IHPVA NEWS know what you would like to see happening A WORD FROM and where the association should go. But most THE PRESIDENT of all, think of ways you might help. Volume 2 Number 2 Anything you do will be greatly appreciated. Spring 1983 It is with great pride (and relief) that we Personally, I would like to hear from any- present another edition of one who has a thought, a gripe or a due bill We hope you enjoy it. Published occasionally by the IHPVA for its magazine. (just kidding on that one). Feel free to write The momentum of the IHPVA has never me at 2614 Halm Ave., Los Angeles CA 90034. members and others interested in promoting been greater than it is now, and I'm truly proud innovation and creativity in I'd like to help make your organization more of improvement, and excited to be part of the HPV revolution. what you had in mind. the design and development of human- This year is packed with important events. Already we've held a race in Carson, California: Chuck Champlin powered vehicles as well as encouraging President, IHPVA public interest in physical fitness and good the Carson Human Powered Speed Challenge (article on Page 9) where the Easy Racer missed health through exercise. breaking the 4000 meter individual pursuit record set by the Vector last October by barely a tenth of a second. GOODBYE, MR. PRES., Richard L. Hargrave, Editorand The American Society of Mechanical HELLO, VP-AIR Art Director Engineers (ASME) entered the HPV world in a big way with a race held May 21 and 22 in The past year has seen the beginnings of Chuck Champlin, Managing Editor Davis California. The June HPV News will many new areas of growth for the IHPVA. Not Yiorgos Naoum, Photographer contain a full report. only has the membership doubled (about Our Hydro Challenge is finally going to 975 members now), but the number of mem- Tom Milkie, Technical Editor happen this year. Allan Abbott is organizing bers who are actively participating in the the second HPV Scientific Symposium for functions of the Association has increased October 22 in Long Beach. And, the Speed dramatically. This includes members forming to develop IHPVA OFFICERS Championships are moving to Indianapolis local chapters in their areas, working this year, finding a good home at last with new race locations such as Indianapolis, and Dr. Paul MacCready, Int'l President enthusiastic and highly qualified organizers. those in Southern California who are involved Chuck Champlin, President Here at IHPVA headquarters, the officers in the administration and publications of the IHPVA. With this help we can provide more Hargrave, Executive Vice President and I have been working in close cooperation Richard L. on a four-part campaign to strengthen and and better competitions and keep you better Rob Cotter, Vice President, Land expand the association. informed with more frequent issues of 'HUMAN Peter Boor, Vice President, Water POWER' and more up to date through the 1. Increasing awareness about the organiza- 'IHPVA NEWSLETTER'. But there are some Lynn Tobias, Vice President, Air tion, and increasing membership. other 'mores' that the IHPVA needs; they are Stuart Huston, Executive Secretary There is an ever growing interest in the HPV more input, more feedback and more involve- Theresa Doran, Treasurer movement and opportunities for expansion of ment from YOU, the members who ARE the Without the efforts of a great many of Lynn Tobias, Membership Chairman the IHPVA are fantastic. Tell your friends IHPVA. about us. If you are interviewed on TV or in its members, a volunteer organization such as the press, try to mention our name and the ours will never reach its full potential. city: Los Angeles or Seal Beach. We finally Here are some areas that need the most BOARD OF DIRECTORS have a number in the phone book. It's 213- help: more local chapters; more races and the Eddy Merckx, HonoraryChairman of 204- 2424. establishment of better sites for record attempts; Increasing membership is the best way for us more articles of all sorts for publication in the Board, Belgium to offer races and other activities for members. 'HUMAN POWER', especially technical articles Allan Abbott, M.D., USA Any way you can spread the word will be on design and construction of vehicles; seeking Jose Domingo Arregui, Spain appreciated. and acquiring financial support and sponsors for the IHPVA and for races; and the develop- Fred DeLong, USA 2. Holding more races and other events. ment of better member services such as sources Wolfgang Gronen, Germany The reason we exist, after all, is to allow of information or materials, donation or to show and race their creations Chester Kyle, Ph.D., USA vehicle builders discounts on components, or finding out who in a controlled setting with timing and safety in your area is doing what. Jack Lambie, USA assistance. Rene Jacobs, Belgium 3. Moving boldly into water-vehicle Robert Jones, USA championships. AND NOW A WORD FROM Charley Tantet, France Vice President for water, Peter Boor, is THE NEW V.P. - AIR organizing the first Hydro Championships, to Sinichi Toriyama, M.D., Japan in Long Beach, You haven't seen much about human be held at Marine Stadium and I Otto Weinmann, Jr., Switzerland California Sept. 4. We feel this is a major step powered air vehicle activities in the past IHPVA, to broaden its appeal. So get can't guarantee that this situation will be Frank Whitt, England for the radically altered. Nevertheless, I would like to David Gordon Wilson, PH.D., USA to work on those vehicles (and see Peter Boor's message about the race in this issue). hear from anyone and everyone who knows of Jorgen Beyerholm, Jr., Denmark any human powered air vehicle activities MacCready has spoken John Stegmann, Republic of So. Africa 4. Firming up production of IHPVA anywhere!! I know Paul publications. of a competition for aircraft powered by Peter Selby, England animals (other than humanoids) in which We have committed to sending you an HPV flying animals would be restricted from em- News or Human Power every month, to keep ploying their normal mode of flight. There Copyright © 1982 by the Int'l Human you up on events and design ideas. Of course are also awards offered for human powered Powered Vehicle Assoc., Inc., a non-profit we welcome any and all information and flight in England and for helicopter flight. If on these Box 2068, Seal Beach, articles. you know of others or have details organization, P.O. competitions, drop me a line. California 90740 USA. U.S. subscription/ Finally, I'd like to second the thoughts I would like to see more activity stimulated membership $15.00 per year. Canada/Mexico expressed by Lynn Tobias last spring. The by the IHPVA. Some practical possibilities $17.00 per year. All others $20.00 per year. IHPVA is truly a human-powered organization, include; a design competition (on paper which Bulk rate postage paid at Huntington Beach, with annual energy expenditures into would hopefully lead to construction); scale- CA. The opinions expressed by authors do the thousands of Humes. (A hume is the model competition; human propelled lighter- not necessarily reflect IHPVA policy. energy spent on a volunteer basis by one than-air vehicle competition; or perhaps a person in one hour.) Until further notice, please address all cor- ground-effects competition. Again, if you have respondence relating to this publication c/o The volunteers at headquarters love their any comments, please write. work with the association, but it often cuts into Chuck Champlin, 2614 Halm Ave., Los An- Lynn John Tobias, geles, CA 90034 USA. Communications to their real work time and time with their families, sparking problems in both areas. 6372 Alexandria Dr., specific staff or officers will be forwarded. May I urge you to make the headaches worth Huntington Beach, CA it. Stay in touch with letters or calls. Let us 92647 3 HUMAN POWER Spring 1983

-~I-- -~14--^11-1'_11_---(--·-·-···--------11_1__----- .---- ~ L- -

Figure 1. Human Powered Vehicle Speed Records Figure 2. Aero Drag of Wheels

I Reord Vehicls irlirs, Barczewskl 6992' 101 3 KPH t Strtemoined roSttndC~ecle3eIVolghti9. O te Vector MPH 2 t e o Peoce0El- e 3 StreaminelHand and FootPower d 4 uJdrecel e deC 7 C 60 947i KPH i Vo 4 4 Slr'eamlnedSupmie cceeI 58 89 ]GrylsJ (VoPghtl 5 StrpamlInedStndard Trlllt Bivcr/l MPH Vector 2I 6 Seeamined StandardTandem Bilctl itSlreame lre SleinC Tandeem Teecyelt IGrr. AnOed Ntzi 5707 7 / tVolght4 I 8 StreamhinedProne Tlplet e Han andCtVoleght). vectoree 5666 IGtiiI Foot PoweredTrlcyCI vector g StrtamCtned SueicneBrck to Bac[kI ttt] Sd43 a TENUieCrT IRssel .e.3 Stton]ee 54 10 StreamtinedSuptne Btcycir WhiteLqhrninq

6 ·a~enP.I :~ldAsl(D~lnsr)rh Halon: Ilyle9 4993~ 50 ~ PStepl.r%LVCesue, O rl 48 95-4 9 38 Tetrrtol IVanVdle2 kenburCh- ILeeVetiluel 47 80 lOAbbottIAbbo t 200 METERFLYING START ._ 2 MULTIPLERIDER RECORDS 0 INorton-Deetoni 4487 1 5 t1 (Norton)f _ 44 69 !Skailn; iKyre) of Wnds I Figure3. Effect

K ILOMETERSPER HOUR 42 ? I 1 !Skaenetyre)' 432 IS4.,Kel /tMasloe iStandard 1yel 40 2OOOMETERFLYING START SINGLERIDER RECORDS 4 36 94ttEdtardsl (Vol§hti IeR0 Vector 0I T til '10) 1 I 31 06 31 40 HOURREcoRDS 1rlhetl IFaure] /

I 30 .,. I I I I I I I l I I I 1960 V 1970 71 72 3 74 75 76 77 78 79 1980 81 82 1930 1940 P re e t IK YEAR v Recordsas of11/8t ,.iT8a LC.HKvle

Table 2 - Improvement in Bicycle Speedby Aerodynamic OLYMPIC BIKES Drag Reduction. 400 Meter Pursuit, 50 KPH From Page 1 Drag Lecreae TlrneDecrease Grams Seconds bicycle racing speeds can be dramatically SPEED-MILESPER HOUR 0 -0.0 improved by lowering the wind resistance of a 10 -0.2 6 Effect of PassingTraffic racing bicycle, and the rider. About 2/3 of the 30 -0.8 Figure4. Estimated and 1/3 due to 50 -1.5 air resistance is due to the rider 100 -2.7 the bicycle. 1 The aerodynamics of the rider can 200 5.5 be improved by design of helmet, clothing, and 300 -8.5 5 2 shoes and by choice of rider position. Some of D 3 11 +0 176 VwhereV m and newtonr the common ways of improving the aero- dynamics of the bicycle itself are by streamlin- ing, smoothing components, decreasing surface Table 3 - Aerodynamic Drag of Bicycle Equipment 4 5 roughness, lowering frontal area, and by proper BicycleComponents - Speed 32 KPH, I location of the components. Wind resistance I Drag Increase 0I against the cyclist may also be lowered by Grams external factors such as tail winds, cross winds, drafting, auto traffic or even by holding races at Bcycle Bare 0 higher altitudes. A brief discussion of each of Blcycle lusWater Bottle +40 the above factors follows. Bicycleplus Ferders +130

Bicycleplus Panle and Pack +270 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 Equipment Modification Bicyclewith covered Fr Bicycl with covered Fame -90 INCREASEIN BICYCLESPEED KPH and Wheels

1. Streamlining Aero Drag of Helmetsat 48 KPH 6 Figure 5. The Effect of Altitude Upon Air Densityand Bicycle Speed Figure 1 shows that the world human BareMalkirl ,t!h wig har) 1.2 powered vehicle speed records increased rapidly Mankn piusClnell, Strap Helmet -60 THEORY pedal cycles plu BldOncieHemlet -120 1.I 1 HOUR RECORD V/V o when completely streamlined Maikin HAMILTON -1000M RECORD-51RCU began to be used for record attempts. Stream- Best CzechAro Helmet ~>U~~~~~i8 lined vehicles are much faster than standard Worst Head wth Hdlr 1 HOURRECORD-MERCKX . The present 200 meter flying start 0 9 MEXICOCITY record for a standard bicycle is 68.05 KPH 0.8 (10.58 sec), and was set by Gordon Singleton Table 4 - The Effect upon Acceleration Time of Adding of Canada in 1980. The record for a stream- Massto a Bicycle. 4000 Meter Pursuit, 50 KPH. KPH AddedMass Added Tlne lined vehicle is over 25 KPH faster; 94.77 c 0.6 I I sec), set by Dave Grylls of the USA Grsanls Seconds (7.597 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 using a streamlined supine . The move- 0 0.0 50 +0.01 ALTITUDE-METERSABOVE SEA LEVEL streamlined human 100 +0.02 ment toward completely 1-20%DENSITY) 200 +0.04 MEXICOCITY = 2260M powered vehicles accelerated rapidly after 400 +0.08 BICYCLESPEEDS ARE +3-5%GREATER 1975 when the International Human Powered 600 +0.11 Vehicle Association was organized. Table I 800 +0.15 required by Assume 15 secondsto accelerateto 50 KPH shows the comparative power obviously aerodynamic equipment would be that have = 80 Kg(the massof cycle some of the human powered vehicles m2 m significant drag reductions could be KPH, the t2 T1 plus rider) useful if been developed since 1975. At 32 t - 15 econd 1 achieved and if the equipment could be made newer machines require less than 30% of the Figure 2 at the same to function properly. Table 3 and power used by a standard bicycle of typical items of bicycle from the above, streamlining show the aero drag speed. Obviously of the bicycle and rider equipment such as wheels and helmets. The can dramatically improve both the speed and If the aerodynamics are to be improved as much as possible, then measurements were made in a wind tunnel or the efficiency of a bicycle. can be seen, rather exotic streamlining is illegal each equipment item should have an efficient by coast down tests. As However, such drag decreases are quite easy to in standard bicycle racing, although some geometric form such as the typical wing shaped large aero have been oval. As it is, even on the best racing bicycles achieve. streamlined components and frames However, sometimes aero components weigh permitted. Since the elaborate streamlining have components that could be improved greatly. The question is whether such equipment slightly more than standard. Another question used by the vehicles in the International Human any cannot be used is important in racing? Table 2 shows how much is whether the added weight might cancel Powered Speed Championships advantages? Table 4 shows the effect of adding in standard cycle racing, it will not be discussed the times would improve in the 4000 meter are legal pursuit race with aero drag reductions of mass to a bicycle in the 4000 meter pursuit race. further. Only modifications that be added if as Internationale rules from 10 to 300 grams. Even 10 grams less As much as 800 grams may within the Union Cycliste as a 10 gram reduction in aero drag can will be covered. drag would give a 0.2 second advantage; so little HUMAN POWER Spring 1983 10 be achieved. At least in this comparison, the Dragand Speed Characteristics of Streamlined Human Powered Vehicles positive benefits of aerodynamics far outweigh Machine Frontal2 Drag Percentrqa Required SpeedWilth Maxmum the negative effects of adding mass. Aream 2 Coeficient Reducion Powerat NoPower Compotitron (Areain ) Cd at32 KPH 32 KPH-Watts Inrease-KPH Sped-KPH There has been some speculation that aero (IncreaaMP SpedMPH')Spd-MPH equipment would be worse in cross winds because of higher drag and instability. This RareBicycle .0 .0 .787 O 2 20303 3232 -- would depend upon the wind velocity and I '9(10.6) (19.0) direction and the equipment. Aero tubing for 1 Bcylde ~I .50 .60 13% 177 33.5 54.72 example can actually have a lower drag in a C FrontFairin 1 1196 (20.8) (33.9) cross wind because of aerodynamic lift (it Bicye + .55 52 22% 159 34.7 acts like a sail). Of course stability, component Fo airing1II (21.6) I (21.5) stiffness and other factors must also be con- sidered before using aero equipment in a parti- PalumhoSupin Triyde .35 .77 26% 151 34.5 58.21 cular race. Road races and sprints are obviously ae I(13.7) 21.4 (36.1) time trials, and therefore VanValkenburgh V..A.Aeroshell V.1k,.b."t, h.11 (.65.056 .32.32 34% 126125 36.8 54.2254.2 quite different than (33.6) quite different equipment should evolve for (CoarsUpper Body) (25.5) (22.80 each. A eroshell+Bonom Skin .68 21 48% 97 39.8 74.05 I26.7 . (24.7) 464) 2. Smoothing of Components, Decreasing ~~~~~I- Surface Roughness PdomoTricycle 46 .28 55% 92 40.9 71.42 wthFaiig (18,1) (25.3) (44.3) Poor aerodynamic shapes such as bolts, clamps, levers, cables, posts, etc. can all be KyleF.ull Fair.9in 1 .10 67% 68 4 74.77 improved or eliminated by proper bicycle design. (27.9) (28.5) (46.4) The object of smoothing components is to ,VanValkeburgh Prone .46 .14 68% 64 46.4 79.47 avoid sharp edges, corners, rapid changes in Q.udrecylewth Faiing (18.1) (24.1) (40.3)

shapes that might cause r UPr.....i...... werd VehiclePerfo.....e Uslin re merMand ~fDoe namlc ura Meawrememls contour, or other Measuredt the InternationalHumanPared SpeedChampionships Fnom:"Predictn turbulence or unnecessary air resistance. Rough Proceeding1 s InternationalCnenre on HumanPowered Trnsportation, Sn Deg.o,1979. Chester R. Kyle. surfaces can also cause excess air friction. 3 One interesting factor to consider in smooth- Table 5 - The Effect of Drafting ing components is the speed that the bicycle depended only upon air resistance then veloci- will travel. All types of bluff or streamlined ties would be much greater at higher elevations. shapes such as wings, cylinders, ovals, cubes However, less oxygen is available and thus DecreaseI aerobic endurance is less, so the effect is lower or spheres go through an aerodynamic transi- WheelGap Meters WimdDra tion when the wake changes from laminar to than might be predicted by theory. Figure 5 0.2 44% shows the variation of air density with altitude turbulent flow and the drag forces decrease. 0.4 -42% Streamlined shapes go through a gradual 0.6 -38% and the theoretical increase in bicycle speed transition but objects such as cylinders abruptly 1.0 * 34% with altitude. Some actual race results are 1.5 30% plotted, these are less than theory in all cases. change as the critical speed is exceeded. This 2.0 -27% transition was noted frequently during wind The world 1000 meter record, and hour record tunnel tests of both helmets and bicycle wheels. were set in Mexico City, elevation 2260 meters, At racing speeds, bicycles have many compo- decrease in wind resistance with the wheel where the air density is 20% lower than at nents that operate around the critical transition spacing between bicycles. Naturally the closer sea level. Surprisingly however, the records for point. In this case it may be more advantageous they draft, the greater the benefit. the 200 meter sprint and for the 4000 meter to have rough surfaces than smooth (like the individual and team pursuit were set at near dimples on a golf ball), in order to prematurely 2. Tail Winds and Head Winds sea level. In general bicycle speeds at Mexico seem to be from 3 to 5% greater than at sea trip the flow and cause turbulence in the wake. Figure 3 shows the effect of tail winds and Careful wind tunnel work is required to identify level. It would be interesting to hold a world head winds upon bicycle speed. If it is assumed track championship at La Paz Bolivia, elevation those components that can be improved by that a rider can produce the same steady state utilizing supercritical flow. 3960 meters, where air density is 33% lower power no matter what the wind speed, then the than at sea level. If Top athletes were present, curve may be used to predict bicycle speed world records would surely be inevitable. 3. Proper Location of Components. with either leading or following winds. As a Given a choice, aerodynamically poor rule, a bicycle is affected about half the wind components should be located in the wind speed. That is, a 10 KPH head wind will slow shadow or wake of other equipment so that the bicycle about 5 KPH while a 10 KPH tail the combined drag will be less. For minimum wind will speed the bicycle up about 5 KPH. References drag it is more important to have a clean Cross winds can either increase or decrease streamlined front face than to improve the speed depending upon the design of the bicycle 1. Nonweiler T., "Power Output of Racing rear profile. Items such as brakes, cables, rods, components. Large front fairings have been Cyclists", Engineering, May 10, 1957, etc. should be either hidden in the frame or tested in a wind tunnel and at yaw angles up p. 586. Nonweiler T., "The Air Resistance placed behind other more efficient shapes. A to about 20° their drag was actually lower, of Racing Cyclists" Report No. 106, The streamlined water bottle cage can be designed showing that they extracted energy from the College of Aeronautics, Cranfield, England for example that presents a smooth profile to wind much like a sail. Oct., 1956. the wind when combined with the bottle. 3. Passing Automotive Traffic 2. Kyle, C.R. et al, "Predicting Human Powered 4. Decreasing Frontal Area Time trial speeds are often influenced by Vehicle Performance Using Ergometry and Since pressure drag normally predominates passing automotive traffic in open courses. Aerodynamic Drag Measurements", Pro- over friction drag for bicycle components, Figure 4 shows the approximate effect of ceedings, International Conference on minimum frontal area is important. Components passing traffic upon time trial speed with Human Powered Transportation, San Diego, that can be redesigned or oriented differently vehicles from small autos to large trucks. The Ca. 1979. to give less frontal area will have a lower air curve was made by observing a very consistent drag. A good example is the bicycle rider using time trialist on a level public highway, and by 3. Kyle, C.R., "Reduction of Wind Resistance the uncomfortable egg shaped body position. using a very accurate speedometer. Speed and Power Output of Racing Cyclists and This posture minimizes frontal area and also is increases from 1-5 KPH were measured when Runners Traveling in Groups", Ergonomics more streamlined, giving much less resistance vehicles passed with about 1.5 meters side 1979 v. 22 No. 4 p. 387-397. than a more upright position. When riders clearance. If strong cross winds existed, then are in crouched racing position, with elbows almost no effect was measured. When passing 4. Kyle, C.R., "How Accessories Affect bent and hands on the lower handle bars, they traffic slowed, approaching the speed of the Bicycle Speed, (Is Your Water Bottle have at least 20% less wind resistance than cyclist, then the duration of the effect increased Slowing you Down). Bicycling Magazine when in touring position with hands on the until sometimes it became permanent (the March 1976. upper bars and elbows straight. cyclist was drafting at the side of the motor vehicle). Naturally when motor vehicle traffic 5. Kyle, C.R., "Factors Affecting the Speed Other Methods of Decreasing Wind Resistance was heavy then the speed increase was greater. of a Bicycle". Engineering Report No. 73-1, If a steady stream of traffic was going by then Nov. 2, 1973, California State University, 1. Drafting Long Beach. In a pace line, closely drafting riders are in the speed increased as much as 5 to 10 KPH continuously. an artificial tail wind that decreases the air drag 6. Kyle, C.R., "The Aerodynamics of Bicycles", of those in the rear by over 40%. Power required 4. The Effect of Altitude upon Bicycle Speed Bicycling Magazine, May 1982; The AIAA is about 30% less for all except the leader who Student Journal Spring 1981. uses about the same amount of energy as a solo As elevation increases, air density decreases, rider at the same speed. Table 5 shows the as does the wind resistance. If bicycle speed 11 HUMAN POWER Spring 1983


as I could, I got the attention of Allen Abbott just as before. This time we knew what to do - sitting in front of me. I told him to go to we just kept on pedaling and again turned off FLOAT 100 percent power and to pass it on. We finally on a side street. We were close to the end of From Page 13 caught up as we neared the main reviewing the route, and there wasn't much time for stands and television cameras. another wheel change, so we just walked the We weighed the float two weeks before the Everything went smoothly for the next mile rest of the way. parade, and found to our dissapointment that steep hill. The plan I haven't determined yet why the wheels 5000 lbs. There was until we got to the short the weight was already was to go up at about 2 m.p.h. in second gear. failed, but I later found out that the tire pressure still another 800 lbs of wood and steel to add, it immediately became had been increased from 40 psi to 60 psi the lbs. of flowers, glue, As we started up, as well as at least 1200 apparent that we weren't going to make it in day before. Maybe this increase, along with paint, etc. There was nothing that could be and shifted into first, heating from the sun, pushed the pressure so we just hoped second, so we stopped done about it at this point, and got underway again at less than 1 m.p.h. above what the wheels could safely handle. there wouldn't be a headwind down Colorado Finally, it is interesting to compare the Blvd. on New Year's day. The crowd really loved the challenge, and cheered us on. After cresting the hill, I shifted Honda float to the Arco hand-carried float. New Year's eve was spent inching through The Arco float weighed 1200 lbs. and was a convoy of over through the gears, going up to fourth, and we the streets of Pasadena in mile down carried by 40 people, so each person was in to the parade staging area on all took it easy coasting down the 3 twenty floats grade ahead of us. effect propelling 30 lbs. of float. The Honda Orange Grove Blvd. The float felt more sluggish about 7000 lbs. and was propelled and the flowers The easy going didn't last long. While inching float weighed than it had during tiral runs, by only 12 people, or each person was propel- and glue were causing minor problems with along slowly waiting for a delay in the parade, that actuated the five fans on the left rear tire suddenly exploded violently, ling almost 600 lbs of float - 20 times more the mechanisms than Arco! each side. Paul MacCready was driving, sending up a shower of dried yellow flower practicing the steering and braking he would petals. We stopped dead in our tracks, and be doing during the parade, and I was practicing parade officials ran over to inspect the damage. my job of operating the clutch and gearshift They found that the wheel rim had broken, and - levers. The steering position was on a platform they immediately called for a tow truck to pull ten feet off the ground at the front of the us off the parade route. Luckily the tow bar EASY RACERS, INC. float, and the gearshift was in the fifth row seat. that we were carrying was stuck inside the 2891 FreedomBlvd Watsonvlle. CA 95076 To communicate, Paul and I had two-way voice central frame, so we were spared the embarrass- Call 408) 722-9797 ROAD &RACE, PROVEN RECUMBENTS actuated headset radios, which seemed to work ment of being towed. Instead we started up very well. again under human power, rolling on what was announces the The other float pedalers for the parade left of the rim and tire. The ride was extremely were Chester and Joyce Kyle, Bryan Allen, rough, and the balloons were wobbling pre- OUR Joan Lind (an olympic silver medalist rower), cariously over our head. After three blocks, we EASY Ron and Sue Skarin, Allan and Colony Abbott, were able to turn left onto a side street. Izzy Lewis, and Jack and Karen Lambie. Minutes later Steve Serrurier and Ralph New Model Everyone arrived at Steve Serrurier's house at Hudson arrived with tools and a spare wheel. _ae MakM-.pmwe \/ wer rnce another ten minutes, the new wheel was 5:30 a.m. on new year's day for breakfast and In Increased (o.mt,,r. Set? dnd ttltlently we backed down the side street to try to fit into the shorts and t-shirt outfits mounted, and TOUR EASY Ready ,,ride sith ZZIPPI-R falrln back onto Colorado Blvd., and took off again provided for us. After packing the float's trunk FRAME SET Wih irk. har,. tlnl wheel &-1dl in the parade. (yes, it even had a trunk!) with everyone's EASY RACER. (uhlm elt Things went well enough until we started up bags, sleeping bags, wheel EASY PLANS Bulid vlur ,ownIrlo , hlke,,ld 525 clothes, camera the final hill near the end of the parade. Even chocks, etc., we were ready to go. As soon as COMPLETE INFORMATION AND ORDER FORMS S1 putting out maximum power, we (Clhf-rla reldcnlx add h' Iai the parade started, I realized that the two-way with all of us steadily fell behind the float in front of us. *HPVAPRACTCAl ,LHI(I WINNFR Iq2 radio was going to be almost useless - the noise *IHP\'ASrRAML[NFI) R()A) RA(C WINNtR I178& 182 ' Then it happened. The left front tire exploded, "IHP\ASP I:DI(HAM HI('Y(P'I% 1979 & 108(I from the marching band behind us and the *WNNR SIXSIRAlLHI I}AM TRIATHAlONS I9I crowds beside us was deafening! I couldn't hear anything over the radio. I could see Paul waving - -~~~~_ to the riders to speed up as the gap between us and the band in front widened. Yelling as loud SPECIAL to IHPVA Members! HPV FAIRING CONSTRUCTION TECHNIQUES, by Ronald Steven Blair. The only how- No. Total $ to book in existence. Aerodynamics, design, fabrication and testing. Also, windshield construction techniques. Sobttound, 8t/2 x 11. _ZZ.bU

EVOLUTION OF AN HPV PROJECT, by Ronald Steven Blair. The story of the Cal Poly San Luis Obispo ASME project, from conception in 1977 to triumph in England in 1981. Valuable insights into the making of a winning vehicle. Softbound, 81/2x 11. $15.00

BICYCLES AND , by Archibald Sharp. Definitive in 1896 and still right on. RECUMBENT 3 WHEEL Dynamics, structures, gearing, etc. CYCLECARS Softbound, 536 pages, $8.95 BICYCLING SCIENCE, 2nd Edition, by Frank Rowland Whitt and David Gordon Wilson. Everything from power requirements to rolling resistance, plus new sections on HPVs and other experiments in human powered transportation. KITS Sottbouna, M. $695.00 Hardbound, $17.95 * DOES NOT INCLUDE SYMPOSIUM TRANSCRIPTS, proceedings of the first Scientific Symposium held Novem- BICYCLE PARTS ber, 1981 in Anaheim. A unique storehouse of information on air, land and water vehicles. * Kit can be built as 3, 5. 10 or 15 speed Nearly 200 pages, softbound, $20.00 * Assembled chrome moly spaceframe T-SHIRTS, souvenirs from the 7th and 8th IHPSC. (Specify quantity, color-yellow or ecru * Adjustable ventilated recumbent seat -and size, S,M,L,XL.) * Complete steering system * Front drum brake hubs MEMBERSHIPS Circle: New member Renewal Address change (include label). * Fairing mounts Annual dues are $15 U.S.; $17 Canada/Mexico; $20 Elsewhere * Fittings and instructions All prices include postage and handling. Please allow 6 to 8 weeks for delivery. Foreign orders add $1 per Total book for surface mail; $7 per book for airmail, $3 per T-shirt air mall Please make checks payable to IHPVA. aerocoupe (U.S. checks or International money orders only, please.) cyclecars Send to name IHPVA (Dept. HP) 537 SOUTH RAYMOND AVE., PASADENA CA PO Box 2068 address (213) 681-1116 91105 Seal Beach, CA 90740 HUMAN POWER Spring 1983 15 HUMAN POWER Spring 1983

_ _ _ . _ ------~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~ _ _