Land to the North of Gilden Way, Harlow Transport Assessment
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] /DQGWRWKH1RUWKRI*LOGHQ:D\+DUORZ 7UDQVSRUW$VVHVVPHQW Persimmon Homes, Barratt Strategic, Taylor Wimpey Developments January 2011 QM Issue/revision Issue 1 Revision 1 Revision 2 Revision 3 Remarks Draft Date January 2011 Prepared by T. Mabelson Signature Checked by B F Weaver Signature Authorised by J M Hutchins Signature Project number 11110881-PTA File reference Q:\Harlow_Gilden Way_Harlow DC 0881\TEXT\REPORTS\Transport Assessment\080506 Transport Assessment\080612 Transport Assessment.doc WSP Development & Transportation has prepared this report for Persimmon Homes, Barratt Strategic and Taylor Wimpey Developments, the conditions of which were set out in its appointment for consulting engineering services by the Client. WSP Development & Transportation shall not be responsible for the use of the report or its contents for any purposes other than those for which it was prepared and provided. Should the Client require to pass copies of the report to other parties for information, the whole of the report should be so copied, but no liability shall be incurred or warranty extended by WSP Development & Transportation to any other parties in connection with this report without explicit written agreement thereto by WSP Development & Transportation. WSP Development & Transportation is part of WSP UK Limited. WSP Development and Transportation WSP House 70 Chancery Lane London WC2A 1AF Tel: +44 (0)20 7314 5000 Fax: +44 (0)20 7314 5111 WSP UK Limited | Registered Address WSP House, 70 Chancery Lane, London, WC2A 1AF, UK | Reg No. 01383511 England | WSP Group plc | Offices worldwide Contents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ntroduction ,1752'8&7,21 1.1.1 WSP Development and Transportation has been commissioned by Persimmon Homes, Barratt Strategic and Taylor Wimpey Developments (the Clients) to prepare a Transport Assessment (TA) which considers Travel, Transportation and Traffic issues associated with a Residential led development scheme in Harlow. The site is located north of the B183 Gilden Way, as shown on Figure 1. 1.1.2 Harlow District Council (HDC) is the Local Planning Authority and Essex County Council (ECC) is the Local Highway Authority. 1.1.3 The site area is approximately 38Ha and comprises undeveloped space including Greenbelt. 1.1.4 For the purposes of this assessment, the proposed development is assumed to include: 1200 residential units, 33% of which will be affordable A primary school A small neighbourhood/community centre A new vehicular access onto the Sheering Road roundabout junction (on Gilden Way) A secondary vehicular access onto Gilden Way Areas of open space and play areas 352-(&7%$&.*5281' 1.2.1 The proposed development site was the subject of a Public Inquiry in May 2004 as part of the Local Plan formulation process. At that time the feasibility of the development in terms of its potential transportation and highways impact was considered, and a robust view has taken of the possible traffic generation and vehicle movements to and from the site. 1.2.2 In the Proof of Evidence submitted by WSP on behalf of the Clients it was estimated that a potential development of 950 residential units plus some community uses could be accommodated on the site, with some traffic capacity mitigation measures probably required at junctions west of the site. This analysis is revised in this TA using more up-to-date information regarding the quantum, type and tenure of residential units to be provided on the site. 1.2.3 Traffic generation, distribution and assignment have been revised and the impact of the development on the local road network analysed in more detail. Possible junction improvements and mitigation measures have likewise been identified in more detail and are described in this document and shown in Figure 7. 1.2.4 A Sustainability Assessment of the site was carried out in 2001, reviewing access to the site for pedestrians and cyclists, and provision of public transport. The assessment has been revised and updated for this report. 1.2.5 Much of the assessment carried out in this TA was undertaken between 2006 and 2008 and has been updated or validated to support a 2011 planning application where appropriate. 11110881 Land to the North of Gilden Way, Harlow 1 Transport Assessment 5(32576758&785( 1.3.1 This TA has been prepared based on the national guidance set out in ‘Guidance on Transport Assessment, DfT, 2007’. The remainder of this report is set out as follows: Section 2 summarises the background information including the location of the site, and the existing highway conditions, the accident history of the road network, and the local travel characteristics; Section 3 details the existing sustainability and accessibility of the site including pedestrian, cycle, bus, and train access, and the accessibility of the nearby amenities; Section 4 summarises the traffic surveys that were undertaken to inform the traffic impact assessment; Section 5 details the proposed development including trip generation, background traffic growth including committed developments, and parking; Section 6 summarises the link and junction capacity assessments undertaken; Section 7 outlines the proposed mitigation measures including improvements to pedestrian, cycle and public transport accessibility, and improvements to the capacity of the highway network; and Conclusions are drawn in Section 8. 11110881 Land to the North of Gilden Way, Harlow 2 Transport Assessment 2 Baseline Site and Transportation Context ,1752'8&7,21 2.1.1 This section describes baseline conditions at the site, sets out the site’s location, describes the local road network, considers the prevailing local road safety conditions through a review of Personal Injury Accident data, and reviews the baseline local travel characteristics based on data collected in the 2001 Census. 6,7(/2&$7,21 2.2.1 The location of the proposed development is shown in Figure 1. The Gilden Way development site is situated on the north-eastern edge of Harlow, between the eastern suburbs of the town and the M11. The M11 junction 7 and M25 junction 27 are about 6.5km and 14.5km south of the site respectively. 2.2.2 The site is located north of the B183 Gilden Way, which links Harlow to Chelmsford to the east and London Stansted Airport to the north. West of the site Gilden Way intersects with London Road which serves new residential areas at Newhall and Church Langley to the south; and with the A414. The A414 junction provides access to the west into Harlow New Town, north to Bishops Stortford and south to the M11 junction 7. 2.2.3 The A414 is sometimes used as a diversionary route for traffic from the M25 between junctions 21 and 27. The A414 provides a loop from Junction 7 of the M11, past Harlow, Hertford, Welwyn Garden City, Hatfield and St Albans. It is known that traffic diverted off the M25 onto the A414 causes significant additional congestion on various sections of this route. Traffic conditions on the M25 in this area were therefore monitored during surveys relating to the Gilden Way development. No significantly abnormal traffic conditions were observed. 2.2.4 The site is bounded to the east by Marsh Lane, a narrow, unlit private lane approximately 4m wide that leads north to Gibberds Garden and a private residence on the north east boundary of the site. From the end of Marsh Lane a footpath continues north along the eastern boundary of the site to pass under the railway at the north eastern corner. The railway bounds the site to the north; to the west a stream separates the site from Harlowbury and Old Harlow. The local amenities and facilities are shown in Figure 2 and the connectivity is shown in Figure 3. /2&$/52$'1(7:25. 2.3.1 The southern edge of the site is adjacent to Gilden Way (B183), from which the proposed development would be accessed. Gilden Way is a wide single carriageway road of varying width from 7-8m, with 40 mph speed limit and approximately 12m street lighting. The site frontage is separated from the road by a drainage ditch and verge. On the south side of the road a verge separates the road from playing fields. 2.3.2 To the east of the site Gilden Way (B183) heads towards Sheering and Hatfield Heath. West of the site, Gilden Way (B183) heads towards Old Harlow, Harlow Town Centre and the A414 which links to the M11 to the south. West of the site Gilden Way has wide verges and a poor quality 1-2m wide footway on the northern side. 11110881 Land to the North of Gilden Way, Harlow 3 Transport Assessment 2.3.3 The key junctions and road links in the area are as follows, and are summarised in Figure 6: Sheering Road roundabout junction (with Gilden Way) London Road roundabout junction (with Gilden Way, First Avenue, London Road and Station Road) First Avenue roundabout junction (with First Avenue and A414) Edinburgh Way roundabout junction (with A414 and Cambridge Way) Church Langley Way roundabout junction (with A414 and Church Langley Way) Second Avenue roundabout junction (with A414 and Second Avenue) 2.3.4 Station Road west of Old Harlow is calmed by chicanes, speed humps and a mini-roundabout at the junction with Wayre Street. There are no other areas of traffic calming in the vicinity of the site.