth ?OR RENT—4-ROOM FLAT, trol­ WILLIAM S. HYDi: president of the Hartford Parks to devote stveraJ months in 1931 to Troggs Neck, L. I dav will be charged only for the ac­ Judge. of 139, hoping they could match tual number of times the ad appear­ ley line, convenient to mills, all H-1-12-S1. Skating Club brought thirty mem.- the playing of the' game on inter- Cliff Sutter, a Tulane University these figures on the remaining 36 ed, chargin : at the rate earned, but MOVING—TRUCKING- improvements; heat. 243 Center bers of the club to Center Springs national teams. student, is only 19 but *he is the holes. no allowance or refunds can be mac® It begins to appear there is ur­ south’s ranking player, and during on six time ads stopped after tne STORAGE 20 street Telephone 6990. for the qnnual Club speed races. Within half a dozen strokes of The Hartford Club, containing gent need toi some kind of “stay- the six vears in which he has ap the leaders and in a position to “uil forbids”; display lines not PERRETT & GLENNEV inc.—Mov» F o r r e n t —4 ro o m tenement, The Nat Cracker within its membership many skat­ single-and-bring-back-the - Davie -fpeared in competition-he has won overtake the pair and win first ing, packing and shipping. Dally all improvements, garage if desir­ ing stars as well as the fastest cup" movement. Johnny Doeg, na­ e national intercollegiate crown. *°Tiie Herald will not be responsible S e Longwood Bowl title, the East­ money of $3,500 were Leo Deigel for more than one incorrect Insertion service to and from New York- 14 ed. Apply 95 Foster street. Tel. woman member in New England, tional singles champion of last year, who ha(i par of 140 for two days Of an.v advertisement ordered for trucks at your service. Agents for 5230. A British battler named Colin conducted several men and girl's also has •urned to business pursuits, ern (Jrass ,C(JurLs title, and has over the Wilshire Country Club more than one time. United Van Service, one ot the races at three o’clock. James Cos­ and Is reported to hav® been smitten beaten such 'players as Tilden, Mer- The Inadvertent omission of 'ncor- MacDonald stands In the center of course; Frank Walsh, (Chicago 141; eadlng long distance moving com­ 6 ROOM TENEMENT, 26 Walker the ring anq sings n song for the ker, one of the fastest skaters ever with the idea that the life of a cur and Bqll. \7iffy Cox, Brooklyn, N. Y., and rcct publication of advertising panies. Connection In 162 cities. street, all Improvements, garage, seen on Center Springs, who won family bread-winner isn’t such a Magin Coining Up rectified only by cancellation of tne good location, rent reasonable. In­ customers after each bout in which Craig Wood, 142. charge made for Uie service .endered. Phone 30«S, 8860. 8364. be takes part. Oh, well, a British the 440 yd. race, and the mile easily, painful thought, aftei all. Magin it- not 21, but he has Espinosa furnished the fairway All advertisemwits must conloiiii quire 30 Walker. Geo. Murdock. boxing fan ought to get some en­ was one of the stars of the meet. It is not hard to remember that moved up in national ranking.s la style, copy and typography with L. T. WOOD CO.—Furniture and Helen Wills, queen supreme in the from 26th in 1927 to a spot near fireworks yesterday when he toured regulations enforced by the publish­ FOR RENT —SEVERAL FIRST tertainment for, his money anyway. Miss Helen Cosker, in a special 440 the 18 holes in 67, three under par ers and they reserve the right to piano moving, modern equipment, yard race pitted against five male field for wt men’s tennis, changed the top. He is a student at George­ e.Kperlenced help, public store­ clEibs rents. Apply Edward J. town University and has won the after shooting 72 the opening day. edit, revise or reject any copy con­ members of the club finished sec­ her name to Moody some time ago Walter Hagen gave the gallery of sidered objectionable. . house. Phone 4496. Holl, 865 Main street. Telephone The idea is not altogether new in ond in fast time. The results: 220- and expressed the thought that in­ eastern college crown. The Newark CLOSING HOURS—Classified ads to 4642. this country. Jack Sharkey has the 7.000 it’s biggest thrill. After an in­ be published same day must be re­ yard race—first heat; first, James ternational tennis honors could go boy impressed British observers at habit of singing out to the referee Wimbeldon with his aggressiveness different start Saturdaj ■with 74, he ceived by 12 o'clock noon; Saturdays REPAIRING 23 FOR RENT—SIX ROOM tenement, T. Cosker, Jr., second, Leo Labelle. hang so long as there were eggs to came back to match par with a 70. 10:30 a. m. during a ttght. Second heat—first, Reginald Wil­ be fried for Mr. Moody. and excellent backhand. • all' lipproyements, garage If desir­ My goodness! What is tennis L Wood, a New York stripling, is The most spectacular shot of the TELEPHONE YOUR v a c u u m CLEANER; giln; phono-, ed. Inquire 28 Russell street. Seeing that MacDonald is British cox; second, Harold Wesson, 440- tournament on the 18th made this W ANT ADS. graph, clock repairing. Key mak­ vard race, first heat—first, James coming to, anyway ? the lad who stopped Ellsworth and all chat, O'Gobfty has come to Casker, Jr.; second, Leo Labelled Vines at Seabright last year, when possible. Ads are accepted over the telephone ing. Braithwalte, 52 Pearl street the conclusion that most of the With a No. 1 irou, the Hague at the CHARGE RATE given above HOUSES FOR RENT S Second heat, first, Reginald Wilcox; loo Young to Marry "Vines, red hot after •victories over as a convenience to advertisers, but notes he sounds must be flat. second. William Vannle. Just as soon £is a young lady or Shields and Hunter was swinging drove his second shot to within eight the CASH RATES will be accepted as COURSES AND CLASSES 27 Two hundred and twenty yard young 'nan reaches the stage of along toward the honors. Wood inches of the cup do’wned it for a FULL PAYMENT if paid at the busi­ FOR RENT—MANCHESTER Green In accordance with our custom (

iCaBDIi Fate plays stran^ pranks. AS A VOUTH 1 ENJOYED AUL T r a v e l in g ATHLETIC SPORTS, SO WHEN 1 WENT ■ m ' HAS IT’S Ji frui'Llesft s««rda ABROAD TO STUDY ENGINEERING I TOOK DISADVANTAGES. r^N for uJorU arnon^ Horn* UP FENCING. LATER A RIVAL FOR THE THATi YOU RARELY INTg^eSTIKIG Inflaen-tlal' friend*, HAND OF A la d y CHALLENGED ME TO THE LIFE... MEET co n g en ia l c h a r a c t e r . Hem found a fat A DUEL. HE WAS SEVERELY WOUNDFeD* ,1’VE ALWAYS ACQUAINTANCES, THE CAPTAIN. uJaUot lyin^ in the AND I FLED THE COUNTRY. THAT' WANTED MEN LIKE VeU. I • - street tju*t a* it* oumer, ^ BEGAN MY TRAVELS. SINCE THEN TO TRAVEL. M EAN. I HOPE WE NEGLECTED. C a p ta in , "Foddi a p p e a r e d . n o w i V e CIRCLED THE G LO BE...... I N A SEE MUCH OF EACH ‘TO GIVE ^ e C a p ta ir i in s iste ii / I WIUL ALWAYS ROAMING..-WITH BIG WAY. OtHBR. I'M GREATLY HEM HI* m a t s in twe •upon Hem lunchinqi uJitn I SKETCH r < l i OCCASIONAL VISIT* TO INOEiTEO TO VOU ADDRESS RUL o r m m 9 0 iKey could ^ / MV '

."sT. ’ '‘'4 ■ \ '■C.


Flapper Fan n y Sa y S; SKIPPY By Percy L. Crosby SENSE AND nonsense nta w. s.p*T.orr.

The Pedestrian Always the poor peaettrlan, always' A U/HAT MAK6^ VA 'TMIUK CAU^S Va /H €W YA sout oow'r the same old song, I Always the man on loot who is al-! VA V6RV SOUL o u r O P V A \A/AK€ u P P i t A < i A i M , ways and recklessij wrong: BOPV W«CA/ VA Always ihe wi etched walker whose yCUR sense of discretion is slight, - A V6CV HA^PV DR6AM ? And alwa/s the chorus of experts,' “It jolly well serves him right!" | i 'Buses and motors swing past him thru suburb and village high road,. And thirty-five miles tc the hour ,s' their pace as they pass his abode; | Their speed is well known as illegal, i but drivers are never run in. And disasters are due to the walk­ ers, those recognizee children of sin.

Chief constables sit in their office /A and draw up reports that entail 1931 1 L, Crosby. Orest Britain rights reserved \ ' ^ 1 King Features Syndicate, Inc. \ The making of walking illegal and, putting the walkers in jail; i And if oy a fiuke a bad driver is | caught in the crimina. screw. Our judges admonish their juries; O NC* Toonerville Folks By Fontaine Foi OUR BOARDING HOUSE that ‘‘Manslaughter’ never would ; do. Foolish questions are those your By Gene Ahem I kid brother asks you and you can’t So nothing. J tancy would happen toi answer. L i t t l e St a n l e y g iv e s n o c a n d y t o G e o r g e W a s h i n g t o n S m it h •meet a most righteous demand i ^|oW A B O L i< T E ^ iC lM C b P. Till walkers turn truly illegal and | But he asks the second and the third T Sl^ciS You PoNrT po make a more definite stand j and maybe the fourth, and no two of AWY-nilMca r Vo ii M UST HAk/e hSO IP M AkE A Till one ■ 'r two judge.= and drivers! them ever agree. piM-CUsMlof^i Oii'T OF You are dropped in a. very deep lake, | 50M6 Kf.MP OT ACCOMpLlsHMEM-ff And one or two experts on transport Commenting On a Homely Girl, A — A/'AYBOPY VMlTlI ALL VoUR SPARE AT FEMClMt3 -TffEM T?(EBES are playfully burnt at the stake. ,■ Local Motorist Said; “She Looks I Like Seven Miles of Bad Road.” “Ti m e *Tb b e a b l e - tb p o U ’l a - p r r s ’Li a m , B t r r - ttia- t Auto-Suggestion: In the days of | ~ ____ QkiE WELL V—^ Mew WOULPM’I' BE FAIR — iP PITT LEAVE EATiMO A N ’ , Voa 11^ A CAST For MoMTiHS I o o a 'T ^ Ba-r, cAf^ ^(AW I Mav/e i t Jim—I passed your car last night A detour is the muddiest distance CAT?P ^RICK'S -SLEIGf^-r g a m e q and it sounded as though it had a Mow ABoaT A R between tw'u points. miss in it. i h^AMPr OT? •tJLlcijGLiMCi Two OF C ^eC K B .'R S 2 -w Sard— Could you hear her squawk, ] po Voa kMoW AMY Customer—JUSto Have you a book en- T M A T w o NTT b e T o o •too ? i titled, “How to acquire a good car- GAM ES' 2 .s-rcEM uoas T=oR Yoav A f A Some Drivers Who Act AS I Qierk— No, madam, but here ia They Owned the Highways Haven’t one, “A Dozen Ways To Obtain An Finished Paying for Their Cars. Automobile." / A ^ Not so long ago a chauffeur was j If All Men Always Kept on Their brought in after having run down Own Side of the Road When Driving a man. Automobiles and Everybody Minded Judge— Did you know that if you' Their Own Business This Would Be struck this pedestrian he would be I a Far Bef'er World Than Tt Ts Now. seriously injured? Chauffeur—Yes, sir , When You’re "Going Some” Judge— Then why didn’t you zig- ^Vatch Out for Smash Ups. ta g your car and miss him? Chauffeur—He was zig-zagging' Judge— Can you tel' the court ex­ himself and out guessed me, your actly what the traffic officer said to Honor. you? Defendant—No, bu' I can give The Difference Between a Pedes­ you a gruff idea. trian And a Jaywalker, Is This: ‘When You’re Walking Among Officer—Hey, you! Wait foT 'he Them They’re Pedestrians: When lights before you cross. You’re Driving They're Jaywalkers. Stranger— Its all right, officer. I m commiting suicide And if the tourist would ask one , filling station man and let it go at' Pauline—Don’t you love an eve­ that, ha might get along all right. ^ ning like this? Paul— You bet, but 1 generally wait until we get a little father out Stickler Solution in the country. GOOD N E W S ePontsiae fos. 1931 Actress: It may interest you to know that I shan’t be 21 for two years. Revue Manager: Splendid! My WASHINGTON TUBBS IL All Clear Now! last leading lady was 21 for nearly 6 ten.— Hummel, Hamburg. NO Bo d y k \n f o o t t h e y ' oh h o ', thev m u sta' POPNER, MOU'RE A FOOL POR VVIE ALREA9V A CH^^^C£ To ^TEAL OUR FOOD FOR THOUGHT FOUND OUT \T'S BEEM, LUCX. IF IT WASN’T FOR ONE 0’ OROEPEO SOME IH'JENTVOH, SAME THEMSEUiES Jf} MOOR DUMB UONERS, ALLOvOlN<3 NEW PA’RJS. $100,000,000. I ‘T want to change this can of THOSE 8AWVTS A CHANCE TO SMASH I asparagus for some tobacco.” The iNMENTiON, \ME'P O' NEVlEP I “Sorry, but we only change food OOT OUT O' THET HOLE. 1 for food.” m I "Then give me chewing tobacco." — Kasper, Stockholm. im Start with the letter “ T ,” in section 1, and move three times around the octa­ IT WOULDN’T JIO gon, picking put the right letter in each section, each time, and you can spell out "I have a raging toothache.” the four words, THRICE AROUND "Do as I do and repeat one hun­ THE OCTAGONS. You w ill wind up dred times: ‘Get behind me, pain.’ ’’ with the period in section 8, ^ ^ “Then I should have lumbago."— Buen Humor, Madrid. N




.0 0 /

-. t. MT. orr.

(READ THE STORY, THE N COLOR THE PICTURE) The old witch doctor frowned a he was grand: Toward nightfall SALESMAN SAM He’s Particular biL Said Clowny, "He's not feeling they bid him good-bye. "Let’s find fit. Perhaps he’s mad ’cause we are a place to sleep,” said Scouty, “I am all tired out.” The Travel Man c \ o ^ s ? V essia I TUREe. (Avsees ^ a cicrAR. Vou CAM OKAY, s i r ,I l c Ts ^ You Aac.auJLl a m YT h i m o - here. Shall we be on our way ? I ’d replied, “No doubt! HoJ> Jn the OV«R— ^^R.,WOW0V VIlLLTNce CAR.C. 0FF5R. *Tb AMVSOOY—‘ - uWAVE. a v ic : 'AA HALF e l eri ^ hate to walk into a fight with him truck and I will drive beneath a OF YOU — I HOPS. I D O Z ^ M — because he looks a fright.” “Oh, moonlit sky.” no,’’ replied the Travel Man. “W e’re So, while the Tioies 'slept real safe and we will stay. sound, the truck moved on across TIA LK 1* “You see, he always looks real the ground. It passed on through CR€

k '' ...... ♦ , • • . . ■ •/. -c-^.rv-v-‘,v


Prize wlimers in the fox trot conr test at the Manchester Green Com­ LOCAL MAN’S FATHER ABOUT TOWN munity club’s dance Saturday eve­ EPWORTH LEAGUERS li ' >-4,. •; >-l 'V-. J.. 4 i The bowling team of Linne Lodge, ning were the following: Miss Mar­ No. 72, Knights of Pythias, will tha Miller of Rockville, whose part­ KILLED IN NEW JERSEY SELECT PLAY DATES I meet as usual tomorrow night at 8 ner was Bernard McHduff of this Housewares o’clock at Murphy’s alleys. town. The first,prize was $5, the Frank Krar, Sr., Fatally Hurt ' J . V - ■ second, 52 was awarded to Mi-ga “Fickle Fortune” To Be Pre; i Basemcht ' ...... ■ • r , The officers and chairmen of the Edith Wormstedt and her partner. In Auto Accident Near Plain- sented At Sdnth M. E. ‘••■V 1 ' - various committees of the Luther Carlo Genovese, both of Rockville. field, N. J., Last Night. Church On March 5 and 6. League of the Swedish Lutheran 'The third prize, $1, fell to Miss Shir­ church met yesterday afternoon and ley Dougan of this town who danced Frank Krar, Jr., of 218 EHm Tentative: dates of'March 5 and 6 | outlined the entire program for the with another of the McDdufi broth­ street, was notified by the Manches­ have been set for a play to be pre- i coming year. The Executive com­ ers, Joseph. Twenty couples con­ ter police at 12:30 this morning that sented in the social haU of ths South j mittee meet at the church tested. his father, Frank Krar, Sr., had Methodist church by the Epworth Thursday night at 7 o’clock and been killed by an automobile at League, following., a custom, of years j make up the personnel of the com­ "Appetizing Left-overs’’ will be Squth Plains, N. J., and that the pasL Miss Doris M, Da^s, director mittees. the subject of Mra Arra Sutton Mlx- body was m the morgue at Plain- of religious education at the church, ter’s lecture at the Manchester field, N. J. who has h ^ conisiderable experience GREAT The regular meeting of the Home Community clubhouse tomorrow The information of the death in coaching dramatics, both* Biblical ' MID,WINTER Builders will take place at the afternoon at 2 o’clock. This is the came to the Manchester police from and secular, will direct the forth- j South. Methodist church tonight at second of a series of six lessons, and the East Hartford police £is after coming production, assisted by Miss 7:45. Rev. C. C. Noble of the First open to alj women of the town. the accident the Plainfield, N. J., Richmond of the High school who ' Methodist church of Hartford will police learned that Krar had a son has successfully presented the play | be the speaker. Miss Olive Tryon who has been living in Connecticut and the mes­ selected, “Fickle Fortune”,'on three | visiting for the past week with rela­ sage was sent to East Hartford in different occasions'. It is a rollicking St Margaret’s Circle, Daughters tives in town, has returned to her I care of the “Whitney Company.’’ comedy from the pen of Sally of Isabella, will meet for business home in Yonkers, N. Y. Mrs. Hec­ I The East Hartford police learned Shute. tor West of Pitkin street accompan­ tomorrow evening at 8 o’clock at the that a Frank Krar, Jr., had been Tryouts will take place within! ied her and will spend a few days in j K. of C. clubrooms. living on Naubuc avenue, East the next few days and a cast will . rJ Yonkers. I I Hartford, but had moved to Man- be selected shortly. Teachers of the nursery and kin­ ! Chester. -I', Manchester received another dergarten department of Center { Captain Herman Schendel was on church school will meet this eve­ white coating today when snow I the desk when the call arrived, and HOSPITAL NOTES ning at 8 o’clock at the home of started falling early this morning. Of Needed Wanted I although there was no such person Miss Marjorie Schildge instead of in At noon the storm had not abated. listed in the telephone or towm di- the kindergarten room. I The followlnpr patients have been I rectory he succeeded within a few admitted to the Memorial hospital: i Russell Martin, 11-year-old son of THIS IS A BIG WEEK I minutes in locating the person Mrs. Annie Scott of 87 Garden 1 HOUSEFURNISHINGS Mr. and Mrs. Charles Martin of 309 ! wanted and giving him the message. street, Andrew Galli of 132 Bissell 1 Oakland street, met with a painful He then notified the East Hartford street, William Richter of 30 Cooper , accident while coasting near his FOR KINGS’ DAUGHTERS police before 1 o’clock that the con­ street and Mrs. Elsie Daniels of 85 1 home yesterday. He ran into a wire tact had been made. Foster street. Another Shipment! 32-Piece fence and tore the flesh just under Mr. Krar said this morning that his left eye. The little fellow met Several Meetings Scheduled his father was sixty-twp years, of with an injury once before to his Most of Which Is Ever Ready age. All of the family, with the ex­ Porcelain Dinner Sets Marvel right eye and usually wears glasses Circle’s Birthday. ception of one brother, are now liv­ but did not have them on at the ing in Manchester, having moved $1.00 Colored Electric Irijns time he was hurt yesterday here fiv e months ago. Arrangements Vegetable Bins SPECIAL This will be virtually a King’s are being made to have the body I Daughters’ week in town. Does Your Memorial Temple Pythian Sisters ~ Tonight I sent to Manchester and received by $1.29 will hold its regular business ses- i in Center ; Undertaker W. P. Quish. Burial will church parlors, and a meeting will $ Fully guaranteed for one sion and installation of officers to ■ take place in Manchester, 2.98 morrow evening in Odd Fellows ball' Mrs. R. j Details of the accident have not Kitchen Sink | year. Beveled edge, long at 8 o’clock. Mrs. Frances Cham -: Anderson on Oakland street this i been learned. Three compartment, all Another shipment of those pop­ point, embedded nichrome bers, grand senior, and past chief of ' to perfect plans for the j The body will be brought, here to- metal vegetable bins in ular 32-piece American porcelain element, and ventilated heel the local temple will be the install- ^^tieth anniversary celebration of j night and the funeral will be held Date Back To wan,ted colors. dinner sets at the very low price rest. Lees cord. ing officer, assisted by past chiels, „ Ready Circle in Manchester, !from the home of his five sons and of $2.98 set. Smart, colorful spray Mrs. Annie Alley and Mrs. Gladys the big event of the week, to be one daughter at 218 North Elm 50c Japanese patterns on a cream ground. Sets Clarke. All officers are req-iested held at the Second Congregational street. Burial will be in St. Brid­ The Days Of consist of 32 piece, or service for 15c Oil Goth to wear white. A social time with church Thursday evening, get’s cemetery. six people. refreshments will follow the meet­ Tomorrow evening at 7:45, Mrs. Mr. Krar, who was a carpenter by Pottery Vases Scarfs and ing. C. R. Burr will open her home for trade, w'as born in Austria Hun­ Kerosene j Runners the regular monthly meeting of gary and had been in this country The Young Men’s Community Ever Ready Circle of King’s Daugh­ about 30 years. He lived here for Club of the north end will hold a ters. Mrs. Carl Benson, Mrs. George eight years, having been located at Lamps ? l O c banquet at the Community Club this , Wilson, Mrs. M. D. Wells and Mrs. various times on School, Hackma­ Assorted Japanese pottery “ Wear-Ever” January Offerings evening. A turkey supper will be F. C. Allen will assist Mrs. Burr, tack, Oak. Charter Oak and High­ vases and bulb bowls in a 36 and 42-inch oil cloth served. Carl Nielson has been' Thursday evening the supper will land street. He left Manchester Probably cast iron or alber- variety of colorings and de­ “Wear-Ever” Self-Basting scarfs and runners in a va­ elected president of the organlza-' be served in the vestry of the Sec­ nine years ago and lived ^ in East ene stone. Think of the hours: signs. riety of patterns and color­ tion. Members have started a pocket j ond Congregational church at 6 Hartford before removing to Plain- you’ve spent scrubbing them!' ings. bilUards tournament and more ! o’clock, under the direction of Mrs field four years ago. He leaves his Roasting Pots matches may take place this eve-1 Joseph Wright, chairman, and a wife, five sons, John, Frank, Jr., and then wondering whether I I iarge committee. Mrs. W. W. Eells George, Joseph of Manchester and the corners were clean. I will be in charge of the decorations, Martin of Hartford and one daugh­ $ 1 . 0 0 The members of St. James’s La^ j Mrs. R. K. Anderson will _ arrange ter, Mrs. Lawrence (Mary) Brown, (Regular Price $1.75) dies’ Guild will meet at 2 o’clock to- I for an appropriate program of mu- and a brother, John, in Germany. Let us bring your kitchen morrow afternoon in the church li- I[ sic, sketcnes and speeches. The up-to-date and make work eas- j “Wear-Ever" self-basting roasting pots, quart size. 75c saving on each pot! brary room. jI guest of honor will be Mrs. William ier with a brand new white or l i C. Brown of Hartford, formerly of PEARSON TO SING colored enamel sink} all rolled Metal Window Shepherd Encampment 137, I. O. j “Wear-Ever” O. F., will meet at 7:30 tonight at'j this town, who founded the branch edges and round comers. No Ventilators ^‘Wear-Ever” of the organization here under the Odd Fellows Hall for the purpose o f ; FROM STATION WDRC more places for dirt to collect. Steamer Sections installing officers. >name of Ever Ready Circle 40 years Sauce Pans ____ , Other guests expected are Mrs. There will be a special meeting of ^ Jswett City, slate G. Albert Pearson, prominent - - - . - ^ ^ P . president: Mrs. F. W. Williams Metal window ventilators $1.00 the St. Mary’s Young Men’s Club at Manchester bass soloist, will be Corrugated 8 o’clock tonight at the club house. East Hartford, county president: heard over Hartford’s new radio with 8-inch wood frame. Ad- ($1.75 Grade) Jos. C. Wilson iustable to 31 inches. Grade) Miss Ada Shelley of Windsor and station, WDRC, Saturday night of w r Ash Cans Fifteen tables of players took Miss Annie Waters of Hartford, this week. The time of the broadcast Plumbing and Heating Sections to fit roasting pot adver­ “Wear-Ever" sauce pans in .new vice presidents, and Mrs. W. t ! part in the Masonic social club has not yet been announced. Thurs­ tised above January savings at Windsor shape. Cover 27c dxtra. games at the Temple Saturday Steven of Hartford. Sunnyside Ju­ day morning, Mr. Pearson will ap­ Contractor. $2.98 Porcelain $1.00. Saving averages 75c. A handy size to have for daily use. $1.19 night. Fred Thayer won first prize, nior Circle of King’s Daughters pear on the Hartford Women’s'Club 28 Spruce St. Tel. .'504^ Walter Saunders, second. and which was sponsored by the senior program in the Colonial Room of Large size, heavy, corru­ Adolph Carlson was given the con­ society will be guests, also Mrs. the Bushnell Memorial at 10:45 Kitchen Clocks gated ash cans with heavy solation. The door prize went to J. A. Hood leader of Loyal Circle o’clock. He will sing two numbers. band at top. 17x24-inches Frank Quish. Next Saturday night and executive board and committee deep. Prop handles. there will be an additional door chairmen. 01.9S $1. Ivory Enamel Ware prize. Friday evening the ways and Pyrex------means committee of Ever Ready Decorated porcelain, 8-day Featured At! Cub Scouts of the South Metho­ Circle, of which Mrs. Nelson Smith kitchen clocks in blue deco­ UtOi^ Dishes dist church will meet this evening rations only. Limited num­ IS chair, will give a public program, ber! at 7 o’clock with their leader, the feature of which will be an illus­ 7 « c Thomas Cordner. ’This branch of trated lecture by W. W. Robertson $1.10 the Scout organization is for boys on his recent trip to Australia. This 9, 10 and 11 years of age and is a Pitied Cherries or Blueberries for Pies. High grade, double Pyrex baking dish for w ll be given in the assembly hall coated enamelware in the roasting and baking. Large training ground for the senior or­ of the Manchester Community club. ganization. Mr. Cordner was form­ smart ivory color with size. ^o^ertson is giving his services erly an assistant scoutmastgr .and Pork Chops Lamb green band trimming. the troop formed last week with ten and the committee will receive a sil­ Spare Ribs Pure The assortment includes: ver collection toward the work of Lean, Patties Cub Scouts. the circle. Mettwurst Lard double boilers, dish panis, tender Special water pails. 4-quart cov­ PythiEin Sisters who plan to at­ Saturday afternoon at 2 o’clock 32c lb. Sauer Kraut 4 for 33c 12c ered sauce pans, 5-quart tend the installation of Damon Tem­ „ Ljight Circle of Junior kettles and 5-cup percola­ ple at Rockville tonight will leave i King s Daughters will meet at Cen- tors. on the 6:55 trolley at Depot Square. I ^ egational church. Hard New Cabbage The meeting will take place at For- |______Sweet Potatoes Saturday we sold close to Folding esters hall. Mrs. Frances Chambers ■______250 pounds of this good but­ $5.00 Grade 23-Piece of this town, grand senior will be in Celery 10c and 19c. ter. Again Tuesday Ironing Tables charge. Mrs. Annie Alley will as­ Iceberg Lettuce CREAMERY BUTTER $1.49 Folding sist, and her father. Deputy Grand Japanese Tea Chancellor Joseph Rollason will be Ripe Tomatoes Car’ '’?>bles present. Special Mushrooms 35c" $1.00 1 strong, well made ironing Specially Priced! Loyal Circle of King’s Daughters O’SULLIVAN AND New Beets Try these Lamb Patties, They tables. Adjustable board. uill meet this evening in Center New Carrots are made from ground fresh 48 inches long by 13 inches $ 1 ^ church parlors for its monthly busi­ GOODYEAR lamb, wrapped with bacon. wide. ness meeting. Veri' steadv. welJ braced card tab’es nlcelv covered. Pinehurst Coffee 39c Center Cuts Roast St. Mary’s Girls Friendly society Colored $3-49 Frames to redi green and will meet tonight at 7:30 in the RUBBER P o r k ...... 28c-30c mahogany. parish house. Have a savory soup or stew Toilet Tissue tonaorrow. Early delivery if Navel or Florida Mrs. Rose Kronick of The Wilrose HEELS you phone your order early. Oranges ... 25c dozen 3 rolls Entire Stoiik Dress Shop is in New York on Bare Soup Bones, 3 lbs. 10c. buying trip.—Adv. F*r«n>oce Needs Veal, Lamb, Beef for stew­ Crape Fruit, 4 for . .29c We are featuring our regular $5 stock of Japanese tea sets at $3.49 for ing. The Weldon Beauty Parlor will our January Clearance Sale. New combinations and patterns in 23-piece give a sleeping cap free to every Cplored and scented toilet sets. woman who has a facial, shampoo tissue of good .quality paper. 1,000 sheet roUs. All‘^'fireplace needs—and­ and wave during January.—Adv. 25c Grill Plates, each Glass Cups and Saucers, 6 sets Dial Green glass cups and irons, fire sets,; folding Glass grill plates in screens and wood basketh^ Attached saucers in the fluted the handy 10-inch size. mow - 2S% off regardless of For Ladles’ and Children. 4151 Green and rose-pink design. Six sets for pTtee. only. 19c 50c. We also repair rubbers and GOOD THINGS TO EAT 75c Floor Wax, Galvanized Mop Pails, FILMS arctics. Paste form floor wax Heavy galvanized iron DEVELOPED AND for floors and furniture. mop pails. 10 and 12 PRINTED Pound can quart size. 29c 24 HOUR SERVICE SAM YULYES Self-Wringing Mops, Willow Clothes Baskets,i Film Deposit Box at “Handy” self-wringing Clear, smooth, import­ Store Entrance 701 Main St., Johnson Block mop with large mop ed Willow clothes bas­ head. Very easily Large, Triangtdar South Manchester, Conn. kets. Number 2 and S 9 c handled. 3 sizes. Next door to Dougherty’s Barber COST HAS NOTHING Oil Mops, KEMP'S Shop. TO DO WITH Shoe Shine Boxes, Takle Cloth Patterns, Heavy hardwood RENDITION stock with shaped stenciled cloth pat­ terns in new designs wood foot rest. -----a Quish Memorial Ser­ Colors or unpaint­ and color combina­ vice Is serenely impressive in $ 1.00 tions. 29c - Large, triangular .. shaped ed. cotton string: odl. - mops for Its quiet simple beauty...... cleantog and polishing. Com­ reverential and comforting in plete, with'^labt can of floor tone. Cost is merely a mat­ polish; r r> :■ ^ WATKINS BROTHERS, Inc ter of selections in appoint­ ments. Colored Metal Contract Bridge Lessons Funeral Directors 2 2 5 MAIN ST. 39c and 45e M ^ C H E S T E R Kitchen Stocks ^ s . N. Howard !^ewer, East Hartford, Conn., will con­ o a Cloth ESTABLISHED 56 YEARS duct private lessons in contract bridge each Tuesday. Mrs. CHAPEL AT 11 OAK ST. OAYoM night] Brewer is a pupil of Miss Emery, Hartford, and teases Mr. C?he Fuifera! Home PHONE 4340 Works supple bridge lessons. Arrange your own table of Robert K. Anderson Phone: Office 5171 All metgt- kitchen : iitdola fo ^ playCTs, or individually. For appointment c ^ the Ad- A n¥flaber\of ‘Sttractive Funeral Director Residence 7494 with b ^ . Rubber pro­ vertismg Department. Lessons $1. . pattenui^ asrVraU- plain tected feet. , In’scbiors. wMtp^-:_.l iyiut# wide. Special-—^ f ■ - -A.. . - .

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