•saraix saiDSny aao saqo;oo njoi jo SOT:—•JSJB XjajBS uj —fq;jB3 aq; JJO raa, ;a3 :ui3;gA"s 11,1 -SufOS ajtt noX. q q TJ uaiii\. auu aqi jo Q-q)- 'iv& aaiJV 'Suiiajjo O -pa3jn naaq scq s;sinntn pnB 'sjnoA" jo JBO ?uq; aajjB 21001 aq^ IB •Eiiajqnin UB SB q JOJ Xcd Xaqj so rnoq} JOJ qanra SB aq; ;sufB3c UOI;OB aqs ,,'UTJtn 3unoi,, SB }snf om ..sosnimmoD 3tiT samj; SAJJ 3njA"Bd PUB SIOZBJ cDsq aqs ;flBi ;y 'anjcj; -}T33i;s9Airi,, asaqi -snompnoa pnut nBD?jarav SntA"nq 3JB sautia ai[X SaiAvouoj aq; 0; IBU3JB B SU JBD ,,a}B3]J89AtII,, O; A\I}tmOD 311% J9AO o IV jo sjaAvoiioj ;napjo aq; q;jAi ;m sq; apis;no pucq sjq 3m;;nd wan f iBnas V B jo qonra 3J[BUI ;,UOAV paAn a 3n o qj jo sauji ajaAas aqj ;sa;B3j3 3q; SBAI q;i paqo;BAV 3qs pnB \xo% v nj puj sq; JO o% xnjjq Snidoojp ^ apij ;sxa S,A"PBI pio auap u SBAV -B.possv s,UBJa;3A am 3° JJOS B spaau aatfj ABinSuB aqj, -f •,,-^IOB Tiax cnaoAV aHS oxa 'siiaa TIV si 'satfid siq; jo ';a3iaddy 'S 'V •;HOJJ sin at ^ou jnq 'apjs T *M '-[JBAvaj^ ';aaj;s pBOJa $Lf 0J aq; 30 Suiq;ou S3;BDIPUJ ;{ "asjnoo SXIQS HSVAV TIV JO iiotjq am 1.13 da u J JO -uopnioAa jo j3«j aq; nf ;qnop 'spjIO uupijsqs 'U'ld J° SUIOOJ J H P ;uaraja;ni q;iAV 'ainoq a;Bi siq OTOJJ rac JIOD TIV o UJ ''TO 'E 5^3010,0 XX VS. 'U10X pa;u;s-S!iu naaq SEI[ 'jjoop.o os:Z T13 uoouja;jB uo ai a ^q pazis ranipatn B ^saq 30 asnwa sq; saaxvaAvs TIV J3qnia;d3g 'ABpsjnqx Pl i q no piaq aq IU-M- saDlAJas adA"; pason-qnns JO ;Bg am g jo a3paiA\ou>i jno 30 J SXUIS s.xoa TIV UTAii "S98X o; X98X J° •niuq apiA mnipsin 3ui ;qnop s;si;uaps X b J° "K.'V '& 'O ' f jo JBAI aq} JOJ oajAjas SO;B -dOOjpjB miAi UAi.OJD AVOl JJOS B JB3A1. aAaijaqs'ip ;ou pip aq JO ;sj;uaios 'ON ipanoo BJiiana 3° Jsqtnani sims s.xait mv pinoqs~aoi3j A\oiJEn Suoi aqx 'Z ou SBAV ,;si;u3ps, sq; J3q;ia B SEAV ajj IPAiddOH JO 'UOS.10IJ puB uotunay •30133 ' auo nv •ps;B3f;s3AUi naaq jo ';;3JaAa OSJOOO PnlJ satn'Bf aq; JJO AndiuqB ujn; ;ou jsnm 'JSAS noi;na;;B jno o; araoq BATHI -Ai.oq 'tuijq stqx soAJnD A\B{ PUB [BJO jo ';;ojaAa 'S OBBSI IUO; qans 11V ;siuoi;nioA3-j;uB UB S[ _ jo ';;ajaAa sEiuoqx 'SJ3q;ojq uiqo aq; ;Badaj ;on saop put; OOBJ ;si;uaps ;Bq; JO siq; ;Bq; ;DSJJO sq; sq; snai[;Snai stq; asnBoaq 'ann »3P3 jnoj :uosnnp;nH 'A\ pJOjjEds 'SJK o; .vnnaasi spBni ussq OABII s;usni 'ja;q3nBp auo !aJBt\bs UO;I\UIBH 'LI naAanti UB IHJAI rauq 3uinjn;dn -S;B;S .tuBjv: -;i jo ;jBd B SI UBIU UB ;ssq SJBOAV 33Bj punoj aqx 'I JO ';;ajaAa spjna 'uos auo :;;sjaAg; sSuuiuaf ;Bq; pnB psjjnoao SBq uoi;niOA3 ^Bq; 'A BjianT -SJK 'AVOPIAV siq SOABSI pa 31VS 1V3H9 V •;Bq oq; 30 adv,qs sq> 'jo noi ;OBJ aq; jo JOABOSJEIJAV ;qnop .CUB -P3J3S OTH si ds;s ;xau aq; 'pB3q pnB oqA\ aoua;aamoo pui! ampuls pa -sBaoap aqx 'XBpj3;saX 'SIUJM S.TIOS 'St OOBJ 3iU oj sauii Snisuaid ;sora aq; -uiqDjnH 'atnoq siq ;B psjp 'SJt!a.< saratn.I 'a '3 ^d -vq ;UOAV Xddnd anioD aqx 'dniBi joon^ j[op •pBaq aq; snoj;sanb sq; jp auo si ,,iuoi; OO'OSS inj!;rvcoq aq; papJB.«.B SBAV nosdnioiix jo ost!q oq; ;B A"[OSOOI ;II3ITBD .Cuop s;si;ii3ps .xis v xox •uiaq; Xq pajBsp SBAI 000'lJ PunojB niq;tM. ' '6 jo a;is a;isoddo 's;aa.i;s v OJaAas 3jom jB3ddB.'o; spBtn •sujnj aq; UIOJJ pnB ssaaans piiBJS B psapui SBAA si SAVBC ajBnbs q;jAv SOBJ sqx 'f s.uaraaJiji .^jnquBJO 3qx "8 SUISU ;ou;sip sssuisnq .loun PUB T *N ' 88 •pceq ja;;aq B PJB/AO; ;uiod BOIE paujuq r aq; jo sjanAvo X;j3dojd oq; ,Vq UAioqs •000' ia sxax n'Aixavo "0 \ 'i aq; jo jpBq aq; ;c ;ou:[ ;jos T; ni auop sq ja;;aq pnq .uBq aq; '.pBaq ;ijids aq; pnB suoilBoipui ;uosajj .ioq o; aiuES puE '9 aq; uo ^SBq JBJ ;OUI[ pa;uiod B ni •asnoqaJBAv 'oitin sq; ;B 351^1 aq; oo TYOixdo KQ.S SHX strop si Jicq aq; nsqAV pa;niod OJOUI pun 3JO;S jaraioj Jisq; uBq; JSSJEI uo SBAV oqAv '3JO3iAi_ pJBAvpa -pjEoq 3UI.I.1SJ ;ou jt aSjBi SB puB sauo;s aajq; sssoososccosccoscososeceosoeisoscosoes si niqo_paiuiod Snoi v 'S -ja.vo 1)33 sqs usqAv 'oHpa S,JS;BAV •p-caq 3q; JO nipimq Avan aq; 3.\Eq o; paunBid oq; iiuoic ;Eoq v. ui iiujXEld OJOAV do; no qSiq pond puB sapis aq; no si %i 'Suipimq joojd-sjg ujspoin I1f q;iiH PUB31 1S 'ABpsjnqx ^SEL uouuK B ;o3J3 pus suinj aq; jBsp jauips-ianj BIII suop si jiBq oq; JI nnj ssai jcsd uo potiAicip Suiaq IUOJJ adr.osa .WOJ acaecoscaacccGccosaccozcaecccaeoscacaaaeo o; 3;Bp" ,t[JEa UB ;B P3;JE;S sq HIAV BHUV -tic \\u\\ S3BJ nnj punoj aqx 'Z -JBU B pEq 'siddOH 33JO3Q 'SJ]\; pnB •sapts-aq; :IJOAV 'nAvo;s;qStH o? asnoq sssnisnq MK jo Ja;qSnBp 'OIIHIOH s;;3UBaf 'SJOSBJJJ 'S?BJJ [oorpg ' uo Ajjnn puB pcoq aq; 30 do; uo ;BU;S3SJB[ sq; SEAV ipiqAv 'ujoauoa JiBq aq; Suissajp A"q pauapBOjq aq stq; jo siBpigo o; SntpjooaB puv. Sut ;snin SOBJ .ispnsis 3noi sqx 'X snjx u.vvo;s;qS(!H :>IMVT xi snvj •ITIVH sq; jo Joon puoaos aq; uo ssanjo •A[3ain Sniop si oqos puB .Ci3;Bip3imui psnsdo -aABq '^OBAV ;SBI JO BJU oq; ui UUB p3JnCni aq; ;ss a^.^ct n^A '.SA^mOJ SB OOO'OOXS v .psJ3i;ns OIIAS. '.VUECI qx •uonm aq; ui S;E;S jaq;o -moo 3JEAvpjBH u.v\o;sjij3iH •JO 'HUB J3q ui souoq sq; 3ui>|E0jq U9JHO0 11 '1133 oqs ptiB pstun; opiuB joq uaqAv .{[IB SB U3AV SB A3SJ3f AS.a>T UI pail - -(IB oq UBD qaiqAv sajiu iBjana3 AVBJ v '^nsj tiostsx SJK 'Joqq"]3U joop '9Z P3J33JO SABl| 30IAJ,)S U0ISU3;Xg 3q; axwsaa ;X3U jaq joatuoq aq; IUOJJ Suiraoo 00"S$ spueig SBAV aqs -Suiujotu ABpsaupaAi 'S7. njq; .<-![Du;ua>i jo .t;isiaAui.i aqx SS3XISMU 3.1XIXXOO •;i JOJ no tuJE jaq j(Bajq o; enn^iojsini ssajp JiBq 30 acH; ;saq aq; aintu oq; pBq uosuqof 'H nIB?HIA\ 'SJK '9 °l Z~\ Z ' -ja;ap PUB SOB.I .mo,t Xpn;s 0; DIBA si looips JO;J-C s.\i;p ox oq; ;ou si ;i -s3jn;Baj pcq XUB anioo paj3;uo OJE .•< l o; Snunoaaq aq ;ou HI. ;B A'ndinojd uado HIAV jooips ss(K s\nil aqx ' U0?. ;snSny '.\Ep dd gqi jnoA" "o; SnjraoDsq si ;BIIAI ' UO;IJBO 'SJK -uns njoq 'IJI3 .tqBq E jo q;Jiq aq; -JE3ddB IBJ3U32 S3H0 SUIUIIUJ3J3P JOAO suoi;Ein;EJ3uoo SUJAIBDSJ BJB 'Ai. '0?; ui qonra op S;BH -S;BI[ HCJ 3'U pnj 'uiAjg Bnuy SSIK ,pjoj;BJds '0 nassny SJK pur Jit uin% s;qSnoq; sauo pjg 'S3UIIUA"S XJBK SSIK IspBJif q;f p9A0id puB ino p&n traaq SBq }Bqi aoqs y uopaoo 'GX •JIJBAV3M jo 'iatniUBH suiqdssof SSIK xavn a.\VH spuujj Bjl "f lopiijS q;c 'sanuuA'S saij-cqo '8X apBJ3 q;g 'ni[dniEt[Q outqdasof •;i JB3q ;ou pip uoi; JBOSO :apcjS q;i 'UO;UOJX jo JauuiJig SS;K -E33J3UO3 aq; jo sotpBi aq; UB ;Eq; SXVH TIVJ !apBJ3 q;s jo jo;onj;sui put! jBdp pa;;ajS3j aq o; SBA\ ;I ./SUOISSIK -uijd 'jsppnDS BjnBT SSIK—'osud tns!iBno!;Bnjo;ui,, 'Sujoq otusq; is nqor "fli -tnoo X;tnoBj sqx 'q;?-X Jaqraa;das siq "aAi;onj;sut put: Sui;saia;ui Aia.v JTOJ cuBf -\S.suua -dn puB .ipjj; ooj; 'su •xarc sq snoisEDOO IBJSASS UO ;Bq; piBS si ao aaoxva siq; sJSAion aqx •308 oj 36K 'sJawooiJl "OC"!^ o; ooi 's B ;i -:S[OE};E sq; UIOJJ psJ3A0D3J •uot;i:3iiqnd s^q; o; jaqmora jnoi" n J3A3U PUB OSB S5i33AV ]BJ3A3S pa;ntBnI)OB XnEnosjad araooaq o; •SJBaX jt 0; t sazis—a;si;Bq pnE ^OOSHIEU 'u JO E sannus puE JESA" jad x4 S;SOD si aSoiiAiad stqx •s'tas yen oAJBU v q;?.^ ua3iou;s SBA'L uoj;Bpossy O;B;O^ a?Bjs am n? djqs ipanqa aq; JOJ X;iun^joddo ;sin aq; UV3AV IOOHDS acxa soxiHxaaaxn s.xaaaimo -piAipui ajojaq oj paaaSB SJB 02 SBAV 0lIA "3mn o; smi; mojj JB3ddB si siqx 'SJBSX OAV; JOJ i[3nuoQ0j\; ^U9i33jip ssafun 3q; raojj J3q;o ui' USAS puB •JK ps;joddns ipjnqo puooas >s auo' Sun-BcIionJBd aaq siq pnnoj sq 3I;;BD 3q; jo nj SJ3AV0JS o;B;od UAVOUJ; Suinjoui aq; ;B qoBsad 0} Sa[IUJ9J pUB Slip A^UE^ -S3IUBJJ -rann BSJBI o-ip jo ssnBaaa ss a^B; 0; A"Epsanx aiqB;s aq; o; ;uaMjaq;o A'q sapt;jB 'uouBpossy jo iisnuooojv: 1 •sja.voo nioon[-aq;-jo-;iiuj[ put uuotS A";nEnI> ;uanaaxg; ni paitsnqnd PUB janoo qoB3nos siq naqAl -sSnipntiq UIJEJ aq; a;-B;s aq; tn diqsjaqtnam JBHOP auo •3130X3,0 XI V& d pajsod aq i\ta. sianniAS. jo sjsn ;noqB paniEOj ;nq ';qSiu XEpnoit no •noisnjuoo ;noq;iAV ^JOAV aq; l - 3q; q;ioAv HBAV SJE t a OO-S . ll Xupiin^s .•Cq* pajjodaj PUB aji;aj }ou pip aH adid siq JOJ SinUAVO s,nt;jBi\: '10. °J not;jppE nj3aq UEO SAV ;cq; os JISBAV ;xau jCq .sxou aq jsnni psinpsqas -3[ooj SBAV aq piBS aq SBAV aiqnoj; aq; •mJoj paqstng aq XiqBqojd HIAV jsdBqo •Avon po}jB}s ia2 oj ;BqAv rajq paijsB aqs naqA\ "ajtAv siq ut;3nnq nj psqstiqnd ajE A"aq; ajojaq •A"Bpnns siq; qojnqo puoass aq; } sajBs nv "BJapjo -a -o "0 J0 auoqd on -joddo siq} 351BX 'aJiajia;ni paua>[BAVB pnB raooJ stq ;noqB pa[ ua.\a s;aatntiadxa asaq; jo s;insoj looqos .tB,pans on sq HJAI ajaqx BABIJ no^ ^rq; JDBJ aq; -ISOi pi"noAv oqAV JOA\OJ3 o;B;od pnu XiBn 'jooJciia^BAi '.^ijEnl) ^.M33q jo 3JE s}a;[0BU -aunoji. "Ai 'Ai JOjo ;JOI ABq 3t[; ni 3njtuoni aq; pnB tioi;BO{tqnd 3i;;j[ stq; uj X13Ai.3VJ niOJJ ^SiiOBJ TJ ja AjjEa SntSuBq A'q sppins pa;;iur (P83"d Xaupads) 'SXVODXIVa .S amj; o; amj; raojj jBeddB 3;B;S sq; J3S Jnoi aSUBJJB }3510B.I OU 3ABq JO -tnoa 'an'iAsniqqoa JE3H jo jo suojpas snoiJUA n{ ao patwBo SB siaua? psXtJjd JaAeu aABi[ no.t ;usuiraojd *nosniqD;nH 'S s;tramiJ3Jdx3 S,U!;JBK 'la 3» s;ins •noAi uaaq 8t 0} 8 saziS 'noil s.tojnpioo -3j aqx 'a^TTja aq; nj JSAVOJS o;B;od pBq ?3S aqj oqj SB ^Bid o; a9nBjjB •aaioiris sxnatoo A\I3Aa XlIBDpjOBJd 0; UAiOUJl SI •q;SX pnc sajnjxjra JOOAV ^pjnjs 'pooo_ -JIBC! pn\r - J \\i& aa.

New York Labor Federation reso- MnoVED UNIFORM IXIBUUTIONAL lution tails to name Hylau. BRIEFS BY CABLE, Motion picture distributors ask for new bearing on Connecticut film tax law. »New Jersey » SundaySchool WIRE, WIRELESS Dr. T. W. Young, LOB Angeles den- tist, on trial for murdering •wife, com- ? mits suicide. i State Briefsl Great Events That Are Changing Cornelius Vanderbilt, Jr., will head Lesson' . FrlendX _ Tom Mix purchased a $250,000 pro- Oaklyn commissioners at their last JUNIOR TOPIC—Pan! Pressing WASHINGTON perty In Beverly Hills, Cal. . weekly meeting took steps to provide ward the Goal. INTERMEDIATE AND SENIOR TOP- Strike preparations go, forward as a paid flre department for the bor- IC—Choonlnff the Best Things The civil service commission Is try- both sides in mine dispute refuse to ough. YOUN0 PEOPLE AND ADULT TOP- ing to ascertain how much the federal alter terms materially. Farmers of south Jersey suspended IC—The Christian's Goal, government pays out to_lts 572,000 America's last frostier town waa operations for the annual farmers' employes In a surveyr" " again-In the.hands'of Indians—but all picnic at Rlverview Beach, Penns- Tbe contents of the epistle may b» French debt plans agreed upon by •W8B peaceful. They -wen in Gallop,- vHle. summarised OB fallows: Finance Minister Caillaux and Win- N. M., in the most unique all-Indian Plans have been approved for a L Salutation (1:1-2), ston Churchill at London has failed celebration in America. Fourteen three story dormitory for boys at the 2. Thanksgiving and prayer In which to stir official Washington. tribes competed in sports, handicraft State Masonic Home, Jacksonville he shows MB loving Interest In them The standing in the Iowa senatorial and dance. road, Burlington. (1:8-11.) contest recount is: Daniel W. ' Connecticut film men say that tax P. Mason Fox of the First National 8. Triumph of the gospel ln spltff Steck, 294,547; Senator Smith W. may close state's motion picture the- Bank of Elmer, has resigned as as of opposition (1:12-26). Brookhart, 281,063. Only six counties atres. sistant cashier to enter the real es- 4. Duties enjoined (1:27-2:18). remain to be tabulated. Senator Wadsworth and Assembly- tate business at Ocean City. 5. Paul's promise to send Timothy Mark Sullivan says Anglo-French man Eberle score Smith's arguments Pennsgrove fremen are planning a and Epaphrodltus (2:19-30). for bond issues. royal entertainment for the Salem 6. Exhortations and warnings (3:1- debt agreement will hasten American (Copyright, 1J1».) settlement Governor Smith urges constitution- County Firemen's Association at its 4:1). al amendments in speech before New annual meeting, set for September 14. Horizontal. 25—A native of the northern port of In order to prevent the collapse of South America or the. souther* 7. Renewed appeal for unity (4:2-9). York State Federation of Labor. Many. Clayton business men and 1—A. coantry In Europe 8. Personal matters (4:10-23). the Dawes plan, Germany Is seeking residents joined a motor run of the 6—Shifts Dart of N'orlh America a large loan from the . 1—Name given to a lion 2«—Place* (or sitting The essential message of PhUlp- Kiwanls Club to Atlantic City. There 2—A pUMHiiKeivay 34—Not In 28—To behold plans Is a revelation of the mind which Richard W. Bonnevalle of Jersey SPORTING was a shore dinner and special stunts: 28—A. stupid lellovr jaennnrt oT *r*n should dominate the Christian. City, N. J., who has resigned as spe- Cape May will be well represented J mile* In a xllly nlTrettd' fashion 32—Filled with crumb* cial representative ol the Department IT—An exclamation u»ea to itartlr or S3—To follow 1. All Things Loss for Christ (3:7-9). Babe Herman clearly outpointed at the national encampment of the G. 39—Cried like a dos of Commerce, will act as assistant Kid Kaplan, at Waterbury, Conn, but A. R. and allied organizations at' friarhten " 10—Jump" The occasion for this remarkable- financial adviser for Persia. 21—Ireland 24—To rest 37—Counterfeit* referee's draw decision saved title Grand Rapids from August 29 to Sep- 35—A box AT nTton of anrthlne .18—A larce antelope of Africa declaration was the claim of th» Secretary Davis announces that ae jor champion. tember 6. 27—Copola* 2f>—Sleeveless eonta 40—Beheld Judaizlng teachers for legal righteous- 30—Learning (plural) 41—Combining form mennlne; "rrHMn" is satisfied with the manner in which , Jack Kelly,' 1920 Olympic sciilllas The township committee has adver- 43—Ggff* at flub 45—To em»U>7 ness. In chapter 3:4-6 he enumerates . the plan of examining prospective lm- , champion and partner with Paul Co»- 31—A fflrl's name the grounds upon which he had a tised for bids from electrical contrac 32—A Kptce 34—A sons 47 An academic desxee 40—While migrants abroad has been carriedjmt i ten0 in gaining the 1920 and 1924 tors for lighting Columbus, and it is 30—A city In Italy Solution -Kill appear ln next tune. right to base his claims for legal In Great Britain and the Irish Free Olympic doubles sculls titles, an-expected the work will be completed 37—That Bin SO-—Fonndatlon righteousness. Slate. nounced hat his last rowing race will by October. 40—A kind of rock 1. "Circumcised the eighth day," ln> Mark Sullivan sars capital does not be In the Middle States regatta at 43—Abbreviation of man'i title Solution of Last Week's Puzzle. keeping with the demands of the law. Virtually all the work has been 44—A rnstlc 45—Above 1 tear fuel shortage. Baltimore on Labor Day. completed on West Jersey avenue in 40—To cnt xhort, ns hair 2. "Of the stock of Israel," related America and Great'Britain accept The defeat of William M. Johnson laying Pitman's new $40,000 storm 4S—To correct fflil by blood and birth. and Clarence Griffin at Brookiine, 49—Amalgamated Society of Ensjlneers China's invitation to customs confer- water sewer. Officials hope to have (abbr.) 50—Lonc» tor 8. "Tribe of Benjamin," from which* ence. Mass., marked the fourth time tliut it working before there is another 61—Drenched EDO: EQD[a.H EDQ the first king was chosen, and which? this team has been put out of aheavy rain. Vertical. QBn ••• tEanaiaQB DEE always remained loyal to the nation. United States tennis douDics chain WORLD'S BUSINESS In an effort to eliminate mosquito X—Put down EH nan • Q HmcK sea 4. "An Hebrew of the Hebrew's," ln> pionship by an Australian comb'r.atoii. breeding places in Burlington and its 2—Over (poetle) 3—Behold! iDHESDGS - SBB BaHSO contrast with some of mixed parent- There has been an increase in outskirts the committee in charge has 4—A Rhnrp-polnted Implement SOE EEOHBEaS : 5—A kind of coin (pluralI 3«5[A|\/T£|DfiBtaJAi13|C»|l-L age. July railroad earnings running well price of tickets for Harvard'^ engaged Edmund Frappier, a govern- 0—RC«««MJ 7—Beloncinc to her 5. "Touching the law, a Pharisee," games with Dartmouth and Holy 1 ahead of the same month last ment expert, to supervise the work 8—A negative the sect most zealous for the ritual Cross, both to be played in the Sta- U—A laricr rontnlacr for tratrr 1SIP1E.IE-IL>HIH) I pw i ID YJUILI General Motors Corporation, Ltd., temporarily. of Judaism. dium. 10—Scarf* vrorn by chnreh fdntrtion- 1 acquires the English Austin Com- Just -out of the navy, where he fin- nrles EK! Han H BEIH^ Qul 6. "Concerning zenl, persecuting the pany. Blockhead won Adirondack Handi- ished his .enlistment, Oran "W. Lloyd 13—A eot-nfT-r la Europe EBH3 CaH51l3!lllHii:^@ cap, feature race at Saratoga. church." A passionate effort to crush Kailroad inquires for steel products will try out his sea legs on a police- IS—Hot. dry winds that blow t> Arabia @01S SlSDE] HSHI- the church. show an improvement, accornm^ to John Kirkwood, sensational young man's beat at Pitman. He was sworn 30—Splendid skater, will compete in class A circles 22—.« Bum's ume IS— Pluck 7. "Touching the righteousness Teports in trade circles. in by Mayor Gink as a member of the which Is In the law, blameless," sis 1 he production of electric lamps In this year. local force. Macdonald Smith easily won the to the condition of life demanded by the United States today Is more tnan Ten aliens of different nationalities the law. SOU.000,000 a year, valued at about Long Island open golf title, leading who had been smuggled into the conn HOW TO SOLVE A CROSS-WORD PUZZLE 5120.000.000. nearest rival by ten strokes. try from Cuba, were taken to the All of these, valuable In themselves, when placed alongside of the excel- Directors of the Vellow Cab Manu- Johnny • Datto, Filipino batam- Gloucester Immigrant Station. They When the correct letters are—ptareed ln the white spares this pusxle will facturing Company authorized the weight,- knocked out Herbie Schaffer arrived on the' steamship Berkshire spell vrbrds both vertically and boriiontally. The first letter In each xrord Is lency of the knowledge of Christ Were- indlcnied by a nnmber* 'which refers to the definition listed below the pDKxle. abandoned for a better thing. Thft-' Issuance of SOO.000 shares of com o' Chicago in the tenth round of their from Miami, Fla., and will be de Thus No. 1 under the column headed "horljontnl" deflnea a word which will fill mon stock in- exchange lor 160,000 scheduled twelve-round bout at To- ported. the white spaces, up to the'first black square to the right, and a number nnder vision of Christ gave him the true- ehares of General Motors Truck Cor- ledo, Ohio. • Center township police are direct- "vertical" defines a word which will fill the white squares to the next black on* perspective of values. In this light The Southwestern Conference, com- below.--No lettent go ID the black spaces. All words nsed are dictionary words, he saw the utter worthlessness of poration stock. ing a campaign against drivers of au except proper names. Abbreviations, slang. Initials, technical terms and obsolete Bank of Mexico refuses United posed of Texas colleges and universi- tomobiles who park on lonely roads forms are Indicated ln the definitions. these things. After Borne thirty yenrs ties, claims to have sent more ball without lights. Edward White of of such trials and sufferings as per- States aid. players to the big leagues in the past Pennsylvania Railroad earnings in Colllngswood was fined $10 and Rob- haps no other human being ever knew, five years than any other college con ert Wade of Camden $5 by Recorder he has no regrets, and still counts July best tor the month in road's his- ferejjce Burke. them as refuse In comparison with tory French Davis Cup team of Lacoste John Battersby. fifty-two years old, what he had gained ln Christ Two words beginning with B. bet- and 3orotra is put out of national URSERY-RHYME ter and bumper, were the predomin- of Gloucester City was committed to II. Paul's Present Ceslro (vv. 10-11). doubles championship play by White the Camden county jail for 30 days 1. "That I May Know Him." ant note of reports from agriculture and Thalhelmer of Texas. thronghont the Middle West. by Mayor Anderson on a charge o Personal acquaintance with the Lor* Fidel LaBarba, cham- driving an automobile while intoxi- Stockholders of the Kn. ge Deparz- was his supreme desire. To bnow pion, who won the title in a cated and damaging the car of Thorn the saving grace of Christ Is good,, n-ent Stores have approved the in-bout at Los. Angeles against Frankie as Thorn. crease in the authorized comm 1 but to know Christ Is Infinitely bet- Genaro of New York, announced he The street committee of Gloucester ter. stock to 700.000 from 200,000 shares. would retire from the ring ia a year City council has requested all th< Purpose of the increase is to provide , to enter college. 2. "The Power of His Resurrection." property owners needing new sewe This Is an advance thought over lor future expansion. and water connections to make them Mexico prepares to resume debt personal acqualntanca It Is the ex- FOREIStf at once, as after the streets are im- payments proved no excavations will be allowed pression of the life of Christ through- Siock market displays Irregularity, for five years. the apostle. It Is the power you gain, but advance continues. Mongolia charges Amercian Mu- to overcome, the mastery over sin- The world record price for a bull la seum's expedition was organized in The Pitman Athletic Association i: and self. $102,000. paid in theUnlted S;ates by ; "miitary fashion." planning for a big carnival early in 3. "Fellowship of Hla SuffertaKS." the Carnation Farms Company for a i The big Thyssen firm of Duessel- September. Not only Identified with Christ ln> Holsteia. i dort, estimates at 70.000,000 marks The new trust company building at •flls sufferings by Imputation, but that (roughly $17,J0C,0G0) the damages re- Glassboro is to be of Colonial design lie might fill up that which Is behind sulting from the Franco-Belgian oc- and built of red brick. of ttie afflictions of Christ (Col. 1:24). GENERAL cupation o{ the Ruhr, which Uas just Application has been made to Post- 4. "Attain Unto the Resurrection of been terminated. master Albright of Woodbury bj the Dead" (v. 11). French advance to fight 2,000 In many people who have moved to th This will be accomplished when the- Coolidge holds London debt terms suburbs for carrier service. do not affect Franco-American' nego- Moroccan hills. Lord comes (I Thess. 4:16-17). tiations German newspapeds deride French New pupils who expect to atten III. Pressing Toward the Goal (vv. Negro Comptroller of Customs and security pact note. the Pitman High School will registei 12-16). JCtw Orleans Sheriff are charged with King Albert and Queen Elizabeth of on September 2. The town will start Paul clearly grasped the meaning of rum conspiracy. the Belgians plan to embark at Mar- its first full four year high school ; his perfection Irr Christ, yet he was V.cr-Prcs;dent Charles G. Dawes re- seilles. France, for their voyage to course. ~- j keenly conscious of his personal limi- cently celebrated his sixtieth birthday India. They will travel incognito. George L. Barker of Westville has tations. Herein Is expressed the true- v.:th a luncheon to Japanese ambas- Mount Vesuvius near Naples, Italy, been elected president of the Glouces- law of progress In the spiritual life. sador Tsuneo Matsudaira. ... has resumed extraordinary activity, ter County Realtors, succeeding Ed- the volcano erupting great quaaities ward Crist of Woodbury, who de- 1. Conscious of Limitations (v. I2i A Denver ordinance preventing The first step towards progress Is newsboys from crying their wares or of ashes and lighting up the whole clined re-election. countryside at night. Authorities at An early meeting Is to be called of to be profoundly- dissatisfied with selling papers except at authomed the volcanic observatory, however, personal attainments. No Intellectual stands was held unconstitutional by a special committee appointed by have expressed the opinion that no Mayor Stanger and council to consid- advancement is ever madd shepherd always looks after Emil Winker of New York Is re- bidder, at S2S.2S3. Chicago advises that La Salle Ex- These lanterns up hla ailing slieep.—Western Clirlstlaa . ported to have purchased the threo Preparations are being made to ap- Advocate. ply another coat of oil to the Glass- boro-Elmer pike, which is now in ex- As soon as it grows dark.

w cellent condition on the Gloucester Teaches Mercy [ elUJCVW* AUVf *•»^ *** V.* u«*wf 4IUWU IV •#- y for at taa ^. u ti f a Russian noble- County end bat very rough over the * rind three guests. Lower left corner down, along dress. Upper side down, The religion of Jeaua Christ alont am tte co ec on c llor.Q arm. Upper sloe down, on drets. discretion of the directors. 1 man, are hu^e, lustrous am- blark. Salem County line. teacheu mercy." THE CR^NBURY PRESS (The BLACK QANQ ON By CYRIL McNEILE SAPPER the door, terrified out of bis wlta by AN OWL HOOTS the look of diabolical, fury In the (Prepared by the National Oeographlo So- Then Ross undertook to find' out POULTEY SHIPPERS Copyright by QBORQB H. DOKAN CO. hunchback's eyes. Three or four detjr, Wmblngton, D. C) N ALL the stirring story of man's how It got there. After discussing the SYN0PBI3.—To a gathering of IP, N. 0. S.nrfc. clerks, who had been surreptitiously subject with Sir Patrick Manson, he SAVE MUCH MONEY anarchists la Barking, London peeping through the open door, melted effort to make himself master of set out for bis regimental post at suburb, ZabolefT, foreign agita- rapidly away, while from hte chair bis environment, there Is not a Secunderabcd. India. He began to A report prepared by V. W. Lewis; tor, • tells of the operations of a you sooner. You have gone to the Mr. Latter watched the'scene fasci- I more thrilling chapter than that live stock marketing specialist for the body of men who have become a dissect mosquitoes under the micro- menace to tholr activities. H« police." nated. He was reminded of a bird which tells of the bitter battles he has scope. Week after week he conducted North Carolina state division of mar- Bays they »ro manlced and Tvonr "But—but," stammered Latter, "the and' a snake, and suddenly he gave waged for the conquest of contagion, his search for tbe malarial germ In kets, shows that those poultry growers long black cloaks and aro acting police were no good to Zaboleff last and of the ground he has won In his without the law. Ho la Inter- a little shudder us Jie realized that his the Insect's tissues without result. of North Carolina wjio took advantage rupted by the men ho la describ- night." own position was In reality much the struggle with his relentless and In- of the co-operative carlot shipments ot numerable, though Invisible, foes, the Finally he had two remaining mos- ing (the Black Ganpj), who break "And it Is quite possible," returned same as that of the unfortunate quitoes. Taking one of these, he poultry and eggs this ^spring saved a up the mooting, sentencing some the other calmly, "that they will be Cohen. organlzlsms of disease. totnl of $28,578.48.' of the participants to condign searched it out part by part, but with punishment and carrying away equally futile In your case." Candidly, . And then Just as the tension was .The World war served to demon- Intense disappointment, until he came The shipments began on March 26 otliers. A' memorandum found Mr. Latter, I am completely Indifferent becoming unbearable there came the strate that the tyranny'of the diseuse- to the "wee beastleV stomach/There, and closed on June 20. During^ thnt on Zaboleff RIVOH an addroBS- In on the subject of your future. You producing germ can be conquered. Hoxton, which tho- leader of the Interruption. Outside In the passage," with his • high-power microscope, he time, through the efforts of the home j attacking party considers of lm- have served our purpose, and all that clear and distinct, there sounded twice Straining every nerve for victory, found some black specks. • He recog- and farm demonstration agents of \ portnnce. Sir.Bryan Johnstonc, matters Is that you happen to be the the hoot of an ;owl. To Mr. Latter the nations that faced the foe from nized them us the pigment of the ma- State college, the teachers of agricul- director of criminal Investiga- bone over which the dogs are going It meant nothing; to the frightened Bagdad To" Bruges had to make sure laria germ. " After gaining this clue, ture in the high schools and the mar- tion, hears from Inspector Mc- to fight. Until last night the dog's Tvcr, Bent to arrest Zaboleff the little- Jew it meant nothing; but on that epidemic disease should not at- exhausted, he slept for an hour. Com- keting specialists, 404,285 pounds of night beforo, of his discomfiture. hadn't met—officially; and in the the count the effect wns electrical. tack the -firing Hue from the renr. ing back to his work, he used a poultry and 3,151 cases of eggs were He hod been nelsed and chloro- rencontre last night, the poUce dog, With a quickness Incredible in one Consequently, half-way and temporiz- stronger salt solution in his dissect- shipped. In addition to the eg?s formed and his raid frustrated. unless I'm greatly mistaken, was Hugh Drummond, man of leisure, so deformed he was at the door, and ing methods were taboo and preven- ing operations, and lo, the contents shipped a total of 3.530 cases were tella Johnstone of seeing the kld- caught by surprise. Mclver doesn't Into the passage, hurling Cohen out tive medicine had free reign. of the pigmented cells no longer con- stored In a cold storage plant In Wil- nRpers and their victims. Ho be- let that happen twice. In your case of his way Into a corner. • His power- The results were amazing. Al- sisted of clear fluid but a multitude of mington to await the higher prices of comes an unpaid agont of the he'll be ready. With luck this cursed ful lists were clenched by his side: though never before In human his- threadlike bodies, which on the rup- the winter months.' police, under Mclver. William black gang, who are infinitely more AtklnRon, ostensibly pawnbroker the veins In his neck were standing tory was there such an Intermingling ture of the parent cell, were poured Mr. Lewis says: "When we be- and money lendor, really Count a nuisance to me than the police have out like whipcord. But to Mr. Lat- of peoples,' such a crossing and re- Into the body-cavity of the Insect! gan this work, live hens were selling- Zadowa, director of anarchy In been or ever will be, will get bitten ter's surprise he made no movement, crossing of seas, such an invitation England, does business .In an- badly." From there they entered the salivary In the territory Indicated at from 17 other London suburb. A mys- and rising from his chair he too peered to contagion to spread to the ends of to 20 cents per pound and only In a • Mr. Latter was breathing heavily. round the door along the passage, glands, and from these reached the terious stranger Invades the the earth, only one epidemic succeeded blood of the person bitten by the mos- few Instances did the producers get as premises. "But what do you want me to do, only to stagger back after a second In breaking the barriers erected by much as 20 cents. All but six enra count?" or two with a feeling of sick fear quito. In his story of his work Ross tbe sanitarians. And, as If to eni- exeialms: "Never In our dreams had of this poultry brought a price of from "Nothing at all, except what you In his soul, and a sudden dryneBS In phaslz« man's power to master the 22 to 25 cents per pound at the car were going to do normally," answered the throat. For twenty yards away, we Imagined so wonderful a tale is CHAPTER III—Continued major contagions, not one of those this." door." the other. framed in the doorway at the head with which the world's public health Farmers taking part In this move- "Hullo! What's up?" of the stairs leading down to the otHee Under bis leadership, Ismallla, on 1 In blissful ignorance of the sad officials were familiar escaped from the Suez canal, with &.000 population, ment snved at least 4 cents per pound From a little electric bell at his below, he had seen a huge, motionless the regions where It was endemic, by selling co-operatively In addition to plight of the clerk below, two men elbow came four shrill rings, repeated figure. For a perceptible time he had set to work to free Itself from ma- •were sitting in this room, deep In con- while Influenza, which was a stranger, arln. It succeeded so brilliantly that the fact of having a market brought again and again. stared at It, and it had seemed to broke away and swept over the face to their home towns. The movement -versution. In u chair drawn up close The count rose, and with system- stare at him. Then the door had tlie disease was entirely wiped out. to the desk wns no less a person than of the earth. anama and a hundred other places spread and some counties made ship- atic thoroughness swept every piece shut, and on the other side a key ments not Included in the amount •Charles Latter, M. P., and It was he had- turned. And the figure had been It was natural, therefore, that when e been largely freed from malaria of. paper off the desk Into his pocket. peace came again the lessons of pre- given. Vance county, for Instance, who .was doing most of the talking. Then he shut down the top and locked draped from head to foot In black. >y the application of the principles for But It was the other man who riveted vention and sanitation learned during ts control developed by Ross and his made two shipments In co-operation it, while the bell, a little muffled, still the World war should have driven with the marketing agents of a rail- iittention: the fnuu who presumably rang Inside. o-workers. wns Mr. Atkinson himself. Charles Latter was unmornl rntlier themselves home In-the minds of those The anopheline mosquito Is cssen- road; Rutherford county shipped 43,- "What's the fool doing?" he cried than immoral: he was a constitutional who think In terms of world-welfare. 741 pounds and the Farmers' federa- At lirst he seemed to be afTlleted ally a rural resident. In contrast to angrily, stepping over to the big safe coward with a strong liking for -un- Taught that epidemic diseases, which he yellow fever carrier, which pre tion of Ashevlile shipped 190.000 with an almost phenomenal stoop, and let Into the wall, while Latter, his derhand Intrigue, and he was utterly pounds. i' It was only when one got nearer that plainly constitute the major menace fers to live In cities. Therefore the face white and terrified, followed at nnd entirely selfish. In his way he to civilization In peace times, can be •the reason was clear. The man was his side. And then abruptly the bell malaria problem, in the main, has be- Indications are that this movement' was ambitious; he wnnted power, but, mastered, the sanitarians threw them- come, under conditions •of modern san- will grow In volume and Importance si hunrl'ibnrk, and the effect It gave stopped. though in many respects he was dis- wns that of a huge bird of prey. Un- selves Into the fray with redoubled itation, a matter to be dealt with In 1920 and Mr. Lewis states thnt Very deliberately the count pressed tinctly able, he lacked that essential energy. mainly by small towns, villages and there is now no longer any excuse for like mn.st hunchbacks, his legs were two concealed knobs, so sunk Into the factor—the ability to work for it. He •of normal length, and as he"sat mo- Hookworm la Conquered. country districts. growers not making money with poul- wall as to be Invisible to a stranger, hated work: he wanted easy results. Casting about In the early days ry. All that Is needed, he says. Is for tionless In his chair, a hand on each and the door of. the snfe swung open. And to obtain lasting results Is not The measures employed are: Sim- knee, staring with unwinking eyes at for the best puthogenlc foe to attack ile drainage, filling pits and shallow he producers to get behind some or- And only then was It obvious thnt easy, as Mr. Latter gradually discov- In a great after-the-war campaign for ganized movement to help themselves. Iiis talkative companion, there was the safe wns not a safe, but a second ered. A capability for making flashy lools, channeling streams, clearing .something menacing and Implacable exit leading to a flight of stairs. For International health, ninny of these :he margins of streams and ponds, re- speeches covered with a veneer of agencies decided to concentrate on in his appearance. His hair wus gray; a moment or two he stood motionless, cleverness Is an undoubted asset, but noving obstructions, turning in the Prevention of Disease Tils features stern and hard; while his listening intently, while Lntter fidget- hookworm. For here was a human sunlight, oiling, enlisting the service It Is an asset the value of which ailment sapping the strength of hun- month reminded one of a-steel trap. ed nt his side. One hand wns on n has been gauged to a nicety by the of the top minnow and administering Most Profitable Plan Hut it was his eyes that dominated master switch which controlled all the dreds of millions of people throughout quinine. When one goes Into a chicken men who count. Anil so ns time went the f restless belt of the earth— •everything—gray-blue and piercing, lights, the other on a knob Inside the on, and the epoch-making day when Driving Out Yellow Fever. douse and hears the birds singing. It they .seemed able to probe one's lnner- second passage which, when turned, he had been returned to parliament a principal cause. Indeed, of their is a pleasant contrast to the appear- •JIHM soul. A man to whom It would Individual and collective exhaustion. In--the world-wide crusade .for the would close the great steel door noise- fueled into the past, Mr. Latter real- onquest of contagion Inaugurated af- ance of a flock that Is droopy, with l>e unwNe to He—n man utterly, un- lessly behind them. ized himself for what he wns—a No other disease Is as easily cured. pale combs and indicating a general scrupulous in himself, who would yet ter the close of the World war, yellow He" was frowning angrily, but grad- thing of no account. And the realiza- The demonstration both of its cause unhealthy condition. The difference punish iloulile-dealing In those who and elimination was amazingly simple: fever stood out as an Insolent foe that ually the frown wns replaced by a tion was as gall and wormwood to had been defeated In organized war- In the majority of cases Is not due to •worked for him with merciless sever- his soul. It Is a realization which a dose say, of epsom salts, a dose of ity, A dangerous man. look of puzzled surprise. Four rings fare, but that had now resorted to ane producer curing the disease and from the shop below wns the recog- comes to many men, and it tnkes them thymol, another dose of salts, fol- the other not curing It, but rather to lowed by the elimination of scores and sniping and bush-whacking in tropical "So you went to the police, Mr. I,nt- nized signal for urgent dnnger, and different ways. Some become resigned America and Africa. How finally to tbe fact that one breeder prevents e all right." and vanished through his private bolt- pleasant little mind like a book, and chapter of the history of yellow not wait until they get a strong foot- hole, leaving everything In darkness. Today those southern states' com hold In the flock, but carries on a The count's lips curled. hnd re-ached a certain and definite de- munitles whose health organizations fever." "It would take more than Sir Bryan And should inconvenient visitors nsk cision. In fact, looking hack on the preventive war on such pests. Under Inconvenient questions—well, it was took up the anti-hookworm war have After Maj. Walter Reed and his •lohnstone's promise, Mr. Latter, to In- past few months. Mr. Latter wns nt a fellow-workers in Cuba hnd demon such conditions pests never cause a Mr. Atkinson's private office, and a loss to account as to how things had the satisfaction of knowing that hook- serious loss. sure your sufety. Do you know whom very nice office too, though at the mo- worm disease has been greatly re- strated that yellow fever is a mos- that note was from?" reached, their present pass. Had he quito-borne disease, General Wood Most of the trouble from worms ment he wns away. duced, both in severity and prevn, and a good deal of the trouble from "I th'uight, count," s-nld the other a been told when he stood for parlia- lence; that the people have been en- and Colonel Gorgas, by following the Thus the procedure—simple and ment, flaunting all the old hackneyed coccidosls can be eliminated by rais- little tremulously—"I thought It might sound; but on this occasion something lightened as to Its importance, its principles laid down by. Reed, ban 3ic from this mysterious Black Gang formurae, thnt within two years he ished it from Cuba; Colonel Gorgns ing the flock on fresh ground each seemed to have gone wrong. Instead would he secretly engaged In red-hot relief, and the menus or its final con- year. If It is not possible fo have that one has heard rumors about." of the industrious silence of clerks trol; Hint permanent agencies-conv drove it out of Panama; Dr. Oswaldo "It was," replied the count tersely. Communist work, he would have Cruz eliminated it from Rio de Jeneiro fresh" ground the next test thing Is to working overtime on affairs of flnan- laughed the Idea to scorn. Anarchy, mined to Its elimination have b<-en clean up frequently and use lime free- "Heavens!" stammered Latter. clnl Import, n perfect babel of voices rooted in the soil, and that a su and Doctor LIceaga exterminated It too: a nasty word, but the only one In Vera Cruz. ly in keeping the ground sweet and •••Then it's true;' they exist." became audible In the passage. And that fitted the bomb outrage In Man- aining public sentiment has been free as possible from germ life. "In the last hionth." answered fhe then there came an agitated knocking chester, which he had himself organ- created In the Interest of more gen- But there still remained a few places liunchbaek, staring fixedly at his on the door. ized. Sometimes In the night, he used eral measures for the better protec that served as seed beds of the dls frightened companion, "nearly twenty "Who is It?" cried the count sharp- to wake nnd lie sweating as he thought tlon of public health. ease, against which the world had to ., of our most useful men have disap- ly. It may be mentioned that even of that episode. Even more insidious than the hook- quarantine constantly. One of these Poultry Hints peared. They have simply vanished wns Guayaquil, Ecuador, • nnd there the most Influential members of his Arid-gradually It ltad become worse worm, and not so dramatically erad- into thin air. I know, no matter how, staff knew better than to come Into cable, is the microscopic animal thai were others in Yucatan, Guatemala that it Is "°t tbe police: the police are nnd worse. Little by little the charm- Oatmeal nnd all that sort of food the room without previously obtaining ing Count Zailowa, realizing that Mr. cuuses malaria. In the language o and elsewhere. as mystified as we are. But the po- permission. the lamented Osier, "cholera kills tti Finally Guayaquil, awake to the' Is no good for ducks or geese.. Keep aice, Mr. Latter, whatever views they Latter possessed Just those gifts which "It's me, sir—Cohen," came an agi- he could utilize to advantage, had thousands; plague, In Its bad years. It! new spirit of international co-opera- all this sticky stuff away from them. may take olllclally are In all probabil- tated voice from outside. hundreds of thousands; yellow feve tion for making the world safe from • * • ity unofficially very glad of our ceased to be charming. There were For a moment the count paused: many advantages In having- a mem- hookworm disease, pneumonia and tu the domination of the Huns of_ con- Because chickens seem to drink only friends' -disappearance. At any riite then with a turn of the knot) he closed ber of parliament as chief liaison berculosis are all terribly destructlvi tagion, Invited the foremost sani- an occasional teaspoonful of water Is until lust night." the safe door silently. With an Im- officer. some only In the tropics, others 1 tarians of North America to co-op- no reason for thinking that they don't "What do yon mean?" asked the perious hand he waved Latter to a There hnd been that first small slip more temperate regions as"well; but erute -with the municipality in a final need any water. other. chair, and resumed his former posi- when he signed a receipt for mfaiey malaria Is today, as it were, a disease drive for the - extermination of the • • • "Last night the police were balked tion at the desk. paid him to address a revolutionary to which the word pnndemlc is ap- malady. If broody hens are shut up the first •of their prey, nnd Mclver doesn't -like "Come in," he snapped. meeting In South" Wales during the plicable. In this country and In Eu- The Invitation was accepted, and night they are discovered they can be being balked. You know Zaboleff was It was a strange and unwholesome coal strike. And the receipt specified rope Its ravages have lessened enor- American, Latin and Nipponese fought broken up easier than if left on the .sent over?" object that obeyed the order, and the the service rendered. An unpleas-nnt mously during the past century, but shoulder to shoulder in a stirring bat- nest" for several days. "Yes, of course. That Is one of the count sat back In his chair. document In view of the fact that his In the tropics It is everywhere present, tle for the last stronghold of Yellow • * * reasons I came around tonight. Have "What the devil have you been do- principal supporters In his constitu- the greatest single foe of the white Jack, with the result thut In less than Keeping the house free of mites by you seen him?" Ing?" ency were coal-bwners. And after man." a year's time the last case of yellow use of a good coal-tar disinfectant In "I have not," answered the count A pair of rich blue-black eyes, and that the descent had been rapid. Controlling Malaria. fever wus cured; and In less than two a strong mixture and the pullets free grimly. "The police found out he was a nose from which traces of blootl In India alone 1.300,000 people die years all danger of Its recurrence wns from lice by sodium fluoride will be a •coming." still trickled ha,d not Improved the annually of malaria and 100,000,000 past. big help. Mr. Matter's face blanched: the general appearance of the assistant Why should the hoot of an more suffer from its attacks. All over For the first time In three-quarters • • • .thought of Zaboleff In custody didn't downstairs. In one hand he carried owl and a figure in black create the world, wherever anopheline mos- of a century Guayaquil, was a port Laying hens need green food In sum- appeal to him. It may be mentioned a pair of hobnail boots, In the other a such fear? Mb re mystery. quitoes dwell, the "ague" Is a men- ngalnst which the world no longer mer as well as winter. If you neglect- thnt his feelings were purely selfish— piece of paper, and he brandished ace which slays Its thousands, ren- needed to' set up the bars of quaran- ed this when you planted your garden, ZuboieiT knew too much. them alternately while a flood of in- ders the bodies of Its ten of thousands tine. why not try a row or two of swls» " But the Count was speaking again. coherent frenzy burst from his lips. (TO BE CONTINUED.) huppy hunting- grounds for other path- As a result of very careful work of chard and maybe a little rape. A fulnt sneer was on hia face; he had For a minute or two the count lis- ogenic Invaders, and makes Its mil- research specialists there are\ now read the other's mind like an open tened, until his first look of surprise Times Had Changed lions less efficient and useful. four ways by which yellow fever mny One of the best ways of destroying book. gave way to one of black anger. The salesmun who hadJieen turned It was MnJ. Ronald Ross, the dls- be combntted—by eliminating Mrs. the bacteria thut bother poultry Is to "And so," he continued, "did the "Am I to understand, you wretched nwny several times-"remarked to the tburnished B_rltlsh army surgeon, who "Stegomyla Fnsclatn, the deadly lady put the yards under cultivation. .In Bluck Gang! They removed^Znboleff little worm," he snarled, "that you office hoy with fine sarcasm: was finally able to pin the crime of of the mosquito tribe who cnrrles It addition, the seeding of the yards Is and our friend Waldock from under gave the urgency' danger signal, not "Well, 1 suppose the boss Is in con spreading mulnrla on the nnophelltie from person to person; by keeping very Important from the standpoint the very noses of the police, and, like once but half n dozen times, merely ference again this morning?" mosquito. persons with the disease out of reach of furnishing green stuff for the fowls. the twenty others, they have disap- because a man hit you over the nose?" The ofllce boy flipped u purer wad Fourteen hundred years before of any chunce survivors of the mos- peared." "But he knocked me silly, sir," ul the stenographer before he replied: Ross' dny those winged villains were quito war; by vaccinating the nonlm- When hens are well fed, hut estreme- "My G—d!" There was no doubt quavered the other. "And when I came "No, sir; not In conference. He's -under suspicion, and the literature of nmnes; nnd by administering serum to, and saw the boots lying beside me sworn off golf." ly fnt and do not lay, either the feed , iiow about Mr. Latter's stute of mind. the disease contains many unsupport- to those who have gotten the disease Is not of a balanced character or the "And now they've threatened me." nnd the'till opened, I kind of lost my ed charges against them. At' length In spite of all precautions.. head. I didn't know what had hap- Mind and Soul hens are naVurnl beefers—meaning "And now they've threatened you," Laveran found the tiny eel-like para- So successful has been the combi- that their disposition Is to acquire fat agreed the count. "And you, I am pened, sir—and I thought I'd better It ts the mind that makes tbe man, site, which swimming throu.'b the nation of these methods, that It la now ring the bell—In CRse of trouble." rather thnn to convert what they con- glnd to say, have done exactly what I and our vigor Is in our Immortal souL I blood, attacks niul breniie »l> the red believed leptosplra loterottTes has sume Into eggs. •bould have told you to do,- bad I seen He retreated a step or two towurd I —Ovid, I corpuscles und cuuses malaria. ulimist to the end of Its rope. IFH1PIWHPH1l1HI1W»1HWWWWI1FH'IHFIWHWriWHWt1l1WWFIHWWW • The Cranbury Press 14UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUI> |

PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY AT Store oi>en Hours of CRANBURY, NEW JERSEY. Business <3EO. W. BURROUGHS & SOTS, Saturdays Editors and Proprietors. Until 6:00. 8:30 to 6:00. WUJCiIAM AVERY BARRAS, Associate Editor? PER YEAR Df ADVANCE.

Eatend u Mcand-clua matin Jnly 17th. IMS. u tha rat offiw it Cranborr. Kn Ju*r, mte O* Act o( CoDfnM of Mock S. XO9. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 4th, 1925. 335 George Street i OX XJYISG ABUNDANTLY. New Brunswick, N. J. By Prof. William Avery Barras. The Great Teacher said that He Tomorrow—Saturday* September 5th came to give tile world His gospel Coats and Frocks for the in order that men might have life and Tuesday, September 8th and have it more abundantly. Ever since that great purpose was pro- claimed, men have been trying to find the abundant life; and in their An Advance Sale of attempt they have found ultra-strict I Young Miss religionists at every turn eager to hem in the richnesses of life so closely that the abundance of it has been concentrated, so to speak, into Off to College or Boarding School a hard lump of lifeless matter. In spite of so-called Fundamentalists Silk Fall Frocks and Ultra-Radicals, this hemming-in process is beginning to lose its strength. Men • are now seeking I more eagerly than ever the secret of New Autumn Coats for College Girls, the abundant life, and books galore Of Lustrous Satin, Crepe Back Satin and are being written about that search. $29.75 to $89.75 Theologians, teachers, scientists — Satin Striped Canton Fabrics which will all of them are trying their hand at I Smart new coats especially desirable for campus and sports giving directions. be high in favor for Autumn wear. Of all these attempts one of the wear, made of suede cloth, Laroda, Fortuna and imported most wholesome is that of Dr. Rich- tweeds. Skillfully tailored in styles that will appeal to the ard C. Cabot, Assistant Professor of i! young miss, "come with fur collars and cuffs of raccoon, dyed Medicine at Harvard University, in Greatly Uederpriced at his "What Men Live By." Accord- opossum or Mandel. In the fashionable new shades ing to Dr. Cabot, men live by work, play, love, and worship. I! sea swallow, Cracklehead, cuckoo, copper brown, tan and Work! Is there a single one of grey. Sizes 14 to 20 and 15 to 19. •us who does not know that real contentment comes largely as a re- Third floor—rear. sult of activity,—of doing some- 15.00 thing worth while and of doing it WELL? Read Dr. Cabot's chapt- ers on work; and then, if you dare Full Range of Sizes from 16 to 44 plead guilty to ennui in the work Attractive Silk Frocks for the College Miss, which you are fated to do! Play! What a moulder of charac New dresses developed in these charming and youthful models, $25.00 to $75.00 ter, if it is spontaneous and good! embodying style details that are distinctly new and smart. Can anyone seriously object to play College days are glorious, but they take a heap of clothes —to athletics, as we in school know as every college miss knows, but from this assortment, for a games? Many people object to cer tain phases of sports, but never an very moderate price, she may select several smart frocks. i the objections validly or legitimate- They are of satin crepe, flat crepe, satin and crepe de chine, ly leveled at the games themselves but only to external appurtenance: especially featuring the new silhouette with long sleeves, thereto, such as the administrativi as well as the bustle back and the high convertible collar. and organizational features. "Tin JUNIOR EXTENSION ACTIVITY 1847 A. V. Manning's Sons 1925 essence of good sport,—obedience t( BY Many styles. In the new shades of Epinard green, pencil rules", ability to be a modest winnei R. £. HARMAN . blue and cuckoo as well as navy and black. Sizes 14 to 20 and cheerful loser,—is also the es- sence of self-government, good ser- Middlesex County Club Agent and 15 to 19. vice, and spiritual growth." Me live by work, but they cannot liv by work alone. "All work and n A Half Price Sale play make Jack a dull boy." SHOW TDIE. Smart Cloth Dresses for College Girls, Love! Just as, according to Car- lyle, a poet without love is an im- Club members are now in the of Desirable Odd Pieces $15.00 to $39.75 possibility, so a REAL human being midst of showing their animals at without the capacity for friendship, | \0C!i\: county and state shows. The Especially designed for class room, study hours and siwrts love, adoration, is an impossibility, question always comes up, "Who at Manning's wear are these fine cloth dresses which are shown in such a Men live by work and by play, but;win win tne prizes?" when a calf I what do work and play avail a man • cluD member leads his calf into 'the \ splendid array of styles and colors. One or two piece models who has not "a resonance in his(rmg he must sell her to the judge. I In this sale you will find just the odd pieces for which of balbriggan, jersey, charmeen, Mirro-leen, A'elveteen, etc. bosom for every note of human • i . show-! He must be a good sa esman 1 you have been looking, either for your living room, dining feeling?" Certainly of all the notes ing the cal£ t0bes t adTantage is room or bedroom. Third floor—front. of human feeling, the greates is an art ln itself- Tne wise club love. ! member practices showing his calf End tables, Davenport tables, upholstered chairs, reed Worship! People are reluctant daily.for weeks before the show. I to admit, but can never truthfully • ' - | and fibre chairs, chaise longue, floor lamps, table lamps, tea wagons, art novelties—everything of typical Manning Quality deny, that they have within them-| HIGH 131-133-135 East State St., TRENTON, N. J. worshipselves .an invincibly tendency ^, ^ products are ^ ^^ Our windows will contain a display of the pieces includ- ed in this half price sale. They are well worth your vote ourselves to whomever and inspection. TGoeoeccocccooscaaeooscccoscecosceacccccccaosoaa whatever we love, the more pressing milk per cow is identical to more is our need for reorienting, recom- monej- for milk. Calf club work miting, refreshing ourselves in anthroug hits cattle bred for product- Free parking space for Manning shoppers, but it is NOT ion and the culling out of low pro- cgcossccegsGagosGgcacacgcGsecccccocosgoscccccgcososGo appeal to God." ucers a public parking space. Ask about it. v A careful reading of "What Men Q by keeping milk records aims Live By" will help us to see life at a better price for milk by get- more clearly, love it more dearly, ,"n| more milk Per c°*'- One and live it more sincerely. member in Middlesex County last year owned a cow that ate Peppler's Weekly Chats 371.00 worth of feed and produced A. V. MANNING'S SONS, FOUNDATION' OF 3,982 tt>s. of milk. Another club AMERICANISM. member's cow ate 5129.00 worth of .20-22 South Broad Street, TRENTON, N. J. — AFTER TAVO-YEARS — feed and produced 13,152 lbs. of On Sept. 1st., 1923 we began selling on a Spot Cash Basis. "The destiny, the greatness of milk. The dairy specialist has America • lies around the hearth- found the same results true from Offering in-return 10% from_ List Prices, no matter what the stone. If thrift and industry are article purchased. This selling plan and its advantages has met taught there, and the example of studying cow testing records. Not self-sacrifice oft appears; if honor all calf club members' calves turn with such favor that we propose to continue it indefinitely. We out to be- high producing cows. feel very sure we have done our part to make buying easier for abide there, and high ideals; if Keeping milk records tells the poor there tho building of fortune be producers. our Farmer Friends, and at the same time it enables us to give subordinate- to the building of How To Make , our Customers BETTER SERVICE than ever before. WE PLAY character, America will live in RESULTS OF CLUB WORK. security; rojoicin^ in an abundant THE GAME FAIR AND HAVE NO FAVORITES. Our terms and prosperity and good government Last year club members in the Your Life Count Prices are one .and the same to all Patrons alike. For Spot Cash at home, and in peace, respect and fnited States produced 812,000 we allow a large Cash Discount. This helps the Buyer very confidence abroad. If these vir- bushels of corn. 11,000:000 lbs. of By Franklin B. Moore, President, Rider College greatly to get from .under the load of HIGH PRICES, and helps fcues be absent there is no power cotton, 372,000 bushels o-f potatoes, us to avoid worry and losses, thus our Spot Cash System benefits that car. supply these blessines. 43,000 bushels of peanuts, 248,000 This 22-page booklet is packed full of both Buyer and Seller. All Purchasers get the same Cash Look well, thr.-n, to the hearth- H>s. o£ tobacco. They also raised information, invaluable to the young man stone. Therein ?.ll hope for 14,000 head of young dairy cattle oi young woman, who is considering a Discount, no matter whether they buy large or small amounts. Amt.rira Ii«-=."—Calvin Coolidge. "as well as managed 10,000 head of business career of the professional type. —_ c dairy cattle. They • also raised AYE AVISH TO THANK THE PUBLIC FOR THEIR ALCOHOL AND MORALS. 6,000 beef cattle, 60,000 hogs, 600,- Sent free upon request. I ,000 poultry. This is even a greater GENEROUS PATRONAGE AND LOYALTY. "Speaking purely as a chemist, accomplishment than the figures re- TRENTON, N. J. not as a r.-.oralist." I cannot avoid veal if we stop to reflect that the RIDER COLLEGE, For many years we have printed on our Bill Heads, "OUR the opiion that American society majority of crops produced were cedossososcoeososososoososoooeooos CONSTANT AIM is to sell THE BEST POSSIBLE GOODS AT would bo immensely . benefited if- either of new varieties and strains THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICE." or uroiiibit.'o:: w.-n- strictly enforced. '""ere managed under different Our Spot Cash System has enabled us to reach our goal more There is a definite relation between conditions for demonstration pur- chemistry and morals, and alcohol Poses. In the case of livestock, quickly. produces an attitude toward life comparisons were made with the which society cannot afford to foster Parents' method of management and jgp AVE SHALL CONTINUE TO SELL AND REPAIR It causes crime. It inflames passion. tflat recommended as a result of FOR SPOT CASH ONLY BECAUSE }VE CAN- It unseats reason. The complete latest scientific experiments eonduct- EYIEEKCE GIVE BETTER SERVICE AND SAVE OUR removal of alcohol, r am convinced, ed at the various experiment sta- What yon possess today is evidence of what yon did yesterday. PATRONS MONEY AND OURSELVES LOSSES. will change human nature for the tions. In other words, each club better. My observations as a cheni- member is a demonstrator as well Recognizing this fact, it is easy to understand that twenty-five a s a Our Spot Cash System is absolutely Fair to all and a great ist compel me to reach Jthis con- producer, benefit to every Buyer. Come and share the many advantages elusion."—Julius Stieglitz. Profes-1 years hence yon will be financially independent or financially oC our Spot Cash System, with the many who have tried it and sor of Chemistry, University of i TUBERCULOSIS. "broke," ln accordance-with what yon are saving now. Today Chicago. _ | A number of herds of dairy cattle who give it theTr hearty and Loyal Support. What many said o I in Middlesex County during the yon are better able to earn and save money than yon will be could not be done, we have practiced TWO YEARS with the COOLIDGE NOT AN ACCIDENT. I month of August have been placed twenty-five years from now. Do without the luxuries now that approval of all concerned and to our entire Satisfaction. • - • under state and federal supervision Political wiseacres need not be for tuberculosis. Most of these Is. puzzled to explain the President's were in Madison and East Bruns- yon may ei$>joy them later in life. popularity if they will give both wick Townships. Dr. McNeil, chief THOMAS PEPPLER, SON & COMPANY, Mr. Coolidge and the American peo- of the Bureau of Animal Industry, Start a SAVINGS ACCOUNT and make regular deposits here pie credit for a reasonable meas- has stated that unhealthy cows can- ure of sound sense and practical sa- not do their best work any more where your savings will earn 4 per cent, compound Interest. HIGHTSTOAVN, NEW JEKSEY. gacity in deciding what is best for than man can do his best when the public welfare. If it was an ac-, handicapped by poor health. He ' cldent that placed Mr. Coolidge in also states that diseased cows men- Over 47 years in business we have always stood loyally the White House, his success for ace the health of humans who con- FIRST NATIONAL BANK two years was no accident, and cer- aume their milk. A healthy cow i by our Farmer Friends. tainly his election last fall was no also longer lived, and gives birth to CRANBURY, NEW JERSEY. mere accident—Milwaukee Senti- healthier calves which are worth nel. * jgjj more money. obeossosososoeeseeoeesoso! The members of the Ladies Aid The Cranbury Press of the Methodist Church are request ed to meet at the Parsonage each Man Sleeps Like Log ffiffitfaagggfira^ Monday evening to sew, beginning, FRIDAY, .SEPTEMBER 4th, 1025wit. h September 14th. Eats Anything S. P. DUNHAM & Co., TRENTON, N. J. Master Joseph Hoffman, who has ".After taking Adlerlka I can eat been spending a week with his J.- Tftps. James1 General Store anything and sleep like a log. I had will be .open Monday, Labor Day, grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. I C.' gas on the stomach and couldn't Store Hours This Week 8.30 to 5.30. Beginning Tuesday, September 8th, to take care of his patrons. Plenty Hoffman at Asbury Park, has been'Keep food down nor sleep." (signed) Store Opens at 8.30 and Closes at 6.00 o'clock of fresh bread on hand. • ill with summer grippe* E. C. Miller. ONE spoonful Adlerlka Mr. and Mrs. George B.''Mershon removes GAS and often brings sur- E Mr. and' Mrs. Lemuel Stults are attended a beautiful wedding sol- prising relief to the stomach. Stops spending several days in South emnized In the Presbyterian Church' that full, bloated, feeling. Often Jersey. at Hopewell Wednesday evening, brings out" old waste-matter you Mr., and Mrs.- L. A. Whyte and when Miss Keturah Braunworth be- never thought was in your system. E son Earl of Harrisburg, Pa., were came the bride of Clarence Bodine. Excellent for chronic constipation. ' CRANBURY PHARMACY. ' guests over the week end with Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Alvah Probasco and and Mrs. J. Thos. James and family. son Alvah George attended a sur- NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Miss Ethel McCue of Hightstown prise given Mrs. Emma Probasco at Home Comers' was an over Sunday visitor at the the home of her son, J. Holmes . Burlington City Loan & Trust ! home of Mrs. Joseph Wicoff. Probasco, of Allentown, on • Sunday afternoon August 30th, 1925, In Company, executor of Naomi Jobes, E " -Mrs. John Cook' of Red Bank, was honor of her 80th birthday. Supper a visitor this week with Mr. andwas enjoyed by twenty-four guests, 1 Mrs. H. S. Dey. • a birthday cake with the „ gives notice to th~ r Reception Days Mrs. Charles Carlson and Miss . ,,,,,, £? «r of the said'Naomi Jobes to bring in I Martha Carlson are entertaining main of candles being one of the their debta> demands and claim3 relatives ,froni Rahway. reatures. • 'against the estate of the said de- "Hundreds ana thousands of our people have "been away, and CARD OF THANKS. ceased, under oath or affirmation, Mr. andMrs. John • Mickle, of many of them have returned and will return during the coming week, Point Pleasant were visitors at the within six months from this date or home of Mrs. Charles Carlson on s and we have planned some remarkable doings for early September days Saturday. Great preparations hare been made for the fall business. sisted and donated to the Carnival Dated August 22, 1925. E Miss Esther Hartshorne, of New in making it the grand success it BURLINGTON CITY LOAN & Improvements are under way in many departments to make shopping Brunswick is visiting Miss Adelaide was. If there are any outstanding E TRUST COMPANY, easier, and stocks are being increased to take care of our ever-increas- Everingham. bills, please present to me at once Executor. I for payment. ing trade. Make yourself at home in our great stores during these You can't find a better supply of DAVID M. GRIGGS, ' all the best kinds of Cheese for Chairman and Treasurer. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. S Homecomers' Reception Days. miles around than right here in Notice is hereby given that sealed your own town. J. Thos. James CARD OF THANKS. bids will be received by the Board has on hand at all times nine dif- of Chosen Freeholders of Middlesex ferent kinds, and the best to be had I wish to thank my many friends County at their rooms in County too. Stop in and see for yourself. for money, postals and flowers sent Record Building, New Brunswick, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis J. Bennett to me while at St. Francis Hospital, N. J., on returned home on Saturday after not forgetting Rev. and Mrs. Fred- . Thursday, September 10, 1925, spending two weeks on Long Island, j erick Schweitzer of Ridley Park, Pa. 2:30 P. M. Standard Time for the HARRIETT. L. GARRETSON. construction of a reinforced con- Miss Lizzie Schuell, who is in o crete bridge over the Manalapan You Will Want New Table Linens; training in a' New York hospital, PUBLIC SALE CALENDAR. Brook near the lower' Jamesburg and Morgan Smith of Bronxville, Station, in the Borough of James- of Course N. Y., are visiting Mrs. Lizzie A. SEPTEMBER 26th—John W. Tice burg, Middlesex County, New Jersey Schnell and family. will sell household goods on the | Plans, specifications, and proposal One of the first things the homecomer will do is to inspect her Mr. and Mrs. Harold Watson and road from Prospect Plains to j ssheett s are on filf e at the office oof linen closet and see what needs replenishing; in that line, and we will' W. Franklin Buchanan, Acting children of Merchantville were Sun- Applegarth, near the Robinson feature especially for her. day visitors with Mrs. Thomas Hut- farm. W. H. Johnson, auctioneer County .Engineer, 175 Smith Street, ton. o Perth Amboy, N. J. and the office of ! STAMPED GOODS. A. J. Hamley, County Treasurer, Mr. and Mrs. -Arthur L. Bur- iCounty Record Building New Bruns- roughs and family and George W. at Mrs. K Harder's, linen tray cov- wick, N. J. J Table Linens Burroughs returned home Sunday ers, 25cV Indian Head linen, 15c; Plans, specifications and proposal Bureau Scarfs, 50c; Pillow tops, 2 70-inch pure Irish linen table damask, full' bleached, heavy quality, after spending several weeks at for 25c; Dish towels, 20c; lunch sheets may be obtained from the I! Point Pleasant Beach. Acting County Engineer's Office, good variety of patterns, a yard, $2.50. cloths, ?1.25. 175 Smith Street, Perth Amboy, N. Miss Mildred Forman is spending J. upon deposit of ?25.00 khich will Linen napkins to match the damasks, 22x22 inches, a dozen, §7.50. sometime with her mother, Mrs. A. In training a child, or a junior be refunded upon return of plans in 70-inch pure linen table damasks, silver bleached, good patterns, W. Forman in South Cranbury. partner, you also train yourself. good condition on or before Septem- a yard, $2.50. Mr. and Mrs. Edward G. Borer ber 20, 1925. If dreams came true we'd all be Linen, napkins to match, a dozen, $0.75. and family, who have been spending dead—haven't you ever been shot Bids must be__made on the stand- the summer at Manasquan Beach, ard proposal forms in the manner 70-inch pure linen table damask, full bleached, good weight, a yard, $3 have returned to their new home in or dropped off a cliff in your designated therein and required by Riverton, N. J. dreams? the specifications,' must be enclosed 60-inch all-linen table damask, unbleached, a number of good patterns, o in sealed envelopes bearing the bid- a yard, $1.25. Miss Mary Symmes returned to Nature is really an extravagant der's name, addressed to the Board .64 to 72-inch mercerized .table damasks, full bleached, plenty of pat- her home In South Cranbury . yes- manager—she doesn't expect more of Chosen Freeholders of Middlesex terday after spending a month in than one seed in ten thousand to County, and must be accompanied terns, a yard, 89c to $1.00. the Adirondack Mountains with Dr. take root. by a certificate of a Bonding Com- .6 4-inch mercerized table damasks, blue, pink and gold borders, and "Mrs. Joseph Van Dyke and o | pany agreeing to furnish bond in family of Palisade Park. The reason a homely girl takes a the amount of 100% of the contract a yard, 89c. John H. Barclay has a new Willys good photo is because she knows and a certified check for not less 59-inch mercerized table damasks, various patterns, a yard, 59c to 69c. enough to let the photographer do ! i Knight Sedan. than ten (10) per cent, of the Mercerized damask napkins, a good variety of patterns, 15x15, 18x18 the job his own way. amount bid provided said check Eleanor Lambertson of Freehold, shall uot be less than ?500.00 nor and 20x20 inches, a dozen, $1.23, $1.50 to $2.00. is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Sam- A young lady, earning her ownmore than $20,000.00 and be de- uel E. Bennett this week. way, complained that she had worn livered at the place and on the hour il Miss Lucille Chamberlin returned out six pairs of shoes in as many above named. home this week after a delightful months. "I guess I'll get married" The Board of Chosen Freeholders i she said. reserves the right to reject any or summer abroad in company with a o party of friends from Montclair. all bids if in their opinion it is to z The Cake and Fo*l Sale which jss-KS iisr« *•=• -«°- - °°™ was published for September 4th, used annually by farmers in this to do il - American Made Dress Goods in the Methodist Sunday School country for pumping water. This By order of the Board of Chosen room, has been postponed until s more than the energy produced Freeholders of Middlesex County, September 11th. by ten thousand 18-horsepower en- for Fall Ines working at full capacity with- THOMAS J. MULVIHILL, Clerk. ii Karl Puerschner returned home out stop for a full year, and is four W. FRANKLIN BUCHjANAN, Rich in their colorings, soft in texture, these American weaves this week after spending, a month times the ambunt of mechanical and Acting County Engineer. are almost as sightly as foreign goods, and cost much less. in a Military Training Camp in New animal power used to do all the Think of the school and college girls' wonts for a bit heavier York State. He spent a few days planting and seeding of the country. at Niagara Falls before his return. SHERIFF'S SALE. wearables, and then consider these. ii Mr. and Mrs. M .Russell Johnson Reseeding of lawns is best done IN CHANCERY OF NEW JERSEY-- 2 3S-inch storm serges, a good quality, and in all wanted colors and will be guests over the weeks end n August and March, says the U. S. Between George W. Gordon, et. white and black, $1.00. with Mrs. Maude B. Rue and Mrs.Department of Agriculture. al., Complainants, and Estella ! Bessie B. Dey at Point Pleasant Boyce, et. als., defendants. Fi Fa 36-inch part wool Surah serges, evenly woven, richly finished, $1.00. Beach. The trouble is that one extrava- for sale of mortgaged premises 36-inch half wool storm serges, a full line of autumn colors and white ;ance always suggests another. dated July 26, 1925. Dr. and Mrs. George H. Dickey, and black, 85 cents. who have been spending a month By virtue of the above stated A small profit from a small acre- writ to me directed and delivered, 36-inch half wool mixed tweeds, in eight popular colors, 89 cents. at Buck Hill Falls, Pa., have return- age is beter than a large loss from I will expose to sale at public ed to their home In Flushing, New large acreage. vendue on 30-inch dress flannels, sponged and shrunk, all wool, all the most York. : o liked colors, $1.50. I! WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER You don't have to load up Sat- Mrs. Coolidge went shopping in a NINTH, NINETEEN HUNDRED 54-inch half wool tailor flannels, the season's most liked colors and urday night with groceries for on Massachusetts five and ten cent AND TWENTY-FIVE Monday, Labor Day, J. Thos. James store which sho-ws that all of the at two o'clock daylight saving time, black, $1.25. general store will open to take care political acumen is not lodged with in the afternoon of said day at the 3S-inch worsted granite, in neat checks and sport stripes, $1.00. !| of your needs. the head of the family. Sheriffs Office in the City of New- 3S-inch plain and fancy worsted crepes, all the new fall colors, white Wayne Stahl has accepted a posi- Brunswick, N. J. It's a good bet that one William and black, 89 cents, tion in the First National Bank of McAdoo hasn't been sitting up All that certain lot of land situ- Cranbury. .-,- nights worrying about the trouble ated, lying and being in the Town- 42-inch wool checks, in colors, black and white, $1.25. Betty Burroughs has been ill at between Governor Al Smith and theship of Monroe, County of Middle-, 42-inch sport plaids, the most wanted tan grounds, $1.50. New York legislature. sex and State of New Jersey, and her home in South Cranbury this lying on the northside of the road week. I Gran'pa says: When there's been from Nicholas V. Gordon's to the i Assemblyman Wilton T. Apple- a flood ahead I want to be sure the road from Spotswood to English- gate, his sister Miss -Mildred Apple- bridge is still there before I plan too town in part and part on the road gate, and Sir. and Mrs. Abljah Ap- long a trip in that direction. from Nicholas V. Gordon's to Spots- pregate returned tov their home in wood. i Prospect Plains Wednesday, after a Beginning at a stake standing in most delightful motor trip through the middle of the road leading from A Special Purchase of New Autumn the New England States and Canada Protect "Your Family- Nicholas V. Gordon's to the English- They covered over 2,000 miles and town road in the line of lands of took in many points of interest. insure in the William Johnson; said beginning is Coats, $14.75 about S links southeast of the gate Mrs. Bessie B. Dey has been suf- post a white oak; from thence run- Expertly tailored from 100% wool coatings. There are several fering with an infected limb, this NORTH AMERICAN ACCIDENT AND ning as the needle now points attractive models and in all the new colors for fall. Come in regular week at her cottage at Point Pleas- (along the road) (1) north 76° 50' and extra sizes up-rto 50-inch bust measure. ant Beach. . HEALTH INSURANCE COMPANY east 3 chains 49 links to a stake; The State Highway Department thence (2) north 31° 20' west 20 $25.00 values are represented iii these coats, and you will want are resurfacing the road bed in this Represented by chains 36 links; thence ,(3) south to see them if you have the purchase of a new coat in mind. end of the County with a coat of 77° west 6 chains 86 links to the tar and gravel. middle of the road that leads from W. H. JOHNSON N. V. Gordon's to Spotswood; thence The First and Second Presbyter- (4) south 4° east 4 chains 93 links ian congregations will meet this CRANBURY, X. J. along the middle of said road; Sunday morning in their respective thence (5) south 81° 27' east 3 churches. Owing to the fact that FOR SALE Oil RENT. chains 70 links; thence (C) south Monday is a holiday, the Commun- 41° 30' east 14 chains 84 links to ity evening services will not be re- Six-room House, 8 acres of good place of beginning. Containing ground with stand on Dayton Road, sumed until Sunday evening, Sep- about 9 1-2 acres more or less. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. tember 13th. 1 mile from Cranbury. C. Casazza, NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Being the same premises conveyed \ ——— Cranbury, N. J., R. D. 2. Mary A. Mount and S. -Ely Mount, • Miss Marian Barclay, who ' has to the said Thomas K. Sloan , by Samuel S. Mather, administrator been at Camp Nitawa, Lake Spof- FOR SALE. warranty deed of Edgar S. Boyce John H. Breckwedel, executor of executors of Benjamin F. Mount, de- ceased, by direction of the Surrogate of Isaac M. Overhuse, deceased, by ford New Hampshire as music and Seed wheat, re-cleaned and free and Estella Boyce, his wife dated R. C. Hinshelwood, deceased, by di- direction of the Surrogate of the dramatic counsellor, has returned June 8, 1922, and recorded Setem- rection of the Surrogate' of the of the County of Middlesex, hereby from smut, rye and cockle. JOS. gives notice to the creditors of the County of Middlesex, hereby gives home. C. CHAMBERLIN, Cranbury, N. J. ber 29, 1922 in the office of the County of Middlesex, hereby gives notice to the creditors, of the said Clerk of the County of Middlesex, notice to the creditors of the said safd Benjamin F. Mount to bring in Mr and Mrs. Howell Jones, of their debts, demands and claims Isaac M. Orerhuse to bring In their "Police Dogs, Dobermans, Chows, in book 725 of deeds| for said R. C. Hinshelwood to bring in their debts, demands and claims against Plalnsboro, spent Tuesday evening County at page 47, et. seq. debts, demands and claims against against the .estate of the said de- with Mr. and Mrs. Grant Everett. Bostons, Airedales, Fox Terriers, ceased, under oath or affirmation, the estate of the said deceased, un- Setters and Great Danes. Noted Decree amounting to approxi- the estate of the said deceased, der oath or affirmation, .within six Tjie Ladeis Aid and Official Board mately 51,200, under oath or affirmation, within six within six months from this date or dogs at stud. Dogs boarded and they will be forever barred of any months from this date or they will ' ' of tue Methodist Church met on conditioned. A few very exceptional Together with all and singular months from this date or they will be forever barred of • any action Wednesday evening at the home of the rights, privileges, hereditaments be forever barred of any action action therefor against the said puppies given to reliable people on executors. therefor against the said admlni*-, .Mr. and Mrs: Benjamin Everett, of breeding basis. Police Dogs, Dob- and appurtenances thereunto be- therefor against the said executor. tratoh -% • longing' or in anywise appertaining. Dated July 22, 1925. Etra. ermans, Airedales and Setters train- Dated July 24, 1926. ed by noted German Trainers at FREDERICK GOWEN, Dated July 17, 1925. MARY A. MOUNT, Miss Viola Titus of Lawrencevllle . SAMUEL S. MATHER, and Miss Ethel McCue of Hights- reasonable, fees. Strongheart Ken- Sheriff. JOHN H. BRECKWEDEL, S. ELY MOUNT, nels, Easton Ave., New Brunswick, ORLANDO H. DEY, .< Executors. Administrator. town spent the week end with Mrs N. J. Tel. 1443 W 1." Executor. .Joseph Wicoff. $28.98 Solicitor. THE CRANBURY PRESS

moonlight, while one arm moved oat OOOOOCttOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO DARK TRAGEDY of the water and In with scarcely a M TllERJAN ripple. . . END 6F "PUPPY 4fe Watch Your Kidneys! "What do yon wantr he asked al- LOVE" ROMANCE Your health depends upon your kid- most In a whisper. She made a ges- MY FAVORITE ByJ.A.WALDRON neys. When your kidneys are inaotive, blood and nerves are poisoned and many ture with one hand and the little finger mysterious'ilia result. You feel dull and of the other. He looked at hie hand Youth Confesses He Killed drowsy; get up often at night and suffer MERMAID and saw the ruby shining there. He STORIES annoying kidney irregularities. Yonr looked at her doubtfully. She made Sweetheart Because She Taking Chances back aches; you have headaches and •pRISCILLA'who had married with dizzy spells; your nerves are constantly a pleading gesture and gazed at him Asked Him To. on edge and you are always tired. By W. GEORGE GRIBBLE so fully, that as In a dream he took off By IRVIN S. COBB ••» expectation, realized on the In- If your kidneys are sluggish, help his ring and dropped It Into tbe ocean, vestment of her youth and beauty, and them with Doan'a Pills. Doan's act "he caught It deftly as it flashed Into Garden Clty~8. 0.—A wilting ro- fltill possessed these attributes as cap- on the kidneys only. Are recommended i® bj Short Story Pub. Co.) lH"H'H»I"H-I-MiM' III I'M !'•!• mance of "puppy love" recently turned the world over. Ash your neighbor! the water and pressed It to her lips. 0OOCXXXXX3O0O0000O0O0O0O0OO ital. R. JOHN FRANKLIN HIG- Thank you! thank you!" she ex- to stark tragedy here. The charred Prlseilla bad meant to postpone A New York Case GINSON, senior partner of (Copyright) body of pretty seventeen-year-old^ claimed In perfect English. matrimony until she bad analyzed IJ. P. Dawley, the firm of Higglnson" & , The Pick of the Crowd Byrle Healy.now rests in tbe grave possibilities without it, and resolved moulder, 9 * John M ''So you can\ speak-English?" he que- St., Greenwich, N. Rush, lay stretched at ease A planter living a few miles from a and her confessed murderer, .William not tq fall In - love until ehe could Y., says: "When- In his chair on a transatlantic liner. ried. "Yes," she replied, and her voice small city In one of the lower cotton Meeks, twenty-one years old, Is sery- measure the distance to the solid ever I bent over, Mr. Higginson had drawn his chair- to sounded like a ripple ofwater; "I can states called-up. the police judge' on a severe pain ng a sentence of life imprisonment In ground of unemotional life below. darted across my a secluded corner of the lower deck .speak any language once I have the long-distance telephone. the state penitentiary. . . She meant to be sure where she kidneys. Mornings • where he was closer to the water and touched to my lips something belong- "Say,. Judge," he said; "I just got "I killed .her because, she wanted ray back was lame, ; should alight, for according to . her.- [sore and stiff. My unsheltered from the heavens. He ing to one who speaks It" Mr. Higgln- word that my house boy, Jim, went to me to," Meeks wrote inHa., signed con- philosophy—which was the philosophy [kidneys were weak looked out o.ver the silver world of • son's mind ran. over cases he • had town last night and got In a row and fession, according, to Prosecuting At- of many of her young vrr>men compan- and I had to get heard of witnesses who could speak Jup of ton at night Water, and sighed slightly, as If trou- hit another darkey with a brick, and torney Hans. Hanson. ' '-. ions, who discussed this subject above to pass the secretions. Doan's Pills bled . by the exceeding beauty Qf the under thespell of a golden cotn. "She was locked np. I need, that: boy. and Hours of grilling broke down the all others-^-love is ephemerallty, and drove the pain from ray back and universe. • . might" .have asked for my handker- I wish as a favor to me you'd let'him boy, not quite twenty-one, and he one who Is reasonably healthy Is In a put my kidneys in A-l shape." The" .'moonlight seemed to penetrate chief or my necktie," he thought to go when he comes up today before sobbed out a story of love and folly, fair way to live quite, a period after 1 ln(o bis brain and there to discover himself a .little, ruefully, but aloud he you. If you think-tie ought to pay a fear and tragedy. a honeymoon, ' ' . said: "Who are.you?" fine let me know what it Is tonight DOAN'S ^ something which had-for years been Pretty little Byrle Healy, seven- Prlscllia's father, rated as rich, lost burled under a mass of legal matter, "You wouldn't believe me," she at lodge meeting and I'll hand the teen, had captivated him. She was STIMULANT DIURETIC TO THE KIDNEYS laughed. . . amount to you."" all. In a single speculation.'' BofiaIo,N.Y. deep In the recesses of his mind. Then one of four pretty daughters of a "Daughter," said he to her when he something stirred, took form, and "Not really!" he exclaimed with a "All right," answered the Judge. highly respected Garden City family. vague shudder. She nodded, and realized his pecuniary condition, "yon turned out to be a couplet of poetry: To willing to do anything In reason, They fell in love. She was true to don't even know how to cook. You They Bother Them Now splashed the water up to him with a but you'll have to come In here and him, and he was true to her. Ah. moon of my delight—that knows little laugh. have been reared In luxury. Old Flint The coal crisis in England served to no wan.o. pick out your own nigger." Their love led them beyond the has asked permission to pay bis ad- recall the methods employed by the The. moon of heaven ts rising once "Where do yon live?" he asked "Lord, man," remonstrated tbe bounds of wisdom, and not long ago ..again! "Do not move and I will tell you, as dresses to yon. Nobody knows how miners In bringing their grievances to planter, "I can't take the time off to Byrle and William faced the first trag- much money he has, but It's plenty If public attention more than a century Mr. HIgglnson smiled. Where bad you have been so kind to me." And, go into the police station today! I'm edy of their lives. ago—in 1815. At that time the work- he heard that? Then he remembered oftly splashing by the vessel's side, as busy as a bird dog right this min- you can make an ante-nuptial agree- Disgrace Is Feared, ment I know It's a shame to talk ers made their protest in person. They It; It" was at a muslcale last winter, she told him the following, half sing- ute." dragged loads of coal to London and where some one bad sung the lines ing in a curious, fascinating rhythm: Resolved not to bring disgrace upon like this, but he's seventy-eight, and "Can't help It," answered his honor. her family, Byrle decided that death confesses It" demanded to see the prince regent. Just as he had entered the room. He "My name is Pelagia, and I was born "I can't afford to take any more But the magistrate sent for them, told reasoned It could only be that it In a sea-shell In a cave of corals, many chances. Here, just the other day. was sweeter than the life she faced. "And looks older I Why, daddy, TU She pleaded with William to end it marry him tomorrow, If necessary— them they must not bother London's aroused memories of some former sen- miles below the surface. Down there Colonel Talbert, down at Palmetto, august personages, and bade them go sations, In the same way irs might a is a world of beings of all sorts—mer- called me up the same as you've done provided, of course, the ante-nuptial agreement can be arranged. I know back to their work. And they went perfume or a few bars of music.. maids like me, mermen, oyster maid- today and asked me to turn loose one back home, carrying their loads be- ens, which grow from pearls; mothers- of his hands that was in the calaboose I ought to tell you I'm vexed at your Mr, HIgglnson turned to wider and loss of money, but you've always teen hind them. less personal thoughts, prompted by the of-pearl, which are the mothers of the for shooting craps. I agreed to do It, oyster maidens; coral dwarfs, which but I plumb forgot the nigger's name, Indulgent" beauty of the night How luminous "Life Is a gamble, daughter. I the water seemed tonight I It must he never come to tbe surface; and sea and to make sure of getting the right GASTRITIS IS DANGEROUS ancients, which are old men, descend- one and not disappointing Talbert I didn't expect to lose." Cull of those phosphorescent anlmalcula "I know I And life being a gamble, Mr. Higglnson, had- read about. ants, they say, of the god Neptune, had to turn loose every nigger on the STOP IT QUICK We have our laws and we are bound docket Til marry Old Flint" As he tipped off some more ashes Feminine nature is full of mystery. from his cigar dalatHy with his little to keep them.' One of them Is that "There were fourteen of 'em In all When your stomach la bloated—when we may only appear once In our lives —and one of 'em was charged with Some of Prlscllla's women friends ac- It la so distended with gas that pressure finger, he noticed how the ruby on his tually envied her as she left the on the heart almost suffocates yon ring, flashed in the moonlight. It was to human beings." murder, too. It made a lot of talk, What are you going to do? a handsome "pigeon-blood" ruby of Mr. HIgglnson felt a subtle glow of and the chief of police kicked about Take a chance or set rid of tho tu It If you want your nigger you come quick? considerable value. For a while Mr. satisfaction at these words. The one big selling stomach medldne Higglnson watched the strange light It "So you are having your night out?" get him!" toda/ Is Dare's Montha Pepsin and Its emitted under the rays of the moon. he ventured. But she ignored his re- mighty j>ower to relieve terrible gastritis. Acute or chronic is a blessing to tens of From this musing Mr. Higglnson's mark by diving under the water. When A Domicile for AH Eternity thousands of people who have been un- she came up she continued: "Have attention was again drawn to the wa- Onj of the'surest tests of the ex- able to Bet help from any other source. ter by something moving near the ship. you ever heard of Undine?" He re- It's splendid for any stomach trouble—' membered the name vaguely, but could cellence of a story is whether or not Is Dare's Mentha Pepsin. Probably some larger species of Osh, it speedily reaches the stage. Some So when your food won't digest or gas, he mused, possibly—as there was a not recall her story. "Well," she went bloating or shortness of breath cause you on, "you should read it, for It is quite stories no doubt originate there—born to become nervous or dizzy or have a white -flash—possibly even a porpoise. In the minds of patter-comedians or Then he remembered that porpoises true. A recollection flashed through headache always remember that you can his mind. "Do you mean to say that monoldglsts; but the majority I think Bet one bottle—of Dare's Montha Pepsin come only In schools and leap out of are built up-on a foundation of fact from your druggist and if it doesn't help the water. Mr. Higginson idly won that old story of mermaids' not having your disordered stomach—your money souls, but being able to acquire them elsewhere andJhenJbyjadoptkm go Into will be returned. dered at the swirling luminous water. "theTheater. Suddenly he stared Below him. Strange through human love, is true?" She he thought, that might have been a nodded her head half sadly. "That is Here is a sample. I beard it years ago; it was told as an actuul occur- After A Bath white arm! He would-liked to have why we are allowed to show ourselves With asked a sailor the meaning of such to a human being once In our lives." rence. Since then I have heard It at phenomena, but there seemed.no one "And do yon generally choose an ocean least thrice In the music halls, slightly Cuticura Soap about; it was evidently late, as the liner?" he asked, thinking mermaids altered In form but basically the same. Dart With passengers had ail turned In. must be developing a sense for bus! The first version, as I recall it, had to ness. "Not generally," she replied, do with' a couple of darkies in Mem- Touched a Match to the Strawsta'ck. CuticuraTalcam Again came a white flash In the mostly it is sailors or fishermen. But phis. "They HacTStopped Opposite ttie~Fu5T Delioatcly Medleated moonlight. Then a streak of white- all. One Sunday night William drove lie Library." Of Pleating Fratfranea do you remember, last year, hearing of One of them, who posed as bad, had her Into the country flve miles north nesS. splashing and flashing in the just announced his Intention of break- a very rich man who was lost at sea?' ^>f here. They drove into a pasture church with Old Flint leaning on her shimmering water. Mr. HIgglnson Mr. Higginson remembered perfectly— Ing into a chitterling supper where his gazed spellbound; sometimes nearer, near a strawstack. arm. And how they envied her after FOR OVER a very wealthy Wall street broker who presence was not desired. His compan- "Father will kill you if you do not sometimes farther off, whatever it was had thrown himself overboard from ion followed him to the door. Old Flint had passed! He didn't long It kept well. up with the steamer. Mr. kill me," Byrle told William, accord- survive his senile triumph. transatlantic steamer. "Yes," he said, "I'll be waitin' fur you outside Ing to his story to the county attor- Hlgginson felt a little ripple creep "I remember very distinctly." "Well yere," he stated. Directly after marriage Prlseilla had down his spine. Suppose it should ney. Meeks said he was reluctant. engaged the handsomest chauffeur she he Is married to one of my friends," "Ef you ain't gwine in wid me t ain't Her pleadings unnerved him, he said. haarlem oil has been a world- be—! The thought was too unpleasant she said, with a mischievous glance no use fur you to be hangin'. 'bout," could discover. She was In luck, for —besides, it was obviously alive and that made Mr. Higglnson shiver, said the truculent one. In the confession Meeks signed he aside from his good looks Adolf was wide remedy for kidney, liver and moving. Now It was quite close In— hope he's happy!" he managed to say said he finally struck her over the a gifted conversationalist and could bladder disorders, rheumatism, "Oh, yas dey is," said the friend. head with a tire iron. As she crum- and beyond a doubt. It had white feel- In a conventional tone. "Oh, perfect- "I'll wait 'round to carry you to yo drive a car beautifully. He was no lumbago and pric acid conditions. ers, which looked and moved, like ly I" she replied coolly, "he gave her a home after dem niggers in dere gits pled to the ground he wound her scarf tonic to her husband, but Jealous as arms. Mr. HIgginson's brain swam. Pic- most lovely engagement ring, almost through wukkin' on you." tightly around her neck. Then he tbe old man was, Adolf was plainly a tures by Bocklin came dancing before hid her body In the strawstack. as handsome as this one!" Mr. Hig- "Not a chancet!" proclaimed the servant. Prlseilla ordered blm about his mental' vision. Then he shuddered ginson turned icy cold. "But," he Driving to Bradley, William took superciliously. She never even smiled for there, In the moonlight, by the boat's first negro, vajnglerlously; " 'sties choked, and his voice sounded strange w'Ich I ain't got no home." another girl to a picture show. After upon him when he performed prodi- side', swam a woman, beautifully nude! lie had taken her honle he drove back "that Is not an engagement ring!" She "Oh, dat's alright," murmured his gies with her cars to meet her whims. What was he to do? Could it be some sent out a ripple of laughter and to the strawstack and touched a But after ber period of mourning—In friend softly, "I'm gwlne d'g you one.' 1 correct internal troubles, stimulate vital demented passenger? The French lady. splashed the water merrily, "Oh, yes match to It, his alleged confession which her modiste and her milliner organs. Three srees. All druggists. Insist had seemed to him somewhat unbal- it is!" "And do you mean to ssiy that said. were the chief elements—she becan to on the original genuine GOLD MEDAL. anced. Then, he had heard of som- I am affianced to you?" gasped Mr The Made-in-England On Monday Sheriff E. P. Sly started note that Adolf was her slave. nambulism. Great Scott I And he Higglnson. "By the'laws of our realm Substitute a search for the missing girl. Meeks, Thus it went on until Priscllla, Haiti's Coffee Crop would be required as a witness In case you are bound to me!" she said, toss- her sweetheart, Joined the searching usually without nerves, became nerv- anything happened I In a turmoil of An American actor with a repnta- Haltt is practically a one-crop coun- in her golden hair in the spray. "But party. • He led. them to the burned ous. She never minced matters. "I try, exporting coffee vulued at $10.- emotions Mr. Higglnson waved to the I know nothing of your laws. By our tion for wit—a reputation, by tbe strawstack. Nothing was found there. lady. She came nearer somewhat cau- way, which Is deserved—went to a fancy you are in love with me," she400,000 in 1923-19:>4, while exports of laws—by the laws of Great Britain The strange actions of the boy said one day, rightly interpreting a cotton and cottonseed were valued at tiously. He deemed it best to humor and the law of the United States—I luncheon given by a famous actress aroused the sheriff's suspicions and her and temporize, as she seemed such to several members of her supporting glance. less than $2,300,000 and sugar at little am not bound to you or any woman!' lie questioned him. Later the body "Why not?" was Adolf's reply. more than $000,000. an excellent swimmer, hoping for help His tone was almost defiant. "But, company. Among the guests of 1 to appear meanwhile.. A brilliant idea honor was an—English leading man, of the girl, burned beyond recognition, "Or is it with my money? ' sweetheart mine!" she laughed, "don't was found In the straw ashes. "Why, I'd marry yon If you hadn't presented Itself to Mr. Hlgginson. you see you are not in any one of those who rather fancied himself—and Far East Luxurious showed It. He monopolized the con- a dollar." countries, but on the ocean, and should "If I were willing, perhaps. But Such progress lias been made by "I suppose you are a mermaid?" he yon not be tied by the law of the realm versation, speaking copiously and Ffirmer, 90, Stabs Bandit people of the Far East that articles called, very softly. He heard only what feelingly of himself, his personality I'm not In love with you. If I were you are In?" An awful logic in her re- to be so foollshpl-should only gain a that were considered luxuries ten sounded like a faint laugh, while the mnrk struck him speechless with hor- and his merits. ' and-Rout8-2-Companion8 yeurs ago are now commonplace. lady, as Mr. Hlgginson expressed to From his place across the table Jackson, Mich.—Following an at- tolerable husband from one viewpoint, ror. "Besides," she resumed reflect make a very poor match from another himself, moved with a gallic abandon ively. gazing at the ring, "you ought the American e?ed him with a rapid- tempt to hold up Zora R. MeGonegal, through the water. Perhaps she didn't to be glad to have me. Am I not beau- ly enhancing dJKfavor. At length he ninety-year-old farmer, and his son, viewpoint, arid lose a capital chauf- understand English. "Vouse-etes une tiful?" and with naive frankness she turned to the man sitting next him Zora R. MeGonegal, Jr., at their home feur." Quick petite nymphe, n'est-ce pas?" he .called half lifted herself on a little wave and on the right near here, one man ls^belleved to be "Oh, no! I'd be happy to drive again, with a sympathetic side gesture, clasped her hands behind her head. "Our British friend "over there Is dying of stab wounds In a Kalamazoo your cars Just the same." Safe suggestive of aquatic origin. This time by way of being a regular ass isn't hospital and two companions have "And claim them as your own." he heard an unmistakable and Impu-* he?" he' asked in a whisper. made a complete confession to Kala- "I'd be satisfied with you." Relief ^___ "Tlent little giggle. gazing up at him In a way to make "Oh I'd hardly go so far as to say mazoo oflicers, In which they told of "But what would people say?" Mr. Higglnson tried another tack. him giddy and set his heart racing that," answered his neighbor. their rout by the aged man. "What did people say when you "I wish I were down there with wildly. ^In truth, she was gloriously "Well, he'll do, won't he, tin one Charles Hlckok, twenty-three. Is the married Old Flint?" CORNS you!" he said as enviously as he beautiful! His antipathy for her "You are Impertinent I" Priscllla In one mlmrte—or lest—the pain end*. Dr. comes?" said the American. wounded man and Raymond' Clark, Bcholl's ZlDO-rad Is the oafs, sure, beallojl could—then he stopped and blushed seemed to melt Into the moonlight. twenty-three, and Karl Slesdet, twen- wlncedr treatment for coma At drug and shoe atore» as be remembered the full significance "But I know nothing of your Ian ty-five, are the pair held In the Kala- "I don't mean to be." of his remark. He only hoped no one guage, your customs, your laws," he The Trifles of an Earlier Day mazoo county jail. All three live In They had stopped opposite the Pub- mshWmschoWs had heard him! expostulated weakly. In the great Meuse-Argonne ad •Kalamazoo. lic library. "Do you sing?—chantez-vous?" he "You could go to school," she whis- vance two doughboys were squatted According to Sheriff Borden, Clark "Can you give me any good reason Zino-pads coiled a/rain, hoping she would throw pered, with a glnnce that made his in .a shell hole for shelter. In an- and Slesdet confessed they bound and why I should keep In my service a Put oa« on - the pain is goo* . discretion to the winds In her desire heart stand still with ecstasy. other minute or two they expected an gagged the Junior MeGonegal In a barn chauffeur who makes love to me?" to act out the part of a Lorelei, and "School!" he said. "What school? order to go forward again against and then visited the house, tying up "How long before you want the car He Owes His 40 Years thus attract the attention of the Have you schools down there?" the German positions. The enemy the old man. MeGonegal senior man- again?" of Constant Good Health watch. This time his question was "Of course!" and she smiled. "We was- pouring- everything he had In aged to cut his bonds and then en Prlseilla looked at. him, and wonder answered. Soft, like silver cadences, hnve a school of porpoises which you their direction. Machine-gun bul'.ets gaged In a hand-to-hand battle with was mixed with vexation. "I'm stop- to Beecham's Pills came- the most exquisite singing Mr. might attend. That Is where the rich were whining by Just above Clielr two of the men, while the third waited ping here but a moment" * Higglnson had ever heard. He could man went to." There was a flash of heads. High explosives and shrapnel In an automobile near by. The non- "Well, some day—unless you dis- "I am 57 years old and con> not tell the words, but It sounded like merriment In her eyes, which wholly shells were bursting about them. egenarlan used a sword cane with an charge me—I'll give you a thousand menced to be troubled with con- "Weta-Wala. .Wala-Weia I" repeated In escaped him. He was bending Over, Hundreds of guns, big and fittle, elghteen-lnch blade. reasons wby I should make love to stipation when i was sixteen. ever changing modulations. The near- devouring her beauty with his eyes. roared and thundered. you." "In 1884 I started taking Beech- est approach to It he had ever heard She stretched up her arms to him. One of the soldiers turned, his head was a part of that otherwise sadly "Indeed? And where will you dis- em's Pills other remedies having "When," he whispered, "when shall I toward his companion. Burn Ex-Officials cover them, pray?" muddled opera "Das Rheingold." . failed. I have not had a sick day come?" "Buddy," be said, 'Tvejust been • Berlin.—Two former -ministers of "If I wanfea "to give them the au- in all the 40 years." Like a sigh the alnging ended, and A yearning look crept into her face layln' here ttiinkln'." the Stambullnskl government in Bul- thority of history, I should find more Mr. Hlgginson scarcely yet breathed, and her. mouth seemed formed as If "H—1 of a time to be »hlnkln\" garia are reported to have teen burned than a thousand In human chronicles F. LOUIS LOEFFLER afraid to lose a note of it A laugh for an answer—or a klas. His elbow said his pal: "What were you thlnkln' alive In the cells of the city- prison over there." Adolf Indicated the Pub- Rochester.^. Y. rippled ap to. him. There below him and one foot were on the taffrall, when about?" In Sofia, according toi persistent ru- lic library. "But If I should rely upon For FREB SAMPL&-wri« was the lady whose,.singing was only he was seized from-behind with a grip "I was thlnkln' how a fellow's mors from that city. Opponents of my own Impulse and sight' of you, 1 B. F. Allen Co., 417 Canal Street, New Yot* the government claim that the prison Buy ttorn your dniffist in 13 «nd 50c bozea matched by her swimming. of iron and forced backwards, while a feelln's get changed in this war." think I conid give a thousand off- was purposely- set afire to get rid of For constipation, biliouinsss, sick head- Mr Hig^inson once more , became graft voice said In his earf "What do you mean—get changed?" hand." embarrassed "at the propinquity of her "It's against the cap'n'S~orders'to "Why, once upon a time, back two dangerous political foes, Cyril aches ana other digettivt ailments takg Pavloff and Peter Janeff. Four assas- Montha have passed. Adolf Is stUJ gleaming body, but she seemed honest- lump overboard." home, a fellow with a tlilrty-elgln Jrlvlng PrlBcllla'8 car. Iv ami frankly unashamed. Her hair Mr. -Hlgglnson started, stared, and 'caliber pistol run me plum' out o! sinations are reported within the last Beecham's Pills g'Istened Ilko.-pold aud silver In the walked slowly to bis stateroom. town." few days. (Copyright.) •:•."!

THE CRANBURY PRESS Rommel Making New Win Record Arbitration Court SOME MIDDLE-AGED WOMEN WRtGLEYS Need of Baseball The need of a baseball court AFTER of arbitration Is growing—a ARE AILING ALL THE f WE court wherein player and mag- nate differences can be adjusted for the good of both, writes John Mrs. Ackerman and Mrs. Mayer Tell Women How B. Wray In the St. .Louis Post- Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Dispatch. Helped Them at This Trying Period The player's position Is not afford* enviable, since he can be de- it, and before she had taken ona prived of his means of livelihood bottle, she said to me, Ifomwon't benefit as well have to pay for it! It is helping me as pleasure. if he Jails to accept the terms of, wonderfully!' And she took three his employer. bottles of it. You can use my testi- Healthful exercise for die teeth On tlie other hand,- many play- monial if yon wish." — Mrs. ELSIS snd a spur to digestion. A long- ers make unreasonable demands ACKERMAN, Convoy, Ohio. lasting refreshment, toothing to which, rather than Jeopardize nerve* and stomach. the team's future, are granted by Mrs. Mayer's Experience The Great American tlie magnate. The hold-up player Litchfield, Conn.~"I havei^gwen Sweetmeat, untouched then spreads the news among your medicine a fair trial (I am on by hands, fall of / •my fifth bottle) and can truthfully the team and makes malcontents say that it has. helped me. I am at and potential holdouts of the the Change of Life and was not able entire squad. , to sleep nights, had indigestion, pal- A court of arbitration or a pitation of the heart, pains in my Above la pVtured' Eddte Rom- referee of some sort seems al- right and left aides (more so if I har- mel, star of Connie Mack's Ath- most essential. ried), bad a rapid beating in my left letics, who IB making a new record ear and dreaded to.,see night com*. for victories this year. Rommel, a I felt smothered if I lay on my lef c side, I had gas dreadfully, at times few seasons ago, when tlie Athlet- felt aa if some one had me by the ics were in the second division, RICKEY IS READY throat, had hot waves through me won more than thirty games. This MRS. ELSIE ACKEKMAN , and sometimes I would shake in spells year, with a flrst division club, he TO QUIT HIS JOB CONVOY, OHIO of nervousness. I am taking Lydia Is expected to go beyond that mark. Convoy.Ohio.—"Dnring the Change E. Pinknam's Vegetable Compound ef Life I was weak and run-down and and I cannot praise it enough. I can could hardly do my work. By reading say itdoes all it claims to do and I Success of Hornsby Nettles your advertisements I found out about can recommend it to my friends. I Lydia E. Pinknam's Vegetable Com' can sleep much better, the pains in Deposed Manager of St. pound and It baa straightened me my sides are gone, I am not BO ner- tight out and made me feel like a new vous, my digestion is much better, BASEBALL Louis Cardinals. woman.. By the time I had taken and I very seldom have the hot waves. ONE-BASE HITS eight bottles I was well and could dr I must say that the Vegetable Com- Joe Vila, a baseball expert, says my housework on the farm withon. pound is the best medicine for wo- NOTES trouble. I recommended It to my men's ills and I will answer letters By JACK SIMPSON that Rogers Hornsby Is on the top daughter-in-law after her secondbaby Detroit Is giving Roydun Slirled, wave of popularity. 1 from women asking about it" — . semi-pro pitcher from Xorrlstown, was born and it did her a wonderfa Mrs. JOSEPH MATTER, SE., BOX 8^ Since assuming the management ol kit of good. I told her to try it ani Litchfield, Connecticut. Sliding Into First Base. >a., a trial. the Cardinals he has reorganized if it didn't help her I would pay fo The old habit of sliding Into flrst « * * tliem so cleverly that they are doing base to gain a close decision on nn The skin of a horse when properly better. •School to Teach Baking Infield hit Is slowly but surely dying :ured and tanned may be cm into Word came from the Mound Cltj Spanish Grandee Well .00 baseball covers. Baking now has token Its out. Most of the modern hall players recently that Hornsby had nrran.Tee Loaded With Titles .jmong the arts. A snlcm of linking, were taught or schooled the Idea that * • * to buy some of the St. Louis club's Rollle Naylor is stHT skidding. He The duke of Alba is a duke "by four which opened Its doors In Paris, liaa this Is a play that passed out of ex- stock from Branch Rickey, whom he other titles than Alba. He la a mar- iroved a great success. OUAIITY istence when the game became more has been sold by Seattle to Mobile of supplanted as team leader. Rickey, crf- the Southern league.-. quis by ten titles attached to as mnny speedy. course, feels humiliated by his de- landed estates. He Is the twenty- Jar JO years ~ * • • motion, and, though he still is the Our Monarch Quality There are two faults to find with Cy Williams, Phillies outfielder, has fourth count of Lemos—that title goes Food* are not fold this play that did more to oust It vice president of the Cardinals, it Is back beyond the year 1000—and he is by chain itoret. Into discard' than anything else. First 171) home runs to his credit In four- merely a question of time when he teen years of major league baseball. count 13 times elsewhere. And he Is Brid, Murdoch Si Co. is the danger of a player becoming will decide to sever all business re- hereditary constable of Navarre, once Chicago, U.S. A- injured by the spikes of the baseman » » « Intlons with Sam Breaden, .the con- BBtLBB.TUf>mb,trm Tort a kingdom not to be sneezed at. The First base is the only one that must Jolinny Hodapp, young third base- trolling stockholder. duke's father, from whom he inherited be touched by the baseman In order man of the Indianapolis team, Is to The good playing of the Cardinals all this nobility, died In New York 24 that the runner be retired unless It go to the Cleveland Indians la the under Hornsby's management, fol- years ago. GOULDS is a forced play at some other base. spring. lowing their dismal performances un- This does not end the mteed nnd The action around the bnse at so close • • • der Rickey, has embittered the latter marvelous blood boiling In. the veins PUMPS a play is fast and plnyers are not so Columbia sold Manaper Olln Per- to such a degree that he wants to ritt to Asheville, nnd Outfielder of this grandee who turns to the peo AMD WATER careful of where they plant their get away from St. Louis as soon as he pie. His family name Is FItz-.Tames spikes. If the ankle of a base runner Foster Giinzol has been placed In can make satisfactory arrangements SYSTEMS churge of the Comers. nnd he is tenth duke of Berwick in and the shoe of n baseman reach the with his employer. Scotland, which means he is descended Say "Bayer"-Insistl Write for booklet F base at the same time it is very rn re- • > • The Cardinals own several minor straight from James the Second, the ;ivinr details of OUT ly that the runner will not receive President Herman .T. Wel=man of the league clubs. Including Syracuse of lust of the Stuart kings of England complete line of elec- an ugly spike wound that may put hln Wiiterbury club announces the acquisi- For Colds Headache tric and en sine driven the International, nnd Breaden would And it also means he Is a descendam pumps and watersys- on the hospital list for weeks. tion of ritcher Frank (Dutch) Ulrich like to have Rickey look after them. of Mary Queen of Scots. Pain Lumbago tems for every need. . Besides the clanger involved ther< from the Philadelphia Nationals. But Rickey believes he can do better Is a possibility that the throw may be work In a different atmosphere. The Goulds Manufacturing Co. Freshen a Heavy 8kln Neuralgia Rheumatism wild. The runner hitting the dirt is in Tony Murray, late of Buffalo, of the In justice to Hlcfcey, It'""must be S«nec*F»lIf,N.Y. no position to advance because 1 International league, has been sicned With the antiseptic, fascinating Cut! Accept only a said that he handled the Cardinals cura Talcum Powder, an exquisitely must regain his feet and get a stand- by Decatur. He is a right-hand hit- so capably for two years that the ing stnrt and Is very often thrown ting outfielder and was with Peorlo scented, economical face, skin, bab Gayer package club's heavy Indebtedness was wiped and dusting powder and perfume. out at second base by only a foot in the spring. out and Breaden stepped to the front which contains proven directions or so. * * * Renders other perfumes superfluous. Poultry Raisers with enough money ,to buy out a One of the Cutlcura Toilet Trio (Soap, Handy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablct9 We are a Bonded Conuaiuion House *nd With his pitching stnff wobbling a regiment of stockholders. Breaden and Also bottles of 24 and 100—Druggists •pocialiu in handling Fowli. Broilers. Raut- The player who refuses to slide Ointment, Talcum).—Advertisement. iaz ChicVena. Caponi and fUbblo. By ti- Into flrst base will be working at little, Clark Griffith quickly arranged Rickey soon controlled the club. They Aspirin Is tbe trade m&rk ef B«7vr Mimi- sresa. Prompt return* daily at top New a deal with ChattanooKH of the South- also got hold of three minor league facturo or Monoaccticncltlcster of 3allc7Ucgcld York prices. Ail-poultry fed and watered an advantage over the one who slides, Evidently Had Not before »old. CoopViupplled free of charge, not only for the value he will be to the ern league wheroliy the Senators got franchises for the purpose of develop- SOUNE IMPROVKD HBXOD1NE C.W- Commiisiaa-charffes 5%. Pitcher Win Bnllou. ing new material. SUI..ES for nome form!) rt UUlnoy. liver. team In advancing an extra base on Absorbed "Business" 1 bladder, rheumatism, urinary trouble, yout • • • Meanwhile Hornsby was looming up r and weak backs. Order from your d-uxi:lJt, Garllck-Dlnerman Co., Inc. the overthrow but the fact that he A story is being told of the engage- I or nenil $3 00 to RO1.1SE PRODUCTS CO . We« Washington Market New York City is cautious and refuses to let himself At the request of ofiicinlR of the as the National league's champion ment of nn additional chorus man for 5 Bloomfleld Avenue, Newark. N. J. * — Chatham Pk*ni= National Be*k and open to Injury by making a useless Athletics and Phillies, the public batsman. The Giants, through John the musical production, "Bose Marie," ut Co., 1«A St. and lt\At*..N. Y. slide to the Initial base. safety department of Philadelphia McGrnw. offered $250,000 for his re- GIRLS—Sell Christmas Cards at Dmry Lnne theater. In your spnro time. 60**i profit Stun now. hns assigned 20 city detectives to get lease, which was turned down coldly The male chorus in the show* are Samples fret-. Write MARY ARDEN. Sixth ind Walnut Strectn. PHILADELPHIA. PA. "You Takes Your Choice" Perfect Ball Game a line on nil persons who wager on by Breaden on Rickey's ' advice. So mainly mounted police and frontiers- baseball games. c wns the Brooklyn club's proposition men, for the action of, "Rose Marie" Asentn Wanted for Oor Kupld Cleaner*— A Cairo correspondent of Journul de of 5275.000, made by the late Charles Sells at tjtfthl. BlK T>rolita*ti> the rlKlu ni"n Geneve contrasts that city with Con- takes place In northwest Canada. or women Write for particulars AR'- Jimmy (Ginger) Carroll purchased H. Kbbets In good faith. Chemica-I Co.. 269'A Pearl Street. New York. stantinople, whose dilapidated streets by the Chlcnjro White Sox from the Out of the two hundred npplicants and deserted wharves "afford a Ktrlk- for the position one was selected be- HEAL-U HEMORRHOID OINTMENT urines Muskogee club of the Western As- relief from plleB. Old remedy. Healing At Inrj picture of what would happen to cause of his excellent voice. He wns your drugplst. or Bent for &0c The Htnl-U sociation, is twenty-one years old nnd Company. Box 32 'Wulbrook. Bulllmou-. Mil. tlie whole Near East if the foreigners is pitching his first year In profes- duly brought before the "powers that who create its wealth were driven out. he," and promptly turned down as •CHINESE SACRED LILY, Florida Crown— sional baseball. ortffloies helter than Imported Rlnc\i—al half the He depicts tlie Turks as "stagnant, • * « looking "nothing like tbe part." irlce. Larpe bloomlnc bulbs. $1 per d«iaf-n; pauperized, nnd politically contented .Tack Mallonee, former University of Ynle has eliminated bowling and The-producer was keen to have him 17 per 100. T. K. OODBEY. Waldo, l.'lu. and the Egyptians as busy, prosperous and made inquiries as to his previous Illinois nthlete. purchased by the Chi-rifle shooting as minor sports. orroKTVNiTy nnd politically discontented."—Living cago White Sox from Durham of ^he • • » stage experience. Imagine his surprise Would you like alx palrfl genuine fllll< hone when the man replied, "I haven't done lor V T Write UB how to get them. "IDEA1, Age. Piedmont league, is twenry-one years The Hnskell Indians' football squad DIRECT SILK MILL." WARREN. PA. old. a left-hander more than six feet much acting lately—I've spent my last will cover 14,500 miles this senson. flve^years in the Canadian Northwest tall and weighs ISO pounds. He hud • • •" ,&» EYEWATER n hitting murk of .380 with Durham. Mounted police!"—Vancouver Prov- HaPFUL EYE WASH The bantamweight crown has top-,ince. 1IH) BlTor. TTOJ, N. T. Booklet Sure Relief • *- * pled from the dome of six champions Fenwny Park In Boston is the only one FloridO'-Rellablo Information aboutsoIlfi.eKcaiit'% In five years. agrlcuUuro.advantajreB,opportunities. Arranged by FORJNDIGESTION In the American league circuit where • • • Fruits From Abroad counties. BooUtUOe. lloj VU»o»,Trtl>a»«Bl