The Paisley Advocate May 2017 Page 1 Proud of Our Community, Proud of Our Heritage

Paisley & District Chamber Of Commerce - May 2017 - Volume 168 Wascally Wabbits Overwun PCS

For Easter, one of the S pirit Days at Paisley Central was —Be a Bunny Day“. Shown here are Lilly Petrik (left) and Sophie Gibbons (right), all dressed up for the occasion. New Lease on Life for Paisley Central School hanks to a lot of hard work by solid support! the audience was very positive. details of the agreement are finalized. T many community members and The second condition is that an Keeping a school in Paisley has been There is a role for everyone in the our local council, Paisley Central agreement be developed with the objective since September 6 and community to keep our school alive School (PCS) has a new life! community partners to help offset that objective will have been met and well. Part of the reason that PCS It didn’t seem likely on September capital cost repairs that are needed at when the BWDSB conditions are was given a window of opportunity is 6, 2016 that PCS would continue to be the school. High priority items satisfied. because of the potential for growth a vibrant part of our community identified by BWDSB staff include a While this is welcome news, related to the Bruce Power beyond June, 2018. On Tuesday, April new roof, repaving the bus loop, understandably, there was some refurbishment project. PCS needs 18, 2017, Bluewater District School walkway repairs and replacement of concern expressed that the community more students, and everyone is Board (BWDSB) Trustees voted to some electrical equipment. An will be required to fund some capital encouraged to be a community give PCS a five year window of agreement regarding the capital offset repairs at the school. In a perfect ambassador to help attract new opportunity until June of 2022. costs needs to be in place by March of world, this would not be necessary. families and businesses to Paisley. At a public meeting on April 6 at 2019. However, this is the reality of keeping Community development is Paisley Legion, information was The details of those conditions PCS alive and well, so the community essential for the future growth of provided for community members will be part of negotiations between of Paisley will rally to achieve that Paisley, so please get involved in outlining the two major conditions that BWDSB and AE staff with some input objective in partnership with BWDSB. some way. It can be as simple as BWDSB has attached to that window from community members. At press There has been a positive change in helping a new neighbor settle in to life of opportunity. time, there has not been a meeting the tone of communications with in Paisley or offering volunteer time to The first is in regards to operating between AE and BWDSB to begin BWDSB lately and it is anticipated various groups such as the Chamber of budget challenges at PCS. The formulating those agreements. that negotiations will result in a fair Commerce, Rotary Club, Royal Municipality of ArranElderslie (AE) There was considerable discussion and reasonable agreement being Canadian Legion, or church groups, to has offered to lease two classrooms for at the public meeting on April 6 to reached. A nonprofit corporation, name just a few. five years to relieve some pressure on clarify the BWDSB conditions and the “Paisley Central School Preservation There are lots of people who have the operating budget. AE has also next steps required to ensure that PCS Organization” (PCSPO) is being a passion for living in Paisley. offered to provide snow removal and remains open until 2022 and beyond. formulated to work with AE and Helping them, helps you. grass cutting at the school for that While there are still many unanswered BWDSB to facilitate this partnership. period. Many thanks to AE for their questions, the general reaction from Further updates will be provided as Ken Cormack Page 2 The Paisley Advocate May 2017 Letters to the Editor Top Down or Bottom Up - Who‘s Listening? t has taken the Bluewater District community! I School Board a mere 5 months to I have attended 3 of the 4 public decide the fate of our communities – “accommodation review” meetings. Chesley, Paisley and Markdale. Their Reading about the final meeting in local decisions relating to schools will have newspapers gives you the conclusions long lasting consequences for students, reached. I’d like to give you a glimpse parents, local businesses, real estate into the actual meeting. Near the prices, potential development and beginning a grade 11 student, a well possibly healthcare as well. spoken thoughtful young woman, talked Chesley High School students brought their protest signs to PCS for the Education By now you will have read in about her experience this year in the Minister‘s visit. photo: Steve Da Silva several local newspapers the motions newly amalgamated high school in presented to and voted on by the trustees Owen Sound. She had transferred from taken away from other schools. For a Near the end of the BWDSB at the Board meeting last Tuesday, April CDCC thinking there would be better mere $50,000 (less than half of the meeting on April 18th, Chair Ron Motz 18th and the results. Paisley Central opportunities. Her observations and salary of a number of BWDSB senior reminded trustees of the “photo Public School will remain open until experience – the amalgamation of two staff I can’t resist noting) he would vote opportunity” for them when the Minister June 30th, 2019 only if money for school populations into one has caused to close a school? He did mention that of Education came to Paisley and capital cost expenditures is in place by overcrowding in hallways, the cafeteria this is “because of the quirkiness of the Markdale. What about Chesley? You March 31st of that year. Beavercrest and the auditorium where two funding formula.” Quirkiness? How kind of have to go by or through or near Public School in Markdale also has a assemblies are necessary instead of one about a flawed, unfair funding formula enough to Chesley that it would have brief reprieve until June 30th, 2018 and to accommodate all students; although that does not take into account the been possible for a stop at the only again, if funds are not in place by March there are more courses on offer, the realities of rural Ontario. His school in our town. Whose idea was it 31st of that year it too faces closure. reality is that it is difficult to get the conclusion: “Therefore I will vote not to visit? It would have also been an And what about Chesley District course you want and it’s hard to get into against keeping Chesley open.” He did opportunity for the minister to Community School extracurricular activities again due to say how “humbled” he was by all the appreciate the distances our students ñ the school that only 3 years ago had numbers; she misses the community community support. However it is hard actually travel to get to school. Mind 4 million dollars spent on feeling of a small school. to believe this as he has ignored and you, better that we put her on a school renovations to accommodate “Overcrowding and lack of dismissed every argument and all bus for that, preferably in winter!! students from kindergarten through opportunities affect student morale.” presentations by the Chesley ARC. The Bluewater District School grade 12; This student concluded that “School Since this deeply flawed process (or Board trustees have a responsibility to ñ the school that has the highest boards should not be run like exercise in futility known as “AR”) stand up for its students and rural academic rating of any high school businesses, we’re not products, we’re began, I have spoken on a daily basis to communities with the Ministry of within the BWDSB according to the people” and that “the Bluewater District people I meet when walking downtown. Education and with the Liberal Fraser Report; School Board and its trustees need to I have asked students, parents, seniors, government of Ontario as our Member ñ the school that has a specialist stand up for its students and their business owners, kids working at the of Parliament Bill Walker has tried to agricultural program? families.” grocery store and farmers what they do. By not standing up for us, it is The trustees have accepted the Ron Motz, the Chair of the think about the possible loss of our high condoning an unfair and flawed policy recommendation of senior school board Trustees, asked to be temporarily school. Not one of them thought it was that will destroy the future of our small staff that the high school close effective removed from his duties as chair so that a good idea or helpful. I spoke with a towns. If they will not stand up on their this year. he could speak to the issue of the student who was one of the several own, then we need to help them. If this is allowed to happen, then the elimination of high school at CDCC. “I dozen students who went to Paisley Contact your trustee now. Say NO to class of 2017 will be the last to graduate have to make decisions that are best for school this past Wednesday to protest school closures within BWDSB! from our school. Chesley has had a high all the students...programming in and who saw Education Minister Mitzie There is so much more to say about school since 1899. It has had a publicly secondary schools is the most important Hunter. He didn’t think she was this. I would like to acknowledge Arran funded high school through two World thing to’s harder and harder as listening as “our points didn’t get across Elderslie Council for their financial Wars, through the Great Depression and the school gets smaller (i.e. to offer to her.” It’s pretty clear how unhappy contributions that will enable Paisley through the many changes in rural life in hairdressing, auto shop, tech...) He gave and disappointed he is to lose the high Central Public School to stay open for our province. It has served the young us a personal example. His own children school. “I won’t be able to go to school now. Our public schools should not people and families of this community went to the Catholic high school, Sacred with my friends...I won’t graduate with have to depend on fundraising whether well. It must not be allowed to close Heart in Walkerton, “because that’s my friends....probably won’t be able to it is donations from local councils or because the government of the day fails where the program [French Immersion] keep my job....have a very long bus ride businesses or individuals however. to understand and appreciate the was.” He talked about schools being every day.” When I asked him about The members of our local meaning of a local school to its rural “enhanced” when students are relocated the availability of more course options accommodation review committees due to the “increase of critical mass.” at a larger school, he replied “I don’t deserve recognition for the tremendous My conclusion on this point was that he need any courses that Chesley didn’t amount of time, energy, research and obviously was not listening to the offer.” commitment they have expended in previous speaker, a student experiencing Decisions have been made by OUR their efforts to not only show the that “critical mass” effect. I applaud the trustees, for OUR children and, OUR BWDSB the importance of our schools three trustees who voted in favour of not communities. These decisions do not but to suggest ways that they can be closing CDCC. Of these, Marilyn reflect what our children/students want, kept open. McComb (Georgian BluffsChatsworth) they do not reflect what is wanted and If the Chesley high school does was the most vocal when she questioned needed by their families and our close in June, it is not the failure of the the recent $4 million investment and communities. ARC, but the failure of the school board more importantly the “high academic It is time to stand up for what we trustees who are, by their compliance achievements” consistently produced. need and believe. It is time to be as legitimizing the very flawed policy Community Why would closure of such a school brave as a grade 10 student from which they themselves recognize as even be considered? Mr. Motz’ next Chesley, Nicole Burrows. When being such a dismal failure. The trustees Garage Sale argument was that “we have three high Minister of Education, Mitzie Hunter need to take a lesson from the courage Save the Date & schools within 15 minutes of Chesley.” said “I think it is important that you are of grade 10 student, Nicole Burrows, The parent beside me exchanged here expressing your views and to know and stand up for our students and Save your Treasures quizzical looks with me. This is that the board that is representing your community. KEEP CHESLEY HIGH stretching the truth and certainly not true school is making the best decision that SCHOOL OPEN. Keep our town alive! Join in the FUN for students travelling on school busses. they can for your education and your Saturday June 17th His final argument was a financial one. future.” (The Sun Times, April 20th), Respectfully, From 9:00 am to 2:00 pm It apparently costs $50,000 to keep Nicole said “I don’t believe that.” Pat Carson, Chesley Chesley open and “that’s money being I’m with you Nicole!

Letter to the Editor The Paisley Advocate May 2017 Page 3 Dear Editor was on the meeting agenda before the ARC process is about trying to save approached and asked Tess for a copy he attached article (reprinted Trustees voted on all of the ARC our schools and our communities for of her presentation and said that I T below) was presented at the motions. At the end of her the current student population as well would like to see it included in the BWDSB meeting on Tuesday night presentation, Tess received a long as future generations. Although her next edition of the Advocate. April 18. standing ovation from everyone in article does not relate directly to PCS, Since last September, both Paisley Tess Bainborough is a Grade 11 attendance at the meeting excluding I do believe it speaks to the bigger and Chesley have worked very hard student who spoke on behalf of the BWDSB staff & Trustees. problem about small versus large together to save both of our schools. Chesley District Community School. Her presentation represents the schools, something that the BWDSB Although we received a reprieve for She also had an amazing presentation side that seems to get forgotten by all and the provincial government has lost now, unfortunately the high school at the public meeting held at the of the ARC reviews; the student's side. sight of. program in Chesley did not. school in Chesley in February. Tess At the end of the day, this entire long At the end of the meeting I Sheryl Steinhoff

ood evening, everyone. My name student participation, meaning that we mental health, then we need to look at finances should still not be the only G is Tess Bainborough, and I am a don’t have many students coming out the whole student, and the whole factor being considered. School boards grade 11 student at Owen Sound to intramural or spirit activities at situation, rather than just choosing should not be run like businesses, District Secondary School. lunch. options that save the most money. And because students are not products, I am here tonight because some of I also asked about any difficulties yes, kids are resilient. But anyone we're people. We are something worth the students at OSDSS feel that the students have had getting into classes could crack under the pressure of investing in, and we deserve to learn in reports on our current situation have and clubs, or onto sports teams. knowing that a place you feel safe and secure environments, with teachers we been aggressively sunny, despite Difficulties with classes was a welcome in could close, and that there trust, and peers we are familiar with. obvious difficulties. Last week, I common issue, with one student is nothing you can really do about it. And the Ministry needs to know that, interviewed a random sample of my commenting that it is now very hard to And even if we ignore the wellbeing and all of you need to keep that in peers about some of the issues we are get into tech courses, in part because of the students, there are hard figures mind when making the kinds of currently dealing with. Of course, I many see them as easy classes which available, so let's look at those. proposals that affect our futures. could not speak with every student in can be dropped at midterm if need be. Originally, the public was told that I understand that much of the push the school, but I made an effort to The influx of students means that there we would have a 'good business case' for school closures is coming from the speak with a range of students in are more people registering for the for a brand new school. Instead, we Ministry, and you might feel as though different grades, and with different courses without real interest, which were given $8.5 million in repairs for your hands are tied, but we, the opinions. So please understand that I means that the interested students have quite an old school. Apparently, we students, and the families, and the am not representing the entire student less chance of getting into their chosen were supposed to be happy with this, community members, need you to take body. I can’t do that, but I am here to courses. In spite of the much talkedof even though according to the School a stand. The system won’t change until raise some issues that some feel have advantage of more course options Information Profile, WestHill needs we do. If you really care about not been addressed. being available, others shared similar $17.5 million in repairs, and according students' wellbeing, then you must see Before I begin, I want to make stories of not being able to get the to the Watson report, it needed that that what is happening is wrong. The something perfectly clear: I am very courses they wanted because those money between 20142018. According issue of rural school closures is a hot proud of the students and staff at classes were full. to the Blue Water District School button topic right now, and quite a bit OSDSS for the work they have done to A specialist high skills major Board itself, adding an addition to of pressure is being put on the Ministry pull two schools into one. However, student explained that the hairstyling OSCVI would have cost $810 million. to rethink their position. We need our the success at OSDSS should not be course is now very crowded, with four Now, I'm not here to take a side board and our trustees to support us by used to justify more amalgamations or separate classes in this term, and this between two buildings in a fight that's at least considering other solutions to closures. It took a lot of work to unite has created a bit of a problem for the already over. I'm here to comment on empty spaces in our schools. the student body, and there are still SHSM students who are trying to sign the quality of the decisions that are very considerable issues that need to up for related field trips. She said that being made. We need to acknowledge here is a concern be addressed. if an SHSM student misses school that the time given for the “T across the province in The primary problem that many during the short amount of time that accommodation review process is far t e r m s o f c o r p o r a t e students have is overcrowding. Almost the signup is closed to the rest of the too short. No one should be asked to sponsorship, that communities every student I talked to mentioned school, then they can pretty much make a decision that has the potential trouble with getting to classes on time, guarantee that they will not be able to to affect hundreds or even thousands that do not have that kind of or trouble finding a place to sit at attend. of people in just one year. Making corporate opportunity would lunch that isn't the floor. One boy Another student pointed out that these decisions so quickly also means loose their school...this is a previously from WestHill stated that the competition to get on the sports that students have less time to make kind of stopgap, but the though the cafeteria has always been teams this year has been tougher, and future plans, such as which school to province needs to step up crowded, the problem is exponentially while he considered this a positive attend next. Before a school is closed, here...“ worse now. Students line every thing, because the players on the team or two schools are amalgamated, all unrestricted hallway on both sides at would likely be more experienced, he the consequences of those actions need BWDSB Vice-Chair Jan lunch. Another student I spoke with recognized that a lower percentage of to be carefully considered. Johnstone, commenting on the told me that she is late to class every the student body gets to participate Even if OSDSS was saving Chapman‘s financial offer to save day, because the hallways are so now than before the amalgamation. buckets of money for the board, Markdale school. crammed during the short breaks in Likewise, he mentioned stiffer between. More than one student spoke competition for schoolspecific about having to go outside the building scholarships. and enter at another door just so that School is supposed to be a place Dear Readers they could reach their classes before where you can explore new interests, hat’s it, I’m outa here! As most continue to publish. While I am the bell. For one of these students, this and join some teams you don't know of our readers already know, leaving as editor and Lynn meant she was late quite a bit during anything about. Having more T after 12 years I have decided to hang Cecchetti is leaving as finance the winter, because she could not go experienced teams can be great for a up my Grumpy Old Editor hat. officer, we have two excellent outside without a coat. school’s reputation, but having enough Am I sad to leave? Will I miss the volunteers to take our places (and Another issue seems to be trying spaces for more students to develop to create the culture of the school when game, teambuilding and leadership old Advocate? Absolutely. offers from others to assist). Joyce there are so many of us. We actually skills is better. Am I looking forward to having Craddock will be the new editor aren't able to have assemblies with the The points I’ve brought up so far more time to devote to our family and Janice Rankin is taking over entire school present, because of issues might not be seen as legitimate reasons business and new grandchildren. Yer the purse strings. Lynn and I with space in the gym. We have split to reconsider the thinking process darn tootin‘. thank Janice and Joyce for the assemblies by grades thus far, with behind our accommodation reviews, At least I’m happy knowing that stepping up, and we have assured 9s and 10s together, and 11s and 12s because not all of them are easily the future of two important Paisley them that we will be available in together. quantifiable, but they should not be institutions will carry on. the next few months to ensure the A couple of students, from both mistaken for merely emotional 1. Paisley Central School will stay transition goes smoothly. OSCVI and WestHill, complained arguments. Overcrowding, lack of open, at least for a while. If you So folks, that’s it for me. Before I go, about there being more cliques, and opportunity, and issues with student haven’t read the two letters to the I’d like to thank all those who played less comradery between students from spirit are worthwhile issues to consider editor, I urge you to do so. a roll in producing and distributing different grades or social spheres. when a school is up for closure or Though both are about area high the Advocate and I look forward to There is less of a feeling of amalgamation. If we are looking at the schools, they offer many good reading the Advocate without already community, and while you could argue students in Bluewater schools as insights into the BWDSB, who knowing every single word in that we are a new school, and this will individuals, then we need to make sure we’ll have to be deal with to advance. And, all the best to those be remedied, it is difficult to feel like that the environments they are learning ensure PCS stays open. Ken who have stepped up to keep this fine you're a part of something when you in are safe, comfortable, and, in a Cormack’s article on the front little paper going. have little to no contact with half of perfect world, enjoyable. If we want to page is also a mustread. the school. This affects things like be seen as a board that cares about 2. The Paisley Advocate will Craig Budreau, Editor (Retired) Page 4 The Paisley Advocate May 2017 Farmers Market Minister of Education to Open June 17th ith great anticipation we are village alive. We hope that every store Pays PCS a Visit w approaching our 11th season will have a tent out front too. It will of the Paisley Farmers Market. We are be a great day to come to Paisley with moving forward with plenty of new fun stuff to buy everywhere. blood and fresh ideas. Our weekends of operation for the This year we will add a separate 2017 season will be from June 17 to section called the Paisley Crafters Thanksgiving starting with the Market to allow more local crafters to Community Garage Sale and finishing display their creations. No longer will with the Grand Feast Finale. Our we need to turn people away because hours of operation will be from 912 of the concern of being solely a every Saturday. farmer’s market. The farmers and We are accepting up to 10 crafters crafters will be two separate entities. for the crafters market and up to 10 W e h a v e more food vendors. confirmed that there If you are interested will be fruit at the in growing food for market every week the market or and there is interest selling food at the in having a market, please smoothie bar with contact us. There real fruit popsicles. are opportunities We will open f o r m a n y , on Saturday, June 17th. We decided to especially those who are eager to start the season with a Community work and have a creative streak. Garage Sale. Anyone who wants to Call if you need a job or if you n April 19th, just one day after the rumour that while Minister Hunter set up a booth that day with garage have an idea that might help us be an O the BWDSB voted to give was in Markdale, someone spotted her sale items can join us for the same amazing destination for tourists and Paisley and Markdale schools a diving into a $4,000,000 pile of cash, weekly vendor fee of only $15. locals alike. There is plenty of potential reprieve, but to close the Scrooge McDuck style, shouting, The Chamber is going to promote opportunity at the Paisley Farmers Chesley High School, Minister of “Why didn’t we think of community a Communitywide Garage Sale that Market and Paisley Crafters Market. Education Mitzie Hunter left the partners a long time ago!” This day, so we will financially support Our next meeting is on Monday, safety of the GTA to brave the wilds simply didn’t happen. them with that idea. It will be May 15 at 445 Queen St. N at 3 pm. of the rural Ontario for a photo op. Shown above, the Minister looks advertised on the radio by the Everyone is welcome. This is a public She visited both Paisley Central on as she gains insight into rural Chamber, so if you want to set up at meeting. Schools and Beavercrest Community education with Ava Gregg and your house for free, that's another We look forward to our best year School, but apparently her staff we Landon Hazell during her visit to great option. If you are going to have yet! Please join us! For more unable to locate Chesley on a map. PCS. (Let’s hope she doesn’t forget a garage sale PLEASE pick that information, call 519 379 7284. Luckily about 80 students (and the what she learned on that long ride weekend and let's have the whole Sandra Blodgett Chesley Cougar mascot) were able to home.) find Paisley and made the trip here to share their feelings with Ms. Hunter. Craig Budreau At this point I would like to dispel photo: BWDSB press release Paisley 4H Horse Club

he first official meeting of the ideas were to make sure that your T season for the Paisley 4H Horse saddle is on tightly before you go Club was held April 19, 2017 at the riding and to make sure that the horse Bradley School House. shoes are okay. Some of the other At the first meeting we introduced suggestions were to make sure your ourselves, said where we were helmet fits, make sure your boots from, and introduced the are done up and to make sure that names of our horses. The first there are no burrs or thorns in order of business was to elect the horses blanket that goes a president, vice president, under the saddle. secretary, treasurer and club We are all super excited for our reporter (which is me, Eric Grant). next meeting at the farrier’s where we We learned about horses and will learn about putting shoes on a horse safety. Our leader Jim Leask horse! asked everyone for a suggestion. My submitted by Eric Grant

The Paisley Advocate May 2017 Page 5

Page 6 The Paisley Advocate May 2017 Paisley Central School News

Top left photo: Jack Huggon (left) and Jack Crawford (right) explain their patterns and lines of symmetry. Top right: The grade 1/2 class showing off their comfy slippers on —Slipper Day“. Bottom left: The kindergarten class creating their classroom —jungle“. Grade 3/4 students (bottom centre) and Grade 5/6 students (bottom right) showing off their —Crazy Jewelry“.

aisley Central School is happy Central School. Concert Choir spring program on on Friday, June 23 beginning at 8 am. P and well and busily planning The Pep Club has many activities Sunday, May 28 at the Paisley As hard as it is to believe, we will many of its year end activities, as well planned for May and June. From Missionary Church for a 7:30 start. be saying goodbye and good luck to as checking off special events, trips, dressing up as an Animal Day (Friday, Come out and hear these wonderful our fourteen Grade 8 graduates who and activities for the school year. May 5) to Be a Teacher (Friday, May singers! will be leaving Paisley School and If you happened to be near Paisley 12) to Denim Day (Tuesday, May 16), Many events are planned for May moving on to their next level of School lately, you may have seen to Western Day (Friday, May 26), to and June for a very busy end to our education. We will also be wishing many bunnies hopping around the Mixed Up Socks Day (Tuesday, June school year. Paisley School’s Track the rest of our student body a fun and school as we celebrated another Spirit 6), Backwards Day (Thursday, June and Field event is set for Thursday, safe summer. The last day of school is Day of “Be a Bunny”. 15), and lastly, to Wear your May 25. There will also be a Playday, Wednesday, June 28. The JK/SK class were very Sunglasses Day on Friday June 23. our Locks for Love hair cutting event, At this time, the staff and students excited to have had a presentation The students love every minute of it! more Recognition Assemblies, and of Paisley Central School want to come to them called “Lions Eye See The KM Club, comprised of 60 class trips to the Treasure Chest thank Craig Budreau and the Paisley Eye Learn”. members, continues to walk and run Museum, the Paisley Library, and the Advocate for showcasing and sharing The Grade 3’s had a special guest their laps around our school property Paisley Fire Hall. A book fair will be all of the school’s events and “Scientist in the Classroom” spend in hopes of eventually reaching British held in the school’s library from successes over the past many years. It most of the day with them learning Columbia. Most are almost halfway Monday, May 29 to Friday, June 2. has been terrific to have had a local about soil. there and with two months of school A wholeschool day trip is newspaper, parents, guardians, family The Girls and Boys Basketball left – the students will have crossed planned for fun at the Hanover Pool members, the Paisley town and its teams travelled to Ecole Port Elgin the country in their quest to run across and Park. community members believe in the Saugeen Central and enjoyed the day Canada and celebrate Canada’s 150 Be sure to mark Thursday, June school and support our students. competing against many of the local Birthday! 1st on your calendar as Paisley Thank you! schools in a one day tournament. The Paisley Peppers Skipping School’s Arts Night will be open for Paisley School is alive and well Earth Week at Paisley School saw Team is getting ready for their trip to all to see the many artistic pieces our and looking forward to an even bigger students wear the colours Blue, Green, Hanover on Friday, May 5 to perform talented students have created, as well and better school year 20172018! We Yellow and Brown respectively to at Hanover Heights and Dawnview as well as a chance to hear our welcome new students and families represent our Earth. The Paisley Community School. These 35 skippers musically talented students perform. into our school and our town of students believe in giving back to their have been practicing all year and are The Grade 5/6 class are very Paisley. community, so on Friday, April 21 all ready to represent the Heart and excited for their 3day trip to the students and staff set out and about Stroke Foundation. Outdoor Education Centre in early Paisley School Staff and cleaned up the village of Paisley On Thursday, May 11 Paisley May and the Grade 7/8’s are looking Martha Barrett, Cindy Frost, for their annual Earth Day Garbage School will be holding their own Jump forward to their 3day trip to Ottawa Krista Johnson, Adrianne Cleanup. Rope for Heart event from 3:20 to in early June. Cunningham, Allison McLeod, Alyssa A huge thank you to Kim Grant 4:30pm. Come out and see as many as Every June, Paisley Central Ruttan, Matthew Muma, Derek and her parent volunteers for serving 75 of our school children jumping School prepares a very special Lawrence, Sheena Middleton, Dan up delicious bowls of turkey soup to rope for the good cause of our local “Volunteer Breakfast” for all of those Kerr, Laurie Spitzig, Jacylyn Parker, all students of PCS. Heart and Stroke Foundation. parents, guardians and community Shirley Chalmers, Roxanne Schwandt, The spirit and energy and The Glee Club, comprised of members who give so much of their Brenda McLeod, Anne Trushinski, excitement is always present when students from Grades 3 to 8, will be time and help to our Paisley School Deb Lounsbury you enter and walk the halls of Paisley performing as part of the Paisley students. So please join us in the gym

The Paisley Advocate May 2017 Page 7 Paisley Concert Choir Paisley Legion This Month e received good news that the you’re interested, obtain your play w Advocate will be continuing cards at Freshmart and come out and Celebrates Canada after this edition. That’s great. Again, join in the fun. ow will you mark Canada’s tunes and Sing for Peace an thank you to the people who have put We are approaching summer, and H sesquicentennial? How about international call for peace. so much into the paper up to now. as most know, activities at the Legion with music? Audience members will have two Also, thanks to the new volunteers slow down for July and August. But The Paisley Concert Choir invites opportunities to sing along with the stepping up. The local newspaper remember, September comes and our you to celebrate Canada’s 150th choir to well known tunes. Four plays a great part in letting everyone activities will gear up again. One is Birthday with its “Sing of Canada” additional songs, by soloists or small know what goes on in our community. the Paisley Open, sponsored by the concert. The concert program features groups from the choir, round out the The Branch had a great turnout Legion, will occur again near the end songs that tell the story of our country program. for the meat roll and entertainment of September. Watch for and pay tribute to the workers that As a special treat, on Sunday on the afternoon of the 25th of information on this and be ready helped build it. night in Paisley, the glee club from March. Lee Grant and his gang to sign up. This event always Performances take place Friday Paisley Central School, under the put some great entertainment fills up quickly, so be prepared May 26th 7:30pm in Hanover, direction of Allison McLeod, will and a lot of people went when the information comes Saturday May 27th 2:00pm in Owen perform four songs. The songs are by home with pretty nice steaks. out. Sound, and Sunday May 28th 7:30 pm current Canadian artists including: Thanks to everyone who As always both the Branch in Paisley. Wavin’ Flag by K’naan and Scars to attended. I’m sure you and the Ladies Auxiliary are Under the direction of Linda Your Beautiful, an inspirational enjoyed yourself. looking for new members. Finlay, the 43voice mixed choir, song for the youth of the area by On April 19th, which Anyone can join. Please will perform music from folk Alessia Cara. was the National Film consider becoming a to classical, with some So put on your red and Board’s Film Night, the movie member and bringing new patriotic songs and a white, round up your Hyena Road was presented at the ideas to the Legion. little humour in the friends, neighbours and Legion. It was not well attended, but The halls at the Branch are mix. children, warm up your I believe it was not well promoted by available for rent. You will find they Anthems and patriotic voice, buy your tickets and the film board and likely by myself. are available at a great rate. If you’re songs that celebrate the come celebrate the 150th Thanks to those who came and if having an event, please consider us. natural beauty and national birthday of Canada with a anyone would like to borrow the Again, when you use the Legion or pastime of this glorious country we very special program of music. DVD, it could be signed out at the Auxiliary, the proceeds go towards call home are featured in the first part Tickets are available from choir lounge during open hours. keeping the Branch open and of the program, including: O Canada; members or at the door before each Coming next will be a pub night supporting all the Legion charities, Gordon Lightfoot’s epic Canadian concert. Tickets are $15. Children 18 on May 12th. Although there will be including the community. Railroad Trilogy and The Hockey years and younger are free. For no live entertainment, there will be That’s it for this month and again Song. The final section of the program additional details visit our website: music and a great chance to come and thank you to the people who have focuses on folk songs composed by or enjoy the comradeship with everyone. ensured the Advocate was published east coast song writers and includes, find us on Facebook. Who knows, maybe the Leafs or until now and also to the ones who Rita McNeil’s Working Man, the Raptors will still be playing! have stepped up to continue getting unofficial anthem of coal miners The venues: Something I have mentioned very new editions out. everywhere, and We Rise Again, ñ Friday, May 26th in Hanover at little is the television bingo that goes Glen Hanley; made popular by the Rankin Family. St. Matthew’s Lutheran Church on at the branch every Tuesday. There PRO Chairman; Sandwiched in the middle, 7:30 pm is a group who attend regularly, so if Br295 of the Royal Canadian Legion audiences will enjoy a total change of ñ Saturday, May 27th in Owen pace from classical through jazz to a Sound at Georgian Shores United modern worldbeat sound. Featured Church 2:00 pm works include: Gloria from Mozart’s ñ Sunday, May 28th in Paisley at 12th Mass; Rhapsody in Rhythm, a Immanuel Missionary Church tricky little jazz medley of Gershwin 7:30 pm Smoked Pork Chop BBQ ave you any plans for dinner on are available as well. H Sunday June 4th? Why not There will also be a ‘Time, come to Knox United Church in Talents & Treasures’ Silent Paisley for a delicious Smoked Auction taking place. There are Pork Chop BBQ. Ticket prices always lots of great things are Adults: $15, Children (6 – that will interest you so be 10 years of age): $8 and Pre sure to stop in. schoolers are free. All proceeds from this dinner For tickets please contact Jim and silent auction will go to the McGregor at 5193535888 or Dale ongoing operation of the Paisley Steinhoff at 5193537202. Takeouts Pastoral Charge United Church.

Page 8 The Paisley Advocate May 2017 Roots of Bruce 2017

The many and varied demonstrations set up for local school children included a milking operation, and sheep shearing. bout 275 Grade five and six weaned. Judy Shelley, with 4H, taught help feed themselves or to sell so they for recreation. A students from Bruce and Grey students how to care for sheep and can survive. Mike Chambers from Stoltz Farm Counties attended Roots of Bruce all what a ram, ewe, and lamb are. They Saugeen Valley Conservation Equipment showed the modern day Thursday. Only 115 students learned much about alpacas, and beef Authority explained the importance of technology of autonomous tractors, attended Friday because of wintry cattle, too. Farmers explained what building healthy soils to make more GPS systems and drones. conditions and bus cancellations. type of food and how much an animal productive crops. There was a wealth of information They were able to see a red and needs per day. Different types of wood were to be learned at each station. Brockton white Holstein, and a Brown Swiss Farm safety was taught, especially displayed and we learned uses for mayor, David Inglis, stressed the being milked. They helped to bottle the prevention of tractor runovers, many of them. Maple syrup and honey importance of learning all you can feed the calves and learned how they preventing grain entrapment, and how stations had lots of information about now, as you will need it later in life. are tagged for ID so they can be to reduce hazards on a farm. these two natural sugars. Huron Bruce M.P.P. Lisa traced. Farmers talked about different Grey Bruce Veterinary Thompson told the students that there Jake and Sam Sloan sheered tillage methods, use of fertilizer, and Association explained animal diseases are going to be many agricultural jobs sheep. A sow with her piglets were in seed treatment. At the Canadian Food such as worms, rabies, and mad cow happening in the future. She promotes a farrowing pen. Students learned how Grains station, they saw how people in disease. They had live animal eating locally and learning where your to care for pigs, and when they are Third World countries grow crops to traps. Doug Schaub brought two of food comes from. M.P. Ben Lobb, his Belgian horses and explained how also came to support the agriculture they used to be used for logging and industry in Bruce County. Rediscover your Library! working the land, but now are mostly Rita Grubb

LEGO Club œ First & Third Andrew Larsen and more!!! Over 60 Years of Saturday of the month: Let your Participate in our I Can Readathon. imagination run wild with the library's Details available at the library. LEGO collection and build something Bruce County Public Library Showing Clydesdales awesome! Not only is Lego fun, it presents Author Charlotte Gray œ also develops skills beneficial to your May 11, 2:00pm, Southampton child’s development: spatial Town Hall: Celebrate Canada 150 reasoning, literacy and with noted historian Charlotte Gray. communication, problemsolving, Ms. Gray will speak about her latest organization, planning, creativity and book: The Promise of Canada – 150 fine motor development. Suitable for Years – People and Ideas That Have ages 7+. Shaped Our Country. Pick up a free May 1-7 œ Turn Off the Screens event ticket at Southampton or Port Week: Bruce County Public Library Elgin Libraries or call Southampton supports Turn off the Screens Week; a Branch Library 5197973586. Books program from Grey Bruce Public will be available for purchase at the Health promoting active living. The event courtesy of Fincher’s in branch will have the Make Do Kincardine. building kit available May 2, 4 and 5. Annual Paisley Branch Library Children are encouraged to drop by Book Sale œ Sat. May 20, 9am- and test their building skills. Suitable 12pm: The library branch will be for children ages 7+. accepting books for our annual book Mother‘s Day Craft œ Saturday, sale. The books must be gently used May 13, 1-2pm: Create a special and in good condition. Donations may coupon booklet to give to mom on her be dropped off at the branch from special day. Suitable for ages 7+. May 1—16. Please register. Upcoming Event: Local Author May 6-13 is Canadian Sharon Miller Kosloski œ Thursday, Children‘s Book Week: We June 1 at 6 pm: Selftitled challenge you to check out a book by “Adventurist Author” Sharon Miller arman Fullerton was presented an award for his dedication to the one of Canada’s many talented Kosloski reminds us in her book C Clydesdale Horse breed on April 22nd at the annual Ontario Clydesdale children’s authors. Try an author you Peace of Mind that everyone can have Association Banquet in Listowel. His granddaughter Laura was there to present may not yet know! Some peace in their soul and a sense of him with the award for his over 60 years of showing Clydesdale Horses. recommendations from our online belonging. Meet and talk with Sharon Congratulations Carman! resource, Novelist Plus: Jon Klassen, about her inspiring story The picture attached shows Carman and Barb surrounded by their family at Ashley Spires, David Whamond, Heather McCarron the Ontario Clydesdale Horse Association banquet.

514 Queen St S, 502 Queen St. S., Paisley Paisley 519-353-GAME (4263) 519-353-5707 [email protected] Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri: 9 - 6 OPEN: Wed, Sat: 9 - 4 MON, THURS, FRI: 10-6 Check out our ALL NEW selection of Hallmark greeting cards Watch for 5th Anniversary Specials SAT, SUN: 10-5 The Paisley Advocate May 2017 Page 9

Page 10 The Paisley Advocate May 2017 Gems from the Treasure Chest

isitors to the Museum come from and joined a senior hockey goals and six points in 1915 Stanley sports and he was involved as V many parts of our great Country. club. Hockey was ‘in his blood” as Cup final when he played for the President of Edmonton Junior baseball Just before Easter, visitors stopped in with another of Barney’s brothers. Bill and they beat league as well as the Edmonton and to look around at the many things we Stanley also learned to play in Paisley the Ottawa Senators in three straight District Hockey Association in the have on display. and later became the father of another games. It was exciting for the people 1940`s. Upon asking if they had a of the ArranElderslie area at that Barney was inducted into the connection to Paisley, they time, as Duncan (Mickey) MacKay of Hockey Hall of Fame in 1962. Barney answered, “Yes.” Chesley and Fred (Cyclone) Taylor of passed away on May 16, 1971. It was most interesting to Tara were playing on the same team! It has been noted that there is no discover that Al Stanley and his Barney left Vancouver in 1919 where in Paisley that the Hockey Hall wife Susanna, of Whitefish, and played for Calgary, Regina and of Famer has been recognized for his (Ontario) are related to the Edmonton in the Western Canada accomplishments, like his fellow famous, Russell “Barney” Hockey League. Later he also played players of MacKay and Taylor. Stanley, as well as Allan for Winnipeg and Minneapolis in the Maybe as a Bruce County 150 project Stanley, both of NHL fame. American Hockey Association and there could be a to mark this feat. This Al Stanley is the was coach and manager of the Al Stanley was pleased to see the grandson of Thomas Albert Chicago Black Hawks for part of the write ups in the Sports Albums we (Ab) Stanley. His Great season of 192728. While in Chicago, have at the Museum. Grandfather, Isaac Stanley, was `s career was ended after he ———♦——— the Hotelkeeper of the Grand suffered a skull fracture during a game The Treasure Chest Museum will Central Hotel for many years and Barney designed his own helmet be OPENING for the 2017 season on and the father of Russell and presented it to the NHL, but at May 19 with a Garage Sale staring at 9 “Barney” Stanley. Isaac was that time little interest was shown. am and will be open weekends until married to Margaret McLean When Barney settled in June 1. Hours are Saturday 10 to 4 pm from the Ripley area and had Edmonton, he joined the Edmonton and Sunday from 1 to 4 pm. nine children. He served as City Dairy in 1913 and remained with Mark your calendar, as the Friends Paisley’s Fire Brigade Chief in them until 1924, when he became a of the Treasure Chest Museum are 1907. partner with Pure Butter Company. having a Trousseau Tea and vintage Russell “Barney” Stanley He joined the Northern Alberta show of bridal gowns dating back to learned to play hockey, like Dairymen`s Association in 1929 as an 1897. It will be held on Wednesday, many other children in Paisley Assistant Manager and in 1944 June 28 from 7 to 9 pm. The cost will and area, on the ponds and rivers. Hockey Hall of Fame player, Allan became the General Manager of the be $10. Barney played for the Paisley Hockey Stanley. Northern Alberta Dairy Pool. He If you have a query or wish a tour, Team and defeated the Southampton Barney`s son, Don won a world retired in December 1960. call 5193537176 and leave a team for the Bowman Trophy in championship with Edmonton Although retired from actively message and we will get back to you. March 1910 and Barney was the best Mercurys in 1950. playing hockey, he still found time to Happy Queen Victoria`s Birthday! man on the ice. Barney played professional coach the Edmonton Poolers junior He played for the Paisley team hockey between 1915 and 1929 and team from 1929 to 1931. Barney felt Judy MacKinnon, from 1909 to 1911 when he moved to scored 171 goals which included five youth should have an active role in Friends of the Treasure Chest Museum

The Paisley Advocate May 2017 Page 11 Come to the Church in the Wildwood he "Seventh Annual T Church in the Wildwood" was held at 7 pm, at the former church in Pinkerton. It was an evening filled jokes from MC Cyndy Abell, audience participation hymn singing, performances by the "Free 2B Chimers" and a tribute to mark the 100th Anniversary of Vimy Ridge. Guest performer, violist Robin Zettel, awed the audience with four classical selections. The end of In the photo, Robin Zettel playing the program was the Tribute to Vimy the viola with Chimers in the Ridge with the Chimers playing Pomp backgroundRuth Parker, Beth Gregg, & Circumstance and the evening Neil Cook, Joanne Alexander, Elaine finale "Thou Day Thou Gavest" Moffat and Ruby Pinkerton accompanied by Marilyn Willis on the Mark these future date on your bagpipes. calendarFestival of Carols Dec. After the program, everyone 17th, and Church in the Wildwood headed down stairs to enjoy some April 8/18. refreshments and to socialize. Cyndy Abell What this Place Needs is a Good Spring Cleaning!

Each s pring, in recognition of Earth Day, the students of Paisley Central take to the streets with gloves and trash bags to pick up the refuse that has accumulated over the winter. Thanks kids, for making Paisley just a little bit nicer place to live!

Page 12 The Paisley Advocate May 2017

The Paisley Advocate May 2017 Page 13

Tales from Lonefeather by Jerrold Beech

Pig Tales of Columbia's finest, so they were tree that I used to sit under and wait since then when I get an electricity don’t know what I would do if I getting pretty wound up. for a deer to come along.” jolt I switch from being left handed to I couldn’t get to the coffee shop to Slippery Sam was the first to lead “Ok, then what?" Simon asked. right handed or vice versa.” get material for a new story. Of off, “You know, last year in deer “That’s when it happened,” They all sorta rolled their eyes course, it has to be a true story each season I saw the strangest sight”. Slippery Sam replied. and looked around to see who had month. The topic for discussion on Of course, Sam dead ended his Flustered old Burt asked for the been listening. this fine morning was lightning, you tale right there. second time, “What happened?” Sam with a grin suggested, know, the kind we get in a thunder After a bit Burt blurted out, Slippery Sam just loved getting "Could it be Burt that you are bi storm. “Well tell us what you saw, you deaf Old Burt to ask two or three times. “It polar or bisexual too?" Now that The boys were on their third cup old mute.” was the biggest tooth pick I’s ever brought a round of chuckles. “So, “Well there was this tall old ash did see. It was then that I realized you are saying any jolt of electricity lightning had hit the tree. Yes, it split will make you switch. from one end to the other, it did.” Old man Humphrey was heard to “You mean it was split from top say, “I think I’ll bring my cattle prod to bottom,” Burt said. in with me some time and we will “No,” Slippery said. “Don’t you find out.” know lightning goes up not down. Bryan was next. “Well, we had Bruce County Memories Man, you really make me wonder lightning strike one of our pig barns sometimes Burt.” one night. Actually, it was the little Burt winked at the ones away pig barn. Yep, it blew all the pig tails A BIT OF MISSING Saugeen, only one of the pair is from Sam, “You know, I got hit with right off. Found what was left of the HISTORY credited with being Saugeen’s first lightning once.” pig tails in the straw” white settler! It was his turn to dead end. All in unison they asked, “Did Isabelle Underwood‘s 1986 article It seems that anyone who passed Sam knew he had to ask, “How you say lightening blew all the pig's about the unrecognized role of women through Southampton in its earliest did that happen?” tails right off?” in Bruce County history is a timely days sooner or later spent a night or Burt led off, “I used to be left “Yep, every one of them, blew preview of Mother‘s Day. two with Captain and Mrs. Spence. handed you know. I was pushing a them all right off. We never did henever one reads the history Everyone speaks of their warm load of sloppy pig manure out on the replace the pig tails, but do you know of a town, township or county, hospitality. How did she feed all those W old litter carrier track when lightning what, our hydro bill last month was one part of the puzzle is always unexpected visitors? Where did they struck the far end of the track and it only a third of what it was before.” missing. Where, oh where are the sleep? How did she manage the extra came right at me. I didn't have time Simple Simon didn't get it and stories of the women? One could laundry? Did she ever occasionally to do anything. It entered my left asked, “Did it not turn their ears almost be forgiven for believing that wish they would just go away and an army of brave men singlehandedly leave the family alone? hand that was on the litter carrier and black too?” carved for themselves a home out of We read that when the brothers exited out my left elbow. Hurt like Bryan knew he had a good the virgin woods. It isn’t until we go Martindale died with the capsizing of Hell! I was left handed when this answer. "No but the next litter of pigs digging through the musty boxes of the “Saucy Jack” in the late Autumn happened but the lightening strike that popped out were black and tan, old documents and photographs that of 1851, their widows were left with made me right handed. Every time not white. we see these men almost always had young families. Where did they go wives and large families to help them that first bleak winter? How were they in their endeavours. We see the able to get through the bush to Owen interesting faces of these women Sound? What was their fate? looking back at us from the old David Kennedy tells in his book, tintypes. If only they could speak! Pioneer Days, how, when his brother True, the authors of most books William severely cut his foot with an relating to our early days mention axe, he stayed at the home of Peter women but these are exceptions in Smith where Mrs. Smith nursed him exceptional circumstances. Norman back to health. William’s sister came Robertson tells about the wife of to stay in the Smith household to help Saugeen’s first white settler, care for him. Peter Smith had four Alexander Wallace, who followed her single brothers who also possibly husband to his shanty in the woods. lived with them. Mrs. Smith had a Finding neither door, window nor roof small baby! How did she manage to had been made, she entered her new cook for all of them with only an open home by climbing over the wall. Isn’t hearth? More tales about these pioneer it interesting that, although we read of women next month. both the Wallaces walking the Indian trail from Owen Sound to Her article was published in the 1986 yearbook of the Bruce County Southampton, pulling their Historical Society and adapted by Bob possessions on a toboggan as they Johnston. made their way to their new home in

Page 14 The Paisley Advocate May 2017 Community Calendar May 6 Geneva Presbyterian BBQ @ Knox United Church Paisley Senior‘s 55+ Luncheon runs Wednesday evenings from 6:30 to Church, Chesley Spaghetti Dinner & Sunday June 4 from 5 7pm. Take on the last Tuesday of every month 9:00 at Knox United Church. New Silent Auction on Saturday, May 6th, outs available. Adults: $15, Children starting at 12 noon at Immanuel choristers, women and men from high 2017 from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. (6 10 yrs): $8, Preschoolers: Free. Missionary Church school age and, are always welcome. Adults: $10.00 Children 5–12 : For tickets please call Jim McGregor Paisley Play Time! Join us for a Please call Helen Crysler at 519353 $5.00 Preschool Children Free NO @ 5193535888 or Dale Steinhoff@ weekly free play time for children and 4017 for more information. TICKETS PAY AT DOOR gluten 5193537202. caregivers to socialize and have some Scone CROKINOLE at 7 PM, free spaghetti svailable, homemade June 28 The Friends of the fun with peers! Equipment will 1st & 3rd Wed. each month until desserts Reservations Preferred Treasure Chest Museum are hosting a include balls, parachute, bean bags, Dec.13 2017 Players of all ages & call before Wed. May 3rd: Ron Trousseau Tea and show of vintage blocks, books and much more. Stay levels welcome. Thomson 5193635623 or Marion Bridal Gowns dating to 1897 on tuned for an occasional invited guest Regular Legion Meeting is held McAllister 5193535945 NO Wednesday, June 28 from 7 to 9 pm. who will lead us in special activities! on the 3rd Wednesday of the month, TAKEOUTS The cost is $10. Ongoing weekly on Tuesday Executive meets at 6:30 pm, General May 8 Anne Goeden of the July 7 to 9 Cargill‘s 10th mornings 9:30-11am At the Paisley Membership at 7 pm. No meeting Bruce County Genealogical Society Annual Pickin‘ By The Pond Bar & Community Centre For parents/ July or August. Legion Bar Hours: will present Tips & Suggestions for food truck all weekend Starts Friday caregivers and children 5 years and Thurs. 38pm / Friday 311pm / Sat 3 Internet Research. Participants are 12 noon Camping/entertainment under. Please bring a nutfree snack 8pm invited to bring a laptop computer for $75.00 per person before May 1st and drink for your child. Wise Owl Resource Centre a hands on tutorial. Event held $85.00 after May 1st Walkins Friday Alzheimer Society of Grey- support for those living with cancer, Monday, May 8th at 7:00 pm in the & Saturday $30.00, $15.00 after 5pm Bruce Caregiver Support Group or caring for someone who is. Bruce County Museum & Cultural Elgin Lodge Retirement Home Meeting for coffee and discussion Centre. (Chapel), 551 Mary St. Port Elgin, every 2nd Wed. of the month from 10 May 19 Treasure Chest Regularly Scheduled Events: 1st Tuesday of every month. For info 11 am.above Cora Computers, 582 Museum holding a Garage Sale & other locations, call 5193767230 Hepner Cresc., Port Elgin. To confirm starting at 9 am and will be opening MONDAY or 18002659013 the cancer group meeting dates, or for for the season on Saturday May 20 Yoga with Kim Robinson WEDNESDAY more information please contact from 10 to 4 pm and Sunday 1 to 4 Monday nights from 7:309pm at the Wednesday Night Sponge Puck [email protected], 5193891159 pm. Paisley Community Centre. For more Hockey from 5 to 6 pm at the Paisley AWANA Kids Club a t May 19, 20 Pais le y information contact Kim at 519353 Arena. All ages welcome. (Helmet Immanuel Missionary Church Beautification Annual Perennial 5628 or email [email protected] with full cage is required, proper Wednesdays 6:30–8:00 p.m. For more Plant Sale on Friday May 19th 6pm – Bruce County Genealogical hockey equipment is recommended). information call: 5193535270 8pm and Saturday May 20th 9am – Society meetings are held in the This is a fun evening of non THURSDAY 1pm at the Paisley Treasure Chest Bruce County Museum & Cultural competitive hockey for children and The Book Club for Adults meets Museum. Gardeners œ if you have Centre generally the second Monday adults alike. Cost is $3 per person per at the Paisley Library the first extra plants you would like to donate of each month at 1:00 p.m. in the visit. Thursday of the month 6:307:30pm. please, pot them up and drop them off winter and 7:00 p.m. April through Legion Ladies Aux. meeting 1st New members always welcome. at the home of Mary & Bob Cottrill œ October. Wednesday each month 7 pm. 287 George Street Paisley, the week Legion Euchre Night every Jackson W. I. Everyone is prior to the sale. Your plants will be Monday from the Monday after welcome to attend the Jackson very much appreciated. Labour Day to end of May at 7:00 pm Women's Institute meetings held the NEW on Thursdays BAFHT May 21œ Rotary Breakfast at sharp at the Paisley Legion. Everyone second Wednesday of the month in Flex, Strech & Balance the Palace 8 to 11 am. Eggs, bacon, welcome. the members' for food, fun OUTDOORS at Mary Cumming sausage. Don’t forget the Gypsy Seniors Coffee Break at the and fellowship, for more info call Park—Adults 50+ Starts May 25 for Campers playing Friday night, Legion every Monday from 10:00 am Mary at 519 3535360. 9 weeks 1:00 to 2:00 pm & it’s free Saturday, Sunday to 11:30 am Paisley Concert Choir meets on May 26 to 28 The Paisley Chesley Celebrate Recovery Concert Choir spring concerts see 12 step recovery program, meeting at The Paisley Advocate is published by The Paisley & District article for details: 3071st Ave N (formerly Kinghurst ñ Friday, May 26th in Hanover at Elementary School), Chesley. Every Chamber of Commerce eleven times per year, on the first St. Matthew’s Lutheran Church Monday, 7:00pm 9:00pm the 2nd Thursday of the month from February to December 1900 7:30 pm Mon of month, supper at 6:00pm. copies are distributed Free of Charge to Paisley and its Rural ñ Saturday, May 27th in Owen Everyone welcome. Info: call 519 Routes, R.R. 1 & 2 Dobbinton, R.R. 2 & 3 Chesley, R.R. 1 & 2 Sound at Georgian Shores United 3635414,email: Church 2:00 pm [email protected] Cargill, & in stores in the Paisley Area, or by Paid Subscription ñ Sunday, May 28th in Paisley at [email protected] $26.00 per year. Immanuel Missionary Church TUESDAY Editor: Craig Budreau (Joyce Craddock), Proofreading: 7:30 pm Paisley Rotary Club meets every Jodylee Johnston, Finance: Lynn Cecchetti (Janice June 1 - Paisley School‘s Arts Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. Ranking), Distribution: Sandra Blodgett, Advertising: Night will be open for all to see the Paisley Group of Alcoholics many artistic pieces our talented Anonymous meets every Tuesday at Jennifer Cooper. students have created as well as hear the United Church at 8:00 p.m. ñEditorial content or general inquiries contact Joyce at: P. O. our musically talented students Support Groups for people with Box 496, Paisley or [email protected] perform musical pieces Parkinson's are held the 2nd Tuesday June 2, 3, 4 - Paisley Blues of the month in Kincardine, the 3rd ñAdvertising contact Jennifer at: [email protected] or Festival 2017 see page 9 for details. Tuesday of the month in Hanover. 5193890805 J une 4 Westminster Everyone welcome. For more ñBilling & subscriptions contact Janice at: P.O. Box 285, Presbyterian Church Anniversary information call (519) 6529437. Paisley or [email protected] Please join us for our Anniversary TV Bingo at the Legion Service on Sunday June 4 at Purchase you bingo cards at Paisley All Classifieds, Announcements, Births, etc. cost $10 (for up to 11:00 , with Rev. Alan Barr leading freshmart, and then come to the 30 words, over 30 words or with picture costs $16 our Worship Service. Note time branch to play on Tuesday nights. The Obituaries and Community Calendar events are free. change from 9:00 am to 11:00 am. All doors open at 7 PM with the game All submissions should be made by the 20th of the preceding are welcome . starting at 7:30 PM. Come out and June 4 Smoke Pork Chop enjoy the fun. month.

The Paisley Advocate May 2017 Page 15 Announcements Birthday Spring Fashions Smoked Pork Chop BBQ & Time, Talents & Treasures Silent Verna is 85! Auction Delicious Desserts at Knox United Church, Paisley on Sunday June, 2017. Continuous Seating 57 pm. TaleOuts Available Adult: $15, Children (610): $8. For Tickets please call Jim McGregor @ 5193535888 or Dale Steinhoff@ 5193537202. Thank you for supporting Pastoral Charge United Church The Paisley Rotary Club is collecting used eyeglasses. You can drop yours off at Paisley Pharmacy.

appy 85th birthday (on April 29) n April 24th Knox United Church hosted their annual Spring Fashion H to Verna Cormack, our O Show. Featured at the show were sunny fashions from Alicia’s (where wonderful, loving, caring and Fashion is our Passion) and the sinful desserts (should those even be allowed in Thank You supportive mom, motherinlaw, a church?) by Reta Davis, Tim Raeburn, and Marilyn Coffman. nanny, great Nan and best bud to Shown above L to R are models Emily Maus, Sarah Stewart, Winnie THOMPSON Mad! McTeer, fashionista Alica Gibbons, more models Lori Cumming, Beth Howe, he family of Vina Thompson Love from Rob, Donna, Jenna, Cathy Lund, Carla Allen, Lenore Hope and Marg Jones. photo: Emma Tsang T would like to express our Darcy, Aniston, Oaklyn, Myles, heartfelt appreciation for all the acts Brianna and Mad. Here's to many of kindness, words of love and more years! Paisley Crokinole friendship, and support since the loss of our Mother. Your food, cards, ive tables of crokinole players Helen was third with 25. flowers, and donations were so Classified F gathered at the Paisley Legion on Lucky prize winners were Bill generous. Special thanks to our Saturday, April 21st. Harris, Evelyn Pearce, Carol, Reta, extended families, Mom's many The Royal Canadian Legion Paisley Finishing first for the men was Carman, Glen Wright and Len friends and our friends. Branch 295 Rental - Auditorium Carman Hodgkinson with 60 points Zettler. Thank you to Staff at SBGHC, Hall (upstairs) Great for parties followed by Al Carter with 52 and The two remaining dates for Walkerton and the South Bruce of 100 people or less. Bartender Clare Kuepfer had 51 for third. Al crokinole at the Paisley Legion are EMS. Cameron Funeral Home and provided. For information and topped the twenties with 49, Clare had May 13 and 27, beginning at 1:30 Harley's, thank you. Finally, thank bookings please call the Legion at 44 and Carman was third with 38. p.m. Everyone is welcome. you Rev. Shelly ButterfieldKocis for 5193535444 during Open Hours Reta Weiser topped the ladies Representing Scone at the Annual your tribute to our Mother. Our with 52 points, Helen Zettler had 47 Schneider Haus Crokinole journey has been lightened by your for second and Amelia Hartman was Tournament in Kitchener on Saturday, caring. For that we are so grateful. third with 45. Carol Cook was top April 8th were Clare & Cathy Kuepfer twenties lady with 27, Marilyn and Peter & JoAnn Carter. Thompson had 26 for second and

Church Directory

Westminster Baptist Church Presbyterian Church 288 Church Street, Paisley 260 Queen St. S, Paisley Lay Pastor Lynda Janzen Worship Leader Mr. Jim Gowan Service: Sunday 10:00 am Sunday morning worship 9:00 am with Sunday School with Sunday School & Nursery during service

Missionary Church United Church (Immanuel Evangelical) 399 Goldie St. Paisley 3535278 307 Balaklava St. Paisley [email protected] 3535270 [email protected] Rev. Tim Reaburn Rev. Tony Geense Worship Service at 10:45 a.m. with Service: 10:30 am Sunday Sunday School during service. ñAdult Bible Study every Sunday Sanctuary is wheelchair accessible. morning starting at 9:30 a.m. . ñChildren's Ministry Sunday Anglican Church mornings at 10:45 a.m. Now Worshipping at Christ Church, ñPrayer Meeting 6:30 p.m. every Tara Sunday evening. Sunday mornings 9:30 am Minister of Education Hunter takes a dip in ñAWANA Kid's Club Wed. nights for information, please contact Glenys 6:30 8 p.m. September March Johnson at: [email protected] the Community Partners pool. CB

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