WHERE TO GO TO-NIGHT WEATHER FORECAST Royal—The Sea Hawk. < 'auitol—In Love With Love, For $6 hours ending 5 p m.. Wednesday ttW*0 (’ollaeum—I>avid Copperfield. Columbia—Hot Water. Victoria end vicinity—Strong winds iMiininlon—lie Who Gets Slapped. or gales, mostly southerly to westerly, Playhouse—Fashion Row. unsettled and mild, with rain. -t= PRICE FIVE CENTS VOL. 66 NO. 17 VICTORIA, B.C., TUESDAY, JANUARY 20, 1925 —16 PAGES. 7887 act declared unconstitutional NEW MEMBER OF CANADA'S EXPORTS McGEER CALLED LOGGING IMIS ON UPPER C00LIDGE CABINET; \ IN 1924 SHOWED A HERE TO CONFER CAM OF CANADA CONSHŒCSmiJTlON CHARLES B. WARREN SUBSTANTIAL GAIN ON RATE FIGHT G. G. McGeer, K.C.. British Co­ CREATED BY DECISION OF PRIVY COUNCIL IN VANCOUVER ISLAND BOUGHT Ottawa, Jan. 20.—Official lumbia Government rate counsel, trade figures for the calendar will be called here Immediately to confer with Premier Oliver on veer show Canadian exports plans for presenting this Prov­ totaled $1,058,057,898 in 1924,. ince's case before the Supreme/ - LONDON RULING OOT LABOR CONCILIATION ACT FOR DEVELOPMENT PURPOSES Court of Canada when it takes up as against $1,014,944,274 in freight rate questions early in 1923. The imports were $808,- February: The Premier explained 185,573, as against $903,030, to day that he wants to discuss Appeal in Toronto Hydro Electric Case Led to Declara­ Bloedel, Stewart and Welch Corporation Buys Interests READ JUDGMENT . 515. the whole rate situation with Mr. tion Passing of Industrial Disputes Investigation of Eastern Owners in Campbell River District; McGeer before he goes to Ottawa for the Supreme Court hearing. IN CANADIAN CASE; Measure Was Beyond Powers of Parliament of Can­ Convenient for Exploitation; Fine Stand of Timber The Government feels that the decision of the court on the ap­ LORD HALDANE ada; Way Open for Legislation by Provinces; on Property. NAME OF GOVERNOR peal of the prairie provinces against the abolition of the Crow’s Ministry Awaits Advice From its Law Officers. Newt rates will have a Mg effect Another big timber deal running in value to nearly $2,500,000 OF NEW JERSEY IN on the whole rate question In BIG RUM SCANDAL Western Canada as it may form is expected to be closed to-morrow on the arrival of J. II. lUocdcl the legal foundation on which London, Jan. 20.—(Canadian Press Cablej^-The Toronto of the firm of Bloedel, Stewart, Welch Corporation from Seattle. Parliament will erect a new rate Jersey City, NJ., Jan. 20.—Gov­ Hydro-Electric Commission's appeal with regard to the consti­ For some time this firm has had an option on about 1,000,- ernor Kdward I. Edwards of New structure. Mr. McGeer will at­ tend the court hearing primarily 000,000 feet of timber in the vjcinity of Campbell Hiver, X an- Jersey was Implicated to-day In tutionality of the-Industrial Disputes Investigation Act of Can­ the New Jersey rum scandal at as an observer but should devel­ couver Island, known in timber circles as “the green timber the trial of twelve Weehawken opments . require it he will take ada was allowed to-day by the Judicial Committee of the British policemen Indicted for prohibition an active part in the proceedings and which cniises particularly well. The option is to be taken asking permission to present Privy Council. , up this week, it is stated. , law violations when two govern­ British Columbia’s attitude on ment dry agents testified he had rate matters. The* Government The. judgment,..d.eUveictl.hy Lord Haldane, .was.as follows: This timber is owned by James Macl-arcn & Company ot , MT> ed as a IVtiL between, bootleg Aupolnmi to Mccwd HarlaS llqnor buyers and WTTItam F. 'aSrfeeet* Mr. McGeer to leave for “It is always with reluctance that their lordships come to a ' Btrekibghktb, Qtt#., and Albert Maef.aren, president of James the Hast shortly. *: None. Mi.' Whuu 1» the new Orlflflh. alleged "Master Mind" conclusion adverse to the constitutional validity of any Canadian MacLaren & Company, accompanied by \V. 1\ Kenny, also assoei- Attorney-General of the United of the conspiracy.-------------------------- Vancouver from tha Karts—-«t statute that has been before the public for years as having been last evening to complete the deal. , _______________________ ____ _ _________ __. validly enacted, but the duty incumbent upon the Judicial Com­ Running for miles along the Campbell River and extending CTpClTT I IfUTÇ TA DC 'll Ik AIKiI ||N Mrs. C. Yoangman of mittee of the Privy Council now, as always, is simply to interpret back to the ridge that divides this river from the Salmon River, J | A 1.1.1 LlUfl 1 V IV DCl 1 UIY11LI* Ull Prince Rupert Died the British North America Act, and.to decide whether the statute few timber tracta on Vancouver Island offer better natural fa cilitiea for logging. Rupert. Jan. 26.—Mrs. in question has been within the competence of the Dominion ■ Tm» ngnmn; -g ptuneer at Parliament umlcr flic ternis oY Seclîôn 91 oT tlic T'ritilh Corporation Is one of the two firms ffl CITIES OF EASTERN PART OfcPrince Rupert long prominent in the Imperial Order of Daughters of the America Act. interested In the Importun! sale of FULL ARGUMENTS timber in the Great Central Lake SAYS U.S. NAVY Empire, died here to-day after a long Illness. "In this case the Judicial Commit­ area announced in The Times in last tee have come to the conclusion that Saturday's issue. CONTINENT DURING SUN’S ECLIPSE OFFICERS SHOULD it was not. To that conclusion they LARGE OPERATIONS Plans Aggressive Sales Policy find themselves compelled alike by x They have been operating in taking WORK; TVA. EDISON the structure of Section 91 and by out logs In a large way of business In New York. Jun. 20.—While *eienti»ls prime their instruments the interpretation of its terms that the Comox district in the past. and amateur observers make preparations with smoked glasses, FISH COMPANY TO On City’s Reverted Property now have t>een established by a série» Tim berm en who know the Mac­ of authorities. They bars had the Laren holdings state they will be easy foreeasters are scanning uM signs to determine whether the advantage not only of hearing the to log and are well situated for ac­ weather will he clear for the eclipse of the sun next Saturday. Amount* of $3.000 in the first draft of the city’s estimates for full arguments on the question, but cess by water and by logging roads The odds are slightly in favor of cloudy weather. BUILD BIG PLANT Advertising and $2.000 for extra assistance in the Land Depart- have before them the judgments of The development ot this section will • ment were indication* that an aggressive sales policy to dispose the Ontario courts wherefrom litis probably acculerais the constructive MwMtwhde preparations are reaching their final stages for appeal to the Sovereign-in-Council of a highway Mi rough from CampUH* the first show of its kind that, Manhattanites have had the op­ j of reverted lands during 1920 is contemplated hÿ the lands com­ came directly. Some of these judg Hiver to Sa y ward. ment* are against the view which portunity of observing for 450 years. Similar preparations also ON THIS ISLE mittee. When the items were questioned with the Council in they themselves take and others committee on the estimates last night, both Alderman Dewar and favor it, but all «ta» of a high degree arc being made throughout the area about 4,300 miles long and of thoroughness antLobility. from 10O to 150 miles wide which will be in the shadow of the Wallace Interests, Vancou­ Alderman Woodward stated a change of policy in connection with Ifet'iRuCsBtftmiris under consideration. BY THE PROVINCE» WHITE BEAR eclipse. ver# WW Soon manufacture ■Whatever else may ,'hg the effect Street lights will be turned on In the area of total eclipse in Pilchard Fertilizer Alderman Dewar pointed out that the lands committee was of the êhaetmeot of the Industrial new and had only met a couple of times so had not a definite Disputes Act. it is clear It is one New York City, above Central Park, and in towns of New Jersey policy formulated yet. They be- , ...... ■ , ........ .............. ... which could hare been pissed so far NOT UNCOMMON and Connecticut. » Meal and Oil Other Products; lieved. however, the extra coat of the as any province was concerned by a The hotel reservations made in the path of totality are re­ New Ruling Was Given by Lands Department aa asked for in provincial legislature under Section the estimates would be more than 62 of the British North America Act, mindful of the crowds for Harvard-Vale football games. Ottawa met. In answer to Alderman Shanks’* for its provisions were concerned di­ IN PROVINCE statement that he had never sewn FINE VALEDICTORY rectly with the civil rights of both any of Victoria's reverted lands ad­ rmployers and employees in tho 1 MAN’S LEO CUT OFF Vancouver. Jan. 20.—follow­ Province. It set up a board of in­ Several Seen in Vicinity of ing the receipt of dispeleheg an vertised. Alderman Dewar immedi­ quiry which could summon them be­ Vancouver. Jan. 2d.—Caught be­ ately replied. fore it, administer oaths, call for "That is because the City Council TO IGENT-BENERAL Butedale Cannery, Princess neath the wheels of an interurban nouncing the authorization of papers and enter premises, it did so car on Hasting* Street this morning. the use of pilchards .
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