• r . ' H * • V *"l ................................... f ■ rvi'- NET PRESS BUN AVERAGE OAILV dBCULATION Tiffs « » A T H » PofMsact' 9rti,m wrnim for the Month of December, 1980 • ■ '■ ■ piMtford _ ' 5 , 5 9 3 Baht or anhtr linitglit prob­ Members of the Andit Bureau ably tely. tiuMky monilnf'; colder Tnetiday afthmohn Of of Circulations. j (Classified (dvertialng on Page 10.) VOL. XLV., NO. 88. SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, JANUARY 12, 1931. (TWELVE PAGES) PRiCCr THREE CENTS ! TALKING BEACON MOB LYNCHES IS THE LATEST As British Troops Coped With Burmese Rioters. Lighthouse in Scotland Shouts rrrrn NEGRO; BURNED i Its Name and Tells Ships They Are Near Rocks. WITHSCHOOL; Glasgow, Scotland, Jan. 12 (AP) —A talkmg beacon, the HAVE PERISHED AT SEA invention of Charles A. Steven­ son, a cousin of Robert Louis Black Who Confessed Killing Stevenson, has been installed at / little Cumbrae lighthouse on the Firth of Clyde. Woman and Navy Aviator School Teacher Is Chained It is the first of its kind and Opinions are Divided consists of a radio telephone Long Overdue On Hop To Roof of Building Which | transmission of a fog signal and speech from a gramophone re­ i/ cord. It speaks the word On Foreign Debt Cut From Bermuda To the Is Then Set Afire. “ Cumbrae” and counts out the ship's distance in miles and r cables from the signal station. Washington, Jan. 12 — (AP) — ■ Senator Fess, Republican, O.hip, Azores— Had Gasoline To Characteri.stic blasts of the Opinions for and against reductions said it would be unwise to reduce Maryville, Mo., Jan. 12.— (A P )— : fog signal also are heard on in inter-allied debts to the United Chained to the roof of the Garrett : wireless. The range of Cum­ States were expressed at the Capi­ the debts at this time. Keep^Them Aloft Until 6 rural school in which he was alleged brae talking beacon for direc­ tol today in connection with the Senator King, Democrat, Utah, tion finding is eight and three- suggestion by Albert H. Wiggins, to have assaulted and murdered suggested something should be done quarters miles but this could be chairman of the Chase National -ill the matter of foreign debts. O’ clock Last Night— Had Miss Velma Colter, 19 year o ld . increased or reduced according Back, that a cut would help busi­ “Back in 1920,” he said, “I pro­ teacher, Raymond Gunn, negro, was ! to wireless transmission power. ness. posed an international conference No Radio — Not Sighted burned to death by a mob which i “As a good American proposition, looking to all round reduction of I am opposed to it,” said Chairman made a funeral pyre of the build-1 % war debts. With the situation in Smoot, of the Senate finance com­ Europe as unsatisfactory as it is By Ships In Path, ing today. |RECALL 70,000 MEN mittee. “The best settlement pos­ now it is even more important that Gunn was marched into the j sible was obtained in the Senate.” something be done.” schoolhouse and to the spot where ! Horta, Island of Fayal, Azores, the bruised body of the young I teacher was discovered. Those of the i TO DETROIT PLANTS Jan. 12.— (A P )—Fears were hey throng about him who were closest j NEW LONDON HOLDS here today that the storm swept At­ said the negro confessed his guilt. British and Indian troops joined in Burma to check an uprising of 1,000 well-armed native rebels who NEW YORK MOURNS lantic hq,d claimed the lives of two Taken To Roof j swept through the villages of the southeast Tharrawaddy district. This picture shows cavalrymen blocking more trans-Atlantic fliers. He was then aken to the roof of I Most of Them Had Been Laid the advance of rioters through a principal street. Ma ny were kUled during several days of fighting. There still was some hope fo^ the the building. He was placed across ! MUCH WANTED MAN DEATH OF STRAUS safety of Mrs. Beryl Hart, 27 year the ridge-pole. Holes were chopped | Off On Dec. 18— No New old red headed widow, and Lieut. in the roof and gasoline poured ! William S. MaeLaren, who left Ber­ over the floors and on the w'alls. A | muda Saturday noon for Horto in member of the mob applied a match. : Men Are Needed. STEEG SUGGESTS GOSER SPENCER IS TAKEN Promoter Promised Stock­ Noted Philanthropist Saved their monoplane laden with a “pay- Gunn was calm throughout. Those ; load” which they oped to take to close to him said he was not in- i Paris. 'They expected when th ^ jured during the march to the | holders To Get Money Detr(^it, Jan. 12.— (A P )—Detroit’s BY R. I. POLICEMEN Millions of Bahies’ Lives left Hamilton to negotiate the two school, although his clothing was U. S.-FRANCE RELATIONS thousand miles to Horta in about 21 stripped to w'aist. ' job-bouhd industrial army was aug­ hours, which would have elapsed, at At least 2,000 persons stood mented today by 70,000 or more men Back From Page & Shaw. By Giving Away Pure Milk 11:15 a. m. Sunday. But today around the small school building. i who were called back to their th^re had been no word from them Waves To Mob i benches and assembly lines after N.W fr » tb Premier Grams 2J p [,| E | j5 j m ® Waives Extradition and Re­ or of their having been sighted by Face down across the ridge pole, several weeks of inactivity. New London, Jan. 12 — (AP) — New York,,,; Jan. 12.— (jyP) — ships at sea. The craft carried no radio. Gunn pushed himself up and waved , Most of the re-employment was First Interview Since He Charged with fraud in a warrant is­ Nathan Straus, philanthropist, at the crowd which contained hun­ turns To Arctic To Face accounted for at the Rouge plant of sued by the Waterford Town Court leader in American Jewry and the Anxious watchers here were dreds of women. Then he sank the Ford Motor Company, which had gloomy as the hours passed with nc IN ATLANTIC HOPS said to ^ want«d on « similar against the roof. i been idle since an inventory shut Assumed Office — Called Charge As Highwayman. benefactor of little children the wor<} (rqm the little white ship. At One long, piercing shriek arose down on December 18, with the ex­ chai’S«i in Cfomweil and otlier world roimd, died in bis sleep yes­ one o'clock it impossible that above the crackling of the flames as ‘ ception of the employment of about places in this state, and in Massa* terday. He was 83. After the death the two fliers could have weather^’ they played about his head. j France’s Clearest Thinker 6,500 men on a part-time basis last Louis E. Spencer, otherwise ichusetts, Rhode Island, Maine, New of his wife, ten months ago his the storms which have been sweep­ The crowd, orderly throughout, ! week. The Ford Company for sev­ Twelve Planes Lost In Last Jersey and Pennsylvania, Charles ing the islands- stood about the four corners where Zauadaky, of 18 Warner street, health sank rapidly. He had been eral months has been operating Malley, 52 year old promoter, was restricted to a wheel chair since bis Not Sighted the school was located until the three days a week, eight hours a ' BY JOSEPH E. SHARllEY. Hartford, captured here Tuesday have been presented in the white, one-room frame building was Four Years— List of Un- return from Europe last year. Steamers passed and put In ,to day, and the lack of an announced (CopyrlK^ht, 1931. by the Associated evening, Janua^ 6. after he and two Waterford Town Court this after­ reduced to ashes. For his philanthropies in the con­ Horta reporting no word of the change from this policy indicated I Press) confederates hi-jacked^Md held up noon. The negro who had served a pris­ servation of infant life, the estab­ fliers. Onejahip came in with a dis­ that it is to be continued. T h e' sneessful FBghts. a Windsor hotel employee in West He was arrested in Groton yes­ lishment of a Jewish Homelmid and on term for an assault on another abled steamer in tow, reporting “the company announced that the em -( Paris, Jan. 12.— (A P )—’Theodore Warwick, R. L, waived extradition terday by State troopers from the the relief work of the World War, girl a few years ago was seized ployes recalled today_ brought^ _ the worst weather in years” along the Steeg, premier of France, ha an in- when he faced Judgo Raymond A. Groton Barracks. In his possession the name of Nathan Straus was Trade Wind’s route. from Sheriff’s officers at the en-j total at the Rouge plant to 70,000,! terview with the Associated Press New York, Jan. 12.— (AP) — The Johnson in police court here this were foimd a private detective’s revered wherever mankind suffered. trance to the court house here this I while 32,000 others were ordered' morning. His counsel, AttopieJ^, John badge, and certificate, and a list of Three , hundred gallons pf gas today, urged economic co-operation Bom in ^lavaria whWfr’they had in their tRfiV.g Satur­ morning as *ih'e^‘was oeing Droughtr^ck to work in uiner parts of the Atlantic ocean which Mrs. tXii.Vl Yeomans, of Hartford, told the the stockholders of the Page & Bom in Rhenish Bavaria on Jan. day on the takeoff from Bermuda from the county jail for arraign- country.
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