E Ofjbias Sparks Dispute
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■ r' .fr -V-v'" ' ■ / '' ■ . " " r 1 . rXGB SIXTEEN TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 9, JWI •, Averagf Daily Net Fress Ror lirraUi For the Week Ended Nov. 6, 1684 ' ? S f 7 wSSm a«MM The Xntarmedlats Girl Bcout Anderson-Shea Auxiliary No. works, reported that Sit# work at Leaden Club wiil hold its Novem 3048, will meet this- evening at Memorial F)eld, location of tha Utonr, mM tealgM. Law m o t About Town ber meeting at Camp, Merrie-Wood 7:30 at the Post Home, Manchester Enters Practice Name Goslee, / 1 1 ^ 5 5 1 on Gardner Street tomorrow night Green. proposed high school, will very 36, and 15-66 dagnto to eptfyhw Tlie choli^ of U»* /pon'eordi* likely be complete by DSc. 1. If the Measber af the Audit at 7:45. ' Burean at CireuUtioa nUap RB^pBwIijr Lutheran Church will hold ita ,.<2—. Cole to Posts entire project is not completa, he Manchester Lodge of Elks will told the group, the area to be oc wnroMU. High near 56, regular bi-monthly meeting to meet Wednesday at 8 p. m. at the morrow evening Immediately fol Ji divorce, on the grounds of in- cupied by bulldinga will certainly Manche$Ur~^A CUy of VUlaifg Charm lowing the rehearaal. ' tolenble cruelty, was granted in American Legion Home and will ba finished. Supe^'r Court, Hartford, last initiate a group of candidates.. Dis Reelect Former ^Head WORLD'S ECONOMY week to Evelyn G. from Harold A. trict Deputy Aubrey Brown will be The bulk of the: meeting .was VOL. LXXIV, NO. 85 (TWRNTY-EIGHT PAGES IN T T ^ ^ C n O N g ) MANCHESTER. CONN, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 10 1954 Linne Lodge No. 73, Knigtita of 0£ School Building devoted to a general discusaibn • • F a g * M ) PRICE FIVE CENTS Pythiaa, will hold iU .regular Mclnttre. 45 Hyde St. An allow present and will conduct the an ------------------------------- — _____ Z. ance of gl2.50 weekly was granted nual inspection o f the lodge. Din of plans for the high school and CHAMPION meeting, tomorrow night at 8 Grdup; Review Plans for the Keeney Street School. o’clock in Orange Hall. Following for the support of one child. ner will be served at 8:30. Some question was raised about Three Happy Wairiors the meeting, the annual Thanki- The School Building Committee, \ • WAlX-rLAMB ~ PRESSURE BURNERS ' givinif aodal .will be held. Chan- A meeting of Wapplng Grange A daughter waa bom at the at a reorganization meeting last the Keeney plans drawn by Wal ^ lo r Commander Johii Poison and uill be held tonight in the Wap- Hartford Hospital on Nov. 5 to night., reelected Raymond Goslee ler Crabtree,. Jr., which do not \ V • COMPLETE HEATING UNITS Mr. and Mra. Clement Cole, 295 provide for O tters; It waa sug hia committee have arranged for a ping Community House at 8 chairman and named G. N. Cole • INSTALLED feY FACTURY TRAINED amocgasbord. and a large at o'clock. A large attendance is Hilliard St. gested that the concrete apron secretary to replace Mrs. Natalie around the building might be • FORCED WARM AIR — STEAM — HOT WA1 tendance is expected. Those mem hoped for since ofBcers are to 1m McIntosh who has resigned because Temple Chapter No. .53; OES. raised high enough to prevent 9 Clash bers who have not already called elected/Mrs. Elsie Hall will meet will''meet tomorrow night at 8 she has been elected to a post on water which draina o ff the >oof should contact John Poison or with Crange women after the the town’s Board of Directors. Harry Thoren. meeting to discuss\competitive o'clock at the Masonic Temple. from aplaahing against and shak Friendship night Avill ^ obser\’cd. Mrs. McIntosh and Dr. Pascal ing brickwork. night which wilt be heh)| Nov. 23. Poe. another former Committee FOGARTY BROTHERS with officers from surrounding There was also discussion of Slcmbers of the Amttican Legion chapters occupying the chairs. Re member who ia now a Director, Auxiliary who plan to attend the St. Anne's Mothers Cirtle will were replacied on the school plan whether dry wells for roof drain Anthorixed Dealer freshments will be served In the age would be effective in view of \ ItoBiorlal Day service on Veterans’ hold a meeting and rummagO Mle banquet hall after the meeting, in ning group by Clifford Varney and Day at Manchester Memorial Hos- at the home of Mrs. Florence Ola- Edward. Dlk. the high water Uble at tha sits charge of Mr#. Daisy Hslr snd her for the achool. OPnCE NOW AT 319 lUOAD STREET tal are requested'to meet at the comini, 58 McKinley St., Thursday committee. Members sre reminded The only deftnite action taken eiglon Home at 10 a.m. to march night at 8 o'clock. Co-hoatesses for .to bring gift for teacup. by the School Building Committee The group discussed aimilar MANCHESTER TEL. MI-9-4589 to the h o ^ ta l with other groups.the evening will be Mrs. Virginia was the scheduling of a meeting problems In a general way. Prior and Mrs. Mary Peak. 24 HOUR SERVICE _________________ !________ :___ - i . TTie British-American Club will Dr. David R. Morgan Friday evening In the office of hold its monthly meeting tonight Victor Frid, architect for the new The DeWolf Art Guild will meet at 8 b^clock at the clubhouse. Dr. David R. Morgan O'! Bangor, high school. The purpose of the I k e U r g e s McCarthy Gete Awanl this evening at 7:30 in the South meeting Is a general review of COAL-COKE-FUEL OIL Mainr, formerly of thia tofvn, has ^ethodist Church. Mrs. H. B. De- Den mothers and committeemen final plans drawn so far for the UST CRANtt TO WW $1IJM HALE'S ^Wolf, founder of the Guild, will of Cub Pack No. 151 are reminded .breome s.-sociated in practice with 35,000,000 school building, particu r^***iy* speak on the tqpic "Early Amer that a business meeting will IW Dr. Earl H. Bubsr of the Bangor larly for the benefit of the two Oreed frlM ie 6, l.'t Senate Vote ;e ofJBias ican Preseed G I ^ ." Mrs. Ernest held tomorrow evening at 8:30 st new members.' . Cleeaer CealeM . I I S Headquarter^ Chiropractic and Phyaiotherapy etker bi| *eih prliM. Bengston will serve as chairman U.e home of Mr. ehd Mrs. Clarence Clinic, 130 Essex St., that city. James L. Perry, clerk of the of the hostess contmlUee., V/pgman, 28 FairVlew St. Cen»m cIm m wMalaM, fO R The ton of Mr. and Mra. Chester Ne»»aik«r IS, I m n for Asia Treaty E. Morgan, 376 Woodland St., he OMdal latry lleafci end ONE DAY SPECIAL M siairti defoUt ea MO waa graduated from Manchester Sparks Dispute CASH SONUS AWAMS. Washington, Nov. 10 (A*)— Hospital Notes High School in 1949 and the Na OPEN ALL DAY WEDNESDAY President Eisenhow’er today tional College of Chiropractic, asked the Senate )to ratify Washington, Nov. 10 (A>)— Sen. Watkins.told Sen DEVELOPING Patients Today: ................ 161 Chicago, m ., and served his intern 8 2 0 o No w c n ic r f o r y o u r BOYS' OHd GIRLS' ly ship at the Chicago General Health the Southeast Asia collective today the only way to get a completely neutral pei on th« ADMITTED YESTERd XY: oW vocuunt cloofior. security pact aa "an im censure issue would be to pick “a deaf, dumb and b Michael Sirak, 109 Branford St.: Service. QUILTED ^ penon Mrs. Sarah . Farrand. 130 Wood- Dr. Morgan la rharried and has portant link” in the free and a moron.” / a yoi;ng daughter, and they make rai^7flli!jl€ bridge St.; Mrs. Betty Cauthon. APPLIANCE DEPT. world’s defense against any Watkins, head of the special committee ^ h ich recom 17 Garden St.; jMrs. Caroline their home at 22 E. Summer St. Bangor. the ZIwuMera at .Presidaxt Rfoeakawer, Chief Jiistk« Warren and Communist aggression. mended censure of McCarthy, loosed that t j^ s t when Me- Johnson, 33 Hamlin St.; MiM OAK ST. ENTRANCE In a special message submitting Alice Kelley, 32 Wells St., David JACKETS **” ’*"*•'• • mntaml ae«*e * f humor, all three laugh heartUy at sotne remark during Carthy suggested there was prejudice on Ute committee. a Wlilte Haase ceremony Nov. ». They wer* la the executive maaatea rose galMea to meet a group of the treaty, tha Prosident said i f ia C - -i . ^ j . J Hennequin, 28 Cottage St.; Miss designed "to promote securiU- and The two Senators quickly slipped into A dueling exchanga Mary O'Riley, 18 Franklin St.; perzoaa about to become eltiaoaa tu a Nov, II eefemony. (A P Wirephoto). of words after the Senate got down to/fonnal debate on r»- GIVE HER peace in Southeast Asia and the William Carlo, South Coventry; ThiJW H A U ea Southwest Pacific by deterring buking McCarthy, Wisconsin Republi^n. Mrs. Dorothy People, 14 Thomas .9 8 MUIliyBiBiVni .HnwMw'# if*! Communists and other aggression Watkins, Utahh Repubtican._________ _lai^ hia committee’s con- Dr.; Candace Hachadourian, 98 CHAKEL NO. 5 in tha't area." ' elusions on the ca.se for censure W m h M V o m I A I Weaver Rd.; Dominic Verrixxi, 330 available at He added,' fore, the Senate and Mc- Main St.; William J. Hamill, 377 Ike States Russians Softer "The Southeast Asia'collective Carthy promptly challenged th« you are not giving the OtlMT AppHqncM yu in n *s Spruce St. _____ WELDOirS defense treaty complements our facts as they are.” ADMITTED TODAY: Robert M l MAES’ s t r e e t 4)ullted— Sites M to Ox.