WHERE TO GO TO-NIGHT WEATHER FORECAST Royal—The Sea Hawk. < 'auitol—In Love With Love, For $6 hours ending 5 p m.. Wednesday ttW*0 (’ollaeum—I>avid Copperfield. Columbia—Hot Water. Victoria end vicinity—Strong winds iMiininlon—lie Who Gets Slapped. or gales, mostly southerly to westerly, Playhouse—Fashion Row. unsettled and mild, with rain.

-t= PRICE FIVE CENTS VOL. 66 NO. 17 VICTORIA, B.C., TUESDAY, JANUARY 20, 1925 —16 PAGES. 7887 act declared unconstitutional

NEW MEMBER OF CANADA'S EXPORTS McGEER CALLED LOGGING IMIS ON UPPER C00LIDGE CABINET; \ IN 1924 SHOWED A HERE TO CONFER CAM OF CANADA CONSHŒCSmiJTlON CHARLES B. WARREN SUBSTANTIAL GAIN ON RATE FIGHT G. G. McGeer, K.C.. British Co­ CREATED BY DECISION OF PRIVY COUNCIL IN VANCOUVER ISLAND BOUGHT Ottawa, Jan. 20.—Official lumbia Government rate counsel, trade figures for the calendar will be called here Immediately to confer with Premier Oliver on veer show Canadian exports plans for presenting this Prov­ totaled $1,058,057,898 in 1924,. ince's case before the / - LONDON RULING OOT LABOR CONCILIATION ACT FOR DEVELOPMENT PURPOSES Court of Canada when it takes up as against $1,014,944,274 in freight rate questions early in 1923. The imports were $808,- February: The Premier explained Appeal in Toronto Hydro Electric Case Led to Declara­ Bloedel, Stewart and Welch Corporation Buys Interests 185,573, as against $903,030, to day that he wants to discuss READ JUDGMENT . 515. the whole rate situation with Mr. tion Passing of Industrial Disputes Investigation of Eastern Owners in Campbell River District; McGeer before he goes to Ottawa for the Supreme Court hearing. IN CANADIAN CASE; Measure Was Beyond Powers of Parliament of Can­ Convenient for Exploitation; Fine Stand of Timber The Government feels that the decision of the court on the ap­ LORD HALDANE ada; Way Open for Legislation by Provinces; on Property. NAME OF GOVERNOR peal of the prairie provinces against the abolition of the Crow’s Ministry Awaits Advice From its Law Officers. Newt rates will have a Mg effect Another big timber deal running in value to nearly $2,500,000 OF NEW JERSEY IN on the whole rate question In BIG RUM SCANDAL Western Canada as it may form is expected to be closed to-morrow on the arrival of J. II. lUocdcl the legal foundation on which London, Jan. 20.—(Canadian Press Cablej^-The Toronto of the firm of Bloedel, Stewart, Welch Corporation from Seattle. Parliament will erect a new rate Jersey City, NJ., Jan. 20.—Gov­ Hydro-Electric Commission's appeal with regard to the consti­ For some time this firm has had an option on about 1,000,- ernor Kdward I. Edwards of New structure. Mr. McGeer will at­ tend the court hearing primarily 000,000 feet of timber in the vjcinity of Campbell Hiver, X an- Jersey was Implicated to-day In tutionality of the-Industrial Disputes Investigation Act of Can­ the New Jersey rum scandal at as an observer but should devel­ couver Island, known in timber circles as “the green timber the trial of twelve Weehawken opments . require it he will take ada was allowed to-day by the Judicial Committee of the British policemen Indicted for prohibition an active part in the proceedings and which cniises particularly well. The option is to be taken asking permission to present Privy Council. . , up this week, it is stated. , law violations when two govern­ British Columbia’s attitude on ment dry agents testified he had rate matters. The* Government The. judgment,..d.eUveictl.hy Lord Haldane, .was.as follows: This timber is owned by James Macl-arcn & Company ot , MT> ed as a IVtiL between, bootleg Aupolnmi to Mccwd HarlaS llqnor buyers and WTTItam F. 'aSrfeeet* Mr. McGeer to leave for “It is always with reluctance that their lordships come to a ' Btrekibghktb, Qtt#., and Albert Maef.aren, president of James the Hast shortly. *: None. Mi.' Whuu 1» the new Orlflflh. alleged "Master Mind" conclusion adverse to the constitutional validity of any Canadian MacLaren & Company, accompanied by \V. 1\ Kenny, also assoei- Attorney-General of the United of the conspiracy.------Vancouver from tha Karts—-«t statute that has been before the public for years as having been last evening to complete the deal. , ______. validly enacted, but the duty incumbent upon the Judicial Com­ Running for miles along the Campbell River and extending CTpClTT I IfUTÇ TA DC 'll Ik AIKiI ||N Mrs. C. Yoangman of mittee of the Privy Council now, as always, is simply to interpret back to the ridge that divides this river from the Salmon River, J | A 1.1.1 LlUfl 1 V IV DCl 1 UIY11LI* Ull Prince Rupert Died the British North America Act, and.to decide whether the statute few timber tracta on Vancouver Island offer better natural fa cilitiea for logging. Rupert. Jan. 26.—Mrs. in question has been within the competence of the Dominion ■ Tm» ngnmn; -g ptuneer at Parliament umlcr flic ternis oY Seclîôn 91 oT tlic T'ritilh Corporation Is one of the two firms ffl CITIES OF EASTERN PART OfcPrince Rupert long prominent in the Imperial Order of Daughters of the America Act. interested In the Importun! sale of FULL ARGUMENTS timber in the Great Central Lake SAYS U.S. NAVY Empire, died here to-day after a long Illness. "In this case the Judicial Commit­ area announced in The Times in last tee have come to the conclusion that Saturday's issue. CONTINENT DURING SUN’S ECLIPSE OFFICERS SHOULD it was not. To that conclusion they LARGE OPERATIONS Plans Aggressive Sales Policy find themselves compelled alike by x They have been operating in taking WORK; TVA. EDISON the structure of Section 91 and by out logs In a large way of business In New York. Jun. 20.—While *eienti»ls prime their instruments the interpretation of its terms that the Comox district in the past. and amateur observers make preparations with smoked glasses, FISH COMPANY TO On City’s Reverted Property now have t>een established by a série» Tim berm en who know the Mac­ of authorities. They bars had the Laren holdings state they will be easy foreeasters are scanning uM signs to determine whether the advantage not only of hearing the to log and are well situated for ac­ weather will he clear for the eclipse of the sun next Saturday. Amount* of $3.000 in the first draft of the city’s estimates for full arguments on the question, but cess by water and by logging roads The odds are slightly in favor of cloudy weather. BUILD BIG PLANT Advertising and $2.000 for extra assistance in the Land Depart- have before them the judgments of The development ot this section will • ment were indication* that an aggressive sales policy to dispose the Ontario courts wherefrom litis probably acculerais the constructive MwMtwhde preparations are reaching their final stages for appeal to the Sovereign-in-Council of a highway Mi rough from CampUH* the first show of its kind that, Manhattanites have had the op­ j of reverted lands during 1920 is contemplated hÿ the lands com­ came directly. Some of these judg Hiver to Sa y ward. ment* are against the view which portunity of observing for 450 years. Similar preparations also ON THIS ISLE mittee. When the items were questioned with the Council in they themselves take and others committee on the estimates last night, both Alderman Dewar and favor it, but all «ta» of a high degree arc being made throughout the area about 4,300 miles long and of thoroughness antLobility. from 10O to 150 miles wide which will be in the shadow of the Wallace Interests, Vancou­ Alderman Woodward stated a change of policy in connection with Ifet'iRuCsBtftmiris under consideration. BY THE PROVINCE» WHITE BEAR eclipse. ver# WW Soon manufacture ■Whatever else may ,'hg the effect Street lights will be turned on In the area of total eclipse in Pilchard Fertilizer Alderman Dewar pointed out that the lands committee was of the êhaetmeot of the Industrial new and had only met a couple of times so had not a definite Disputes Act. it is clear It is one New York City, above Central Park, and in towns of New Jersey policy formulated yet. They be- , ...... ■ , ...... which could hare been pissed so far NOT UNCOMMON and Connecticut. » Meal and Oil Other Products; lieved. however, the extra coat of the as any province was concerned by a The hotel reservations made in the path of totality are re­ New Ruling Was Given by Lands Department aa asked for in provincial legislature under Section the estimates would be more than 62 of the British North America Act, mindful of the crowds for Harvard-Vale football games. Ottawa met. In answer to Alderman Shanks’* for its provisions were concerned di­ IN PROVINCE statement that he had never sewn FINE VALEDICTORY rectly with the civil rights of both any of Victoria's reverted lands ad­ rmployers and employees in tho 1 MAN’S LEO CUT OFF Vancouver. Jan. 20.—follow­ Province. It set up a board of in­ Several Seen in Vicinity of ing the receipt of dispeleheg an vertised. Alderman Dewar immedi­ quiry which could summon them be­ Vancouver. Jan. 2d.—Caught be­ ately replied. fore it, administer oaths, call for "That is because the City Council TO IGENT-BENERAL Butedale Cannery, Princess neath the wheels of an interurban nouncing the authorization of papers and enter premises, it did so car on Hasting* Street this morning. the use of pilchards . for thi has never grunted us the money. We more than a provincial legislature Royàl Island asked for It last year, but could wot Mack Jordan. World Hotel, had hie manufacture of fish meal, fertil­ Political Friends and Neigh­ would have done under heading 16 of right leg cut off below the knee, and get it. -Vote us the $3.060. and you Section 92 when it imposed punish­ While Victorians have been as­ a serious condition in a hos- izer, oil, etc., by the Ottawa will see)plenty of advertising.” bors Praise Hon. F. A. ment by way of penalty In order to i T( Is in “It is a chance Alderman for pltal. authorities. Peter Wallace, of the enforce new restrictions on civil sured that it would be almost Shanks to make a reputation for Pauline rights. It interfered further with impossible to find a mate for Wallace fisheries, announced himself.” remarked Alderman Todd. civil rights when by Section 66 ft Home Bank Director is to his firm would build a plant for If the increase were granted and suspended liberty to lock out or strike Ursus Kermodei from among her the sales mere the same as last year Replies to Criticism of His Appear For Sentence Jan. 27 the manufacture of these ma­ during a reference to a board. own people, when she is housed it would cost 16 per cent, on business Appointment to B.C. House “It does not appear there is any­ in^ the new building which the TWO BIG STORMS terials at Kildonan, on the West of the lands office. Alderman Mar­ thing In the Dominion Act which Toronto. Jan. 20.—Richard P. Uoaat-of Vancouver Island, at a chant stated. They could get an could not have been enacted by tho .(JoHaeil.. anlhnrizixl lusl rLVUgh. ' ‘'•a-prkkhlonl Ilf thft agent toTÜnJTe The bUsTheSr TOT 3 —jaj hope to strengthen the bend Ontario Legislature excepting new evening for Beacon Hill Park, a Home Bank of Canada, was found coat of $25.000 to $30,000. per cent. provision. The field for operation guilty this morning-by Judge Emer­ of friendship between the people c ustoms officer, Joseph McPhee. COST NEW YORK Alderman Dewar pointed out that was the whole of Canada.” son Coats worth on all counts laid the time of one man was taken up in the Motherland and the who is stationed at the Butedale under the Bank Act as a result of the with the collection of rents, and if he people of British Columbia 1 The appeal of the Toronto Hydro- failure of the. bank. The charges all Cannery, Princess Koval Island, were paid 5 per cent, of his coiiec-4.am going there to make a vloser Electric Commission to the Privy ROLL BATTLESHIPS hinged about the annual report of PORTER SPOKEM lions it would be considerably more . f. ., ) . , , Council was the outcome of the ap­ tomes forward with another re- the hank for Its fiscal year ended than hie salary relation, if possible, between the pointment of a board of arbitrators May 31, 1923. and the monthly state­ under Judge C. G. Snyder of Hamil­ I»ort. ment for December. 1122. They were The It me* were allowed to stand traders of the Motherland and Mr. McPhng. who ig located on the over. Alderman Dewar agreeing that ton to deal with a dispute between that he "made wilfully false or de­ Second Heavy Fall of Snow in the traders of the Province of the electrical trades union of Torunii Island where the bear was capturevl TO ELEVATE GUNS ceptive statement*, unlawfully issued OPIUM CONFERENCE It would ba time for the matter to *ome before the council when tho B.C. I am going there to invite the < Concluded cn png* 2) as a cub last year, states that he a false or deceptive statement and Short Period Keeps Street right kind of people to come out to knows of a number of similar bears negligently signed, approved or con­ lands committee’s policy was more Objected to Cecil’s Remark definitely shaped. B.C. and to help o* here to develop at large on that Island, and on Grib- Thomas A. Edison Tells U.S. curred in- an account containing Gangs Busy this great Province.” said Hon. F. A. ble Island, which adjoins on the false or deceptive statements.” Navy Department How to About U.S. Consumption; Pauline, Agent-General for the north. It was near Hutedale that the FOURTH CONVICTION New York. Jan. 26.—Another I*revinee, in a valedictory speech at NEW SOVIET PLANS animal was captured, and for some Avoid Big Expenditure The vice-president of the bank was 13,600,666 storm swept New York Cecil Admitted Error a gathering held In his honor lent time it was kept at the Butêdàïe the fourth of the directors to stand City to-day, causing the marshalling evening by the Oak Bay Liberal As­ cannery before being taken to Powell Geneva, Jan. 26.—Accusing Lord JAPANESE-SOVIET trial and the first to give evidence of the full snow removal force of sociation at St. Mary’s Hall. Hiver and thence to Va neon i in his own behalf. C. A. Barnard 417 ploughs and between 10.006 and Cecil of ChHwood of slandering the Among his own people. and These white bears, of a small sise, Inventor Would Use Paravene of Montreal was found guilty on 12,660 shovelers to keep the main people of the United States when he cheered by kindly observations of - with teeth differing c onsiderably Principle, But Officials Not similar counts, while Lieut.-Colonel thoroughfares open. The snow was alleged they were consuming mor-> the speakers, H. C. Hall, K.C., and from the polar bear, and particularly Smith of Montreal and J. F. M. pproaching a depth of six inches opium than the people of India. Norman W. Whittaker. Mr. Pauline Other Nations Interested in small ears, have a limited habitat, Impressed by Plan Stewart were convicted of negli­ before the full force was in action Representative Stephen <1. Porter of made a most sympathetic speech Russian Developments After but according to Mr. McPhee are by gence. shortly after dayllgh.t Pennsylvania to-day became the Agreement "is to be Signed which, delivered with his characteris­ no means uncommon on the island, The trial of S. Casey Wod. another centre of ther most dramatic session tic earnestness, breathed sincerity in Trotzky’s Downfall and some have been observed as New York. Jan. 26-^Thoma.* A. director, is proceeding. The work of removing the new fall In the International Opium Confer­ Within Two Days, Says every word as he outlined what he having grown to a considerable size. Edison came out to-day with a few BAIL RENEWED was made more difficult by the fact ence yet held. hoped to do for his Province In th« (Concluded on r*a«* 2» simple ideas for gun elevation on that remnants of the last storm, The declaration by the head of the Minister in Tokio Empire’s capital. London. Jan. 20.—The dis­ UKted States battleships at little ex- Gough's ball was renewed until which cost the city approximately January 27, when sentence is to be United States delegation was fol­ Itense and also for getting work out $8.060.000. remained in some side Tokio. Jan. 26.—Japan will sign a IMMIGRATION missal 6f Trotzky as Soviet War of the navy's personnel. pronounced. lowed by Lord Cecil’s Immediate Gough was charged with making a streets despite the labor of the strfet withdrawal of his statement and an "fundamental agreement” with Rus­ Mr. Pauline explained that hie view Minister is regarded here as the Gun elevation could be obtained, wilfully false and deceptive state­ cleaning forces. expression of his profound regret sia within two days. Foreign Minister regarding Immigration was compre­ outstanding incident, in world he said, ut little expense by adop­ Like the previous storm, to-day’s Shidehafa is quoted as saying to­ hensive “One of our problem* to­ F U.S. REGION RECEDE ment and negligently signing, .ap­ that, he had been misled into making politics at the moment and the tion of the paravene principle. Thv proving and concurring in a false snow was blown through the streets an untrue remark. day in reports published in Japanese day, not only in British Colum­ paravene. he explained, was a sort by a high wind, making traffic newspapers. bia. but In the whole Dominion of statement. The charges applied both THREAT OF BOLSHEVISM probable effect of his removal is of lateral rudder or fln by which a to the annual statement for the fiscal dangerous. The Japanese Foreign Minister is Canada, is that we have too few eagerly canvassed. Trotzky ’« hattlfWhip could lx* tilted to alter the year ended May 31. 1923. and to the Commuters’ trains for almost all The conference had scarcely also quoted as saying he had cabled shoulders to carry the burden. When r.inge fothe guns, much after the monthly statement for December, points were delayed. Service of the rovered from the tendw over the the Japanese Minister at Peking one mentions the subject of immlgra- depoaition did not come aa a principle used by submarines in div­ 1122, making six charges. trolley lines laeo was hampered, tie Porter-Cecil incident when it was authorising him to sign the agree (Concluded on »ege 2» Dcathlist Ten; Property Dam­ ing or connrtng to the surface. ups of nearly an hour occurring In again thrilled by Mr. Porter’s appeal ment with a representative of the surprise and had more than once NO CLEAR STATEMENT Russian Government. age Following Period of MONEY NOT NEEDED some instances. Even the subway for the West to cease exploitation of been prematurely reported, hot As in previous judgments, the was delayed on lines crossing bridges the East in opium and by his solemn Referring to the Far Eastern radio now that it has admittedly happened, Rain is Heavy The $7,f,00.M0 sought In the naval judge found the statements were exposed to the weather. (Coscluded on p»se 2) question which concerns the respec­ ‘Ma’ Ferguson Takes there is universal speculation as te appropriations for gun elevation ho false and did not set forth .a clear tive rights of Japanese and United what developments will follow. regard « as needless. and full ststemei|t of the affaire of States firms to operate in China, the Oath as Governor All the London newspapers çom- Atlanta, Ga., Jan. 20.—Dead and "A pbund of mercury for each the bank as required by the act. He Japanese ^oseign Minister said ne­ missing listed as ten. railroad and ship, used with the apparatus, would f pm p ; ment on the development, but none pointed out that the defence was that gotiations were now proceeding be­ Af I PYflt Si nip Meta nearer to a definite opinion than ntptor t raff ice demoralised and heavy do the trick.” said the inventor. •— Gough was not responsible for the MACMILLAN PLANS VOYAGE tween Japan and the United States, v» M vAUo UIUIC conditioned by “if” and “perhaps.** property loss were the flood damage He added that his plan had been monthly statements which were pre­ but no definite agreement had been There la one fairly general view, in several Southern mates to-day us sent to Washington and rejected on pared by the staff of the bank and reached. the ground that It wo,»Id cause too Austin, Tex, Jan. 26.—Mrs. Miriam however, namely, that the trium­ clearing weather brought relief front that he was absent from Ontario TO GREENLAND TO ADD TO Amanda Ferguson was inaugurated much retardâtlon of a ship In mo <«o»rtuded «M» ss«e » virate of Zlnovieff. Stalin and a situation acute since Saturday first women Governor of Texes at night. lion. Kamineff is far below a Trotsky Hi noon to-day in the State House of ability—“as far below as Trotsky In Southern Georgia, where the BIG DRIVER SUGGESTED • damage probably was I ho greatest, Death Sentence For THIS CONTINENT’S HISTORY PEOPLE ESCAPED Representatives, where ten years ago was below I>enine.” and In Mississippi, Alabama, South “Do you krtow what the navy needs her husband. James K. Fergusdn. STRONG INFLUENCE Carolina and Louisiana, streams were down ht Washington?” he asked. WHEN THEATRE IN was sworn In to the same office and where nearly three years later For this reason It Is argued that M» returning slowly to their beds and They ought to have a fellow about J. B. Pirie, Ottawa Chicago, Jan. X,.—Donald B. Mac­ round stone tower that we learned disappearance from the head of the iix feet tall and with a big jaw about Millan. Arctic explorer, returned to In our histories was the handiwork of I articles of impeachment were voted fair weather was forecatti. TOKIO BURNED against him. resulting iri his removal Red Army may have a very definite Continued rains were forecast eight inches across from somewhere, Ottawa. Jan. 20.—John Buchan Chicago to-day and announced >e the Norsemen has since been proved ! influence, but the -view suggested in along the tributaries in Northern out in a backwoods country of Ken­ Pirie to-day was found guilty of the would aall northward again In the the work of an early Colonial.” | from office. tucky or Missouri for a civilian boss In taking the oath as the twenty- some quarters, that it Is likely to Georgia, however, indicating a slow murder of hi* wife and two little role of an hlatorlan. There are many Mr. MacMillan expects to visit the ' Tokio, Jan. 26.—Two thousand prove a step toward désintégrât and majte the navy officers work. chapter, of American history to he home of the "lost colony of Green- { persons in the audience at the eighth chief executive of this State. improvement of the situation in this You knew tins navy has good material grils last Oc tober. Five hour» after of the Bolsnevlst regime. Is net | the first juryman was sworn in the written around the fiords of Green­ land” established in Greenland by t Englsa* Theatre hare fled to safety Mrs. Ferguson beqpmes the second state. Every South Georgia stream and some fine fellows in It, but they woman Governor in the United forward with any confidence. was sent out of its banks and rivers shortest murder trial in the memory land, the explorer said. Eric the Red In 016. without apparent Injury to-night ought to have a driver to make There is every reason to bedievc. States. Mrs. Nelli* T. Rose of Wyom­ ALMOST UNANIMOUS normally 10$ Sett wMe extended»* *>»e work. " with the an- "We have every reason to believe when afire broke out The build­ the Norsemen were the flrht white the explained, that tne | ing was destroyed. No casualties ing having taktan office early lifts Moscow Jan. to five miles over the lowlands. I’m one myse.lf, and 1 work «*•»-. —----— . _ month. Like Mrs. Ferguson. Mrs. reiieVh Scores of Georgia towns were iso- I Icen hours a day. hut', do yeti' know,now | th>"t h> jury had agreed on Ptrte’a gent­ men ht America.” he astd. "hut we Norsemen sailed to America from were reports#. Greenland, binding In Newfoundland Row occupies the office formerly of U* kited aa all „"rtb and southbound I'm almost dying of .not bream*ian i Ptrte was aenteneed to be hanged, hat-e nothing tangible in the United iCtt-M Wf WW. *1 een net wortr a •«- 4 l «latex to prove It. The famous and Labrador held by her husband.


BPILLUMACHEEN had greeted kindly references to him­ NEW SOVIET PLANS Reeve—Mat Hansen. self. Mrs. Pauline Associated her­ “Liver Trouble so Severe Council —Henry Johnston, James self with him, tHb speaker said. In MINIMUM WAGE CASE BEING WATCHED ’'BURNS ELECTIONS HELD IN Shield. Robert Henry Davis, Floyd thanking them for the reception. Among the audience were - men and YCeetlaued from pegs l.t Hunter and B. Thornton. a The first prosecution under the mu*, outs rno emmet. I Had to Quit Work” women who were not associated with was adopted in the central commit­ School trustees—W. C. Chappie him politically, but who had enjoyed Minimum Wage Act since the ou* WWW AND m» Mr. TboaM Hooey, Brantford, Ont, write»! and Q. H. Fowler. his friendship over many years, and amended conditions were put Into tee of the Communist Party by a chiai, arruirio*». roe stiff "I wu 4 greet eufekr from ralirgement of the liver for tee LANGLEY their presence he particularly wel­ force opened In City Police Court vote of 50 to 2. •wecLia swains and stnaiw to-day when James H. Temple, Apparently realising the futility of AND NUMINOti» OTMCN AILMENTS month», »ed Emily 1 bad to quit Reeve—O. W. Poppy. comed. He mentioned that although COMMON TO MAN «NO BEAST, THtWg wife and he would not leave 130$ Government Street, was appearing before the committee In work. I would wake up ie the Results of Annual Contests in MEADOWS charged with violating the pro­ the face of the opposition bended by M NOTHIN* SUPENIONTOTHATOE» until the 11 ret week in February, they mao and Nauaata remedy, morning» with a bitter taste ip Areas on the Mainland Reeve—Paul Murray. had much to do, and he had many visions of the Act in respect to Zlnovleff, Stalin and Kamtneff. the places to visit before their depar­ one. Mar lees Wilson, a person in once powerful Soviet war chief wrote my mouth, had frequent head­ FRASER MILLS a letter from the suburban estate 09 THOMAS' ' Municipal elections on the main­ ture. It was hard to tear oneself a personal service occupation, for aches, yellow complexion, tad Reeve—John Simpson. away from a place after forty years' which class a minimum wage where he Is resting, in which he gave land of British Columbia on Satur- SUMAS residence. iltneee ae his reason for non-attend­ duy resulted as follows: scale had been set. Defendant ECLECTRIC pain in my right side, and be­ Reeve—A. La mao n. TRIBUTE TO AGENT-GENERAL pleaded not guilty through Henry ance. He reiterated that It was un­ POINT OPtY true as charged that he had at­ tween the shoulder blades. It was MISSION Mr. Hall paid a glowing tribute to i Hall, KG. and asked for a Reeve—J. A. Pa ton. tempted to revise the principles laid almost unbearable, and terribly the new Agent-General, as an ex­ week's adjournment of the case. down by Lcnine. and denied he had Council—W. C. Atherton, Dr. R. Reeve—William H. Wren. This was granted. oil weakening. I could not sleep at WEST VANCOUVER cellent choleé. fostered ‘Trotskyism," and con­ N. Fraser. A. D. Greer. T. Reid. T. M. He plunged Into the criticism of cluded with the admission "that the night and my-heart also bothered Bate. W. Ix>at and W. C. Brown. Reeve—Sidney Glsby elected by the choice of Mr. Pauline, and said condition of affaire seems to detnan<| me. But the whole trouble hat School trustees—J. C. McLean acclamation. D. Morgan withdrawing the only effective criticism was that that I should be relieved of my poet and K. Rogers. after nominations closed. he was 'not a resident of Vancou­ as chairman of the Revolutionary now left me, thanks to that Police commissioner—H. O. Me MATSQUI ver." Was it not better that be lived SEEK ROADS FOR War Council.*' Quick.. flat!ing wonderful medicine. Dr. Chase's Donald. in the delightful municipality of Maple Grove Park Addition By- Reeve—A. McLennan. DISCIPLINE DESIRED Kidney-Liver Pill»." CHILLIWACK DISTRICT Oak Bay? NEW GOLD RUSH In addition to his removal as War Law for $«,000 was passed by. a Ae one who knew something of ^SHtLL three r fifths majority. Reeve—W. M. Welle. Minister, Trotsky is threatened with London’s attitude to British Colum Spring will MS 1,000 prosper* expulsion from the Communist Party The referendum to abolish the KENT bla financial transactions, of the ward system was lost. tors mushing towards the new unless he conforma to the party dis­ GASOLINE Reeve—James A. Mort low. lose of British capital In* enterprises, gold lands of the Cassisr. accord­ cipline and renounces bla alleged Dr. Chase’s Kidney-Liver Pills SOUTH VANCOUVER and particularly the Grand Trunk cm. a box of *5 pills. Edmeneeo. Batte * On., IP*.. Toronto RICHMOND ing, Jo officials of the Mines De­ attacks on Leninism. Revs—Thomas Brooks. Railway shares. Mr. Hall pointed out partment, who already are con­ M. Fruna. who is Assistant Min­ Council—J. W. Cornett and W. J. Reeve—John Tilton. how some of the facts had occa­ sidering plans for giving the far ister, has been In charge during ENDED HI8 LIFE Buckingham, two-year term. KAMLOOPS sioned objection to Canada and ­ northern district better road Trotsky'* illness and will continue Bchool trustees—P. MeNelsh. A. E. Meighen was elected Mayor, ish Columbia Investments. That lack communication. The gold seek ere as executive head of the ministry. . Jan. 20.—Told by a for­ TUBERCULOUS VETERANS Harrison In the chair. The meet elected on the first count. defeating Alderman R. Qleave by of confidence had been removed in j will commence to move northward tune teller recently that he would Ing was largely attended, and sev­ The School By-Law for $87.600 majority of its. Capt. C. Tough, W large measure by the late . Mr. I as soon as weather conditions eral matters of importance wore never see his twenty-sixth birthday, wan carried. T. Moffat!. A. R. Shaw, W. Frost and Wade, but much had yet to be done permit. FEDERAL CABINET CON­ I»rne Cofflc, twenty-five, a home­ Lieut.-Governor Accepts Honerary dealt with, including the adoption The School By-Law for $«4,000 O. R. Williams were elected aider- to persuade the British capitalist Presidency of Association of the "Agenda," copies of whlc.i was defeated. Petitions for further expendi­ steader, deeply In love, ended ht» life men. Police Commissioner Beverley that B.C. would give a square deal SIDERS RULING UPSET­ Sunday night with a rifle after bid­ have been mailed to all the branches The l»ackinf Plant Plebiscite was capital .fipjtfaCjP* . .. -.1 tures on roads In the Cane tar dis­ '“"The ' TtibWretiTôtir* vétéran*’ ft**»- of Yh* T.V.A*. arid the Dominion carried. Ogjjjhwt Saltotoi P c. Button trict have been filed with the TING LEMIEUX ACT ding ht* lady love go6d-bye. Htu to hi*» business career Mr. Pauline | body was discovered yesterday in a rltlon held their general meeting on headquarters at Ottawa. was known for conduct "which was j Mines Department by people In­ Monday night with President A. E. The local branch since Its incep­ BURNABY GREAT INCREASE IN TEA terested 1n the gold developments (Coatiaaed from rase P henhouse on a farm near Bon Reeve—A. K. McLean. CONSUMPTION Irreproachable." all his associates Accord, where he had been working tion hss taken the lead in many In declared. Twice the district had It Is expected that the Govern­ and the Toronto Hydro-Electric Com­ stances where the welfare of tuber Council—R. A. Smith, recount m The consumption of tea. It ie estl ment will act on these petitions mission. The commission claimed the as a laborer for the Winter. Letters vular ex-service men and dependents progress; F. Hall, C. Rammel, W elected him to the Legislature, and written Thursday Indicated bla In­ mated, increased In 1124 thirty-nine the Legislature had honored Mr. with the coming of Bpring and Industrial Disputes Investigation Act arc concerned, and U 1» now theta Reid, C. B. Gibbs, J. Murray and make access to the gold creeks as tention of making the prophecy come H. En berg. million pounds. The price, as Pauline with the highest honor In Its was not within the powers of the desire to urge a united stand on suit, may go to $1 per pound, but easy as possible. Dominion Parliament, but the Ap­ true. 4fe* part of tha- various branches of, gift. Mr. Pauline knew the Prov­ \jf Hitelike It for cha­ even then, tea 1s the cheapest bever­ ince Well, hut would never ploy eee- pellate Division of the Supreme Court the Association on all questions age in the world—aside from water. of Ontario ruled against this view, se it takes which will be advocated before the Police «commissioner—H. 8. Bate. tlonal favoritism and that perhaps WON ON A FOUL the place of inter- The $0«,000 school by-law and the whereupon the Toronto Hydro-Elec­ parliamentary committee on pensions FINE VALEDICTORY" was one of the reasons why his ap­ R. PLOUGH FOUND tric Commission carried the case to and re-establishment during the Burnaby - Westminster Sewer Fund pointment was so unacceptable In a Providence, R.I.. Tan. 20.—Midget forthcoming Federal Legislature. Agreement by-law were passed. certain quarter. To show GUILTY IN TORONTO the Privy Council In London. Mike Moran. Pittsburg, won on a A communication was received TO AGENT-GENERAL foul In the seventh round from NORTH VANCOUVER that B.C. would give a square deal Ottawa, Jan. 20»—The denieion * from His Honor the Ueu tenant-Gov­ the beat service Mr. Pauline (Cestlaeed from 1» Charlie Goodman, Brooklyn, In a Reeve—J. M. Fromme, acclama f Coat taupe frore noue 1 > •f the Judieiel Committee of the ernor in which he accepted the office tlon. could do to this Province, Mr. Hall boxing bout here last night. Local Druggists Have of honorary president of the Associ­ tlon, there are some who look upon it when the Annual report was dlstrlb British Privy Council allowing the Council—A. Stewart. O. Shoe asserted amid applause. appeal of the Ontario Hydro- ation for the year IMS .and also a almost as something which should Ae a resident of Saanich. Mr. utLtto. lhe shareholders In till. ' maker. J. M. Bryan. M. P.P, O. W. The Judge spoke of the dleeatlafac Electric Cemmiofion has created Modern Remedy for Colds communication from General J. M. Marshall, G. R. Dennis and A. W. not be attempted. 1 am not one Whittaker declared . that Saanich Rose, in which he accepted the office tfloee, becauiie 1 am confident tnat tlon expressed byh the Western— dircc- a sensation here. Hon. James Whitaker. people sincerely regretted Mr. tors and the Murde of honorary vice-president. It was School trustee#—F. H. Bates and there are many people In the Old v- eubeequent inveetlga- A Vaporising Solve which Ie RsUkod decided that all future meetings will Pauline's departure, but tempered tlon by the Minister ot Finance, whtfl W. H. L. Rraycott. Land who. if they really, knew the Kith a warning and u*m ------K , Over Throol and Chest for Colds» -taka Monday of Police commissioner—R/ Ndftdtf. «Ruelle» • tit ' * BrttMh' ~ " Cohrartrim t, with,.MttMMUm..that each month. ______. would be glad of the opportunity to had been chosen for so from the bank that It would improve The proposal for abolition of the Important a position, and one which It* management, allowed it to carry "It is better for the Government to WhSn2tWikT':'Xt8^o=Kbb/ thë erd system jaune, out here and Join with us in the EVgNTa TO COKE great work of creating condfCRms^T as sws earaptlnnally wall miad in on. srtiJtltil ftflïkfc.hJLl ternal" method of treating sore COQUITLAM till One of the decision* of the man­ the crown." said throat, bronchitis, deep chest, colds, prosperity in British Columbia.’' The CatbsMc Women's League will Reeve—R. C. MacDonald. He hoped, he said, to do ttomethlnq lAter Mr. Pauline hold a reception agement was that W. A. MacHaffie than to make a statement now. The or croup, 1m applied over throat or Council—E. Girard. W. H. Nee- for the large company assembled. should come from Winnipeg to assist Cabinet will meet this afternoon and chest, the Ingredients are released hold the January meeting at Rmr. in London which would stand to 1 it Father Brtckley'a house, the Willows, lands and F. T. Mart, for two-year credit, and to that of the people the then president. M. J. Haney. the judgment will probably as vapors by the body heat. on Wednesday afternoon at 3 o clock. cussed." These yapors. Inhaled with each term; E. Q. Walker and R. 8. British Columbia. In going overseas A GREAT SHOCK Mpunce. one-year terra. he would represent no particular PORTER SPOKE AT 1* ” NOVA SCOTIA CASE .. probably a great shock tTThe aSecfeÿ alî'paasageï. loosen­ School trwtee» w.Ttr Neelands pians, bur tha whole people oflh* OPinii mhiccockinc \ Mir. Murdock waa asked whether or Daughters and Maids of England and Joseph Jackson. Province, and to do the very1 best - vrlüld LUNrtti emit * KtrtUim, it -proT***ten ing the phlegm and "relieving the con­ banker, who went to Toronto at SSfUTrL-, Ttétiartmetit______of Labor would will hold a dance In the Harmony Police commission—F. T. Hart, that he could "for each and every proceed with the organisation of the gestion. Hall on Friday evening. January SS. one of you.' 'Continued freei time when the business waa in At the same time Vicks acta as a acclamation. IÎÜ. '■•TL-Precarious position, above all board of ceaclliatlon which has been A welcome Is extended to wj He would seek to make the work warning that the world wae threat­ established to Investigate the dis­ counter-irritant, stimulating the skin, have attended the previous dances SURREY of B. C. House a more potent factor requiring a capable and experienced and thus helps the vapors inhaled to ened with Bollehevlem. banker to bring It successfully pute between the company and coal held by this lodge and new friends Reeve—Thomas Reid. in the development of the Province, The latter declaration seemed miners in Nova Scotia. break up the Inflammation. will also be welcome. Good music Council—William Boswell (acclam­ Mr. Pauline declared, amid applause. through, t0 find the bank being oper­ Colds are usually relieved over deeply to Impress hi* auditor* be­ ated by an amateur banker," said the "We will proceed in the usual way,’* will be provided and refreshments ation), Edward King. James John- REPLIES TO CRITICISM he replied. night. be from 8.10 stem. John Keery (acclamation) and cause of Mr. Porter’* position ae ’The methods were such that served. Dancing will Answering the criticism from chairman of the Foreign Relation* HacHaffte. the trained banker, very At present It Is Impossible to as­ to 1130. Lyle Garrett. certain what, if anything, the Gov- School trustees — Thomas C. Englis section of the Vancouver press Committee of the House of Repre- soon came into collision with the his appointment, he could assure them aenative*. pt^eldent, the amateur banker, after ernmebt will do. The statute, which The Victoria Esperanto Group will and Joseph Wheeler. bam been In force ever since 1007. rKomiwnr, In weekly meeting» on alter speaking in New Westminster JAPAN'S ATTITUDE which it mq*t have been to him a Police commission—D. V. Barton. and Vancouver last week that such very ynpleashnt business. Without under which 441 boards of concilia­ visas Tuesday, January 20. In Boom b. DELTA At the opening of to-day'e session discussing his motives, I may say tion have been granted and which was not the opinion of men of stand Brown Block, nil Broad Street at M. tiuglmura. representing Japan, Ow/7/OuwUwHwSfcwr Reave—A. D. Paterson. M.P.P.. ing. He was cordially received by that when he left, the bank lost the has resulted In the prevention of I p.ft New members will be wei- all public clubs in New Westminster supported the United State* motion only man who In this court has given strikes in all but thirty-seven of the ------—: ------(Advt» for a review of- the-work dene by the rase*; has suddenly been ppset. Council—John L Ouichen. F. J. last Thursday, and on the following evidence of having taken the trouble day he had the privilege of address­ first conference, and approved the to arrive at & clear ui>demtandlng ACTED WITHOUT FOWER Green. R. W. Bybus. J. A. Savage United States proposal to abolish and 8. Huff. ing the Foreign Trade Bureau of the of the peril of the bank, coupled with The Judgment of the Privy Coun­ From School Teacher Vancouver Board of Trade, one of opium smoking in the Far East a constructive policy for saving It. School trustees— R. A. Coleman cil, ae Interpreted here, means that a To the most important bodies In British within ten years. After they got rid of the trained large number of the conciliation Great Eminence THE VICTORIA LADIES’ MUSICAL CLUB and James Nelson. Columbia. All had given him as­ bankerHtSr thing* went from Police commissioner—R. A. Cole­ boards which have derived their A young rasa who wae brought .up surances of the fullest co-operation. At the session of the conference worse. on a farm fh Western Ptmhsylvam» man. acclamation. If the directors now say they powers from the Industrial Disputes He was going into the Okanagan yesterday. Viscount Cecil of Chet- Act1 operated Illegally. studied diligently and qualified for to discuss with the fruit growers wood. representing Great Britain, In­ were depending upon the general troduced a proposal to the effect that manager, then why the necessity of a Whether or not the decision would district school t*èchl?r. Farther pur­ JANUARY RECITAL some of their problems. That war be applicable to boards constituted suing his studies and teaching, he where the Vancouver newspaper, opium would be considered illegal In board at all? They were not entitled for the adjustment of railway dis­ in which had referred to him so dis­ eleven British territories with!» rtf to delegate their duties to others." managed to save up enough money putes is questionable. Railways are to put him through medical college. courteously. had declared that "con­ teen yean from the beginning of the The judge then reviewed the Mae- Inter-provincial in their nature and T EMPRESS HOTEL BALLROOM Sluwkigii Like Wood 0». sternation reigned" when he was year when over-production in China Waffle letters to Gough, telling the After the Civil War, he began the latter of conditions and weak man­ their control must be in the hands practice of medicine in the new oil WEDNESDAY AETERNOON, JANUARY 21, 1925 chosen. He did not believe that to had been controlled and smuggling of the Federal Government. Geed Freeh Water Weed. Phene be true, but at any rate he intended dangers removed. agement as he saw It The judge alao section of Pa., and often rode At 3.30 p.m. promptly to relieve that consternation and Lord Cecil also proposed that referred to the letters of protest sent DRAFTED BY MR. KING horse-back through the woods to See sur ad. ee front sage of Tel. Directory by Daly and Gough to Haney. reach and relieve those who were Those assisting will be: Mrs. Douglas McConnan. Miss Barton. Miss try to convince them that he was not commission be appointed by the Premier King, when Deputy Irene Long. Miss Vivian Moggy. Miss Dorothy Greenwood. Mr. James had a choice after all. League of Nations to control the Minister of Labor, drafted the act seriously ill. He was a student of Hunter Mr. Belagno. Accompanists, Miss Barfoot and Mis» Bucklln. Mr. Pauline thanked the audience opium question. FLOODS IN SOUTHERN and probably no legislation of nny nature, knew and could sanity recog­ ’Guests" tickets 50c. May be obtained at Fletcher Bros. for the warm terms In which they The speaker declared Great Britain country has been so much studied by nize most of the medicinal plants wae ready to support the appoint­ U.S. RECEDE students and commissions of other growing in the woods. ment of an impartial committee un­ countries. The act provides In the Later, he moved to Buffalo. N.T- LE OKIE SCHOOL BOOTS • it e»«d we4j yenenee.->> CABO OF THAN'It*i der a chairman from the United main for investigation by a board <»; where he launched his favorite For the Boys States to go to the Far East, Inves­ trains virtually were shut off south conciliation before a strike or lock­ remedies, and. In a short time, they I wish te tender my cordial «Henke te tigate and report on the opium ques­ of Macon. Montesuma passed the out can be declared on a public were sold by every druggist in the those electors who voted end worked tnr tion. utility. A board la appointed by the I w. „ $3.95 end $3.45 me et the recent election In Sennlch. pisc­ night In darkness, with water flood­ ! land. To-day, the name of this mAn, English Waterproof Dubbin ine me et the heed ef the a**ll In the NOT SUPPORTED ing the streets. Part* of Sandsvllle Minister of Labor consisting of three | Dr R V. Pierce, is known through­ election for School Trustee. members, representing the two "Quite unacceptable." were the were under water, with many bridge* out the world. Ilia Golden Medical Regular 25c Sise fin Bale at 2 for 16f THORNE, 648 Yates St M. P. THOaFB. partiesi Ito a. dispute 'w

/F= Vancouver Island News SHVED FROM DEATH Beat V _ Angus Campbell&Co. Ltd. the captain and secretary; handicap LI Badminton Results committee, Miss Gibb and Miss Robertson. 1010 GOVERNMENT STREET Mrs. Robinson and Mrs. Duncan Two Weehawken, N.J., Men At South Cowichan were appointed to represent the Rescued After “Sentenced” ladles on the general committee. for pie body Special to The Times A hearty vote of thanks was at Bootleggers’ Trial Cowichan Station, Jan. 19—Accom­ tendered to Mias K. Robertson, the panying are (the results of the retiring secretary, und the meeting Jersey Clty.V N.J., Jan. 20.—Two CLEARANCE SALE BARGAINS adjourned. matches played between South Cow­ Weehawken men told in court here ichan (A team) and Duncan (A yesterday of a ’’bootleggers* trial" in team) : REEVE RE-ELECTED which they wqre sentenced to death / Mixed Doubles IN NORTH COWICHAN bÿ ”a Jury” of alleged rum runnera comes from the carbohydrates in Mr. and Mrs. Harding-Finlay son ! and of being rescued by the eo-calleu "king of the bootleggers" as they FOR WEDNESDAY MORNING’S (Cowichan) defeated Mrs. Mackie Duncan, Jan. 20.—North. Cowichan und A. Haxett (Duncan), 15-5, 15-3. were about to be thrown into the your food"—not from overcoats or electors re-elected Reeve John N. Hudson River. The man. Thomas L\ Scott und Mrs. Waldy (Cow­ Evans, the poll. Iteirfe: Heagney. a fireman, and John Dor­ flannels. There is just enough carbo­ ichan ) defeated 11. Craig and Misa J. N. Evans, 205. sey, were witnesses in the trial of G. Rive (Duncan), 16-2, 15-7. R. S. A. Jackson, 165. twelve Hudson County men on in­ hydrates in two Shredded Wheat I. W. Huntington und Misa Waldy R. H. Smiley, 81. : ‘tWüWtüftanl Wt-ütêd F: ' KW*trm dictments for conspiracy to violate SELLING Certifié!! CowlcISah - Qüamlchan the prohibition law'. Biscuits to furnish heat and energy and Mias R. Rice (Duncan), 15-11, ward: T. A, PauU, <1, elected; J. Those under Indictment are Wil­ 15-5. Menzies, 58. Some nos ward, U. A. liam M. Griffin, a Jersey City for a half-day’s work—also the pro­ L. F. Norte and Miss Norle (Cow­ Tisdale. 88, elected: Murk Green, 74; broker, alleged leader of the' gang. Girls’ Sateen Bloomer* ichan) defeated 1. T. Price and Mi*e Chemulnus ward. P. Rlvett-Cornac, Police Commissioner Harry J. Gossard Conets teins for muscle, salts for bone and Dlyth ( Duncan), 15-6, 18-16. 68, elected; H. K Carter. 50. In Stearns of Weehuwkln; Capt. D. V. , Dunlop unwyer. 261. elected; that with Dorsey he went to the foot lacing Corsets, medium bust; to 16 years. Specially priced can i defeated C. Waldy and Miss U. of Baldwin Avenue Weehawken. on nourishing meal in Winter pour hot T. W Stanhope, 236. elected; H. L. sizes up to 3d. Clearance for Clearance Rale at, per ..Nvrie iVifWkhfUfJ. H-ll>. tiblS, Burgess. 23C. G t* Hwdwem , o2 Ul^gual. <27. ,,x milk over the Biscuits, adding School board (North Cowichan rural) He said Ueut. Dillon of the Wee­ Sale Price ...... $1.8» pair ...... -www Mrs. 1 larding - Finlay son and Mias H. R. Smiley. J. Lang and G. hawken police- now Capt. Dillon— a little cream and a dash of salt. Waldy .(Cowichan) defeated Miss L. Hawkins, by acclamation. and I'utrolmun Volimer were there, Rice und Miss G. Rice (Duncan ), and that lk>rsry had a long argu­ 17- 16. 16-11. CHEMAINU8 NEWS ment with one of the men. Dorsey Boyshform Brassieres at 89c Mrs. Waldy and Miss Norte (Cow­ told this man. Heagney testified, ichan) defeated Mrs. Mackie and Special te The Time* that if any liquor was brought ashoro Bovshform and Regulation Style Brassiere*, in Chemalnu*. Jen. IT—The «nemhece lla( nhrfat he would have aH present I',,,,, .....I 1, pu w. u, Li uiulitriill • w i roc In i\linn Griffiths (Duncan). Ifrt). 16 i* lien jli Til, vTTTTttTi it fill Itns'ouv HiOrrJ I *w The Canadian Shredded Wheat Company, Ltd. of the RecreationReel ('Tub werebosTi at arrested. Several trucks were thér \ Mrs. 1 -ongbourne and Miss , V. a very enjoyable whist drive and old .... Niagara rails, Oatarie Nor is (Cowichan) defeated Miss Heagney said, loading up with what 48. Ve)y special at ...... 89* fashioned dance on Friday evening. appeared to be cases of llqUor. Bazett and Miss dyth (Duncan), Cards were played until ten o’clock, 18- 11, 3-15, 16-10. followed by a supper served by it WERE CHASED OUT Min's Doubles committee of ladles, after which The next night. Heagney said, he M. Harding-Finlsyson and D. dancing was enjoyed to a late hour. went to Weehawken police head­ Women’s All Pure Scott (Cowichan) defeated A. Baseit The prizes were won by Mrs. C. P. quarters. with Dorsey and with Pat- Artsyl and Cable and F. Kingston (Duncan), 15-6, Jarratt and Mr. Robarge. the con­ rolemcn Grünewald, Hennessey and Wool Vests 12*15. 15-9. solation prizes going to Mra. D. Bond Lewis, all defendants, to complain I. T. Price and X. Craig fDuncnn) and Mr. A. Stonier. Mr. O. J. Monk against the rum running. Lieut 98c Sweater Silk defeated L. W. Huntington and C. J. and Mr. Robarge called the dances, Kelling, another defendant, was at which consisted of lancera, quadrilles Waldy LCowlcbaaj, lv.-8. U^14. the desk, and refused to entertain Guaranteed , All Pure Wool At 69c Per Skein I» F. Norlé and J Longbdurne end other old-tltoe steps, intersperse* the CfVmplwtnf. eh»#*** fhe’iwo ’t and' unehrtakabie. in opera ut the programme with un out of the. building, licagney testi­ top. short sleeves or attitp < < 'owiebtn | defeated l>r-.i>nnlop MnÛ occasional modern waltz or fox (VST. Black. White an# Celers TTBazett (PtrtiggtfT. TF-E ÎI-1».a fied. shoulder A big bargain at Howard's orchestra supplied excel­ As they were about to drive away, lent music, and the evening was pro­ lteagney went oh. a stranger Jumped ----I Î.1 I I » ts FARMERS’ INSTITUTE nounced an all round success. Among on the running board of their auto­ those present were: Mr. and Mrs. <*. mobile and said he had $20,000 In his HOLDS ITS SESSION R. Jarratt. Mr. and Mrs. C. D. B. Ross pocket. They stopped the car only Stamped Hemstitched Pillow Cases, Very Special Mr. and Mra. F. Reed. Mr. und Mrs TT. Kvaws. to find themscive* looking down the Special to The Times J.* C." AdamAdam,' Mr. and xsrs barrel of a revnfYgf. YWe wit new* re- Splendid Quality .Stamped Pillow Cases, ______Mr. and Mrs. ...A. Work D. Bond. uJrtbAii Jj*nges. Jan. 20.—The annual Mr. and Mrs. II. Dobinaon> Miss Uulda lated. and at the point of this re with hemstitching or scalloped edges;- ting of the Farmers' Institute voiver they were taken back to the Beat ham. Miss Grace Murray. Miss neat and easily worked designs. A good in the Shreds' and Fruitgrowers’ Association was K. Jacobsen. Miss Florence Howe, docks. Where they underwent $1.95 held in the Mahon Hall on Thursday Mis* Doris t’athcart. Miss Haxel • bootleggers’ trial." bargain at, per pair ...... 61.95 afternoon with E. F. Gibson in the ( atheart. Miss Mary Wyllle. Mr. 11 Being found guilty, they were sen chair. Mr. Gibson gave a good ad­ Brown. Mr. A. Howe. Mr B. McBride teheed to he drowned. They were dress. asking for more co-operation Mr. E. llowe. Mr. A. Stonier. Mr. and taken to the bank of the river, he and advocating the lowering of the Mrs. R. Cummins. I#Is* Ella Porter. said, hut there a man “he believed rent for the hall to all social socie­ Miss Mii>iel Porter. Mr. and Mrs. It., waa Griffin, put a stop to the vio­ A Bargain in Wool and Silk and Wool Hose new Government for the lime bet tv? ties. This was decided (in. and Booth, Hr. and Mrs. T. Work. Mr. lence and let Ibe Two men go. is credited with having delivered it prices to be fixed by the incoming Dorsey s *tory was substantially self of a politically shrewd and ef unu Mrs. J. Pulling, Mr. G Smith and 75c Per Pair fcggri. ! many others. , » the same. The trial is being, con­ Qui.AStaihngzi. NEW CABINET MAKES fectlve proclamation. In reiterating Correspondence was read regard­ tinued to-day. Marked for a quick clearance ; Women V Colored Germany's adherence to the Dawes ing th» silver cup for the farmer#: reparation plan as laid down in the The Sirttitlr Chapt*r of l.O.D.E. are Ribbed Wool and Silk and Wool Hose ; odd lines, exhibit, and a rose bowl for the best arranging a whist drive to be held Ixindon Agreement and demanding collection of roses, presented by His and broken sizes. A big bargain at. per pair 75( that the other parties to February 13, In the (’hemalnu* I FI _ Honor lAeut. -Governor Nlehot. They Recreation Clltb. The proceeds are ; SHELLS live up i«• it in letter and spirit, the Incoming -Chancellor emphasised the are i u he permanent- challenge -oap*»-- tu nidi the fund for the Educational GASOLIN E The following were elected out. Memorial, for which all chapter* iA SES Policies of Luther Ministry necessity of keeping the ayrssmont intact as the one constituting the directors for the year: K. F. Gib­ B.C. are working, The doll dressed French Marabou Capes, Regular Up to $6.25 Made Plain at Session of framework of Germany's foreign re- son. H. Price, H. Caldwell. F. Abbott. hv Mrs. Ward et Christmas time, bntiemm and Intn—1 referee J. Sh*w *Geo. Stewart. G. Turner. whi- h was raffled, brought In the sum German Reichstag Observers believe that in support­ Major Turner. Allan Catrwright. A. of fifty dollars, which was set* to (or $3.95 Man is Accused ing this contention the new Gov­ J. Smith. N. Wilson and Major the Hamper Fund at Victoria by the Berlin, Jan. 20.—-The promise of u ernment will always command ai Rowan. HalMiir Cha; ({euuine French Marabou Capea and Stoles, in the wanted of Having Caused non-partisan administration of Ger­ absolute majority in the Reichstag. University Courses to be many's affairs and an apparent de- Throughout the exposition of hD CHURCH VESTRY The Women’s Mission Circle of the shapes and colors. Formerly priced regular up to S6.2Ü. - sire to establish a truce among the Brought More Within Reach programme Dr. Luther sought to Calvary Baptist Church are giving a To clear Wednesday morning at ...... 63.95 Nineteen Deaths ( warring political factions by pro­ make clear that he was “a lover of Special tp The Times tea at the residence of Mrs. K. M. claiming *» platform which affords of the Masses peace and a friend of concord,** to Ganges. Jan. 28.—The annual Cook on Thursday. January* 22. A Bristol. Tenn., Jan. 20. — Roy few if any points for attack were the the end that If politic* are to enter silver collection will be taken In aid cardinal features of Chancellor vestry meeting of the Anglican Sarnia. Ont.. Jan. 28.—Indication of Patricks, twenty-seven years old, is into his administration of offic* Church on Salt Spring Island was of the funds. This circle does a won­ Chamoisette Gloves, 49c Per Pair Luther's inaugural statement to the they shall be of a non-partisan derful amount of missionary work, future legislation directed toward im­ held in the Marion. Va.. Jail on a Reichstag last night. held at Ganges in the l.O.D.E. room. proving the higher educational sys­ charge of being responsible for the As Mr. Holmes was 111 Mr. Speed last year assisting Dr. Wolverton* Excellent Quality Chamoisette Gloves, regulation style, muck da* collapse in Salt ville. Va.. On pni*er the new Cabinet's pro­ school in China, beside* the regular tem of Ontario by making it more gramme gives neither the Socialists acted as secretary pro tem. These yearly maintenance of a native boy readily accessible to the masses, and in all sizes and the most warned colors. On sale Wednes­ Christmas Eve In which nineteen per­ nor Nationalists tangible ground for wardens were elected and the nam«v<« sons lost their lives It la charged ut school in India. the intention of the Government to criticism and. while the Communists for the Ganges wardens will be Issued change the system of dealing with day morning at, per pair ...... j...... 49( that Patricks used dynamic to cause and General LudendorfTs uninfluen- later, as several from Ganges were the dam to flood the valley 200 feet Mr. H. Evans returned from Vic­ juvenile delinquents by the establish­ tlal following will presumably re­ 111 and could not attend. For parish toria yesterday after a short business ment of farm homes were given by below. sume their familiar onslaughts, the church, St, Mark’s: Vicar’s warden. trip. Premier Ferguson here last night. W. E. Scott; peoples’ warden. Frank The Premier, speaking to about Speed. For St. Mary’s, Fulford : The annual -meeting of the Girl 1.500 persons at the opening meeting Odd Lines of Fine Cape and Mocha Gloves ■foreign relations Vicar’s warden. J. Shaw; people»' Guide Committee is to be held on of Public Health Week, said it would warden. H. Price. Tuesday, January 26. at St. Michael's be the endeavor of the Government Clearing Odd Lines of Women’s To Clear at and All Angel’s Parish Room.— , , to do away altogether with the arrest j Fine Quality Cape and Mocha U.S. Senators Uneasy About CHEMAINUS MACCABEES MEETING AT HOLY TRINITY of juveniles and trial in Juvenile j Fleece-lined Gloves ; odd lines and courts. It was the intention of the j $1.95 Country’s Position Follow­ Special te The Times Government to establish farm homes broken sizes. Reduced to clear at. Special to The Times Per Pair ing Paris Conference t’hemainus—A very enjoyable an J in the country where boys equld be per pair ...... 61-95 instructive evening was spent by Hooke Harbor. Jan. 20.—After Sun- taken_ _J|_and placed in proper and sym-___ i;heai«inu«,w^,A. MiccaW» »,U6fir day-morning, service a meeting was path*t7» "wau-h" 7wv - Washington. Jan. 207— Secretary usual meeting in the K P. Hall. Apart held at Holy Trinity church. R waS Wouid not only receive ordinary edu- Hughes'* declaration that the Parle on Id not only receive ordinary edu from the regular business the officers attended by the vicar, church war­ cation, but also technical training. reparations agreement ha* left the for the coming year were installed, dens and church committee; the lat­ United State* as free of European also two members initiated. Mrs. ter consists of J. Murray, Lee UNIVERSITY OVERCROWDED involvements a* It ever was has not Nellie Petti piece. Provincial Deputy, Warner. Mrs. J. Rayment. Mrs. H. Graduates were being turned out by lessened the desire of Senate irre­ was present, and again by her chirin Fisher, Mrs. Phillip Snape and Tria- the big universities of the province, concilable* to study fche document Ing personality won admiration. The trane Wilbert. T. Wilbert retired and particularly by Toronto Univer­ for themselves and lay their course principal topics of her address were and Miss Willett was elected In hi* sity. like the products of a factory, on the basis of their own conclus­ the advantages of being a member, place. Lee Warner was then elected owing to over-crowding. Toronto ions. unselfishness required for insurance as a delegate to attend the coming University was like a great big in­ and beauty and benefit of the Junior Chairman Borah of the Senate church synod. dustrial plant turning out half-built Foreign Relations Committee has department. She commended Che- They discussed the advisability of and half-baked products. It was not Joined Senator Johnson. Republican, matnus Review for some of the recent benefit work accomplished. A vote a new measure through British Co­ in any way the fault of the plant or of California, author of the resolu­ lumbia for the transportation o" the the staff, the Premier said, but the 4 out of 5 tion calling for a copy of the agree­ of thanks was taken for the deputy after which the review presented her clergy to outlying districts. The idea overcrowded condition. The conges­ Dental statistics show ment. In comment on the Secretary'* étttbÔdlM 1*. ttlttt erery member* ot tion was such that personal atten­ that four out of every statement showing they still propose 1th a beautiful bouquet of carna tlons and ferns. The pleasure of the the congregation should subscribe a tion to students could no longer be to press an inquiry into the whole definite or fixed sum for that ' pur- given. Increases In the buildings subject. occasion was enhanced by the pro gramme to which vocal solos were and the staff would not increase the Pyorrhea. Will jom_ Characterising Mr. Hughes’s state­ They also propose at a later date capital debt of the province. ment as a very positive one which contributed by Mesdames Oken and Cave, also excellent recitations given to open a Sunday school, which Wtis What the Government hoped to do he hoped would be ‘ illuminating by Mesdames Pettiplece and Troopc. given up in the early days of the waa to bring university training to reading abroad." Senator Borah the smaller cities as far as possible After the meeting closed all present W

trict, his business taking him into I TBirtoria Batlg Œimra the Cariboo and the Peace River Other People’s Views PLEADS FOR EASIER districts, Mr. Galloway has shown DR. FRANK CRANE The only way to get co*l as NERVOUS SYSTEM VITAL TUESDAY, JANUARY 1 himself to be the master of his call­ ------ON— l-ftters addrwd to the Editer aad la- as good as ] , tvndrd for publication meet ,he ehert nSd ing. He is held in high esteem by l#*SUly written. The longer *a article the CREDIT SYSTEM Published Every Afternoon Except “Training the shorter the chance of insertion. All oess- SOURCE OF BOOT POWER Sunday by the mining fraternity all over this munlcattoee mast bear tHe rame and *d- continent and he will bring to his dreee ef the writer, but net 1er publication OCX oen ore iyttam I» the vital Wlnrareti givre to U» Brrr— toe very THE TIMES PRINTING AND PU» Subconsciousness’ unices the owner wtehee. The. uwhlleaUea H. C. Hall, K.Cn Speaks on force efof yearjour body i to#toe force that element* they„ Mat■ ' “Earn to he ■ LISNINO COMPANY LIMITED new duties a fund of practical or rejection of article* la e wetter entirely Ygives energy to every organ sad every tihad back to energy. Par 6fty years In the discret to* ef the editor He reedea- Banking Methods Offices: Comer Breed end Fort Streets knowledge and a ripe experience of aâhmty le aeeemed by the piper ter MS* muscle. So great is the power tola reave restorative and submitted to the Editer. strength giver has relavlg- rpHEIE existence of the subcon­ of toe nerves that a tremen­ Business Office (Advertising) Phene lWh mining conditions in the most im­ There must be a simpler system of dous shock. ,uch as fear, am y orated those who warn Circulation...... Phone 3346 portant fields of British Columbia. sciousness is pretty well es­ banking to provide eaaleif credits for Editorial Office ...... Phone 46 tablished. CANDIDATE’S THANKS cause death. wrelt, thia. pale and so neatly financial expansion." said Henry C. dlacoereged that Ufa reamed Most of us. however, regard It as Hall. K.C.. addressing a meeting of A leaser nerve shock will SUBSCRIPTION RATES! WHAT WILL IVAN SAY? something over which we have no To the Editor : —Permit me through the Oak Bay Liberal Association last scarcely to baU any real hep- your columns to express my sincere blanch the cheeks, make the pi nom. To France, Belgium, etc. .$! •? per control. We look upon It as dear­ is to insist on buying evening at 8t. Mary’s Hall. haem tremble, ream the heart City delivery ...... $1 f ness or a cork leg or any other In­ appreciation of the very fair way In OME TIME WILL PRGB- which you have treated the contest He praised the American ayetem of to beat wildly or almost par­ If yen are 1er Hag In vital By mail (exclusive of , evitable part of our environment. banking, m compared with the Can­ « force, go to year drag- city) — Canada, Oreat ably elapse before the world The subconscious, however, can for reeveehlp in Oak Bay and also of alyse herethiag. Stt"ritaln and* —United" * those taxpayers who honored me with adian system. In the former way gist today and begin toe $4.00 per annum _S taken into the full confidence of be trained, although it must be local business men did business with To iretale oar ritality we States done indirectly. The first method their support at the-polls and other­ wise. people who knew local conditions. Moscow and told the real reason of training is suggestion. This con­ In Canada the local manager referred ayetem. When we restore sists In repeating an idea until It Although unsuccessful. I may be A aisle* - rente bottle, ef the figurative banishqient of pardoned If 1 feel elated that far the application to men far away, who lost nerve power we End which la a frerteea-day A ROYAL WELCOME sinks deep in the mind and con­ knew nothing of conditions, and per­ Trotzky from the inner councils of trols the mind unconsciously, ror more than half the total votes cast oaraelvm tiled with saw Wisest.la treatment, to at many previous elections in re­ haps the loan was granted, perhaps strength. the power which reigns in the instance, if we are in the habit of not. At any rate the system was Sold for$l AOhyaE leading he city council and waking at eight o'clock in . the cent years give me their confidence, druggists. Wlorereie la aa Kirk’s complex. They must have nght can qairhl^m- Chamber of Commerce will Kremlin. Two things seem fairly morning and wish to arise at six. and they must have been ninety-nine effort)re that rely there per cent from my fellow - residents of financial principles, and fight hard ico can quickly re- V ’w t T clear at this distance. One is that if wc repeat to ourselves oveç and for them. If the citlaens of this coun­ gaia theirir newsner power. As \ tabtmneonfole a day read co-operate in preparing a reception over, before falling asleep, “I shall Oak BÉE the War Minister has progressed a try did that, the expansion due to they rebeitdmild their nerve* be token. Try Wlnrereto for the new Canadian Pacific steam­ wake at six o'clock," we shall prob­ I am iellghted that our Oak Bay and are the dtfcreoce jet little further than Lenine had gone ably do so. The unconscious mind Municipal Voters’ League, though or­ B.C.’s geographical position in re­ they e see the rigoe ef ship “Princess Kathleen" on her ar gan l*ed less than a week. Is firmly Wellington lation to the Orient and Australia a few days will bring. goes ahead of tHe idea and acts would immediately be reflected In rival here about the end of the when death claimed him in ac­ upon |t. In the saddle in the Council, on the knowledging the fact that the pro­ Another method of training the School Board and on the Police Com­ better trade In British Columbia. month. This should assure a wel­ unconscious mind is psycho-analy­ mission. With the league I shall NATURAL RESOURCES cess of government ns introduced sis. This consists in gradually lajr- work during the coming season for WIN C A RNI 8 come worthy of a re^ly momentous Mr. Hall expressed the view that Calera»! * Company, “Canada", Ltd., «7 Portland St.. Taranto occasion. Hie mngnifieeet verte I by this,precious pair was • pistakc iog..harc U.pcumt c to U s mind. the upbuilding of Oak Bay. wa*. -tbs Auction q( t|*? . the first place and a complete transferring it to fhe cortScrotie, ' This is" the (Wit time tWffVT imve Kirk Coal Co party to show hew to develop r*l^ them and particularly of way to bad temper. Ho improved, INVENTORY TORUS stand patters of original Leninism mre; maximum yesterday. 4*rt4^ m inimum, so much in six months that If bw COMPARISON OF PRICES the initiative and vision of Captain went into a restaurant where he 41; #lnd. IS miles 3 : rein. -44; CUSTOMS POEMS to be the height of treason but not Mr. Hall compared prices in Can­ Troup to which the fine coasting was kept waiting fot twenty min­ Vancouver— Barometer. ÎS.74: temper­ fleet based upon this port is largely at present calling for the form of utes, although he still had a ten- ature. mas'mum yesterday. 41: mini Sweeney-McConnell Ltd. ada and the United States In standard punishment tq which successive denev to react with a violent tem- pêr irtïm. tke calmly thought out- weather."cloudy. Printers and Paper Rulers were paying a much higher rate, leaders of the French revolution the situation for a few minutes and Kamlobps- Uaroireter. 29 44; temper­ Rubber Stamps, etc. owing to being saddled with the remained perfectly calm and pa­ ature. maximum yesterday.• 1*: mini­ 1012 Langley Street Phene 1M tariff, and Its burdensome effects on TWO OFFICIALS RETIRE were treated as they fell foul of mum. 10; wind. 6 miles S ; weather fair A WORD TO THE “WISE” the rabble which continued to hold tient. Prince Rupert -Barometer, 29 39; tem­ industry. , , __. In a similar manner we can deal perature. maximum yeatwday. 40; mini­ In the East the western tribute UST WHEN THIS PROV power. It will now be interesting with other diseases of the mind, mum. 14; wind, S miles 8.b.; rain. .»♦ was annually Increasing, while the such as alcoholism, drug taking, weather, rain. _ „„ . __ East resented the West’s efforts to nice is about to establish new to watch how Ivan the mujik unreasonable fears and so on. Ente van—Barometer, 24.7*; tempera get Justice, particularly In protected J takes this new demonstration of Tture. maximum yesterday, 41; minimum, records in mineral production, at a «I. wind. 12 miles N.W.; rain, .14; weatb- 111 articles of everyday use. il Turning to freight rates, he pointed power and personal ambition by the time when the mining industry seems Tauxish— Barometer. 2*. 11; tempera­ out that an article made here could destined to attract more outside in­ three principal opponents of one WORDS OF WISE MEN 1 ture. maximum yesterday. 44; minimum. be ahipiMd by way of th<| P»™'» who had code to be regarded by 40; wind. 14 miles W rain. 40. weatb- Canal. Montreal end by roll cheaper terest and capital to British Colum­ BUT GIVEN FINE then directly by rail from VlctCTla Winding-Up Sale rri‘ortland. Ore—Barometer, KH>4; Jem- bia than k hat ever done before, it the peasant mind as the twin pe­ There, le a majesty in simplicity _ .. to Winnipeg. He quoted, eomo of the which is far above- the qti.untnf-ss pernrurv mrtf-mmi rate, effecting B. C. fruit on the must be s decided wrench for two destal of a system of government of wit. ------mum. 40. ------wind, ‘4 miles S.; rain. .U; How he had wrested a pistol from weather, rail;. ' „ officials of the Provincial Depart­ which he wni.heginning,to under­ ------:__± +, „ *■_____ 1;____;____ Heat tie Barometer, _ 29-99. tempsra- the bands of Nip Jim, who he as­ ** lie twined the woret ceee nf-eew- Xt*t pair off shore must go Sincerity and honesty carry one ture. maximum yesterday. 4fr min imam. serted had It leveled at Wong Ling ment of Mines to sever their con­ stand as it restored some of his through many difficultlen which trail ration that of credit through the 42; wind. 14 mile* S.K. ; rain. X». wrath- in a street row In Chinatown late on banking ayetem. which a T°ro°*° nection. with a branch of the pobhc privileges. att the arts he can invent would Saturday night waa told by Sun Poy ------— -t. +, ______.__ San FtancIsco—Barometer. 34.22; tem­ newspaper had declared had re- SAVEMONEYAND BUYNOW service to whose activities they have xettl him through. per» sure. maximum ysetssday. 43, t o M agis t rat e J ay lll City Policy C Mill st rietefl populallon from S5.W4.000 yesterday. DRASTIC REGULATIONS Strive, while improving your one mum. 44; wind. 4 miles N.W.; weather, to 8.000 400. given so many years of useful end clear Sun Poy was charged with carry In 1909 there were twenty-nine Time Limited to Clow XitaU talent, to enrich your whole cap­ ■ «mes rature Ing x concealed weapon without per efficient labor. " Max. Min banks in Canada, now there were t IS SUGGESTED THAT ital as a man. It is In this way it, and in defence told how he thirteen banks. There were 200 less In his capacity of Deputy Min­ that you escape from the wretched Victoria ...... 41 of the gun. Liquor Commissioner Devid- Vancouver . came Into poaaeeslc branches of banks In the West last ister of Mines for the Prov­ I narrow-mindedness which is the .32 calibre revolver. characteristic of every one who BarkrrVllle .. year than the year previously. ince of British Columbia Mr. R. S. ron u drawing up » let of régula Penticton .... He was walking down the street Quoting the effect of the banking lions for the sale of beer in “wet' cultivates his specialty alone. tlrand Forks when hie attention was drawn by system of Canada on local credit, MODERN SHOE CO. Tolmie was able to serve the mining districts which can truthfully be The ways of well-doing sre In Ka*to ...... excited voices and a crowd gathering, he pointed out that the effect of the industry of this Province with a number even as many as are the Cals at y he said. He saw Nip Jim. who wit­ system was that the local industry G0KXKK Or YATES AND GOVERNMENT knowledge of the industry which called drastic. kinds of voluntary actions; so that Edmonton ness knew as a man who hailed from could not get capital, while the No other sort of regulations will whatsoever we do In this world, Appelle • Alice Arm. whip a gun out of his American local bank would loan had been built up over a period of .klrwNir Jaw . . pocket and point it at Wong Ling. money, knowing its future was bound meet the case. Mr. Davidson owes and may do it 111. we show our­ Wlroiipeg .... half a century, for as far back as selves therein by well-doing to be Hegina ...... Sun Poy thought It time to Inter­ up In euch advance* vene and grasped the gun from the 1674 k entered the employ of a it to his own peaee of mind and to wise. Toronto ...... PARTY FUNDAMENTALS the capreky of his staff to frame ______+ -b + hands of Nip Jim. N. W. Whittaker stated that the branch of the Bank of British Co­ There is nothing sd" ’difficult as Montreal ...... Su.t Poy had It in his mind to go a policy that will be as near fool St. John ...... r.t once to the pthc* station and give public in I ha present day waa apt lumbia in Bnrkemlle, the centre of the art of making advice agree- Halifax ...... to forget the basic principle» upon as human ingenuity atle. up the gun but events moved too fast which parties were founded. He set the Cariboo gold discoveries. From T -f> + +• for him. he said. The crowd chased himself to answer the argument that David Spencer Limited that time until he joined the pro­ make it. Our part is to choose out the Nip Jim. Nip Jim proved fleet of the difference, between the Liberals We take it that the Cabinet’: most deserving objects, and the foot end soon put two blocks on Oov and Conservatives were disappearing, vincial service thirty-nine years ago most likely to answer the ends of eminent Street and half of town consideration of the Liquor Com Johnson Street between himself and and argued that such difference, were he was essentially an outdoor man, charity, and. when this is done, all the mob. Sun Poy dallied with the fundamental. He traced the growth missioner's proposals will be merely is done that lies in our power, -r— of Canadian poHtlcai ideas In the, most of has work closely associating + + + thought of following the chase And a matter of form, their substance was lost. He took to his heels and forties and fifties of the last century Meats, Provisions, Delicatessen him with mining men and the in­ We ought to regard books as we arid intent being more for legal ran after the mob. as showing the birth of modern po­ dustry generally. So he was well- do sweetmeat#. Tint whollyaim -TUtr «saimeared ns -4f litical conceptions. One fundamental QUALITY—CLEANLINESS—LOW PXICB8 amination than anything else. at the pleasantest, but chiefly to ground had opened and swallowed difference of the two partie, was tit» fitted to step into the position which respect the wholeeomest. relation of the major partie, to labor In any event, since he is now + T t Plumbers May be Called him up and witness. Run Poy. found WEDNESDAY MORNING VALUES—CASH AND CARRY he has filled for the past twenty- himself the centre of. the returning The Conservative attitude of mind in sole control of the liquor bun- Observe what company you keep. Upon to Contribute More waa that of the employer, the Liberal two yean and is now compelled to Be not too easy to gain acquaint­ crowds, though the position was no: PROVISIONS i in all its forms, the public >f his choosing. To cut a long story that of concession of moderate re­ relinquish by the provisions of the ance. but stand off. and keep dis­ in Fees form, of restraint from Communient. should lend Mr. Davidson every tance yet awhile, till you have ob­ Fhort. Sun Poy was on the point ol Civil Service Act. How well he has repairing 10 the police station to tell SOCIAL GATHERING eggs eggs EGGS assistance within its power. His served and learnt touching them. No more revenue could be ob­ discharged his duties during that + + + the facts when the police came to The chairman. J. D. McDonald...... task will be a difficult one. tained from building permit fees aim. B. C. Freeh, eytras. per doc...... long period is a matter of public Thq talent of success Is nothing Building and Plumbing Inspector He was at that moment standing B. C. Fresh, first*, per do*...... 484 more than doing what you can no James Barf indicated In a letter to near the Canton Rooms, where he AT THE CHEESE COUNTER knowledge ; and he will drop his well, and doing well whatever you the City Council last night. He was was accosted by Detectives Stark SPAIN'S CENSORS do. without a thought of fame. task with the satisfaction that he unable to recommend any Increase and McLellan. As it happened he Finest Ontario, mild, P*r lb...... SB* has given of his best—and that his PAIN'S PRESS CENSORS There Is nothing an honest man in building permit fees, but in the had his hands folded across his chest Finest Ontario, matured, per lb. ... should fear more timorously than case of plumbing and sewer inspec­ at the time, but as soon as he ascer­ ...... TO* best has been appreciated. are not doing the most tion fees he had contemplated n tained their wish hes, dropped his English Stilton, per lb...... ••»...... ” S getting and spending more than he imported Roquefort, per lb. . -...... With Mr. Tolmie goes Mr. W. effective work. They may have deserves. change. Plumbing Inspection fees aims and one of the officers reached Fleet Robertson, who has been were not commensurate with the in and grabbed the gun in his coal spared the king a good deal of The heart cannot possibly remain service given, and were much below pocket. . gee ibe. Medium Streaky Bacon. 1 to 3 lb»., per lb. ... For the prosecution detectives Provincial Mineralogist for more embarrassment of late. But a dis­ neutral, but constantly takes part, the fees for slipHsr service in other Pea Mealed Back Bacon. 1 to J Ibe-. per lb...... than a quarter of a century, and in one way or the other. municipalities, lie recommended that stated that on information received patch from Madrid on Saturday t + e charges be adjusted as follows : Fee. they had found Run Poy. He. they Smoked Picnic Hame. per lb...... that capacity has gained an inter­ look» like a bad break on some­ Though our works for from one to four fixtures Inclus asserted, had shown some resistance Sweet Pickle Picnic Hama, per Ih...... Find righteous or unrighteous but gave up the gun. It was un­ national reputation. For years be­ body's part. Hi* majesty hopes that Ive, a minimum charge of $2 and fifty Smoked Cottage Roll, per lb...... judgment, this cents for each additional fixture, loaded and Pt>y had no cartrldgee ot­ Sweet Pick le Cottage Roll, per lb...... fore he joined the service of the the Deity will enlighten Ibanez At least is sure to make them every irup being counted as a fix­ itis person \ Hlloed Swift’s Premium Boneless Ham, per lb...... righteous. It was a case where the accused Province he was associated with and pardon him the wrong he has ture; where by reason of deliber­ Sliced Aryehlre Ham, per lb...... —Swinburne. ately faulty work. It becomes neces­ poy thou Id be congratulated for do­ many large concerns with mining done Spain. On the other hand sary to qu*he a further inspection a ing his duty instead of prosecuted, Sliced Standard Bacon, per lb...... irged W. C. Moresby for the defend­ interests in various parts of the the dispatch says that the mon­ fee of $2. Two inspections should be DELICATESSEN world. With this background he given on all new branch-* sewers, . It was a case where every car» arch's remarks were not made public WHO’S WHO IN after which for each additiotol { should be taken to examine the evi­ Spencer's Roast Pork, per Ih...... commenced his official duties in until after they had received the spectipn a fee of <1 ' should t»e dence. countered C. L. Harrison for HISTORY TO DAY the Crown. The accused, he said, Spencer’s Baked Ham. per lb...... *-.■ .■••••-■ British Columbia and has shared approval; of the directorate. charged. For any alteration to did right in relieving Nip Jim of the spencers Pressed Corned Beef, per lb...... the success of the colleague who ac­ sewer lateral a fee of S2 should be weapon, but wrong to follow the Libby's Sauerkraut, per lb. lSf. 2 for ...... as4 Whatever may be the arrange­ RICHARD III charged. The letter was referred to Rough Pimply Skin companies him into well-earned re­ crowd with the gun in his pocket ment between - the king and Of the House of York In the War the finance eornmlltee. While the weapon was unloaded, MEATS tirement. Primo de Rivera, particularly of the Roeps, and central char­ the offence lay In carrying it with* Cleared By Cuticura (liforjl Sausage, per lb...... ie* acter in Shakespeare's * famous out permit, ruled Magistrate Jay, To the chair made vacant by Mince Steak, per lb...... :...... iod in respect of what is good and tragedy, who. upon the death of Annual Stunt Night and imposed a $26 fine. The disturb You may rely on Cuban* Soap and ...... *»d Mr. Tolmie comes Mr. Robert -umenttoreiefafTOurakto.ee Lean Boneless Stew Beef, 3 Ibe. for what is not good for the public to his brother Edward IV Imprisoned ing firearm was ordered confiscated ...... 14* Dunn as Deputy Minister of Mines. the young Edward V, and caused Defendant counsel said he would ap­ r and hands. Nothing tom Freeh Pork Spare HI be. per lb...... know of internal relations, lung Will be Held at “Y” ...... In this appointment the Minister himself to be declared King of peal the decision without delay. clear the skin of pin.plea, blotches Freeh Pork Kidneys, per lb...... and dictator should make plans suf­ England by Parliament on January The reason for the little dispvtM ■res or roughness, the mata of Loin Pork Chope, per lb...... - has added to the department over 20. 1484. A big time Is to be held at the _ fftwe-en Nip Jim and Wong Lin* idradand the hands of chapping ficiently fool proof to keep the true Y.M.C.A. oh Saturday night. Janu­ Pork Steak*, per lb...... rev...... OLIVER CROMWELL did not become a record of the court ...... »»4 which he presides an official who relationship between themselves as ary 31. when all the clubs of the as­ Whatever It was. said Poy. Nip Jim uja* Mutton Steak*, per lb...... *...... Who obtained actual control of the ...... »re has filled the role of private secre­ much of a secret as poaaible. This sociation will take part Iti the annual had a mob of over ten men on his Veal Steaks, per lb...... *•...... English (government through his stunt VUigtyt. There will be about heels when the pursuit started. Blade Bone Roast», per to...... r...... 104 tary since early in 1917. Through censoring of the king's remarks does position as loader of the Independ- tëR clubs Competing and all the boys REGULAR COUNTER DELIVERED the close intimacy with the working dents in Parliament and who have been practicing hard getting ------m i .i------1 not quite harmonize with the tone their stunts or playlets ready for the of this -branch of the service, with was proclaimed Lord Protector1 of Amputation Men Round Bteak, per lb...... *...... a«4 of some of the inspired messages the Commonwealth of England, entertainment...... 274 which his secretarial duties have which have announced to the world Scotland and Ireland, made his A beautiful shield Is awarded to furnished him. Mr. Dunn has be­ first speech In Parliament on the club putting on the best stunt ' Choose Officers Little Pig Pork Sausage, per lb...... that all is well at Madrid. January 20, 1429. and as the boys sre taking l*een in­ Cambridge Baueage. per lb...... *34 come thoroughly familiar with the terest In the affairs it is expected the ...... BB4 JOHN MARSHALL The Amputations Association of Freeh Pork Ttendertoln. per lb...... *...... administrative end of the Depart­ When the Miners' Federation ol Judges will have a hard .task in the Great War. Victoria branch ...... 1»4 Celebrated American Jurist, who awarding the prtxe. Last year the Freeh Beef Brains, per let ...... ment's business and should have no Great Britain let Frank Hodges re­ nested K Peachey as president ' 1 was a member of the Virginia con­ shield was won by the Whlss Bangs the annual general meeting over the Coal GROCETERIA SPECIALS difficulty in acquitting himself with linquish the Secretaryship it did a vention to ratify the Constitution, who are right after the trophy again week-end. this season. All the boys’ parents BEST WELLINGTON sheriffs Marmalade. 4’a. per tin ...... es^ success in his new position. To hit poor piece of business for itself and and Secretary of State under Jack never waa choane finit vice John Adams, was made Chief Jus­ will be invited to attend. president, and W. Dawson, second Lump, per too ....412.50 B. A K. Pastry Flour, per t* lb. sack...... 46J task he will take the best wishes for the Trades Union Congress ai tice of the United States Supreme ...... SV64 DELANEY GETS DECISION vice-president A. M. Horne w- Nut, per ton .$12.00 of a host of friends. a whole. His successor. A. J. Court on January to, isoi. comea secretary- treasurer. An White Naptha Soap, per bar ...... Y.',‘.ZV.'.t* Nor has Mr. Sloan made any Cook, is a dangerous chap, but it JOHN RUSKIN WHkesbaree. Pa.. Jan. 20.—Jack ecutlve committee of five Include Libby’s Potted Meats, par tin ...... Eminent English art critic and Delaney. Bridgeport. Conn,, Mener» B Tucker, ï R. Welle. Victoria Fuel Co., Ui Buda Washing Powder, per pkt ...... mistake in appointing Mr. J. D. will be a good day for the unor- writer, whose rModern Painters," given the decision over Joe done. WalM, T. Sargent and A: "Fellow, The areodatl•elationi irecently became In 1EW . erred Street—Phone 1*7' Crise* t% per tin ...... Galloway to the position of Pro­ gxnizcd And fAir-minded minci il among other works, crested a sen­ Allenton, Pa., to 4L fast ten-round Shredded Wheat, per pkt. WKMM,crgh»reret «i—Mgyn sation by the brilliancy of Its style content hare tom night. The Judges ------vincial Minerabfgi*. As Engineei he forces his communistic doctrines anti the originality of its views, disagreed and the referee declared I mont excellent ■ Charge of the Northeastern Dis­ too far. i. died «A January 20, 191X1. gwrfw AW.ww provided. VICTORIA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, JANUARY 20, 1925 DAVID SPENCER, LIMITED I •lore Meurs: I o.m. to • ».m.: Wednesday. 1 *.m.; Soiu'dov. • ».m. January Sale Bargains From Every Department

That Will Make Brisk Business Wednesday Morning Men’s Shoes Womens Womens Felt Womens and A Wednesday Morning and Velvet Spécial Regular $8.00 Slippers Misses' a Pair, for y «J \7 Cardigans ; 79c F*- Women's English Felt, $2.95 or Velvet Slippers, with 98c and $1.95 leather soles; shown in COATS 100 Pairs of Men’s Brown and Black Qalf Boots, with all colors and sizes. A rubber heels ; a medium weight boot that will give great Light Weight Cardigan» of real bargain at, a pair service. Regular $5.00 a pair. Wednesday Speeml, a ...... 79# F ...... $12.95 tops. Special, a pair ...... j.:.3?* shown in all standard sizes. Great Value at, To-morrow autoists. per cake ... 20* —Carpets, Second Floor Glass Gold Fi*h Bowls, 4 sizes, 25f, 45^, 75f, *1.00 each ...... T^^T.SO Plain White Ironstone Caps; a dozen ...... •$!•« v. —Furniture, Secoird Floor J —Crockery, Lower ;

sn?*S# VICTORIA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, JANUARY 20, 1925 FEED—FEED—FEED Women’s Canadian Club FULL OF ACHES - IN WOMAN’S DOMAIN - Tickets for the luncheon being BKAK—SHORTS—WHEAT held on Friday midday at the Em­ We are just unloading a ‘car of feed and offer for Tuesday and press Hotel, under the auspices of the Women’s Canadian Club, and ANDPAINS Wednesday— at which Mrs. Philip Snowden will IF CALLED FOR IF DELIVERED be the speaker, may be obtained Tmea Maktr Fami Relief by Bran, les-lb. sack ...... Bran, leg-lb. sack ...... M-®* at Fletcher'» Music Store, and will •harts, lM-lb. sack ;...... Shorts, lM-lb. sack ...... «*•»* W.C.T.U. SEEK TO be available to members only on Takêt Lyfk L PkUaa’t Ma. 1 Wheat, îee-ib. seek Wheat, 100-lb. sack ...... BS.30 MISS WIGLEY NEW SOCIAL AND PERSONAL production of their membership ’CrwahedI Oats,f lM-lb. sack Crushed Oats. 100-lb. sack -B3.S6 tickets. Members of the men's organisation have also been In­ Feed prices advanced over the week-end and will be atlU higher. Dr. and Mrs. Moore of Nanaimo bage was played and some music. vited to attend the luncheon and Toronto, Ontario.—"I bar* founA Pacific Milk, large tin* 11# Bt K Wheat Flakes, 3 lb*. ,26C RETAIN OFFICE OF are requested to purchase their PRESIDENT OF ar* spending w few days in Victoria. Those present were Mr. and Mrs, Lydia K. Pinkham's Vegetable Conte Pekin Heed Fleur, 46-lb. ak.. 92.50 Leeal Creamery Butter, 4- *i* + Frost, Mr. and Mrs. Jackson, the tickets beforehand In order that the necessary arrangement» may pound a splendid medicine to take be­ .Ham Bolegna. sliced, lb...... IB* special, lb...... Mrs. E. R. Roberts is spending a Misses Irene Frost and Violet Simp­ be made for accommodation. fore and after confinement. A ameB White Swan Seep, package ....IB* or 3 lbs. for ...... ftyv days in T.icoma as the guest of son, Messrs. T. Gordon, F. Simpson. book was pot in my doer one day ad- A. and G. Sangeter. CITY POLICEWOMAN friends. Terthfng Lydia E. Pinkham'i medi- + "T T cinen, and ns 1 did not feel at all well at Mrs. Porritt of Victoria ia the The ladies of ithe Altar Society of perfecting the task* which wo fiave Business Women Hear Good St. Elisabeth* gave a very jolly card Mayor Refers Representa­ the time 1 went and got a bottle of guest of her son. Mr. B. A. Porritt, but begun." Vegetable Compound right away. I H. 0. KIRKHAM & CO. LTD. Reports at Annual Meeting .\ew Westminster. party in Matthew’s Hall on Friday tives to Police Commission She directed a plea to the United evening. Progressive five hundred Boon began to notice a difference in Mrs. Delldal and^Miss Nell Wyles Farmers for co-operation in building my general health. I wee fell of aches grocery Phew played at twenty-six tables. to Discuss Dismissal up the women's department. "No in­ 612 Fort St. Butcher^nd^leien. Miss M. A. Wlgtey «as elected Winners of the first prises were Mrs. and pains at the time and thought I 171-171 president by aeclamatV&n at the an­ have returned from spending the dividual can change the disorder and week-end in Seattle. Derrick snd Mr. Roy Brethour. The District W.C.T.U. of this bad every complaint going, but I can Fruit* 6623 nual meeting 'of the Kumtuks Club Winners of the second prises were iniquity of this world. No chaotic held last evening at the Alexandra t + e mass of men and women can do it. truthfully any your medicine eertaiolv Mr. Fred Robertson of Vancouver Mrs. Deacon and Mr. G. McLean. city has taken up the cudgel* on did me good. I can and will speak Club. Pemberton Building. Other spent the week-end In Victoria with Winners of the third prises were behalf of the office of police­ Conscious group creation is to be the highly of it, and 1 know it will de officers elected were as follows: social and political force of the Jur Mrs. Robertson, who 1s- » guest at Mrs. L. Horth, who won on the cut other women good who are sick and Vice-president. Miss Kale Mc­ from Miss May Coppithorne. and Mr. woman, which is threatened with lure. If the women are once im­ Cherry Bank. pressed with the fact that patriotism ailing if they will only give it a fair 11 i i111 i*; I M « l Laren; recording secretary. Miss + + + > Lumley. There were also several extinction with the dismissal of McGraw; corresponding —secretary, Mrs. Edward Trench of Salt tombola prises. The beautiful paint­ of peace Is greater than the pat­ trial. Lydie K. Pinkham’s liver Pills MRS. SNOWDEN Miss Wark. and representatives an ipteecUd for constipation. You are Miss Elsie Richardson ; Measurer, Spring Island Is spending a few days ing which had been painted and pre­ riotism of «rar, the patriotism that Miss J. Shaw ; executive. «Mis* in Victoria aa the guest of Mrs. Nor­ sented by Mrs. Dt umraond Davies of the organization yesterday serves snd builds is greater than the welcome to nee my letter if you think F3I Bowron, Misa K. Roberts. Mias man Rant. The . was won by Mr. Holderldge Mr approached Mayor Pendray with patriotism that hurls and destroys, it will help any one."-Mrs. Ham Y Mabel Cameron. Miss Paul and Miss Blackburn was master of ceremonies they will rally to the peace-time WnerwooD. 54* Quebec Street, To­ IS WOMAN OF Bradshaw. Mrs. H. V. a view to pleading her cause. ranks as women have always re­ ------— Mr. and Mrs. Clive Betts of Cal- and Mr. Davies took tickets at the mato, Ontario. W retiring p»eti8Mrt." wek^ty'g*, ,-emea»* in Vlcvyl* . Jo door. Many -people came from Deep The Mayor, however, declined to sponded to the call of suffering hu­ B^3B I presented with a magnificent basket The expectant mother ia wise if «he morrow to spend few week# ‘ ' as Bay, Keating, Saanlrhton and the discuss the matter and Informed manity in time of war," the speaker considers carefully this statement of i of yellow and white chrysanthemums Gull Islands. Supper waa in charge declared. — guests at the Empre Hotel. thos« who made the overtures that lira, Westwood. It to but one of a by Mias Hetty Bradshaw on behalf of the members of the Ladies' Altar the proper place for the discussion Ü2 of the members. Captain and Mrs. W. C; Thackray Society, with Mrs. Croealey, the pre­ of the question was before the Police great many, nil telling the seme story ,World-wide Traveler ancl“^/reports of the year's work have returned from Seattle, and" sident. in charge. later many more Commission at its next meeting. —beneficial result». by Mias Marl*tj.r.-#acr.®vi .^av* t »Jcaa up their residence in the people came In for the dance. Miss JJ is probable that a delegation Lydia E. Pink ham’s Vegetable Com­ Student to Speak Here on1 who >. retiring from this office Quadra Apartments.Apartments, Fort Street Adeline Croealey and Mr. T. WlTeon front the W.C.T.U. will wait on tht pound ia especially adopted for use after three years. Tribute to her supplied the music. commissioners at the next meeting EARL Of COVENTRY’S during this period. The experience of + + 4- m Bolshevik Regime loyal and efficient service to the club Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Pritchard of to present the following resolution: other women who have found this med­ was paid by the president who pre­ Killamey. Manitoba, have arrived in On Wednesday -the- Sidney Social "Whereas, the members of the Club will give a dance after the card icine a blessing ia proof of its grant Mrs. Philip Snowden is to address sented her with a corsage bouquet of Victoria to spend a few months’ visit West End Women’s Christian Tern merit Why not try it now yooreelf t a public meeting under the auspices violeta and roses on behalf of the here, and are guests at Cherry Bank. party in Matthew's Hall. perance Union learn with much con DIAMONO WEDDING "Where Winter ! of the National Council of Education clut*. eem of the decision of the Victoria < aérai at the Metropolitan Methodist Church MtSs McLaren presented the an­ Mr. and Mrs. Walter A. Lawson MAYNE ISLAND Police Commission to dispense with on Thursday evening and the Wom- and daughter. Dorothy, of Winnipeg, the services of Miss Wark as woman never comes” nual financial statement showing The annual vestry meeting was Parents of Saanich M.P.P, to I en*s Canadian Club at a luncheon on the club finances to hr in flourishing have arrived in the city to spend a constable of the local police force, Saanich V.O.N.—The annual gen­ few weeks before proceeding to Cali­ held In the church. Rev. Mr. Porter and whereas, we consider that the Celebrate Wedding Anni­ Hpe» climats at Hotel Del | Friday. condition. During the year the mem­ was in the chair and r*ad a report eral meeting of the Saanich Local I. Monte varies leas than to Mrs. Snowden was born in 1881 at bers had shown their Interest in |h^ fornia. of the year's work, which «ras a most activities of Miss Wark have resulted versary January 25 Association, V.O.N.. will be held at Harrogate. Yorkshire. England, and l*rotestant Orphans’ Home by sev­ "1 •— q* O “4ri------in a decided improvement tn moral 7.SO o'clock to-morrow evening In the educated at Leeds and Uverpool. In Mr. Henry C. Hall. K.C.. left to-day satisfactory one. The vlear*g war­ conditions which influence the ’teen­ degrees the year round. Golf ia eral gifts of Itooks. to form the den. Mr. Dalton Hill, read the finan­ Municipal Hall, Royal Oak. Busi­ 1905 she married the Right Hon. nucleus of a library, the latest donu for Penticton, where he will address age girls of Victoria, and the preven­ London. Jan. 20.—The Bari and ness will be the reports of the retir­ played here j^dayioftheyear, Philip Snowden. M.P., who was the c invention at fruitgrowers on the cial statement, which was very good. tion »*>t. tuftber immoraiiu ...in... -the non at Christmas including thirteen, snewing» I----- evscymitrg------■.«- ' .nan ■ » A-.neen—-It- . pciv.. — W». Countess of-Coventry, parants, ot Bon. ing-of fleer* and-the. election of offi­ ontwochaunpionahipcoursea: Chancellor or the Ewcheqtter tn the storybooks for the kiddies. The club subject of "The Canadian Banking cases of'those who hkve been under T; O. Coventry. M.P P. for the Saan­ cers for the ensuing year. Members first British Labor Government. System.” and a balanc* in the bank. Mr. Hill the care of the W.C.T.U. Home, and is also making a monthly donation was re-elected vicar's warden, and ich constituency,* wilt on January 25 of the association are requested tn one inland; one overlook^ Mrs. Snowden began her public 4- 4* 4- whereas, wesjeem It absolutely neces­ celebrate their diamond wedding. attend, and Saanich ratepayers are to the Girls' Club. Stanley Avenue. Mrs. L Falrey. who has been visit- Mr. 8.. Stigings was elected people's the Pacific Ocean. career a* a member of fho-cneeutlve- The present membership - -hr #t*t> - sary for the young life of \ ictorU They were married in 1665. There ia Invited to the meeting. of the National Colon of Women's IEE1SW parents: Mr and Mr» F. *i (.warden. The «burch rommiv» are that the wurk of the policewoman three. » substantial increase over Kawkss. Olympia Avenue, hae left to aa follow»: Colonel ia»»H and Mr. a movement on the part of the A ao.ooo acre «porta pre­ Suffrage Socleitee (non-militant), should not bT curtelled 6r impeded Grooms Hunt to mark this internet- During her period of,service she ad­ tint Year's roster. join Mr Falrey In Vancouver, where tun for Mayne Island. Mr P. Stew­ in a«i manner; , serve affords every other out­ Committee reports were presented ard and Mr: Kala for Gallano 'Island, ing celebration by a presentation to dressed two hundred meetings per they will reside, in future. "Tiure/qra, be it resolved, that, the th* Karl and remîtes». A fund has door recreation—hunting, a ring twelve comwcuttvc years. 07 of the and Mr Gumfner. Mr. Bridges and Polit* Commission be urgently re­ programmes; Miss Howell, who has Mrs. W. Campbell Brown. Unden Mr. Perclval for Pender Island. been opened to present them with a Hair Becomes hiking, ruling, motoring, ten- and in addition was vice-president of çue* ted either to reinifiite Miss Wark gift. the society for several years. For looked after the musical features. Avenue, left on Saturday for Van­ When the meeting waa over Mrs. Por­ vn the staff of the police force or cn mi, polo, yachting, shooting— four years Mrs. Snowden was also a Miss Kate Brown of the refreshment couver, where for ten days she will ter served tea at the vicarage. «ago in „ her stead a woman o Lord Coventry has special assoc la - committee, and Miss Roberts, con he the guest of her sisters. Mrs -f- . tlon» with the Croome Hunt. Many in an incomparable outdoor, member of the executive of the Ni- of the Worn* msrSfd iHlUv to continue Her work Glowing and Abondas : Dona! Labor Party. ------— y oner of the finance ______|~Ne«rtontrurdtek and—Mw With rtTerenr -TTo the announce fnrwied a w*. and he Considerable discussion was waged tliary was held at Mr*. Nayler's. but held the mastership for nine years As an author she has the following Lindsay. as only two members came, the meet ment made in this morning's paper HcseiDri Mente is the year-maid hooks to her credit: “The Femini*'. on several resolutions affecting the + 4-4- to tile effeef that a special meeting and hunted a country which extended Ing «ras adjourned and a social af­ in those days over one-half of Wor­ Unnatural Lasses rendoeou* of a pom lovera and Movement," "Through Bolshevik policy of the club, a motion to raise At Seattle. Washington, on Janu­ of he Police Commission would be Russia." "A Political Pilgrim in the fees being defeated, while one ary 16. the marriage took place of ternoon enjoyed. held to-diiv for the purpose of re­ cestershire world tnnkn, who art attracted advocating the establishment of an The Karl and Countese celebrated Europe." Mrs. Snowden has toured John Ellis Reid, second son of Mr. NANOOSE' BAY ceiving the delegation, the Mayor by its awry recreational and social the United States ten times, visiting associate membership for former end Mrs. J. S. Reid of Royal Oak. to stated that no arrangements hav, their golden wedding in the second Stopped features. leas Caliibrraa'aiargree and j and lecturing in the principal cities of members of the club unable to keep Ida Louise Kmbree. fourth daughter Mrs. W. Craig of Kerrisdale. Van­ been made for a meeting of the com year of the Great War. 1615, and then beae-loeed teaiL No trip to Cab- j forty states. During the 1914 Tem- up the requirements of active mem­ of L. W. Kmbree of East Delta, B.C. couver. Is visiting at Powder Point, mission. ______received a message of congratula tlon from their Majesties the King fondai» W» cowplete without a I perance Campaign i in New Zealand. bership was passed unanimously. the guest of her daughter. Mrs. M. It is'a simple matter to keep th* ■ she spoke in every town of any sise At the . close of the meeting the Mr. and Mrs. C. P- Howard of and Queen. The Earl resigned the hair you have IF YOU DO NOT rape «y Hotel Del Monte. Indianapolis are visitors in Victoria in that country. She visited Russia members enjoyed a social hour and -f + Lord-Lieutenancy of the county of NEGLECT IT. Neglected hair t* la 1920. an«l reported adversely of lhe light retreehmeata...... - gild grc the guests ofMr. and Mrs. Mr. ond-Meor C. Williams have re­ WjraeUtt _a_jreer or en «so on nr- soon attacked by dandruff and dand­ Bolshevik regime, and her address Dowiswell, Work Street Hr. Howard turned to Laaqueti Island, after count of advancing age. He was ruff soon causes baldness. The Heven tel»» nmiirtun f «Ha» ln>#rtiaHnnii| RACE REGENERATION Thursday will deal with her Impres­ spending a féw days with Mr. and bom in May. 183*. and l»; therefore. Bother land P intern* Complete- Treat­ sions of this visit. Typographical Union until recently, Mrs. K. McPhee at Nanoose Bay. *• years of age. ment is a new and entirely différant Mrs. Snowden also visited France, -*■ ♦ Major and Mr*. F. V. Longataff 4- + 4* FATHER OF HOUSE OF LORDS hair preparation. Its one object is to Italy. Germany. Austria and Swltser SPENCER'S STUFF TO Mrs. C. E. Wood and son Bobby save hair—and it does it. ------— ^s^t£aadF1 land, to investigate conditions or at­ have returned to their home on MUST BE 001 SAYS The Earl of Coventry, still In ac Highland Drive after an extended have returned to Powder Point after tive attendance at the House, has Dandruff and .the germ of baldness tend International Conferences. In Icm weeks’- holiday spent on the mpiy cannot exist xml the scalp 19*1 as- a result of a visit to Palestie-, holida y tmir tn Great- Britain am* held the title for eighty-one year», and Europe, during which they visited mainland. is the father of the House, In which treated with our complete treatment. she reported favorably on Zionism HOIOBIO DUNCE And the beat part of this Complete France. Italy. Swltxerland and other and the operation of the British Man­ The Po«rder Point Club has de­ FARM WOMEN'S HEAD he has sat for sixty five Southern European countries. When he came of age the Prime Treatment is, you don't have to soak date. cided to hold a whist drive and dance your hair every ntgfct with a strong At the present time. Mrs. Snowden Fifth Annual Function at Em­ at the clubhouse January 30. Minister was the fourteenth Earl of Mrs. A. J. Gibson. Fort Street, en­ Alberta Organization Opened Derby, grandfather of the present citing solution, but Just rub a little la a member of the National Peace tertained about twenty-five guests at c^}6otde- ited will hold its fifth annual danco Miss Justine Gibert. Who. unfor­ Calgary, Alta- I—■■■i ■—m (»f course the Shampoo is to keep | minion Artists' Club In Ix>ndon. and card party at the Empress Hotel tunately. was called out of town on Deserving Girl to Proas) Korshadow ing a sweeping the hair clean and la only used once j Recognising that many of their on Tuesday next. January 27. Owing Saturday to meet a professional en­ extension of the co-operative farm Hon. T. G. Coventry left for Eng in two weeks. An Inexpensive treat­ I members would desire to hear Mrs. to the increase In the numbers of the gagement in Portland. The music - movement within the next few years, land two weeks ago to attend the ment. There Is nothing like Seven I Snowden, the University Extension staff and the disappointment of msnv room and tea-room were very charm Regain Health drawing attention to the necessity of celebration of his parents’ diamond Sutherland Sisters' Complete Treat­ T A ssoctattrm ha* cancelled mr îeCTu f v «mo were unable to obtain ttckrtv Ingly arranged with pink carnation* elevating rural home life . through wedtltolLJlJMyversory. ment. Try it. |IjS6 at all drug arranged for Thursday and will make last year, it has been decided to ar­ frees!»» and other flowers, and Miss The Social Service League of Vic­ enlightened and organised opinion, stores. Wholesale distributors, Na- arrangements for the speaker. Pro­ range for additional accommodât in.i Barbara Gibson assisted her mothet toria is accomplishing an excellent urging more rigid enforcement of atlonal Drug and Chemical Co. Ltd. W.C.T.U. Medal Contest. — This in serving tee. work among the many people deserv­ evening at the North Ward School fessor Sinclair, to visit the city at a this year, and for next TuewUy’n immigration regulations as a re­ (Advt.) later date. gathering the ballroom and pa ing of assistance—both material and quisite to establishment of a lasting Auditorium, the “Y" girls of the Mr. and Mrs. J. Baron of Scott s'jclal, its aim being tu promote the W.C.T.U. will stage a silver medal court have been engaged Street entertained at a jolly party on democracy and calling upon the peo­ Two orchestras will dispense the establishment of a healthy and nor­ elocution contest, commencing at 8 Saturday evening for the pleasure of mal home life among those who ple of Western Canada to adopt an •’clock. The contestants have all very latest dance music, and during their eldest daughter. Annie. A de­ attitude of definite racial regenera­ the interval a buffet supper will be through misfortune or the lack of been trained by Miss Belle Eller*, the lightful evening was spent in games proper training are needful of pub- tion, Mrs. Margaret Gunn, president Beauty served. Dress will be Informal. WELLINGTON «fell-known elocutionist, and an ex­ IE! and dancing. The invited guests in­ 11*' |«elp. Aid is given by the League of the United Farm Women of Al­ cellent programme ia promised. Ticket» for the affair, of which cluded Misses Olive Berryman. in many ways. berta. delivered her annual address there are only a limited number, may Frances lone. Edna Ashton. Annie The following case |« a typical one: before the U.F.A. convention here to A Gleamy Mass of Hair Oak Bay Dance—Owing to the hall be obtained from members of the Gough. Lilian Brooks, Ajinle. Lilian Hilda, a young girl whose home day. being required for an important staff. Cards are being arranged for and Ell» Baron, and Messrs. Don Mc- was in one of the outlying districts This year’s study and activity LAWS FOR WOMEN the entertainment of non-dancers. I>ermotl, Jack McCreadte. Bernard church meeting on Wednesday, Mrs. I was reported to the Social Service continues to stress the extension of 35c “Danderine" does Wonders George Simpson will hold her usual < lough, John < lough, Ernie Tidbury, | I*eague aa being without work nnd the principle of co-operative market­ COAL A.O.U.W. lostallsLoo — Victoria Cyril Holland, and'Tom Stevenson. class at SL Matt's Hall on Thursday Officer of National Council ! reduced financially to a few ce»i,t8. ing. With this as a successful be­ LUMP • •LACK this week instead of Wednesday. Iaodge No. 1 and Western Star No. 7, „ I ’ . __. ,. j Upon her being Inters i w* -1 it was ginning. surely we can see In the for Any Girl's Hair Ancient Order United Workmen, met So »ucc«».ful we. th* ttitic* h*d ,hl, ,h. ... „,.r to Compiled Federal Govern­ near future the new co-operative Longer Lasting an< in K. C. Hell Friday evening for a under the auspice» of the \ ictori* t mploymest. hul that her health tea, community, wherein shall be found and More ment Pamphlet joint installation. The officers were Amsteur Swimming CTub ls.t eve-, 8h, n.,, '.iving m 'he co-operative elevators, flour mills, l------installed by Slater K. Stansby, G.M. ning at the K. of C. Hall, that it was ; f#>r geveral months at a friend’s cream «rie* and packing plants. In Ottawa, Jan. 20.—Every woman’s W. assisted by Bros. J. Mctlmoyl decided to hold another I:, the near hau,e while she sought work. It addition to ensuring the maximum ! BEAUTIFY IT WITH index to Canadian law, as particu­ and F. 1 .and es berg. The officers for future. Over 130 members and ( wa„ «jeemed advisable to have her returns to the farmer and his family larly affects women, is contained in No. 1 lodge were: Bro. J. Stansby, i friends attended the affair and en- ! examined by a physician. The re fuf the fruits of their labor, it is RICHARD HALL a pamphlet Just Issued by the De­ P.M.W.: Bro. E. P. Luxton. M.W ; Joyed the splendid programme of | suit of th- visit which the irenrra . Inevitable that in such a community | “DIAMOND DYES partment of I^bor, at the request Bro. H. O'Neill, foreman; Sister music played by Hunt's orchestra, tfcretary 0f the Social Servir,. League much of the drudgery inseparable of the Canadian Council of Women, Luxton. overseer; Sister V. Owen, Much credit for the success of the ; paid with Hilda to one of the local from the average home of the pres­ & SORS j Within some eighty pages are con­ secretory; .Bro. C. T. Wrlgleewor.th, affair waa due to Miss Kathleen i doctors was that the girt was ad- ent, will be eliminated, and the com­ tained extracts from the laws. Fed- j financial secretary ; Bro. McCut- Wellburn and Mr. Totn Wellbum, ' vised to go home for a few months' Established 1* Perfect home dye­ •ral and Provincial, relating to mar- jeheon, treasurer; Slater Borde, guide, munity centre will contain co-opera­ 1232 Government who so ably convened the arrange- rsst while carrying out the doctor's tive laundries, bakeries and can- ing and tinting 1» riage, divorce, sexual offences.- de- . The officer* for Western Star Lodge nient s. Instruction*. nericH," she said. guaranteed with Dia­ serted wives, legitimation of children ' were aa follows: Sister Hilda Brind- + 44 The Social Service League paid Poverty, the speaker maintained, The following announcement from Hilda's transportation home. and mond Dyes. Just dip born out of wedlock and the adop- ley, P.M.W.; Bro. H. Hewitt. M.W.; in our complex civilization, wae fre­ tlon of children. Property rights are j Bro. W. Clunk, foreman; Bro. P. Lo/idon Will be of Interest to the wrote her mother giving the doctor’s ) in cold water to tint covered under the headings of mar- j Clunk, overseer ; Bro F. N. K. many local friends of Miss Green- Instructions and plans The family quently the lot of those who might •oft, delicate shades, Wilkinson of Halt Spring Island, who co-operated splendidly with the So­ be. from the standpoint of racial rled women's earnings and property. ! Shakespeare, secretary ; Bro. A. qualifications, most desirable, and or boil to dye rich, dower, devolution estates and in- ! Clunk, financial secretary ; Bro. A. left recently for England: "Among, cial Service la-ague and paid part permanent colors. the debutantes this season is Miss of Hildas medicine bill, and In due whose degradation and loss of fibre sura nee. Naturalization and the Semple, treasurer; Bro. C. Stephen* under adverse influences may cause Each 15-cent pack­ franchise also is expallned, as well ; guide; Bro. S. Semple. Inside watch- Oonah Green-Wilkinson, elder daugh course Hilda returned to Victoria and age contains direc­ ter of Brigadier-General L, F. Green underwent an operation successfully. serious racial lode. "No complete so You Can’t See as hours of labor and minimum wage than; Bro. F. Curtis, outside watch- lutlon of racial Improvement can be tions so simple any law», workrarn-» compensation and man. Hl.lrr Hlan.by, U.M.W.. thee Wilkinson,. h C.M.G.,, . . D.8.O., and grand Owing to the interest and com­ woman can dye or kindred subjects. addressed the lodge, after which she \ wîlkinLm C B who was à paratively small material assistance found until this evil has been ellm tint lingerie, silks, The compilers of the pamphlet presented Ufo. McCutcheon. No. 1 | " Tnd^ndUn VutiiT^ veTe4n of the Bâclai Service League. Hilda, Inated. together with the prolific ribbons, skirts, waists, dresses, coats. within seven months of the organ­ source of race deterioration—modern aimed to give a general idea of the lodge, and Bro. Sommerville, No. 7, I fl father #t one tlttl<. attached Stockings, sweaters, draperies, cover­ law on »uch .Ubjeet. and to enabl. „., h with a P M W. Jewel. After th. j |* ,hl. „,„ff of ,luk, „f Connauglu ization first getting In touch with war. Poverty and wajr," the presi ings. hangings, everything new. her, hud completely recovered her dent declared, "tend to lower racial Inside a Pillow Buy "Diamond Dyes”—no other vompanson between the law. of th. oflleer. were duly In.Ulled a .ho, t and on ,«»,„* ,he Rifle Hrlgad* health and was able to take a posi­ standards, and these lower standards kind and tell your druggist whether various provinces. i memorial service was held, it being Mett!ed jn British Columbia, their ad- tion giving her a living wage. once established, tend to become per the material you wish to color Is Most or the compilation was done the anniversary of the death of John wjregH now being Hacomb. North Salt Anyone wishing to assist finan­ petuated, Wool or Bilk, or whether it is linen, by Mrs. O. C. Edward of Macleod. Jordan Upchurch, the founder of the , ftprj,1(C |gland. Through her mother. cially in the carrying on of this ex­ Continuing. Mrs. Gunn said Alta., an officer of the National order. Bro. F. N. E. Shakespeare mi*. Green-Wilkinson is a niece-of cellent work, for which funds are ur- And sometimes ont of sight la cotton, or mixed goods. (Advt , "Viewed from a racial standpoint, is out of mind. But of course yon Council of Women. gave a brief history of the life of i^rd Ashdown.” gentlv needed, is asked to leave a It not of prime importance that wo jl ■ -—!—j m—, 71. t .. Father Upchurch, which was greatly + 4- 4- contribution at 641 Fort Street, Girls! Try this' When combing want the feathers in your pillows subject to the closest scrutiny our and dressing your hair, Just moisten just as Immaculate as the sheets The B.C. Electric social Club will appreciated by all present. After the As a complimentary farewell to where G. R. Chisholm, the treasurer, Immigration regulations? Are we hold their next dance on Wednesday, r^gU|ar order of business was dealt i Mr*. J. F. Scott , who is leaving this is receiving donations. *- your hair-brush with a little "Dan­ and bedspreads. Immaculate January 21. In Caledonia Hail. View wjth th«* social committee served re- ! week to reside In, Vancouver. Mrs. E. admitting only those able to con­ derine * and brush it through your they will be if you let us clean tribute to our national life? Do we hair. The effect is startling! You them. •*- OUR JANUARY Street Oeard’a" orchestra will Pro- fresbments. and community singing ! H. Griffiths entertained the mem- COLDSTREAM SCHOOL exercise care that all those seeking vide the latest dance music and the wae indulged In until 11.36. I hers of the Bridge Club, of which she can do your hair up Immediately and .....miusual buffet supper will wbe“ served."* 1 ------4 ! and Mrs. Scott are members at a CONCERT A SUCCESS admittance shall be required to pass it will appear twice as thick and We wash your pillows wlthent SALE a rigid mental and physical examina­ heavy—a mass of gleamy hair, removing the ticks, clean* Gordon Hood Oanco—Mrs. Todd ts ' luncheon party at the Hudson's Bay tion? Do we Insist that the public them in quantities of pure Arts and Crofts Society.—The arranging a dance to be held In the Company Store on Saturday after On Friday. January It, the Gold- sparkling with life and possessing I neled*» ear templet* stork of regular monthly meeting of the Arts weal shall be served rather than the that incomparable softness, fresh­ water and mild soap. Then dry Gordon Head Hall this evening, Jan­ noon, followed by three tables of stream schoolroom was the scene of interests of steamship and transpor­ them in warm freah air until and Crafts Society «will be held on uary 26. Pitre orchestra will pro­ bridge at her home on Oscar Street. a very successful school concert, i ness and luxuriance. Wednesday evening. January 21, at tation companies? ■ . . While beautifying the hair "Dan every feather Is sdft and fluffy. vide the «mate, —------Covers wars laid for twelve guests which had been postponed since be- ' These are consider»tlon# to Which Engli^i V ocalion i.II o'clock, when a series of Mm. lerine" la also toning and stimulât Let us call for your pillows at a most daintily appointed table, fore Christmas owing to weather our'farm women are giving increas­ W. V. Pullen's paintings * In water hlch was centred with a silver ing each single hair to grow thick, this week-end “how#li^®“ Records color will be oh exhibition. condition». ing thought. We desire, in every long and strong. Hair stops falling basket filled with à shower bouquet An Interesting and Varied pro­ well we can freshen them Up. Lose Your Fat, of pink carnation» in various shades possible «ray. to contribute to the de­ out nnd dandruff disappears. Get Values to 63.66 for gramme was given by pupils of the velopment of democracy in our na­ bottle of delightful, refreshing "Dan arranged in ferns and surrounded school, assisted by friends from Vic­ tional life. But in order to make hu-- derine" at any drug hr toilet counter Keep Your Health with pink tulle as well as small vases $1.00 toria under the management of Mias mantty safe for democracy, we can­ and Just see how healthy and youth of flowers carrying out the color E. Parfltt, teacher. not begin the process of racial Im­ ful your hair becomes. (Advt. TRUSSES----- Superfluous flood Is not heoitky. Neither scheme. Mr. W. Payne, secretary of the provement too soon. Democracy waa le It healthy to «let or eserclee too shtieb. School Board, acted as chairman. A perfect fitting Truss should fit The simplest method known for reducing SIDNEY never intended for degenerates." Alee Sheiwfrsph aed Radi* snugly» causing no pain or the èhcrfat body edMHty nod ■tendity I* the After the programme a social time New Method irritation If you -require a PATRIOTISM OF PEACE •nap* Mnrmoln Method, tried end endorsed by Mr. and Mrs. Moses, of Deep Bay. waa spent, during which refresh­ ' guarantee you a per- thousende. Memtele Freecrlatlen Tablets ments were served, presided over by Mrs. Gunn emphasized the import­ feet fit or i I your money. contain an esact done at the famous Mar gave a card party at which progres­ JANUARY SHOE mole Treerrlptleii The* tablets are sold Mr». W. Paÿnê< ance of the Junior branch of the or­ sive five hundred was played. The ganization. . "Let u* in the coming Laundry by' druggteta the world over at ene dollar first prizes were won by Miss Irene Santa Ctsua paid a late visit to the far f bas. They are slaadast ta take* à ad school and distributed presents from year, while establishing and mobilis­ SALE KERFS ^ MacFirlaie Drag Co. leave na wrtskVef or ftabMaem. They are Frost, Mr R. Jackson and Mr. G. popular becauhe effective aad convenient. Ranggter tied, the first named win­ a well laden tree Mis* Parfltt ing our adult membership, place due ieit-17 N. Park emphasis on bringing into our or­ MUTRIE & SON a»dBsdioU Store Ask your drugtist for them or mad price ning the cut. Mts. Mows, assisted wishes to thank all the parents'and direct to the Marmola Ci. fltberat Motors ganization the young men and IMS Douglas St. Wren* 5 Ld Bldg . Detroit. Mich., anti procure a bos. by Irfite Evelyn. Mows, served friends who so generously helped to Uhdvi.j -j very «tics supper, after which crib- make the affairAir a. «ucçisuccess. wumca to whom will loll the onpâ of VJLLTOfilA DAILY llMtiîÿ, 1UKSDAY, JANUARY 20, 1925

PHONE 1670—PRIVATE EXCHANGE CONNECTING ALL DETTE. AT THE THEATRES not at all like anything that he has Wednesday Morning Specials TRAGIC CLOWN IS done before. The story opens, show­ ing. Harold as a happy-go-lucky CENTRAL CHARACTER bachelor who would no more think of marrying, than he would think of IN DOMINION PICTURE starting, out for the North Pole In. What Is Your Idea of Competent a pair of pyjamas. It isn’t long be­ With a European circus aa the lo­ fore Nemesis appears on the scene, cale, and a tragic clown aa the cen­ In the person of little Jobyna Ralston, Pre-inventory Clearance of Broken Assortments in Seasonable Merchandise tral character. Metro-Goldwyn-May­ she of the dreamy eyes and a very Dance Instruction? kissable mouth. Eventfi take their er’s “He Who Geta Slapped.” which, natural course and Harold finds him­ Below Is an Outline of What I TeaçL plays at the Dominion Theatre, ia self trying, unsuccessfully, to prove declared to be one of the moat un­ that two can live as cheaply as one. in the Fox-trot Alone usual pictures of the season. And, to add to his many troubles, Quantity DESCRIPTION Former Price Gearing Price “He Who Geta Slapped" le the his wife’s family jtp continually of­ The Trot. Including Stage Walk. Law of Opposite*. *tpry qf ft brilliant scientist, who Is fering a lot of uiWolietted advice as I’oeturlng, etc.: the Two-Step with continuous turns; deserted by his wife, and whose life to how he should manage his personal the Boy Step; the Hesitation Slip Step: the PWot; the work Is stolen by his patron and affairs. Whirl; the Syncopated Side Steps; the Slide Steps; the friend. ‘'HE." embittered, and seek­ 25 Women’s Tailored and Pur-trimmed Coats of velour, blanket cloth and cut Two-and-One; the Two-and-One Chassee; the Argen­ ing forgetfulness, becomes a clown 44 Iff velours. Some in wrapover style with single button tautening, others strictly In a French circus. This la the be­ The Sea Hawk Values to tine Chassas; the Chassee Promenade; the Corte. etc. ginning of the story, and the picture tailored Raglan models with belt and patch pockets; good choice of colors; These steps are all very easy and can be learned In carries Its audience Into the back­ sizes 16 to 40...... '...... $22.50 *12.95 thre/lo four lesson»'by the yertept beginner by my stage of a European clrucs, with the Makes Hit at method. Besides these. I teach the Real Walts, the Story told by clowns, acrobats, trick Women’s Underskirts in durable quality taffetine, neat accordion pleated Two-Step or Canadian Walts, the Walts Fox-Trot, riders, and the other performers of * Royal Theatre 54 the Polo Trot, and Tangellna. Ilaggedy Ann. Beren- the hippodrome. flounce and elastic fitted waist band. In shades of Saxe^, purple, paddy, navy Values lo garta and Cecil Tape Fox-Trots, and the Ambassa­ The picture was directed by Victor and black ; regular size and extra large sizes ...... ♦ < $1.29 > .89 dor*. Whisper and Hit* Wallses. 1 teach gentlemen to lead ahd ladles to follow. My method of Instruc­ Seastrom, the noted Swedish actor- Vessels of Sixteenth Century —Second Floor tion Is superlative and unescelled anywhere along producer, who is now In America the Pacific Coant. »! positively guarantee results. My Type Shown in Battle with the Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer etu Women’s Flannelette Nightgowns—Soft quality white Flannelette Nightgowns 'ees are $1.26 per private lesson, or a block of six dios. Seastrom 'has been hailed by on Screen Values to ftsons for Si.00. As a special inducement, for one other directors, and by critics, aa one in slipover style with round or square necks and kimona sleeves ...... $1.50 seek commencing to-day, I will give to all new pupil* of the greatest of directors, and this „ .98 .ikingting a block dfof leoeOne. one additional lesson free. —Second Floor :nrollroll now and mimake sure of an early appointment, picture has proved an excellent vehi­ Privateivate tuition morning*, afternoons, and evening*. cle for his technique and strong dra­ "The Sea Hawk" «ail'd out upon Classesisees by arrangement. matic sense. The story le one of the the screen at the Royal Theatre yes­ Women’s Combinations in heavy fleeced knit cotton, strap shoulder and knee Values to most tragic and dramatic ever terday for a week’s engagement, length only; sizes 34 to 40...... $3.50 LEARN FROM AN EXPERT TO BE AX EXPERT | screened, and the locale of the circus trained his big gun* on the audience ■ ifvwsiw-1 ■■ - - 8 soend Floor 1.98 'provides many colorful settings and and fired a broadside which la echo­ much interesting atmosphere. ing to-day in every comer of the Iam Chaney, king of character ac­ city. The broadside was one of the Children’s Bloomer Dresses in fine quality Jersey cloth, with round neck and tors. and make-up wlxards, plays the mont brilliant dramatic photoplays short sleeves finished with colored piping, front neatly embroidered in attrac­ leading male role, that of the un­ which have graced the etlver sheet in month*. *■* tive colors. Come in shades of tan trimmed brown and navy trimmed Copen; Value to 2.98 happy clown, “He.” and It Is reported Murray Studio of Social Dancing he has made It one of hie greatest “The Sea Hawk" i* Frank Lloyd s $3.95 characterizations. Norma Shearer picture version of Babltinl’e colorful Upstair», Stocker Building. 1006 Blanchard S*. Opp. «. Vie. Theatre epic which is released by First Na­ and John Gilbert play the romantic Girls’ Trench Coats, English make, in best quality gaberdine, lined throngh- Phenee 24SS Prom 7 to 0.30 P.B, or 5676R leads. The supporting cast includes tional. It Is a great story, has an exceptional cast and possesses every out with plaid lining, double breasted, two slash pockets and all-round belt, Tully Marshall. Ford Sterling. Marc -element of really greet entertain Values to McDermott, Clyde Cook, Harvey ment. in tan only ; sizes 6 and 7 years. Also three Black Raincoats, sizes 6 and 7 years $8.50 3.98 Clarke. Paulette Duval. George Da­ Never have there been ships of —Second Floor vis, Ruth King ahd others. such else, nor so many of them nc The story was adapted from the tually engaged In combat on the play of the same name by Leonid Women’s Oxfords, small sizes in regular lines including black kid, black calf Values to screen; In fact never have there been 30 Pairs Andreyev.. one of the foremost of eueh shkpe seen on tM screen; never arid brown calf mfôWsr’siîi'àrt''styles' with Cuban heels; sizes 2% and 3 only. " $6.00 L75 6 OLIS E U M môdefh ITttssfa h plaÿWtîÉîit*. and was so many big settings, so many Im­ —Main Floor COLUMBIA adapted to the screen by Carey portant^ surprising Incidents In egg TO-DAY TO-DAY Wilson. '* picture and so many famous people, rh.rle» Dlckrn»' ltMtrrplec* of “He Who Gets Slapped" Is Sea- so active In these Incidents. There Women's Boots, regular lines broken in sizes to clear. Choice of black kid 35 Pairs Pilho. end Romance strom’-s second production In Amer­ have been mere expensive photoplays, and brown calf boots, comfortable shàpes with ■Cuban heels ; sizes 2^2 to 4 only. ica, hJL» Tirât being, "Name the Ma n !^ it la true, and perhaps some more Values to HAROLD pretentious m some particular se­ SuiïàWWWomen or . ------$A00 David quence but it Is doubtful if the . —Main Floor MAE MURRAY NEXT screen has ever reflected a drama of such general bigness as “The Sea Copperfield Wftmsn*t ttibhftd Wool Hose, English make, in wide rib. spliced heels and toes, $1.25 and LLOYD —~—• JUgo — PLAYS DUAL ROLE 50 Paw incidental to the principal Interest of in colors of grey, coatlnglnrowp. Ysnpgr wad black-, aiaea &V4 4^40—~ $L50 THE HINCK8 COMPANY IN “FASHION ROW” the play. “The Sea Hawk" is thrill­ —Main Floor In the Screaming Musical Farce ing. spiraling and entertaining. Mae Murray In “Fashion Row. Milton Sills plays the part of Sir Oliver Treeailian. an English knight, Women's Oh&moisette Gloves, with* strap wrist, embroidered points, in brown, her new production for 45 Paire Baldhead the Bootlegger Metro releaae. is the stellar attrac­ who later becomes Sakr-el-Bahr, the white, black, grey and mode; sizes to ...... tion at the Playhouse Theatre this Idol of Alberina corsairs, in a cap­ l1/* $1.25 “Hot Water” Or able manner. Sir Oliver is a more —Main Floor week. Written for Miss Murray by “MADE IN THE MOUNTAINS’ Sada Cowan and Howard Higgin dominant character than even "Robin For the time of your life see thle Don’t Forget the Contest for School ‘Fashion Row” gives the popular Hood” and It has required an un­ Novelty Striped Stortings, 54 inches wide, navy and brown grounds, with riotously funny picture1 Lloyd Boy* and Girl* See the Prises In Metro star the interesting dual role usual amount of versatility and study lOO Yds. has out-Lk>yded himself! the Ixibby of two sister*. to make him the real, lovable, gentle­ multi colored stripes. This offering calls for early shopping...... $2.95 Matinee Wedneeday and Saturday, 2.SO; Bypnlng Performance, Ml One of them ia the famous Olga man he i* on th® screen. ______—Main Floor Comedy News Educatianel Fnrinova, toast of Broadway, and Enid Behnet Ha* HttlW difficulty the other Is a grubby little Russian In making Ro*amund a sweet, de­ peasant girt named Zita, who cornea mure. fallfirut English matd. Miss 350 Yd* Oolered Silk Pongee, in a weight for dresses, blouses and other purposes. to America to And her sister. On Bennett’s grace and refinement are Choose from pink, sky, maize, peach, mauve, Nile, brown and Pekin; 33 the immigrant steamer Zita meets a refreshing. sinister figure named Kaminoff. To Wallace Beery makes Jasper Leigh inches wide ...... $1.50 NOW Kaminoff she show» a photograph of rather likeable pirate and proves —Main Floor her sister, and Its unmistakable re- his right to the title of the most CAPITOL— PLAYING *emtolan<-* to a dancing girl he once Ideal swashbuckler of bijr screen. Pure Unbleached Sheetings of close texture. Though not of a heavy weight, The Story of a Girl Who Fell In Leve So Many Time» She Didn't knew in a Russian dive brings back Lloyd Hughee, playing his first char­ 200 Yds. Knew What te De Next ___: to KaminefT hitter mémoire*. Bo acter part, reaches dramatic heights this sheeting will give excellent wear ; 81 inchee wide...... -...... 59c he plane to make Zita th^ Instru­ he has never before attained in the —Main Floor ment of hie revenge, and In New interpretation of hi# character of York quarters her on the East Bide Lionel. Sir Oliver’s cowardly brother. Scotch Cnriain Muslins, 30 inches wide, with neat border. Splendid quality. with Papa and Mama Levitzky. To transfer the Sabatlni story to 200 Yds. “In Love With Love” the silver sheet has been a Herculean Will make up into dainty curtains ...... 25e A Cemedy Drama From the Stage Succeee HAROLD LLOYD'S task .and Mr. Lloyd has handled * —Third Floor Featuring MARGUERITE DE LA MOTTS every detail with euch sincerity, such PATHE COMEDY IS tact and such thorough understand­ Short Lengths of Cretonnes, including some of our highest grade £and blocked Values to ALLEN FORREST and HAROLD GOODWIN ing that he has won for himself a 200 Yds. A too place among the masters of the. fabrics, suitable for loose covers, cushion tops, etc...... — • - — • • $1.25 NEWS COMEDY NOVELTY BXEL LISTED AS RIOT cinema. _____ ... :—------—! —Third Floor They came, they saw and they were conquered, captivated and sent CHARLES DICKENS Bathroom Mirrors, size 9x12 mches, best quality British plate glass, with two- Into hysterics.. The time waa last 20 evening, the place was the Columbia NOW ON SCREEN inch frames, in oak or white enamel finish ...... Theatre, and the reason for all this —Fourth Floor excitement, was tha opening of Har­ IN COMPLETE FORM TODAY TWICE DAILY old Lloyd’s latest feature Pat be- 2.30 and 8.30 P.M. comedy. “Hot Water." Mere words Big in theme and big in the mak­ Hudsonia Note Paper, of good quality linen finish; packet containa 72 sheeU ROYAL cannot express the extent of the out­ 150 ing. the Charles Dickens story of —Main Floor burst that greeted the spectacled “David Copperfield." now showing at Packet* At Last—The Mighty Sea Hawk comedian’s latest triumph. The the Coliseum Theatre, has been audience did a great deal more than transplanted to the motion picture Away to th«- Ship*—To Flaming Adventure—Glorious Romance end laugh. They shrieked, roared, howled screen in a most complete and satis­ Boys' Heavy Mackinaw Coe ta, made from heavy weight all wool mackinaw the Greatest Spectacle the l^orld Has. Ever Seen and yelled: Anyone, not*acquainted 12 with the mirth-producing ability of factory manner. cloth, in dark brown check effect, with shawl collar, belt and patch pockets. With MILTON SILLS Mr. Lloyd, would have thought that When word was flashed that the $8.50 a free-for-all fight was taking place romance of I>avld Copperfield would 12 only in sizes to fit boys 12 to 15 years...... And a Supporting Cauat Including Enid Bennett, Lloyd Hughes, Inside the theatre. be plcturtzed, there was conjecture —Main Flour Wallace Beery and 3,00» Player*. Rut. as usual. Lloyd’s side-split- as to what shape It would be done ting situations are very original and and speculation reached the stage Boys' Tweed Bloomers, in strong quality grey and brown tweed. Full size $2.25 and where many believgd that It would be 30 both exaggerated and distorted, *ith governor fasteners, lined throughout ; sizes to fit boys 13 to 16 years .... $2.75 thereby destroying the real atmos­ —Main Flour •9*. 1 pheric environment and putting the celebrated characters from Dickens’ Boys’ Shirts, made from white mat and stripped Ceylon finished work before the public in the wrong 38 DOMINION light. The fear will be quickly dis­ cotton single band cuffs and collar attached. Sizes to fit boys 5 to 10 years. $1.25 THREE DAYS ONLY pelled upon seeing the picture, for —Main Floor MONDAY, TUESDAY AND the makers have adhered as closely St A UA' WEDNESDAY to the original story as was possible Men's Brown Jersey Gloves; heavy weight brown jersey gloves, with elastic THE FILM TRIUMPH under the circumstances. 60 Paire RAFAEL SABATTNI'S The characters that readers of wrist, suitable for cycling or wearing around the house...... 25c With LON CHANEY, "David Copperfield" came to love ahd I —Main Floor Greatest Romance NORMA SHEARER, quote are brought into action real JOHN GILBERT istlcaliy and the result la that the picture gives splendid and praise Men's Heavy English Tweed Sports Coats, in Lovat and grey shades. Made worthy entertainment. in half belted sports model, with two patch pockets. Can be worn with flannel trousers ; sizes 34 to 42 ...... MODERN FLAPPER —Main Floor CENTRAL FIGURE i IN FOX PICTURE "In Love with Love." the William Fox picture at the Capitol this week, 43c Specials in Drug Sundries for Wednesday Half Daj Grocery Specials centres around an interesting modern At the Tea and Ceff* Finest Quality Cooking They chained an “ff "* who couldn't aay "No." Counter A eel*. Halt Day Bpe- English gentleman It ^ so much because she was Morning Hudwn’e Bey Ne. 1 Broken n*L » lbe. for...... SB# to the galley of hurting the feeling* of the Orange Pek* T*. .how- Fen., eweepheads. A3tr«t ItottOtUll ‘ be suitors who flocked about he with a diamond he hoped Powder Puffi, values 50c and 60c economy; rcguler Tic. Dey SpecisL SEATS NOW ON SALE FOR ALL PERFORMANCES ah t wear; but It was because Vinolia Tooth Paste, two tubes Halt Dey Sped»!, per Prie*—Matinee. 35c, 65c. Night, 66c, SSc, *1.10 ah "in love with love" and for ...... 43< for ...... ■ rwigivR th ach of them In turn waa her lb...... Coent* p* ideal. Tooth Brushes, guaranteed qual­ Seidlits Powders, two boxes 43< max comes with the entry FI* Quality Bulk Break- Imported Scetch Haddle Fil- ity ...... of ig engineer who was more Purse Perfumes, 25c value. 2 feet Coco». Halt Dey lete. per lb...... SB* In In bridge buUding than in Pebeco Tooth Paste ...... 43f Special, • lbe. for...SB# Imperial Brand Butt*, In lo ing. Because he was prac for ...... 43< "l-lb. prints, per lb. ,.4Sd th unromantic, he piqued her Country Store To-night ct Finally, she admitted to Pond's Vanishing and Cold 3,000 Sheets Toilet Tissue Bolls, At the Fruit Ceunter Old Frwth Requefert Ckee* __ STAGE NOW PLAYING SCREEN h< nd, to hlm» that ehe was Cream Tubes ...... 43< each ...... 43< Freshly Bseated Peenute...... *«* re ove for the first time in her Kelt Dey Special, S lbe. c£!*J JmLl V*,!»' 40» Joseph Evans' in Eau de Cologne ...... 43< Mee Murray in Ilf n came the very obvious Mentholatum, large size... ,43

, Bassett’s Studio...... 2.17 Leighton. P. R„ 203 Beech wood Avenue the U.8. Bureau of Education, from Scythia at New York from Liver Llnnell, 8.. 3162 Fifth Street ...... up this freight, mostly for the Orient, pool. ceeded! in making an anchorage In 19|J the inclusion of the Grand Becker. W. S., Quadra Apartments ...... 5.00 Washington, D.C, Trunk. I.uwever. turned the deficit f ' Bennett. W. J„ 820 Here ward Street ...... 3.00 Lomas. E.. S29 Short Street ...... which Is the great herring market Assyria at Glasgow from New in Neah Bay during the night.___ - LsfcCiL. N-.. .UUJ. Caledonia Axenua-.m. -». ofv the North pacific, and where, the, The refugees will be received .on York. Thé rwattrtft ttgTrtstitp broke away 36.018,1191rtiôan »peratingsurpius of i Jtenttey. ». *B:. vgre Toronto Street ...... f* T.M greatest supply of Vancouver Island's arrival at Seattle by Mr/Wagner, who $11.656.422; and so far the first time Bickford. W- 104? Balmoral Road 7.:...... 3.W" lepton. F.. 308 Meuxte* Streer TV...... Downshtre at Belfast from 8L from jier moorings off the dangerous Marshall, W., 2341 Ml'Bride Avenue ... fish la consumed. will return them to Alaska. John. N.B. since the great railway debacle we Btfch, O. R...... ,n More than a year ago the party Umatilla Reefs in a heavy gale at Bissett, A.. 2720 Bridge Street ...... 3.00 Matlin, H. E.. 760 Pemberton Road .... Manchester Merchant at St. John 10 30 o < lock last night. find In 1033 a consolidated Canadia.i GOES NORTH TO-NIQHT left their native village near Nome from Manchester. — National Railway System producing Bout hier FT.. So* Constance AY#fWg'"rr7T,:TTl77,r" “"‘.ft" for a hunting trip Oh Wranget Inl­ At 6 30 o'clock this morning she Bosher, J. 4«ô3 Burdette Avenue...... 3.00 Matherson, R. C.. 911 Collinson Street The Prlnceee Ena will leave this Yfotifro** operating surplus of $11.454.432. Merryflel4, Mrs. A . 1145 Johnson Street ..... and. off the Siberian coast. Here they pool. hud made Neah Bay after flghtiug Marked Improvement has also Bowers. W . Third Street. Sidney ...... 2.35 port late to-night. For the past sev were surrounded by a big party of hard with the storm. Her crew Boyd. W.. 930 Agnes Street ...... 3.00 Miller. J. A.. 846 Esqulmalt Road ...... Astonla at Halifax from New York. been made as regards the total de­ Mitchell. C.. 1628 Chambers Street ...... cral weeks she has been tied up here, Soviet Russians, who took them Marge at 8L John from New York. battled desperately through the ficits aft*F payment of fixed charges Breen. N. J., 14 Mt. Edwards Apartments...... 49 prisoners on grounds that they were night, and it was only by dint of Brenen, H., 3487 8 Street...... 3.00 Mitchell, H., 1127 Chapman Street ...... but she has been kept ready for im- Manchester Producer at Halifax _|--UflhftUBnêü during the same year, as is shows _ Mltrheil, J. 4-V2444 Hawker Avenue trespassing on Russian property. from John. ------— ^ WSMwsshhmmw-w’- . , " Py thw following figures; operatlon. and now that she Then began the long Voyage along courage that the lightship reached Broath, J„ 1339 Crescent Road Morton, Robert. 1320 Cum sew Street ...... 1920 ...... $74.378,31* 3.00 is needed she will answer the call the bleak Siberian coast until Vladi safe anchorage. Brown. W. C„ 1617 Catherine Street 3.00 Murray. A., 1250 Denmah Street ...... Immediately. POSITIONS BY WIRELESS 1921 ...... 72.652.27$ Mustard. L. 2802 Bridge Street ...... vostok was reached, where the pris li.M.C.S. Armentieres stood by all Brumpton. H. D.. Mt. Edwards Apartments .... 3.00 When she Is ready for sea she will oners were held. through the night ready to rush to 1922 ...... 66.696,911 Buchan. A.. 2718 Bridge Street . —...... 3.00 McKwan, 703 Esqulihalt Road ...... 1923 ...... 62.779,864 McPhail, T.. 1473 Fin la y son Street...... steam out into the straits and make In the meantime Carl Loman of ESTE VAN, 8 pm.—CANADIAN the aid of the lightship from her eta Bam brick, E. M.. 1163 Newport Avenue...... 3.00 her way along the coast until she Nome hurried to Washington and FARMER. Han Francisco for Vic­ tion at ll&nfield. Burns. J. J„ 806 Esquimau Road ...... / 3.00 Nee bet. A. G. G.. 526 Beach Drive ...... Nobbe, Miss J., 5114 Belm«»nt Avenue ...... reaches’ Barkley Sound. There she appealed to the State Department, toria. 241 miles from Victoria. No word was received up to a late SEATTLE SHIPPING Cameron. J. F.. 1433 Grant Street...... *, 8.00 will load a capacity cargo of herring, after which the Red Cross volun CANADIAN TRANSPORTER. hour this morning as to whether or Cameron. M. E.. 531 Rupert Street ...... 3.00 Nuttall, J:, 2lt6 Douglas Street ...... Oakley, A. H.. 1071 Finlayson Street ...... amounting to approximately i.20é leered funds to bring them from Glasgow for Victoria, noon yester­ not the vessel would proceed Imme­ Seattle, Jan. 26.—On her last voy­ Campbell. D.. 421 Vancouver Street ...... 2.00 tons, and will bring it south for ship­ I Siberia to their homes in Alaska via day, 1,866 miles from Victoria. diately to her old station. It was Capps. W, 2024 Marion Street . 3.00 Orrlck, E. A-. 1129 Yates Street . age to this port, the Oeka Shoeen Patterson. H. R.. 1117 Chapman Street...... ment across the Pacific. Seattle. CANADIAN INVENTOR, Port Al- suggested, however, that the U.S.S. Kalshd liner Hawaii Maru arrived Cam. Mrs. E.. 1261 Denman Street ...... 3.00 berni for Yokohama. 570 miles from Snohomish would take up a position yesterday with a light list of pas­ Carter. H. ÜL, 190 Menxles Street...... 3.00 Philip. O. R.. 828 Cormorant Street ...... r.. Pollock. W.. 1774 Denman Street...... Flattery. in that place lately occupied by the sengers and a large, valuable cargo A-.P* 451.Superior Street ...... 3 M EMPRESS OF ASIA, 2,877 miles lightship in order to direct shipping of freight. She is to be diverted Chamberlain. C-. 1743 First Street ...... 3.00 — princes* Theaire; wYiwr HCVMt .trrrr. Reed. M. F., 3356 Oak Street ...... from Victoria, inbound. coming through the straits. from the Puget Sound-Oriental trade Christie. M. I*. 1701 Hollywood Crescent...... 3.00 vTha Umatilla is undamaged, .wire the South American service of dartdge, H. V.; 1824 Cam sew Street ...... rr Reid. D„ 924 Falrflejd Road-...... TIMES SHIPPING CHART Este van spoke EMPRESS OF Reetell, B. A.. 540 David Street...... AUSTRALIA, bound for Shanghai, less reports say. In shipping circles the company. The Hawaii MOru Clark. J. B., 506 Moss Street ...... 3.00 here it was thought surprising that brought in 1.200 bales of silk, 253 Clark. L A* 2388 Empress Street ...... 3.00 Rlchdale. H. G., 626 FrancWL-Axenua-,-,» ..... r------DEEP SEA ARRIVALS from Kobe, 360 miles from Shanghai. r3fibbr*r‘1*t5 ^Torer Strut ...... Steamer the Umatilla got sway from the gale of- mail and more than 4,666 Clofthaea. A. TV^néaiter Avenus ...... -2.00 Master Ton Agent Prem Due unscathed and that she did not pile tone of general cargo. Coddlngton. A., If22 Ormond Street . . . 3.00 Roberts, 8. VM 2237 Bowker Avenue...... Estevan—Overcast; Ilgtrtt north­ DOuln” west; bar. 29.86; temp. 38; heavy up on the coast somewhere, as did Conyers. Miss I, 6 Mt. Douglas Apartments.. 300 Robertson. 8., 421 Vancouver Street ...... President Madison 14.166 Admiral Line In the inter-coastal service of the Rogers. J. 8.. 2934 Orillia Street ...... 3.00 Orient Jan. « swell. the l'rench schooner Raita. Cooper, C, 1, 1847 Crescent Road ...... 3.00 Aorsnsi — ——- C.P.R. U.K. Jon. 29 Munson -McCormick line, the freighter Cox. A. J„ 1777 Beach Road ...... 3.00 Rogers. P. F., U24 Oxford Street ...... 0^0 Thomas B. Beal arrived last night Coxworth. W.. 2941 Orillia Street ...... 3 00 Ross. R.. 1348 Grant Street ...... 1.00 DEEP SEA DEPARTURES from North Atlantic ppti*. tfrSr A Oawford! W.. 3151 Rose Street ...... 3.00 Sayer, H. R.. 648 Dallas Road ...... 3.00 Master Ton Agent For Sell Çireech,. H-, 131V Pembroke Street *,...... 3.00 Scroggie. J., 2534 Work Street ...... 3.00 President McKinley Lus tie 14.166 Admiral Line Orient TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO TO-DAY ______of the Pacific Steamshl# Crone.' 639 Constance Avenue ...... 1.78 Sheret. O- 1463 Flnlayson Street ...... 3.00 Ksga Maru N. Wade 6.367 Great Northern Orient Jan. 27 Company carried more than 166.660 Cox. T. H, 1846 Oak Bay Avenue...... 3 00 Simpson. R., 725 Admiral's Road ...... 8.00 CJ>.R. Australia Feb. 6 Victoria Times. January 20. 1900 passengers and served 3,202.606 meals Cummins. J.. 330 Beach Drive...... 3.00 Slndar Singh. 767 Market Street ...... 1 32 during 1624. A. G. McMicken. pas­ Curran. T.. F., 216 Moss Street ...... 3.00 Skinner. J., 471 Gorge Rond ...... 3.00 COASTWISE MOVEMENTS senger traffic manager for the com­ Davies. F. A.. 1159 Beach Drive...... 3.00 Smith. J. M„ 329 Constance Avenue ... "■4 An active examination of the district around Cumberland is being pany, announced here yesterday. Davison. T. J.. 3217 Dublin Street *...... 3.00 Smith. M.. 364 Garbally Road ...... For Vancouver M.uncumi M» tan Fraud*») conducted by the Union Colliery Company in the search for copper. Dibbs. Mrs. C., 846 Devonshire Road...... »...... 3.00 Stephens, O. L. 315 Edward Street ... }** ■ So* Jnnenry a. « ,.m. Due The tramway in connection with the Lenora Mille, Mount Sicker, is In accordance with a recently Strbgush. J., 408 Kerr Avenue...... C.PJt. steamer leaves dally at Wdllneton February 1«; Sydney F«kni- adopted policy of naming its motor- Dim rose, P.. 651 Dupplln Road...... 3.00 2.15 p.ra. expected to be In working order by the beginning of next month. Dunbar. J. E.. 2* ML Edwards Apartments .... 3.00 Strong. Jas.. 2630 Blackwer><* Street .. London, Jan. 26—John Ruskin died this afternoon Of Influensa at the uhips in the Pacific Coast trod» with Dykes. P.. 541 Toronto Street...... 3.00 Stuart. R.. 2838 Colqult* a venue C.P.R. steamer leaves dally at 11.45 C.&M.M. 'MOVEMENTS the prefix “Pacific” the Fume— Line Ellis. G., 3 903 North Park Street...... 3.00 Sturrock. H. A., 2365 McNeill Avenue . P.UL age of eighty-one. has given the name of Pacific Com- Ellis. H.. 1421 Gladstone Avenue ...... 1.11 Thomas. Alec., 948 View Street...... From Vancouver fenedUui Hls*nnder left Panama to the motorehlp Dominion C.P.R. steamer arrives dally at T Miller. ______Evans. J, 111 Simcoe Street ...... 3.00 Thompson. J; C.. 5. 928 Bay Avenue .. 1 tor United Kingdom December Fagg. M.. 745 Herald Street ...... 3.00 Toms. G.. 1044 Inverness Street ...... am. Townsend, S.. 1025 Bay Street ...... C.P.R. steamer arrives dally at 1 Advices to local agents said the Falconar. W. 3264 Irma Street ...... 3.00 Canadien Importer left Victoria for Admiral-Orien toy line steamship Falk. A. C.. 261 Cook Street ...... 3.00 Tyxack. H.. 1239 Reach Drive...... t... Antwerp December at. Vancouver Island Egg-Laying Contest Urea, Mrs. E.. 487 Syrinford Street ... For Seattle President Madison left Japan Sunday Fhwcett. A.. 1282 Gladstone Avenue ...... 3.00 Canadian Inventor left Port Al- Year *—Weekly Repert. Week Ne. 11 Ending Jan. 16, 1946 for Seattle with an $8,060,000 cargo. Ferris. G.. 924 Bank Street ...... «...... 3.00 Vinall, F. A., 135 Ladysmith Street ... C.P.R. steamer leaves daily at bernl January It. Waldon, H-, 487 Swinford Avenue .... Conducted by the Dominion Experimental Station, Sidney Fenmore. H„ 1241 Effingham Street ...... 3.00 4.30 p m. Canadian Planter arrived Sydney (Registration) George F. Cotterill, president of the Gardner, W. WV. 11 Cook Street ...... 3.00 Walker, C-, 3154 Qu’Appelle Street ... Sol Due leaves dally, except Sea- January ». The following table gives the production of the Individuel birds for the week port of Seattle commission, an­ Gardiner. R . 1023 View Street ... 7...... 2.00 Waring. J.. 1416 Beatty Street ...... days. at 10.1$ a.m. Canadian Prospector arrived Hall- nounced yesterday, that gross earn­ Weatherell, 1768 Albert Street ...... under columns numbering 1 to 10. “W.” gives the Gardiner. W.. 824 Russell Street ...... 3.00 fax January 5. end columrv **T.” the total number of en» for the pen to date. The difference ings of the port for 1924 Increased Glover, H., 1564 Monterey Avenue ...... 3.00 Wilcox. 6. 1030 Cook Street ...... TIME OF SUNRISE AND SUNSET Canadian Miller left Japan for Vic­ between the weekly total and the records of the individual birds Is the result of $94,391.07, or approximately 16 per Grant. G. P.. 4. 316 Cook Street ...... 3.00 Wildgurt. A.. 1144 Yates Street ...... (PACIFIC STANDARD TIME) toria January 14. eggs laid on the floor. cent, as compared with 1123. Ex­ Gray. T„ 606 Gore Street ...... 3.00 Wilkin, W. E.. 939 Craigflower Road Canadian Skirmisher loading here ‘Leading pen. penses increased five per cent., he Griffin. G. H.. 405 Helmcken Street ...... 72 Wllllame. W„ 1168 North Park Street At Victoria, B.C., for the month of January. 1925. for United Kingdom. 7>wnrr and 73Jrese breea' I > I i I I T » > tl ' W.""T said. Hammill, G„ 2009 Cook Street ...... 6.00 Williams, Cî. G., 614 Craigflower Road Canadian Winner arrived Swanson Pen Williams. L H., 145 Randall Street .. Hfealy, J. P.. 822 Broughton Street ...... 3.00 Bay January II. I, W. J. Gun*. Courtenay...... w.L. o .» 4 .» 5 4 • » » • Hicks. F. W . 1542 Yale Street ...... ra.... 3.0C Wlllmott. Mrs.. 3420 Wascana Street . Day Hour Min Hour, Ml*. Canadian Coaster arrived Ocean i, f. E. Parkw, Duncan ...... W.L. 0 4 5 5 4 4 4 6 6 4 Hinkins. C. H.. 2178 Reaver Street ...... 3.00 Wilson, A.. 1315 McNair Street ...... Falls January 14. Hobson. W. E.. 2324 Florence Street ...... 3.00 W'ilson, O.. 733 Collinson Street ...... 3. O. Thomas. Sidney ...... W.L. «355355664 ’ Canadian Farmer arrived San 4. E. tl wynne, Sidney ...... W.L. 545565 $656 Holroyd. M. 1514 Elford Street ...... 3.00 Wilson. H. T... 485 Boleskln Road .... Francisco January 14. Hook. 8. J.. 1746% Second Street ...... 3.00 Wise,. J. E.. 1010 Fotil Bal Road ...... Canadian Rover at Vancouver. 5. W. Bradley, Langford W.L 5256606616 Humphreys. .1. R., 2289 Dnlhousie Street ...... 3.00 Worth. A. G.. 1329 Fsqnlmalt Road .. Canadian Observer left Astoria for 6. W. O. Hurst. Sidney ...... W.L 5 063036165 Hunter. R. W.. 244 Mills Road...... 3.00 Wrright, C^ 1731 First Street ...... San Pedro January 16. 7. J. C. Butterfield. Saanlchton ... W.L 1 0566 4064 6 Hurdle. L. 1624 Myrtle Street ...... 3.00 Wright. A. W.. 1449 Vtning Street .... t. W. L. Douglas. Saanlchton .... W.L 5454620364 Young. A. H., 1628 Chambers Street . Canadian Trooper arrived Van coo 1 aglett. Mrs. 8.. 1718 Pembroke Street ...... 3.00 f. A. Adams. Victoria ...... W.L 40 5 0000664 Canadian Volunteer left Swanson 10. R. McKensle. Victoria ...... W.L. 0 5 4 0 0 « 4 5 « 5 I. ALBERT T. GO WARD, of the City of Victoria, In the Province of British Columbia. Vice-President of the Bay January 14 for New York. 11. j. j. Dougan, Cobble HUl ...... W.L 3505500446 British Columbia Electric Railway Company Limited, at Victoria, HEREBY CERTIFY that the above la a true Canadian Spinner arrived Panama 12. J. Moon. Duncan ...... W.L 50401645 6 0 and correct statement of all moneys received for deposit by the said Company at the City of Victoria, which January 8, bound New t York. II. R. T. Vyvyan, Saanlchton ...... W.L 5 515560661 Canadian Transporter left Panama have not been forfeited and in respect of which no transaction has taken place for more than two (2) years 14. F. A. Coneldlne, Duncan...... W.L 0512635046 prior to the 31st December, 1924, which have not yet been returned to the depositors. for Victoria January 11. Canadian Freighter arrived Man­ 16. St John P. Consldlne, Duncan.. W.L 005 0010020 Dated at Victoria, B.C.. this 20th day of January, 1925 chester January 11. 14. R. W. Tull, Duncan ...... W.L 3353015406 Mill Bay Ferry Witness? A. T. GOWARD. CanadStn Ranger left Panama 17. A. Georgeson, Albert Head...... W.L 5426640045 DAILY SCHEDULE, INCLUDING Canal for Victoria January 1. 19. R. F. Mathews, Metchosln ...... W.L 0002460600 SUNDAYS A. INGLIS Vice-President Ne Stoppage for Weather Canadian Pioneer left Antwerp for 1». T. H. Hayward. Langford...... W.L «555464560 Lv.'Brentwood Lv. Mill Bay Victoria. January 6. 20. A. D. McLean. Metchoein ...... W.L 55 26 54005$ (Verdier Ave.) (Camp Point) Canadian Voyageur left Halifax for 21. W. Russell. Victoria ...... W.L 6535066450 7.30 am. • 16 am. Guayabal January 10. 6.06 am. 16.60 am. IN THE MATTER OF THE UNPAID MONEYS ACT 1914 21. A. V. Lang. Victoria...... W.L 05605446*0 11 am 13.00 noon TIDE TABLE 21. W. Robbins, Cad boro Bay ..... W.L 065 1 067637 1.00 p.m. 2.06 p.m. AND 24/8. Perdrai, Pt. Washington... W.W. 0401060660 3 oo p.m. 4.36 p.m. 6.16 p.m. 6 66 p.m. January 26. Reode A King. Cowlchan Stn... W.W. 3064442157 SAVES MILES 26. R. G. Slabbing*. Pender Island.. W.W. 2353004643 IN THE MATTER OF THE VICTORIA GAS COMPANY, LIMITED trims Ht TimeIme Htlrime Ht rime I Handles Any Size Car The Meteorological Observatory, den­ Ik. m. ft th m 27. H. B. Cunningham. Shawnlgan. W.W. 0240440004 Fare: Cars with Driver. Tifjs ial ee Heights. Victoria. B.C. ft.h m ft.lh. m ft Phone 7637 or Keating 71$ 1.11 1.1 6.66 8 » 14.66 6.8 18.46 8.6 II. Eiderton Bros.. Royal Oak .... W.W. 30664 4^ 6116 Unclaimed Security Deposits in the hands of the Victoria Gas Company Limited at 31st December, 1924 L6I 4.8 6 22 8.8 11.11 6.1 22.6» * 26. Experimental Station. Sidney.. W.W. 0 1 0 6 6 4 6 5 4 6 CLOSING DATES FOR TRANSPACIFIC 164 6.1 16.46 8.8 18.81 4.1 MAILS. JANUARY. IMS 18.87 8.8 11.48 1.1 10. Experimental Farm. Agassis ... B.R. 0003404442 n.ee 8.6 16.14 I S 11. M. 8. Stephens. Courtenay ..... B.R. 5561066608 Anderson. J. A, llll Leonard Street ...... Ford.. 8. H., 2914 Douglas Street ...... 11.17 8.8 18.46 2.1 12. C. G. tmldlng, Quallcum Beach. B.R. 5106140642 Bragge. J. Hv «1, 980 North Park, Street .... Fleming, Q.. 1121 Mears Street ...... CHINA AND JAPAN 12.84 8.8 28.16 1.1 Morning Steamer Barclay, A. A., 1317 Pandora Street ...... Fielder. Mrs. E.,'79 Surrey Block...... Empress of Australia, malls close I II 8.6 7.88 8.1 11.21 8.1 28(44 1.1 83. L. Ch«*»lin, Vesuvius Bay ...... B.IL 4 0 5 6 « 7 71 2 4 Buckler. J. W.. 1163 Yates Street ...... 8.88 8.7 $.11 8.8 12.46 6.8 21.17 1.7 84. H. C. Cooke. Victoria ...... R.I.R. 6503601057 Gillies, D. R.. 1046 View Street ...... anuary 2, 4 p m. Due at Yokohama 1.Î4 8.1 8.11 8.6 11.88 8.8 21.48 1.7 Brookes, M.. 846 Fort Street ...... Gilmour, M. C, 1146 Fort Street ...... jttnuary 15, Shanghai January 94. Hong- 7.48 8.7 18.16 8.8 18.14 8.6 22.21 1.8 1.162 12.105 SEATTLE Brumpton. H. D., 8 Mt. Edwards Apartments . Grlmason. M., 1004 Queen's Avenue ...... kong January *3. 8.18 8.8 16.68 I I 16.41 $.2 Experimental Farm pens are entered for registration and will not compete for Barbcrie, J., 1265 McKenple Street ...... Gibson. Mrs. L., 1041 Fort Street ...... President Jackson -Malls dose Janu­ 8.28 8.6 11.48 6.6114.21 8.2 VIA PORT ANGELES, OUNOENESS ary 3. 4 p m Due at Yokohama Janu­ 8.22 8.4 12.48 1.8118.1# 7.8 any prizes that may be offered. . AND PORT TOWNSEND Bueel. E.. 6. 1049 Pandora Avenue ...t..... Hunter. C„ 114 Hlbben-Bone Building .. ary 16. Shanghai January 26, Hong­ 8.16 12 8 16 II 18.8ft 7 6 1618.7.! Address alt correspondence to the Superintendent, Experimental Station. Buxton, 8.. 6, 707% Yale* Street ...... Hale. J. J., 1315 Broad Street ...... kong January 24. ____ i • 44 « A 8.26 16 1 17 42 6 Saanlchton, B.C. ,, . • ______,v. Beverley, A. J.. 10. 813 Cook Street ...... Ingham. W., 1021 Collinson ...... Yokohama Maru—Mall* close Janu­ 1.48 4.8 8.16 8.8 S 21.64 « Week's production. 46.1%. , Sa SOL DUC Cole. K.. Mt. Douglas Apartments ...... Martins, G„ 802 Blanahard Street ...... ary 7. Due at Yokohama January It, | 1.27 6.6 8.16 1.6 164ft 4 212614 8.2 leaves Victoria dally except Sunday Shanghai Februair 3. 1.27 1.1 • 41 • 1 17.88 2.4|...... at 10.16 am., arriving Seattle 6.45 Campbell. IL B.. 817 Pandora Street ...... Richards, H.f 1473 Fort Street...... i.iuui, li am Malle elnaa Jmiun a 1611 M ATIVvB1* —— ———EErJ ». PHkr-tt p.m. Returning leaves Seattle daily Constance, T. T. M., 1234 Yates Street ..... Shipway, B., Ü14 Stanley Avenue ...... Due at Yokohama January 26. Shang­ 18.11 1.9 except Saturday at midnight, arriv­ De Macedo. Miss B.. 1122 Mears Street...... Stuart. Mrs. M.. 208 Stohart-Pease Block 11.88161 16.66 1.11...... hai February 3. Hongkong February J. 7 24 8.1 It.2418.ll2t.4l 6.7 ing Victoria 9.16 am. For tickets Denley. C.- J„ 44* Superior Street ...... Webb. R.. 1153 Fort Street ...... Protesllaus—Malls close January IS. 8.21 8.1 161*166111.28 6.6 Cabinet Making, Furniture Repairing, Recondition­ and information call on Dunderdole. W„ 432 Dunedin Street ...... Wilson. F. E., 710. Discovery Street ...... 9 a.m. Due at Yokohama January 29. 8.81 8.6 686 7.- 14.66 66 2668 1.1 e. E. BLACKWOOD, Agent Foster, F., 945 Johnson Street ...... Wilcox, E. A., 5 October Mansions...... Hongkong February 11. 8.11 * « 14 1« 7H4.88 9.0199.44 LI 91* Government Street Phene 7106 IJ8 «.7 11.2* 16 1S.S4 8.8121.91 9.1 ing, Upholstering, Picture Framing, Basket Mak­ Fuller, G.. 1026 Johnson Street ...... Waring. G.. 22 Field Apartments ...... Arabia Maru—Malle close January 16. 148 8.1 *9.1* 8.» 18 II 7 4...... Fisher. J.. 8T2 Blanahard Street ...... Wright. H. M., 455 Niagara Street ...... 4 p.m —Due at Yokohama February U 8.11 1.7 I ll 8.gill.41 * 6)18.28 8.7 H. S. HOWARD. Shanghai February 11. • 64 4.7 8.81 8.8)14 M *.t]»0.2« 4.1 ing, Chair Recaning, Grass and Wicker Chair Re- C.P.R. Deck Toyooka Maru—Mails close January It 1.11 6.7 6.' SI71 6.6f*18.84‘ ^ 4.7|. 19, 11 p.m. Due at Yokohama February f. Tbs time weed is Poelfle Headers, far pairing, etc. J, ALBERT T. GOWARD. of the City of Victoria^ in the Province of British Columbia, Viçe-President of the i’reuldent McKinley—Mails close Janu­ the 196tk Meridian west. It Is eeunted ,A11 Work Guaranteed. Charges Reasonable Victoria Gm Company Limited, at Victoria. British Columbia. HEREBY CERTIFY that the above is a true and ary 27, 4 p.m.—Due at Yokohama Feb­ from- 6 to 84 beers, from midnight to mid­ ruary *. Shanghai February 13. Hong­ night . The figures tér height serve to Let us figure on youft* requirements. T.8.. "CAROENA- correct statement of all money* received for deposit by the said Company at the City of Victoria, which have not kong. February 17. distinguish high water from lew water. been forfeited and In respect of which no transaction hss taken place for more than two (2) years prior to the Empress of Asia—Malls does Febru­ Where blanks eeewr the tide rises er falls ary 6. 4 p.m. Due at Yokohama Febru­ centlnaeeely during twe successive tld Alert Bay, aiet December, 1924, which have not yet been returned to the depositors. ary 16. Shanghla February 12. Hong­ periods without terming. pert. kong February if. The height Is lu feot end tenths ef a THE RED * JROSS WORKSHOP Dated at Victoria, B.C., this 20th day of January. 192». AUSTRALIA AND NEW ZEALAND fret, measured from the average level bf lewira’v water. 664-6 Johnson Street (Just Below Government). Phone 2169 Niagara—Mall», dees January 14. 4 iaW«»it-,T* find the depth ef wstef Only Disabled Soldiers Employed. A. T. GOWARD, p.m. Due Auckland February 8; Syd­ en the sill ef the dry deck at ear tide, ney February 7. add liofmet te the height ef high water A. JUNG LIS V Vice-President. Sierra (via Baa VICTORIA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, JANUARY 20. 1925 I ESTABLISHED 18» NEWS IN BRIEF KHANS HEAR TO USE DEADLY CORDIAL WELCOME Î The city eeheol board will meet on YOUR FIRST STEP I Wednesday to consider the estimates, which have been prepared since the CATNIP LURE IN TD BE EXTENDED j iward organized on January 7. FOR 1925 Four logging companies are now Should he in Taplin's Natural Tread Shoea. The only operating in the Cowichan Lake NEW «ARE TOM BOAT: area, it was announced at the Eequl- shoe ■without opposition.. Made in nine widths and malt and Nanaimo Hallway offices 145 siraa to-day. Kiwanis Club Celebrates Ten- Jackson Gets Extràct Which City, Chamber of Commerce, “Little Black Buddy” Napier Denison, superintendent of Year Anniversary of Drags Yellow Cats to De­ and Publicity Bureau to the Gonzales Observatory, will give un address to-night on "Retient Ab­ Foundation struction in Traps Co-operate The Smoothest Fox Trot normally Cold Weather in British MAYNARD’S SHOE STORE Columbia" before the local branch of W. G. Gaunce Holds Mem­ Will Use Half of Liquid on A royal reception will be extended j Yoa’oe Ever Danced To the Royal; Astronomical Society a| by the city of Victoria, the Cham- ; 649 Yates Street Phone 1232 the Victoria College. bers in Rapt Attention With Coast, Half in Interior For Uer of Commerce and the Publicity j Some Fox Trots carry you along with the sheer snap and ■WHERE MOST PEOPLE TRAD! The new members of the Oak Bay Masterly Oration Experiments Bureau with the vo-operation of Vic­ sparkle of the music. This is one of them. It is head Municipal Council will meet to-mor­ toria citizens when the Princess row afternoon at 6.30, when the new and shoulders above anything we've heard in many a day. To-daÿ's luncheon of the Kiwanis British Columbia’s long-heralded Kathleen, the first of the two new , reeve, H. Anscomb, will occupy his Club* held at the Chamber of Com­ war-to-the-death on cougars will get Don't miss it. seat inthe chief magistrate chair for merce, celebrated the tenth anfltvers- Canadian Pacific triangular boats ar- | the first time. The councillors were under way Immediately, following the rives at this port Mayor J. Carl ary of the founding of Kiwanis clubs receipts here of a bottle of catnip formally sworn in to, take up their In Detroit, thé growth to over 1.SC0 Pendray assured George McGregor at “His Master’s Voice” Records THOUGHTFUL DETAILS duties before Judge Lampman yes­ extract with which the big yellow yesterday’s meeting of the directors i Being______a skillful embalmsr______Is not_____ enough. There le a Wider measure of clubs with 82.0(H) members hein» — —-IHH «- aaii+g 1 terday. cat» will be lured to destruction, M. of the Chamber or Commerce that service that the funeral director Is called upon to perform. Our service pointed to by President Dr. Howard B. Jackson. K.C.. chairman of the 10487 I Wonder What’s Become of Sally ...... Walts Is arranged to lessen to some degree the strain of- the trying hours that Miller as tangible evidence of the re­ the Mayor and the City Counoil real­ the bereaved must pass through. This kindly regard for the feelings The Lord Bishop of the Dioceee has ality of Kiwanis ideals. Game Conservation Board. un ised the importance of this event and All Alone ...... 1» alls of others haa won us many Arm friend». arranged for the induction of the | ntfunced to-day. would eagerly fall In with the sug­ 19484 Oo, Emmeline...... Fox Trot W. G. Gaunce rpoke on "Kiwanis Mr. Jackson received the catnip Rev. P. L. Stephenson ae rector for Ideals," declaring activity is the law gestion to extend a cordial welcome Words ...... Fox Trot Thomson Funeral Home the parish of St. Savions Of life, and Kiwanlan activity Is the extract from the Bureau of Biologi­ to-Capt. J. W. Troup who is aboard lies Quadra Street Phene 4* .Night or Day this evening. The service will law of Klwanian life and welfare." cal Survey In Washington, D.C.. the new steamer now on Its way from 19485 Clavita ...... Fox Trot be held at 7.30. After the ser­ Wind ta only air In activity. Htag- which uses large quantities of the the Clydebank to Victoria and the Until To-morrow ... .*.... Fox Trot vice there will he a pleasant social nant, the air la peaceful and serene, fluid for fighting cougars and boh officers when they reach thti port. evening in the schoolroom, when the and coaxes the soul Into rest and re- cate In the United States. Half the Mayor Pendray gave an assurance 19491 Too Tired ...... Fox Tret congregation and friends will wel- pose. Stirred into activity the mists liquid will be gent to Charlie Shuttle- that the city would co-operate with Dear One ...... Fox Trot are • mui *il,'ttcpicmlon t* relieved: “In' wortiv, expert oeugar hunter of the the . Chamber of Commerce, mav. Stephenson to the parish. like manner calms and doldrums are Okanagan «country, and half will be Ing the reception to the new boat 19493 Come Back To Me .. -m- .. . W alts Phone 3805—REPAIRS fatal to Kiwanis life, are contradic­ used on the coast by game board Worthy of the occasion. The city Kiss H, Goodnight ...... i.Vilti Under the auspices of the Clover- tory of Kiwanis ethics." hunters. The extract will be smeared should be decorated and a real citi­ We Repair Electric Irons, Toasters, etc., also do General Electrical dale P.-T.A. D. Evans, assisted by W. Mr. Gaunce pointed out that Ki­ on trees and bushes near which zens’ welcome extended, he said. The Repair Work P. Jeune, gave an Illustrated lantern wanis unites for Its harmonious ac­ traps will be placed to catch the arrival of a new boat at a port was lecture on South Wales, at the Ck>- always a memorable occasion and tivity. It alma to unite into profit­ this was another Instance where the verdale School on Friday evening able effort, all classes, ages, and "Some people may think that the j last. The following artists provided creeds, and to blend them into one use of catnip extract hi a Joke, but C.P.R. had shown Its confidence in Murphy Electric Co. «« a fine» programme: Pianoforte solo. Victoria and its desire to help the harmonious whole. they are quite wrong," Mr. Jackson city In Its march of progress? "---- Miss Vera Bailey; trio in Welsh, by said to-day. "The extract haa VICTORIA Misses May and Ceila I^ewla and THE ROSE AS EXAMPLE The president of the Chamber, C. P. “From moat commonplace lives proved such a remarkable success in W. Kchwengers was tusked to name Miriam Williams: duet, by Mis* Mav the United States that the Federal "E*trflhint m Mutic"—Radi» Statin CFCT time, and that the details of the 1 -ewls and Miriam Williams; dialogue great Issues sometimes evolve, and a committee to co-operate with the Government thfre has established a City Council in the welcome cere- B^/0/40D matter were vague in hts mind. by Muriel Soares and Jack Webb. from the union of diverse forces in farm for growing catnip to manu­ 1110 DOUGLAS STBXXT Taxi drivers corroborated the de­ Mrs. Taylor was the accompanist. Kiwanis and kindred clubs, grout hu­ man blessings are designed to flow. facture the liquid, which lures the tails of the actual ceremony. While cougars and bob cats. The extract the principals were not drunk, they Orchestra Concert.—The 8t. An­ If the Ideals are not forgotten. Walk drew's Symphony Orchestra, unde- in >«»ur garden and look at the roe'.- Is extremely valuable, and cannot be J. B. CLEARIHUE WILL were not in their normal condition, In lta simple perfection. Whence secured commercially. We have been they said. the direction of Jesse A. Longfield and comprising of thirty-five comes Its perfect form, color or per­ able to get only one small bottle of SPEAK AT ESQUIMALT The proceedings were adjourned, fume? it, and with this Wc lnteifd to per after further evidence, until Wed­ musicians, will give a concert In the Chamber of. Commerce auditorium on ...."From formless soil, from color leas form experiments in districts most An interesting meeting will be hekl Branston... nesday. the evening of January 27. commen water, from odorless air. And seriously infested by cougars: H W-AfgMIM the M|»eral Rooms, Esqui­ Contracting Parties Declare ing at 8,16 .o' these teste prove successful wo Will mau Ready when Alder than ‘J: B. gramme has been arranged and the ly impossible*1 How, by simple obe- use it further. In view of (h* an- Clear 1 hue will explain the working Their Minds Vague as to LECTURE SCHEME TO orchestra is being assist rdb> Fred dltnée to a divine, compelling'law. lui périmer nf the American gatherings of the new Fight Hour Act. His ob- Violet Ray "“^Details AID FUNDS OF NEW erick Taggart (basso) who Is well htthcrent row TB*t JW wm he to show thé extehtyeif the known to Victorians and who has “Nature said: ‘Rose, here la my ods will result In the destruction of measure and latitude Jn its enforce MEMORIAL HALL been singing In New York for the soil but shapeless, here Is my water many cougars." past few year*. He is now on the but colorless, here Is my air but odor­ A debate on the Oriental question Generators That she. had gone through a form The members of the Men’s Parish Pacific Coast fulfilling a number less, take these and give me back wlil be opened by A. T. Weight. Guild of Christ Church of engagements. Lou Conyers. your perfect bloom. Live up to your This is the first of a series oi i nir—•**!-*—with Chartes George nyimc in i|i|i| vh will be Jiçld in the •re recognised u the *e17 Hillsborough while In a state of have undertaken to raise |1,WW to ufnuu 111 ntitvuRL strict. wards the maintenance of the new several numbers. "And the rose bush took them nnd best that science esq offer ■eml-lntozlcation was the defence Memorial Hall. In aid of that ob­ by Its divine alchemy wrought a per in High Frequency design raised in City Police Court this feet work. The rose was true to Its ject the following fivefold programme great ideal. SEATTLE LIQUOR CASES morning by Mrs. May Howett to a has been arranged: LET US DEMONSTRATE FOX charge on remand of bigamy. Monday, January 2€. Illustrated "Mose of us have felt -it times something of what the rose had no FATHERING ELECT Seattle. Jan. 20.—Ninety indicted per­ YOU AT OUR XALXSROOMS The ceremony, stated defendant, lecture on "Punch," by J. K. Burslll fully learned. We have had visions rons were nought to-day In an investi­ took place in October, with only two ("Felix Penne"); Monday. February gation of the liquor traffic on the Paci­ taxi drivers as witnesses. Witness of a fuller life, of greater service. We X, grand concert; Monday, March have had visions of greater errands to fic Coast that occupied month», cover­ stated that she had been drinking I8, lecture by Dr. Gowen on run than we had yet undertaken, bur- ing the operation* of two years and cul­ HAWKINS & HAYW heavily, and was not fully conscious ! "The Present Position in China"; H. minated In s raid November 17 on the go often the vision fled before the of what it was all about. | Monday. April L‘0. grand concert; SUBJECT DF APPEAL mansion of Roy Olmsted, former lieu- Electrical Quality eng Service Steree (treat ideal wa* realised.." Corroboratory evidence was given Monday. May 1*. lecture by Dr. Successful Year Brought ltd Douglas SL Opp. City HulL Sedgwick TB.C. TTfiTfWiltyT. subject Mr^ Gaunce declared-Cmt modern- 1IW Dongle gt. Near IMS------•------r- by"C O. BITlsborough. who tout the day Kiwanis ideals were established ... - 'grand Jury F.nd well-known professional court he had been a party to the to bo announced later. Appeal Court Reserves Judg Close and Clubmen Look to and business men would be found among tenets of Christian faith long ago. thoee arrested for connection with the ceremony in the belief that the ac­ Thie programme le under the im- One of the ideal* of Kiwanis Is to cused was unmarried. Lister he met mediate direction of Dean Qualnton ment in Logging Suit Even Better One in 1926 doing» of « Hroeted. whom prohibition make'man’s religion a practical thine agents state*thn "king of the rum trade William Howett. the first husband, and Harry Charlesworth. Tickets for It teaches that fun and frolic are all on the Pacific Coast.”___ _ on the streets of this city and learned the whole course or single lectures The hearing of MacRwen va. Green Once again the reine of authority opened before the B.C. Court of Ap­ right, but are not maximum things the Gyro Club will be in the hand» of his mistake. Witness said that ne may be obtained from members. It teaches that Kiwanis fraternity himself had been drink*®* at thv peal this morning, with E. C, Mayers of Harold Butter!», who waa elected for defendant-appellant, and H. A. within itaelf Is grand, but that there president at the annual meeting of OBITUARY Maclean, K.C., for the respondent. la something deeper; that the weekly the club last night. Mr. Butterls was OVERNIGHT ENTRIES The appeal la one by John R. Green handshake Is helpful, but there Is president three years ago and returns Funeral service was held this more Ing South of England something broader. over the remains of the late Mr». Mary from a Judgment In favor of Maurice to the office for another year. Jane O'Connel, the cortege proceeding Lllburn MacKwen in the sum of $200. "Kiwanis and kindred societies al.n Archie Muir will fill the vlce-presl* Defeats North in to Idealize to thetr memovrsntp the from the residence of her eon. Mr. P. L. Firet Face—Three Furlongs I Dr. T. 8. Dabney Plaintiff sued tor recovery of the dency and the directors will be Archie O’Connell of 60» Garbally Road, at 8.46 10S'Irish Busser ...,-V. price paid for an option on timber responsibility of being, the sacred- Wills. Roy Manser, "Art" Kerr, o'clock. Fifteen minute» later requiem Shasta ...... ness of society, the rights of other*, Sol ...... 1M 1 Fair Rowena .... Soccer Test Game lands known as lot 168 and ISO, Mala- ‘Bill" Cameron and Harold El worthy. high mass wa» celebrated at St. An­ 1M Lady Inez ...... hat District, a five-day option to pur­ the value of friendship, the dignity of drew's Cathedral by Rev. Father l>eeiey. Kalinko ...... "Bill" Hudson succeeds "Dick" Lip- The many beautiful flower» testified to 107 i Silent King ...... chase for the sum of $6,000. Plain­ work, and the relation of thing* seen sey a» treasurer, while O. M. Prentice Guess the Time ...... London. Jan. 20.—A picked South to things unseen. the high esteem in which t^e late Mr» Ill Guftatgilt . .777.».. tiff claimed the option secured was continues ss secretary. O'Connell wee held. The pallbearer» Manulele ...... team defeated a North team by three “The better the Kiwanlan you are Spanish Lay ...... Billy Tood ...... goals to one In a soccer trial match not that requested and asked the re The meeting last night was the were Messrs. F. M. Nolle, H J. War Zone ...... turn of" Me money. Judgment was the better the business man you may most successful In the history of the O leary, P. 8. Fagan, Geo. J. Brady, witnessed by 12,000 persons at Chel­ be; the better the administrator, the Wm. McManus aim (’apt. P. J. Hickey. Seventh Race- sea yesterday afternoon. From the given in favor of plaintiff in the Gyro club. The reports submitted Light Carbine ..;...... Oil Lady ...... if Glissa better teacher, the better lurent, tLc The remain» will repose at the Sana» Three-Sixty ...... Outset Smith forwards puzzled their lower courts, from which defendant by the retiring officers bespoken well Funeral KelabUehroant until a later Cleg ...... now appeals. better friend. Ktwnnls teaches the of a year of splendid activity and Lord Jnhen ...... opponents and Seed scored six min­ exploitation of your soul." . date when they will be forwarded to Cocksure ...... WE CAN BAVE YOU MONEY ON utes after the start on a pass. That the Anal option secured was achievement. Lindsay, Ontario, for Interment in the Tamale Dick ...... Timely Thoughts YOUR The North preesed. but Whatley Identical with the terms of the offer IDEALS CHRISTLIKE Two new members were elected to family plot. Silver State ...... Joe Patton ...... handled successive shots from Walker sought and that there had been no "Eliminate from the world to-day the club last night. Reeve Herbert Miss Lester ...... Tailteann ...... breach In the transaction was con­ The funeral of the late Roderick Nor­ Couple Kailko Manuelle ...... 11» and Borrell with little trouble. The the philosophy of the Christ, the An scorn b of Oak Bay and Leslie Mc­ man McDonald, who passed away at Zigxag ...... Sash, Deer and Millwork splendid tackling of McGee brought tended by Mr. Mayers. The hearing Ideal of the Service Clubs, and you Donald. his home, lsis Marion Street. Sunday Ail. Hartwell entry. Mountain Oaks ... Quality guaranteed. up many dangerous South rushes continues. will suddenly change the world Into A plea for the support of home evening, will take place to- Carbine, Miramonte entry. El Old ...... Play In the first session was for the JUDGMENT RESERVED a Golgotha, and life will be the sad­ products was made by Art. Mlller- morning ,the cortege leaving the Sand*. Silver Lester. Allen Bros, entry. Goldgrafton ...... Funeral at 1.60 o'clock Ten most part in North territory and At the close of the appeal of Clau­ dest thing that remains. idge, a member of the Vancouver Second Race—Five Furlongs Lure of Gold...... LEIGH’S MILLS, LTD. minute* later man will be celebrated Hardy was called upon to save many sen vs. the Canada Timber and Lands Kiwanis clubs are designed to be Gyro Club, and associated with the nt St. Andrews Cathedral. The remain* Little Shasta Home Products Section of the Board Bess L ...... 1 Phone «>7 «ai David 6L shots. Osborne scored, Main In five Limited this morning Judgment was moral gymnasiums to those who wish will be laid to rest In Rose Bay Ceme Quail ...... Smart Horse minutes from the end of thé first reserved. to réalise their Ideals, and develop of Trade of that city. He urged Gyros tery. ______Mr. Rubby to give preference in their buying, Sonny Bunny ...... î half. The North forwards staged a The appeal waa one by defendants their culture. The simple beauty of Carrie Moore ...... 1' Eighth Raea—Five end a Half fur­ furious» attack and a minute later from an award made by a deputy the ideals rests In the fact that there when prices and quality were equal, Funeral service for the late Mrs. Mary longs. firstly to ^British Columbia products, Carter wo» held yesterday afternoon at Spires ...... 1 Vanderburg ...... 81 Chandler scored from in front of the district registrar as damages in a I» no varnish of sanctimoniousness 2 o'clock in the chapel of the B.C. Lady Tiptoe ...... 1 South net. then to Canadian products, and Marion North ...... 81 suit by plan tiff for berach of con­ about them. Any sound body, mind Funeral t?o. by the Rev. F. A. P. Chad- Dr. Hall ...... 1 At the resumption of play the tract. The contract Involved, ac­ and heart will find a Joy and relish thirdly to British Empire products. Wick. There was a very large attend­ Little Clair ...... 8’ South attacked and Osborne made it The Gyros decided to participate in ance of friends and many beautiful Victory Won ...... 1 Sunshot ...... 88 Our Monster cording to plaintiff, tho prospect of in trying to live up to the Kiwanis Good Times ...... T...... 7...... T 8 to 1. Cleve> and sound clearing logging operations over a term of Ideal. Klwnntg ethics teach us that two coming athletic events. The Moral design» covered the casket and Runaway ...... 104 Gyros will oppose the Rotarians on hearse. The hymns sung were "Lead, Big Indian ...... 1 Queen Be»s...... 10< by Bower broke up many promising years, with a million dollars as the the quality of mercy is not strained. Kindly Light," and "Now the Day 1* North moves. estimated profit that would have ac­ Thursday night at the Arena in a Visitation ...... 1 I .ad y Gorham ...... 104 It droppeth like the gentle rain from Uver.” The following acted a* pall­ Bessie Young ...... 1 Close-out Sale crued. Defendant callmed the pro­ Heaven. burlesque hockey match during the bearers. Messrs. A. V. Ptneo, A. J Joe 0...... 101 two intervals In the Edmonton- McParlin ...... 1 Ft. Churchill ...... 101 of the Government Street Store fits would have been materially be­ And so it is that under the guise Curran. H. Atklnaon, A. E. Dixon, H, Counsel Named low that figure. The referee set the Victoria game. W. C. Hudson nnd W. Hoggin and IL J. Robertson. Inter­ Scottish Lad»...... 1 Dr. Corbett ...... 101 of good-fellowship and rpmpanion- Archie Wills were named a commit­ ment wa* made in the family plot at Lucky Hays ...... 1 sum of the damages sustained at ship. we go along our ways in lift, Hatsup ...... Ill STOCK , $233.600. From the judgment giv­ tee to confer with delegates of other Roe* Bay Cemetery Hying Orb ...... 1 Music Box ...... In Baker Case alert for the opportunity of doing service clube In resnect to the stag­ Noon Glide ...... 1 NOW IN FULL SWING ing effect to this assessment defend­ that kind of service that means aortal The remain* of the late Mrs. Marie Frank "8...... Ill ants appealed. The hearing ab­ ing df a service clubs’ sports night Emilie Lambert were laid to rest at Jolly Bonita Bullet Proof ...... 115 New York, Jan. 20.— Edward Lock- up-building. * at the T.M.C.A. on the evening of sorbed four days of the court's time All along the hlH-tope of thv Roes Bay Cemetery yesterday after­ Third Race—One Mile and Seventy Body Guard ...... Hi wooti. New York attorney, haa been and waa entering on Its fifth day In Wednesday, February 4. noon. A very tmpiewlve service was Yards Brimstone Ill Lee Dye A Co. engaged to act for the British Col­ Service Clubs the beacons blaze, held »t the residence by the Rev. concluding this morning. E. C. Program 102 Couple Clair Bullet Shafer entry; 71S Vie* St. Phene 134 umbia authorities when the extradi­ guides for the feet of him who will Smith Patterson, assisted by Rev. C. 10* ; Music Box and Brimstone. Mira- Mayers appeared for plaintiff-res­ Their teachings are nothing M. Tate. There waa a large gathering Dumbfounder ...... 162 tion case of the Province against pondent. and E. P. Devis, K.C„ for 102 i *ntry. Owen B. Baker Is heard before new. for (hey are founded on the of sympathising friends and a profusion Ml»» Jane ...... 102 defendant appellant. of beautiful floral offering» were re­ Callthump ...... 102 United States Commissioner Hitch­ Appearing before the Court of Ap­ philosophy of the man of Naxareth. CONCERT BY IVY ceived. The hymn sung at the home wa» !{* A. H. Bamhieel. chairman ef the cock here on January 21 next. Mr. peal in afternoon session yesterday who fed the hungry and healed the •'TUI He Com»." and at the graveside, Allllro ...... 104 j Ethics Committee of National Real lyockwood waa engaged by Inspector Robert Cassidy. K.C., waa refu sick and sheltered from the storm. “Safe In the Arms of Jesus.” Rev H. Warren ...... 104 j Ketate Boards, will speak before th« Dunwoodle of the British Columbia Smith Patterson conducted service et Morro Castle ...... 104 leave to re-open the sppeal of Cla­ IDEALS AND AMBITIONS the grave, assisted by Rev. W. J. Kaott. ; real estate board to-morrow noon at police, who brought about Baker’s ma n vs. ciaman. dismissed at this "You may be a tree Kiwanlan and LEAGUE BOYS FRIDAY The following acted ■* pallbearers Margaret White ...... » 105 the semi-monthly luncheon at the arrest on a charge of being Impli­ session of the court. Counsel sought aim to amass wealth, but If a true Messrs M: A. 8olan.it, C. A. McKay, Zing .,...... ; Chamber of Commerce. cated In the brutal murder of Wil­ leave to «peek further on the matter, one you aim to amass It with the Sea Cadet Band and Arthur G McCandless, T. Humphries, J. C. Keala ...... 107______, • ______liam J. Gluts and his son. William but was denied on the ground that right Ideal of how you get it, and MacDonald and A. J. Neison. Halwrlght ...... 1L Qlllls, on their gasoline craft near Full o* FUn ...... the court had already made a ruling what you are going to do with It, White, Comedian, Attrac­ Service for the la^e Mrs. Dorothy Sidney. B.C., last September. Baker on the matter, and had decided 'You may be a tree Kiwanlan and Morgan Sllngsby was held yesterday Donatello ...... Is at present confined in the Tombs against counsel's contention. , aim to be a great power In public tions afternoon at 3.30 o'clock In the chapel Royal Queen ...... We have the largest eelcctlvt of life, but If a true one your main Joy ■>f the B.C. Funeral Co. by the Rev. A. Pearl Monopoly ...... English Baby Carriages in 3.C. will be derivable from your oppor­ The Navy I^eague of Canada, Vic­ E. de L. Nunns. Many friends attended Randolph ...... tunity for service to your fellows and and an abundance of beautiful floral CHURCH UNION toria branch, will render Its first tribute* were received. The hymn* sung Meteor ...... the state. concert of the l$26 series at the Em­ were “When Our Head* Are Bowed Fourth Raea—Six Furlongs 'You may easily he a true Ki press Hotel on Friday, January 23, With Woe” and "Abide With Me " The STANDARD FURNITURE St. Andrew’» Church, Nanaimo, di­ wanlan and aim to be a great com Malsavena ...... >'« commencing at 8.30 p.tn. The Rea following acted as pallbearers: Messrs. Runlelgh ...... 11)2 COMPANY vided as closely as had been ezpected merclal force, but your design will Cadet hand, under the able director­ H. Ketchen. J. C. Wilson. C. A Mac- HEAD STUFFED BY on Church Union, for when the ballet not be to climb the heights by leap­ kenzie. C. C. Tunnard. If. Beckton, Nan McKinney ...... 103 711 Ystee Street ship of Albert Rumsby. has prepared Harrv Brtggk. R. A. Ross. Arthur All Hotfoot ...... 101 wan counted at a congregational ing from the prostrate forms of your a very fine programme. Including meeting last evening. It fellows. Crease and Lytton Mara. The remains Miss Emma G...... 101 such selections as "The Bohemian were forwarded by the evening boat to Mari? Maxim ...... 101 nounced that the congregation had "Self-betterment I» consistent with Vancouver for cremation. become a non-concurring one by 125 true Klwanian pthlce, but combines Girl," "Faust," "The Lion and the Cornstalk ...... 106 PHILLIPS-| votes to 115. therewith the thought of greater op Mouse" “Alita," end others. There passed away yesterday morn­ Arctic King ...... t.. 107 Owing to the active propaganda by portunity for service. Count your The Navy I^eague boy comedian ing in this city Edwin Duncan Standley Brandet* ...... 107 PRODUCERS ROCK Rev. D. A. I.later, the minister, dollars by the million, If you may. and dancer. Arthur White of Van­ Michael, aged sixty-five years, and a Golden Red ...... 108 against union, and the acrimony but count them with an cellmate of couver, will also take part irt’the pro------resident of —I>adysmlth.------. . B.C.. " ------Trusty Crusern .. ,v=*...... 11 what they have cost you and your gramme. Arthur l, a very versatile ISwln'j Halbert ...... 112 which arose In that church, which u. —————.,1_ annAavui in TnOTTis* 3od ravin •., two daughter». 4 GRAVEL CO.. Ltd. formed the subject of allusion by Mr. fellows. entertainer. He recently appeared in Mrik Katherine Vattan and Mrs. I*onar4 Excuse Me ...... 114 Lister recently In this elty. the tie "Count your honors by the___ _ Nanaimo and Vancouver, where he McFadden, and several grandchildren Fifth Raea—Six Furlenge ctstoo of hts church had been awaited ure of public applause you develop, acknowledged ae an accom- The remain* are resting ...... the...... BC. Belle K ...... 12 with considerable Interest but count them with the heart In­ pllshed artist. Funeral Chapel until Wednesday morn- Hequan ...... 93 quiry how may they beet contribute Ing when they will be forwarded to ANTACID Sand and Gravel As a result the nest move at this The popular musical trio, consist­ I^idysmlth for Interment. The funeral Steve' E...... church by the supporters of union Is to the sum total of human welfare. ing of Nelson Griffin, violin; Miss ______...... Boomerang ...... CORRECTIVE If your nostrils arc clogged, your "For such earth becomes a beau will take place at I»idysmlth from ihe for an parposas, graded and washed throat distressed, or your head is awaited with Interest. Dorothy Marcroft, violin, and Ml*» home at s'Vciock on Sunday. Lulu Black ...... 9» LAXATIVE with fresh water first Presbyterian, and St. Aldan’s. tiful place, its trails sunlit and store, Audrey Ennever. piano, will render . -, ■■ Beth Page...... 100 stuffed by nasty catarrh or a cold. Its highways broad and paved, while "The Hungarian Dance" The r*»"*1*** of the late Mrs Minnie apply a little pure, antiseptic, germ , Cedar------, ____Hill,____ will_ hold their , coagrega- ,n«. Just around some now unknown Th. NW uleu. A. impey. who paroerf away at the St Confetti ...... 100 destroying cresm Into your noirtls. The Navy League. derives revenue Joseph'* Hospital last Thursday morn- Tts Seth ...... 101 curve, each In turn may enter a beau Miss Fryer ...... 103 It penetrate» through every air paA which voting will proceed. tiful glade all green. Its arching en to carry on Its work from these con- Ing, were laid to rest In Roes Bay Ceme- The first result In Victoria will be trance with biasing letters spelling certs and It Is hoped that a good at- tery yesterday afternoon. Service was Vibrator ...... V IMT ■age, (toothing Inflamed, swollen Issued to-morrow evening, when 3t. Idle Thoujhts ...... 107 membranes and you get Instant re­ plain, this welcome, "After Service tendance will be registered to give ** 3he Thomson Funeral Hon.». Paul's Church, Victoria West, will Rest." ,h. young-beys .ncoumg.m.hl. S^bSTSW. WJR Bra sob ...... 103 lief^ declare Itself, on the completion of a Stamp ...... 100 How good It feels. Your nostrils elated The hymns sung were "Go, tally of the vote east during the pa*t WON BY A KNOCKOUT Bury Thy Sorrows," and "If I In Thy Gia>son ...... '112 are open. Your head is clear. No two weeks. GUILD OF HEALTH Likeness. O Lord." Mrs. A. Curtis pre- •ixth Race—Mila Seventy Yards UnlM. yea a* for more hawking, snuffling, drynemi or Congregational meeting* In this Philadelphia, Jan. 20.—Joe Dundee. hlded at the organ. There wa* a very Bright Idea ...... 02 may not get the orl« GOOD FIR WOOD struggling for breath. Get a «hall elty will terminate to-morrow, and An address will be given on Thurs Baltimore lightweight, last night large attendance of friend* present and Magneaia prescribe a profusion of beautiful floral tribute» Sportsman ...... #3 bottle of Ely's Cream Balm from any after that time all Presbyterian* will day evening at $ o’clock in the knocked out Nate Gp'dman, of this Challenger...... 82 for fitly- y«*r. LEMON. GON NASON CO. LIMltEb druggist. Colds and catarrh yield covered the Oeshet, The pallbearer*' have either voted, hr have Cathedral schoolroom by Rov. T. E. city, In the fourth round of a ten- were: Messrs. T. Gibson, C. Bales. J. De’hi Girl ...... 9» and yourself by a. like magic. Don’t «tây stuffed up* placed In a position to express an Rowe, to which all who are Inter­ round, bout. Dundee weighed 138; Martin. 8. Corbie. T. B. Fairbalrn and Black Wand ...... >7 of the genuine " Relief is sure. (Advt.j opinion on church union. ested are Invited. Goldman 140 pounds. L. U. Green. Woodie Montgomery Wl « ell drug etoM VICTORIA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, JANUARY 20. 1925 10

hockey, boxing TIMES SPORTING NEWS basketball.golf Plenty Of Thrills In Sixteen Races In Hope To Smooth Out Cougars Polish Off Six Weeks Nurmi’s • < • • • • • • • • • * * Amateur Hockey Tilts Latest Programme Ruffles In Soccer Tour With Fine Win «"01 Marvelous Finn Booked up Fun of a Life-time Promised For Tremendous Grind, But Council of Lower Island Football Association Meets Shells and Tillicums Battle to 1-all Draw After Over­ at Arena When Gyros and Seems to Like it To-night to Find Solution for Referee Trouble; Edmonton Once Again Falls Victim to Crushing Attack time; Colonists Beat Sons of Canada 2-1 in Bitterly Rotarians Meet Those Who Have Made Charges Asked to of Victoria; Eskimos Got Off to Fine Lead But Fought Game; Harry Stuart Plays Phonopuntil Attend and Make Explanations; Jackson Could Not Hold it; Cougars Reveal Terrific Game in Nets for Shells and Sons of Can­ Talked About Going Home, Burets of Speed in Second and Third Clubmen Will Dress up and But Will Stay in States For Cup Entries Must be in by Feb. 2. Have Ralph Alcock to Re­ ada; Colonists Still Lead League Periods, Winning by 7-4; Van- Awhile Longer couver Loses to Regina feree Their New Game In an attempt to smooth ont a lot of the ruffles that have ap­ Plenty of reel thrills were provided for the 800 fans at the peared on the surface in football recently the council of the Arena last night when the amateur-hockey teams dished up two New York, Jan. 20.-—Paavo Lower Wand Football Association will hold a meeting in the Therer will be two hockey (Special to The Times) „ of the hardest fought and closest games seen this season In the Nurmi, admittedly perturbed at Y.M.V.A. this evening at 7.30 o’clock. All members of the council games at the Arena on Thursday first game, after playing ten minutes overtime, the Shells and conditions he encountered in his Edmonton, Jan. .20.--After, being three goals in arrears and nigbtr One will he a regular are asked to attend. ______Tillicums walked off the pond with their contest undecided, each record -ernes-country flash to Tine qu¥sfiÔnT’o"côme™üp“Tôr aïeeüsgïon WW tïàt TfatfW looking like they were a well beaten team, the Victoria Cougars western Canada League fixture .. having one . In the second match the Sons of < anada made Chicago and return last week, over a referee at the game between the North Wards and Sona unsheathed a mean set of claws in the second and third periods, with the Cougars meeting the Colonists go the limit to win, the newsies coming out on the during which he is reported to of England recently. It is the hope of the council that a decision rallied sensationally and trimmed the Eskimos here last night Edmonton Eskimos, while long end of a 2-1 cou'nt. . have threatened to desert Ameri­ will be reached in this matter and that bygones will be forgotten bv a score of 7 goals to 4. As a result of their victory the Vic­ other will be a whirlwind at­ Both games were featured by the phenomenal goal tending of can- tracks and return to his and football given a proper chance to thrive. torians pulled up level with tjie , in first place. traction between the Rotary and Harry Stuart, former net custodian of the Winnipeg Monarchs. homeland in Northwestern For thirteen minutes and some odd seconds of the first period There ha* been a lot of criticism Gyro Clubs, Harry guarded the nets fur the Europe, has decided to remain of certain referees this year, and the the Esks played like champions and ran in a trio of markers The first will be a hot-key gam.-, Shells In the first game, and only oered a number of two-man rushes, here and may he persuaded to IN NEW COLORS council wants to get to the bottom the second will be a comic opera on but their efforts were futile. of it. Charges have been made by against “Happy” Holmes, but a few minutes from the ends of through hla splendid wdrk were the participate in some mid-season some managers, it 1* said, that ref­ skates. oilers able to hold the Tllllcume to FITZ’6 FLOATER GOES IN the canto Frederieksop cut the lead. At that the Esks had a Representatives of the two clubs The teams worked hard in the CTeOtl. erees pay more attention to certain draw After finishing this game players than to others. The council seemingly comfortable margin to y,, «■ got their heads together yesterday. “ “rwu, to play for the final frame, nnd McCutcheon put the j Nurmi is being pressed, but he and laid plan» for the game. | .. , who were without a want* all managers who have ideas work o„ when hostilities were re- ££75 ANOTHER PAIR •It will be hockey as -he I» no, du ^VtUralth aUll he- Colonist two up when he beat i seems to enjoy it. One day’s rest ap- of that kind to come out and say It sumed. Ktuart with a hard shot from close j peur* to have given his nimble feet in the open so that the proper ac­ In* the second frame, the Cougars j played." said one ,of 4lhe,. puck’ ing under the weather. Harry re- range. Carrying the puck down the , Sl new lease of speed and once more threw a monkey wrench and a pair j wlsarda yesterday following ths cow- ] -J. lQ the lce Hnd gave a won- ice from the face-off Fltsslmition* I he pads around the New York track* tion may be taken. of «partners into the machinery that ference. We will have a new °t i derful exhibition of net guarding in *ent in one of his famous floater* in training for one of the severest REFUSED TO PLAY had been clicking out goals for the rules, and have induced Ralph j t^e Hon^ cage Had It not been for that t»affled Gravlln and ended up in j schedules an athlete ever attempted It will be recalled th^t in the game locals and when the second breather AtotHik, the c-ha-pua ol.Skates, to re-iW> (kM wurk the Native» would tv,, the. remainder of the To-morrow night Nurmi crosses between the Wards and Hons, Fred arrived the teams were on an equal feree. which should nssuee noth nrvef nave put up such a' fine show- period the Sons tried* *~hard—* *" even the hay to invade Newark at th* St. OlWar, secretary* of tb* Reform* As­ footing with the count knotted 3r& : team» of getting a raw deal." ! ,ne against the newspaper team. In up the count, but the Colonists’ de­ Joseph’s Catholic Club games when sociation, was scheduled to handle Fraser netting twice. TxeVll BE funny both game* forwards would brwk fence was sound and broke up all once more he will face his Flxnlsh- this game, but the Lower Island Foot­ through on him. but Harry wss right dangerous attacks. American rivals. Nllson. Prim and ball Association changed ta fttnk MEEKING’S GRAND RUSH The rival teams were anxious to there and blocked the shots with an Pages, probably In s handicap. bunders when the Ward* refused to korp ssrrst moat of tht detail*. oLthu. —HB-OTEW" - Slightly more than a minute of the ! we wbfcb ShoWedWt be bad not Colonist 8on.otCa.md.» BTAV HUM TN CANADA* play with OHver in charge. Then * “ mw------lost hi* wonderful eye or any of "»• Saunders left the field Just before final frame had been ticked off when on the street On Saturday the Finnish marvel's overheard speaking old tricks. the start and Bob Whyte was called the Victorians forged to the front. Wallace...... Defence ...... power will be put to the test in ths Meeking scored a grand goal on a Temple...... Defence .. .Don Smith Brooklyn College meet and thereafter in to toot the whistle. • You go as a Zulu,' said one. SICKNESS PUT PLAYERS OUT The meeting should prove very in- lone rush, from then on the Cougars • Burs» amI ballet - M^tcheon...... he is expected to have at least four wsriBdwd-kwk.Hji>M«hiiagMtttMi - Kennv...... Forward^-- . Ewgnwn tereating. hut no doubt s. solution pair of tallies to the good but hope dancer." commanded the other. siderably weakened through a Several Canadian cities may the trouble will be ToUfkA. And on they talked. It became sick. Stewart______Forward . Fitxsimmon.i revived for the locals when Keats number of the players being McDonald . Forward him in action. and Sheppard combined for a tally .vident from th.lr ..™v„».lon that a„7s£„.'.f Canada were The Lower Island Football Asso­ that made the score 6-4, But it died there will be some I the h»rde»t hit, the former beln* Summery — New Tori; Jan. 26—The restless ciation held its regular weekly meet­ almost immediately when Frederick- thing» on the Ice on Thursday night. w,thou, th, ..prices of Matthew». First period—No wore. legs of Paavo Nurmi beat a rythmic ing last night and got through con­ son and Walker added additional The players, there may be ten asid- who has an Injured shoulder, and Second period—Colonist, Kenny. tatoo yesterday on the boards as the siderable business. In addition to counting the police, will be dressed phantom Finn went through a brisk drafting the games for Saturday in markers for lister Patrick s Jtfbe. Edwards, while the Sons lost Alex. * Vhird period—Colonist. McCut- The Cougars staged a sensational up In all kinds of costumes, and U Straith and Harry Smith Is laid up afternoon workout, apparently the First Division it was decided to comeback. They looked like a is understood that an Indoor base­ with the Influenaa. The Tillicums cheon. 4.55; Sons of Canada. Fttxelm- fresh as ever despite hie three night call for entries for the Jackson Cup ball will he used as a puck. Anything also felt the hand of sickness. record-breaking tour here and series, which is the English Cup of million dollars and uncorked a brand m Penalties — McCutcheon. Temple of combination that fairly sparkled, will count in the game, a touch­ As W result of the Colonists' win Chicago last week. Victoria Football. the final pas* frequently being made down going for three points, while a they are now three points in the lead and Green. 2 min.______Pan Vo apparently is discontented All clubs anxious to enter this to a player, who WM uncovered...... goal will be good for one tally. In the race, while the Shells and Tll- unless Jaunting about. He expressed competition must have their entries Ileum* are tied for second place with eagerness yesteftisy to swing Into fn the hands of C K. Wttson. eecre»' TOO BAD MICKEY, THEY LOST iOME UPROAR action again over a route which now tary of the m\A~, Humboldt Street, The Gyros and Rotarians will stage the Rons of Canada In the cellar position...... __...... ;> includes sixteen races for -him. in a before February 2. The Jackson Cup Mickey Ion has been seen to much their uproar between the .periods .Qf„ High School Girls. •'period' of sir weeks NewTork ■•■■Bgfr must be finished before March 1L and better "advantage as in offlofiiT Kil% GORDON FRASER the professional games. When the TIi'ii 1ssipis"sfsniitlnf Vs^fi"lT*,ltiffTffr' P. W. L. D. Pet ton. Portland. Male*; Louisville, Bal­ as a result football will be rushed his work being decidedly off. Cougars and Eskimos troop off the timore. Washington. Newark, N.J.. somewhat before that time owtngto Line-up Victoria's hurly-burly defence ice after the first twenty minutes Colonists ...... * 3 ® • J Suffer Defeat At and possibly Philadelphia are on his BARNEY STANLEY the recent inclement weather haying Edmonton Victoria man pocketed two goals against Ed­ the two tribes of stage-beauties will Shells ...... * 1 • J J itinerary. disarranged the. schedule eonslder- Stuart ...... goal...... Holme* monton in the second period last hop on and for ten minutes akato Tillicums ...... * 1 } A new rival for the Finn appeared When the Edmonton Eskimos visit abThe games for Saturday will be Simpson ...... defence..... Haldereon night. "Gordie'* is playing a great circles, both on their feet and on Sons of Canada .. 1 • * • 0 to-day when Edward Kirby, of Cor­ Trapp ...... defence.... Loughlln game for the Cougars. At the start of tbs Rhells-Tim- Hands of College here for their games on Thursday their ear. and do some antics that don. a member of the Olympic tqam and Saturday Barney Stanley will as follows; Keats centre.. Frederickson should cause a of fun and keep cum* game both teams set up a fast and national half-mile tltleholder. North Ward va Veterana at the McCormick .#..wing...... Walker pace, and Stuart, between the posts come in new colors. Several years the big crowd good natured all even­ entered the 3,000 meter special In ago he played with Vancouver and Royal Atheltlc Park. Briden ...... wing...... Foyston for the gas-men, and Watson, at the Thrilling Game Decided by which Nurmi will compete at the Esquimau vs. Victoria West, at ing. for the past two seasons has been Stanley ...... sub...... Fraser French Peeved At In the second interval of the game other end. were tested In turn with Witco A .A. games in Brooklyn Feb Work Point. Sheppard ...... sub...... Hart the Gyros and Rotarians. provided wicked shots. Both teams lodged One Point; Plenty of Hard fuary 7. Kirby ran well over this with Regina. He also had a spell Son» of England vs. United Ser­ with Calgary -Barney is not as young Rickey...... sub...... Meeking there have not been too many cas­ end-to-end rushes, but the defences distance at Paris and may give Paavo vices. at Beacon Hill. Morrison ...... sub...... Anderson ualties. will resume their burlesque, were sound and all efforts to score Checking at Close a battle. as he used to be but he Is still a The first two games will complete J. Dundee Running were broken up. Johnny Wright, tricky stick-handler and packs a Summery and for another ten minutes stir up the second round of the schedule amusement for the fans. star defence man of the clubmeri. hard shot. while the match between the Sons First period—1, Edmonton. Trapp. For fear that the game will be met with a bad accident half-way and U S. will mark the start of the 4.25: 2. Edmonton, Briden, VI7 ; Out of Contract rough a corps of doctors and nurses through the period, when he fell on A r.ry keen and excllln* b«»ketl*ll Teamsters to Clash , ,, M third round. The teams will now Edmonton. Sheppard, from Stanley. will be kept In attendance, while the Ice and one of the players* skates tame m «t»*e4 In the Victoria High split ftftyrflfty on the gmt» resetptia 3.28; 4. Victoria. Frederickson. from stretcher-bearers will be available cut a big gash in hi* cheek. He was School yesterday afternoon when the With U.S.; Bays to Mgfaild 1$ Not In the first and second round the forced to retire to the hospital and college girls stacked up against the borne teams collected the gates. Loughlln, .1*. Seek to Have Him Barred for emergency calls. , ...... crack team from the V.H.8. Tho Second period—5. Victoria, Fraser, This burlesque game will undoubt­ have three stitches put in hi* face, from Frederickson. 7.45; 6, Victoria. but rajnely returned to the game In Ramc throughout was a good exhibl Take on Tillicums From Ring For Life; Also edly create a great furore among the second period With W'right out , t|on. although the checking was very Shaping Wefl In Fraser, .63. hockey fans, and will serve as a Third period—7. Victoria. Meeking. of the way the Shelia attacked the 1 hard> which prevented much open ; Four Hoop Games Take Civil Action great attraction. Members of the Tillicums* cage, and Watson was , play. The High School had the best , It lock* like the Teamsters will 1.1*. 8. Victoria. Loughlln. 3.08; 6. Gyro and Rotary clubs will attend In have little difficulty in gaining Edmonton. Keats, from Sheppard. railed upon to block a number of & the fi„,t half, and at half time | Third Test Game Carded To-night large numbers to cheer on their Ice- hard shots. The clubmen came back Wrre leading.8-7. However, the Col- the points in the Wednesday 3.45; .10, Victoria, Frederickson. from warrlors. League to-morrow. They are Walker, 2.40. 11, Victoria, Walker, strongly, and Hewer drove In two lege came back strong In the last , Baris, Jan. 20.—Formal com­ BEHIND TH> COUGAR8 bullet shots at Stuart, but they were half, tied the score, and Jumped Into scheduled to meet the United In SS. League 141. ------:------:------;------:------; plaint against Johnny Dimdcc the tend, which they maintained until Servies el Work Point. The All Out For 355; Australia Off Penalties The service clubs are staging this turned aside with ease. „^tUrat‘r.“M^r. &nt. mi affair in order to show to lister the final whistle, the score being Vic­ Drivers have yet le tails defeat, First a«d second periods—None. and his manager, Jimmy John Two minutes after the start of the and they are confident of hang­ Well in Second I riflings; Patrick and their Cougars just how second period Torkwell scored the toria High 11. College 12. Third period—Halderson, Meeking. aton, for failure to carry out About five minutes after the start ing up another victory. There Sunday school basketball series. Keats, Stanley and Walker. much they appreciate the good work Shells- only goal when he took a Hobbs Gets Century their Dundee-Bretonnel fight, of the Victoria Club and their desire pass from Burnett and beat Watson Captain Hilda Styan. the High's star is no referee obtainable for this The Wide Awakes, last year's to stand behind them. with a fast shot from the blue line. forward, broke loose on one of her gam*, and it will be up to the winner*, will have a real hard same MAROONS LOSE AGAIN which was to have been held The Tillicums took up the attack famous “corkscrew" drWbles, fooled two captains to pick an arbi­ when they tackle the fost Harmony the opposing guards, and scored the Regina, Jan. 20.— here January 27, has been lodged and drove shot after shot at Stuart, | trator. Adelaide, Jan. 20 (Canadian five, and an exciting exhibition is ex­ but the goalie was unbeatable. With first points of the game on a difficult At the Royal Athletic Park the Slearly demonstrated that they may with the French Boxing Fed B.C. Wrestling and angle shot. High School went further Tillicums and Hudson's Bay will pected. still become a factor in the Western the end of the period drawing near, Pre*s Cable)—With à wore of First Presbyterian’s senior men cration by 1‘remoter Boyer, and the clubmen brought the fane to Into the lead when they were awarded clash with Hewisen handling the Canada League race last night when a free throw. Then the visitors made 365 England concluded its first will have another hard test to-night, they trimmed Vancouver 3-1, and in aildition a suit for 75,000 Boxing Titles to be their feet when Hewer drove In one whistle. Keen rivalry exists be­ as the Onwegos have been showing of hie fast one*, the puck glancing a few points, and It was not long be­ tween these teams, and a good innings in the third cricket test stepped out of the cellar with a clear francs damages was tiled yesterday fore the score stood 7 all. Just be­ marked improvement and will be out margin. It was a much improved in the French civil courts again.it Held at Royal City off Boy Copas Into the net. giving game is looked for. match with Australia to-day. In full force hoping for ft win over fore half time, V.H.8. broke the tie Both games will commence at Vancouver team which faced Regina both the fighter and his manager. Htuart no chance of saving. The Australian* obtained 489 the old-timers. With the score tied both teams and had a two-point lead at the end 240 o'clock.______/ here last night, and the Capitals had The affair Dundee.’* -aa it la W. «. Mi«utre. physical director of of the first period. The games to-pight will be as fol- to travel fast to win. known here. B attracting much in­ worked like Trojans In the final per­ The Teâmstere will be at fol­ mns m their first innings and the Y.M.C.A.. ha» recelred word that Shortly after the opening of the lows: Heatherill, Hay, Gilbert, 10 At 6.3d o'clock, intermediate girl»— Much of the credit of the victory terest in sporting tirctes. The pro­ the annual British Columbia Anatew iod in an effort to score the winning when play closed had amassed goal. Time and again the forward* lest period Audrey Jost put her team McKinnon, Tupman, Stewart, ti" due to Hagne and McVeigh, both of moters decided to file the suit and boxing and wrestling championships on a level will, the High Hchool with 211 run* for three wickets in St. Andrew’s vs. Meta. whom figured largely in the goals complaint against Dundee and Ms will be held In New Westminster on would break through, only to have Caekie, Speak, Jeffries, Hawkes. At 7.16 o’clock. Intermediate be?»— their shots blocked by the goalie*. a nice long shot, and about three Davis and Rowan. scored. adviser only after they had received March 26 and 27. The tournament minutes latrf lola Worthington put their second innings, which puts St. Andrew's vs. Congon. During the first period Vancouver Burnett, the fine little defence man a wireless from the captain of tho will be staged under the auspice» of CoMege In the lead by scoring from The Hudson's Bay team for to­ them 335 runs ahead with seven At 8 o'clock, intermediate girls— had the edge, and only McCueker's liner Paris, twenty hours put of Ply­ the New Westminster Amateur Ath­ of the Shells, was laid out for a few minutes when he crashed Into the under the l-aeket. From then on both morrow will be as foliowe-^hrlmp - wickets to fall. ' Wide Awakes vs. Harmony. fine work in goal prevented scoring. mouth. bound for New York, saying letic Association. Any local athletes learns battled desperately, and the At • o'clock, senior men—First In the second and third periods the who are anxious to take part In the. boards. . „ „ . ton. Gibson and Gardner. Haggen, Hobbs to-day scored his ninth cen­ that Dundee was aboard. In. the overtime periods the fast girls resorted to heavy checking, McKay and Webber. Addle. Stewart. tury In a test match with Australia. | Presbyterians vs. Onwegoa. Capitals drew away and were more tourney can secure application forme I which made It almost Impossible for dangerous than the visitors. The New York. Jan. 20— Johnny from W. 8. Blmpaon, of the New Pf^%rsa^n4beginning alX"uV to thïy tell trtedon thetoi either team to score on field baskets, Cull. Toohy. Woodley. Reserves, J. He batted with caution for nearly work of both goaltenders was out­ Westminster Amateur Athletic As­ players, and nltnougn w awarded many free L. Fea. Stevenson and Kroeger. three hours, hitting seven fours, and Dundee mar face disciplinary break th# tie the Anal whistle blew Both sides were awarded many free when caught by Gregory off Mailey's standing, both going out of their nets action in this country at the sociation. Gold and silver medals throws at this stage of the game, but Tillicums Run Away at time* to stop rushes which had with each team having one goal howling, had made 115 runs, llendren hands of the New York State Ath­ will be presented to the winners In neither seemed able to score. Shortly was unfortunate In not scoring the managed to elude the defence. letic Commission as a result of his each class. Any further Information apiece. before time. Eleanore Dtnsdale. who In Garrison Game Moran, former Regina plaver. Rhaii. Tillicums Roller Hockey to first century of his career in a test hasty departure from Parts without can txf had from W. 8. Maguire of played a very good game, eluded her match when he was put out on hla played a fine game for Vancouver the T.M.C.A. Broart ...... Goal Wat»,., check and scored, which left the High fulfilling a contract to fight Fred Ruraett...... Defence ..... Wright first faulty stroke after having batted Spencers. Canadian Puget Sound and was given a big hand by the Bretonne!. French lightweight. just one point behind their oppon­ Open Big Season Regina fans. Copas...... Defence ...... Ooodacre for three and a quarter hours, dur­ and the Tillicums scored victories in This wax indicated yesterday by Foster...... Forward ...... Hewer ents. ing which he hit eight fours. The the city basketball leagues last night Line-up George E. Brower, chairman of the Royal Oak Fans to For the winners Audrey Jost. Iota Regina. Tuckwell. .. Forward ..4.... Forde With Three Games Englishman took seven hours end when they defeated respectively the Vancouver. New York commission, who declined, Worthington, and Jessie Stott played seven minutes for their innings. Y.M.C.A., Navy and Garrison. Reid ...... Goal ... . McCusker Rust...... Forward Oetman a good game, while Hilda Styan. in the absence of official Information, See Three Speedy Ilumberstone Forward ...... Ackroyu Ryder and Ponsford were chiefly Spencer's had a good game with Duncan ...... Defence ...... Traub to predict what action might be Eleanore Dtnsdale and J. Wilson were To-night will see the opening of .... Newell ...... Forward Belchei responsible for the good start Aus­ the Y.M.C.A. in the "CT league, Moran...... taken, but said hla organisation _____ -...... Forward ..... Patrick the pick of the losers. the Victoria end District Boiler tralia made in their second Innings. winning by 24-16. Play was fairly Boucher ... • ...... Irvin would act promptly on any recom­ Basketball Games Joe Roes refereed the game very Hockey League with three games be­ Ryder scored 86 and. Ponsford 46, even. Rutledge and McCioy starred MacKay .... Dutkowskl Summary satisfactorily and the teams were as ing played at the Victoria Wert ...... Hay mendations made to it by the Freneu neither being out when stumps were for Spencers while King and Jenner Boxing Federation. To-night at the Royal Oak Hall ! pirBt period No score, follows; gymnasium, starting at 7.10 o'clock drawn. were the pick of the “Y Rostrum ...... McVeigh three game* ot basketball will be second period—Shells. Tuckweli V.H.S—Hilda Styan (captain). ....'. Short CIVIL ACTION AS WELL *hThe games to be played are aftfol- All England's players were on the In the MB" league the C.P.R de­ R. Boucher . staged between the teams -from West fn>m Burnett 2.00; Tillicums. Hewer, Daisy King, J. Edwards, M. Wilson. field to-day. Freeman. Tate and feated the Navy by 26-12 in a bard- Relnlkka ...... Gagne The federation, according to cable Road and Royal Oak. A big turn- | 10.66. K. Wootton, Mable Harris, J. Wilson Wooley again bowling, but Ollllgan Matte ...... Loughlln dispatches, yesterday from Paris, checking gamd. Woolrich and Rob­ out of fans is looked for. i Third period—No score. and Eleanor*» Dtnsdale. Nlnety pounds—V.I. Midgets vs. has not yet recovered sufficiently to son were the pick of the winners and Summary ha* received formal complaint The games should produce some overtime—No score, College—Audrey Joet, lola Worth­ bowl. ____ Watt and Masher were the best of -against Dundee from promoters of ington, I*. Robinson, J. Musgrave, J. Hills’ Corner. First period—1. Regina. MçVrlgh. good basketball, especially between Penalties—Wright. 2 rain.; Rust. 2 One hundred and tern pounds— the Navy. from Game. 17.40: 2, Regina. Hay, the Bretonne! fight In addition to the Juniors and seniors, for the min. ______Stott, N. Roes. Times VI. Rock Bay Cougars. The Tillicums ran away with thoir from Dutkowokl, 11.21; 3, Vancouver. which civil <*amage action also has friendly rivalry between these teams One hundred and thirty-five Chaney Anxious to game with the Garrison the Anal Arbour, from MacKey. IS.25. been filed against the American pound»—Colonist vs. Foul Bay. count being 14-3. Brown ahd Nex boxer. First reports were that is very keen. Just before the second game Australia Willing Second period—4. Regina. Gagne, The Oaks' Intermediate team will I „tarted between the Sons and Colon- Great interest Is being taken in Fight For Benny's were the heavy scorers for the from McVeigh. S.S6. '•>ench boxing authorities would be a changed one since the last en4 j i*ts the former found out they were roller hockey, which hi new on Its winners. '______Third period—N" score. •teek to have the American barred gagement with the West Road boyd without the services of a goalie, and To Challenge Again second reason. Last year the cup Penalties from the rln^, for life. and they hope to put up a better the Colonists agreed to let Stuart play for the world's championship was Discarded Laurels According to a report here. Dun First period—Traub. 2 minutes. »ame than they have done In the goal for the Natives. brought over from Beattie by The New Westminster is dee decided to leave after Parts I in the first period neither team For Davis Trophy Colonist teem, and W. H. Davies Baltimore. Jan. 20.—George (K.O.) Second period— MacKay, New«|l. promoters failed to advance him part Traub. 2 minus» The first game will be between the was able to score, although McCut- stated that he hopes to keep It here. Chaney, through his manager. Sam Beaten by Concrete of hla guarantee, but Paris dis­ Junlors and is due to start at 7.10 cheon and Kenny, of the newsies, Sydney, N.S.W., Jan. 20.—The Twenty-four teams have entered the Harris, last night posted 12,500 with Third period—Traub, Moran. Dun- patches yesterday omitted any refer­ tennis association Has decided to eaa. 2 minute»; MacKey, 2 minute». o’clock, and will be followed by the bad a number of fine chances to plant leagues this year, which Is more Latrobe Cogewell, president of the ence to this, and pointed out that the intermediates and seniors. j the rubber in the cage, but Stuart challenge for the Davis cup if a than last year. National Association of Boxing Clubs, Concrete, Wash, Jan. 20. — Con­ boxer himself had failed to deposit was still playing like a wisard. and reasonably representative team The Colonist world a champions as" an earnest guarantee of hie de­ crete’» All-Star» defeated New GCHIAIFER AGAIN an appearance forfeit of (NO. REP RUGGERS PRACTICE their shpte were blocked. The Sons is available. will atari off to-night, and hope to sire to meet any contender for Benny Westminster, the leaders of the first came close to scoring a number of Leonard’s championship crown at the half race In the Northwest Interna­ OREB TOO GOOD win. The V. 1. Midgets will Cincinnati, Jan. 20—Morrle Schlel- All members of the Victoria rep times. TENDLCR KNOCKED OUT he managed by Norman Kennedy lightweight limit of -115 pounds, the tional League. 2* to 10. Bolton, for .. . Omaha, kept UP hie winning rugby team are requested to attend The only goal of the second period „ . boxers to weigh In at 2 p.m. on the the winners, played one Of the be* Zanesville. O., Jan. 20.—Harry Greb this year, and will have practically games of hla career. Concret* ha» 0f knockouts here last night a practice at the Willows Horse came four minutes after the start. Pittsburg. Pa., Jan. 20.—Jack Zlvic. the same line-up as last year. day of the contest. he stopped 5>ankie Y’lnoheM of Pittsburg, middleweight champion when Kenny went through on hi. I Pittsburg, sem-ed a teehnkml knock won ten straight contests and fle­ of the world, won a technical knock­ Show Building to-night at • o'clock The executive will hold a meeting Chaney 1» credited with ninety TV Ikeoharre. Fa.. In the eighth round. The players must get in shape for own______and beat Stuart from close uuar- out over Lew Tendler of Phlladel nine knockouts In his career, lot ure. to be In the running 2ÏÏK2SÏ55» celled a halt after out over Johnny Papke of Cleveland newsies In " the 1 pbia, in the fifth round of ft ached- ,oon. and arrange for the etete < ïdbîoHer had knocked Vlnehell down la the seventh round* of a scheduled the game against Varsity in Van-} ^ers.lead. puttingCook and the Fltxslmmone engin-' uled ten-round bout here last night, league intcr-cil} games. I only twelve of about 25* bouts. twelve-round bout here last night. * couver on Saturday. , gig times. VICTORIA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, JANUARY 20, 1925 11 Life Success 1924 Over $100,000,000 New Business Paid for During the Year Mr. Herbert C. Cox Reviews Company’s Affairs WHOLE FACTORIES RECORDS MADE BRIEF SUMMARY NOW JNSURED IN HUNDREDS THE PRESIDENTS ADDRESS OF REPORT OF MILLIONS Other Activities of The total eurplus earned Company during 1924 was $3,541,023, Tbr Canada Life last yfar Toronto, January 8th, 1925. __ a new record being set in thie Group insurance on the lives ot passed the hundred-million respect. men and women In factories and office», store», axid other organized dollar mark in assets, and in The regular Annual Meeting of the Canada Life Assurance Company was held in the Head Office New assurance* issued and bodies of Industry, has t»een arranged In Increasing volume during the past new business paid for. Building, with a large number of policyholders in attendance. - Hus was the seventy-eighth animal meet­ take» up amounted to $105,.. year. The men and One fcundre j maiToins" oT "dol­ fW** SÛT fhemîeS ______528,845, which was a greater tlie value of "group Insurance" and lars in the various funds of the ing, and the age and stability of the Company was emphasized by the large number of prominent men in amount by 30% than in 1923. frequently request the Employer to arrange It for. them. Millions of Company, and. the confidence attendance, and particularly by the personal visit of Mr. Adam Brown of Hamilton, Ontario, who in his In Great Britain and the dollars of life Irurnraitce now exists shown by the public in applying on this co-operative plan which ninety-ninth year gave an excellent address on Canadian affairs. United States a steady growth would not have been possible other­ for and paying for over a huti wise, and many bereaved families was maintained. For annuities have been taken care of under U» dred million dollars of new life alone, people of Great benefit». insurance, are the two items Britain paid the Canada Life Business Insurance. which deserve special mention. $1,640,000. ready alluded, we have aleo been Many large poitriee have been In this connection, it is sig­ Mr. Herbert C. Cox reviewed the resit y le profiting. and I venture in the punt IS year» there have issued on the live» of buainea» men. nificant that the people insured fbuelneee of the year 1124 as follow»: to suggest that the right leader can been only two Incumbent» In the While all thi» growth ha» boon in moot happy In our experience re­ Death lessee hare been re­ the number for $56.04)0 or over consolidate the forcée of commerce offloe of the Federal Insurance progr— your director» thought It garding death lease» which have issued In 1924 running Into sever:U for this new hundred million of The continuance of more or lee markably low, and theee sav­ and finance and launch an under­ been remarkably low. This argues hundred In this one Company. The insurance have in effect under Superintendent, which If a very re­ desirable that the Executive should safety of many a business concern disturbed condition» throughout the taking which will have an incal­ not only freedom from all epidemic ings in mortality and earnings taken to build up such a fund sponsible poet at the head of a moot be enlarged to keep pace with it, and Is judged by the amount of protec­ wsrld has retarded Urn* full return culable influence upon cur common Emportant department Immediately provision by by-law, which fllnee» but a general Improvement In derived from other tion afforded Its creditors by this for their protection throughout rd. donee, and it is becoming to a generally active business which to-the you will be asked tv < tor pehUe health dee- in no email degree produced a to the preventive measures being more in demand than ever. the coming years. In due time we hate all been hopefully antici­ Minister of Finança All who have another Vlce-PreuHieot, electing Mr. urged upon thedr members by many The business in force was in­ every policy continued in force pating. but we are grateful for the contact with this department recog­ Leighton McCarthy to the position Training ef Men. Meanwhile the companies lending of the companies themeeivea I am reaches ita face value as an as­ measure of Improvement which, nise the ability and oourtsey with ne created. Mr. McCarthy hae been creased to nearly half a bil­ money In thoee Western Provinces glad to eay that we have ventured The specialized service required set for the policyholder, either though very gradual, would seem to which It» varied business I» con­ a member of your board tor 16 year* by the public has made neceroary upon real estate mortgage are being along this road, and with eoroe sue lion dollars, and the income he In program, sad which should ducted aad it» value to the under­ for many of which he hae been your the individual training of men to by death or maturity, and new hampered In places by legislation, but we have not been able to from ell sources last year was lehoftly reflect the steadying Influ­ taking with which It Is particularly solicitor. He wtll now be known -ae represent the Canada Life, and dur­ insurers are congratulated the originators of which, it Is only follow it as far ae we should Mke ing the past year educational work ence of the German settlement, and Vice-President and General Counsel $24,727,554. upon their acquisition of these fair to assume, believe It to be de­ ee of the expense attached to of^ejtjjbth^oeder hae been continued of the recent general elections in policies. At the...same li is on the contrary the Vice-Presidency with Mr. E. R tL The saving arising from thla Cash payments el interest Et ^riinin W «ie t?nhed Stats* Irritating to tbe lender without be­ the situation, U has bow become they arc strongly urged tq WhHe soma phases of Ufa assur­ Weed, who has been so long closely favorable mortality added "to the and instalments ef principal well known that the »*»rvice by % ing helpful to the borrower. It has maintain their interest in the Canada to Share la Revival. ance are subject to legislative con­ associated with ns and who I* a» earnings derived from other sources Canada Life man is not perfunctory, already proved a deterring factor trol, other» are not, and among the has given us a total eurplus earning were in excess of 1923. and In connection with busi new* In­ That Canada is ready to share In Vice-President, Chairman of the surance. insurance for succession transaction and determine that and may become a permanent har­ latter we find prominently in evi­ of SI.541.023.09 for the year. the revival when It oomes le indi­ Committee on Investments. It Is The assets of the Company duties or inheritance taxes, etc., nothing shall ever induce them rier In the way between the demand dence the Investment of policy pro­ some very valuable services have cated by the Important excess of her hoped that the Vice-President» will Careful Investment of Fand* were increased to $103,208,- to discontinue their insurance. for money and the source» of Its ceeds by the beneficiaries receiving take an important pert In the ex­ been performed for business men exports over Importe for the paet Tour Investment» have again been The safety attaching to tlie supply, unless those responsible for them. It ,1s fair to assume that ecutive work of the Company. 000. year. WhXe her borrowings for rigidly scrutinised and are presented hundred million dollars of assets It awake to the danger they are these who benefit under the extra­ change of policy or method dictated commercial purposes have been bringing upon' their constituents. ordinarily large modern policy have If aw Appointment». with confidence for your approval. now invested is shared by all in respect and which have been highly by necessity or good judgment. To Bn an y million» of dollars lees than Government rural loaning hae not either personal. knowledge or cap­ Mr. T. O. MeConkey, who ha» been While the lute root rate obtainable proportion to their payments. ■n the previous year, due to curtailed regarded from the mortgage-lnveti- add to it» effectiveness we have Just been successful, and It la obvious that able ad vie ere to guide them in the for 11 yearn a highly valued official on desirable bonds has been tending appointed ae Supervisor of Loua» la For the average person it is activities, thasa fund* are In her SAMnxMPil kxva Kx,n xKl, tee ment viewpoint, has brought about complete stoppage in the supply choice of Investment channels, but of the Company, more recently UVVIIMI * ww —w*— ear Western Canada Mr. W. R. McCon­ Isaak in g Institution» and immediately seine upon favorable moments for a situation more acute than looked better to have "a small interest of fund» obtainable upon mortgage, It hae been oHumled that •• per General Superintendent wan lb May nell. who he» been for 2® year» » available te meet enlarged demande purchase n u to minimise the dis­ tor by the loaning companies, it has in numerous safe investments through the menace of restrictive L of thoee Insured are covered A appointed General Manxg valued officiel of the Company In ae they arise, and It 1» well eeb advantage. It will be only rntin-. been found generally necessary by than to have all his savings in legislation, would bo a calamity the for Slb.Hb or lee* end it I» for tbetr Thin promotion came to hlm a» that country. TO» undivided time Jlehed that Canadian banker» hi able, however, to look for eome re­ Investment institution» to make pro­ MW fsr whlbik -:#» body of men wbom the SIS.#®# recognition of hi» splendid equip­ and thought will be given to the Im­ one place. Life insurance ac­ Mlfff y* lacked (be courage nor the vision to meet the unusual circum­ should lightly undertake. It te much, the compan­ ment and hie place In Insurance, and daction In the average earning» of provement of our already extensive complishes this “diversity of in­ fwlll te. support to the utmost the institution» like eur» if the price of stance* and your directors have. In­ hoped, however, that a more ies are coming te feel an added la­ In the belief that In thin capacity he means of personal contact with our vestment" in the best manner Industrial aad agricultural effort of ly continue» to become lower, stead of adding further to the con­ ■«■red Judgment wl* prevail, bility. Of the three and three- wil be better able to prosecute the borrowers and the eolation of prob­ khe country. It Is not my province because the dally accumulation of tingent fund, mm in former year* ap­ possible, at the same time provid­ that before long the disturbing quarter natHlen» ef dollar» paid out bonlnene and Intel1 sets ef the Oom- lem» Incident to an Important mort­ to eater la detail lute what that ef­ propriated for thie purpose a sum ing for larger funds in event of clause» will be removed or agreeably by the companies ef thie continent fund» demands their daily employ- gage business. fort eaa be; suffice It I» sag that a it, whatever the current yield which, after exhaustive enquiry, they death. modified. ■■oh day. ene million 1» paid to At the same time Mr. A. N. Mit­ At the eeme time we are adding istudy of the output of eur factories may b* Judgment and foresight In deem ample te meet all present con­ Pbr the safety of the lender and theee la the above category, largely chell and Mr. A. Gordon Ramsay, to the staff in the Home Ofllèe Mr. Mad farms ae revealed in available the purchase of securities ere of tingencies without disturbing In any the comfort of the borrower It le In cash. but more recently there are who had been functioning no effici­ W. H astir, who he» been successful statistic» will be intensely edifying value in ns much ns they enable one way the regular functions or prac­ essential at all times that the being offered the beneficiaries vari­ ently ns Assistant General per in­ in establishing an active loaning de­ THE NEW GENERAL te the average reader and will give tice» of the Company. est care be exercised, and that due ous facilities and methods for leav­ tend# tit* were promoted Lobe Super­ to anticipate and prepare for change» partment In Montreal. Mr. Hastie him a new conception of the po regard be. had for the ability and ing the principal sum with the com­ intendents and are very vigorously in market condition* and I think we Aa Efficient Loaning Organisation. will not only bo of aaststanoe In the hilKJee of hie country. may feel aanured that the members MANAGER energy of the latter mm well as for pany, subject to a reeonable rale of extending year twain— Ow cash payment* of Interest and general work of the investment de­ of your Investment Committee are the quality and location of the land Interest, thus avoiding the tempta­ In October the board authorised Instalments of principal are materi­ partment, but will be charged with During the year Mr. T. (j. he occupies At times loans have tions and pitfalls which beset th­ the appointment of Mr. L K. File as particularly well equipped te man (-<• It is true that the crops In the ally In excess of last year and will the wider development of our mort­ been too readily available for lndlf roating suddenly Into possession of ■oclate Actuary. He hae been for age year fund» eo ae to obtain the MeConkey was appointed Gen­ "Western Provinces were disappoint­ continue *• the farmer» are able to gage loaning facilities In the mors feront borrower* resulting In disaster what may very well seem to them ne yearn Assistant Actuary, and is beet possible return npon them. eral Manager of the Canada ing In volume and were not ae evenly realise upon their wheat at the pre­ Important titles and towns of the for them and In trouble for the an Inexhaustible sum of money. a meet capable officer. Life, and has gained in popular­ distributed ae we could have wished. Oootingcwt Fuad Maintained. vailing high prices. We have over Middle and Bartern Province* lender. The eagerome for danger­ Theee new prevision» offer a farther They were,, however, pet In and bar Mortality Rale Very Favorable. The unprecedentedly severe strain the course of year» built up a very ity and in the respect of hi, ously high Interest-bearing mort­ fruitful avenue of usefulness to the Board of Director* Strengthened. vested at a reduced coot, and the While we hare been undergoing experienced through an unaccount­ strong and capable loaning organ associates since assuming h;s gagee 1* however, not so keen »» underwriter in perpetuating the During the year your board hae price» realised were much In advance ere or 1— readjustment In the able reversal of tilmatic conditions Isation who have always their new duties. He very naturally , It was, better Judgment being used service inaugurated wKL the original been strengthened by the addition of the preview year, oo that the Home Office, aad while we have been In the past two years by portions of fingers upon the pulse of the mort­ fell heir to the duties of General in selection, and lender» generally sale of the policy, fer U is to theee of Mr. J. A. McLeod, General Man­ aggregate amount received by the undertaking the unusual amount of the Western Province» which have gage situation and are prepared at are falling into line with the methods millions upon millions of owner» of ager of the Bank of Nova Booth* and _ Manages after a lifetime spent farmer» reached a meet impartant w assurance» to which I have al hitherto been most favored in this any moment to-earry into affect any and scale long ago adopted by the I «mall policies and their beneficiaries Mr. W B. Bundle, Vice-President as a life insurance man, com­ Smm. It is well to bear in mind older and more conservative Inetl- our mala duty Ilea and Managing Director of the Na­ mencing in the field work of a ■hat in addition to theee field «rope tioee tional Trust Company. Limited. They New York company, in which he ithooe Province» are producing Im­ both bring to your affairs keen and rose to the position of Manager pressively In «CM. butter, cheese, Uniform I nears mw lew*. I should tike to tell you of the analytical minds trained by long .honey, vegetable» and live slock of ■While life Insurance companies as magnitude of life assurance, but It years of experience in iaigs matters, for Ontario. lall kinds, which Justifies the per­ During 1924— His early knowledge of agency Investor» of money are directly con- has been my studied effort each year and we esteem ourselves extremely sistent urging for the undertaking of d with any legislation bearing to avoid wearying you with figure* favored in having their co-operath»* men and agency work was mixed farming. There 1» a growing upon mortgage loan* they are eleo May I impress upon you, however, Company*» lde*l at Servie* gained when for sixteen years he development in the movement of Intensely Interested In the various that one-half the total people in held the position of Superintend 'theee commodities to the Pacific for State and Provincial law» affecting and the United «ate» ere in- The Canada Life Assurance Company It haa become almost a habit at dent of Agencies of a large ^shipment by water, which will be the many aspect» of their butine»» sa an red, that the fund» held lu reserve these annual gatherings to Indicate Canadian company, during hastened and encouraged by the 1 naurer* ^ Up to the moment each for them amount te upward of $11.- (78 Years Old) our hopes or dreams for the more or very excellent facilities already pro­ leee Immediate future of our own which time he traveled, all over State in the American Union and •®e.#e0,®00. that theee funds are vided or in courue of eoaetruetlon in each Province in Canada haa had it» helping in food production, in trans­ Company and the great fra ter» ft y to the Dominion and in the United Vancouver. These, togetherwith own peculiar cod* making It portation. and in general publie :,1uul' the following substantial progress: which It belong* Some of them States, until he became perhaps those now long established at the difficult and iniiabm sum» tor the works everywhere T The have come true, some of them have the best known agency man in head of the Great Lakes aad in con­ companies to meet the varied re­ ing Is gaining momentum each year, proven chimerical, while others hav® Canada, and there was hardly a junction with the very extended quirement» of the field» In which but ww are still very far from the not yet been fully demonstrated—-tout prominent field man connected ■arvlse offered by the railway* ere they deelre to--operate. In the United ultimata goal, as It ha* been esti­ Total Insurance in Force increased to.. $485,680,000 $73,245,000 whatever fate attends them the mere with any company whom he did espeMle of oaring for the output of States no uniform laws have yet been mated that our people are a» y»t In­ uttering of them seems to commit a much larger population, the pro- Total Assets increased to...... 103,208,000 8,959,000 us to a more definite endeavor which not know personally. His valu­ promulgated, but daring the past sured for only one-elxteenth of their muring of which la. perhffp* the three year» in Canada extensive and capitalised earning capacity. Reserves for Protection of Policyholders 89,122,000 8,426,000 must, I am sure, be helpful TTiere able work in the "Life Under­ Is growing into the very woof of life roost Important problem confronting Intensive thought has been spool sv-—Life Under Review. New Assurances issued in 1924...... 127,131,000 32,914,000 writers’ Association was a part eot oui y the, Government and the Upon the matter by the superinten­ iuranee the conviction that the of his activities at that time, and {railway* but all thoee who desire the dents of Insurance of the several Fur our own Company 1914 will New Assurances paid for in 1924...... 105,529,000 26,353,000 duty of the Company te the assured he wan for some years Honorary progress and welfare of the country Province» In consultation with the » on record a» the first year lu only really commences upon bis be­ which eur new assurances taken up Surplus earned iri 1924 ...... 3,641,000 727,000 President of that Association. whole. Various agencies are officials of the companies and the coming a member of it, and that the® have exceeded ene hundred million» duty will be discharged only in the However, it is with the Canada j ut work on Its eolation, and they life underwriter* As a result a merit a sympathetic and strong sup a» they actually reached $1®6.S*®,- Total Income for 1924 ...... 24,727,000 4,152,000 measure In which the Company, Life he haa done his best work, uniform life Insurance act hae been port In their effort, but It has not agreed upon and has already become 146. In addition to thie amount a Dividends to Policyholders in 1924 ...... 2,897,000 648,000 through Its representative» from the and the prestige which the Com- President down, renders to him and yet been approached from a suf­ law In British Columbia, Alberta, further $»1.«®S,S®1 were lamed and Total Payments to Policyholders in 1924 10,404,000 1,268,000 _ party ha* won in the Dominion, ficiently bread angle. There b too Saskatchewan. Manitoba Ontario, in course of adjustment, making hi» beneflclarlee the type of service * and particularly in the United great a tendency te threw the onus New Brunswick and Prince Edward the total Issued $117.111.33®. Them to which hia membership in the Insti­ States, ha* been very largely due upon the Government for the time Island. In Nova Scotia It has been figure» evidence gain» of $• per cent tution of life assurance entitles him. to his tact and perseverance. being and to make specious criticism introduced In the Legislature, but ae compared with the previous year, Above, in brief, are the results for 1924, as shown by the Financial 1 like te think it 1» the aim of every and Indicate unusual activity upon individual tn this organisation, not The growth of the Company’s ef Its action or Inaction, while we not finally acted upon, and It la ex­ should rather realise that upon the pected that Quebec also win shortly the part of the general organisation. Statement only "to render unto Caesar what business during the past ten or adequate populating of our great consider It The new provisions re- Wo have aelued favorable opportun! Below are some of the noteworthy achievements of the year: la Caesar'»" hut to give also that fifteen years has been great, and Western country, with the consequent ove many ambigu Klee regarding In­ ties ef adding to our agency plant Intangible personal interest which, it ia a matter for congratulation increased production of foodstuff and surable interest, rights of benefie! without extending the territory cov­ convert» a cold butine*» relationship creation of markets for ered. and we are sow hotter than ever into a warm, human aasodatloo that during that period of ex- art es, admission of ag* proof of which spell» helpfulness for ail who turn* depend» in a very large wad other debatable peint* equipped to take hd van tags of the pension a man of outstanding steadily broadening market 1er life 1. Dividends on most classes of policies have been increased. feel the contact. ability in agency work has been ! measure our national progrès* It all of which will simplify work and This le by no mean» a new »ug- 1» also ef prime Importance te those clarify matter» for the Insured. Thin •anee. During the Mat two or 2. Made the largest surplus earnings in the history of the Company, etioo to Canada Life mind* a» it at the head of the “new busi ! 8» the fundamental principle be­ institutions which have the» far pro­ common act in conjunction with the throe year» the growth of many of nes*’’production. ______eur important breach ee in Canada extending over seventy-eight years. hind the Company'» inception, but vided so much of the working capital Dominion Insurance Act of HIT. no we seek, a» our opportunities expand, Mr. MeConkey is well known ! jtor than Province, that the nemters ably administered, tines it» Inception, end the United State» hae neceeal 3. Continued to improve service to public by special educational train­ to extend It together with all the in Financial aa well as in Insur- ; inpon the lead should eonatanUr lo­ teted removal into muqh more com­ other facilities which were offered by the Federal Superintendent, Mr. ing of field force, more representatives having benefit of thisain­ by thoee wise men who conceived la anee circles, being a director „f ereafo. Is It not, therefore, «he duty O. D. Flnlayeon, serve* to make Can­ modious office* and the recent occu­ pation of eur new home in Ix>ndon 1S47 virtually every policy plan and the Western Anaurence Com­ |a»d Inter** ef the rarleue bod lee ef ada unique In the matter ef lnnur struction than in previous years. advantage available today.' Already manufacturer*, basher* and loaning anee legislation, and already admlr hae provided the Great Britain in i®6® our predecessors were being pany, the British America As complimented in the public press corporations. Including Insurance Ing eyee are turned upou us by ether Branch with Importent facilities end 4. Placed more insurance with present Policyholders than in any other surance Company and the Provi­ with the Incentive to make full uee upon their courtesy to their clients companion, to dfroel te the mibject countries, seeking light upon a vexed year, and increased public interest in Monthly Income, Business, and their expedition in the payment of them. This branch paid for new dent Investment Company. He ‘their combined experience. Initiative problem. of claim», and we are today only en- is also a member of the Execu- land effort an that a po—tin, logical policies of $1S,IS7,I$® In the year. In Estates and Group Insurance. deavortng to carry on the tradition» RsoHMwt < addition to annuity considerations of they bequeathed to u* If we suc­ . live of '.lie Life Officers’ Asaoci end feasible method may he evolved ceed we «ball have fulfilled tome of at ion, snd was one of the original and adopted for dueling with * mat Continuity of administration 1» $1,64®,®»®. Tour Company 1» .now the function» for which we were Government department ezertfng thoroughly established in Great (A Complete Annual Statement Will Be Mailed Upon Request) founder* of the Life Under­ jtor which touches all ef them e< created and shall have helped te "vitally? The time for eorh con supervtxton over Institution» Is meet Britain and comfortably and suti advance the great butine*» a




SERIOUSLY ILL — Daniel p — Guggenheim, for many years a !■ - loader in the copper industry, is reported as seriously 111. r-i—-J L v . *33 3 ’■ h s-Ba

Scientists are now busy making preparations at Long's Corners on the Hamilton mountain to ob­ serve the eclipse of the sun on Saturday morning, J anuary 24. Left, Prof. C. A. Chant and Prof. R K. Young, of the Department of .Astronomy, Untvehrit y of Toronto, at the end of the forty-five foot telescope. Right, Long's Corners, near Ryal, four miles south of Hamilton, where ^he sclèetîflc obser­ vations will be made. Below, shelter for the sclen tlflc instruments and the housing for the big WHAT COLLEGE STATISTICS ENDED IN—Sutllns College of telescope. Bristol, recently went in for some’ statistics. And after they had them all figured out, it developed that Miss Roberta Shafer of Roanoke, was the most attractive girl in the college"^ After viewing the photo, we think more of statistics.

THROTTLE FIFTY YEARS ,— Engineer John Diehl, seventy, of Laporte, Ind.. after half a century in the cabs of New York Central locomotives, has made his last run. He had piloted practically all 7>f the road's crack trains. For thirteen years he - was at the throttle on the wprld famous Twentieth Century- Limited be­ tween Chicago and Elkhart, Ind. -in 1316 he established a. record for this distance, making the 161 miles in 99 minutes. In all his service, a passenger or member IN |BQ0*000 LIQUOR CASE— of his crew was never hurt. He Capt. David J. Perrault. Deputy was, however, injured himself Harbor Master of Montreal, who several times. turned King's evidence, in the case against his chief, Capt. J. F. Symonds, and others, charged with conspiracy to defraud in connection with the leisure of the barge Tremblay, and the confis­ cation of 1606,060 worth of liquor.

LOOKS LIKE CHINESE ONE HERSELF—Jui Cheng-Sze. the daughter of the Chinese minister to the United States and of Madame Sse, although a child of the Orient, takes great pride in her American doll. RADIO BISHOP,—The favor able Impression created among churchmen by the radio broad­ casting of his sermons has caused the Rev. Wkrren L. Rog­ ers. dean of St. Paul's ^Cathedral, Detroit, to be named bishop SHOT BY 8TUÔENT—Ml» coadjutor of the Episcopal Dio­ Laura Palmer, twenty-eight- cese of Ohio. He has been using year-old Instructor In romance the radio every Sunday for two languages at the University of years. Wisconsin, shown above, was shot VISITS ALMA MATER—Premier Mackenzie King’s first visit. In his arrival in Toronto, Monday, by a young Corsican. Francis was to the University of Toronto, of which he is himself a graduate. He inspected Hart House ofû- Xavier Bernard, to whom she had eially for the first time, lunched there with the students, and afterward addressed them in the theatre. SCHOOL DAYS By DW1G been teaching French. An unre­ Upper left, Mr. King la shown, and below, Vincent Massey, to whom the Prime Minister extended thanks quited love affair was blamed for for the establishment of Hart House. In the larger picture the Prime Minister is shown on the the tragedy. Bernard committed right, with Mr. Massey (centre) and Warden Btckersteth (left.) suicide after the shooting.

HOT OkMitn Dos. I

OOUKHOBOR8* FUTURE — Michael Veregin. cousin of Peter Veregin Jr., leader of the Douk- boboro. Russian religious #e« who told The Toronto Star re-' cently that Peter Jr . now leader of the 11.066 Doukhobors in Rus­ sia, does not yet know of hie father’s death In Western Can­ ada. He says if Peter Jr. came out to Canada to directly suc­ ceed his father he would bring 15,660 Doukhobors with him and if he decided to stay in Russia 8.000 of the sect here might re­ Orlti Ml* CtifWOlfjrl *mC\ turn to the soviet country. a LIBERAL LEADERS AT CONVENTION—During his stay in cm earuw Most Toronto Premier King not only received encouraging ovations wher­ feuuws sweatee. ever he has appeared, but he made several important pronounce­ MIGHT BE" MADE KINO— IN INDIAN SCANDAL? — ments on the future policy of the government to audiences. In­ Duke of Aosta, who may be TbWC W SVCH UKUKSCJ Maharajah of Indore, who Is cluding the Massey Hall gathering, and the Ontdrio Liberal meet­ Mussolini** candidate for the ruses said to have been friendly with ing. Left. W. E. N. Sinclair, itt?.. Ontario Libera! leader, and on throne If the present crisis leads Muntayce, the nautch girl, at­ the right. Senator A. C. Hardy. Senator Hardy was re-elected tacked by Fanthaoa In Bombay. president of the Ontario Liberal Association. ‘ }' -e<3 the Kin. of lttijr VICTORIA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, JANUARY 20,1923 *3

Tredwell Running TO-DAY’S EXCHANGE

NEW YORK STOCKS RetidUdarketJ | UgpOST OFFICE Full Blast Now New York. Jan. 26.—Foreign ex- FRANCE changea steady. Quotations In cent». ' Wall Street NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE, JANUARY 80, 1886 Dawson. Y.T., Jan. 26.—The Tred- Great Britain — Demand 477%; Oerlle, IK AND Vaullflewei well Yukon Company'» quarts mill at cables 477%; 60-day bills on banka dtftütd if twe mmi « r être* wee tes» wire* Parwley. bi Ken^ la now running full blast, 474%. A Locel Pett PUTS STERLING crushing ore at the rate -of 100 tons l'Tarice — Demand 5.39; cables Ashcroft Pi•otateea, per sack ...... U! 13* a day. The company haa 20,000 ton» 81%. TO-DAY Mack Truck ...... I meal Petet.iteea. per «Ml ...... *•!! of ore on Ita dump ready to mill. It BELGIUM Man. Mod. Gear. . .. «1-1 I Sweet Potato**. 3 the. fe Italy—Demand 4.11; cables 4.11%. Allis Chalmers 34-1 California Mead Leitaee. will also handle the ore of Individual Belgium — Demand $.♦8%; cable» External bend issues are excel­ Allied «'ham. Marland Oil I Artlehekea. per Ih...... BACK TO PAR minera. The mill hoa been In opera­ 03. lent security, have good market­ Am. Beet Ha .... 41-6 41-6 Maxwell A...... Maxwell B...... tion a week. The Keno mill la the Germany—Demand 23.80. ability, yield 7% and offer great Last Mnnta Maws en Stock» Am Hooch •fii 43-4 PsrNto. • Ibe. for ...... • fartheat north flotation mill on the Am. Can . . . . A\:\ 151-4 Me*. Seaboard ...... I Leeka. per beaek ...... Canada, However, Will Holland—Demand 40.31. possibilities for an increase of and financial Am. Car a Fdy...... til Vegftable Morrows, lb...... American continent. Norway—Demand 16.26. Am. Inti. Cere. • .... •» % Middle glatea «HI " .*! .1:1 I IWMOtMl, etSab ...... • capital. Attain * Linseed ...... is *8L P. A S.8 M. Bee la. 7 Ibe. far ...... Maintain Discount at Sweden—Demand 26.8Î. lxwomettT* . ..in Ml*. Pacific ...... Cranberries, per fe. *...... Denmark—Demand 17.88. Our offerings are based on New Ship A Cem. .... 12-7 Pumpkin», per IK Banks Rates Bwltaerland—Demand 18.27. Smelters ...IH-I Montana Power Hoiheeee Rhubarb, per beach York quotations; we invite your i. Steel My. .... 41-1 Montgomery Ward . Cal If are la Cabbage, per IK .. Spain—Demand 1421. enquiries. Am. sugar ...... SI Moon Meter ...... Bum, Mrlk ■ m ■ Washington, Jan. 20,— The Greece—Demand 1.71. Am. Sam. Tobeb...... 14-4 atâoael Blecult .... B russe le Sprouts. British pound sterling will be Poland—Demand .18%. STOCKS DECLARED Am. TeU A_ Tel“ ...... 132-3 Satlonal Enamel back at par Ih the United States Am. Tobacco ...... 17.4 .National Lead ...... 141-4 I6S Csecho-Slovakia—Demand 3.00. . 18-2 16-3 A^HHcIsus. par IK *.«...... IS postal servie» for the first time R. P. CLARK Am. Woolen* ...... Il-S Nevada Com...... !...... 1.40 Jugo-fllavla- Dfemand l.SS%. Anaconda ...... ,t. . 4S-S Norfolk A West. ... .131 181-1 Jena than, bell •.,.... since the war en January 22. Austria Demand .0014%. Assoc Dry Hoods .... 84-4 Meath Atasribas ... . 41.7 43-6 Mciaieeh Had. has .. :::::::::: if Postmaster Mew ha* ordered A CO., Limited Atlantic «Juif ...... 14-7 Northern Pacifie .... . II 11-8 Non hern Spy. box ... Rumania—Demand .68. > READY TO RESUME NY. «entrai ...... 171-1 $«*• that the rate of conversion shall Members: Chicago Alchleon ...... 111-4 Table * **-<- hll* Copper Punts Allegro 21* Alma Pure Oil ...... $»-• $• Walnut*, per lb...... Juat the rate of their payments In several iaaues. The day*» news Chino Capper Rail. 8teel Spring ....ill Coco t'ai» ...... r«*i California Soft Shell WalmHn lb. according to the current rate of budget carried nothing of particular Ray Cone...... 18-1 18 ‘i! Brésil*, per lb...... •«change used by Canadian banka. Col. Met A Iren ...... 41-4 Reading ...... 11-1 I*-* FUherle. per lb...... importance although it can be said Cel. Southern ...... 41 ! iL. Roneted Peanut». Hr IK ...... - . The money order rate 1* always the tenor of the various trade ad­ Columbia Uu...... 44-4 KSIShYLa-:::: itt Ceeennuia ...... !• *■'» •lightly higher than the'banka In vices was again of uheeiSui character. order to lfe|WRe »*gs4hst low in The market aeems to encounter Corn Produet* ...... 31-« Savage Arma ...... | luttar— case ef fluctuation and on account rather liberal offerings on every show Coed en Qll ...... 11-4 Rears Roebuck ...... Ill-8 111-6 Me. 1 Alberta. IK ...... of difficulty In notifying all post­ of strength, and this quite naturally Cube Am. Sugar...... 31-3 Shell Union ...... *1 «*"1 Cube C. Sugar...... 11 Cemex. IK .... A., r..» master». The rate used by the BONDS foatera the conviction that the desire Do., pref...... 14-1 Slmma Pete, Vl.M.P.A...... banks to-day is $4.78%. Sinclair Con» Cowtchan Creamery, lb...... IN PARDON “SCANDAL”— la apparently more pronounced in Crucible Steel ...... 71 Sloes Sheffield il* Salt^ Sprleg^ Igleed. Ih...... Underlie Business moro quarters to accept profita or a DavUmn Chora...... <6-1 Southern Pac...... *••-* Governor Jonathan Davia of pel.. Lack. A West. . .14# Southern Railway .... *1-4 ieaat reduce long holdings. Detroit Edison ...... 116-8 I lflT" freeh. esii Kmuf who charaotérigés aa a Bonds form the basis of our modem financial structure. _L There Is also a feeling that It is Standard Oil Cal...... U-l Dupont Powder...... 141-1 Standard till N J. .... 41-1 Be fresh, fire “fiRme-up,” the charge that his quite likely the /ocent sharp price gndleott Johnson ... 71 Standard Oil lad...... *4 Be. freeh. pell Six Basic Trades twenty-eight-year-old aon, Bun­ They are the prime obligations of industry and almost every form Advance m many departments of the art* ...... ii-1 Stewart Warner ...... is Do., let pref...... 4Î-T r. Crwi Cheese. IK ...... nell G., accepted $1,260, and de­ Hat are fully representative of the Famous Players ...... 44 Strom bur g Cart»...... 11*4 of business activity. Improvement that haa already taken General Asphalt ...... *1-3 Sludebaker ...... 41-7 SC. Salma, IK ...... Feel Improvement livered a pardon to Fred. W. Te*** Ce...... 48-8 I FI neat Ontario Mild. Hr Ih...... Buy carefully selected bonds and your dollars are not only earn­ place In various line* of trade. Also General Cigar ...... 17-4 Texae Oulf Sulphur ...1*4-4 | tin eel Ontario Motored Hr IK .... Poll man. former bank president Gen. nierirlc , 111-4 3I« . New York, Jan. 20. — A national it Is obseryable that the hurried buy­ tien. Motors ...... 71-8 71-3 Tease Pacifie R.R. ... 44 •dam Dutch Uheoee. Hr IK...... and convicted forger. Davia de- ing excellent wages but are building up community and Ballon. ing operations so conspicuous here­ Goodrich Rubber .... 4.4-8 Tea. Pac C. * 0...... 14-3 Goads Cheese. Hr lb...... survey of six. basic , trades, made-by >eiarea ha had already decided.to tofore are not much In evidence *n4 iS££PS a.-;-::::: the National Association of Credit pardon Poll man. Buy bonds from a long-established financial house, and buy the this naturally fcntv»*— 16* l

BUSINESS DIRECTORY I (Copyright H24. By H. C. Fiehpr. (Continued) Jeff Confuses Mutt With a Bit of Reverse English Trad. Mark Reg. in Canada). MUTT AND JEFF PLUMSIN0 AND HEATING

«. llASBNPltAT/—Plunk,,c. hnt- • Inn. repairs all kinds io«i Yatea. APhone «74. res 4S17X. j» TH£ UUORh IS I want (•m-s is a good omc! BvT HAiR Ain't ON) ^MwTT, A WORt> OF FOUR. TTOCKING. James Bay plumber. Phens A GOOb Ri&HTo Jd *771. SSS Toronto Street. Gasoil a* A woRD OF FouR ALL H€ ADS I'M kacak tanka Installed, ranges connected, prenp; verreRS SHAMPOO service. Vs» Bald that dues | LCTTG6S MCANING SokagtHing Vou . OSCAR'. I Somfthin'6 Vou see M£ AN IDCA OF SoNVfe H€A»Sl REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE I ON A H6AD'. The A WAV TO CONFuSe WVVAT IS tf" JUST A M0M6NT C LAND * INVESTMENT AGENCY. 1 ans we R is HAIR, MvTTl He CLAIMS • #27 Government. Phone 12S. »» TILL t LOOK. H TO Be AN GXOGRT- V of coucise;^ \ AT VOVR BeAN AT CROSS WORD . RUPTURE SPECIALISTS . PuMues.' ,—' TkUPTUH rested mechaaksaily. in ■K Men. Women. Children and Infant* C. B. Heard. «44 John Street. Phene 7S4IL. IL



Street. •hone ««! ine-tt




g. MCMILLAN.- Ml Union Bank Bldg. • Phone 147». Showcards Posters. Lettering.J Signs. Commercial Art- tf


WHERRY, taxidermist, still |C.yy.f«. 'On >y W C t- business at the earns old sta* Pandora Avenue. Phene S»2|.

acreage TYPEWRITERS for sale—miscellaneous LOST. and. EOUN14 COMLNO EVENTS AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES s*)i.^arr- \ ^ VwiiUliued (Continued) AND fpr peas or potatoes for rent en ypewriters—New aad weead-haad. THREE SPECIALS urdir horn-rimmed glasses, repaire, rentals; rlbboae far all mi- HtffovfmtlnEtmts -J share* Excellent soil. on fiaat .___ it—,.—* A. » .__.7”. I kUN_T L’rnsat- Rea Theatre Dance, on t—GUARANTEED CARSt* rrlor. Ne. « car pr *alea StrfeV I T United Type w i Ce Limited. Advertising Phone No. 1090 «?» CHEVROLET Superior Roadster I» Phone 6341 Saanich Road near Lake Mill. Apply Bos TH Pert Street. Vleterla $ " Thvr*da>. Jan. 22. Holt's Ortrhestrs. perfect order Compare prices .... •»•» LIVE OH'—At Askey s Pish Merket, Refreshments; Admission 35c. 4.- j jg TERMS ARRANGED ■at»» run (uwwiriKn aiivcitihim; •1« Yates Street, oollchana. just In OFT—33st«4 Goodrich tire, i 1 <$•> 4 PORD Touring, need very little eoa. kippers, half-pound each._ __ mo RENT—14» partly « leered. Situation» Verant. Situations Wanted. To Uil-t-i* between city and Mt. Newton Rent. Articles for Sale, i-o»t or Pound, tie. kAXCE. Harmony Hall. to-night. 8-3» J and equipped with Ruck- •TT'TK Lpleas* phone 13»2 rl(y or tlX 1 A fui " ‘ 4*#-#-2» WINDOW CLEANING lt*c per word per iniertiun. Contract ratwe * to It*. Jo* Parker* four-plêve or- steil axis aftd'im license. Price V** • Reward. 424 Tin •n application. icatra. Ailmisaion j:»c an 1 Ik. U2-1-1Î ISLAND WINDOW AND CARPET 1 <|OQ.O£ FORD Touring, absolutely as OST—Share certificate No. 1234 of the No advertisement for 1rs* fbaa i 4 RANH I turns supper, concert and dance. TAIT A McRAK ’ -** good as new In every re­ TIMES SUBURBAN SHOPPING CLEANING CO. Minimum number of words. I#. VI under the auspice» of the Esquimau spect. lots of extras #17^ ■AST carriage built English style I4 lHiawell Mines Limited. Suitable re­ Plnnaer Firm It» computing the number of words ln an Scottish Daughters. K. of P. **-“ 133 Yates Phone 14»S ward will ho paid by the undersigned 1er W. ÈL HUGHES jMrSrM* kxi*x *, TRrtdtarli-wr—wwy—iwte—> s t Inn caa£fTP«P«. BASKET IHAftlUMt ------1 lee* figure# as one word. Dollar marks and 4«TR1 ««-3-1» Oakland THalnra 1Q*)1 OVERLAND ••••• Touring. Rim:. the «une. Tait A Marchant. all abbrevtalions count as one word. I kAUOHTKRS OF KNti LANl>—Princess T *A splendid little car and •*> H.C. Permanent Loan Bldg . VlctorU, Advertisers whq so desire may have re­ I ' Alexandra Lodge meeting Thureday. | in very nice order. Price . 1^' HILLMD* QUADRA plies" addressed to a box at The Times Ol- lanuary 22, Harmony Hail. I p.m. sharpy Don't Overlook Our PROFESSIONAL CARDS 11ce and forwarded to their private address 1 Q*>1 CHEVROLET Touring, looi >-31» January______...1». from «15 David A charge of 19c la made for this service. CLOSING-OUT SALE 1 «7o*I extra good and me- •»> i 4•; H'finiseemonths old wire —hair—- -ter - » )«ur watch Of.ee not gif'* iitafactiea cliahlc'ally At. Price...... V«- THiR RALE^-» counters. notify above addressfc”rt | MEAT MARKET Birth Notice». II.»» per insertion. Mar­ i BerMeli. I choeee cutter end shelving. BARRISTERS riage, t'ard of Thanks and In Meinoriam. uweramea. Street. W*,.k USED CARS suitable for grocer. YLOR Meat Market. 27»» Quadra. De­ II in per Insertion. Death and »uneral At prices that cannot b# equalled Guaranteed Care luamsprlaas $1. 414-3-1» afternoon. livery to all parts of city. Phase 32SS. Notice*. 11.56 for one Insertion. $-•»• tor In Victoria. OST—On FOOT A MaNZEE two Insertions- MASTERS MOTOR CO. LIMITED terminus _____yew r go Barristers. Solicitors. Notarié*, ete. ANVAR Y Clearance Fah REVP.RCOMB MOTORS LIMITED Street, gold link bracelet. Finder please Members of MANITOBA. ALBERTA aad all our stock of CoaU. »1 '■ Yxtog St . for of Quadra. phone ÏSI1L2 and receive reward BRITISH COLUMBIA BARS. Pheae SIS. Rain »:S Yates St. 30 RK A LE—V. urne y Oxford range. 4 OAK BAY Bank of Nova Scella Bldg.. Victoria. K.C. Dreæ-s. Sun». ha.rte. BARGAINS IN USED CAES and Mansfield Economiser. IPhone Coats, Ixlmonas. Hearses, Overland louring ...... mix1 62»e-:-i« Eirlhs, Marriages, Death •luo* from ... to 6* per cent. 'ike Famous Hupmeblte Roadster ...... N»or». 7ïI Him »*iree« 13-PAF8ENGKR PACKARD STAGE— Chevrolet Touring ...... X>R SALE -Cheap. express wagon MONEY 70 LOAN MILLINERY CHIROPRACTORS * »- like new. Overland •». good Oterlead louring good buggy Apply 8332 Doug.as i»i*:i) NIGHTS and Dames of «he TUiatle — shape, *3TS. 7». electric llshts Overland I oonefl GREEMENTS a ad m*rtgadwe>uf«Bag»d MBS. J. L. CASE LIVSET. DC. McDonald -On January 1*. at the family J Meeting and social will be held in an«l starter. 1... Ford Touring ... Money to loan. Feet A Maaaer. Bar- KMiilHM UUOI.TO.WC1K ■PC.. Chiropractie ______. 1*1* Marion Street. Roderick I K Ford Touring Specialist. Orange Halt. Tuesday. Jan. :». All nirm- USED PARTS fovv Cadillac ***• ______Hwdeen [?ÇR BALE- Rank of Tip va g cotta Itidg.. _Xormala. A1. D..r.*t.l—sac ül-irtf» . b. Business Important. 1mI-:-TT Maxwell. Dodge, rpev . Light Fit Bulrk OVerlaad Roadster End of Street Car Lias Phene rraldent of thl« city for the past'thirty- j Briscoe. lluick D-46. H-4» and K-4»; Chevrolet Touring sell for less. ONET TO ^=OAN—«•». *!-••«. $1.«». Bkxen. merugi 1». i;. »i »w m winy* Vhtvfeiet Tixrlsx ♦»r4SA. «.OS», -aad. A3.*ft». t>« wide* hla blrthda; with a fine concert Overland »!-#._ Twin Fix Packard. Com- Chevrolet Teuriag ... '.TOR SALE -Grey cellapeibie baby buggy. Dalby * DENTISTS Mr Namuel E MclHmalU. at horn. Chevrolet F U Teurleg I» good conditio a. Phone *»2«R e-tf View, I». bPCBLCr X. BUSINESS DIRECTORY Cbevnrlet F.B. Teuriag The funeral will take place to-morrow L A. A. HUMBER, deatlet. Ose and OCOMOTIVE firemen annual carpi val PACIFIC AUTO WRECKING CO Mrljtughlla Teuriag ... USED RANGE BARGAINS morning. January 21. the cortege leaving «W.nmili T-pm. t<~ Hardware. Ill Fort StreeL POULT*V AND LIVX8TOCK ART GLASS D oxygen. Hours by appoint meet. tH 4 d»Mo mil be held at the Alexahdre Vhe% relet Sedan ...... the Send Funeral Chepel at 8.5» o'clock, I f Ask. for Mr. Junkie » 81.:»6 •berten Bldg. Pheee 7143. tf Ballroom. Friday. January u3. limit e »41 View Street Phene SIS# Chandler T-paae...... *1.2#» and ten mlnutgr later mas» will t»«ircele­ ur- heat r a Nash Six Teuriag ...... IMM (OOD tone violin for ealv. _ iOT > ART GLASS leaded lights. puts with Vow and case. 13» laying hen*, thor- r. SHUTS, deatlet Office. No. brated at St. Amlrew'a Cathedral, and the Nash Six Roadster. **1 3313-3-1» -KERB!. 1»2 Pemberton Bldg. miles leaving et |«g»i ...... URL Phone 17S1L2 aaahaa g .axed. Phare «II. no TUT — remains will be laid to rest In thei family oughbred Leghorn. if-»» One Chevrolet Coupe, almost like new SI.»*# MPER1AL *310-3-1» m.i plot at Rose Bay Cemetery. Il’K have several good buys la Ford ear*. HBGO MOTOR CO. LIMITED Jack's Htove Store. F"î""i * ' deliveries and trucks. Coma and Pease Block. Phene «3»4. Office. M» »»7 View Ft met Phone 2M BOOKS to • p.i tf-#p ,. ______. on January 1*. look over our used car stock. Prices from business chances George Edward Smith seed *» 1106 to $766 JEFi trucks, uaea trucks, tractor* end _____ : born In I^mdon. Eugiaud. ID Conservative ' trailers Then Pilmlev Limited, OHN T. DE A VILLE. Prep. B.C. Book iLlTAR* and dance. ------Easy Terrfis Arranged nrnghiea Street. Victoria. EC Phone HYDRO-ELECTRO THERAPY le. « u\ mo rn hi»t ro*» mm*m tiiv t Rooms. Campbell Building. Thursday tORNKK groxery. candy. school supply Exchange, library. SIS Government BL widow, two daughter». Mr.« M. Mo- J x.3*.M I'irst table. II -. second table. 8*. OGGkRS •rn rooms, for pent., Phony 17»7.______Ixer and Mr* A. G. Smith in Victoria, NATIONAL MOTOR CO. LIMITED tbfANTED-rCars and truck* fer wreck- end Princess. »PV VOID that tired feeling by Turkish end six grandchildren. 'The late Mr. third. 14; lu-t-ld »-' etrlp K.,">lî0<ÎI tents, pack seeks. weIcomc. Only 2êc. e.»»-4-I» 1 v «g; best pries* paid. W Frank Jeune * Bros. Limited. Si» Job* hoot West e ad ale. 1,1------»l Yatea. 424-2-14 Bath and Violet Ray treatment from Smith w »« a mrmter of Court* X »n- Ford Dealers « smersn Wrecking Ce.. •«» View Street. BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS AMadam Mlnoec. 73» Yatea. Paon* 1714. « iiuver A-U.F . 1.0.0 P. aad A.O.V.W . ILITARY fix - hundred, Wednesday. Ptiona ISIS « r tf tie Hritiab Campaigners and x te. 1.-3» Government Strire. ■ Ko*. - »31 Tates Street FURNISHED SUITES teeM a ne rip prlxex. Admlanion 3»c. &31l-2~-'lt ALLEABI.E »!••! «-bel. r.n»., water A NT THING la building Jacket, double warmer, as new. also A pboos 1Ï8S. Roofing a R». FI EPSON’S Wednesday class. St MOTORCYCLES AND CYCLES MATERNITY HOME The remain* sre resting ------sewing machine, drophesd. 40MPLKTELT furnished three-root TbSrkstl. Mary's Hall, will be held Thursday» perfect coodltlea. "| Le Roy Puneral Cfispé'.. where service M USED CARS OF MERIT •oYr reasonable Jan. 22. for this week only, owing to ^im­ second-hand bicycle* from 4»8SR 1EACHCROFT NURSING HOME. 7M Wednesday afternoon at 2 < portai-! < hurx~h meeting. 447-.-18 llt.S». Victory Cycle We Apartments. BL'ce»k. Mrs E. Johanna. C.M.B.. pheee ferment In the family plot at Rose ki Jehaeoa stireel. « doors below Got KJALLLABLE AND STEEL MANUKS.KA CEMENT WORK -night. Caledonia Hall. Bl |3 per week. Phone 4SI». 1474 SB i "« metef- Fare) • 4-piece orchea- Douglas Street . IS WOK RENT‘ - Furalshsd two-room suite. Janvlng and novelties. » adults. IPhone »SS»X. 673 Michigan BUTCHER—Floors draining. ru »Myi NURSING HOME « ABI» OF Admission ______*313-1-11 WATCH THIS SPACE ailing llate of Vleterla aad Street. Ull-t-ll Phono 77411» S»-tf of the lat Th* Tamil: icetlng St. Andrew e and -nceuver Island homes, business men. James Pdmet _...... nk th.ir mai EGVLAR auto owners, etc.; else complete llets of APARTMENTS — Furnished Caledonian Thursday. Jane- Fl*tuee to rent by the week er month CARPET CLEANING Ï7SQUIMALT Nurutng aad Ceaval****# friends for klr«l words »f Mft - — oath. Homo. ««7 Lampoon Strsot. Maternity turwiirr^adimiTmrsT r.rawnEnr BIG REDUCTIONS tf-!» their recent *ad l^reaxcu.ent. In the ioa* lion of officer» a aotUI will |»e Poet age refunded on undelivered mall mat- ^------and general nursing Invalids give* ex­ of a loving father. member* and-• *friends.------Admission pert car*. One acre alee grouadn Phonon ter. Newton Advertising Agency twtab- rtJMBOLDT• ..APARTMENTS —• —------—Two aad SLAND Window and Carpet Cleaning «:« end SSOLa______41#f«j •HE JUNIOR MOOSE rill hold another DBA. BICYCLES llshed 1»»8). Suit* 74. Winch Bldg. Phene three-room suites .to real. Phono «1». Ce. #17 Fort Phone SUS. W. H r.lKD OP THANKS on Wednesday. 1*11- 2S»»-tfdnnre IHughes *"Ham •mllton-r “ “ and Tamilv Ish to thankWhite Hall. THOS. PL ".ML ET LIMITED JIM BRYANT MECHANOTHERAPY 5« and S3c. their many friends for klnUne** shows and > SETTEES for sale. Vic*. Clean. modern, furnished sport- floral tributes sent In their recent s*d he- MORE- Son* of Canada St. VIclarlA. E.CBraughtoa eeme. both, etc . close te -entent in the lore of a loving meat. 4 ! CHIMNEY SWEEPS MILNE. Mechaae-Therapiat (mnnlpu# $19.50 military S»» and dance Tuea; Phone OÎ MISCELLANEOUS QENTLEMBN*» DISCARDED CLOTMINO beach and car. Apply 1747 Lillian Hoad. Admission 3Sc. 3213-2-1» S2S4-4-I» . istlve treatment). 4»7 Union Basic BOUGHT EARN—Chimneys. furs ares. aavee- I. Phone 3#*7. tf Best Price» Paid—Wo Call LWAYS THE BEST -Oar stn make SHAW A CO. H troughs < leeaed. <’lean I Incas, puttc- HELP WAN,TED—MALE beef and pork Williams's »e* 4SI 7IS Pert Street ROOM AND BOARD tunlity. courtesy. Phone 7443L1. tf FUNERAL DIRECTORS Sausage Shop, •43 Tart Street. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN TWO EXCEPTIONAL BARGAINS IAW9. table board. Eng- iUY your oysters at ths Golden Gat* WANTED—MISCELLANEOUS HRST-CLASS DRESSMAKING B. TAYLOR. * Cafe. Olympians. 7Sc per plnU East- 124 FRANKLIN -Touring, with 1»#7 Glad- hah cooking, reasonable |R. V. ». (sc per down. «7-37.» car guarantee, run» and looks Rj Phena 3TS2U. 2«s-3i-m I------Special attention to fihgor like new. A sacrifice for ... 1 RECORD EXCHANGE—Victor, 1 | RESS MAKING—A r kind : evening bom and throat. AMDS FUNERAL CO. KATES hollow grouad. Carver A Fob. berten Building. Phone IS44. ENGINEERS schooled for certiflcatsa <27 Fort Street. lumbia. Pal he record» exchanged J' dresse» aad suit: algo Mrs. Aske>. Winter burn. *34 Central 1*22 STt pBBAKER I.lght h Edison cylinder Btu* Amberot FURNISHED ROOMS Phono 1I17X-. - with a first-clai Thoughtfulness is tb* keynote 3 for », Vh7ir*ui PHYSICIANS cf sanBB pirric». Established IMS JofesnonL Hire*! HOTEL R0OMS-HouMke*>ing ■Ts'j can earn illy rooms aad chapel. MONEY AT HOME knitting machine. •1» Yatea Street. SI to 13 an hour in your spare time JAMESON MOTORS LIMITED "Advertising is to businei \\.TANTED“-T© f*1 DYEING AND CLEANING DAVID AXOD Ht lag shew. .___ cards.-_«- V' * ...v.ailnr WS as steam Ik to machinery. » v in good « ondl specialty; 2S yt HI? Quedra St. Phenes 33»» and <»3S «0 Brough tea Street Phone book. P.O. Box 3»4. 44S-3-I» IARK VIEW 4»» PaatagM Bldg and Unlverwttv, graph Syetem. supply you with work aad SUPPORT Comfortable Y1TY DTE WORKS—do*. McCann, pro- VICTORIA Inclusive B. 0. FUNERAL CO.. LTD ...v rau cash eaLh week. Writ* to-day y prietor. 144 Port. for full particulars aad free TWO CLOSED CAR BUTS INDUSTRIES EDUCATIONAL Phene 72140. III-2S-4» Annua Show Card Service Limited. »l DODGE SEDAN. recent model e>-KOOM shack for batching, (Haywards). Bet. ll«7 * Celberwe Building. Toronto. Canada. « wheels, new car readltien, a flat Many of the things Rockland water. IS monthly. »2our chance to get a new car ht a big f Pment. Phone I»*». Johnson Sta Phone *13. for pro^nectuk. ICTOR1A SCHOOL Ol NATURAL newly decorated. |2S. Phone VrOUN<» woman for housework rcsulnr.y money spent EXPRESSION A. B. HUMPHRIES MOTORS LIMITED Hibbea- BoneBldg. Phene #414 1 in morning». Apply 23*3 Cook Street. Phone 4 7» for. View and Vancouver Sta V YOU DO NOT SEE what you are look FURNITURE MOVERS MONUMENTAL WORKS Phone «*#41..______63*3-1-17 lag for advertised here, why not adver home. Help MISS ClJtRE S'Oit ELL. LR. A M. ”______... o____ ... . - j Phof Sfcl»V er |»1S »»»-U SuK» 24, Winch ~Bldg. —Phono 1»U------CAPITAL SERVICE GARAGE If yeur newspaper In net pcneeble—contains directory aad time • XJVR8B open, for engagement or will ' 10MPLETELT furnished six-room house. tables—i>*c, s Phone 3I|4 1## 2 Port r. RADIO TIMBER BVt RAW PUI -All kinds wasted. , «nr* fer patient In her home. Phone Cine. lx. ,-.lllo«>. ktm.t, Cheque by return mall. If price net delivered In a reasonable ««ÎÎT. U nl Phone «■», .M-M-41 satisfactoryI 1er returned immediately nt A OF.—Dance and social following time "after publication, j\. Court Victoria's regular ledge meet- A DDREFFINO and mailing di 1 W. RADIO SERVICE—There Is no • YAM. McINTOEU. HIBBER8QN. BLAIR my expense. Jam** Diemen. Ill# Clare COMPANY LIMITEDTIMBER lag Wedaeeday. Jan. *U- 448-.-is PERSONAL ' A car owners. We he**, names and ad- ■ • shortage her* of genuine U.V. 19» HOUSES FOR SALE plena* phene SS4S and trusts of Victoria and Venc**v»r Inland ubes. We give service. Phene 3I»4. Ill Timber cruisern vntunthre and ceneulil AFTERNOON Court whlet. Wedncvlax • ------’e'. Newton Advertising Poll------Street.* * MWtf Timber fer eel* I* large UST Arrived, genuine Alaska malnhlaa small tract»—Crews grant er llooom—la another espy «ill be 1.3». 133# Ooverament Street 8crt| X7ESÎ we mnn*ufacture Regal Dr* Ginger Winch Bldg. Phene Ills. DV-IR Four-tube Re­ ____- . . . — . lM-ft. fror.Lege. J dreeeeU. dyed, same peter ------"* prizes. Admlaelon ;Jc. *311-1-17 part *1 the Province. fenced. and a nice rive-roera pay for common Hudson seal, A Ale. Noe* better Sold nl all #»adarb fiez Set usii direct!t Iona I loop (no Houm. Victoria. dispatched immediately. Falrall ■ U-nlted. phone 212. if •rial requiredi. ComComplet* with fully fruit thing that wilt last for >ear A NYONE desiring to Jenin alt the old- P YOU DO NOT SEE what gee are look. outside aei rMckea rua. oApbly Eo« 1». Tln*a _ X. Hibbea.— Government A time ballroom dance# come to Wal­ lag for advertised here, why net *4iver< tubes for $16# This in In* 3»3-24-14l \\7ANTEI>—The add re w of Mrs. Morris tlM your wants? >nt a Phonograph Store. BOATB lace’s Dunclng Claae at the K. of P Hal 1» , Condon, late address Prince Rupert BUILT ON INnTALMEN f Pl^N TIMES e« Tweedey. S P-m AdnMeeloe 2Sc. !*#-!-171 1 house a us of reader* will if have Rtroet •CRN homes ffr sal*. Phone ÔitLî rvcnlngt tse?-3-1» lent what y«| are looking be wind built, repaired. Mtlafacttnn guar- radio batteries liale. cent rector. T>VRNS concert. Knox .Kirk Frida phone 114» PATENT ATTORNEYS CIRCULATION JL3 nichL Ticket» be ahlllln . «41-3-13 ig. MrCandlem Battery Ce.. #** 13$T guns > side A vs Does AND CATS DEPARTMENT /CYLINDER BO Y DEN. M.IC.E. DOf row end nave money at the Fameui good condition, time ill At: It## Z^HOdLEY No I», |i# i«; Ni STi 1SÏ.E. patent attorney. Street. I>OR VALE - Pure bred1 Boston pup. balance cah bn arrange Phan* U#L V-V gold ol Crowther Brea.. \J motorcar repairs, marine way*, ete. UTILIZE TIMES WANT AOS X> Ste-e. 731 Yatee Street. Watch eu 114 Klngnten Street Phene »«, wind»»» fer bargalaa. u •1 i«male. Phene 7IS3XS. 433-3-17 •42 Yatea. VICTORIA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY. JANUARY 20, 1925 REAL ESTATE-HOÜ SES. LOTS. ACREAGE, DAIRY, FRUIT, aidCHICKEN RANCHES FOR SALE

CHEAT FARM, CLOSE TO CITY QITUATKD In a quiet secluded locality., «vaw he set It down untouched among its Lj adjacent to Beacon Hill Park, near the' partially filled fellows. mmRTT-rivm acri of goed land, six CORDON HEAD sea and with a pleasant Southern ouuook. ONLY IM00 this is one of the most charming homes of (Special Feature») ‘Too hot for more dancing," he -1 miles out. feared and ACRES, 4 cleared, ea seed read. Part Its dees in Vtctertn, The house was uUllt Hot water heating, open fireplace. laughed, seeming to steady him­ ten acres of bottom land under plough, for the present- owner tens tkaa n year Every belli-la convenience. also email orchard ; comfortable fear-room 5 In loganberries and rasps in bearing. SERIAL STORY self against the table edge. "What house, large barn, chicken houses. Bargain ah boose and be.ro Excellent soil, ago. ef atucco construction and ou Calife. - Full-stood cement base meat. say to the garden, Mariana?" ce S3,400. terma nia bungalow plana There are nine bright Hunt oaly four years ago. tor 14.600. rooms (five bedrooms), containing every 1-arg# lot. garage. He reached over snd dragged ïi*!)?* kÏajnT* Ftfn° avJov R modern convenience and many special f«a- Price Includes electric fixtures end Mariana to her feet, despite her pro­ J. OEEENWOOD TOON O WAI.KKB turee. Including: fixed tube; .built-in ef- blinda ____ REALLY A SPLENDID BABOA1N facts : panelled and beamed ; eaoept tonally BLACKWOOD STREET tests. UN CxmWMSt Street large pressed hrtek fireplace: hardwood _ V. now and exceptionally well-built She was startled, a little fright­ (SITUATED la the beat part ef the «1*| floors In front roqtna; living room 11x80 bungalow of tour roams, end containing THE MARRIAGE SCALES ed. His familiarity offended her. ” Diet (oa Howe Street), on the high feet, high tension wiring throughout bonne every peeelble modern convenience It has He had never before called her by Part. Cloee to o*a and park. Oc CONVICT LO$T LIFE for electric heating and cooking; very high entrance hall, living-room with open fir-- •at. furnace, etc. Fine tot. garag^ way cement basement ; plpeleee furnace. stucco iare, arch to dialog-room which has her first name, never before looked and garage, with « garage to match design of house; eolld tullt-tn buffet and ehlna closets, extra at her with that bold significance in cas be arranged. Baltimore, Jan. 20.—John Kelly, a concrete walks and driveway; stucco fanes, large bedroom with elethee closet and BEDTIME ST0PÏ life-term man. was killed In an un­ etc. For quick action the owner has connecting bathroom; kitchen with every his dark eyes. successful attempt to eecape from the Knocked the price away below the cost te built-in convenience, eoullory. etc., base- By MILDRED BARBOUR She forgot that this was the man build the house alone without any extras, meat cemented, hot water heating Plant, she had fallen In love with, for whom EC. LAND » penitentiary here last night. Kelly and for anyone looking for an exception­ laundry tuba large lot.,garage, local Im­ Uncle Wiggily and the snd four others bad got out of their ally attractive home at a bargain, this provement taxes paid In fuiL Purchase she wanted to free herself from LIMITED cells when the first-named slipped rice Includes electric light fixtures and Copyright 1124. Metropolitan Newspaper Service. New York. Charlea and that be was asking her •81 Geverameel 6L- tHade ______to go with him Into the fragrant ■ BBd IS» fiftl f—I ^ - MO Part htreel Pbene «01 P. K. BROWN g SONS LOOTED Woodpecker Real Estate, Financial and Insurance darkness of the garden. A few hours Agente ago, she would have gone eager!), Copyright. 1815. by McClure Newe- HIS Brbad street Pbeee 1ST* CULLAM TAKES UP HIS ROLE that it was too steep a price to pay thrilling to her romantic fingertips. * paper Syndicate for friendship. But he knew that he Now she hung back, alarmed, and Despite Uielr mellow mood, Mari­ would pay It. He could not. In honor, appealed to the others. (By Howard^ R, Oar is) TIMES CROSS-WORD PUZZLE VERTICAL ana’s guests could not but sense do anything elae. “Come with us. It’s too heavenly 1 Book of Psalm». some serious undercurrent in the Across the room, hie eyes sought to stay indoors. We’ll go down to The woodpecker eat In the tall oak 2. Spelling of twelfth letter of alpha­ meeting of Craig Cullam and Jervis. bet. Doris’s. He hoped—even while ad the lake!" tree, and he was as hungry as hun­ bird out of hie warm nest the Fog Here la a typical crossword pussle. Typical design. Typical 5. ^Decays. They fell silent and watched the two milling to himself that he was with "Just the thing!" The house party, gry could be. He drilled some holes said: 4. Separate articles. men as If they were the actors In a out hope—that she would read their with the exception of Doris, sprang in hie funny way, but not a bug did "Come and make a hole In Uncle 6. To perform. little drama arranged for their wretchedness and understand. up en masse. "We'll go swimming, he find that day. Wiggily*» door for me so I can open (. It makes folks sweat In Summer tine. amusement. a midnight swim." "And If I doh’t find some bugs or 16 HI U 7. Fixed. But Doris only flashed him U and get In." - — r-r- But nothing happened. Jervis cut — “Midaig^t ! ’’ laughed Her- jwwma *ratty eoontvwith alt Ohs hates Thy net going to do such a" t/CwiJ une lion. - ihbft Màriàha's Introduction with a serene smile that torn nothing t#f turn rington, "U's nearer three o'clock.' I’m making in this tre*. I'll starve to 8. 1 Tills along on the ground bewilderment snd dismay In her own thing to my good friend Uncle Wig­ I. 0. Very email quantity or degree. Linda burst into song. death!" croaked the woodpecker, gily'' croaked the woodpecker. •1 have met Cut lam before.** heart, and went on. chatting with bunging his sharp beak on a dead II. Time Just preceding an gveuL Jervis. *”•; H ‘Oh. It’s three o’clock In the 'Do It or I'll pull out all your tall 12. Honor. Cullam himself merely bowed. morning, and we’ve danced the whol-j feathers ! " threatened the Fox. 80 15. 2.008 pounds. “Good gracious. Is there anyone The sight of them, of the girl he night through.' ’’ she trilled. For it is In that way, you know, the Woodpecker, being afraid of hav­ 10. Tracks left by wheeled vehicles. you don't know?' Mariana appealed Jdved sweetly responsive to his that the woodpecker bird gets his mn 'Oh hush, IJnda, your voice Is ing his tail feathers pulled out, said: 21. KiKngltsl ih for prison. to Cullam. “FXncy your nevel- men­ rival’s obvious devotion, and thu awful! ” snapped Miss Seabury. Tm living. He drills holes In trees, as a 'All right, I suppose I'll have to." ’23. Knight*.Knl_ tioning Doris and her faithful Old knowledge that for more than twen­ beginning to feel wooty. 1 think :t carpenter makes holes in a board Bo the FOx took the bird to the bun­ 26. Anger, rage. Dog Tray!* ^ ty-four hours he must act the jwrt cold plunge is Just the thing. Come with a gimlet. And at the bottom of galow and told him to drill a hole 27. nuitfaillks. There was malice ip. the linking of an Intoxicated disgusting fool, al­ the hole he makes, the woodpecker 28. To tooth or notch. on. Hal." In the door. But the woodpecker 29. What every poker player would Uke of her sisters and Jervis's names. most made him frantic. He had an liai, who had been silent for some hopes to find worms and bugs to eat knew how to play a trick. to say after Msrlans hoped to' give the impres­ Instant’s wild temptation to wrest time, looked up stupidly. "But this is my unlucky day!" “Bang! Rang! Rang!" he tapped 11. Anxious. sion that Dor Ur and Dick Jervis wero Doris from Jervis’s sideband tell het* ‘ Want to fish. Want V go V lake croaked the bird, who had a tuft of his beak on the glass of the door, 88. What the new auto owner does with as rood as affianced. She didn’t the truth, tell her about Mariana’s and catch ltl.‘lli fish." ed feathers on his head. instead of hitting the soft wood. ridiculous infstuation. the promise to "Why Is it your unlucky day?" 84. Kinds of coarse grass. want to be deliberately untruthful, You're pie-eyed, you poor simp!" Bang! Bangity! Bing!" but she was distinctly displeased by Charles.—everything! Jporis was asked Uncle Wiggily. who. Just then, "Burglars! Thieves! Fire! Police!" 3d. Past tense of do. declared Dick Jervis. "Umon!” hopped beneath the tree. And when 38. Al«c. the turn event! had takep. Why honorable and loyal, whe would He held out his hand to Porte. cried Nurse Jane in the bungalow, 42. Guaranteed against loua was 4'rKlg Cullam looking so steely understand. “Hurry up. Don't let Cullam get hearing the noise. Just as the wood­ 43. What the pigeons do. and Implacable? Why was Dick pecker thought she would. "Call the 44. Occupations requiring skill But even while the desire rode ahead with Mariana. The fellow's 45. To raise up. Jervis glowering so? Why was Doris him. he knew he would not yield. He not safe. I tell you!" Police Dog. Uncle Wiggily! Some 47. Snake-llke fish. flushed and gayer than usual, and so was thankful that he was Incapable ports,roes wearily. . ... _ .. . one Is trylnff to get In!" 48. Living stumps of trees «■■xwsmr-v* ttmi Mariana was jealous of an act so caddish as -a confession *bst she go through with" tills? ------TMWlar-U» 4BHWr 50. Abel’s brother. for the first time in her life? to Doris of * her sister's infatuation Would these Imbeciles never tire and when he henrd this. “You’ve spoiled 61. Dull brown color. Jervis drew Doris aside. everything. Woodpecker! You spoiled 54. impress letters on puper. for him. No one could tell Doris go to bed. so she could be permitted 60. Tall structures used te store green ’ How did thin bounder happen to honorably but Chartes, and Charie« the luxury of tears? She felt that my plans’" feed. horn into Mariana’s house party ?” was beyond reach. her heart was breaking, that all her “Just what I wanted to do! 58. Wading bird of stork family.' Doris could have slained him, but beautiful rose-colored illusions were laughed the bird as he flew back to 58. To compete with. her own bewilderment and pride So he took up hie role again and hi* nest while the Fox ran off In the despair lent a new recklessness to 1L torn and scattered in the dust, where 61. The back of the neck. drove her to smile brilliantly upon irreverent feet trod triumphantly dark woods and hid. And not until 63. Native metal. He pretended to become uproariously next day did Mr. Longeers learn from 64. Attempt. him and answer sweetly. % upon them. Every laugh Craig Cul­ Tm dying to know myself. 1*11 drunk. He sang the delighted house the woodpecker what happened. 65. Chum. party little songs that were not ex lam had wrung from the crowd went So If the snowflake doesn't go to 87. Adult males. ask Mariana first chance I get. It actly risque, but not exactly refined. through her like a knife-thrust. 68. Perform. seems Mr. Cullam has known Mart- Kvery Jest, every eaeela ^ ______.o jBigyg JMul find itKjt— ana and CharTee Tor ITTong Time? turned Into a puddle of water when 1t and a towel folded into a turban, he gesture of his. every bold sign If cant wakes up. I’ll tell you next about “Devilish queer he never men­ glance toward Mariana, was a death­ tioned it to you!** muttered Jervis did Oriental dances that made the Uncle Wiggily and Baby Bunty*a Harrington's. Miss Keabury, the mail blow to the high Ideal she cherished book. ». „ Cross-word Puzzle 006 suspiciously. There’s a nigger in —the ideal whom she had believed Into* the wood pile somewhere, take my called Hal. and Dick Jervis in parti culor, rock and roar with apprécia he embodied. HOW TO SOLVE THE CROSS-WORD PUZZLE word for It!" She wondered, while the apathetic­ "How clever you are. Dick." Doris tlon. Mariana laughed, too, but her eyes were puxsled. ally permitted Dick Jervis to guide 11-70 Every number In thq form represents the beginning of a word, readlr.p either murmured absently, her eyes uncon­ her through the warm, scented dark­ Sorison tally or vert leu lly. If there la a black square to the left of the number, sciously watching Cullam. Only Doris, secure from observa­ the word Is horizontal: if above it. the word la vertical. The same number may tion by the complete absorption of ness of the garden, how she could TO-MORROWS of course begin both a horixontal and a vertical. The definition# for the correct The young actor had roused him­ ever have been so mistaken in hu­ *nrpull out ill youx' wordg to fill the form are found below, with numbers corresponding to those on self with an effort from the leaden the others, could be herself. A stab­ man nature. She could have taken the form. Run through the definition# till you find one that you recognise, and despair which seemed to be crushing bing pain she had never experience tail feather» t* before her was torturing her. Her her oath that Craig Cullam was all put ft in Its proper place on the form, one letter for each white square. This will him. Before him was the ghastly she believed him to be; fine, and HOROSCOPE furnish several cross-clues to the words linking with It at right angles. Continue realisation that his performance was very heart and soul were slckeninf the Woodpeckeer told the bunny Jn this manner till the form Is completely filled,* ItIf you have solved th* pusslepu within her. strang. and honorable, and tender about making a lot of holes, but find­ correctly It should read both horlsontally and verticallyilly with words correspomcorresponding only one-fourth done. He must, hi Yet here he was suddenly revealed ing nothing to eat, Mr. Longears to Ike- dstoltlonx The correct solution of t»-day # pussleyurxle will be printedprint In the name of friendship, go through With eyes wide and dark with as a monster. A man who made said: •ext Issue of The Tin wttlr It. Until hr saw' disgust sn* paiih ske stared--at the man she fi) Ce open love to Mr frtend*s wtfe "Walt her# k minute and Til bring loathlng In Mariana’s eyes, until hv loved, who had suddenly become HORIZONTAL M. Intoxicating drink. . hind hie back. À man who drank you a place of suet and some bread ■40. A small speck. knew beyond the shadow of a doubt such a terrifying stranger. Khd sang and damced with disgust cnmitsT" ...... 7. One who fights for a public cause. 41. Part of the foot. that her infatuation for him was for­ Craig Cullam caught Doris's eyes. ing abandon. Over to his hollow stump bungalow WEDNESDAY. JANUARY *1 18. Long, narrow opening. 42. Anything congealed by freeling ever killed, he must continu^the role He couldn't read them, but he knew Dick was talking to her. but she hopped the- rabbit and soon 14. External. 44. Place for sacred offerings. of a tipsy roue, the rob Mch he According to the dominant plane» 16. To 46. Noble, dignified poems. that, for the*moment, he couldn't go scarcely heeded what he said given the woodpecker plenty to eat. 17. .to < 49. Conjunction. Answer to Cress-word Russie No. 097 knew would take 'from i in one on with his despicable role. “—told you. didn’t 1? Now maybe And it there ie one thing that all tary configurations for this day, 18. "NegNegative adverb. 50. Adorned with a plume. Inexorable sweep, the friendship, of Flinging aside the sheet and tur­ you'll believe— Can’t be too care­ birds like mcyre than another in Win­ affairs may move at a lively pace, 20. Fence doors...... 52. Fixed. Doris, the girl he loved. ban that formed his Oriental cos­ ful-don’t know what Charles w.ia ter. It Is suet from s piece of meat. owing to the fine stimulas of Mars 21. Ose who to affectedly smart. 63. In thin manner. His hopes, his dream a his heart tume. he walked unsteadily to the about—" Buet helps to keep the birds warm. trine Luna, but there may be some . 23. Scandinavian legend. 54. Strikes gently. RHODE ISLAND ROBBERY and happiness were already heaped 24. Small Pacific island tree of Illy table and reached, with shaking He sloped suddenly at a bend In "Oh. I feel ever so much better sudden and unwelcome activity. Behold rn th* **** of follU1' upon the altar of his friendship for hand, for the decanter and a glass. the path and took her by both row. Uncle Wiggily," said the wood­ There is presage of a disruptive 26. Wound with a pointed weapon. 68. Part of the eye. Providence. R.I., Jàn. 28.—Jsmn Charles. A sacred promise bound His gait was the halting one he shoulders, shaking her soundly. pecker. flapping Its wings. ‘Thank force, producing unexpected change, 21. What the boat does when rocked. 60. Falling water. Lindsay, paymaster of the Inter-Lay- him to sacrifice them there. used th the big scene of hie play, but •What the devil Is the matter with you very much. Any time you want removal or Journey, which may not 28. lie. 42. Early spring bird. ken Dye Works. Arkwright, and Only one man could release him he wasn’t acting now. He was liter­ you. Doris? I've asked you three a hole drilled In your bungalow let result advantageously. With this 80. Befsgto ------64. A gratuity.----- :------—------Harold €ktt; ht» aseiotant, were held 32. Person* who sort. 66. Find fault with. from his obligation and that man ally groping through a fog of times If—" / me know.” properly handled, there may be 34. Knermous bird In Persian folk talee. 68. Ireland. l up by four masked men within a was far away, speeding est ward :o wretchedness. "Oh, do -forgive me," she was con­ T will." promised the rabbit. "But benefits eventually of stable worth, 25. Scan a page. «8. Train of fanctea while asleep. short distance of the plant yester­ California, trusting him *to restore His audience applauded wildly, trite. T didn’t mean to be rude, as this Is Winter, we don’t want any especially in the matter of new pro­ 37. They make lot of noiso In circus 71. Opposite of closed. day and robbed of the payroll of his wife's affection and his marital begging for more burlesque. Cullaih honestly. I—I was thinking of some­ holes In the bungalow to let in the jects. tents, 72. Put an end-to. 111.466. The bandits escaped in an happiness! lifted the glsss to hie lips, appeared cold wind." Ro Uncle Wiggily hopped 81. A canvas or cloth house. 73. Makes smaller. automobile. thing—’’ Those whose birthday it Is. may Cullam * tortured heart cried out to toes off Its contents. In reality, (To be continued) along and the bird cuddled up in a expect a sudden upheaval during the hollow of the tree to go to sleep. year, which. If wisely managed, may Now It happened that the sly F*ox lead to substantial benefits, especi­ had seen the woodpecker making ally In the matter of new business. holes In the tree, and the Fox said to himself: But beware fraud and sign any writ­ To-night HI catch that bft-d. 1*11 ings cautiously. A child bom on this THE GUMPS —CJtANBERRY SAUCE take him to Uncle WlggUy's bunga­ day should be popular and well- low and make the woodpecker drill a liked. and may have an active and hole In the front door with his beak. eventful life, full of change and new Once the hole is drilled, I can reach situations. Its domestic and social CM VSN'X XHA.X It SWfTCST UVWt >KAPVtX) HtHRVTrA. ITS in. turn the lock, open the attachments should offset other dif­ ON I8WPT NE XHC 5V*EETESX ' 1 CAN’T MEW VX- \ \ ficulties which may be encountered. tS. SNM1 LOOK A.T TVtOSB K WWÏWfl'V. OUTV AbORE XMEM- X door, and then I can enter and nibble VVTXVE EOX? COA^ NEHE, RQStM CHS^eKS ;- OW, >toy utrit fc\A>Vmct> "TRAIT- \ OON'T the rabbit's ears. That's what I'll TV«W. \N NX'S XWE SVMEEX VVTXVE do!" True friends visit In prosperity XOUHO MAM - XNHAX’S XOUk Wlttct- Svt, HV5 SM\UN ANS MCTCWt*. VBX SUCVt xane xo me ax svbva- W3W WOUVb XOU UWE XO NWOtRHtSS TOR k WttCVOOS LVTTCfe VVt\W^£ OOX OX- H^k. _> OW. \ COV)W> ousx WAVE k NVCE EEVÔVVX , SXtiUX TOk OWt VfcCQH«7^------«evwes» uxxvE tTENb MX WEE \H SWVNX EtVANX "î t WV»W CHWOVÜtTV AS NOV) HANt VA A MOftSEkX- "5QMEXXME DAILY RADIO PROGRAMMES INOOR WtAXtX- MX ARM^ OUST ACHE XO XAKE AU. XWt VVXXVE ,______by Hi ►hofiy. under the direction of Kdwanl Fltxnatrick CFCT—Ftetehee Victoria (419) From 6.30 to 7.80 p.m—Children’s nro- VAVATE FraaaT _ preeontlng Prof. Wa*ter_&A* , trola recital vaster Hertsog In stories of American XWt EVE Bros'. Music and Radiola history. The weekly visit of the Radio KGO—General Electric Company, Oak­ Fairies—Queen Titania and her Sand­ . VVEX3 land (Pacific, a») man. Louts F. Klein, harmonica and At 1 p m.—Studio programme. autoharp From 10 p.m. to 1 ajn.—Dance music From 7.30 to 8 p.m —Programme pre­ programme by Henry Halstead's or­ senting Occidental College Men’s Glee chestra and soloists. Hotel 8L Francis, Club. Arnold Dann, director, and Dwight San Francisco. Miller, manager. From 8 to 10 p.m.—Special birthday KFRC—Radiosrt Studio. San Francisco programme In honor of Mr. HulUager, (Pacific. *80) who is listening in at Clinton. Iowa. From 8 to 10 p.m.—Dance programme Programme through The courtesy of by 1‘aul Kelli’s orchestra. William Hullinger, flutist. KGW—Merntng Oregonian, Portland From 10 to 11 p.m.—Radiocasting (Pacific, 485) Karl Burt nett’s dance orchestra from / At 8 p.m.—Agriculture lecture. the Blltmore Hotel. At 8.30 p.m.—Concert by artist pupils of the Dlerke, Bellman and Fargo KFftQ—Angélus Temple, Los Angelue Btsdles. , (Pacific. 27$) From 18 to 12 p m.—Dance music by From 6.30 to 7.30 n.m.—Gray Studio Multnomah Hotel Strollers of the Mult- programme prevented by and through >mah Hotel, _ ' \ , ■■______the courtesy of Harry James Beardsley K F I—Eerie C. Anthony Inc., Lea (Cousin Jim), assisted by Eugene Lamb Angeles (Pacifie, 487) and other associates. BRINGING UP FATHER From 8.41 to 8 p.m.—Aeolian organ KDKA—East Pittsburg. Fa. (Eastern, —By GEORGE McMANUS recital with Dan McFarland at the con- At 6.18 p.m.—Dinner concert Vocal progrmr At 7.30 p.m.—Children’s period. « tUMPLx CAIHNOT PRACTISE 'tOOC.O AND TCUU MX W»EE>------Harold Hart, At 8.30 p-tn.—Concert. MX OlNCINC, WITH THKTfejJ THEM TO ■STOP» CAN’T t>WSC, t KNOW IT- IV, w Buy num At 11 p.m.—Concert, Pittsburg Post WCLL- 1 THACrt» WHY 1 I Male Quartette. Studio. HAMMEIRIHC, QOINC, ON "I WHILE TOO WLB—Chicago, III. (Central, 348) WHACT DO I M HAMMER) MC, At 6.10 p.m.—Ralph nmerson. omntoA lix THE iseyr APART • -xxV, • ARE HAH - KPO—Hal* Brothers. A',\henin<, At 6.60 p.m—Specialties. I ate The- 1^ >XX> f at re Studios. t memx- «—-rrrr x DO MX L tV#*«T*J From I.SO to 6.SO* At 7 p.m.—Lullaby time, "Big" Ford ocw and “Little" Glenn. JvmiT A 1— At 7.16 p.m. Israelite He > ef David From 6.80 to 7 p ra.—Dinner pro­ ladles* quartette. l CAN'T hMrAUTEL-VLi gramme by the “Mauler Musicians/' Joe At 7.46 p.m.—Drama, version ef Reb­ hclpj XOO A, McGown. director, under the Ackerman ^ CU^C,CH and Harris Circuit of Vaudeville The- From 8 to 8 p.m —laham Jones and hi* College Inn orchestra; Kenneth 4 HAMMER* From 7 te 7.SO p m —Rudy Keleer's Clark, Hawaiian guitarist: “The Vnhm Fairmont Hotel orchestra» by wire tele« •*f the Better Purebred Hlm,’’ H. H. phony. Klldee. From I to I. SO p m.—Musical pro- At 9 p.m—Grace Wilson, contralto. *'?$%.SO p.m—Dialogue on Thrift, by E. From 9 to 10 p.m —“Merry Wives at Windsor” Anthonv Wona. H. Leetoek Gregory and J. W Strawn. At 1.88 pm—Florence K. White. members of the Northern Aasoctatlon of California.Life Underwriters. *°AtaY42 p m —Art Kahn and Iris Senate From 8 to 10 p.ro.—Programme under Theatre 8 y noops tors. the direction and management of H. | At 10 p m.—Israelite House ef David Victor Vogel, un' * ** -—î‘— 1 Checker Taxicab At SSTV-m.—laham Jones and hie n^vli-V1 playing In.the °ÏT.lînp0mrC-,^S.nî ■vtsnAimMili KMjÊ^Leî"Âi Bnaia Radiocasting Art College Inn orchestra; Ford and Glean. VICTORIA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, JANUARY 20, 1925 16 =ss

road in front of their house, if they j ltd! prefer to have money spent, on Pickard Sc Town Ltd., Successors to EVERYTHING FOR THE RADIO home™ for the bear, or a imp^da COUNCIL SEES FIRST It Is a good thing to remember that roa-l in front of their homenewbuh wbuld FAN this «tore now carries everything tor undoubtedly vote for the macadam the radio fan. ____ road- ... He had heard a lot of suggestions DRIFT OF ESTIMATES Radiol», III and IIIA, 'at $60.00 NOW SOLVED FOR in regard to the white bear. The ! ...—-— an,i ...... S4s.ee • A" Batterie...... a...... «»£ Finit Outline of Expenditures ■•6" Betteriee ...... *$.10 and then when they came to the isl­ For Year Amounts to  Ccpperweld Aerial Wire, 100 and 150 and from which It came to drop it $2,515,266.91 The Popular Yates Street Store f<;rt. *6* and ...... ***' off. GILLETTS Insulators ...... • ! Little White Bear Will Have Much had been said in regard to the publicity value. He had taken The first draft of the city's esti Hssd Phenes. S7.SO and ...... B3.BO mated expenditures and receipts was Tubes, W.O. II ...... $5.BO | Den in Victoria Worthy of that up at headquarters. He saw members of the Publicity Bureau presented to the Council last night LYE Loud Speakers, from ...... *lil.50 His Fame and they said there was ft certain showing estimated expenditures for Splendid Style Cents amount of advertising value, but this year of 12,515.266.91. L*»t year The much-discussed housing prob­ when he suggested the bureau use the estimates were for $2,402.162.31. Drake Hardware Co., Ltd. lem of little Ur sus Kermodel, Vic­ some of its own appropriation for making an increase) this year of toria’s white hear. has been solved. $112.184.67. Controllable expendi­ «1» peuples Street______Phene ***> the purpose they said “No,” they The City Council last night de­ could spend it to greater advantage. tures amount to $360,197.25. City $11.90 cided to build u new ^omc for it in He thought they could too. Comptroller MacDonald pointed out. Uncontrollable expenditure amounts Iteacon llill Park at a cost not to “OUT OF THE RUT' exceed $1,000. Four aldermen voted to $1,665.069.9*. The summary of A laet clearance price. These are all fine piodels against the expenditure. Aliigypan J. A. Shanks read a expenditures as presented in the first in popular shades, plain and fur-trimmed ; all The matter came up on a recom­ lengthy speech in defence of “Ursus draft to the council is as follows : mendation from the parks and,boule­ Kertnodel, ’ dealing on its value as a t BTMtralUblf Kiiwsdâtwre aizes. 1 tourists' magnet. Victoria would have vards committee, and Alderman J. Interest ...... 1.1 423.593.81 A. Shanks, who for several days something no ont her place had, he Sinking fund Ht.ltl.il Iftou pointed out, a great advertising fea- Inpayment of debt ...... 45.600.OS UoJUl past has been waging a vigorous Kx tension of eerutitiee charge* 258.160.10 Oddments, Boys' tnr.* in itself. campaign to retain Ursus, immedi­ They should give Ursus Kermodel Local Improvement sinking trua ately moved the recommendation be fund loan* ...... i.161.47 * find a home because they were a new Local Improvement eeriel de­ Sweaters accepted. \ bentures ...... 9S.2I1.C8 $1.19 City Council and could show they Alderman CljFarlhue asked what vt/uld step out of the rut. Local improvement charge* to , Value* to $2.50...... ton be borne by the city ...... 120.C8C.4t youue. had becomo of the tag day sugges­ “PUBLIC SENTIMENT" Itrokerage and exchange . .. tion. Interest under annual loan by Grey, -blue and brown shades, button shoulder won, / Alderman Todd said it was again Alderman Marchant thought bet- 42.800.00 he could not say If It had been done style, for boys up to 10 years. a case of spending money., which the j ter use could be made of $1,000, but every year. Alderman Marchant 11,041.085 42 doubted If there were any members 0M same old crowd—the property own- i public sentiment was with Ursus Hoard of School Trustees «09.464.04 ÇS* . Kermodel, aud it Wgi a fair thing to 114.580 00„ of the present Saanich Council who JHair-. woubt.be Mkcd-tii tWlMfôlL^S^wonaered^“wKSOwrir gÉtjBÛauaMMiRj r ■ knew anything about the-agreement. Clearance of Em It wgs all right for people to ll.5C5.9C9 44 write to the papers over the little was not possible to compromise by f oetreltable Expeagltur# white bear but it would be better if means of a tag day. I 4.150 66 broidered Pieces they came forward with an offer of He also suggested that any policy"^ 1 L j46.6* City Hall Gossip financial help. ------should be one of continuation. There Comptroller * i»*pt. 11.49C.CC. Keful&r 79c ...... AGAINST URSUS 22.528 60 1 «ere other epIendW entmel. which ‘oJet. 5.870 60 Squares and runnrrs, perfect bleael) ; Some of the citizens with a mud cou.d be placed in the park. ; Amtaor i Dept...... cc8o.ee TO VISIT SEATTLE Alderman Mara thought If- they UOIMlag Inspector * Dept, 4.735 Oti The council last night fell In with 27x27, 18x36. jyiDftiVEm Ï.W44 HONEST I turned down a road end then .pent 1.772.CO the suggestion that Mayor Pendray. WEI6HTI money for a home for a bear they . j ,*mi Department ...... •1.838.73 and Alderman M. I*. Blair, chairman had no right to be on the council. j Store* Dept...... l.see.oe of the Industrial Committee accept Bleached Longcloth Childrtit’t V„|, Alderman Cullln pointed to the ...... «.eee.ee an invitation of the Seattle Chamber Shoal Bay Grocery 36.719 oo of Commerce to attend the formal Regular $1.25, - MR. C. C. COOPER | advertising value and the publicity rîre**Department *...... 2.255.00 j the bear had received ns a reason 1M.3C1.12 opening of their new building Sat sr3*.: i9c for ...... HE SELLS Street lighting ...... 48.984.ee urday. Soft quality English cotton. 36 79c j for keeping It in Victoria. 23.640 ee Heavy cotton rib. sizes 8 to 14 TENDERS inches wide, with very little um t d Alderman Dewar doubted if the Market and weights and years, long and short sleeves. J.KINCHAM . T bear would properly be taken care of. me*sure* ...... 4 0S« 60 The tender of the Moore-Whit 1004 Broad St. Periberhcm Block Phcfne 04-/ The vote was as follows. Home for Aged «ntl Infirm Men 16.35.».00 tington Lumber ComfCuny of $685.90 “Our Own Brand” Charities ...... 22.800.00 for wood blocks for street paving Our Method 20 sacks to the ton and tOO tbs of cod in *,*57.00 was' accepted by the City Council Cotton Comforter Bats Children's Combinations *aHM*#ior’S“wfflee. -, n«e-wWi, .i».Mtkse. iaet night...... and Marchant. * Knglneerlng end surveying *60 6» Against Ursus—Aldermen Mara, Streets, bridge* and sidewalk* 123.862.00 NOT LIABLE Dewar, Brown and Todd. Sanitary works ...... îî'îlîîî $1.00 $1.98 The city is not liable to Capt. “Champion" Bate, full comforter Plant ...... *•**??? Hugh Allan for damage to hiu auto­ Fine wool mlxturs. short sleeves gpi Uifl widiw gsntf gtr .. . .. mobile when It struck * pok on *4*•s.Wxt*. and knee length and long eleevea Waterworks ...... Fort Street, City Solicitor H. H ankle length; I, 10 and lr years. Miscellaneous ...... 122.490.04 Pringle advised the council last night Klk Lake farm and park .... 14.444.44 It was decided to notify Mr. Allan Corticelli WILL NOT ENDORSE 9 984.1*7.25 accordingly. Aastralene Wool t ,lkii9j9HP CEMETERY TRUSTEE Babies’ Pram Covers Alderman J. A. Shanks was named 6 tu-Sl.OO Réguler $606, Nearly forty votes were passed by to fill the position on the Board of BETTING MACHE the council last night, most of which Cemetery Trustees of Greater Vic­ for ...... related to salaries, maintenance or Sold regularly at 29c; in all toria, made vacant by the resigna­ popular shades. Plain and pocket style, cream The City Council decided last routine expenditures. The estimates tion of Alderman William Marchant heavy quality bear cloth, beau­ night it could not endorse any par­ it was emphasized were only con­ at last night's council meeting. tifully finished ; four only left. ticular totalizer or betting machine. sidered for fhe first time, and will be SAANICH WATER SUPPLY James H. Curtis asked for an ex­ revised at a later date. Another Clearance of Ladies’ pression of opinion on an Australian meeting of the council Sitting as an The communication from the City Vests machine for which he Is agent and estimates committee wm be held Engineer of November 26 regarding Pillow Slips whleh members of the council had Wednesday, and It Is hoped to have Saanich water supply, the agreemen1 on which expires on May 31. was Regular 35c, inspected. them completed by February 16. Ald­ laid on the table by City Council last Alderman Shanks at once called erman A. K. Todd, chairman of the sr, ,,re si.oo Each...... MOI, night. Alderman A. K. Todd sug­ upon Alderman Marchant for an finance comm-! ee told the council. Kine elastic knit wool mixture gested it be brought up at the Public Vests in white and cream, ion* Made of good quality cotton, opinion aa an expert and Alderman Reporting on the estimate of $2.000 Works meeting Friday. - , for brokerage and exchange (in and short sleeves; all sixes. hemmed ends; 40 inches wide. Marchant smilingly accepted She THE OLD JAIL challenge..______^ __ coupons and debentures payable "It appear* io few tfcg mStf ma­ abroad. Mr. Macdonald pointed out The city will be acting within its chine where it may he reasonably that last year the -city made a profit legal rights In tearing down the old expected persons Interested in the of $15.000 through the rate of ex jail building adjoining the City Hall glorious and immoral system of bet­ change sterling. TbU year m on Cormorant .Street. City Solicitor. TITgh Reboot grmmd». end lo pre­ forcement which- he said might be In- : ting will get fair treatment. Whether sterling had gone higher It would H. 8. Pringle, advised the City sene the laurel hedge running along terpreted as. a reflection on the city It Is desirable for thw City Council probably coat them $2,000. Council last night. The building Is the Kentwood Road end of the polie* force. Rp proposed the Police Commission be asked to investigate to recommend any design of machine The police department figures In located on city property, and conse­ grounds. made by anybody even for the high the estimates were a a they had been quently doe* not prejudlcally affect the matter and present a report to the j and noble purposes of racing is submitted to him by Chief John Fry. private interests. The communlça - council. RaisinPie another matter. 1 am a little hesi­ He had no figures from the school lion was received and filed. *' LIQUOR PROFITS tant to move a resolution in favor of trustees, and had used the same fig TO SAY FAREWELL a betting machine, although I will urea as last year. Members of the City Council ex­ HOLDBACK IS TO freely express roy opinion on Its Alderman Mara raised , the e hardy pressed their intention at last night's BE INVESTIGATED merits. annual of cutting out the alderman's council meeting of being present at VIMPA On the proposition of Alderman telephone service. Alderman Wood­ a dinner to the Hon. F. A. Pauline Clearthue It was decided to inform ward suggested that Alderman Mara on Tuesday, January 27. before his After once passing up the matter SWEET CREAM BUTTE* Mr. Curtis that the council could not or any other alderman who chose to departure to England to flU the post when the clty's share of liquor pro­ endorse any particular machine. do so couWl have the gratuitous eer tion of Ag-ent-Ueneral for British At Yeur vice eliminated. Columbia. fits was reported, the City Council Grocer SOcib. ash a man! IMPERIAL VETERANS IN Amounts for extra help in the City George I. Warran. managing sec­ last night decided to ask for an in­ CANADA Hall were criticized by Alderman retary-of the Chamber of Commerce, vestigation into the deductions -for Marchant, who thought extra efforts wrote stating that directors of the eniorcement purposes. The matter The annual general meeting of the should be put forward by the staff Victoria Unit will be hejd in the chamber and the executive of the Raisin pie is a favorite with] men. They have during rush or holiday times to Publicity Bureau will be in attend came up after a letter from the Po­ rlubrooms on Friday. January .23 at avoid the payment of extra help, lice Commission had been read. Co­ MEN’S GENUINE WOOL 8 p.m. All regular members are spe­ ance. and together with members of it frequently at restaurants for lunch. Because cially requested to attend an import­ changes were made at this stage. the cacmdll would be glad to express operation with the council in paring FLANNEL, KHAKI they like its satisfying goodness. ant business, including the election appreciation to Mr. IMuline before the estimates as far a* possible was OR GREY of officers for the ensuing year will hie departure. assured and satisfaction on the re­ Men would like to have raisin pie more often be dealt with. ______DELAPIDATED BUILDINGS ceipt of the letter was expressed Tenders for the pnfrehase and re­ by Alderman A. E. Todd, chairman at home. You will please your men folks by IMPROVE ROAD TO moval of _ material In dilapidated Working Shirts -oL-lhs finance committee. serving it for supper. Have raisin pie tonight buildings where the owners MVS Alderman Wm. Marchant drew at­ failed to carry out the orders of the tention to the deductions for en­ —and see! council to destroy and remove It will be called for by the city in Septem­ Don't bother to bake it yourself I know how ber. Sanitary Inspector Thomas Lan­ Amount to Cover Cost in First caster advised the council. A resolu­ to bake the kind of raisin pies men like. I use the tion In regard to a number ot dilap­ Draft of City Estimates idated buildings and fences Wttl same materials that you would use. The raisins passed to order the owners to pull >*re Sun-Maid Raisins. The same that you buy Improvements to the road in front down or repair as the case may be. Clean Child's Bowels of the Crystal Garden are contem • The periods of time referred to had in the Sun-Maid package—big, plump, juicy rai- | — plated this year, a vote in the first elapsed, and it was now in order for sins, the choicest fruit of California’s vineyards. * draft of the estimates which were the council by resolution to deter­ ["California Fig Syrup” is before the council last night won! 1 mine What disposition should be inuiiSlf.■ .1 ? - - « - Imglmlln■ 111 iliuin* gr IinT ■ «ha' - - ■ ne■■ ll*— wi■■ ■ .•»iii* e— nmds of the irv**grlu*ff In The build - Regular price $3.00. All dies Cut thrbugh the golden, flaky crust into one is an amount of $12,000 under the lngs where the owners have failed to for ...... *81.98 Dependable Laxative for bead of resurfacing wood and b: i. k carry out the order <>f the < oun« il. of my juicy, lucy raisin pies and learn how good block paving. The improvements The city solicitor was a*ked to pre­ real raisin pie can be! Serve one tonight. / contemplated are on Douglas Street, pare the necessary resolutions. THE Sick Children between Humboldt and Belleville CEMETERY ROAD Zy Streets. Also under this head Is nn On the recommendation of the General Warehouse item of $10.500 for work on the parks and boulevard committee, thv Causeway, Humboldt and Belleville, City Council last night asked the it? Tates St- Victoria W3 and $7.300 on Belleville Street, Gov­ public works committee to include item covers the rlgh pressure main ing Ross Bay Cemetery. A recom­ on Tates Street, Blanshard to Van­ mendation was also passed that per­ couver. mission be granted the Natural His­ tory Society of British Columbia to proceed with any scheme they have in view In beautifying thé Rose Bay PHONE là61 Fresh from the oven at your > 'S or grocer’s WILL ASK SJUtNICH I Cemetery boundary skirting Dallas Road. ------NO MOLLY Regarding the suggestion of W. J. TOMER BILL Dand ridge that holly bushes oe Are You Experiencing planted at Klk I*nke tfr revenue pur­ poses. It was decided to inform him Committee of City Council that as the property was being pre­ Will Meet Councillors of pared for other purposes It was not Difficulties in considered advisable to undertake a GET RAISIN BREAD OR RAISIN CAKE Municipality project of this nature at the present time. The new City Council will strive WANTS A FORD Raising Cattle FROM THE SHELLY WAGON ON YOUR to reach some agreement with Saan­ The suggestion that a ‘light Ford ich- whereby the municipality will truck be purchased for the use of liquidate its debt of $46.266 plus In­ the parks superintendent Wag de­ ? STREET terest to the city on the Northwest layed until consideration is given sewer agreement entered into by the the estimates. If you.are. then you need to see two parties in 111$. Alderman 1*, R- ? Hurry Mother! A teaspoonful of Brown moved and Alderman A. K. HIGH SCHOOL TREES us. We help cattle breeders to '‘California Fig Syrup" now will Todd seconded that s committee of The Board of Schogl Trustees ware TRY SHELLY’S sweeten the stomach and thoroughly the council be appointed to meet the asked to arrange for the regular ? * overcome such t roubles. We clean the little bowel, and In a few members of Saanich Council and en­ pruning' and watering of trees bn GENOA FRUIT hour» you have a well, playful child deavor to persuade them to meet the can help you. again Even If croea. feverish, bili­ obligation by placing the amount in ? ous. constipated or full of cold, chil­ the estimates spread over a period CAKE dren love It» pleasant taste. It never of years. cramps or overact*. Contain» no The Mayor named Alderman Brown. narcotics or soothing drugs. Alderman William Matchant. Alder­ Tell vour druggist you want only man A. K. Todd and Alderman J. la. 2-lb. and 4-lb. the genuine "California Elg Syrup" Mara as the committee, with Alder The Erick Bowman Remedy Co. which has directions for babies and man Brown as chairman. Pieces children of all ages printed on bottle. fn answer to Alderman J. B. OFFICE AND FACTORY. 618 YATES STREET Mother, you must say 'California.", Clearihue Alderman mddF ***** * Refuse any Imitation. by-law had been submitted to Baan- CAdvU icfc electors from time to Unie, but .... N